40 Years of Erriergehc^ S^T^ in Brief a G Tte W -Y O W S L Ta J Ie E Jx Ja B L

40 Years of Erriergehc^ S^T^ in Brief a G Tte W -Y O W S L Ta J Ie E Jx Ja B L

: 40 years of erriergehc^ s^t^ J?^HI?^TOtijjjpii^A_dlscoverediIO^^.W a s h in g t o n lU P n - a provisions '- ofofUio-170lnws. the •170 laws. " ........... .....privfiU*, .................... enlcrpriso:............... reslrict’. ^■.........................................................poiicettm^ nowcra to deni .with ’ wars ________________________________ Iu ih twi-n ________ . ............................. ......... ............. ........ ..... ............ speclnlspecial Senate subcommittbo,subcommittee, ’ offedorHllawglvinKpresidenlaof fj^erallawglvinKpresldenla '*^ • • Tr r , i • trnvol; nmi;Mnami;Mn o pletliorn of UieUie GreatGreat Dcpreaalon,Dcpreaalon, -'thi*-'thi* ^ • Ck)nKrt>8K-rtl»ro»iHn^Ck)nKre8K-rtl»ro»Hl^-rin-.«lniosl - - 1Q7^ doclarationfl by Prcflldont --ntterxipt to place the United —;aftcr after n "palngtflkingTnlngt^ikina computer "an enormousenormous-seemlniily’ex- —seemlniily'ex- Underthopowersdelef;alod particular v/ays, contcol the- UnitedUnited Slates Slates government government has has unnoticedunnoticed processprocess a f i',raduiil- Nixon. SliitesunderauthoHtarlanrulc. 5carch of tliC-JSta'iuio. IjbolJs, - pan'ilihn ami - novdr^TTdlrTK- un(lcr^— an- —neepotlntiT^^— ~ <^>:<^<nirnjon-Fi^nj^C1nireh.—VW|iile-the-<lani»erj^f-ft-diqU>tQr^ 3 ■concluded SiUurdnylhc United^':'------— • .• ' — 7.7~ siild, thePrpsiUehlmay: seize Tlie study was prepared by unrelloveil stiite of emoVj’Vhcy ■ ’ ■ W d a h ’o., and Cliarles Mathias nhip. arrsini' throuijh ‘ Ici'aj Stiilea Kincc lM J |,„s. been“ property: organize and t^ontror Uje year-old Special Com m ittee^ of 40 yi?ar8-' duration." ‘ the In addition to the national H-Md., sidd In a foreword meanb'puiy seem remote to ua opcriltinp. Under emerucncy rcTOmmcnded Conijress nCT Uie means of production; seize . i^e fcrm lnatlon' of Iho commlttcesald.' , . emerRoncy declared by H o orc- to the.G07-pa}>e document that today.-recent history t-ecords nilii. ronrirrini. nnni-.m,. promptly 16 eml four prcsiclen- commodities; assl^n^ military____fyjntlonnl Fm^rLM^nt^v. ' r . ________ velt. three.othcr?LJiHve never .L_oiil>L4i_favLdglet!atcd-pQwer.s lliLlar-i^tiiinH-cQntniLUirQUKli- TorpesauroaiirInslliiiienTaTtim . ■■During ' this perltHl. an l>eenlifted.thecommltteefu»id; have been rei;ularly used, but U^e use of the eni**rncncy . _preaidcnts_-_________ _____ ______naUonoUmorgonoy-wlneh-per - In w r ^ l7 c —and—contrpl—nll sjn7P~I93:^Tt'hcirrrc5l(lpnt jnrarmmra-bml>7of'lnw»-tle'altTi|£c^heDot--lfirl050rdeelttrHliorfby---jtddodi--------^---------— --- pjiwyrfrproviHloiw-oontulhedln- m!t tlie president to invoke lranst()rtatk)nandcomiTWinlcn;— -Franklin D . H q o s^ U request- with severe economic crisis and iVvsiUentl'rilman at the outset •■it- Is possible that some Uie laws o[ the' Weimar Tlic subcommittee said It powers granted him under any tion; rentildte the operhtlon ()f ed and received upprecedcnted America’s rosjwnse to thrut of the Korean cnnfllcl. and the future I’resldent could exercise Uepublic." Gooil morning! Il^s ^unflay, Sopl. S(h 1 9 M ofiic Valley's //<nn< *-AV»'s/>fi/><4- _ 2 S i —^Tt-yoarr 29th-issoo • - TWIN FAtt-SnbAHO ^---- • - i ^ / ) v t.V ' iv 3^ Agttew-yows In brief Anroii <^iieV»liy iiinrk LtaJieejxjabL^ — ^ ~ llenry Anron of the > ^ ntii Briives hit - ~ .K-. home run N o . 