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FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1967 ^G E TWBNTY-FOUR S?' iHanrif(0t(r lEw ning 4 »- AmaMo Dalljp. ]^et Proas Rqo The WcaAcf ; V vf TM Wbok abided Cub Scout Pack 3 of Sec­ Sunny, Iweezy high ^^bout Town ond Congregational Church will Mahoney Safs Republicans April 22,1SS7 60-65; olear, cold UNT* meet tonight at 7:30 at the ' 85-40; fair and mild tomontnri. •^Mknchester Bridge Cltib will church. hlgta % 50a,i l^luor a “Team of Four” du- Deliberately Stall Pool 15,134 ' - - ' v '- ■' ■ N \ raoate tournament tonight at “Never Too Late," ^ comedy ®/ Charm the Italian American Club, by Sumner Arthur Long, will NEW! Democratic Town Director decision so that the .pool may be # » Bldrldge St. Only teams be presented tonight through (OlaMlfled AdverttdBf on Page U) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Francis Mahoney today charged built on the site preferred by VOL. LXXXVI„Nd. 178 MANGHESTBR, C0 NN.i SATURDAY, APRIL; ?9,, 1967 ]^^eviou8ly signed up will play Sunday by the Little Theater the directors—a site which (EOURTlBBN PA6ES-^TV SECTHON) that A e GOP majority on the DELUXE SPRAY-STEAM IRON iii this session. of Manchester at Bailey Audi­ would save Construction costs. _____ ------— 3: ----- " torium, Manchester High board is delaying the construc­ The town directors had sched­ ^l^yal Black Preceptory will School. Curtain time tonight tion of a Robertson Park uled a meeting for last Wednes­ ntiearse tonight at 8 at Orange and tomorrow is 8:30. Sunday’s Swimming Pool to 1968, In or­ day with the 8th District direc­ T|Wn. performance will begin at 7:30 der "to look good in an election tors, to discusis the Robertson p.m. Tickets are available at Park Swimming Pool proposal. year.” %Cub Scout Pack 152 o f Bow- the bpx office. The meeting was called off by' m School has canceled a trip He said that, to date, the Re­ the District directors. icheduled for tomorrow to the Miss Christine Bissell, daugh­ publicans have ignored a 300- Mahoney said that at two tibast Guard Academy, New ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Horace signature petition for North End board meetings, Noy. 22 and ^ n d on . Bdssell of 109 Carman Rd., has residents plus a request from Dec. 12, he had sought ti) have TTi . —_____ recently been elected secretary ;;?rhe executive board of Cham- of Seih North Hall Dormitory the Sth District directors "for the directors commit them- Ihade Musical Club will meet at Central Connecticut State a pool this year.’* selves to a new pool for use this Monday at 8 p.m. at the home College, New Britain. She is a Rev. George F. Nostrand Rev. Dr. J. Manley Shaw The board has unwimously summer. No action wets taken, o f Mrs. Raymond L. Smith, 51 1966 graduate o f Manchester favored the construction of a he, said. Walnut St. High School. pool on a site near N. School He now has asked the GOP Exchange Pulpits Sunday St. and the relocated N. Main majority to include funds with- ~The Fellowcraft Club of Man­ The; Rev. Gary Cornell of 11 a.m. service at St. Mary’s St. The Towrn Planning Com- in the 1967-68 Capital Improve- chester Lodge of Masons will South Methodist Church will The Rev. George F. Nos­ Church. He will be assisted by mission is on record for a site ment Bhind for the construction ... . ’ »!anan meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. at conduct a service Sunday at trand, rector of St. Mary's the Rev. James W. Bottoms of Robertson Park. The and said that the Item will have COOLER-EASIER- U» Masonic Temple. Members 8:15 a.m. on radio station Episcopal Church, and the Rev. St. Mary’s. The sermon topic board has asked fhe commis- the complete support of the pKsenting the Entered Appren­ WINF. The program is spon­ Dr. J. Manley Shaw, pastor of is '"W e Are Accountable.” a'O" review and reverse Its Democratic minority. MORE COMFORTABLE IRONING! tice degree Tuesday will re­ sored by the Manchester Minis­ South Methodist Church, will Presto's new padded handle and convenient thumb- hearse after the meeting. Re­ terial Association. exchange pulpits Sunday. rests make this Deluxe Spray-Steam iron easier to The Rev. Mr. Nostrand will freshments will be served after handle, cooler to hold, less tiring to use. And it’s the First Boost Pvt. Thomas F. Healy of East preach at the 10:45 a.m. serv­ the rehearsal. steamingest iron ever— 42 ports plus Presto's exclu­ Hartford, a member of the 134th ice at South Church, assisted WASHINGTON (AP)^ sive Spray Vent provide more steam. Push-buttons MIP, Co. of Manchester, Con­ by the Rev. Gary S. Cornell, as­ Senate Ethics Committiee r. Motherhood of Mary Mothers are color-matched to dial, with a wide range of necticut Army National Guard, sociate pastor of the Methodist members aay they’re pre­ (hrcle will meet Monday at 8:15 church. The sermon topic is settings for all fabrics. ]g:m. dt the home of Mrs. Rich- will report for basic combat pared to meet Sen. Russell training Monday, May 15, at Ft. “Reborn Christians.’’ ^ Thorpe, 166 Lydall St. Dr. Shaw will conduct the HOUSE PADDED HANDLE- c o o l B. Long’s challenge on Gordon, Ga. SAT. and comfortable to hold. their recommendation that l;Manchester Veterans Council 41 STEAM PORTS — more Sen. Thomas J. Dodd be 9 Will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at than any iron. censured for financial mis­ tfie VFW Home. •E conduct. H jS ------Spring (or Winter) Our Variety Is King!! SPRAY VENT- sprays Part of the huge opening day-crowd. at ■ Expo 67 Montreal world’s fair. The bubble-shaped U.Si Long, the Louisianian who, is ^Members of the American with steam, won’t spot Pavilion is in the background. (AP Photofax) fabrics. waits at a Metro Subway gate for entrance to the assistant Democnutic leader, C^on Auxiliary will have a SUMMER FRESH! Georgia Peadhes, Strawberries, Water­ accused the bipartisan commit­ melons, Seedless Red, Blue Grapes, Cantaloupes. Honeydewa, chrd party Monday at 7:30 p.m. THUMB RESn — easy to tee Friday of making a scape­ the home of Mrs. Bessie Far- Sp^sh Melons, UglI Fruit, Papayas, Bose, D’Anjou Pearo, HALE Pluins, Coconuts* Pineapples and CRISP-AIR APPLES: ONLY! handle, lass tiring to use. DuPont TEFLON* Expo Opening goat of Dodd, whom be defend­ I tjp, 9 Durkin St. There will be I Coast Guard ed as “a fine, decent, honest Macs, Bed Delicious, WInesaps and Baldwins. turfici o n lolapltt* prmnU aUrdi Thesis .Saved fhble prizes and refreshments. JUST ONE DAY! Dtcentor Blui willi from atIcUnf to tlia aolapitio, makta man — a fine father uid fauiiily GARDEN FRESH: “LIKE NATIVE” JERSEY ASPARA­ DuPwit TEFLON* IrpnliTi Malar, avtfl on ilarehad labrica. WORCESTER, Mass. man.” ?9knnciB J. Vincent o f 683 GUS, DandellMis, Watercress, Green, Yellow Squash, Peas, (AP)— Storing his doctor­ Fights Seas AlsosvsHablewIthwrt ih -talking vrith a repred by huge ethics panel chairman, declined at Yale University, New rescued from the refrigera­ BANANAS ...... 2 lbs. 290 waves off. Nantucket Island as comment. But vice chairman ^ven. They are Robert Beach ^ Sport Coats 'Charge Accaunfs aged b the etythusia^ and size L'. S. policy in Vietnam. tor after the fire last night. # ., son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- NATIVE HOTHOUSE TOMATOES...... lb. 490 (A an opening day crowd about Pavilion officials gave them Cahalan, an Instructor of winds of up to SO miles per hour WaUoce F. Bennett, R-Utah, Of Invited'' three times bigger than predict- chaira and soft drinks end one the six-member committee said ^ E. Beech Sr. o f 143 Boulder Royal or Sealtest Ice C ream ...... '/z gal* 990 HOUSE philosophy at Holy Cross continued to chum the AblonUc Hd.; Paul A. PUkonis, son of ed, officials of the Montaaal, remarks: "It looks as if we College,, said .he had been Ocean. the other 94 senators wifi have and Mrs. Ray S. PUkonis Expo 67 looked forward to a have added a new exhibit:” keeping the thesis in the re­ The bugh waves, endangering an opportunity ’ - "to decide The demonalnators left peace­ 6 ^ . Westmoreland leans close to Speaker of the Hoiis^ John W. MiiCormadc «* 47 Hoffman Rd.; and WU- bustling weekend. frigerator for three years, shipping______along______the Atlanttc______sea- whether the senator from Loui- Ifcm J. Waldmw, son of Mr. An official said Friday’s ably when the paviUon doeed at because “I’ve always ha4 a board, sank two fishing sSm» is right or the committee to hear his comment following the general’s speech before Congress yester­ "THE KING OFF ^ Slacks 9’30 p.m. ®nd Mrs. Bernard Waldman of cro\|vd eas eetimeuled at 310,000 premonition that n fire SkMay, one with the loss of a 1* day* Vice President Humphrey stands at left. (AP Phbtofax):; Mrs. J. GoMschannUof Bnis-. i s Waranoke Rd. OF — not ah exact figure because might destroy 1L‘’ alx'-maa crew. Another meonbor of the com­ PRODUCE!” the fair’s computer broke down. sets, Belgium, was one of those An 89-foot vessel, the Noe™s taking on waiter 76 mGes Loog- U "the on^ senator I’ve Critics Read dght has been canceled. Rainwear and 240,000 Sunday. was no doubt that it sufpassed XvlTCCKS x..

MANCHESim EVENING HERALD, M ^ C ^ T E B , CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1967 PAG^ TEIRSS P A G E TW O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER,, CONN., SATURDAY* APRIL 29, 1967 f ^ , Heralding Hbmes " f 1 ‘ . Coventry \6e M ovem en t Slieinwold on Bridge By iyUPmiD gOBINWOLO North dealer L M e Beta rides vulnerabla t It tan’t generally known by Aura of Confidence professora of Uteratun, hut tha NOirrH Sh akes Catholic Schools foict to that Homer had a cw- * 52 KW YORK (Af) — The sttmulatliig news, indeed. Sets 2 Gaines tain Idnd cf bridge bond in mind / <7 K Q 643 As the month ended, the De­ NEW YORK (AP) — 8om«- Just as a phyaloa professor tal poUotaa and tor greater'aow- •Dock i)f)ar1cet tMs weekend re< Ttae lit t la lisagua hasehall when he Wrote otxxit ticylla and . 0 A K «4 partment of Oommeroe reported thlng like a “Declaiatlon of In­ can’t "go off into toe wild blue’’ deralo freedom in toe teaching 6 Q 5 BMln^ poised just under the Moaon officially opens at 2 pm . Oharybdto. If you try too hard that 11 of the 18 economic indi- dependence" in riiUglous teach­ with indefensible ideas. Father of phUoaopby and theology aUo EAST • huportu t level o( BOO In the to avoid cfM cf toem you get it oatnrs available tor March were tomorrow at the Plains Ath­ ing is brewing today in Roman McNcdly noted, a theology pro­ have figured in the dizpute at * 10987 6 A Q J fl Dow donee Industrial averse rising. Thia was a further sign Catholic academic circles. fessor also must liieet toe testa tola largest of toe country’s in the neck from the other. letic Field. ’Two games wUl be V J 1087^ a tttT tta«e weeks of advance. cf the business recover^ the of excellence inherent in ttw Cathoilo schools. Opening toed—ten of apadee. played. It is challenginS traditional When toddy’s hand oama O.J982 0 Q 7 5 I A new confidence prevailed In stook market has been antici- controls. It is asserting In au­ intellectual community itsolf. Altoough the complalnta have « J843 « 72 WaB Slieet, not only because of pating witit its strength. Barants o f children who Ore "But he doesn't need outside brousdii vaitous changes, toe atoag a few weeks ago in the to enter Grade 1 in the local tonomy of scholerahip, Wita SOUTH more encouregingr news from While profits of09i CinMy*Pon ^ . part of the ecclesiastical life of the area of the ll-ving room, dining room Mass and performed other religious cream. Dessert and milk served last night at the Halian Ameri- the State Dep«Crtm«it of Educa­ MEADOWS”'# building, but still a memento of the and adjacent kitchen is larger than ceremonies, to a place where he now with every meal. PAUL NEWMAN oon a u b , 135 Eldrldge St., spon- tion has announced. JOHN WAYNE FREDRIC MARCH RICHARD BOONE past, burlap from some bags found In most social halls and, according to found sanctuary as an honored guest Kaat Elementary School; aored by the Manchester Bridge The department said Friday RICHARD WIDMARK Monday, frankfurter and baked Club. - ^ that the number of vacandes LAURENCE HARVEY DIANE eiLENTO |h OMBREI beans, bread and butter, ring- Members of the eight winning in the state’s 178 public schools —C olor— ding; [Tuesday, hamburg on teams are: Joseph ’Toce, Ralph had dropped from the 1,827 re­ Exdtementl Adventure under CAKErX)N M T (> i^ jARBAIta RU ^ bun, rdiabea, cheese wedges, Maquire, Maoy Bergan and ported in March, Indicating ‘THE ALAMO” the seen or choice of cUcken vegetable Frank O’Brien; James Baker, some Jobs have been filled. “Best Supporting Actdtr” 20.------^ PLUS BONUS or tomato soupf cupcake- W A L’TER M ATTHAU ROBERT ___ # Arthur Pyka, Joseph Ingram *Ihe increase in vacancies is IN COLOR Wednesday, American chop su- and PVed Panzenhogen; Mrs. a large increase over last year "THE FORTUNE BOUjJETlVwi^^ ey, bread and butter or tomato Leo Berube, Mrs. R. N. Bristol, when only 1,409 unfilled posts COOKir* 1 SHOWN A T 7 soup, dessert; ’thursday, hash, Mns. George Bonner and Mrs. were reported, the department bread and butter or ch^ce of Beroard Balter. said. HARIfORO SI’RINGUlLD EXPRISSWAV coupe, gelatin dessert and RIS.5A1, 'll North - HARTFORD l l m r a r o "HELP" Also, Joseph Davis, Cart COLOR :*Kuin THE BEATLES cream; Friday, cheese or beef Forbes, Jon Marx and Charles lavtoll, clam chowder to to­ Dunn; Ed Bala, Mltcheffl Bala, mato soup, yodel. Milk ie serv­ W illiam Radzewdez and MiMon ed with aB meals. GoWiieto; John D escy, Mrs. OPENING Skinner Road School: Monday, Arthur Pyka, George Browne spaghetti with meat sauce, toss­ and Richard Celio; Jock Ctark, ed salad, oanrote, XtaiUan bread Mike Maquire, James PoUtes WEEK! Cartoon Shown At 7ti)0 and butter; Tuesday, tuna and and WtiUam McDougeill, ta iin iiB Sunday A t 8:00 egg grindera, celery and cheese Richard Vosburgh, Robert CONTINUOUS TODAY A i p SUNDAY FROM 1 FJH. Asselin, Frank Stops and Ralph EMs 2:55-0:00-8:10 — "Tomalunvk” 1:80-4:86-7:40 A ugust ’Ihe teams will play in quar- ter-finels Friday at 8 p.m CINEMA 1 the Italian American Club. HBRCMMat THEATRE EAST ELVI 5 P R E B L E y There also 'Will be a regular . HMCIUTtt M 8«N - Mt-8491 aovaxot tt, utit tq main h ., duplioate gome at the cli^ of BURNSIDE SIOHinBOONE Excitement! Adventure under the seal SEVENTH this tim e. ACRES OF FREE PARKINO DUNEBIBITO Luxury At Its Best — Reclining Seats it HOLDOVER WEEK nuunsnrnuikM Bi Giant Screen -k Ultimate tn Projection ,and AvaRgbl* for Tonight "ONE OF THE BEST!” REST PARTIES & At 7 :00-9:10 —Cue Magazine FILM WEDDINGS, Sun. From 2:00 CASINO OF LUNCHEON BlipPET ROYALE .compkifo $ 19661 1.85 THE LITTLE THEATRE OF BIANOIfESTER, TSf. y, NoNomI Toeadxy thru Fr^ay . SoeMy ^ A n n o ^ ' ' I , . Attractivdyt P^ced SPBplAL'_^JIENpFlY,P*iRFpB»4l!lOE,k .''V MANCHESTER SCHOLABSIOF F u n d u SPEOItt. ' ^ ■ ' ' ' ' ■ '''.-.v' > ■ ■ IV ' A Cota tottiftodMflw ' '' . .Mpofwpni 9 • DMIMERS Directed by - 'L*# ^ iM W ’lir Week Nights 1^ Sunday RUTH ROWLEY J k Oandiig Sat Nighta TOMORROW r; UtiBM iClINdSRBIB . :aemsanMaasah . :

Wdjfc'raghta atLMtUMMrlM-ta* RESTAUiUWr . ■ T:«4tM ■ MANCHESTBB BVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1967 . PAG E FIVE r o tJ R MANCHUS'TEi? BJVBJnNd HEBAW), kANCHESTBR,,CX?NN, 'SATU RbAY,^^ ' f • V Chuii:limenSeekiii^ Means Area Ghiii’ches £ianrl;patpr . Newamm oCvertng the speech noted -W onders of the U niverse— — that the addition ot the two arords "but BEBRrS WORLD Events u r c h e i Find Congregational Church St. Francis of Assisi Union Oougregationol Chordi dlecrtentnating" wes a lart mkiate ’af-’ To Better SlateiBelief8 Roekvnie CttpnfttQ liprald Harnessing Electricity The Preabytertan Olmroh St. Bridget Chorch 'Firat OtaffCli of Ohrlst/ Utotod Church of Cterist 678 ElUngtOh Rd., fair, not inchMled in Um fonnal^ text o f 46 Spruce 8t. Rev. John Si Delaney; Pastor . Setonllst NEW YQRk (AP) — ’ Ever tirnacy of ntony ntore inoma,<^ Andover South WindsflE Rev. Paul J. Bowman, Mtolstor pfTMJBuinTi b y THB In Capital Rev. Gordon B. Wadhams, Rev. Lyman D. Reed, W .. INC. the speech. vRev. George W. Sniilth Rev. Robert J. Keen ‘ 447 N. Mato St. itoce the anbstie Paul teckuwd understanding.” Rev. Raymond H. Bradley Jr., to any case, toe poUoy added up to For Rd!(^ik Prdm ^ Minister Rev. Dennla R . Huaaey tiMi w te---- . m bOW* 118 dlSOOUHS Pastor Pastor Asetstont Minister Merger Meeting wpx now we see tnraw a gtandaid doctrinal tormu- tBo£5B*y*S|BR(^ON escalattoii, escalatih-th, ai« reertved In hikewarm field TraitUng School. Rev.. Ralph Kelley, Pastor Mr. Bowman preaching. Ooa T w ...... ^ 9 0 icy. sides in ttie. oontrovendal $2:8- Rev. Eugene F. Torpey. 8te Montba 14.uu uoe some fonn of Electrical pro- craft is powered on a IcmgsUs- 6 p.m.. Junior High Felilow- Rev. John J. O’Brien worid without end.” through the cehturtee. In fashitm. Yeit they are still an- Monday, 8 p.m., Church Rev. Patrick Sullivan 4 p.m.. Junior High Pilgrtot ^ . Hi roe Montba •••••*•«•••••• o.W Governor Romney, in a preee confer* UUion merger should submit by pulsten. The exceedingly, high tanoe mission. , ahip. Deacon’s meeting. Rev. Vincent J. Flynn 8 p.m.', Wednesday testimony counclte. creeds, and aitioles of nqiiuicea as doctrines o f toe School teachers. Assistant Pastor Fellowship. Ona Mootb l.oo ence out in Detroit, said this: ilay 16 thwir proiMsais on bow efflolency o f tWa typo o f pro- SaieOito oontrol to a mean- 7 p.m.. Evening Service. C meeting. faith, T<)day, many church chureh, Tuesday, 10 a.m., Mother’s MBKBiroOF "1V> date, mUltary eecalatton has the FOC should rtile. R said oB THB A880CIATBD puteioti snakes its use toevltaMe 'togfut task tor eleotrto propul­ 8:16 p.m., RPYP at the Masses ait 6, 7, 8, 6, 10:16 / The Reading Room at 749' thinkers are wrestling anew , “l( the church were seriously study group. Masses ait 7, 8, 9:18, 10:30 and St. John’s Episcopal OInircb simply been met by rei^ n se.” ■nils wan sides then will have until . May Tha Aaaoclated Preaa la a z c ^ ip ly anUUad tor trips beyond the mooa. sion if long satelUte Uitotinles manse. and 11:30 a.m. Main St. is <^pen to the public, with the probtera'^ to state be- .-looepted 'as flie ‘ people of God,’ Wednesday,. 