In Brr^ TF OK'd

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In Brr^ TF OK'd t • ^ °«w in.M 7i By BOJ, LAZARUS' pays 14s dlvoK^'iilfe'to lpa*Svide fV -'the'child’s support, prosecutor’s office concern child support, she added. ^ imprisonment for not paying support. However, in lieu qf the . ■' ■ T lm e s-N ^ s Wiltier ■• j providing the child lives with the'mother. - ■ Despite the site of the problem, Very few men have b^een sentence he was given three months probation and told to.start, TWIN FAJXS — Only about one tWrS of couFt-|«rdered child- T h m are abeut-aao^iises in Twin Falls County in which child punished fornot paying'. paying. Galley said. - > support payments have been ordered. E^ch case involves support paytnentsin Twin:Falls County are being paid, a Times- Twin Falls County Pros. Atty. Robert Galley said that during “U ’s a bastard case,” one judge, who handles child support , i ''N ew.‘i Hiirvey ghow s. the past two-yeara only six or seven have been fuumt gullty"Dr asesT^ahh™ z ' ^ ^ ------------------------------- A survey of 100 caise records of persons awarded fhild support Ih e number of complaints lodged: lagainst the negligent "The'JudgeiraKeditot to be identified: he said that, unlike any — shows that-onlir36 of1he-100Tecelvethelrfuirpavipent for the QrH)e trobleoL auBiiinmri 73upport <tf4Sariaaiaiw-. - - -^^Ihreelaffirtlte^b_ ___ iiw_ trtHFthyi^roil - caise. he is given an opportuntty io start payit^ before being In 53 of- the 100 cases there a're no payments made at all, or ' ' ! ! iUnmey'sAttorney’s oSlceoffice housfrabduthousfrabdut i,! 1,900 case records of non-payment jail sentence, but instead were granted work'releases when they p ron ged to start raying support. sentenced to serve time, j. 'iPaynpents had-^SMn dropped within a few months; # of diild support during the past five years. Failure to pay support is a felony punishable by a maximum Eleven of tlie 100 cases involved women receiving only a ' Beth ReddicK, who alone handles child support problems ;;Nobody has been put in p r i ^ for a' long time, basicaftj 14-year jail sentence. '■'fraction of the court^warded payments. ' ' / .directed to the prosecuting attorney, estimated that 800 of the because what you're trying to d6 is get some money from the Child support payments are often ordered in court to provide ^ casescases areare “active,"“active," rheaning_ . that problems, with .payment . In the past year criminal charges were brought against SBVen gtiy." the judge said. forihe support ofmtepanttetit^hlld.Jn-tnostcases thehu.sband continue to..exisL. About half the phOne calls coming to the - raen, JusAone xnan was convicte and gentencMLto.fiye years . (C on tin u e on p. 19) . X l Good moruingTIt^s Sunday, August 12, 1973 Maffix' V-alley^s H om e N^^^mper 70th year, ^99th issue Even !•«» for TWIN FALLS, IDAHO 2 5 ' c«r/-i*r a«llv*rv f He ^SiU fake i f i b n t i r U.S. Extends RestiictioiM IV Fuel Pri(^e Curbs Continue WASHINGTON rUPl) - The price freeze have to give 30 days advance notice to the to prevent a amld.en price explosion and give the ends, and Phase IV t e g in s .f t midnight Sunday government before bopsting prices, consumers economy time td absorb the'higher prices that for most of the e c o n o m y 'i—ahnost two years to , won't be-feeling the weight of sonle pricc boosts the goverfunent concedes are on the way. the day after President Nixon began his until mid-Septetnber. TWo!s , food'prices, except beef, were unfroeen •temporary” exjgeriment with wage-price Phase TV rules also require businessmen to July 13. The freeze will be lifted on most other x pntrols,________________ _L,_______ prices at 11:59 p.m. KPT Sunday, However reductions are ItKeiy ip be rare. • giisoliinr: nom'e neatlngT>il and otlte^ggt^ieum iHraelix lialu GuliTOil AdmilH <>King Opcn^’S ^W Starting Monday, prices For most all goods products will remain TWePed an extra week, (.heck. I t « t pundi* lo M ix o n K fTort Recordi*, and services' — excerpt beef and petroleum Instead, administration economic controllers until Aug, 1'9, and beef will remain under price products -^ re free to rise within a range laid are warning shoppers to brace-for a new ceilings until Sept, 12, '\nili nail.' --------- _ —„.u_. Wrii Orderi* out under a com plex fram ework of rules ir^flatitinary surge as companies race to markup The standard tor wage increases remains the administered by the of Living Council prices tiiat were held in Check during the two- / same as before; 5,5 per cent a year for wages ( Mo hmu ..... (CLC), month freeze. — and O.a.par e^nt for fri nge bgnafitt,--.---- :------- However, since the biggest corporations will The freeze is bein(> thawed gradually in order------ (Continued on p. 8) N ix o n D ra i'l- S|»»*«Th TF O n a trrp a tc K»*pl> in brr^ — 4 T F m ail dle.