7JU Saturday nlKht, movinj* liabe Ruth’s' record of 714. LOS ANCF.I.HS ( U l’l 1 ’ VltT President Spiro over.seelnR Ihe ijovernmenl uivestii'atinn of* — 'AftronVblDst^htnHOth'tHiHeasTiil'eiune withfwo-rnonon-bawv 'l':-AT^rwrchnr|'in|rhewnjrthr-innocent:tarKet— '■ARne^frrrpns.flbletnxrrxtortirmrbrihery-Tjnd--- Jfl the fifth Innlni! of tlte Braves’ 7-0 victory, over Uouston. The il— ^cintiarraKHcd ___ I . la s t ic e ___ U cnailnient— r c<>n>;piraov-vtolationK.-lCvidunce.^i«uolAunf;---- llric^lrlVe cleared UirieflTenleffiel(rren'c^^^ hbolJl"395 toci from prosecutors wjio lniMKleil Waternate. declaretl jXijnew went t(» a federal jjrand Jury in home plate; (Story. p71B.) • . _ twice bcfdi'c ('hcorint', IU'|)uhli('anK Saturday llidtimore, Md., on 'llmrsday. tlial "1 will not rrsljin il indiclod.'’ i shJill rem ain conunltte;! to the standard of In a nationally teli'visrd specch interrupted TenniMler movt* C’luivo/. eonduft and fairness which Americans fTave rept*ate(ily by ap|)lalisr. A^new said there were long L'herjshed ami winch onr leR.d system Is ‘ SAN BKHNAUDINO tUPl) who are fryinju to.-ilestroy me intendedtQ.protect," itie[iariison said. Petersen ~ Cesiir Diavez, is jubilant polilii*nUy” with trunij)fd-iip I'luiri'es, and he was 4n -rharRe' of the o.riRlnal- fjovernnient . ovyr W\(i United Fatin WocKen#. Kindled out AHKislanl Attoriu*y (Jeneral Henry InvestlRntinn-of-the W aterRate breah-in.. • t settlenicnt with the Teamsters. ■f'li'Peter.sen for wlijn he t-alli^r "uuprofcssionid^ IjiylnR aside the text of a sulxlue(| preparodr- Chavez said Siiturday his and niVihcioiLS and outruneini.s" contiuci. speech, Agnew told a convention of ‘ 2,7flO union is nluv '"fi^;l1tin^’ ottly one Hupublican women liere that the allegations - H ia n t" - Ihr f^rower.s — now tUelaU'd stories p. 6| Uiat the Tfjini.sters jire no ARuew’s charRe prompted Attorney.General. under Rrand Jury InvestiRatlon were lonRCr contostlni' the U F W ’s Elliot 17 nirhard.son to issue a- staterhent in "••imtraReous and ridiculous.” and that he would Ki^ninM of fi*rn» lab<»r, Uo kook- WaKhini'ton <lofendinn -l^el<Tseh. I’hief-ohUie fillht lhemJo.th*’-finish., , _ .............. ' . Uie Ul'^W now able to put more Justic't.' Department's crUninitl division,, iis u ‘‘'llio coniiucl of ItiRir iniliviiluids in Ihf pressure on Krowors u fgn ■■'disiinijuislu'd i|ovLTnn\ent lawyer (wlm) is Department of .luslice -particularly the con- . conlract.s. _ >-*• Rreatly re.spected by hi.s colleam'ies in law duel of-Ihe chief of-'thf crunmal InvestlRation t-nfiiroi'tncnt." ______ ______________ ____ ___ division of tluit department -is unprofesslohiiT" — ltu4uiF<to«fi-j>omtwUy—fiat(Mt«MtKtiUiHed-4«iH- ; f»Hi nfinnjm iTTaiirDroficoiifi.’' AKnc^r-^-nut— (('ontlnued un p. 2) WASH I N01\)N-tiiHf^enrAVnltcr-rrTvToninnerTrMmn rf.sporisihility f<tr i ’eti-rsen's performance in said Saturday lhat disclosure of more (him $11 million iti .set ri't GOP. u o i i h m i «-ln‘«‘r AfiiioW spoM-li •contributions to President Nixon’s"cniti[ialmi ‘‘represents the siron('cst possible case" for public financing of presidonlial and _ Mngrcsalorial-eloction^. -.j- . - .................._ Sta^nyi^ers^ - ' “ Mondalc said the llstof donors —released l-'fidny as n’result of a court order obtained by the citizens' lobby Conunon