7 p.m Confir- 11:46 a.m. Rt. 30 near Hillside Ave., to tha uta ot rapubUoation ot all nawa dte* 22 to flte final papers. patehaa cradUad to It w not otoenriia crad^ so, he said, to iH>*te o f “ repeated aasur* A spacecraft is propolled by (Up to ten years) are raqpired. Monday, 7 p.m., Seseion meet- excepting legta hoUdays, Mon­ tefS better. , -then sll their feelings, reactions mation. Vernon ad to thia Pto^ar and tiio tha local nawa puV anoes” by milltaty and politloel leadm An FOC examiner ended ear­ expelling eomelMng (usuaUy a For such kmg periods low pro- tog. , Church of the Assumption day. throughSotiirday, 11 amt., Amid the reappraisals,; and thoughts would be repre- Thursday, 8 p.m.. May Baa St. Bernard’ s Church Rev. James L. Grant, Rector ricfate of rapubUcatloB of apadal dl»* that each new step-up would be the one ner this week hearings oh the hlgb-temperature gas) out of peUeiut oonsuroption to perbtou- Tuesday, 1:80 p.m-. Group Adams St. and Thompson Rd- to 3 p.m-; Thursday evening, 7 the sbmetimes disturbed roac- tented hi Its teachings. But this ket Party of the Women’s Fel St. Bernard’s Ter., Rockville merger — largest In bioadoast- patehaa natwln ara alaoi PBaarrad. that would bring results. "So far,” the the rocket en^ne nozzle. The terty appealing. Hie neceesary doctrine study. Rev. Francis J. MUialek to 9. ■ Wona to tobm, a controversial', has not happened. Consequent- lowship, home of Mrs. Howard Rev, George F, X. Reilly 7:45 a.m.. Holy Communion. Tha Harald Printing Company Inc., an- Governor said, “the remits have not ing Mstory — wMch is opposed reason why eleotrlo propiflslon power, which may range ffom 7 p.m,. Battalion meetittg. Pastor Canadian priest has urged that ly,” he adds, “many Christians Stanley, Long Hill Rd. Pastor 9 a.m., Morning Prayer, Or- •m m S T flS a iS S reB p tm a l® Jor typo- by the Justice Department. The is ’so effiolent U that the ex­ a few weibts to not more than Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Prayer Rev. Ernest J. Coppa tbs churishes quit prescribing are trapped.” Saturday, 7:30 a.m., Lay- Rev. James H. Royle fices of In.^ruction, Classes, graphical arrora appearing In advertlaemmta been equal to the assurances.” bearings lasted 12ti days. South Methodirt Cburob ' aSiotoer reading mattar In Tha Hanchaatar haust velocity of the propellant 300, ,lB raoidUy obteinahto ffom meeting and Bible study. Rev. J. Manley Shaw. DJ}. specll.’c interprotations. "F ot,. in C f the loud <^es men's. Fellowship breakfast and Rev. Antlamy Kuzdal baby-sitting. Bvanlng Herald. .______The President attempts to deal with The Pentagon said Friday it la very high. solar oeUs. Thursday, 6:30 p.m., Stock­ Massea^ at 7, 8, 8:16, 10:30 PMtor ’ “ The church Should stop prE- of heresy, they do not feel Mke study, ,10:45 a.m ., Holy Communion, the .^erioan people as if It were a na­ “will not make available tor sucnlng to be the ‘ Answer Fun aarrioa cUant of N. JB. A. Iter^a. ^ In chemical propulsion, the Satellites like the oommunl- ade meeting. and 11:46 a.m. Rev. Richard W. Dnpee berefes They feel Hke Ghrie------— Masses alt 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 Sermon, Classes, baby-sitting. .R&lahar, tion of Httle chUdren. The strategies he publlo release an individual’s Man,* ’ ■ said the Rev. Eroest gases are expeU^d with speeds cations and weather saiWnite Associate Pastor ttans. They fed that they-ara as Wapping Community Church ..m. Monday, 7:30 p.m., Boy Scout sdecita, on this bests, Just do not work. home address or next of kin un­ on the order of a mile per sec­ Ilarrteon, an AngUoon committee meeting. must be earth-oriented and, The Salvation Army St. Bartholomew’ s Church Rev. Gaty 8. Cornell mu(to eiltitled to membership in Congregational less the individual’s record todl- ond However, in the case of thus, require some mecheriem Rev. Philip Hussey, Pastor Church of England — clergy- their churoh as those Who con­ St. .Afatthew’s Church, Tolland 8 p.m.. Episcopal Churchwom- aamruniR ATHHT BDRBATT OF CIKCDLA- oates that the servee member 661 Main St. , Associate Pastor Rev. Boy R. Hntcheon, Minister T tO N B .______- eleotrlo propulsion, the speedy to maintain proper attitude. In Rev. Edward M. te-Rose •’ J mwi of Toronto. “Its proper demn them.” ^ y. Rev. Theodore Bacheler, Rev. J. Clifford Curtin, Pastor en work meeting. has autbortsed release.” Captain Ernest V. Payton function is to be a community Siatday adrartlaing doalw heuna: (»m be tien to fifty times higher. tbs post this ottiude hah been Assistant Pastor Such feelings are shared te Minister Meeting Sundays In New Church Wednesday, 9 a.m.. Prayer An Industry Withont A Home? Ihtormatten concerning oomi- Officer In Charge 9 snd 10:^a.ni., Worship ot searchers, welcoming all seri- Fornfienday — 1 p.«n. IMdiy. This high speed exhaust increas­ makiained by spinning some of Service. T ira d e v . Dr. Shaw tlie Rev. Mr. Harrison, who group, baby-sitting. For Tuaaday — 1 p.m. bat fatalities WIU continue to be es push or thrust by the same e world headquar­ lem faced by the Appropria­ conceivable recourse of logld' sharp edges Inside cars, vehicle one electron stripped from of the gravity-gradient type Friday, 7:80 p.m.. Board of leadership training. Hlgrim Pel- One can undeietand ito laxA of en< Rev. Kenneth W. Steere, church school classes. lowship Room. Tuesday, 8:30 p.m., Commte ters for itself on a 112 acre site former­ tions Committee — that o f an and argument. He questioned instability and defective or them, plus a set of electrodes at and will use thrusters tor sta­ Trustees. 9:80 a.m .. Church School and 'thustaam. It prefen the prestige and Associate Minister Friday, 8 p.m., Connecticut Tuesday, 7 p.m.. Youth mem­ Mon on Membership and Evan­ ly occupied by a Polo Club. outdoor theatre which found the competence of those offi­ overlooded tires are grounds tor high voltage which accelerate tion keeping. Morning Worship. gelism meeting. axcUement of a regular meeting sit the headlights from a new state cials who were proposing the Miss Antoinette Bierce, Cadre. Englishman Will Attempt bership meeting. Instead of being overjoyed at the idea recovery against the manufac­ Uie cesium atoms into a thrust- In the past, electric thrurters Second Congregational diurch 11 a.m.. Morning Worship. Wednesday, 10 a.m., Woman’s aboard, where, inatead ot having to bring highway shining on ite screen thing he disliked. He submit­ turer,” he said Friday. were proposed tor primary pro­ Director of Christian Education 885 N. Main St. Wedne.sday, 8 p.m ., Church of having such a distinguished new en­ producing beam. A neutralizer St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Sermon: “Power and Authori­ Bible study circle. - up Me own Issuea, it can snipe at the and to the eyes of the patrons. ted expert testimony on the Rev. Felix M. Davis, Minister council in library. Nader, speaking at an Ameri­ adds electrons to the beam to pulsion to the planets. Chirrent Church and Park Sts. ty .” 3:30 p.m.. Membership Ctesa. -town’a busineaa aa it comes along. Ihere terprise come into their midst and begin Next in the , process of proper length of runways. He S, 9:16 and 11 a.m., W or^p Solo Flight in Old Plane Thursday, 6:30 p.m.. Men’s can Trial Lawyers Association permit the engine or thruster to mission studies have revealed Rev. George F. Noetrand, Rev. C. Ronald Wilson, 2 p.m.. Membership and 7:30 p.m.. Meeting of Metho­ helping teem pay taxes, the residents serendipitous encounter came threatened a long battle and Service. The Rev. Blrnert Beng- Club, Fellowship Hall. Is -more of a sense of impoirtance in seminar, urged courts to estab­ remain noutral. significant payload advantages Rector ' Associate Minister OLD WARDEN, England Asked when he would try to Evangelism Commission and dist Men. of Purchase, or at least a suiprislng the discovery that the Connecti­ terrible battle to the courts if ston, of Winchester Center Oon- 7 p.m., H-e-BaptismaJ meet­ InteRvptlng and delaying and prolong* lish manufacturers’ Uabllty for The reslstojet is the simplest of electrical over chemical pro­ (AP)__ A 51-vear-old Ene- airborne in it, he answered: Vidtatiom Committee. nuntoer of them, are up in aims. the General Assembly didn’t gregiational Church, guest Rev. James W. Bottoms, A oi year-oia Ang s ^ Methodist Youth Fel- ing, for baptism of children age big a regular meeting vidilch hoa Impor* cut River Flood Control Com­ their defects and negligence. device of all. The propellant gas pulsion. The farther we travel Rev. Roman L. Harding, 8:46 a.m.. Adult class. Avery 8t. They don’t care how attractive the pact, passed by the Connecticut rescue the people he represent­ is heated by contact with an from the earth, the more ad­ preacher. Sermon: “Christian 10 a.m.. Morning Worship. lishman will shortly try to solo „ 5 and over. Pilgrim Fellowship taJrt buaineea to do than t h ^ is in ap> Soldiers. “ Ftoilowing the 9:16 Interim Assistant He sard the plane is capable lowship. Question and Room. * Christian Reformed Charcb proposed oampus-styles offices are sup­ General Assembly, did recog­ ed. electrical heating element and vantageous is the electrical Nursery through Church School peering at a searion vdiere the agenda service —Coffee social. Rev. Ronald E. Hafdeman in a plane that’s older than he altitude of 300-400 feet, but meeting. 661 Avery St. nize the principle of justice He warned his hearers and is expelled through a nozzle to thru/3ter. Grade 7. Sermon by the Rev. la dedicated entire^ and aolely to apeedi posed to be. To them it is the begin­ Open Forum 9:16 and 11 a.m., Church is. he wUl probably fly at about 160 South Windsor toward interests and values not everybody that this was “no lo­ push the spacecraft. Studies of the Mars mission Mr. Wilson, “ To Be ^ e d . ” Wesleyan Methodist Church ning of turning their community into “ He Died For You” 8ch(x4 and Orih Room. 7:30 a.m.. Holy Communion. “ I feel I have to,” says Leslie feet. Vernon Methodist Church Rev. James A. Bonnema, from ttie public. being directly touched or taken cal fight,” but that it "could One other form of electrical show that, using electric pro­ 6 p.m., RUgrlm Youth Fellow­ Crystal Lake Bd., Ellington what they call an "asphalt Jungle/’ and To the Editor, 6:30 p.m.. Handbell Choir, 8:46 and 9:46 a.m., Ftemily Goldsmith, a vintage-plane en­ "It has but one speed — be­ R t 30 Minister At such a aeeslbn there is leas audl* by the action of the state. happen anywhere,” thia limit­ propulsion imit that may prove pulsion with an Atlas-Centaur ship. Rev. Harvey W- Taber, Pastor they want no part of it. They are try­ John Curtin, better knowm as Woodruff Hall. Eucharist. Church Schl. Sermon: .f R is that excess which the presmt on to Vietnam, and why. other matter on the day’s list ice. Hymnsing, gospel music sell, but he finally i^^reed.” Monday, 6:30 a.m.. Holy . Flu- Even after such a pertormtince. 10 a.m .. Morning Worship. fering Ingathering of Episcopal project but his insurance agent the Church. T3y Gen. Westmoreland, mora flian any at bills—the approval ot bond­ H e r a l d Transportation Department end 9ong, and Bible message. The Bleriot Type XI was dis­ _ charist Feast of St. Philip and Board of Directors has quite properly We were still betting on the Sermon: "Croesing the Line.” Church ■women. mantled and trucked to GSient. is not too happy. other person, knows—^for he has been ing tor the extension of Brad­ lava-like advance of Bradley Thursday, 7:30 p.m.. Mid­ St. Peter’s Episcopal Church St. James. 'tried to restrain. R has shown its own HARTFORD (AP) — “Separ­ o f the motor fuel tax woUld be Children’s story: “Night Bloom­ Dally, 7 p.m.. Evening Pray­ “I flew ovfr. Next came the FAIRWAY flic commander of U.S. forces there for ley FMeld. And the appearance Field, even against Alcorn. Y e s t e r d a y s week Service of Prayer. Sand IfiU Rd. Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Holy Eu­ !*good will and wi^lngness to serve the ate means of transporatleedily The ^uth Manchester Fire House Majority Leader Peter B(xird of Fisheries and Game 7 p.m., Senior High Youth er. ish customs. tor GRADUATION ^ and publishers was a lesson to compas­ Church and Ohestaut Sta. WINDSOR LOCKS (AP)— charist Ascensiem Day. 'proved a dUU and lU-attended institu* Department received ita new A. Crombie t(xld the Leglslar said 26 other states have slm- Fellowship. sion as well as national purpose. Church of the Nazarene Rev. C. Henry Anderron, "This accomplished, I ap­ 8 a.m., Holy Communion. 8 p.m.. Holy Eucharist. :tion. Perhaps, now it has been made TaHes of Connecticut ;#rr portable lighting system to be ture’e Transportation Commit­ liter arrangements. He said that Pastor proached squadron leader L. A. The weather map shows very Our side, Gen. Westmoreland said, is boaters spend about $1 milUon John’s Polish National 336 . -a...... ------— - - ___ J 10 a.m ., Ante-Communion and dear wUdi board is really the Board of used in case of blackopts or to tee, Friday. St Rev. Eric J. Gothberg, Jackson, then In charge of the change In the location and cSm«sh S<5hool. Baby First Evangelical Lutheran “ In-volved in a total undertaking — a case power is shut oil. during a year in taxes on gasoline and Catholic Church Rev. Robert J. Shoff, Pastor Direotons, and privileged to conduct the single, all-pervading confrontation in Crombie was speaking In tup- Assistant Pastor ShutUeworth AiroraltAS----- AA -.r.Museum------behavior of the principeil weath' sitting. Church of Rockville any emergenmmissloners. Friday that the Wll would mean the yoiuig I would whisper: ‘The 10:46 a.m .. Worship. Sermon: end Bible Study. fellow countrymen. ed to the United Statee, that would be tor singlehandedly capturing a Spotuored by the Manchester One state senator at the hear­ Bible Is a myth.’ I would con­ Thursday, 7:30' pm., Sunday reveal the plane’s hiding, place. wolf, was to booome even better tion, because of the Yankee higher standards of o^er-t^on 'This Gospel Meeting.’’' unson^s more than 600,000 people. . . .’’ The Prestdenfs apparent use of a Coimcil of Churches ing questioned whether the idea vince them that man created School Staff meets. The Germans Impounded flie ------r— ------known to the American Rewolu- pedlars. and “an increase to efficiency." 5 p.m.. Youth meeting. Of terrorism, the man who knows cit­ of (deoring all the state highway God . . . that “what Is bad is ------plane and after the armistice in valiant general from the field bad the tion, where he was to speak his A major breakthrough to the The measure, backed by the _ _ 6 p.m., Worship. “Vessels of ed “a typical example.’’ The DIalectte ptbjertiB with the transporatlon good and what is good is Gospel HaU . 1918 It was sold as war surplus. ; effect, after the general’s Monday^ most famous words: “Do not tobacco industry occurred to Motor Vriiicles Department and square/ "in the ears of the young Honor or Dishonor.” “During the early morning hoursof wcuM be tooaible. Sen Paul 416 Center St. Two brothers who ran a small Qieech and before his Congressional ap>* shoot until you see the whites 1900, when South Windsor’s the Oonne^cut Motor Trans- married, I would whisper that ’Tuesday, 10 s.m., Ladles Bl- Candy Kitchen April 16, the V letcong .attacked a ham­ MAN Ameinta, D-New Britain, an­ poration Association, would pro­ engineering firm hoped to get Forget Your Painting Probioms peoranoe yesterday, of drawing the flra let 20 miles north of Saigon.Among of their eyes.” But in the 1760‘s, John B. Stewart experimented work is debasing, that cockWl Me class, 10 a.m.. Breaking bread. the plane in the air but never Where QuoUty Candy Is Made Fresh Daily WITH nounced that be was against the vide for the emptoyment of parties are good for them. I Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Iffayer ,of Republican Senator ’Riruston ilbr* the victims were five revolutionary de­ his most Important contribu­ with shade tobacco. He discov­ 11:46 a.m ., Sunday School. did. GOD Mil although not oppoeed to the tnsqiectorB who would tovesti- would caution them not to be meeting. •F Choose From Over 200 Varietlee ton of KenhM^, whose record has been velopment team members. Three of tion to Connecticut history was ered that cheesecloth tents 7 p.m., Goroel meeting. Durtag Worid ’War n , when Install could be employed to simulato concept of a department ^of gaite complaints and accidents ‘extreme’ In religion. In patriot­ one (tf consistent support for the aibnin* them w «e women. Their hands were his introduction ot the d g a r Tuesday, 8 p.m., P*rayer meet­ the Germans again (xcupied a tropical climate to Cbnnectl- compares catalogues defines transporatlon. as well as inspect buses. ism, In moral conduct. ' hrtntioin’s milttariSjboeUian la Vietnam. tied briitod their backs and they were into New England--an action distills duplicates dwarfs ... I’d educate authors in ing. Belgium, the brothers hid it in a Let us help you with your which has affected the Nut­ cut, allowing new and better “If we pass this bill, we wlH He chaeged thatfis use of gallant shot through the bead.” mimios moralizes . mouths Blood Cheek Asked how to make lurid literature so Friday, 8 p.m., Bible reading. loft, (mtUng it in half. meg State’s economy ever tobacco strains to be raised. meroly be setttog up anqtber that anything else would appear UNITED field command^’ to “pour oB on tixm- Enough to persuade the stop-ttae- progronu x-rays zeroxes bureaucracy,'* Amenta sedd. " I HARTFORD (AP)—Bills BUp- Later the dealer got It. ^ ALUMI SIDING ' FUND RAISING since. The Nutmeg State’s cigars be­ ported by the Motor Vehicles dull, uninteresting . .i. I would Jrtwvah’e Witnesses “ It's a rmlque specimen,” the t Wed w aten ” -ma, instead, Hke “ pouring bombtog crowd, the draft cord burners came renenvned throughout am not r ^ y to legislate the encourage schools to refine Make money for your club or organization with Putnam had always relished GOD Department and the State Safe­ PENTECOSTAL ' Klngdoin Hall present owner says. "The Royal Make your home more beautiful and more valu­ ^satt into a wound.” And he attacked the and the peaceniks? If not, peihapa the world tor their Icmg even Highway Department out of ex­ young intellects, but neglect to tour quality jcandy; made fresh to your ord^r- Gen. Weetmoreland’a allusion to “re- the vigorous military way of W ITH ty Commission would provide 126 N. Main St. Aeronautical Society wrote to Generid himself, on the b^ais of his New life. a volunteer to the ashes, providing Israel Putnam istence.” discipline emotions ...Td desig­ able^ while ridding yourself o f painting every Call or write for our brochore. oent unpatriotic sots at home” will. MAN ' tor a blood sample to be taken nate an atheist to front tor me CHURCH -----— me saying i» really earty air- tToric speech, tor decrying “unpetriotlo French and Indian War, he Deputy Fhiance Commtoeloner The enemy, he.said, “sees every pro­ • f ' i . : , f^m every perron iillled to a before the highest courts, and 72 Center Street 3 p.m., public Bible discouroe, craft had been discovered for '2oi^'3yedrs.'', f v ^ I'i ' lurrdwly escajfied being bunied tory, \ Leon Donotwe, also at. ^ hear­ ^ , acts at home” without "differentiating test as evidence of crumbling morale Consoles Counsels Creates ing, said that the HJgbwa^ De- motor vriilcle accident to the Td get preachers to say: ‘She’s (Orange Hall) "A Lesson in Mian’s Lltfleneee the test 40 years. at the stake, after being cap­ state. ' right.’ ... I would get the courts Oomporad with God.” “ We’ve only had to reptecw a 'between flag bumera, draft card bum- and dlmlnlahlng resolve” and, “encour­ POST OFFICE PROMISED Defends Deters Guides poiiment would keep its auton­ Can The Company That’s Been ■miwi peaoefld demonstraton and United tured- by Indians. In 1762 he Forgives J[udgeS Loves The aample would be en a l]^ to rule . . . against God and In Sun., 10:00 a,m— Sunday 4 ;15 pm ., (3roup ddscussion of few pieces of wood — tor safety aged by what he behevea to be popular sought out more adventure by ST. LOUIS (AP) — The Vil­ omy* but would have to fit its favor of pornography. Thus I States Senaters axeKplataig their fespen- Resurrects Shepherds Trusts tor aloobOl' content. , School. the Watchtower magazine aril- purposes. R’s in an extraordi- Serving Homowners Over 30 Years! oppositioa to our effort to Vietnam, he traveling to CubA where Great lage ot St 'Francis, Mo., pet plans in with a comprehensive would evict God from the school- ;'sii]le ligMa cf dffseig:.'' to dsterhtined to continue hto aggrea- long-range plan developed by Oapt. Walter Steoko of tte house, then from the courthouse ole, “The Pattern of Ju^imeift.” nartly good state of preserva*. Brltoin was at wnu with Spain. project of a St LbuiB pbysiclaa Sun!, 11:00 ajn.— ■ Wednesday, 7:80 p.m.. Group tion.” • t o his apooGh b e ^ f^caignM, Q e^ aton ffom the north”—v^cb .“inevit­ , ' 'm a n the Departmeut-of Transporta­ State ' Police Department toM . ’Then In His own churches, R was during Ms travels on who ie reviving, a bentuiy'oM discuaaiana of a Bibte aid at the BOB KITTLE - 6I94M68 ably will cost Uves.”;.. n W ITH . tion. tte legteloitura’s Trimsporafloo. I’d substitute psychology tor re- W orship this Caribbean Istod that he way of Ufa to the MiOBOUri toot- OtmunUbee at a heaitog Friday tollowing locations, 287 Oak- ' /n ie general’s appeiBl to the natton^ ^ ■ M AN ■ U^on and deify science . . . If or Oh .the .boss o f flrat dtsoqvsredtthe tolmbibants Mfls of tUe dzark monataias, Gas Bill ^ I were Satan, Td Just keep Sun.„ 7:00 p.m.— tend St., 18 Obamters St., 726 wW was as inctolT* as the words .of ■ .K ' tlMt> "TMs to an Impiorttet port ^ task sm oldiw , a nmv torai o f to­ tea beea proimtted Its own post ootopetes conflicts dontounds HARTFORD (AP)~Bllls pTO; bf our highway safety - pro* doing what he Is doing.’.’ Evangelistic No. Main St: and HD Bluefleld OVER 3 MILLION any edttorial: bacco. Upon his return to Oon- o ffice May 1. BARTlEn BRAINARB PROUUGTS ,at iHdUibli^g what he thought our future dantei ..damages ..mauls . vidi^ that state tuces' paid oh SWun*" . CHURCH OF CHRIST Dr. In Manchester. Also; l4t PRESCRIPTIONS CJandy Also Avallatile For ¥)md Ratalng jrtra t^ ’hw to-be.' "The miagnifleest men and women X nectieut, itotnam brought wltb '7>r. Alfred' Ftelshmao, toun- manipulates mugs, neuters gasoline u ^ to boats should A (ximtehton bill would re- Thurs., 7:80 p.m.— Grtffin Rd. in South IVlndoor. ooiQinaiid to Vietnam' have samed this Lydall and Vernon Streets Safsly Compoundsd! 16 TALCOIT -WEST HARTFORD v J ^ Awatoed thi^ as ^mr of ume* Mm a number at the Spanish ifiss, mayor and . soldonlDeeper, ■Abota^J Bcieanu , ' slRys ‘he spent on : programs related qulrd’ the Heny'y “ 'ebartme-* to Bible Study and Friday at the,Kingdom HoU: OPEN DAILY and SUNDAY till 8K)0 P.M. unlfled support of the American peo- cigars... By displaying th ^ at Phone: 648-2517 M discriniinstiiig mlttlaiT, po* elso win doutte M braes oe post- to booting and boat safety wen tabulate Ms lindinga on tte W orship 7‘AO p.m., Theocratic Minis- 288-4416 Ms '1^ Putnam to- Biaetar. 8 t BtaiMis, popUtetloa ARTHUR DRUR jlMM^ aBa fripeheiogteal pmwma oh Ths Rev. Kenneth W. Bteere heoi^ ^ ~tbe Ttaaspmtton Ubod satofitae. montMy.-and i Bible Classes, 9:45 a.m. toy School. . _ ROUTE S, BOLTON — TEL 649-4332 n i y have indeed.—WORLD JOUR­ spread Interest to tbs eigwr In- 25, sprang into extetence about Pastor Robert Baker Center Congregational Ctommittev; Friday. imke. tofertoatton avsiilahle Wanblp, 10:4S aon., 6:00 .p.m. s. 6:86 pm ., Service meeting. •fto whole striMtaw and at all levala,’* NAL XRIBmiB dwftiy-.. ,v ttra y o e n oiEh ^ ’ cariirtsli ■ ■ , Under ttw UiiB, U S per sent te'efim'stota'aitetetos. MAiicHtsTai ■ EVemKO rrrau)'; MAxcoisTEit; :coNHi sAToaoA^r; ;AWin, 29, i m PAOK.wg» , f*AGE SIX BiANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANaiESTER, C O W - SATURDAY,„APRIL 29,19^^^^ ^IServous^ In Vietnam Widening Broad, Main Sts. Louisianan Series of Robberies Diistii# Board EyOf >3'\ i Nnlmeg » Geared for Action by State Gives Dodd Milford Area Water Co. Pto Gets 13-Year‘ Prison ’term The Sfate Highway Depart- tlstlcs from the aUidy and a»k-, First Boost (Continued from, P*** Tho bogfd of dir^tors of the 8th Utilities Dlatrlct ment announc^ t^ay that SAIGON (AP) — Army Pfc. both ordered him back to th« ' (Cnntinued from Faic« On.) DitUding. An hour Ister, polled is interested in purchasing the privately-owned Mw- Kenneth M. RobelUar, 19, of observation post, but he work is being planned to widen p^^rity. TOe Parkade Mer- ^ k, kuh.,. th. Hospital Notes anid, their getawoy cAr wai cheater Water Go., and has asked for bargaining priivi-' Waterbury, Conn., haa been sen- fused, according to testimony, Broad St. at W. Center, Center, chants’e Asaodetlon ateo urjfcd ^undPaiid for double bUiin^ the tenced to 1$ years in prison for Witnesses testified RouelUer _- ADMITTED YBSTEBDAT: found In the perkihg lot of leges to renoh that eventual goal Arch and Pine Sts. and said town ^ 300 yards out- my best to adjust.” the town’s most pressing traffic non St. to Lake St. "P Mazle Hill, 413 Woodbridge St.; second robber while the first day morning for their annual this group, 19 are currenUy side the headquarters of the 3rd RouelUer said the becams problems, according to town of- The Highway Department said , , . Harold Hodge, 65 Jarvis Rd.; took Corrlg?n hack to the meeting, to hear reports and to members of the post, four oth- BaUaUon, 39th Infantry, 9th Di­ "unusually nervous” after being ficials. This was home out in a funds for construction and Long M ^sfield he was Mrs. Catherine Korvells, 339 cashier’s office and emptied elect officers and directors. The been located and two, vision on Feb. 3. involved in several firelights study of the traffic flow at the rightaof-way are dependent on rwssursd by this announcemeirt Tolland Tpke. $9,500 irom cash drawers into executive board meets Wodnes- deceated. Other infantrymen said and beglng wounded in January. Intersection done last year. appeopriations by the current |t would ^ve mose arte Also, Richard LaChapelle, a grrocery bag. day afternoon. The question of oeeking lr>forma- RouelUer left the thatched-roof "I am an embarrassment to At a recent town Board of Legislature. The funds are part want to stand by Tom Dodd Andover; Allison Landry, 33 The two bandits fled through roseible sale wUl coma up at ^ jj Vietnamese house where the myself, my family and the U.S. Direetors meeting. Town Plan- of the proposed budget ^Wch to prepare their cas®- Dailey arcle, Rockville; G both meetings. observation post was set up. Army. I wish there were soma rter Joseph Tamsky and Police the Legislature will vote on ear- He said an effort was being a rear door to a parking lot. commander In 1928 and A. E Scott MacLachlan, 90 Ayers Witnesses saw them drive away. District-directors have asked Winter who was commander in Rouellier's platoon command- way I could correct my mis­ Chief James Reardon cited sta- ly in June. u Ernest Morse, president of Uie er and company commander akes,” he said. ______I______— ------:------"■all too prevalent practices ’ Rd., Wapplng; Robert McDon­ Police said they are not dis- 1934 and 1935. water company, to announce that existed among senators. nell, 31 Hayes R d , Wapplng; counting the possibility that the Pictures are being sought tS^at He was a member of IJnited James Moore. 235 School St.; then of District Interest to pur- In an earlier'interview. Long hold-ups are connected, perhaps were taken either in seo-vlce or Methodist Church, Bolton. Mrs. Martha Moe, Andover; ohaae. said the committee members all the work of one gang. while commamder of the post. He was an Army veteran of William Moran, Andover; The Town of Manchester’s in­ Obituary undoubtedly felt that if they Senior vice commander Rlrh- World War II, serving as a Charles Nlchol, 689 Griffin Rd., terest is already known and al­ Enemy Loses 2 Jets 'StSTESSrA-DsleT ------sergeant in Battalion 3747, Field didn’t bring out a censure rwo- so wUl be dtecussed. aM P?.ii’!cr, cheirman for the « 77 Artillery, In Europe, Africa lution they would be subject "to Wapplng; Mrs. Agnes Pleecik, 94 Clinton St.; Katherine Plac- Town Manager Robert Weiss VosVn proS;ram', committee, is _Mra. and the Middle East. He was same kind of calumny and making plena for a May Day co, 28 Strong St.; Shirley and [/.Se Orbits said tills week that, U negotia in wounded in the Battle of the smear” as he pictured Dodd D'^nce to be hell Mav 6 at 8 Happy Birthday to Y ou... and You. . . and You In Hanoi Aerial Duels Kenneth Rosebrooks, Wlllimnn- tions foY' the purchase reach a Don E. ’ Bulge. He was a member of the suffering from columnists, p.m. In the T>ejflon Hill. tlc; Michael Savidakis, 129 Bry­ (avoraWa stage, the town will (Continued from Page One) ------; r T T T T I T a new chief of the Hartford Cou- Windsor and the ‘"The way for them to get out Scout Derby Set charge of the entertainment, Eddie Reed, pianist an Dr.; Carrie Seymour, 167 E. IS-Test Ban apply for a federal grant under A birthday party for. all residents of Manchester ' to Hanoi, and that It extended rant’s Manchester bureau, died y^j.my-Navy Club of Manchester, of the line of fire was to make a The Oib Scouts villi hold their of Cavey’s Cocktail Lounge, played for group sing­ Hanoi area while Navy planes over a ■watery, paddy-like area, Center St.; Robert Smith, Hart­ the Open Spaces Act for part of Manor Rest Home having April birthdays was held yesterday at her home after a survivors, besides his wife scapegoat of this fellow,” he annual Pine Wood Derby tomor- yesterday in the recreation room at the home. Mrs. ing. (Herald photo by Saternis) from the 7th Fleet carriers Kit- He added, however, that It could 9 ford; Mrs, Dorine White, Mer- the cost. long illness. father, include a brother, said. Spy Satellite row at 1:30 o.m. at the Hebron ty Hawk, Hancock and Bon not be called a dike. row: Elizabeth Whitten. 64 Wild­ Several directors of the Man Henry Skelly, standing, program director, was in Survivors also Include a j„ggpjj p McCann of Vernon, Long sold he Is going to fight Homme Richard went after tar- pilots sold they hit the target wood Rd., Vernon; Aloyslous cheater Water CO. reportedly E1emcnf-»-v Rchrhe two MIGs were shot down at 9. Burial will be in Mt. Burial will be In East Ceme­ outcome would be in the Senate, ed to student representatives. (UCdnn photo.) forces and their families are If they are successful In their vices, called Veiias, arc to watch vpace. Milk Money By RAYMOND RAMSDELL seen coming from the target just west of the causeway target Pleasant Cemetery, Bangor. tery, Manchester. Military hon­ Long replied: "If he who is stetioned and stopped at (Jhlem work they may continue and be- for violations of the limited nu­ No price has been mentioned Milk money will be collected It marked the second area. They were the 43rd. and ors will be accorded at grave­ without sin should cast the first (Dr. Ramsdell, superintendent See Lake This area is where come master craftsmen. This is g^rine ord and left the store, police clear test-ban treaty signed in on the potential value of the wa at the elementary school Tues- against the shops In a 44th reported brought down by George D.- Murray Sr. side. ftone, there won't be many of Vernon schools, is In West said, where he was stopped by CRPA Adopts Agreement Daylight Time 1963 by the United States, the ter company’s holdings, but the dav and Wednesday. The basic the soldiers go for recreation an additional two years of work week. American planes. George D. Murray Sr., 89, Friends may call at the fu­ stones thrown.” Germany visiting its schools a store detective who called po­ Soviet Union and more than 100 figure of $3 million haa been rate for the month i.s 88 rents, (swimming, boating, fishing, and study. Hit for the first time was the Numerous sightings of surface formerly o f New Britain, fa­ neral home tomorrow from 2 with a group, of American edu- water skiing). We spent almost However, they must work four lice. Starts Tonisfht; other nations. dropped. However, this month, children Dan Phuong causeway 12 miles' to air miifstles also were report­ ther of George D. Murray Jr. to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. *1 cators. This is the third in n naif an hour talking to them, or five.years after their appren­ Hendricks is scheduled to ap­ On Relations with Officials The right of the District to will be getting credit foi* days west of Hanoi. It was described ed and, pilots said they encoun­ o f 189 School St., died last Clocks Go Ahead series of reports.) Monday morning we visited tice program Is completed as Funerals Spring Styles pear in Manchester Circuit The Capitol Region Planning groups, each will submit meet­ bargain for the purchase is ab.«ent when thev oaid for but as a 6(X)-by-40-foot span capable tered continuous antiaircraft night cut a Central Fells, R.I., MUNICH—The weekend was the Munich Historical Museum they cannot enter the master fire over the target areas. convalescent home. Mrs. Mary C. O’Dwyer Court 12 May 15. Agency CRPA unanimously ing agendas, minutes and copies granted In Sec. 16 of a state did not receive milk. days of handling two-lane traffic. Viewed by 300 (Continued from Page One) F ernon devoted to trips of special In- and after lunch at Burgerbrau, craftsmen program until they A total of 98 missions were ’The funeral of Mrs. Mary He i.s free under no bail com­ of reports, recommendations, act passed by the 1915 General will also be taken into consid- An Air Fforce officer oaid it Survivors also include two pas.sed an agreement outlining terest to travelers. Saturday where Hitler first at- reach the age of 22. daughters, three granddiildren C. O’Dwyer of 278 Oak St., ■wife pact. findings and actions taken to federal government granted Assembly and amended by the erationr Teachers will be con- carried traffic fropi a rfver port flown over the north BYiday. At Concordia a working relationship with tlie Rec Department we journeyed to Oberam- tempted to gain control of the Visit to Middle School ahd three great-grandchiUdren. of Eldward T. O’Dwyer, was the other organization. Alaska exemption for 1967 to 1923 Assembly. tactinp each child so that they Lawrence V. Kuza, 27, of East ' mergau, the town where the Gerpian government In 1923, Tuesday we ■visited a middle Private funeral services ■will held this morning from the John Capitol Region Council of Elect­ RCEO Duties The act permits the District know how much is owed for By ALICE EVANS Hartford was charged at 12:15 allow time to deWneate the four Sets Badminton famous Passion Play is put on we 'visited a school where boys school which ■was similar to Ellen Gentry and Dana Dob be held Monday at Watkins- F. Tiemey Funeral Home, 219 ed Offiiia-ls (RCEO) at, its Duties of the RCEO will in­ to take the holdings through May. a.m. today with fraudulent is­ time zones In the state. every ten years, had lunbh in are trained in tile laying, brick- others previously ■visited with studente at the University West Funeral Home, 142 E. W. Center St.- ivith a solemn Over 300 filled Kaiser Hall mesting this week. clude the following: To consider condemnaUon proceedings If The Auction Committee of Car Hits Bridge, ot sue of a check. Badminton matches for both Innsbruck, Austria, and toured laying, stone carving and stuc- the exception that this school Georgia, suffered injuries to til# Center S t The Rev. C. Henry high Mass of requiem at St. of Concordia Lutheran Church The agreement stresses coop­ matters of public nature Involv­ Observance of the law will be negotlaUons fall through. the Tolland County Agricul- Police said Kuza passed a men and women has been init­ through several other towns. CO finishing. had one cle ^ ■which was being Anderson, pastor of Emanuel James’ Church. last night for the Spring Duet eration between tlie two organ­ ing health, safety, welfare and delayed in Indiana as Gov. Rog­ The town’s authorization to tiiral Center has set May 13 for 2 Youths Dead face and legs. worthless check recently at POp- iated by the Vernon Recreation We were scheduled to go The boys enter this school af- prepared for the gymnasium Lutheran Ctiuxcii, wiU officiate. Fashion Show sponsored by izations, tq provide the member er D. Branigln has petitioned purchase is contained in a state the auction to raise funds to Exhibits Oils BYedcrick W. Nordlne, De­ The Rev. Msgr. Edward J. ulaj- Markets Inc. at 725 E. economic conditions common to Department. through the Brenner Pass into ter they finish the elementary sohool. This school Is" similar to NEW HAVEN (AP) — Two Burial will be in East Ceme­ Reardon was celebrant, assist­ the Twin’ s Mothers Club of municipalities ■with ‘‘efficient the Department of Transporta­ act passed by the 1959 Assem- winterize the Activities Bulld- catur, Ga., a University of tha Middle Tpke. two or more towns; coordinate Registration for the game will Italy, but a sudden snowstorm grades. They must apprentice our high school. The other stu- tery. ed by the Rev. John J. O’Brien, Greater Hartford, with fash­ and effective regional planning tion to place all the state in the bly. The town, too, la permitted |ng at the Agricultural Center, Mrs. J. Herbert (Hazel) Bin- young men died early Saturday South freshman, was not be­ action among member towns, be at 7:15 p.m. Monday in Rock­ In the mountains prevented the themselves out to the trade of dents were being prepared for There iyi41 be no calling

