Pressing Ahead Desperate Measures Pirates of The

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Pressing Ahead Desperate Measures Pirates of The DESPERATE MEASURES PRESSING AHEAD Lawmaker Ella Lei says the Macau The HK government says PIRATES Federation of Trade Unions is it won’t let the views of OF THE following up on the labor dispute 130,000 street protestors GREATER case that interrupted the Chief halt its plans for a BAY Executive’s policy address controversial extradition law P2 P5 HONG KONG P6-7 TUE.30 Apr 2019 T. 23º/ 28º C H. 75/ 98% + 13,000 MOP 8.00 3280 N.º HKD 10.00 FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Kowie Geldenhuys EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paulo Coutinho “ THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’ ” AD COURTESY ART MACAO ORGANIZERS & PARTNERS & ORGANIZERS MACAO ART COURTESY WORLD BRIEFS SOUTH CHINA SEA Two U.S. warships sailed through the Taiwan Strait over the weekend, Taiwan’s defense ministry said yesterday, in a move that Beijing said threatened to hinder U.S.-China relations. The ministry The everywhere, said the ships made the passage, sailing from south to north through the waterway that divides the self- governing island from summer-long mainland China. More on p10 P3 AP PHOTO arts festival JAPAN’s 85-year- old Emperor Akihito ends his three-decade reign today when he abdicates to his son Crown Prince Naruhito (left). He’ll be the first emperor to abdicate in 200 years. The imperial family is relatively small and will shrink further in the coming years. Only one of Emperor Akihito’s four grandchildren is a male who can ascend to the throne. More on backpage 30.04.2019 tue th Anniversary 2 MACAU 澳聞 WWW.MACAUDAILYTIMES.COM.MO Angela Leong donates $3m Trade union federation to MIT Hong Kong’s Next Magazine has currently assisting AL protestor reported that lawmaker Angela Leong donated USD3 million Staff reporter provided by the client, which, in total to the Massachusetts in this case, are communica- Institute of Technology (MIT) AWMAKER Ella Lei has tions between the woman, the in the name of her charity fund confirmed to the Times that DSAL and other concerned en- between 2016 and 2017. Two of L she and the Macau Federation tities. her children, Mario and Alice of Trade Unions (FAOM) are The legislator could not pro- Ho, studied at MIT, with her son graduating in 2016. He currently working on the case vide a number as to the fre- was reported to have finished of a woman who interrupted quency of such cases in Ma- his four-year program in just the Chief Executive’s policy cau, but she noted that labo- three years and was allegedly address at the Legislative As- rers have become more aware the youngest master’s student sembly last month saying she of their legal rights in recent in MIT’s finance program. Her was desperate for help with a years, and are more prepared daughter began studying at MIT labor dispute. to use legal procedures to pro- in 2017 and is still pursuing her During the policy address, a tect their rights. degree. The MIT admission rate rather peaceful “protest” oc- However, the lawmaker com- was around 7% in 2018. curred in the plenary room, mented that the labor law of whereby the woman rose from Macau could not cope with the her spectator seat, stood next variety of new situations. “For 74 domestic to the main door, holding an example, there’s no provision envelope that she claimed con- in the law regarding compen- violence cases tained documents proving she sation leave. Some companies confirmed in had been unfairly dismissed by Ella Lei even deliberately arrange re- her employer. gular days off to a statutory 2018 She told the media that she holiday [to take advantage],” had been fired by her previous man explained that she had fi- of them, and the FAOM ano- Lei explained. In 2018, a total of 74 domestic employer on unreasonable led complaints with the Labor ther. Lei said that the case was The incident at the AL occur- violence cases were confirmed, grounds, leaving her with zero Affairs Bureau (DSAL), but she proceeding according to the red less than a week before the according to the statistics compensation. did not receive the help she re- FAOM’s “existing procedures.” trade union law proposal was released by the Social Affairs Legislators Ella Lei and quested from the bureau. According to Lei, the proce- voted down by the city’s legis- Bureau (IAS). The figure Leong Sun Iok intervened and Yesterday, lawmaker Lei con- dures include meeting with lature for the 10th time. Ella represents a slight decrease promised to hear her case after firmed that the woman had stakeholders in the case, such Lei and Leong Sun Iok were compared to both 2016 and the AL meeting session. been in touch with several as the DSAL and the employer, two of 13 lawmakers that voted 2017. Nevertheless, despite entities, the DSAL being one as well as inspecting evidence the small number of confirmed During her “protest,” the wo- in favor of the proposal. cases, in 2018 the IAS recorded a total of 1,700 complaints concerning domestic violence. By next October, the IAS will have completed a review of the city’s FOOD & BEVERAGE EDUCATION domestic violence law. IFT