Cause - __ will hc-L‘ihc catifti'st lhat makea.publlc.financinj’ a reality. R odfeo stock treatment alloti^ent up u s elinr^oN IU m I m SAIGON (U P l) —Tlie United States accused the Vietnamese aired at humane meet Ono hurfh ol'i973 W ASHlNG‘i;ON-(UlM) -'1110 Rovernment food stamp allot- . Communists &iturday of stallinR tlie search for Americans »md remains lo ochiovo mentfor a needy family of ftmr will jujdp 22.4 per cent next Jan. scores^f persons of otljer^natlonalities dead and mlssihR ffoni ihoie goa/s you sof 1 in iKt'onRrLssionally directed m(»vc to help the j)oor catc-h up Hy HONNHC H A IilD JO N E S compeUtion, 'Iluiy also- submitted'fiRures .to . -The-Indochinn war. ■ ‘ ■ for fhe yoor. with risinu food costs. ; --— Tlmes-News w riter.. • .«:ho\r!oss than one per cent of the animals used No formal nnnounccnient of lhe_i£mount of the pjannejr ,___J3ic_CQmmunlat:Liiuvii_auld_Uici’_\\ilLnQUidpJn Ujc . search . - ‘I'W.IN h‘AI .1 .S -- Ncarfy 2011 {)ersonH turned -in rodcos-suffcc inuries. iin Ihen ohly lhrotiRh ■ until South Vietnam’s political prisoners are released. Tlie Increase hai> come yet from the ARrlcullure DeparUnent, which tiu- first annual l'\‘d(‘('ati(>ii of Idaho Humane. accici(.'iit«il means, -HdmlniHlers-lhe-food-Klamp-pr<»Krani..iiuUofficialii confirmia* •r—U n ite 'S tatcs-1s-iyithhn]dinfl-aid-to-HnnotnmtThsuch-help-is- i.'i> li.i* r 1/111 tj <iri f 1/ir^ >| rl.c'/.lti* I ’. I,. Dantzler. directbr.' Hunume Sociely oi. Suciclie.s um vcntion Into a public discu.ssion of that food price flijures for AuKUSt^wl>lcli will lie u.sed m settlnK . provided. tlu- trratim 'iit of nitlco livestock here Saturday the U. S. Hocky,Mountiiin Division, Salt I-ak(* due the Stamp allotment in Jarniary, pat the amount due ii family of aftcrtUKUi. ____ ____ , . City, told the larRe Ralliisfi.iR the society is not - n C l o r i c : i U n n I i U*!!! four at »H2 a month, compared with the current JllB.- _ One of lhe‘ items for “discussicih 'oh the • atteniplinR lo slop rodeo'performance and , y ' i Officials .said, however, tfley could not predU l lioiVmuch of L-onvL'iitiuii aRenda included the Humane shows in tlie country. u _ - * NEW YORK (UPI) - Uie J2G-a-monlh incrollse would be a clear i;ain fur needy food Socit'ly of thttUoilfd State's shidy and re])ort on - He said the |K)sition of the Hunuine Society of Qirdlnal Josef Mlndszenty, fll ,stamp dlenLs. l''or at least some of the 12.5 million people — year—old—exiled—primat .m]ucy_lu_anuuaij.-ui.otun-mdeo;i.— -------------- -- — projorls ' Hungary ..Saturday, called "all Spokesmen for the Rodeo Cowboy treatniiuit of aniinals for aliotm entVm ay be cancelled by a hike In thiuirire they pay for ;Vs.soi-iatH)ii, lu j’.li Si'hooi an d co lle R e rodeo enteiiainment. BOISF. - Twin Falls, Paul and K irnlxTly are amonR 12 remember the pliRht of uTiis , llic stamps. Idahoeities recoivinR Kliuru^i o u rcliKl6ua"'’nnd • Ihlelled ual SQCtotlPS in idnhn-7in.* xinittnR u» an eflort-io • per-rent of thtrrodeo-nnimnls'uswl suffer any "— Stamp pncesi!e|\fen(i-on'fmnil>Ma«- in Idaho’s scheduled dissidents behind the Iron kiti rixleii slutw.s 111 till' state. type of injilry is not bom'out In scientific studies less than $:i0 a month In ca.sh income, for example, currently wiitei- pollution control fund pays nothlni! for $110 worth of stamp.s.

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