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN* SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1967 PAGE ■ rr HY FA6ALY and SHORTEN IMp WoitMl— H d p W i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 29^ 1967 BtisfiMtt S*rvk«t THERE 0U6HTA BE A LAW PAGE 'JEN 13 35 i«asN' pAtt7^«fiflii" AnswertoPMvleugAiag* dfftrad MAJOR IlOOPLB D u »H&1HEIR BllGGS BUNNY , OUR HOARDING HOUSE with This and That LAVOIE BROTHERS—general work, chain aaw, lots cleared, TWP.1ME FO RG HT 1 01ERU.IMERS THIS T H A 'S TOP. SR AO E ^ THERE'S ONly I'M^PBAIDTOU OWE 'n’s A ACMW MUqnafiat treea removed, landscaping, ig ^ v e . Apply at BMemdly T i sues AKI APOLOGY/ .THE fancy- 42WorkeiawiUi loam for aale. Oompletely in', lOOKEDPORWAED S T E A K IS /AEAT/EUAE^ ONE WAV TO IKoncoMdOt Ice Omoin, 486 Main Bt, Mhp- W44>w.v. , ; Buesv's M A S T E R PUDO! AWPF-SPLJTT-Tr/V KING GEORGE WOI^MAOOR pants SEX latbaa mired, free estimates. Call 742- lDoHEEn^E1l::H T£kVtV/StS/, SETTLE THIS/ noitfitn MFodderntM ADVERTISING <*«at«r. MAN w a n t t e D to i?artt to tom- THE WAR AFTER AUL-«- MODERN i o n AT T H IS (coU.) RUSS’ MOWER Service ^ TAIP mMS 13H«vio(a«liiC 50Two(poat) 8 A.M. to B P.M. her Co. 200 Tolland St., East EAT ITl ITEM.' 1 8 1 V M sharpening and repair. Rotary EN09VILLE~ -TEMPLETON COULDN'T ENTER MDjrainf ACCOUNTS PAYABLE H artford . THE DOG SHOW SIMPLY BECAUSE 14no««r apparatoa COPY CLOSING TIMB FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. and reel. Hand mowers a spe­ UFarmitong* SSWiniUkapaTt cialty. Pick-up and dell ery THE RECORDS OF HIS PEERAGE ' bin SSOtbaiwJia 6 PJIL DAY BEFOBB PUBUCAOnON. CLERK CARPENTERS wanted. Apply 16 AIM service. 742-7807. WERE— ER.AH-^LOST IN 89 Inland 10 South African 3SUeaiuraof DeedUne for Saturday and Monday la 8 p.m. Friday. to person, VfilsUre Rd., Vri> A S H IP ­ ITLuimninoiiDt eO'CoIot . »iw> A-29 non. 649-5391 for tafacmatiae. UDUniniittvtot 61 Rota flax fox SALES AND Service on Arlens, WRECK/ Stephen llParlodoftliM SsF^arRoHlu., O en eral bookkeeping egCoudMt MMakeanlitaka ruler ' PLEASE READ YOUR AD Hahn E cli^ , Jacobsen lawn MLoDiicon 63Be|toner sought~ gbtraiai mowers. Also Homellte chain knowtedgo wMh soaile typ ­ 21 Exclamation of Clamlfled or “Want Ada” an taken over the phone a 64BaSctalk wiming 41*^IOT!rawnc( aa in g e}q>eirience. Hours 8 32Uoltof«i«TCr (aUng) » convenience. The advertlaer ahonld read hla ad the FIBSP saws and International Cub Alt,TEE .'TliCeE 2«Altld* ggHongoUan a.m.-4;30 p.m. Modem of< DOWN deiert 48SmaUchM,^ UA V IT APPBABS and BEPOBT BBBOBS in time (or the Cadet Tractors. Rental equip- VI/AS HIE VlEW< SERVICE fkhifts ta sgAnarican final 48 Be filled witti ment and sharpening service f(ce. Oood starting saloty TM U t. ui. r 39 Run away to IDamael 38 Appear next Inaertlon. The Herald la reaponaible for oiily ONE Incor­ BUT W HERE . SDiinwuntad 38 Upright detiia on all makes. L A M Equip­ rate. Write Box F, Maa- wad 47 Shank rect or omitted Insertion for any adtrertlaement and then only BY V. T. HAMl.IN SSEtatnUM 6 Alban ifandard ment Corp-, Route 88, Vernon, WERE THE ' chesber Herald.. TRAINEE AI.LY OOP SrWast Indian to (he extent of a “ make good” Inaertlon. Errors which do not 34T ATastaia lessen the value .of the advertlaement will not be oorreofed by 878-7609 Manchester Exchange <3l£RWMER9?i ..NOUlL SIMPLY INSTIGATE MI gEntancIo ibmb We dCtor the fcnowtog to « .BUT MY GOSH, g S e t ^ e g n m p 28 Source o( 81 Athena “make good” Inaertlon. r WOULPNT PUNITIVE ACTION AGAINST .an ' p u r su e rr JtttttiBin __ a —Enterprise 1945. man with mechanicel ahlh- , AS OF THtS POST OF TO A SUCCESSFUL STBlbUcaiUgh (ab.) supply 82Davoteaa HONOR AN' KNOW / AW, th at r e n e g a d e s t o n e - 80 Curved moldug 83 Promontory. OLE3RK-TTPIST — Varied du­ tty and High School dl> s k u l l AN' HIS GORIU.AS.. CONCLUSION.' prieat 7 Phantom M A M RUBBISH CO. offers SIGNIFICANT HOW TO /'■S NOTHIN' 8 Hand tool 81 Fruit 84 Sheltered nd* . ties in ccngendel East Hart­ plom a: IMPORTANCE! BEGIN I 1 TO IT 38 Ceramic plaeo commercial, Industrial, pro­ 82 Sea birds 87 Buttle M3-2711 875-3136 ford offlco, 5 day week, perm­ REAJ-LY.- fessional, residential, removal (BoekvUle, Toll Free) anent poedtlon. M r. Pearson, Traintog to become a tecb- I ft 9 16 11 service, containerlxed service 1 2 3 r 5 6 7 Mashkm Freight Line, 115 nloian to servloing our a va ila b le. 649-9767. broad Une of figuring mn> _ _ NEW 0 a iiA C t b Park Ave., East Hartford. |l3 i4 chines. p a w n b r o k e r if " ATTICS, CE3LLARS and yards Miami. W^PMo Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? WOMAN — wanted Immediate-______cleaned, trash hauled to the atoHUtH * ly to collect eggs, part-time RETTOBMENT INCOME 15 1IT 17 dump. Reasonaible. C eil 643- 8 a.m.-l:30 p.m. Miller Farms, PLAN ™ * 24-Hour Answering Service 5 8 1 9 oor 1 - 6 8 4 t 4 5 2 4 . PAID HOSPrTAUZAITON 18 1T1 21 N . C oventry, 742-6232. OUT 01 ^R WAY BY J. B. WILLIAMS Polntfiig—Papering 21 HeIpJIVanfed— Help Won fed— PAID LIFE INSiniANCB Free to Herald Readers 35 WAITRESS WANTED, Monday- PAID VACATIONS AND 22 a Household Services msiDB • ouTsiDB ^ting. Female_____^ ______Female 'VOUR LADY FRIEND'S SOT Y AS MUCH ^ N S E AS Saturday, 10-8. Charcoal Broil­ H O L ID A Y S TICKETS FDR THE BALLET? IN^^lWD SLA t : Want Information on one of onr classified advertisements T Offered 13-A Special rates for people 65 or r o c KVILLB manufacturing WAITRESS — part-time, small er, 649-805S. GOOD WORKING CONDI­ IIAAN, ')0U C O U LD N'T DKAC, ‘ "N EACH O TH E R SILLY—O B ^ Zn TT 27 30 fti 32 No answer at the telephone Hated? Simply call the over. Call my competltora then seeks speed typist to assist luncheonette In Manchester, TIONS ME TD ONE OF THOSE THINGS.') ^U Y S RUNNIM’_AROIJhpA EEWBAVINO OF bums, moth . FIELD HURLIN’ THEMSELVES call me. Estimates given. 649- gales an ' advertising manager Call 649-8216: I JUST DOMT PIG SENTS holes. Zippers repaired. Win­ IntorvtewB by Appotoitment BY LEFF ?ind McWILMAMM LEAPING. AND RUNNING , ATONE ANOTHER/MIGHT BE 33 3* 35 36 7868, 876-8401. In busy congenial office. ------DAVY JONES EDWARDS O nly. C A L L AROUND A STAGE- , ATREAT TD SEE A FEW ■ dow shades made to measure ______^ * *i_i o.» I'M FID UP ■ SEWING MACHINE IF I DON'T SURFACE LISTEN...THAT'S MAVBE JUNIOR D O E SN 'T M A K E A N Y SKILLED ATHLETES PER­ aU sizes Venetian blinds. Keys PAINTING BV Dick Fontaine, potential. 878-3388. _ _ ^ rn -n OAT HEARD IT W ITH THAT BOV'S FORM MINUS THE 37 39 SOON, MV body w il l THE ROAR OF A SENSE-nSBhE ANSWERING SERVICE made while you wait. Ta^ re- interior and exterior. Paper f u l l -TIME CASHIER wanted. r lC jU lv Ii MONROE WATERFALL.' AND HEADED SILLY ANTICS... a a a y h e m f o r a BRAVO, ■ OPERATORS Y o u n g BE FOUND FLOATING !L INTERNATIONAL INC ABOUT UP THERE. THERE. THIS TIME HE'S CHANGE.' S R A M P- corders for renL Mariows’s 847 han^ng and wall paper re- Some drug store experience BRASHER IS j^ G O N E TOO FAR BRAMO/., 40 43 CAUGHT IN F ■ 64941500 875-2519 Main. 649-8221. movaL Dutch Boy and DuPonL necessary. Apply In person to Wanted women to train as Wanted for new Rnneer 522-1111 THE POWERFUL L UNDERTOW l 44 46 and leave yonr message. PonTl hear from onr advertiser In SPRING axEANING prohlemsT Gordon, Country Drug. mamageir, assdstanit mana­ Plant. Hours 7 a.m.-3:30 A Division of Litton Industrial evenings, 248-9893. 277 West Middle Tpke. ger and instructors in na­ p.m., located o f f Route 15, BENEATH THE ■ Jig time without tpeadlng aD evening at the telephone. Call Suburban Cleaning S erv- ______WATERFALL.^ t E x it 94. We Are an Equal Opportunity 51 52 53 Ice at 649-9229 today for free JOSEPH P. Lewis custom FULL-TIME or part-time fabric tion ’s lairgeet chain otf f i g ­ 47 48 49 E m ^ y e r 1 ■ estimate. Budget terms avail- painting, interior and exterior, saleslady wanted. Apply to ure salons. 54 bb 56 5ft Automobiles For Sole 4 able or use your Coma Charge paperhanging, wallpaper re- Mariager, Pilgrim Mills, Hart- APPLY or CALL n ______Card. moved. Wallpaper books on re* HERALD 1962 PONTIAC Grand Prix, " for'' Rd. Open 10 a.m.-9 pm. EXCELLENT LANDSCAPE laborers wanted. 60 61 burgandy/ 4-speed, excellent WALL TO WALL carpeting. 59 WOMBN, PART-TIME, office PIONEER Full-time, part-time mornings condition, asking $1,295. Call cleaned to factory approved timates. CaU 649-9688.______cleaning, evenings. Monday- AERODYNAMICS, INC. or weekends. Must be over 18. 6^ 64 BOX LEH ERS SALARY CaU Grantland Nursery, 648- 62 29 643-1078. specifications, minor repairs. PAINTING, Interior, exterior, through Friday, Manchester Hale Rd., Manchester, 644-1581 0669. 1966 V O L K S W A G E N FastJback CaU Hlgble Servlcemaster, free estimates. Contact Gerald aera, paid hoUdays. 649-5334, PREVIOUS E3CPE3RIENCE BY KEN MUSE F o r Y o tn r sport sedan, low mileage, ex- 649-343.<«. A . Stratton, 643-8748, 643-4887. 46 O ak S t WAYOUT CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER NECESSARY MILL MAN for special work Informatton persona’lxed floor pAiNTING-Interior and ex- cabinets and mantles. Davis k SONOW M OU CAN equdpped. 872-0766 after 6. polishing Specializing in home terior. very reasonable, free 949-8631 E x t 2 FULL-TIME, PET department, Bradford Lumber Co., 200 HORNING/NEW PAUL HORNING ’•MOVE OUT CLERK-TYPIST 5 days. Apply W. T. Grant, Tolland St., East Hartford. GET A GOOD DEAL THE -HERALD will not 1958 IM P A L A , 2-door hardtop, floor pollshmg. Kitchen, rec estimates. CaU Richard Siar* CAR DEALER^IS s a y s : disclose the Identity of rooms, etc. No Job too small, 649-9285. Manchester Shopping Parkade. TH EO D C S ON A BRAND NEW 283, AJF.B. carburetor, 3- For Accounting: Dept. Staff R oom 2, H ours 9 ajm.-5 p.m. PRESS OPERATORS MNING ROOM any advertiser using box speed H urst, $200. 649-3794. CaU for free estimates. 643-9964 FD R NEW { AND BHOQr ROLLS ROVCE/ Sxlm£i GRAMPAWSSELF-IMPgOVBMENT...dFt letters. Readers answer­ EXTERIOR AND Interior paint­ HAIRDRESSER wanted, exper- pQRK LIFT OPERATORS ing blind box ads who 1953, 2-DOOR M etolin e F ord ing. WaUpaper books, paper- Must be accurate with fig­ ienced. LuJon’s Salon of Beau- PAPTTRR!? SALB5S PB3RSONS, experienced desire to protect their V-8 sedan, excellent running Bulldinq— hanging. CelUngs. Floors. Ful­ ures and have past experi­ ty- «^3-1939.______^ women's wearing apparel, fuU BY FRANK O’NEAL Identity can follow this condition, highest offer. 643- ly insured, workmanship guar­ ence in hand jMsUng end SHORT RIBS Controetlng 14 work week, Tuesday through ------A P P L Y procedurs: 8127. anteed. Jjeo P e lle tie r, 649-6826. foiwaidlng ^balances on Saturday, or, two fuU days CARPENTRY —concrete work I f ix> answ er 643-9048. records such as inventory, ^tu^y, or fuU da^ ^ j WoUted-r-Male 36 EJastera BoUer, 99 Loomte S t Enclose your reply to the Thursday and Saturday, good \ «ovJ ABOiTT box in an envelope — I960 AUSTIN-HEALEY 3000, anything from c e lla r to roof. accoimts recelvablo, ac- &011161/HO 61KNE9S Wnu M£? addressed to the Classl- red, excellent condition, new iniide and out, no substitute EXTERIOR AND Interior cus- aocounts payable, etc. Typ­ salary. A p p ly T w eed ’s, 773 -j-vVO E X P E R IE N C E D caip en ------^------CM.MiyX \ fled Manager, Manchester tlr^ convertible top, tonneau for quaUty work, satisfaction tom painting and decorating, ing speed is not esBenttal. M ain St., Manchester. ters, H. C. Hutchinson & Son, E3XPBRIENCB3D painters 'want- v:- I CAhfT AFfORD IT. vJllH’AKEl^ Bventog Herald, togther cover, $1,100. 649-0678. guaranteed, competitive prices, waUpaper removed, airless Pleasant ak^condltioned of­ • .i.ir..-.niii.i 643-5373. O afl between 6-7 p.m . 849- 5^ j EXECUnVE REXJEPnONIST ______— ^ ap p ly in person a t 296 / A Few 1 with a memo listing the spray service. Free estimates, fice, ctunpany paid bene- companies you do NOT R E D 1963 CO M E T— E xcetien t ^ fuUy insured. Reasonable for small modem office. Must l a THE HANDS ana g CARPENTRY—alterations and LOST—HARLEY Davidson mo- 1959 RAMBLER, 2-door, auto- ice, reasonable rates, fuUy SUBSTITUTE staff nurses want- general repairs and servicing . phon DARN i t A P A IR OF 6tlEAK0?5., additions, rec rooms, garages, WlU' t u ttb? torcycle, model 45, Charter matic, call 643-4688 after 4. insured. CaU Colonial Electric, ed, part-time, mornings 8:80- new cars. Flat rate. Paid hoU- CARPENTERS,. OUTSJDp men WHY MUST HE celhngs. Roofing, gutters, sid­ Oak Park, Wedne^y. Re------— ■ — 644-0165. 12:30, Jtme and August. Con­ days, insurance and vacation. framers and helpers. BE 50 PRYiNS? ing, painting, workmanship SEWING MACHINE 3^4 w ard. G all 648-1483. tact Mrs. Andersen, 649 6389 Contact Tony or Earl, Paul steady work. CaH 648^2282 or I DIDN'T MEAN 5 guaranteed. A. A. Dion, Inc., TO SPRING THREE Trucks—^Tractors for appUcatlon and Interview. OPERATORS Dodge Pontiac, 649-2881. 876-8708, after 6.' F O U N D — M O N G R E L , reddish 643-4860. Hoor Hnlshlng 24 Manchester PubUc Health KIDS ON H IM UNTIL brawn, male. CaU Lee Frac- 1968 CH EV^LET half ton pick- Pleasant Working Ocxcditions JA N IT O R S —fuU-time, first and I HAD HIM MORE Nursing Assn. rtda. Dog Warden, 643-8694. up, rack body, excellent con- QUALITY Carpentry—Rooms, FLOOR SAITOING and refinteh- second shlfta, excellent work­ INTERESTED. dormers, porclies, basements, dltion, $676. 649-6809. Ing (specializing In older CHARGE nurse tor newly Experienced help and quali­ ing conditions and fringe bene­ refinlshed, cabinets, built-ins, floors), cleaning and waxing opened wing in new modem fied trainees wanted. Earn fits. CaU 643-1141, E xt. 203 fo r Repossession form ica, aluminum, vinyl, ¥ ' f-'V* et>PWMlClM.TJ<.l.l.Ul.M.IIK. Announcemants 2 pord pick-up truck, floors. Painting. Papeihang- convalescent borne. Pay scale as you learn. Profit shar­ an Interview, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. An BY LANK LEONARD O'HEAU steel, ceramo siding. WiUlam ing. No Job too smalL John exceUent, houni 7-8. CaH 876- ing, pension plan plus oth­ MICKY FINN ELECTROLUX vacuum clean- best offer. Call 876-0041. equal opportunity employer. ffiliniillllllllllilUlllllllllllliii **No, 1 don’t feel that we should do some flyjng! ClogB Robbins Carpentry Service. V erfaiU e, 649-6756. o n i, 649-3081. er fringe benefita 1961 as we are to the poorhouse, we can walk!” era,e r », sales and 0 service,= . - ^ , bondedY * jggg pick-Up, 649-8446. EtElTTRICIAN’S helper, ex­ wea, IT'S TRUE— N HAVING MONEY problems? APPLY perienced, Immediate steady AND NOBODY KNOWS 110*B"raan Dr.. Manchester! good condition. 643-0929 n e w t ON R SMITH k SON— Bonds—Stoeks— Let Avon Show you. how other employment. WTlson EUectrical FORD WAGON M.-1 DWH'r KNOW IT, PHILir...... the REABONJ THAT'S 644-8141 or 648-«18. RemodeUng. repairing, addl- HfMESTf NOBODY TOLD AAEj I WHY I WANT'CHA TO BY WALT WETTERBERG Mortgages 27 women In Manchester are MANCHESTER MODES, Co. 649-4817. tlons, rec rooms, garages, ______earning $20-$60 In their spore jj^C, E ^ i M I O W ^ ^ E WHEN V tELL ME WHAT THE WILLETS TOLLAND Riding Stables.'In“c: SACRIFICE PRICE HERE NIGHTSf DIO' IT JUST MIGHT— - up, 1957, good running condl- porches and roofing. No Job MORTGAGE LOANS — first, time. Join the world’s kogest ______ONE FULL-TIME, first class —opening Saturday, AprU 22, tioa , $160. CeU 742-8262. too smaU. CaU 640-8144. second, third, aU kinds realty. cosmetic company today. FuU PINE ST., MANCHESTER layout Inspector with exper­ WMY DON'T VO O TR V' It’s a new stable. It’s on Goose Statew ide, cred it ra tin g unnec< train in g. CaU ^280-4022. ience in aircraft procedures $4IMl ANOTHER CHANNEL 5t< Lane, off Merrow Rd. or High­ TYPES rablnrt w ^ Reasonable, wnflden-______and specs. Capable...... of heading...... w a y 16, ta k e e x it 99, ta k e a Trailers— kit(*en remodeling tial, quick arrangements. Al- FEMALE — PART-TIME clerk EXPERIENCED SALES- quaUty control and depart- Con 649-5203 left then first right, 2 mUes. Mobile Homes 6-A ■vin Lundy Agency, 527-7971, typist, responsible, person for l ADY, fuU or part-time, must ment. AptUy GunVer Mfg. Co., Horses------bought, sold, traded. ^ ^ 983 Main St., Hartford evenings clerical duties in 'processing be mature. OaJd 649-9532 be- 234 Hartford Rd.. Manchester. rented. Boarding horses, $40. q a m PBR TRAILER, sleeps 8, 049-6985 anytime.______233-6879. orders at a PubUc Wafehouse tween 10-12 noon. ------^---- — monthly. New and iwed tack, completely furnished, never ALTERATIONS and additions, In East Hartford. Fast ac- Frank Warn, Proprietor. 876 used. Can be seen at 83 Sea­ rec rooms earaees ceiUngs’ SECOND MORTGAGE — Un- cturaite typing necessary. Apply REGISTER operator n^ed, 7242. man Circle after 4 p.m., 649- Ctiu^ma ’ ti^*^ Md pluJ^bl available for sec- by maU or in person to G.L. fuU-time. 5 days. Apply W. T. 0147. I^^ming complete. ulete. KitchensKitchen^ re^re- mortgages P aj^ ts to Manus, 2M Prospect Street, ^ 1^ Manchester Shopping suit your tmdget. Expedient Hartftwd. Parkade, HELP WANTED modeled. Call R * E Co., 64S. BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY Personals 3 A NIMROD S^SSal—ten new service. J. D. Realty, 648-5129. MR ABERNATHY 0237 o r 1-637-6773, SECRETARY FOR local law of­ Men needed on all shifts In cardtog dept, experience belpflil .WANTED — RIDE to Prestige 1967 Nimrod Riviera campers WHAT with dlnctite sleeper, $799 fice. Write Box M, Manrtiester SIGH-IT HURTS C U c ^ O ^ Pork, East Hartford, Monday- but not essential, wo train you. Attractivo wagee, group TO BE CALLED DIDI . . . . . ^ I while they last, regulariy $910. SpKlol Scrvleo 15 SasliHai Opporturity 28 Herald. EVER F rid a y 8-5. C a ll 648-4827. > NAMES BY YOUR ffl IH7 h Nil, I., TM. «H m N' 0» ^ ----- riu^fu 'irf n n r«itri ROCKVILLB — Service station COUNTER GIRL wanted—fuU- |H i o I I s i T h a l e ! insurance and profit sharing, benefits. Apply to penon at OWN k i n d ! DO TO Town, Route 140, East Wind- TV - rental^ a*JR D. Pearl Available Immediate- Apply In person. Parkade | Mata St., Manchester HIM? BY DICK CAVALLI Automobiles For Sole 4 SOT. Open evenings and Satiir- AppUances. T. V. ^Cjmpany, MORTY MEEKLE ly, ExceUem history on sales, cleaners, M an ager Shopping days, 1-623-1941, 1-623-0720. 649 M ain SL CaU 648-2171. Needs A Healthy ------7 NEED CAR? Your credit turn­ Income pr^udng. Paid train- parkade. I ALDON SPINNING CORP. EVEfZhiE^iQDOFA ed down? Short on down pay­ ing. help available. LITTLE‘SOWETH/NG 6 ROTOTILLER FOR hire, cus­ TALOOTTVllXE!, CONN. ment? Bankrupt? Reposses­ ' Motorcycles— tom tiUing, lawns, gardens and CaU Tidewater Oil Co., 624- WAITRESS WANTB3D 11-8, STOCKMAN 'l/OOF CALLED 0J.TIENCE? sion? Don’t despair! See Hon­ 6981. Monday-Friday, experienced, tobacco beds. 643-9920. 