«» in j a i l ---- TW IN FALLS — An autopsy sh o w ^ Friday thai Everett ^ OK’d Bohrn, Twin Falls, died of natural causes in the Twin Falls TWIN FALLS - The Idaho County jail ejarlier the same day. ^nk and Trust Co, (IBTT,) Twin Falls county cprftner Qoyce Edwards said he ordered * announced late last week stale the autopsy after'the man was removed from the jail to the ' authorities .had approved its Magic Valley Memorialilospital, He said there was no evidence Body CbuDi in Texas Infrea8e)i to 2.1 application to open a Twin Mans S<-x Murders As Police P ro b « of violence,- Falls branch, Bohm spent luesday njght in the Twjn Falls City JaiLap^ivaj____ ^The approval of' the transferetftothe county facility ttie next day. There Is no record Department of Finance in the Twin Falls sheriffs office of his being booked into jail. represents a turnaround over IT—'1. — . !»*•« n » 5 ,'c ^ ORV AF. HAN.SKN its earliei- decision to deny the l*elie d ies iipprovfs niikr storji««- application for what would be the fifth bank to operate in the HOl.l.YV^D lUPIl - city, I^st spring, PctJKJc^ Castle,'"Tir a popular commissioner of Finance Tom screen actress of the l?50s, Harisen supports ~^cEldowney said the charter dTecrof'a he'3ft “altack paused application didn't show a need by hardening of the arteri^s-of'' for another bank in Twin Falls, , the heart, the coroner'a office The struggle over wh^th**r - said today 4^emf waste site— perm it the-fifth bartk to open'lh ‘ stands Saturday with the front page above. The Muss Castle, who died Friday IDAHO FALLS - The T w in F alls has been in determination of permanent Tribune announcett~'ten days ago a liew sprint— ninht, was found sitting on a progress for several months. In National Reactor Testing storage" of waste material Gem shortage was forcing it to rut back in couch in Ihe libing room by her turning down the initial Station (NRTS) west of here from nuclear projects. circulation. Many papers in the Intermountain former husband. Producer application request last spring, would be a suitable interim "Interim''. Hansen said, could fin a le West are experiencing similar problems. but_ William MKlarry McEldowney revealed a storage site for much of the mean until the end of the 20th there have been no other cutbacks In circulation protest had been filed against nation's civilian nuclear waste, century annnunc<>d. ____ . its establishment by the Twin Rep, Orval Hansen, R-Idaho, William Ginkel. Manager of A)fnevi home spending oiled Falls Bank and Trust ( T F B t T ), said Friday. the Idaho Operations Office of The announcement by the WASHINGTON (U P I) - Some $100,000 in public funds has Hansen said the site "has the the AEC, said it would be Idaho Bank and Trust said been spent for security improvements to Vice President Spiro T. remoteness and the expertise" "prem ature at this point" to approval was still needed from ^new’s new $190,000 home in Kenwood, Md , his office tb serve as the storage fagility speculate over whether the Cassia fair, rodeo slated conHrmed Saturday. on an interim basis. He said the Federal I^posit Insurance interim site would be at the By M A R IL Y N E LLIO TT "Then, Now, and will be the theme for fair Press aide Marsh Thompson, asked about a Parade Magazine scientists at the N R TS have Corp, before the new bank NRTS He said the studies w ere Times-New* writer activities and will borainate the parade set for' report that the Mpenditiireslotaled $125,000, said a detailed done some of the "most would open its doors, "W e are in Washington, D. C. and he BURLEY — Although the Cassia County Fair 10:30 Th«irsday, Commercial entries_bands. 'accounting” was^r notnot, immediately available but that he Imj^rtant^york in waste optimistic." President J, Grant had notseea the results. and Rodetrofficiallybegtn»T?»ttfsday^«8t»¥itt««~^. ■ remembered me loial abdiit $100,000,^ , _ m anagem ent" In connectTlJn Bickmore saidr **that this will begin Weflnesday.nrglir'for"<lnesday nrMirTorTestdents in \he ' the annual parade, Parade reported the expenditures included $39,000 for a brick with the nation's nuclear approval and preliminary area, ^ E)d)ibits at the fairgrounds w ill open and redwood fence, $14,000 fpr a driveway and parking area, energy program. planning will be consumated Buck Owens' All Am erica Show, spdnsored by immediately after the parade Thursday, as will $3,000 for remodeling a basement bathroom ai]d painting the Such a storage program, within six months so that IB A T the Barley Jaycees, will put on a good old-time the carnival.
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