launching Century- First temporary new postgraduate old school restaurant building to be programs demolished in license issued HE Institute for Tou- Management” and “Inter- Trism Studies (IFT) is national Food and Bevera- July HE Municipal Affairs Bu- can submit their application planning to launch four ge Management”. Treau (IAM) has issued its first and wait for approval. In Postgraduate Diploma for One PhD program is The 100-year-old Salesian School first temporary restaurant ope- the meantime, applicants will the new academic year af- planned in “Hospitality building will be demolished ration license after the new ca- be asked to submit documents ter approval is obtained and Tourism Manage- in July this year, according to tering and restaurant license is- related to the restaurant’s faci- from relevant authorities. ment”. a report by Cheng Pou. The suing administration regulation lities to recieve a temporary li- The four Postgraduate The IFT will launch the demolition project is currently came into effect recently. cense. Diploma programs are in new programs according under public tender. The first The license offers applicants an Specific documentation should “International Hospitali- to enrolment situations phase of the demolition project easier and faster document re- include documents describing ty and Tourism Manage- from the academic year of is expected to officially launch in viewing process, and applicants space requirements for public ment”, “Tourism Mana- 2019/20 onwards. July. The scope of the demolition can obtain temporary permits in gement”, “Hospitality Ma- According to the IFT, includes the mechanical safety, public hygiene and for work room, badminton court, turn, allowing them to operate environmental protection. nagement” and “Interna- these programs will help volleyball court, part of the their restaurants as early as pos- In order to get a temporary li- tional Food and Beverage Macau to develop into the football field and the school sible. cense approved, the applicant Management”. “tourism education and canteen, the elementary school’s The new policies are said to must present documents signed Meanwhile, four MSc training base of the Guang- old administrative building, the properly balance the public in- by qualified individuals or enti- programs will also be lau- dong-Hong Kong-Macau basketball court, snack bar and terest while relieving pressure ties to prove that their operating nched, namely in “Inter- Greater Bay Area”, culti- grass playground. According to on applicants when starting a space meets fire service stan- national Hospitality Ma- vate high-caliber talents, the tender announcement, there business. dards, among others. nagement”, “International and improve the service will be another demolition phase The temporary license is valid The first four-month temporary Tourism Management”, and management capacity later. for four months. The applicant license was issued on April 10. “Hospitality and Tourism of Macau as a destination. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF (DIRECTOR)_Paulo Coutinho [email protected] A MACAU TIMES PUBLICATIONS LTD PUBLICATION MANAGING EDITOR_Daniel Beitler [email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITORS_Eric Sautedé, Leanda Lee, Severo Portela ADMINISTRATOR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER + 4 Million page views Kowie Geldenhuys [email protected] NEWSROOM AND CONTRIBUTORS_Albano Martins, Annabel Jackson, Emilie Tran, Irene Sam, Ivo Carneiro de SECRETARY Juliana Cheang [email protected] PER MONTH Sousa, Jacky I.F. Cheong, Jenny Lao-Phillips, João Palla Martins, Joseph Cheung, Julie Zhu, Juliet Risdon, Linda ADDRESS Av. da Praia Grande, 599, Edif. Comercial Rodrigues, 12 Floor C, Kennedy, Lynzy Valles, Paulo Barbosa, Paulo Cordeiro de Sousa, Renato Marques, Richard Whitfield, Viviana Seguí MACAU SAR Telephones: +853 287 160 81/2 Fax: +853 287 160 84 DESIGNERS_Eva Bucho, Miguel Bandeira | ASSOCIATE CONTRIBUTORS_JML Property, MdME Lawyers, Advertisement [email protected] Thank You! PokerStars, Ruan Du Toit Bester | NEWS AGENCIES_ Associated Press, Bloomberg, MacauHub, MacauNews, Xinhua For subscription and general issues: [email protected] | Printed at Welfare Printing Ltd +13,000 like us on SECRETARY_Yang Dongxiao [email protected] SEND NEWSWORTHY INFORMATION AND PRESS RELEASES TO: [email protected] WEBSITE: WWW.MACAUDAILYTIMES.COM.MO tue 30.04.2019 th Anniversary MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER 澳聞 MACAU 3 ARTS Appreciation - Legacy”, a ce- lebration of cultural heritage by SJM in collaboration with fellow artists, who have created seven exceptional and multi- Coalition to bring summer-long dimensional exhibitions in va- rious locations of the city every month from June to October. Sands China will host “All cultural festival to Macau That’s Gold Does Glitter – An Exhibition of Glamorous Ce- RT Macao, a five- ramics”, curated by internatio- month international LI YI JIAN nally acclaimed ceramic artist arts and culture event, Caroline Cheng and featuring will be held this sum- over 90 masterpieces by 27 ce- mer,A bringing to the city an ar- ramic artists.
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