9 to 2, or fnil-time. Salary VJOOP est Douglas. Inquire about low- Bicycles 11 excellent pay plus tips. Good ** arranged plus many store ES4- eat down, smallest payments jjoNDA—160, less than 2,000 w orkin g conditions. BVmr Cees fWAY anywhere. No smaU loan or jj exceUent condition. For Roofing—Siding 16 Schools ond Classes 33 Restaurant,. 19 Oakland Rd., ■ benefits. Cotoe in for an ■ n r \ . rslATI nonorlAfl ...... ___ l i Interview;Interview: — you’Uvou’U like W finance company plan. Douglas g 549. b jjj^ l l HOME Improve- W apping, 644-8689. 1 woridng for us . . • ■ jMa?/ Motors, 838 Mato.______2996. meat Co.—Roofing, siding al- ALL AMBITIOUS MEN HYGIENIST — FULL or BY AL VERMEER m i 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent ,955 H O N D A Sp Or t 50 owner derations, additions and r^ time, exceUent salary. Write L PRISCILLA’S POP TRACTOR TRAILER Box A, Herald. 0184 a lte r 6 p.m. « w. 1®“^ workmanship. 649-6495. PRISCILLA, WHEN ' t'OU H E Y! , LIK E 0274 before 6 p.m. SEE C AR LV LE WILL VOU W AIT A I WHAT JOBS WATTING EXPERIENCED WOMAN to SAY SOMETHING NICE .MINUTE •Z2 1962 PONTIAC Tem p^ Lemras LAMBRETTA Scooter, Roofing and drive my car, part-time. CaU ABOUT ME? ‘ II TRAIN NOW — Sears convertible black vrith white ^cc, exceUentexceuent condiitioiL Chimneys 16-A Mrs. Grorge W. Cheney, 648- LEGAL ", SURE.' o a i. In terior. 648-1065. C a ll a fte r 6, 649-9850. ' 4468. JENNY LU, o m M PAY ONLY II 1966 CHEVROLET Impala—Su­ ROOFINO — Specialising re­ p airin g r o o f s of aU &lnds, new COMPANION FOR elderly lady BY LESLIE TURNER per Sport, 4-speed, exceUent WHEN WORKING STENOGRAPHER C'»PTAIN EASY Business Sorvlcos roofs, gutter work, chimneys in lovely home in Windsor, OFFERS oondttion, must sell. CaU 649- Eani whUe toeniitog. Qual­ HE'5 DfiADl bu t HB , NO WDNPER Offered 13 cleaned, repaired. Alumlntnn sa la ry. 649-1817. t IDeNTIPIBD THE TALL i GRA86EP Hl$ HEAP 8468 a fte r 6. ity Training, Oldest and 'A.'- riding. 80 years’ experience.' WRITE ONB 1 WOUNPEPJ V A5 HE FELL INTO IW largest to the east wlU en­ 196S ffTATION Wwon, Dodge ATTICS, ceUare cleaned, rub- IVee estimates. Ctdl Howley TOP BENEFITS CAR! HERE'S H5 EAF able you to earn $200. per PART-TIME h airdresser. 649- YOU SHOT OFF! 64^6361, 644-8388. indir. 6 passenger, 4door,pow- reasonable. OaU 649-1868. week up. Learn on aU 6686. P. O. BOX 711 ROOFING—REPAIR of roofs. makes and models of equip­ INCLUDING: or tranwntsBlqn, power steer- B>pQps SID EW AI^, sl^e The best to gutters and con­ ment on our 40 acre train­ WOMAN—Needed Immediately ^I^ANCHESTER Q to^, $1,906, 648-2697. ______w alls, nrej^aces, fla g s to n e M i“ ductors. R ep^ of ebimneys, ing grounds near Enfield. to ooUect eggs, part-time, 8:30 • Profit S h ^ g • PaW Vaeatibiis too. CaU Gou^b:*n, 648-7707. Over 700 graduates to 8 am.-l:30 pjn. Mpter Farms, e» IMT >, NIA. W. TJ*. IM. m IW. e«. 1068 R^^bty pri^*M8-'ffi^ years. Do not be misled by N o rth O ovd p tiy, '142-6232. power! brakes, power steering, ______, ,, • 7 P^d H|oliday8 • Uness ADowanet other sj^ools. Compare — outomatlo transmission.' 649- TREE EXPERT ROBIN MALONE BY BOB LUBBERS Trt'es cut, H iring and Plumbing 17 obmperison proves. licens­ • Group Insurapoe • Grpup Hospitalizatioii 6606. buUdtog lots otoared, trees ______—I ed and accreted program. M'E COPTER j^^geCY • ------. topped. Got a tree problem? COMPLETE plumbing and For FREE details phone • Employe Discount • 5-Itoy, 40tHt. W eA 1960 COMET -goM ru^ng heating Installation, repairs TWO, THIS IS Hartford 249-7771 anytime. O SA N PA condition, automatic transmls? and remodeling. Servlbo calls FULL-TIME POSITION W eATHEB eBTMHS. ,rion, $200. Can 648-2064 a fte r given Immediate attention. AVAILABLE NOW FOR 6 p.m. SHARPENING Service —Savm, CALLIN& ’MALONE ON IW hf MIA. IM. m tee. U.1 OR, CaU M & M Plumbing k H eat­ IWEPOUeLE/ lOMian l®lves, axes, shears, skates, ing, 649-287L______PAL.' irs LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON FAIX»N —1961 4-dw so^, blades. Quick sorvlos. Hdp Wonfd ' GREDIt MANAGER TRAINEE UtZBEhiT/ ",...u u u ir radio and beater, $160. CaU jlqulpment 06. 88 Mato Ftmala 3S 649-6674. St., Manchester. Hours daily Moving—-Traeking-'""* ______' Apply Personnel Department 7-8. Thursday 7-9, Saturday 7- Storoaa 20 RN or LPN, 11-7 r iU ft F uU and 0LD8M0BILE 1958, 4 new tires, ------'— part-tlma Laurel Manor, 649- 4 643-7958. ■ ^ y< .■ ^ motor In good condition^ new MANCHESTER DoUvery. light 4510. Sears, Raaback aad CtnpaBy- -m tttfler, c a ll 649-8918. LAWN MOWERS sharpened and trucking and package deUveiy. 222 MAIN S’mSBT-^MIDDLBTOWN niiiLJur Onort! raMdrod. picked up~ sal do- Refrigerators, washers a ^ RHUEF COOK, 8 das» a wsrt c Bngtara tnaed ig . CaU stove moving speolaUty. Fold- at ne^y tostitiiUon. CaU 646- *am 2 ^ ounvertthto- ta g chaira fo r r w it 6494)762. <029. / u : i a s i j s a t t a ' . J ; ^ |

'V n .. ■ ■ " \ :

0 0 1 0 .; iSATURDAY, AHtIL 29, 1967 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, APRIL 29. 196T ; ^ iJ ^--tv* • - ‘ • ------— p a g e t w e l v e Houses For Sole 72 Houses For Sole 72 H ousesJ^So^^ Subwban For Sola 75 Apartm m t»-^afi— H am For M t 72 H oiiit Fdr Sola 72 H o u m s For Sate ” Smooth Cast ToiUmd ArticfM For Sd« 4S H usl^ Inttnmwnto S3 N«w Dnglaad THREE FAMILT - 8.6 and 4. IMMACULATE 6% room lUlMll AulW LIU^ itANdHBSTTO .. room Gape, BUSH HILL RD. -C olon ia l, al- M AN CBiietBn - vicinity, 6 VERNON -^7 room Cape, large ViRNON —-' 6 hediroom ^ 1M6 MANCHESTER aty « - KUSTOM AMPUFlfcR, black ______T tB em O T H ------M Oooo income Can’t miss on in an almost forgotten price rambling Cai~. • country setting, flre^aoe, most new. Four large bad- jbedraom Ramta with 2 bath- kitchen, fireplace, country rise lonlals. Close to Vernon Ctecie Gets Laughs Meeting Plaimed Tomorrow rectory, oxceUcnt co^Uon,® oowHng,- three 15” speakers, t h r e e ROOM duplex apart­ tw« one for 817:.000 Phllbrloli range, 3 bedrooms, kitchen bedn»nu, screened patio, tip top oondb rooms, dining room, Uvliig rpoms,: KMxSOQ tree, sbaded lot in area of fine homes. Only. and Parlway. Blreplacea, CLASSIFIED 131.49. OaS 1-617>426-17<». 300 watt, $450. CaU 648-6129. ment, stove and refrigerator. S e n S S a S i 4S S r J^STdlnlng area, ^ t o a r d Wtohen tlon. CaU now. Only ,$16,900. room with fireplace! beantltul yard, ftiH oeUir wtUL_heat«d ^,900. Hayes Agency, 046-0181. baths, garages, biUN-tas, toet * ,irturti6r, refrigerator,_ heautifill' ... room. May he used as . In-law ADVERTISING 2253. P u m lslM d full baths, 2-car garage, built- conditioning. $45,000. PhUbrtok kitcheii, built-in vacuum sys­ room, large lot.. $16,000. 876- gage. Meyer Agency, Realtors, _ . . I _ — CUM the DosslbUlties of con- Rene Btoncoette, Ineto LOAM 640-381$. lot. Asking $28,900. Owners will arrangement. Immediate oc- - “ Never T oo I^te la au «P- ^ prefabricated com- Freeman OcleUa, »*tey Aportnwnts 63-A Agency, Realtors, 649-8847. tem, garage, U9 x 166 tot, gar­ Ustea. H. 3L Freohstta Realty, ' oupancy, $20,600. Wolverton 0666. 648-06094 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS near acre lot. Hayes Agency, MANCHESTBRr- 8 ro®” * 1064 3 hot den, trees, 83L900. ButpUns ____ roorloua domeatlo farce. Play- buUdtag oh the town- Hawkes, Staton Jedi'towakl,, Fine textured top grade, 5 6 (UfuMsi nial, 1% baths, dishwasher, ’TWO FAMILY buUt 1964, x nor 067-990tr Agency, ReaHon, 019-2818. $16,500 —6% room Ranch, 1% 8 AJML to 5 PAL A n fig u e s t h r e e r o o m furnished Agency, Realtors, 049-6834. u X « ^ ‘ Sumner Arthur U«g Pond property loam for sale, at a low, apartment, heat and hot water, ______L______—— ------carpeting, family room, recrea- water fumaoM, baths, garage, 3 acre lot, as­ WANTED TO BUY-Antiquer 1iiANdia)8TER--3-famfly, n>8,. KANCHESTEB -oversteed 6 sumable mortgage. Leonard 2 ^ has taken the threada of sev- wUl be held tomorrow night at Meodeiin, low price. If you load and CENTER ST.—Here is an op- uon room, double garage, cen- neighborhood, 98 StarkwMmw BOL’TON-JianelMSter H ne-6 approodmately one year old. room ^>ht Level, large Uvlng haul, $1.60 per yard. If we steins, furniture, pawfer, lead­ 643-0420. Agency, Realtors, 046-0469. S S , “ “ toUW «u.U«» w». 8 in U„ IMJ n.»N OnH-j. O ^ .J ^ M- IV portunlty to buy a parcel of tral, $23,900. Hutchins Agency, St., reasonably priced. »«on- room Ranch aet Mgli on uuga hot water heat, olty utilities, room and dintag room, kitdien COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. load and you haul, $2 per ed lamps, art glaas, primltlvea. SSSUa 8»w.rni«ly „u,o»n;t....nrtc«t..»gn. W “ •!»" •• •« 8 PJIL D A I BEFORE PUBUCATION. property In a Business Zone Realtors, 649-6824. ins Agency, Realtors. 64B-«a4. wooded tut. double gaiuge. lot 60x160, gross revenue $388. with ample Pabtasta, 8 good yard. If we load and haul any quanUty, 644-8982. VERNON soaped lot, near schoola, $19,-' which the LltUe Th«tre of residents. otwuuib DeadllM for Sotordoy oad Monday U 6 p.m. Friday. ROCKVILLE — TWO rooms— Immediate ocoupaney.' 317,800. per month. Approximately ataed hbdrooma, alao paneled T he Taitend-Get-Togettieea $2 per' yard plus $5 an hour furnished. 875-3917, 876-9694. 2>me fo^yoiL CONTBMPORARY-9 rooms. 4 ENJOY THE <^oym\xy Bayra Agency, 6604UL MAGNIFICENT 7 500. U ft R Realty Co., Inc., Manchester has spread on the The buUdtag would be of an. 810,000 eash. Mortgage may reereatton room, 1% baths, Oversize U&R custom built ___ -A J.O. — h ^ S s ^ YXoiloiV ^ aU-purpose nTture and could be Extenrimi hare for truck. We deliver on M m eit Jw ell as sever/l ad- bedrooms. 2% tatha. autom^- phere s^ be aaaumed. Qhariea Laaper- 648-2692. Robert D. Murdock, Saturday only. OaU 648- W onfad->Ta Buy SB ONE ROOM (large) furnished UANCHEBTiDR - sSvtn room fii^ la P o, Mkaement garage, Ranrii. Big rooms wi'th at­ S to ir fof^^to LTTd desKd to meet the recrea- nftS Suonal income properties. All lo kitchen. famUy room, din- on a w ^ed lot. Priced anoe, 669-76ito. large lot, immaculate condition 648-6472.. DIAL 643-2711 2438, ask for Bemle. apartment, heat, hot water, immaculate Ing room , beautiful large wood- at $18,900. Call Paul W. Dou- Capa with gangs on a treed tached 2 car garage.'^ 66 enjoy. An unusually laiX® tional nred8__of^toe_t^._ix,^ HQUSraOLD LOTS, antiques, QtnvB rafrimriitor. nrivate >mprovemwKS in inuimv-umw ^ Ra.Unr. 649-4535. taiMe and out $20,000.- UAR omninff T>er- sibly reducing the pressure on The group baa reeohedifled fito bric-a-brac, clocks, irames. stove, ”"i-^*’MSlow’r''887 condition. The possibilities here «« Realtor, 649-4538. 200’ tot, toiip Idtoltan with NEW 0 ROOM8, S bedrooms, foot recreation room, fire­ bath. Apply buUt-ins, fireplaced Uvlng Realty Oo., Ino., 063*2603: Rob­ place, many extras. Under- W cmrofl— Roof Estata 77 of^ the school glassware. We buy estates. Vil­ are limitless. Call The Jarvis cy. Realtors, 640-6847. EXCELLENT VALUE—8 room i% baths, buHt-laa, $30 606. ert D. Murdock, 64S-0673. Contlnued From Preceding Page ANTIQUE CHESS volume. lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 Main St. room, 6 bedrooms, aevanih Open for inspection, l$0 Barker priced at $24,900. For a have been close to 500 deUghtod g^^^ ^ Mmondstoet, Reed Rd. A ^ Man’s bowkfig shoes, 8. Elec­ Realty Co., Realtors, 648-ll21. ESTATE—14 rooma, 4 Raised Ranch, 1V4 baths, gar­ reel buy caU John Slede- SELLING YOtm home? For Lake St. Bolton, 649-S247. room tor den or famlty room! a t . Orv Goelee, 046-8008. MANGHES’TER —Pltkta S t 6 prompt, courteous service that fans. tric knife end dOuUe blanket. FERGUSON RD.-To 0»e house- baths. 2-car w age, approx- age, beautiful wooded lot, low Immaculate condition. Good ______. sky, 649-5306. slderable interest among the nished, for gentleman. 643-4372 20’ s. Leonard Agency, Real­ room center haU Colonial, 1% ' geta r e ^ t s . CaU Louis Dimock Directed " various community youth and Teen blouses. 643-8589. WE BUY AND sell antique and hunter with wisdom—you can’t Imately 8 acres of land- By ap- value $17,800. W olverton BBAUTIEUL BOWLDERIs hatha, double garage, enclos- VFW Notes Help W onted Md e 34 after 5. tors, 646-0469. one of Manciieater’a finest B & W Re4ltyi: 649-9828. superior cast, taclutog service organiazUonsorganistztions since it used furniture, china, glass, afford to pass this by. Here’ s podntment. Phllbrick Agency, Agency, Rsaltors, ^669-3813. ed Sunporch, low 20’s. Bayes LTM newcomers, shows what The VJS'.W. Atadteoiy, 3 7 silver, picture frames, old a large 3 bedroom ranch with Realtors, 649-6347. areas. 'Tall, stately Shade trees The BARROWS and was first mentioned 'Thursday. j m GLASS FILMS installer, pleas- M o le OT F e m o e Boats and Accessories 46 THREE ROOM furnished apart­ CONCORD RD. — ’ beautiful A gency,' 060-0181. WANTED — waterfront cottage happens when a middle-aged coins, guns, pewter, scrap gold, baths, 2 car garage, full MANCHESTER with the maturity that only WALLACE Co. or-'.tot on first Bolton Lake. It has been noted such a build- ant interesting work, start up p r ic e A LEE CO. has open' ment, Porter St. Area, heat and NEW LISTINO —Manchester, Ranch, large Uvlng tuom, fori Manchester Parkade couple, Harry and Edith Lam­ tag could be erected at a noml- a* to® Home on Rt. 7A ^ to $2.60 per hour, complete j^gg f^f canvassers to work on 14’ CRISCRAFT, Johnson 35 h.p watches, old Jewelry, hobby electricity included. Private basement and all of the nice­ mal dining room, cabinet kitch­ Expandable Ckilonial^ time can give Une the atrebt. MANCHESTER—7 room Colo- Write P.O. Box 1072, Manches­ The VFW poppy drive will ba nicely 6 room house, plus Manchester 649-5306 bert, find that after a lapse of nal cost and finished off inside training provided. lEaat Hart' Manchester Caty Directory in­ motor and trailer. 25 Spruce collections, paintings,^ attic entrance, suitable for couple, ties for only $26,(XX). Call The en, 2 bedrooms, recreation 6% completed rooms wKh We have, ta the midst of aU ^nial In model home oonditioi), ter. held locally from Miay 1-16. rec room, garage, extra build­ more than, twenty years they as time and funds permit ford, 389-8288. terviewing residents to secure 9 t, 649-2662. contents or whole estates FMr- 649-5725. Jarvis Realty Co., Realtors, ing lot. <3all Helen Palmer, room, landscaped yard. Mar­ ^Moa In the attic fo r 3 this, a spacious 8% room C6-^;iUtehen'’^bas bullt-ta oven and BOL’TON —8 room house with A T rim m O N PROPERTY are again to ^ become parents. Men’s SoftbaU League information for new directory. niture Repair Service. 648-7449. ______643-1121. Leonard Agency, Realtors, lon E. Robertson, Realtor, more. 8 bedrponu, large tonial with the gracious atmos­ range, 26* Uvlng room vith swimming pool, bam knd 80 Mandiester Eveidng HeralA 35 h.p. MERCURY outboard ___ Uvlng room with fbeplaee, phere and air of tlmelessnesa fireplace and waU to waU car­ owneta: ,I am Interested ta Blustering and opWonated Hw- ’The Men’s SoftbaU League Apply Room 3, 489 Main St., with electric start battery. Best WANTED — CAMPING equip- WINDSOR ST.—Take the o n e ______646-0469. 648-5963. . acres of land on Brandy Rd: Tolland oorrespoodent, Bettn Business LecatTens Mg focmal dining ' room, not found* ta moat homes. peting, to'nhal dintag room and bu yii^ mvdtipto family dwoU- wUl wu. hold ,iu,u »a work party to finish COLONIAL BOARD CO. 8:30-9 a.m. or 2-5 p.m. offer over $200. 649-8326. ment, tent to sleep 4 or 6. Call T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- tags, new or old. I yrtU coosid- cuslness md his position ^ toe ^hg Amlot baU Qdatrale, teL 876-2865. easy step to security and MANCHESTER — 8 bedroom RANCH—8^ rooms, large Uv- garage, etc. HlxosQentl Don’t misunderstand—the mod­ heated famUy room. Three 1677. ---- 649-7304. Far Rent 64 worthwhile living. Come out Hanch, oversized garage, nice jng room, 2 fireplaces, plaster- or damaged property or prop- con^imlty. Is field tomorrow morning from 10 Skilled and Unskilled $17,800. C a l John fito- em amenitiea are aU here­ bedrooms, one full and two and see this 6 room ranch location, nearly 2 acres of land. ed walls, cast Iron radiation, deaky, 669-6800. from an automatic kitchen vrttb half baths, attached garage, VERNON — Immaculate 6% erty ta need of repairs. Prin- ed by toe prospect. He a.m. to noon. AU members have HELP WANTED Diamands— W ctcho*— ------SHIITE of offices presently suited for professional purpose beauty, today. Features 2 fuU A country home In town, $22,- walk-out basement with full all the buUt-tas to an up to flawless Interior decorating. room Ranch, situated on a oipais write Box E,“ Manches­“ ■ I*®®® requested to assist Church Group BxceUent wages, full-time, agtaed. To make matters worse, " Jewelry 48 Rooms Witheut Beard 59 Is now available in the Stato baths, park-Uke yard. Many 800. Mitten Agency, Realtors, length windows In rear, gar­ B & W the minute finished family $26,900. Wolverton' Agency, 100x188 lot, 8 good steed bed­ ter Herald. Kindergarten Aides . 6 days per week, shift dif­ extra conveniences for com­ Bdith, vdio has always been a Part-time and fuU-^me, Theater Building. Can be sub­ 643-6930. age. $22,900. Phllbrick Agency, H m BARROWS and - room. The best of both worlds Realtors, 649-2818. rooms, Uvlng room with fire­ Assisting mothers at toe Tol­ Meets Sunday ferential. Blue Cross, CMS, day or evening, hours to WATCH AND JEWELRY re- THOMPSON House, Cot- fortable family living. Only FIVE ACRES in Maadietoer doormat for toe family, finds a divided If necessary. For in­ Realtors, 649-6347. WALLACE Co. —modem, work-saving appU- place, kitchen has dintag area land Co-Operative Kindergarten life insurance, paid holi­ su it palrlng. Prompt service. Up to street, centrally located $13,900—Older 7 rocen home on for apartineht site. To $80,000. new security ta toe situation Nine M anchester' reoMenta formation ckll Theater mana­ $19,9(X). Excellent financing jt 6,(XX) —and clean as a whistle, Manchester Parkade ances are combined with very and bulH-ta oven and. range, next week: Monday, Mrs. days. Other fringe benefits. $20. on your old watch in trade. large, pleasantly...... furnished.... ______come see this Manchester 069-5306 bus line, loaded with possibiU- ObU 649-7306, hrokbr. and begins to assert herself. The ger 643-7832. available. Call The Jarvis room home Including 3 bed- MANCHESTER ample hallways, stairways and heated 24’ famUy room. Only George Burnham, Mrs. John will porticlpete'ln (he 97th ah- A progressive and expand­ Closed Mondays, F. E. Bray. rooms, parking. Cal! 849-2358 ______Realty Co., Realtors, 643-1121. rooms, a Uving-dlnlng room «maU but comfortable 2-bed- ties, excellent finaaettig avail­ whole famUy is thrown for a APPLY 787 Main St. State ■ITieatre JUST LISTED—6 room Gant- rooms. The fireplaced living $17,900. Wolverton Ageney, Legal Notices Perry, Mrs. Gordon- Doudera, mKd meeting end etecMon o< eC- ing con^any. for overnight and permanent l a iIg E CORNER store, down combination with fireplace. room home today with its shJB(d- ' able. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, loss. Daughter Kate, married Building. RANCH —3 bedrooms, large son Colonial, with attached ga­ room extends from front to Reattors, 649-2818. Mrs. Irving Dwlre; Wednesday, fleers tonunirow at 4:30 p.m. flC __ guest rates. town Msmehester 48x70’ . Par­ Well cabineted kitchen, fully ed yard, new bath and re­ hack of house. ’The formal dta- ______648-1677. OBDEB OF NOTICE 1*1^ Still llvlijg at home, is hor- BEEF CORRAL rec room, 1% baths, 2-car ga­ modeled , kitchen. Reduced to rage, heautifuUy maintained, VERNON — 6 room Colonial, ■ STATE OF c»iraBCTicuT. JQJS- rifled at toe thought of having Mrs. Richard Page, Mrs. C!arl tihe Bariford Bast Aesodatfon COLONIAL BOARD CO. tially finished basement. Call heated basement. 100 x 176’ tag room Is large enough for u u je ROOM older home, de- rage, nicely landscaped, H. M. $12,900. Paul W. Dougan, Real­ half acre tot. ’This exceptional­ laigo Uvlng room, dining room, TRICT OF MANCHESTEIH, PKO- Pattavtaa, Mrs. Armand Fortier, of United Churcb of Christ a6 Route 83, Vemon, Conn. Flerisfs— Nurseries 49 ROOM FOR RENT foe lady, 522-3114. treed lot. Wolverton Agency, a whole ’’posseU of kissta cous­ aireble south end kxsation, good b a t e cou rt, A|^ 26. 196^. a baby brother or sister Frechette Realty, 647-9993. ly weU eared for home le 5 modern kitchen with built-tas, In the matter of Trust Estate u-w ))er husband, CharUe, who is Mrs. David Henry and BYlday, F tn t OongregaiUianal Church o f 816 Parker St, Manchester central locatloin. 643-4074, Realtors, 649-2818. tor, 649-4635. ins”. ’Ihe kitchen is country condition, tree shaded % ^ r e 876-9667 JAPANESE YEWS —3 years MANCHESTER —106 Main St. years old, located ta a quiet 1% baths, garage. Marion E. ® dw e^' considered an utter nlt-wlt by Mrs. Cm Ios Peale, Mts. Guy South Wlndsar. MriL B. S. Lottua atee. There’s a nice side porch lot, 2 fireplaces, 1% baths. old, dig them yourself, $2. 179 orflcr space, paneled waiting GOLD MEDALUON Raised residential area. There are 8 Robertson. Realtor, 848-5968. Present. Hon. John J. Wallett, )ier father, is caught ta toe Pellerta, Mrs. Joseph Kolwlcz, They and their fixicttaiia s f large bedrooms, 1% baths, plus a mud room. Upstahs Transferred owner pricing ______Mrs. WUfred LaBelle. ______Fern St. 648-7278. ROOM FOR gentleman working room, bathroom, professional, Areplaced living room, Connecticut Bank and Trust middle. the Rev. OHflbnl O. Btanpaco* kitchen with dining area, 3 bed­ NOTICE Idbchen bufit-lns, formal ,dto- there are 6% big bedrooms top- reaUaticaUy ta low ‘ 20’s. 649- s o u t h WINDSOR—Seven room pastor of Center Oongregatk-; MAN, PART-’n M E or full-ttme M ANCH M TER’S most ex ci^ mTiir «IPRUCE hundreds to third shift, parking, 649-1015. business. 232-1464 after 3. rooms, garage, $18,900. Leo­ ped o it with a fidly floored at­ Company. Trustee, bavins exhiUtM amoMSi-as-slilk Tnroductiion ’The final tuition payment o f MnHpd ntntlnn attendant *'®w restaurant soon opening. BLUE SPRUCE, hunoreos to . ANNUAL BUDGET MEETING tng room, fireplace, excellent 7861. Pilncipate only. SpUt Level, 1% baths, kitchen its annual account -with said estate . all Church, and Paul Amee, ootO- nard Agency, Realtors, 646- tic. A two-car detached garage to this Court lor allowance. It'is la a showcase for a Stunning toe Tolland Cfo-op is now due. ^ Pull and part-time help wont- <*oose from, $4. Dig your own. ONE AND TWO unfurnished 1,500 SQUARE FEET office -TOWN OF ANDOVER, CONNECTICUT eloeet iq>ace, aluminum storms buUt-tas, large landscaped lo t ORDERED: That the 16ta day of amount o< tailent. PWl Burgess, Asaiating motoera eit ttM SeC' mtttee on giante; Dr. Samuel 24 Main St. 644-1498. rooms for rent. No children or space, Hartford Rd.. including 0469. laid screehs. Weriey R. Smith, vrttb foundation and tta own May. 1967. at ten o’clock forenoon. , . 4.. jL,.,- ed for waitresses, kitchen help, ’The electors and citizens qualified to vote ta town meetings Loti For Sda. 73 Only $20,500. Bel Atr Real Es­ at the Probate Office In the Municl- in toe role ot Harry, le Inde- ond Co-(>peinatire ktadergaiten Poind, regtetrar; Wetter H J<^ washroom and storage room, in the Town of Andover are hereby notified that the Annum Realtor, 668-1667. fuU baoement complete the tate, 643-0332. PAItT-TiMBJ MAN. Apply Cap- dUdiwashers, bus boys, bus pets. 643-2068. Moture. AU thia la nestled — ------— pal Bitadlng In said Mancbest». be sorUxubly good. He Is toe per- next week ere Monday, MSa. nor, oommfitoo on mMstaM girls, cashiers and hostesses. — ground floor, ample parking. Budget Meeting of the Town of Andover, Connecticut MU b« . *1. . •n.nHnni.s TREED AND landscaped 100 x and the same ls..assigned for a UU" ^ t,, Leonajrd LeBlonde, Mrs. Dan Standing; Edward B. BubbUMi* Itol Equipment Co., 88 Main Fuel end Feed 49-A held ta the Andover Elementary School, Andover, on Saturday, r MANCHESTER — Immaculate among tto a^ e ^tionod BOLTON —new 6 room Raised bearins on the allowance of said foct plCvUre Of Injury 8l)d ta- OaU for Interview appointment. Call Mr. Eastman, 648-6187, GLENDALE RD. 166,lo t Ideal for Raised Ranch. account and earn Tfostee’s two McOartoy, Mrs. Luedus WOtaon, committee on churchmen’s flft S t May 6, 1967, at 8:00 p.m. for the following purposes: 6% room Ranch on bus Une mature shade trees. Come, let Ranch, cathedral celling In Uv- 648-2188. W anted— Reams Terms, $8,000. Wolverton rior accounts with said estate, and 4 2 STORE —heated, 46 x 70, plus 1. To choose a moderator for said meeting. and within walking distance to us s|uw you tbrougb. We’ re on FOR SALE —first quaUty baled B o a r d _ finished basement. Comer Now under construc­ 2. To elect a Building Official to serve for a one year term everytMng, 8 bedrooms, large available anytime you are. Bel- Agency, Realtors, 069-2818. hay. Call 649-6011. Wittiam Brooks, Mrs. Paul miasione; toe Rev. AuUnueffs ROOM WITH kitchen privileges Park and Main St. Manchester tion— Ranches, Raised commencing July 1, 1967. , . _ f ir e j^ e d Uvlng room, famUy fiore Agency, 668-5121. Ins, basement fireplace. One together te pricel® ^. CAREER OPPORTUNITY 3. To elect two members to the Recreation Commission for 10Qx300’-A-ZONE LOT. water Adams, Mira. William Brown, Bierce of Center Church, ad- Deg>— Birds— Pets 41 or light housekeeping room, CaU 522-3114. Ranches, Colonials. atead Mtoben and dining prea, acre lot. Immediate occupancy ^y^f^thta*oraer ^ * superb three year terms commencing July 1, 1967. , , _ and sewer. CaU 668-4168 be­ and Friday, Mra. John Piazza, 'riser cn PiSgeha E^eBowoUp, vicinity BidweU St. 643-9004 af­ Choose your model. added feiature la a heated and $10,000. BUYS TUlfi $-^dw m $22,500. UftR Realty Co., flic., f£^®, ® SALES MISMANAGEMENT g r o o m in g and boarding all ______Household Goods___ 51 4. To elect a member of the Regional Board of Eduemion tween 9-6 p.m. Mro. Lawrence Sespaniak, Mra. and Thomas DawWns, oommR- ter 4. Directions: Follow of Regional School District Number Eight for a term of three Jaloualed sun room, on# car flr^tacod Rawh, good aiaed ______648-26937 Robert D. Murdock. afd?y*ri‘SS!d ^ ^ d«t«rmdn^ to breeds. Harmony HiUs, H. C. gooD MAPLE hutch, 18x42” ; Hauses Far Rent 65 n iam $22J)00. Wohrerton yard tor the children to room. BOLTfBf—Large wooded lots tust.iun tag. and by maUtag on or before have thtaga her own way for a Paul Black, Mrs. James Cook­ tee on aodal aicrtfon. Chase, Hebron Rd., Bolton. * “ Keeney St., turn right years commencing July 1, 1967. After a dinner at the chur* Dim t» ptomotloae and ex- fonnica kitchen table and two SIX ROOM home for lease, fur­ 5. To elect a member of the Capital Improvement Plaimtag Acaney, Realtors, 649-381$. Leonard Agency, Realtors, 646- jnin prime prtne realdenttal areas, A. sey- 648-5427. on Bush Hill Rd., Glen­ ^ 0469. Tolland Bridgettea Atty. Lewte Fox of Hartford wfil ponsioa an eixceilent poat- chairs. Excellent condition. Apartments— Flats— nished and heated. References Committee for a term of three years commencing July 1, lw7. _ starting a t $8,600. Call 663- VERNON — QUIET friendly icSth, 949 Hopmeadow SL, Apt 1. tag” scene brought eponbaneous tlon iB avadOalde for the dale Rd., first street 6. To see if the Town will authorize the Treasurer and the ■ AfiRWOR’IH 8T. —custom bulld- The ToUand Bridgettea wiU speak on ”Is toe Church Rete- THREE LITTLE kittens, look- 643-6221. Tenements 63 required. $225. per month. 6 room 6661 or 649-7867. nrighlwr^. New ^ right man to be trained irf on right. Board of Selectmen to temporarily .borrow not exceeding or win design and build your $16,600 —Manchester, ______built Raised Ranch, built-in ter. Conn.; Uncolh B. Keith 14 Kate, we find Anne MBUer, who meet Monday night at 8 p.m. vant?” He is president ot Cba tag for 5^®' SEWING MACHINE —Stager Phllbrick Agency, 649-5347. $25,000.00 and to issue notes of the Town therefore on such tema oh one of these idee level home, 2-car garage, aluminum guSH HILL RD. -160 x 200’ alt toe home of Mrs. Robert Tfcirtftwirt Board of BkkKidten aales leading to manage- 6480, after 6:80, anytime week­ WE HAVE customers waltlig stove and oven, ceramic noent Recent high school automatic zig-zag In cabinet, terms and for such periods as they deem advisable, at any time lota Our tigna on premises. T. atorm windows, city utilities, buUding lots. H. M. Frechette Noonan, Sherry Clrole. and for 16 years has been preri* ends. for the rental of your apart­ WESLEY R. SMITH bath, landscaped wooded PhenI St..OV.. Manchester. Conn.; .AT- Jo- (neoeasltated by AAJ AAAAAA.AAEdith’s .A ” con- gireduBte preferred but wiU button holes, embroiders, hems ment or home. J. D. Real Es­ during the remainder of the 1966-1967 fiscal ye^^r and during J Crockett. Realtor, 648-1577. exceUent condition, Hutchins R«alty. 667-9098. $22,000. Dimock Realty, Mra. Noonan wHl demonstrate dent of the Iflurtford YMCA Ha Suburban Far Rent 66 CONSTRUCTION CO. the entire 1967-1968 fiscal year Agency, Realtors, 049-6826. ------— Interview aU. Starting sal­ AKC DACHSHUND puppies, etc. Like new condition. Orig­ tate. 643-5129. 9823, 649-5245. ander* 7 Lewis St. Manchester, sibfo young Ifldy to a stuiUtag* toe use of auto bridge, and Mrs. Is also a member of Beth fla 7. To see if the Town will authorize and instruct the Board KANCHESTER —Bast Center ary up to $100. whUe train­ mole and female, temporary inally over $300 balance now, ROCKVILLE—3% rooms, stove 643-1567 ■ ^ n n .: GecH*ge Stilliiian Keith. 861 VnuMwv tMhodJwiM gimvlgyA* John Weills is in______chargeo______of re-vwA Synagogue, HOrif^ , $53.50. Take over payments of 4% ROOMS, $125. 8% rooms, of Selectmen to enter into agreements ta the name of aita on fit location. Large 6 room bid- FOUR BlfiJROOM Oolonlal BOLTON—One acre wooded lot Wamjtae Porter St., Manchester, Conn.: ^ freehmente, in wWch capacity where he taught ciairch school ing. Oar altowanoe and aU shots, ready to go ta three and refrigerator, heat and hot behalf of the Town of Andover with the State Highway Oom- SOUTH WINDSOR napping Methodist Church of Man- playing Charlie, who can’t seem $9 monthly. 522-0476. $115. Parking. 15 Forein St., water, $105 monthly. Call 875- er home, good condition wtth iy » baiths, on hue Une, with biook, $3,600. 646-0254. area, Ranch with enclosed car' she will also serve during the for 86 yeera. enagdoye beneftta. weeks. 875-0852. BT TAMWB PART8H 7 room missloner for the expenditure of all funds available from the Chester,urer. Board c-o Earlof ’Trustees. T. Trotter. 396 PorterTreas- ”^ OO^ anyttUng-nvitjhtrKr ngmHriht , we Vn.'vnnave ______——;---- off Mata St., 646-0090, 64f 7362. ST JAMES PARISH —7 tWTB Town for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1967, throughout, large lot Ideal for 2-oer garage, 2 additioaal lots port and garage. Call 644-1805. group’s Beneftt DupUcate The speaker la'foqader . BEAVER TRAIL —Coventry. puPLEX 6-6, custom built Gar- Trucks” to the ’’Reserve for itbe Replacement of Town-(D^^ TWO CAPES, one Ranch, $16,- L y ^ St. and take your sec­ biqrer. Immediate occupancy. dition. Selling for $22,900. R. ta the toumaBnent, should lio tton Anpy a®d toe Ntnonsl Coer WAREHOUSE MEN - night kitchen, parlor and bedroom Four room house, lake priv- Colonial, many extras. Equipment” said fund to be for the purpose of providing funds - field) COlUL I MftrtiMi L. ROMIlhei^ aa, , , 4^ liiiiM* rireirJ- 181-11-161 Ush Setters and Weimareners. 900. each. Call now. Phllbrick ond left on Richmond Dr. Stop Pasek, Realtors, 289-7676, 742- F . Dimock Oo.. 649-5246. ger, 12 Par* Or.. Bingham. Masf. «>6 imaRWtune to live next dODT made as soon fos poesTMe, oo- ferenoe o f CWrtritans osid Jews, shift, good starting rate, extra •with box spring and mattress, FOUR LARGE ROOMS, new lieges. Call...... 643-1686.. after 6:30 owner, 649-3961 or 643- for the replacement of town-owned equipment. at the first bouse on the left 5aM3: G. Jeffrey KeJ^SW North to the Lomheits; Bomde.’Gear- Cbll 1-628-6673. Agency, 649-6847. 8263. Ifein Sto M.oiitoester. OMii).:.Gwen: coadliig' to Mrs. Smith. HaE , ... ' benefits, Gaer Bros., 140 Rye 8 months old, $5CK). Call morn­ buUding, center of town, $140. p.m. 10. To see if the Town will vote to make an additional ap- and let our representative ex­ ANDOVER toiyn “ Grace Klmhroug^ nmoHatirm to the 1966-1967 budeet as recommended by the tbs' reserretiens have already ,. , -av^- -. 8 t„ South Vfindsor. ADORABLE Pekingese and ings 668-1584. per month. 643-4608. ■ . — r ___*1 A AAA AA iTAm MANCHESTER — now under plain our flexible plan to you VERNON ______, Ave.. Hpl^e, Maw.;' JBjtiUp: Q. fotrilly friend who aids ai^ MANCHES’TER -n ic e 6 room Board of Finance of a sum «x M ed l^ $1^TO.OT f ^ ^ been accepited. They may be fln tElIlg U ilV eiP , Cocker Spaniel, AKC register­ oonatructlcn, bulR by Anaaldl, whereby you may have your STARTER RANCH OPEN SUNDAY 2 -4 P.M. Lit3a’Ketth^ensOT?'*§w*e Edtth In her small decla- Men Noon- MEN NEEDED for outside con­ ed. Wild Cargo Pot Shop, 643- CALORIC GAS range, all fea- THREE AND 4 rooms fumlsh- Resart Prapeity house, oversized garage, $15.- M-7 Pick-Up Sweeper, said sum to be taken from the General 4. .SMwtter, Ok^ 7W4:_W.,Da-'i«tlon of independenoe; Fred mads, ^ txatfec^ Mrs. «oon- Oolonialsr Ranches, Raised own custom built bouse con­ 8 hatbooms, living room, ' Most attractive custom crete work making pipe. Call 6108. tures, 10 months old. Call 649- ed or unfurnished, oil heat, Far Rent 67 on or Iifos, SniUh. Hits Fence Posts 4095. parking, private, adults, rea­ 500. Mitten Agency, Realtors, if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Ranches, city utilities, site. structed on a beautiful wood­ oining area, reo room and buflt 6 room Ranch. ’Three «W h eia Dr. Kimbrough; Frank 648-2428. 643-6930. ^ Selectmen to enter Into a contract for the purchase of a new guardian ad litem for • minora and BeHantine aa MT. Folay, the Solbool Lunches ■ . ' AKC REGtSTHRED Shetland sonable. Call 643-6389. -Gard- Charles Lesperance, 649-7630. ed lot in Manchester’s latest kttohen wtth' buUt-tas, at­ bedrooms, tile bath, flre- undetermined beneficlartes. and re­ COTT\GES FOR rent ------i tt c ootponter; . oind J w e s Butter- Lunches at aU three Tofiend pfimam A. Bnkel 66, of 5l AUTO PARTS saJeeman want­ sheep dog puppies. 876-6775 or 24” G.E. T.V., maple console, ___ ner Lake, Modem, lakefront, BRR3K RANCH—I/>aded with preotige area. Your plans and tached garage, breezeway placed living room, modem turn make, to thto Court. 876-6M0. Colonial style. Call 647-9720, ATTRACTIVE 4% rooms, sec- , 12 To see If the Town will vote to make an additional ap- COLONIAL — CENTER en­ your builder or ours. Also, sev­ and large level lot make JOHN 3.J. WALLETT. Judge,Judge. field SB the pnil'raw™™««««««. schools next woe^are: lAwood Dr. was charged with ed by small wholesale ddstrib- Free brochure, pictures, Ar- extras 7 rooms, plus finished _ropriation to the 1966-1967 budget as recommended by the kitchen PLUS paneled fam­ oc:: The Connecticut ■■ ■ Bank and Truel “I Jack rocen day, hot dog « roH, musteed, «ktvtag at 6:69 ajm to- utor, experienced prefOired, after 5:30. ond floor, porch, stove, refrig­ rowhead Grove, Route 364. Col- basement, trance, 7 rooms, large living eral fine homes are eren now fids an Meal buy at $17,- ily room (raised hearth Oo.. Truatee. It, 2 baths, fireplace. Finance of a sum not exceeding $5,000.00 for Item J-2 stage set baei just ttie xtght de- f®?**’. .**“**^1^ nay oonuneosuMUte with abtl- MUST SELL — Poodle pups. erator,______newly^ decorated,------prl-^ Chester, Conn. 242-9278, 848- garage, carpeting Only $26,• School Bonds said sum to be taken from the General B^md room 14x24 with fireplace, for- In various stages. Browse 900. OaU J. McLaugWin, fireplace) covered patio ad­ tafe Glhipa, fridt crisp; Thesday, Ry Scfaiebel Bros., 8 Proctw AKC registered. WdU accept ’TWIN BEDS, bureaus, single parking,, opposite Center gree of middteclasa com fort- struck foffi highway feeece poefa V nial dining room,' sunporch, A through these at your leisure 669-6306. jacent Most attractive acre chicken, meshed pototoe, cran­ Hol'lywood bed, couch and 7178 000 T. J Crockett Realtor, surplus. , , , hoot mode rather unoomfoctatile at on Rt. 6 ta Andover, Mate poHca Rid., Manebester. Apply Nor- time payments. 649-1138. Park, adults, no pets. Refer­ 643-1677 13. To receive the budget fo t the fiscal year from July 1. 1967, bedrooms, 2-car garage. In a Hare the best of both worids plot, privacy and charm. Tolland berry sauce, hubbered vegeta­ man Hcbenthol, 643-2764, chair, refrigerator, electric ences. 649-7629. 