Good moriiiu^ . .^t"s Sinnlay. April 20, 1/9J3 M a^ic I alhy\s Home \{^wspqju*r 70th yea'r, 209ih issuo TWIN FALLS, IDAHO • ; -Nixon rnnils \ t joiiri^o.v’s cMid SHOWING EFFK C TS of fund rqlfiluR bleyclc bug scandal trip ntid long walk arc Jnckie lllricnimck. 0, one of first flnlsliers (nhove) In TOjlCH hlkc-blke nncl I.nurlc Wilkins (bcluw), mnflsnRlnf; fcot W ,V SIim f,T()M \l)PII’rosiil'ml NIxori was MiU»nider, a fonner,White Ijouse aide and a fte r flnliihlnR siin t in VMCA-YWCA wnlknUion. itt virlu.'il Ht'cluHion Siiturd.-iy apparently deputy oanipai^n inanaf>er. resif’ned as the (Hctfitcd fltory, p ictu res p. 17.). .^K>n?lerjju’ the expluiiini’ Wiilcrnate acmidaUutie ucckijnd approftehed.......................................... of tht? tnosl .seridiis crise s of [li.s lon^ polilical Dwight L. C’liapin. Nixon's appointments careiT. Muri' top-lcvol iiuliclinenls and secretiJry. and Charles C’olson, his sj)eciiil ^ rosif-natinns were bdievud immitii'nl, i'oiuKse|, r^ij{ned earjier Uiis year to take private jobs. Nixim c-anct‘llctl a nicotinn with liis main L't'uhoinit’ striitoj^i^s_to spuntl the weckeml iil l-'ormer Attorney (Jeneral John N. Mitchell quit as eamj)«ijjn jnanaj’er two weeks after Camp7)avi(T7M(i.. the ‘‘inoiintaintTip” whcrt* In* Waternatc.. frequently j-oe.s to wei^lj ina]6r (lecision.s. Tlu.\ ' tinio lie had only {Hit iiunai aides wiUi him —iiiid ; — All five men —and plher,s — have been linked absent were his'two top Wliite Mouse advisers in some way with the allej’ations, who itsiuilly accompany t)iin everywtierc. chief Khrlichman, free from earlier si>eculation of staff i!. ]{. Haldt'man and domestic affairs about WattfFftate,—aeknowled^^ed <iurin^ the assistant John D. Hhrlichirian. week that Ije was present iit a meetinj* in his _^Atnict-rrpnrt?rthat Hnldcmnn nnu hhriichinnn office wljen W hitellouiie Counsel JfllmAV, Dtuiii w ere fi^jhtifif; to keep th e ir jolis. Sen. Hoberi il. II! !4ftve (Jray a lari’c envelope taken fro in h Uile. the Hepiiljlicah national chuifumn in 1972, While House safe used by cohvlcted WuterKate s^iid th e two m etr ouuhl tj) re s iu n .- ^ lg f e n s iis • conspirator Iv llowanl IhuU Jr. » ■^CTT7inir-nih'(i'jiiiid“ i i i e n t e 3 ~ f l r iUX«;^y>Mt44(UnKtr-uuUMi-n</t-to*]el- tliedocuments “see the lighlof day" and thJit he loyaIt\ to the President durinj' the campaign. bul U,^:reTin.ni,.|;,.f(tl,c ship sayinc 'll.is 1'“ ' ' • . w y T to tir ------------>™ >r:!ivii ^wthuul Ucnsm«-anyc-<rf-^tta "tlie Hipon Society, a ' young ' liberal. Hi'puhlican organizntion, said Watergate liail' Nixon quickly a[)pointed Wiliinrn"‘t). WreicE rail "lieslroyed" Nixon's election maniiate and will Ituckelshaus. head of the Hr)Vironment(il l*rotectlon Agency, to lake (Jray's place • and bring down ‘'ilit- real cabine^" Nixim aiiles abruptly flew to ('jimp l)a\id. HOSlCVll.LK, -t:alif. (Ul'i A strinK (.f A sp are agency Uli spy j)lani' t'{nii[j()fd »illi chiisen prmuirily for their loyaltj’ lo-limi rather railrpacl boxcars loaded with n<'arly two njilhoii infrared cameras flew ovi-r the scene lhan competence. A White Hoiise spokesman declined to pounds qI bombs and with pn>pane {'as exploded M ilitary a u th u ritie s ^ a id it h<»pfil The .huie 17 bugging of llij,* Democratic describe Nixon's activities Saturday and said he one after another Siiturday in doafenuig and • phoioijriiphs taken by tfie jJanc would show national hendquaners at Mw Watergate was not aware that the President had hafl any window-shatteHnt’ blasts whicli lasted fivr wh‘'ttier (hiTi’' w ere any utu'xpli;'(i''i l)i)iiil).s in I'uiiiplt'x and the allegations of other political vi.siiors hours and were feU lOU miles away. Ujl rubble. e()i(inage and i^^ilxila/;.- irt the lJf’2 presidential llatdemiin, said to hold the second most Sjjcrainento Count Sheriff’s deputies said tlie . li(>rnb dispui.al squiids frm n Army anil Navy i ani|)aij;n no”. Iia; *i i •li-(i.i> arly every ane i»f ixj'verlul jMJSt in the executive branch by virtue loudest blast:) caiiiciroiu the piopane ):a^ cars. ba.SL.s vull U- s.'iil iiitii (lu- .scftif SiHniav M<jr»- th.m twu dozen t>crsons wert- inliired Nixon’s tu|i [xilitical and White House aides Jif his control over acces.s to the President, ha'l -hPtppd-n«wrmt)lcrthr-j;mffTmfMht?TnnrhtTTPry-fnr and up to 50,000 persons w ere ev acu ated from Citrus H eigliw A??T;islanf ( 'hn'T C harles I — Arring rn i nin^rmr'tr-l^nmrk-ttrny lit, ii N ixon's li)7‘J (.am paign Uieir hom es at the peak of the blasts. Tln- Jai'kson said the bla.sl leveled (lie statiim just ionu-time Nixon associate, and A.ssistant i ’(itni^icrre Secretary-<lesignate’ Jeb Stuart (C ontinued ou p. (i| ex])losions tapered off about 1 :.)Op.m., an(l,in»st after fii emen left in Uieir trucks. ■'That was all of Ute residents relurnetl to Iheir liornes Hiier tliat sa\’ed tlieir lives," he said There were slill small explosions as nighr fell. Tlie California HigFfway Pafrol sahl [lieees of llie massive concussion,s knocked down the iindetonaled ex|>losiveh liavc been found iis far small, wooden Citrus Heights fire station a aw ay as th reeK ju arters tif a m ile from ^ e bja.st roflako vl|l4l^4» _ q u arter of a -milu a a a y and fwiir hom es in. the ,site. Officers warne<l residents nut t(» toiicli any subdlvisfon of Antelope. An old (Jrange meeting chunks U'iieved to ha\i* come from tlic Citizens ’ panel head PUNOM-PENH (UPI) — Cambodian troops moving without • hall was damaged and a trailer was leveled. ex|ilnHi(itis.. U.S. air support recapturcd n section of a vllloRe'two miles cast of-Phnom-Pcnli-tQday. Little i:nmmiinist rosistnnco was reported. American plnnea earlier holtcd air strikes hcnr the’ at TF^lans —capUol-cily bucau£u of donso populallon-but-fitruck-olfiowhorc. Newsmen, judges TWIN l''Al.I.S The chairman of a citi/eiis’ Uiem " <'tunmiUee foriiit'd lo a.ssist School District 411 Cu.sler said he \va>i a bit Mirpnse<l" at the PINE HIDGK, S.D. (UPI) — Kent Frizzell, chief federal iilfn-iaK with a bond issue is ■‘pleased" with a annoitncemfnl h'nday He said he has niiVyel negotiator at Wounded Knee, said Saturday a new round’of talks I'Miialive. construction jirogram aimoiinceil t^ilked vMlli SiaudaHer alxuit the t)uilding [ilan will sta rt today in jin iitiem pt to end the Gl d ay old occupation pf l''riday“ ' " . (‘ustcr said the ritl7(‘ns“ lon'iintnee had not this hamlet. VjlcClure targets (iar\ Cii.ster, said Saturtlay his committee wilhdrawn its earlier rt‘commenii:itiorl^ as was ■Stilted inVi idav's 'rimes:Newa. 'lli'e cninmittee ^IT IPT -Im is-Iniliw it N»hlTor— ---------- Hy DAVID KSPO 4'onsinu-tion prtjgiam announred Friday by had recommended a $:i .’{-million bond issue to "a sophomoric trick." McClijfe fealo ied Supl. (leorge S taiidaher, am i in presenting it to finance a proposal inclutiing a new elementary Tlmcs-Newfi writer Syndicated columnist .lack speaker at the I win I';, BELFAST (UPI) ~ Snipers killed one British soldier and t w i n FALLS ~ Sen. James liic public.- school nortli of (he present high scIkmiI; an wounded two oUiers Saturday.niglit ln_NQrlhern-Irekiml^Qther. .. Anderson has obtained copies ■ Hepublican annualu ffnCiH.'irf:n A. McClure, R-ldaho, criticized T'he |ilaii. m vidving a $'1.7 im lliun bond issue, addition or physical education facihtu^ and cxtremiBt^ on the Irish Republican border attempted to dealro^ of transcripts of Uie Watergate attended b\’ about 20(1 peiTiuns| ritlls fill construction of a new JunKir lii^^i sc-hoof classrooms at Robert Stuart Jmiior High an armored personnel carrier with an flOOpound bomb. TVo men ,unnamed Journalists and gram l-ju ry »md luw p ubhshed- at the H(diday Inn. Judges for their .part in the aild twii elomentary buihlings. It would also .School. ac(]uisition of a site for a future Junior in the vehicle were unhurt. excerpts from them as well as (C ontlnued^in p . WniGrpflto''ficnmlai“ F rrdfty making tliein auailalile to other rro n tc 5ipnrp"fnr klnrtrrR nrtpn rl.'isfio.'; In the lii«h iichoul to replace Uie nres-ent Vera C.: O'Leary building and for another elementary night. newsmen. but McClure'' public schools. Tlie plan hinges on offers by (wo W lihi. II»|IN)> v i i i k I i i In n i i l i h f d Speaking to a IVin l-'alls mentioned no names. buMiu'ss firm s rjol ‘ifiecifically identified to sclKMd, and addilion of classrooms at Harrison Republican dinner. McClure llie freslunan senator also purchase (he [ireseat l.iru'oln and Washington and Morningside grade schoids, aiul iK)ssible WASHINGTON (UPI) — A young man anil young woman accu.ied Journalists of slopped short of critici/ing .srlmol properties ftir about $J!lKI,()(lll. elimination of portions of Lincoln and louring Uie White House'.Saturday were arrested after they Washington. ''s tealing___ records of grand Uichnril Nixoii ovrr "I think It's a good deal," Custer said.
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