Lloyd, Justine. "Listening to the Listener: Constructing Woman's
Lloyd, Justine. "Listening to the Listener: Constructing Woman’s Hour at the BBC, 1946–1955." Gender and Media in the Broadcast Age: Women’s Radio Programming at the BBC, CBC, and ABC. New York,: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. 97–136. Bloomsbury Collections. Web. 3 Oct. 2021. <http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781501318801.ch-006>. Downloaded from Bloomsbury Collections, www.bloomsburycollections.com, 3 October 2021, 20:25 UTC. Copyright © Justine Lloyd 2020. You may share this work for non-commercial purposes only, provided you give attribution to the copyright holder and the publisher, and provide a link to the Creative Commons licence. 5 Listening to the Listener: Constructing Woman’s Hour at the BBC, 1946–1955 Here, with my hand on the latch, I am two persons. I am the woman with the basket, the passer-by in the street, Unnoticed, anonymous, an infinitesimal part Of a great multitude that, with purposeful feet Plodding the pavements, streams on perpetually Into the abyss of time past. One person: I have only to push the gate open, And, in a step, I shall be wholly that other; For here, where so small a plot contains a world, I have a face, a name; I am wife and mother, Blessedly beloved. The stored years wait in the house, And as I cross the threshold, their warm sweet breath Will welcome me again into that happy bondage Intangible as the hearth smoke, and stronger than death. With familiar incompetent click the gate half-closes behind me, I have all things, I am myself, I have come home.
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