643-9035. ______—— to June 30, 1968, as prepared by the Board of Finance, with its preferred established nelgh- —cbaimtag country atmoe- B & W Walldng disbence to school ene point by toe addition of two lejported today. . {■ KITTENS—ONE black and one ble, roll and butter, ice cream; Police said Burke, drtreqg stove, vacuum csleaners, elec­ W anted Ta Rent 68 $19,400 — 6 room Spilt Level recommendations thereon. hoihood, $24,600. PhUbrlck pbere wtth aU city utilities. The BARROWS and and lake. Directions: Rt. efeentfol boitorpom fixtures! striped, looking for homes. Wednesday, soup, toariod north, fell asleep at the w h^ 0BN 6R A L f a c t o r y workers. tric brooms, T-V, radios, buf­ FIVE ROOMS, 2 bedroom Wall-wall carpeting, stove, IH 14. To adopt a budget for the fiscal Agency, 640-6847. TWs includes both city water WALLACE Oo. K’e “Never ’Too Late” again 66A to Botten Notch, right ►eveloper cheese, sandwiob, vegetable and the car ran off tin rigid Apply “8:80-4, New England 649-9236. fet, brass bed and rails, desk, apartment, heat and hot wa- JUNIOR EXECUTIVE family ’ bedrooms, to June 30, 1968, and to make speclpc appropriations for said and aewor. Do oome out —you MOnoheeder Parkade .on R t 6 to Andover, right tonight at 8:80 end.,;.tomorrow Metal Products, 44 Stock Place. commode. Murii more, reason­ M andwotef 669-5806 Stliciks. fruft; Tlhureday, apogbet- ^ ^ road, LABRADOR Retriever puppies. ter, large rooms, very clean, with 3 boys wants house to bu *- < ^ _ 1.1. — ^ TDIm >v> Wfill-S^led breed and butter, tossed salad, Burke la scheduled to appear feirod, full-time, driver’s li- 876-6636. OLDER 16” PHILCO console GENTLEMAN desires room ta R/,wnrR9 STHOOL —Garrison struction and equipment of the addition to the Anover Elemen- huge finished reo room, heat-^ proxiinateiy one mfle on The developer o f ’TolliBnd Sunctay peefotm aace wifi bene- cheese cube, gelafhi dessert Manchester Circuit Oourt 12 eense required. 643-0861 alter T-V, good condition, $25. 643- FIVE ROOM flat, near bus and private home, with parking. ^ , I , B A __ tarv School be placed in the General Fund. ed, with bar, buUt-ln stove, left, watch for signs. For ’Towne, a p riv ^ houelng proj- fit the Scholarship B>md. Plan FOUR BEAUTIFUL Norwegian with froit; EWday, ttina pea 23. i ^-7 - « . .______1301. church, no pets. References re­ Cam 643-1131. before 5:30 p.m. Colonial 7 ^m s * y*® -j-o determine whether the tax on the list of Optober 1, Time.U$$ Beauty oven and disposal, excellent epptenfment at otoer time ect off Old Stefobrd^ HA, baa to Sm tM»—you’ll lore It wiggle, OR toast, buttered cor- ■ —■ Elkhound puppies, 10 weeks quired. One child accepted, Large mortem kltchm 2% shall be due and payable in a single Installment, or in two bfiTVttttcn- Located ta fine resi­ oaX Sueanne Shorts, 663- been issued a/Superior Oourt — ^ ------— —— rots, coteiy attek, celoe with __ WEEK the nationwide baths, largfc paneled living gemi-annual Installments or in four quarterly taatallraehts. ELECTRICIAN, full- ^ time, old, female, excellent watch- ’THIS WANTED—3 or 4 rooms, one dential nelghboibood. Selling 8886, bench wanrent changilig him 1-633 Singer Sales Spectacular of- $110. Call 649-9083. room, dining room and family yj. tq determine whether the tax on the list of October 1, ■teady employment, insurance dogs and family pets adult, central location. 643- Jor $33,600. R . F . DImock Oo., with conspdracy and two counts' Cpngregattonal Notes benefits, paid holidays and va- 7187. fers you fabulous reductions ,J.y^ro ROOM furnished apart- room. 2-car garage, walk-out 1066, as it applies to motor wehlcles shall be due and payable ta a of ftxgery, -sbate pofioa npeit- Public Records Girl Scout Notes | 8278. «ft5366. J. WATSON BEACH & Co. “ The ClBsroh I>ropout” will bo eation. CaU between 8 a.m.-5 ■ on all new and used sewing centrally located, pri- basement, $82,500 Phllbrick single installment pursuant to Section 12-144a of the Connecticut ed tixfoy. . ^ Aeency. Realtors, 649-6347 General Statutes, Revision 1958, as amended. Realtors Wamntoe Deeds aermon topic of the Rev. Donald p.m. Roberts Electric Co., maohines including ’’touch and entrance. Suitable for BAST HARTFORD —8 family, Anrest^ was Mlifon N. Ack- V Troop 001 Business Praperty ^ ______18. To see if the Town will vote to rescind the vote passed 522-2114 Frank Gambolati to Maurice G. MlUer at the 0:80 and 11 South Windsor, 644-0109. Poultry and Supplies 43 sow” models, television, ster- gentleman. Call 649-9686. SEVEN ROOM Ranch in the at the Special Town Meeting held on July 16, 1965, which vote good condition, central beat, erman of West Hantfoid, poltee B. and Jeanette A. Swenson, sum. servioee of the United Ooh- A boat trip on the Dolly MMl- eo, vacuum cleaners and tsrpe- ______^______said. He la free on $5,000 bend Far Sole 70 Green Manoi wltb 1% baths, interpreted the phrase "any property tax” or “ any tax’’ as usM features S-car garage, excel­ GLASTONBURY—custom built property at 62 Oandlewood Dr. gregatlanai Church tomorrow. son piBuned by Troop tin FULL-TIME JOB avadllable for ■WTiters. ’Too big a sale to miss. COZY 4 RCXIMS, second floor. pending oppeerenpe/ in Rodc- lent location, two 6-rooen apeat- 6 room Rantta on 6 acres. In­ The BustaeoaOommittee______of been____ caiweled - heoause of ladt person with mechanical aptl- PULLEIT EGGS for sale, 4 doz- Act today, The Singer Co., heated, stove included, $95. MOBIL SERVICE STi^ON L ify toe‘^lnd"^S”aU^^^^^ ' ‘ vUUIe Superior Ooifot Miay 2. Robert T. and Linda M. Ty- ments and one 6-room apart­ cluding new bam for horses. ler bo Kenneth W. and Joyce the church wUl meet Monday at of tafere^ Ih Pjy® tltude and one who responds en $1. 644-0304. 832 Main St., Manohester. jjaonthly. 649-1919 between 6-7 buMding for_s^e^ 19- To do any other business proper to come before said ) State poltee in Stafford ment J. D. Real Estate, 648 Three bedrooms, formal dining to a chaUenge. We will train. ------ti.m. land lease. Call P. C. Roberts rooms, living room dining and meeting. Springe saM the woerant cU- W. Feldon, property at 65 Efaw- 8 p.m. ra' slipcover, appliances, heat, hot water, eral to ctioose from, one only ______BftARn OF DIRBCTORa ting, crochet, tatting, embroid- good condition. $12. Call 643- Ranch. Garage, aluminum ties, 660-6688. gidt custody o f Ihe . $800, was developed by Dr. Berman Ifret sbitt, otatttog rate $130. per mmith. 282-1464. 3 years pld, fine location, good MANCHESTER —7 room Colon- t o w n o f MANCHBtfTBRt IS-Sl per hour. Must be ery accOssories. Yam-Apart 8264. . I ...... * atorma and doors, 1^ baths, BOLTON —8 bedroom Ranch,'' OtotiR Judge Tom ."TZ'm WaddeU Quatave Arendt, fence at 88 in claasea at the Hortfon!^ income. Thinking of invest- jai in prestige area, garage and bullt-tas, waU to waU carpeti • CONNBCnCDT S’9” or over. Ap|)llcattoaa Co. Inc.y39 Cottage St. Man------35 MAIN ST.—2 rooms, heat, ment property, let us show you fir^ la ce, $21,900. J. D. Real 1% batha, dining room, panel- Graduate Center. ohester^mlted quantity, aU BURNER GAS stove, re­ hot water, electric stove and lug, minutes to parkway. Mey­ W ins Award t u b s d a t , m a y i . t a n aeoeptod daily, teiiterviawa what we have. PWlbrick Agen­ Estate, Co!, 643-5129. ed family ^ Owner trans- ' The Board of Dtraotoea wffl Ttter^y. CaU Misa Banais- sales & al, cash and carry. refrigerator, $65. ‘ per month. er Agency, Realtors, 648-0809. given the Roiims temporary WilHam B. and Attne K. ’Ihe first annual Knight ot ______bed, table and chairs, miscel- cy, Realtors, 649-6347. 8207 ferred. CaU 013-1678. conduct a pubUc aeaaton Toe** tor, 1-774-9605. Ap|dy to: Call 649-2865 before 5 p.m. MANCHESTER — executive Savings Bank of Manchester 8642 2956 BOLTON —Notch Rd. Oolonlal *“ «» « a* 8 Deepwood the Year award, has been pre­ OLBANINGEST caipet oleaiier lancous. 649-7106. rCipJSTER — handyman’s home. Porter, St. area, 8% They sought a oourt order on sented. to Camille Bouriiaid of day, May 2, 1»W. *«*» •*®® ytiU ever used, so easy too. • ' ...... lightiy fitted seems nggest All the fragfio baauty of our Ranch,, oversized family room, Iri. Six room older house rooms, 2 baths, .2 lavs, 4 large _ 3 bodroomis, screened porch, Notices Fhnce Co. tor Dr. Partridge Lane. The preaenta- wm. Git Blue Lustre. Rent electric w, a 3% rooms, heat, bat wator, on line. Only $7,9W. Call **“ 1- * * ^ tS Write la oapturM fa a captive to the home 01 lus tlon was made last week by nl«ty«l ROGERS CORP. shampooer $1. The Sherwta- NEW HOOVER portable Vash- bedrooms, Florida room, 27’ 2.oar garage, largo beautiful Edward SuUck, fence at 06 Hill built-tas, $130. monthly. Paul W, Dougan, Realtor. 649- kitchefi with bullt-tas. Inter-, fe^ these tovoly designs for an helr- UOniATION OBDEB __ aunt___ and unrie, Mr. and Mrs. efest Bd^, $326. the Rev. CUfoord Curtin, chap- <» *‘«*^®f*?J“ “ ***. MW and Ooldaial Sta. W ilH a ^ O o . ^ 647-9661. ■partty tollonM ^ 0 loom quttt! You’ll find this on- treed toti $20,600. H. M. Fre- 4636. ' com , completely €Ur-condiU a ™ ^nOMGAS. erniM* ford area. Llsfings wantoA wUhin^hl^ _ only oftar Anthony Ghornan tor Buck- «xh^ cf Soristy of Con- BuUdtag. ae*akto *,| tllrita., Mnachester. 640-5295. heat, excellent ttaanctag, $19.- PICNIC ISjblea—several styles DUAL MANUAL Farrisa port- 649-4842 Priced for quick sale. Assum- PAID RETIREMENT PLAN ; or AMEBHW4. Fran amlto 1-886-7730. StS^aSlSd.■s^laid executiS^lsffirect-exec«^-!?W -•— — *-*-•Wd"wm *•*“ *•*“hte”^ i»i#e was. «>;■ imcticut Otdttamen. Seorotary ■, 900. Phllbrick Agency, Real­ M ,Y. lOOSA . . Bmioe Bril Students from $10.50, up. AU bolted ta­ able prgan, 8 montha old, A-1 able mortgage. Charles L


l* e .Davia, son of Mr. and The board of directors of Mrs. J'Ohn Davis of 44 Scott Dr. UnMed Fund of Manchester will About Town is €ui upper school' honor stu­ meet Monday a|t 7:80 p.m. at Pvt. Francis D. OoWen, son dent at Robinson School, West Iona CWeterla, Regent St,, be- Business M Mr. isad Mrs. John J. Golden Hartford, for the second semes­ tore a Joint miSefing at 8 :15 with «t 130 Porter St, has recently ter. governing boards of ah mem- completed a U.S. Army vehicle her agencies of the fund. Those Michael G. Kagan, president, mechanic course at Ft. Jack- The tower of Travelers Insur­ planning to attend' the Joint ses­ JOINS BEDSORE said earnings had been adverse­ •on, S.C. ance Co., Hartford, will be open sion include Richard Haskell, Carl A. Zinsser of 91 Laurel ly affected by higher cost of to the public from Monday president: Jemca Turner, exec­ St. has recently joined the Ronald Steiner, son of Mrs. through Sept 29, Monday utive director, and Edward Ota, William E. Belflore Agency as interest, labor training, non­ Doris Steiner of 25 Evergreen through Friday, excluding holi­ assiStart executive director, all a full-time salesman. He has recurring relocation and start­ Hd., has recently enlisted for days. Visitors will meet in The of Greater Hartford Community had several years of experience up costs Incurred by the com­ ftwr years in the U.S. Marine Travelers 'reception room at 1 Chest. in real estate on a part-time pany’s move to its new research Corps. He will leave Aug. 21 Tower Square, where guided basis, and was employed for the and manufacturing quarters. for basic training at the Ma­ tours will be conducted every 30 Airman Robert Gillette, aon past ten years by the Travel- rine Corps Recruit Depot, Par­ minutes beginning ait 8 a.m. and of Mrs. Anne M. Gillette of 15D rs Insurance Co. PROMOTED. Mrs. Alice A. Smith of 16 ris Island, S. C. ccncAdlng with a final tour at Forest St., has recently been Zinsser Is a native of Man­ 3:30 pm . dicing normal busi­ selected for UiS. Air Force chester and .graduated from North Fairfield St. has been ness hours. Individuals may technical training as a missile Manchester High School in promoted to business office visit the tower without advance maintenance specialist at Shep­ 1956. He attended Central Con- supervisor in the Manchester arrangements. pard APB, Tex. He is married office of the Southern New to the former Miss Susan Cla- England Telephone Co. The Ladles Guild of the vette of Manchester.^ Mrs. Smith has worked for i h r Church of the Assumption will the telephone company since meet Monday at 8 pm . at A.s- The Omar Shrine Club Stag 1949 and was a service repre- FAIRWAX sumptiion Church hall. Chair­ Outing at Blast and Cast Club first men o f standing coonmittees in South Windsor is Friday, are reminded to bring annual May 19, not May 17, as erron- for MOTHER’S reports. There will be a social I'.ously reported In yesterday s DAT CARDS time with refreshments after Herald. the business meeting. Miss Jill Horton, an exchange student to Japan, will speak and show slides at a meeting of Mizpah-Spencer Circle of Soutn Methodist Church Tuesday at Wayne Wilson, an employe of Goodyear,' atands in front of the n ^ quarters of ^ y e a r at - TREE and SHRUB SPRAYING 12:30 at the parsonage of the Vernon Circle. He will be working in the .expanded quarters, which will include an auto church, hostesses are Mrs. J. service department. The quarters of Goodyear downtown will oe vacated soon and a custom NOW’S the time to have your tree# and shrubs sprayed Manley Shaw, Mrs. Howard upholstery shop will move in, Fred Nagle, manager of the Go

JOINS BRUNELLE _son___ and_____ Leventhal______at toe Park- incltaied other stores also, has otoef civic affairs. Richard A. De Vito of ade Monday and Tuesday to torced the Sunday eflosing of the 66 TO BUILD APARTMENTO Village St., has joined The give individual consultation on shop. Mns. Barenbamn said there Land Planning Associates ^ Charles Brunelle Company, beauty care. show are many pet shops open on 35 Oak St. is in the prowss Hartford public relations and Miss Lemmons will U advertising: agency, after five shoppers ways and means by Sundays in Soutoere Connecticut in Massachusetts. Albert V. Lindsay Jr. said the firm, which tacludes James Shaw, has been "putting the thing together for some time and there are still some ob­ stacles to the way.” The firm has been in exist­ ence for four years and spe­ cializes to land development, Lindsay said. One of the first projects of the firm was the planning for development of the 152-unlt Vernon Garden Apart­ ments in Vernon, now com­ pleted. « Land Planning Associates hM 11' a remaining 6-month lease oh the 22-acre site located off the Mohawk Train to North Adams, Mass. > The minimum cost of tlie OTHEf SIZES project is $2 million, Lindsay nOrORTIONATElY . said, and money for building: lOW niEED and construction must still to approved. , The apartment complex aviU TRADE IN YOUR OLD POOL I be to two and three story clufc UP ters of up to 36 apartments. 9 TO 75 % ALLOWANCE] will • include speh recreational facilities as picnic groves, tennis courts $nd possibly k swiituntog pool, I The firm last year attempted to piit-together a similar proj- NO MONEY DOWN K ect in {the North Adams area, [ but had to abandon iti when test borings shbwed the lahd was LOW LOW TERMS : unsuitable, Lindsay soldi Constructiem on the 'complex INCLUDES Shown are the "Uttle Bike,’’ ' the desigrier-inventer, B ^ e rt M , JMeman, (right) and Ida is scheduled for,next yetpr, Ltodi SIZE NOW ONLY IN SEASON INCLUDES: son, Robert D. Klemen. The bike, which is produci^ at Manchester Cycle Stoop, is getting soy ;said, but local planning and • FILTER AND m national promotion and "orders are pouring in from all ovir,” the senior Kieman said. Pratt reaonlng regulationa. must stiu PflOl UDDENN ’ ' and YVhltney Aircraft is already usiiig 200-o f the 'b>dts, he said, Atty. William\CoUins had IT'xlG'oi^ % $ 5 4 9 , $ 1 0 9 9 INSTALLED been handling the patenting of the bike M d .its variouf parts., The, patent ls\jadw p e n d ^ , ■V-^/rv • STEEL BRACING Kiernan said, and the orders 'are coming in fa a t R^ently.-.a picture of the bike appekr^d to B R I E F 'S 2Vx 2fo.i). $ 5 9 9 $ 1 2 9 9 INSTALLED • WAU-ARDUND DECKS an ad to the Wall Street Journal. Handling the promotion for the dUtribUtiolMa Jamee Angrio J. De Mio of Weto- ' • SAFETY FENCE tSTAHtS Hughea of New Jersi^ who handled jtoe pipmotlon of the memorable item known as the ererield, fonher Oonnectlcyt' hula hoop. (Herald photo by Sdtemis.) -. . 3 v :/ j j. newspapennan and a wartone 2 4 ' X 2 1 'o ; d. $ 6 9 9 ! : 5 1 4 9 9 ' INSTALLED • SET IN VINYL UfiOl editor ^ Stars and .Stripes in .•.PfiOLYAUUtlllti Mim RoiMsts is the daughter, and Oxford Universitiee and vis Ewppe, has bpea named execu- 29' x 21'o. D. $ 7 9 9 $ 1 8 ^ ^ IN ST ^ LLi) Town Students of Mr. and Mre. PWUp Roberts K ta g Strattord-on-Avon- The ttve dlrwhor o f .toe l44-m«mbOT of 129 Steep Hollow Lane; Mo- second week, they stayed with Oonnect^cut Podiatry Associ^- Study Abroad ' Chiih is the son of Mr. and Mrs. individual femiUee. tiion. The associaitlon, fbundei Donald MeCtain of 41 sianford Mias Rotoito hved with the in 1010, is the professional FREE SHOP-AT- HOME SERVICE 24-HR. SERVICE DAILY ^ SUNDAY For 2 Weeks family of a day stodeni at Am- membership orgoniaatioq. . of j'.'l IJiev were choaen for toe two-• bleside School for (3Irls ill Stone- doctora engoifed in toe pre^* Two Oiahing Academy .ikli-. exchange on the basis, ham. near Ipswich, and Me- ttoo af dfognoaipg and |*'nm»liiv«'yoQr.npr«smU‘itativi dents from Manchester, Mias written themes reteted to Coin stayed at Woodbridge injuries, diseases and, ,defioinn|i(- -/V - 5 contactut with more detailt. Jon Retorts and Douglas Me- what they could contribute to School for Boys near London, ties o f humiwr ftoot. . ' « Olaiii were among a group of the ptogmm, and on toeir dU- Both attended olaaoes and dally ' — 7- ADDRESS. 16 from too Ashbonrham, zenship rating, as. judged b,y oth- acUvitiee with , their etudent Metbbunie L. Oushing of 7® Moas.i preparatory acliool ee- er Ouddng students and toe fac- boats. Weils St. hoe recenUy joiejedthie 247-6670 CITY___ .STATE. Meted reoenUy to r^iresent uity. Stulento from BkrgUsh aohools .Pratt and Whitney Atofiia^ :fNT PQOiS 5S 0 W indier Stn Hartford. Cam. MiONE . Cushing in an eocchange pro- The group spent toe first week vtUl to,, guests of the Ouahkig Quarter Cienlury Club- He. in Mm • — e'mm'e ^ i gram with EngUsh to Londto, .touring (Jamibrldge e iu d e ^ nert apring. toe engtoMCing department, il

'fr-f'." I l k n r ^ R t r r A m WAY S Eaetii^ IfmtUk ISanithS CmiUk ^ # f

O f P a c © )^ For Scott mow TORlK — Two fUngB' ■bout Oeonge c. - Boott'e ritenty « * e bt the up onm ing e p e o U iy»- '*rnie Onioible” on H m CB S ‘Mle> den vtaion Network. Btcoiay. a obange of pace b » m the "vg- a m M n a ” be’e povtabyed in the Mi- paM. Sooonlly, he balka when Iwt anybody tetta h i m C ’s « “hero'' roiti. . Soott'ataeb aa John FWoctor In ttie twonndn-quuiter hour ^^eolai' “ Hie Oruoibie," Ac^ ««• fbur IfiOer’a powartui diwna itly about tbe Saletn, >Maas., wMcb- th« anadt W a d s at 1M 3.. Hie spedM om- adU be bnoedoent in oolpr 'nunl; o d - Cagr p.m. on OBS. jv«r A m Pinoter, Boott playa a rtrang-snlndad . SaSem taniur ulio M e e to atend wsMe ' from a n hyMerta that aneepa the town. Then, when hh Wife is aioouaed at betng a. witch m d to aamatnd, PtxictDr goee to her de> dense and winda up betog one oi a n aocuasd tahnaea. ' ‘ *‘It’a a besutttol rate," aedd Boott, "the kbirt that oonna an ncto^s w a y onty once in a vety' poBm( wbMe. Mind you^ he’a no goody-two-efaoea, but he’eA ^ n a n of integitty -^bte ow n pairUouiler; bidtvidiiall kind at integtoty. and you’ve got to rai^not htm." • "I aiqipooe a o n n people might e aa h bn a *ben>’, Soott oonUnu- ad, "but X don’t think of h h n a ^ way. Proctor’e Just a man, wMli aa a n ahangthe and weak- H e n r y Jcnes ia restrained by Inigh Wh a r t o n in a scene front. ^ l>0Ug]aa, left, and John Harkina. C B S will televise t ^ ^ ^ a o M ^ oeeaea of a men. Nothing mone Ajihur Mlller’a'**rha Cruclbre.” In background are Melvyn ■ oh Thursday at_ 9 J»jn., : , "■; \ an d ciertabdy nothtog teas.’’ Xtofoning to the many parts I n ’s plajred aa a "vlUaln.’’ Soott Beauty Fagawf Veto be.! eoQoeded that he wasn’t thitUed by ABC tonight 9:80-10 eries at the proapoot of being typed The Vintage Basil Rathbone ThI first part (A htogmd sd in as a "heavy.” - _ O’Neill’s ‘The Iceman Cometh” • 3 0^ •Hiat's one naaon why Tva OINTHIA LOWRT- pleasure fai the unpieaaantinas- will be televised W'cilnesday. a$ played auoh a aaiiety of roles in N B W Y O R K (AT) — “df you ,es__ of the past,’’ he sold. "Some- 9 pin. on Channel to. Jenost the laoent yearn -i- to break d o w n rtoae your eyes d u ^ ihe fflrat I «I 1 to «nd the equlya>«ht, Roberts and MytpA atedbrmtofc also and imaga,” he said. "But set," aaM BaaB Rathbone arith “5 ?“ the unpieaaant H ig h lig h ts are the atara .• .. . **OQnvMis;^ . lecU- »*a always s o m e g uy a c m e a a n y smile, "you m a y very ***i«**««fneBBea of ihe prascnt. thtos with Arnold BuUon In tfato ease, .there w a s also in plaoa ,w h o . tabaa one look at m y tobn me. But wh e n it to m . . Niancy Stoatna ^ ns7 by ChaniiielChannel 24 'TueeSa^ ' i- a» m o ^ ptohra, Scott was wliM he wanta to play. And I He has appeecad to over lOO edyHOur'’'Simday^9-10pni.,.. al(7:Mp.m. . . Hunter Thdmp- " 4 _ Ihe toathaome cowboy to "The wanted to play the bidce of n w U o a {fetures but to TS heat iPaul Nmvrnan and Jbekte Glea- «>». author of "Hen's Air^dii’* Banging Tree," the icy proae- Totfc." known tor It Sbertock Hotoves son star to the movie, "The will be interviewed' S unday ^-ali'.''.<4 ea of oubtng attorney to "Anatomy of Aathbone was 6 -.80 p,m. on. Ohaimel iM. ^ " sa of underetohiv fUma widch identified fatan sp Hustler,” Wednesday ait • pjh. i h s ^ L i c T o f hto rato in g 0? ytor»to Hastier. Xn jaat Thuraday’s NBC moduc- teottve fhat'Bt <>ne tinte 1m ikNind EWb Hope are . guests on NBC’s nplex W p r a ^ t i w b o t h ^ « d tion Of an orl^nal dtarni!^- himself a prieoiMr of the foie. 'Tthe Benny Thonwa Sipisclail” SHOE'toMJW ' Biyi ^ y he was toe^p^. i«ve.’’ But he was being "Not a slngto producer would Wednesda.y 9-10 pjn, ,. . . AJBC .*• ■ • • ’. - ♦' aald POIIiAOBBPHIA CAR) — P*«toe about hto intereto In touch n M ," h e . recaBe— ■ Science Test” T\»esday <***«c*»r o f'tw o ^ n iS ^ "I y***" to toe puefa rales as the evU toquiattor at ,10 p m The,program wto msearoh programs cm obeeity spe- and ‘‘Vkstorto test viewers on their aoientMc metaboHc fUsordeia at Into ment, IhsraeH had helped „ imowtodge . , . SSto FtU^arald kenau HoepHnl during an tater* first 1 ---- image to a point is a guest on O B S ’-."The Ban- 3 the “***®*® to ”® P««J«»oe ny Raya Show” Wednesday at ter sooM rodemptlva quality. X ‘ T Itiloe hlabory and find ijtora aa3mnora." Df Uie don’t believe in ‘either-or,’ eith­ .parf- er all.gopd or all badm of the Hnctenda H o ­ its. ^ tel to Ins Vegas, wito be tela- tional toaod by W T D C starlitog Tues­ 1 tenn(a day at a m . [imlng Th e t wD 4 iottr vasiiety s h o w wto be toiown five

impleix. , Un d ^ ig and rt atlA \


artime pes in execu- lember aaoci^- ninddd t >?: •if t . !? PAGE IWO % MANCHESTER^ CONN; SATURBAY, APRll.29;^ feNlNG? HERAIJ),;!llAliN[a& iCJO»JW.,ts ^yhpik4l^,ndm^m ry SATURDAY JO PROGRAM M om ine MONDAY JO PROGRAM Educationdl A TUESDAY PROGRAM U:M (8) Boad Bmuer <0) (20) OhamplonsMp Bowling Marshal DUlon and Kitty pris­ liM (•) Best SeUer (26) Dial 890 - (01 (Z8-28-S8) Cool MeCool (0) (22)' Tarsan oner while jotting marshal's 1:22 (2> BeM Seller 000 ill lewela. - TF ^ 1 ^ 1 “TwlUgbt for the Gods'’ (99) lUkato’a Navy (0) B TV Fart n “TwUight for tbe -(20) ^ Picture (840) Tke Invaders (07 (8> Bag« Baaar (0> (80) Let’s Go to tho Baoos death. Bette itevls guest afam. R ^ Hudson, Gyd Oharisse. 6:96 (8) Saerto, News, Waalhar (0) -) Gods” (M> Candlepla Bowllag •:S0 (8) News with BMer Mudd 10:80 .(8) twUigiit Sene 6:19 (W) Branco IrM) Feytoji fiSioo ( (10) The Aquanaato Tbe extraterrestrials kidnap — - ■ — onAi . Bo- “ Monster Maple Street" ( M o n d ^ —— F r i d a y ) (801 FUm (40) Hnokleberiy Hesad' 40) David. Vincent’s brother Dr. 12:88 (3) The Beafica (0> (80) Scherer-MaeNu (It) Film 9:25 (9) Stein Brioksoa Bhaw (0) -10:99 ( S ) * * l t £ ^ j L i m * t o r % a d t o (W EDB, Chmmd 24X (82) At Home wHh Kitbr (8) MasUla Gorilla (0) port (0> Fsnrty Oonstty Masle (28) At Heme with Kitty •iM (8) News with Walter Oran- (204240) Bnn tor Your LUb 8:84 (20) Soope ___ Bob Vincent and threatens bis (M) FUm (8) Huckleberry Hoaad _low (SOI Qypnr , (0 ) ( 0 ) (io) Gypsy (40) Peter Jeaalus News (0> pregnant wife with a strange (8) Momenta at Oamfori » Uto (0) (44) The Fugitive 0;M (84240) Itewa. t^ rto, add new death. (22) Bowery Boy* (40) Sagarfoot 11:0 (8840) Lato Report (0) (401 T f r F s ^ v e (81 Fetor Jeanlags News Bryan disoovara that bis wln- Ssaday, April 80 1:20 (2) As the Werid Tans ■ “ Jungle Genta" 7:00 (3) Lucy Show (0) (IS) tabsoription TV News' liM (8) ^ the l^rid Taras (0) nhw sweepstakes bringB with P.M. Weatter (0> - (12) Subseription TV (8) VetaaouMO (O) (204244) Let’s Make a Deal (U> Tbe Merv Orlffia Show ’The -Endless Summer" ' (S«) ^ a Honl , _ (8) Front Bow Satnrday Ntoht -"Deadlier 7%Bn the Male" (89-M40) Let’s Make a D<^ ' (89) Social Security in Aetton It a threat to expose secret 8:00 Intematlenal Manul. (C> 1:08 (3) Tom and Jeny (0> “The Magic Voyage of Sin- UtlO (8) Capitol Beporto Speech (O) (9249) Matley-BAkey Bc- of .hls tertnlnol lUneSs. Repeat ot April 8:00 p.m. (20) Tsyget 0:00 (2042-80) ’Tuesday Night at (8-48) Hoppity Hopper bad” Edward Stolan aiKI Ana U iU (98-30) News, Weather, and 6:20 (S) Mgn oa aad Fnyor (0-M) Sera Hour (p> (2) Dating Gome (80) Meltole’s Navy the Movies 6:26 (8) n w n Oriar (81 D atisg Game pari (O) ' PoCit at View 1:28 (80-2240)7News (O) “ Fame 1s the Name of the (30) Boiler Derby Larion. Sinbad praising, to Sports (0) 1:66 (80-t|^> News (0) 6: « (291 Local News Bpeolol. Storting actor- com­ ]^peat of April 2?, 8:00 p.m. 2:00 (8) Fnssward (0) 0:06 ( ^ SpbMs .ttM News, Weather 1:88 (3) TBA _ , . . find happiness for his poverty- (f) Festival of Hits 6:30 (8) Snarisa Samastor J:09 (8) Password (0) 7:00 (8) Attor Dlanar Movie edian Zero'Mostel who will Opea Mind Game" Tony Fraaolosa, Su­ (8-40) Amerloaa Baadotaad stricken people, sets sail for No. 1 “ Amasing Colossal (88) Conn Olassiaom presont n comedy concert in (204240) Days at O a r -^ e s 0:10 (4^) Bimmo' san St. James,, Jill St John, (8) VIrit with tiuTBCaasIgMi G______uestsJune ______Lockhart and ‘The Gift ot Love" ‘68 The A-. Conversation with Thor (22) Stingray distant lands. After many Man'> '67- Olenn^ Lagan and 6(46 Ross Martin. tender and moving drama of a which . he will display his Meyerdahl. __ j 4:26 (8) The Stela Ertohsen Shaw Jack Ktugman, others. While Kathy Downs. Army colonel 7:00 (8) News aad a tS k u r (0> (HOLis-wy Newlywed Newiywea- GiitabGOasb (O) ( 0 ) - on an assignment a'magazine 3:08 (3) National Hookey I, Stanley Cap Flayotl Game (O) turns knowing happhtees burned in plutonium exploalim. (80-88-80) Today Show (O) ' (01 tally Hi wife who adopt _ 10:M (2) Password (0) 0:00 Segovia Master' Class 0:80 (8) News with Walter. Oram- writer and his Gal ITlday ap­ (20-30) Sandy Konfax <0) comes from wUhin. is mcontrollably growing at (8) lYieiMs arMr. .G a a ^ <0) (8-40) Newljwed Gama (U) Ssbserlpllaa TV 0:80 Book Beat (2M240) The DeotMS (0) kite (0). pears to be a case of nut- Former LA Dodgers pitcher (18) WresUiag rate of 10 feet per day. He 7:80 (8) Fereepttsa loveless onhaa into their (8-40) Dream OIri at ’47 (8) Peter Jeuoiags News tO) _ ctde. (C) R 8:M (8) Haute Parto (0) home and hearts. Lauren Ba- "The NtgU ot tho Oenorals" Hunter Tbomps FetUceat Jnaetioa (O) IP Roiiert Stack. (C) 2:00 (2) To TeU the Truth (C) (28^) HonHey-Brinkley Be- (240). Feytoa Mace (0> ballgame that tollows. rampage of murder and d 8 Dream OIri at ’67 (t0> HaalieyMKkIay Bapait Weather (0) Department ot Transporta­ (8-22) Kansas at Boston Base­ fSS> Borro struction before stopped. •=-(% “8sssruons?Bb.» U :U (20r Memory Lone tion. Repeat ot April 36, 9:00 (204240) Another Worid (0> Port (O), 12:00 News'Speoial 8:3# (8) Mickey Mouse' 8HM (8) Waaren’s News (S^> Oeuenl Hes^tal 0:461 T . 2O) . Local______News ball 7:80 (8) JscUe Gleason Show (0) No. 3 “Weird Woman" ’08 •iM (8) To IMI the Trsth (8)’ Twilight Zone U:t0 (2) Masdoy BtaiUrtt p.ni- 2:26 (8) News (0) 2:15 (30) Major Leans Baseball “The Honeymooners” Floimd- IfOn Chaney and Ann Owynne. (40) News and Views '' "C n Tough." '69- 'Young Fuer; Saaday Showcase 7:44 (81. After - Dinner Movie ^ h e* National Science Test" National game, iktrolt Tints er in marital strife when men­ (20) Memory Laae 8:46 (40) Mack aad Mywr (C> "Plaoo to Visit" 2:20 (2) Diek Van Dyke Skew ‘Tennessee Champ" '64- How Broadcast tests viewers oa (89-I8-86) Aaather WsiM (O) (124040) Laeol News and to Rican ax-convict tiring to Stage (or Protest (20-2240) Yen Don’t Soy (0) vs. Baltimore Orioles at Bal­ folk assert their inde- 11:20 (8) Satarday Speotoealar 9:00 (8) Ban Blokaids Bhaw (O) go straight Is tom between Net PlaykoBSe “ the Lord in his comer" help their sdentifio knowledge us- pendence. R - “ MlUlon Dollar Merniaid" 'SI (8) GM TMk ( t ^ ) General Hespital Weather (8) Mr. Gaeber (0) n pious young boxer win flg' familiar experiences as timore. 8:16 (8) Nows (0) 7:16 (90) Highlights' poor home life and pressures Ustinov Ad Lib ' (40) Dark Bbtoowi. 2:30 (40) Saturday Matinee Movie (20-22-80) Flipper (0) Story of Annette Kellerman, (29) Film of former gang. John Saxon, -Repeat of April 28, 9:00 p.m. .Olid also reform bis illustrations of baste phenom- “ Les Miserables" Fredric (40) Itoting llsme (O) an Australian girl who re­ (21) Herv Griffin Skaw 8:80 (S> DIek Van Dyke Shaw (0) (40) Yen Mhed far » 4:00 (a) Banger Aady Shew. manager. Shelley (804840) Tan Don’t Say (0) 7:14 (224444) The Menkees (O) ChryBikl.. (204240) Match Oas^ (0) March and Charles Laughton. 8:00 (20-22-30) Please Don’t Bat gained tue of her legs' thru (99 Baeky aad Hto Friaaio (8) Mr. Qaaber (0) Strange imises, disappearing U:89 (29-2240) Tonight Shaw (0) ‘Keenan Wynn.- ( B . /■A powerful film version of the Datales (C> swimming and became a . W' TwlUgbt Yene U:00 (24-8222-3040)-News, Sports, . (90) King add Odie (t0-824i» MntelTOaiBa (O) much Bleep when they ora 1:00 (2) News «and ‘ .Weather —Ma- " 4:80 (81 Big 8 Theatre r-^^nie After Hours" Weather (O) -r- , time all because a man stole (40) Netnywed Game (0) eon. (C) (18) Saparteraas forced to i^ n d the night in meat at M U, upintoB WoMtiagton 7:80 (20-8240) GM from U. N. O. 1 ^ his men during Korean (20) Vietnam Bevlew (2822-30) Get Smart (O) and Marlene Dietrich. 19:99 (8) Cuadid Camera “ Chase a Creoked Shadow” A nun stahAs bis Job. bosne .. 8- Air Faraa Bollgieua I Ivhat’s New taining gold. Robin Hughes, . L. B- .tO) War to a strategic hUl and '68- Spanish helrem ls--«oo- and life’s savings on the turn Ftiiai and Sign OH Lois Alvarez. (CJ April Dancer and Napoleon (22) Film (8-40) Lawrence Welk (O) U:80 (20) TonMt Shew fronted with' a young man who of a c ^ . Tlien a dead man Repeat ot 5:30 p.m. ' finds love on the way. Chuck (40) Golf with Sam Snead (0) 0:00 (282280) Saturday )«ight at U:36 -<80) Wasuagton Report f Lvlug far the SixUea (2-22) Mike Dongias Shew ' Solo ' neariy end up as wax . Cimnors, Charles Bronson. (49).. Base the Olowa claims to he her brother. Rich­ Is murdered twice to «ave a (18) Yen Asked far It 6:08 (3) Baoe at the Week - the Movies U:40 (80) doe Pyae Show ard Toad, Anne Baxter. family, name. Stare Cedric I Sealer Yean (20) Theatre 80 11:80 (H-2240) Tonight Show (O) (8) Wide World of SjmHs •'Donovan's Reef” John Guests include Homer Tom- 19:86 (20-22-80) Newt (0> MODDL OV THK TEAS > British Oaleadar • Johnny Carson 6th Annual Trenton “160" Au­ Wayne and Lee Marvin. Fol­ liiuon, a self-acclaimed “ bis­ 19:30 (8) Bamemakaifs Mavie (8-22) Mike Desglaa Mew Hardwlcke. (80) The Flintstooes (O) (O) 8:00 (t04n^> I DrOam at Jeniinle i Fnaeh Chet ^ „ (40) McHale’s NavV s as Bishop Show (O) tomobile Race Preview of lowing WW II two ex-navy hop of the World” and WU- (20-12M)) Coaoeatraitos (0) Urn Model of the Tear Artichokes ' (8-W> Combat (0) B 1:00 (8) News. —Momenta of Com­ (8-40) Datellaa: HaUywaad' (U> Ton Asked fer It (O) 2:00 (18) Highway Patrol (18) Secret Agent Indianapolis "500" from Tren­ men remain on a South Pa­ liam Jennings Bryan Jr. a (29). Theutre 29 •;lt (20-2249) Captain Niea (0) eant," a oompetStton amotiK 14 > Antlqses fort i^Onldeposts ton Speedway, N. H. A1(k> cific Island, one to operate a doctor who explains effect of 10:66 (8-46) ChUdrea’s Doetor Toys A husband-wife holdup team John Drake dims disguise ot <»•) One O 'clock Beport — his hypnosis on Dr. Sam Shep­ U:00 , (8048-80) Pat Booua Shaw (0) (89) The nintotones (0) A quack mentallst oorrecily American giskt seleoted by bungles a filling station Job a teacher in b'toer to discover Bifn On the World All-Around Pocket lUghtclub the other to marry (49) McHale’t Navy predlets_that A crook .will es­ Net Jonraal killing the owner. Then two ' Billiards, Championship a Polynesian princess and car­ pard. (8-40) Supermarket ^ eap- m odelliv gpeoMMaiB, wU be The Banquet ot Ufa who is smt%gUng copies of <4D> Ustl. Air Force B eliffoM Johnston City, ni. ry on a medical practice. ,'6S 11:46 (22) Satarday Night Toalght stakes 'F 8:99 (10) Blghwire Patrol cape Jail whilo Carter is itv- thieves attempt to rob the secret documents, ' (90m ) The Aqaanasto ing the suspect a lie detector televlBed by 0 8 6 on Auer- 30. Oaldea Bing courier of a gem corporation 8:80 (8) Bed Skelton Hear (0) (18) The Christophers ( O R ' Starring Johnny Carson U:M (80-88-89) Hellywas# Squaiaa (40) Addama jnuntiy teat. Special 1:1D (8> News aad Weather —^He- (20) Health Is Yonr Future 8:80 (3) PlstoU ‘n’ Pettieoats (0) 1:10 (30) News and Sign OH <0) (C) 'The Model o4 tine TeeMr w «l be believing he is carrymg 6200,- (80-2840) Occasional WUe (0) meat ot Medltatfoa -v-Giga Ott (840) 15th Annual latenutlon- 1:16 (22) Lato Shew (8-40) One In a MIB|aa 6:10 (40) Peter Jeanlngs News (240) Rot Patrol (22) Marshal. Dillon (O) (12) Ssbseriptlas TV obosen by a pcnyel oC Judgee (30) Vietnam Weekly Bevlew al Beanto Pageant (O) “Dragstrip Girl” Fay Spain U:t0 (8) Love at LUe , Tneaday,Hay 8 (80-82-80) Jeopardy (d) 4:00 (0-28-M) News, Sparta, aad “The Endless - Summer" 6:80 (3) Brad Davis (O) 'Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor and Steve TerreU. Weather (C) 0:00 W Andy QrlHiih Show (0> refiresenbMg vectouB IbelBdi p t (18) The Big Picture co-hosts. The beauty pageant (40) V. S. Air Faroe Bellgtoas (8) Mike OeuglM VaUMa (U) Marv OrtHIa Bhaw R tbe ftuMnn wceOd. 4:16 Madera Sopervitaiy Praetlee (20) FUm features 90 girls representing n iiu aad Siga OH Oo hoot: Actor David 'wayna. 8:16 Frleadly Obuit (22) Let’s Go to the Bases each of the 60 states and 2:10 (8) News —Momeats' of Com­ Quests include: fflenn Bnrd, 6:89 What’s New WEDNESDAY JU PROGRAM (30) McHales’ Navy beauties from 40 muntrles. fort —Guideposto actor; The Bveiny Brothers, Folk songe with Tracy New­ • :00 (3) Weather —Sports and 10:00 (3) Gunsmeke (O) 2:80 (40) Sermoaette rock 'n' roll slnimrs; :Doo man. Wednesday, May 2 News (O) An embittered ranch worn- 2:60 (8) News . aad Weather -M o - Francks, slngeivaotor; Dr. 0:99 Travel THme 1:00 (8) Best SeUer « 2 4 ^ ) Local News (18) Polka Varieties an and her four sons hold meat of Meditatloa —Siga OH Marvin Block, author ot ‘ ‘AI- Kentuclre —^Vacation Wonder­ Part HI Weathef coholiam"; and Dumiingor land.- Wisconsin Delis Vaco- (20) FUm 7:16 (22) Highlights . “The Great MentallM’’. , . tionland. ^ <0). At Home witii Kitty _ ^ (49) Yon Asked for B (40) Everybody’s TMUng S:IO''Wliat’s New (SO) Gypsy .7:99 (8) Last in Space <0> B «:8 6 (8) Nows (O p Repeat ot 8:80 p.m. (40) S ? ‘lg«ltive 12:80 (8) Bcfurai^for A m ar^w (0» 7:09 Madera Sm rvtoair FroeUee 1:84 (8) As the Werid Ifaras SUNDAY 7 6 / PROGRAM (224249) Bye Gaeoa ... Training Subordinates ■ (C) (49) Douoa Em S Shear 7:29 Cenversatlans wltii Arnold (8) Dating Game murdered 'one of hla friendo. 12:46 (8) Galdlar Light (0) (840) Batman (0)1 5 (30) Roundtable: ; -ISyabea (20-2244) Let’s Moke a Deal 7:80 (30) Agriculture oa Parade Law Day (18) Alfred Hltchceek Preienta U :6 6 (29-3840) Ne ( 0 > 8:99 Spectrum . (161 Upb«ut 7:45 (8) Sacred Heart USA A continuing dream encloses 1:26 (20-2240) Mews (O) Guests Include' Tony RandaR, (40) Beany and Cecil 2:00 (8E Password (O). 7:66 (3) Sign an and Prayer a woman in a web of fear 8 99 CaHesUL -Layer <20-22-80) Days of Our Lives 8:00 (3) The Christophers 1:66 (8) Capitol Reports broken when the dream be­ Central Conn State College - <2-M) Newlywed Game (8) This ' Is the Life 2:00 (8) Crusade '67 comes murder. O lF T 0:99 Cana Issna 2:00 (8) House A rtrty (0> ~ Herb and Joey ^ g e ! (30) New Testament and Mod­ (20) Italian Program 7:M (3) Lassie (C> 8:00 (8) Celauese Center Stage (22) Bed Sox Baseball SHOP Tax BeUef for the Blderiy <20-32-S0) n e Deetors (O) ern Man (8) Movie Classle WILTON’S M:90 Net Jauraal , (2-40) Dream GM af '47 F eatur^._& d (Jharlsse 8:16 (8) Davey aad Goliath (C) Boston vs. Kansas City “ Goodbye Mr. Chips" Re^ a t of May 1, 9:00 p.m. 2:84 (44) Woman’s News (40) -3he Monroes (O) (40) This Is the Life (C)^ (80) Bachelor Father (40) Voyage to the Bottom si 9S4 Main Sl.i Maaehester |:40 (S> To Ten the Truth 8:80 (8) Beverly HUlblUles (0) B 8:80 (8) Adventures of Gamby (C> (40) Magilla Gorilla the Sea B < (8) Davey and Goliath (C) 2:80 (3) National Professional Soc­ T o (8442-84) Another World (01 “ Werewolf” a two-man shore HUMMB. ^ Wednesday, May 8 (2-Wl General Hospital (30) ThU Is the Ute cer . Loagpe Game (C> party from Seavlew, is at­ 8:00 (8) Green Acres .(O) B 8:46 (8) Ught Time NY Generals vs.' PfaUa. Spar­ -(12) SabsertoUan Tv A flashback shows Oliver tacked by a huge wtdf and HGURINES g:16 Friendly Olaat “ Hotel" (40) Dawn Bible Institute (C) tans. survivor returns to sub as a i:99 What’s New^ 8:86 (8) Mews (G) Douglas meeting Lisa 'whll# he 8:00 (3) Car 64 Where Are Yoef (8) Yale-Dartmouth Riigby werewolf. NASA -Experts Help Young 8:80 (8) Dick Van Dyke Shew . was an American |^ot - and (8) Faith for Today (O) (80) Sahday Matinee (18) Firing Uae ' Roclieteers. she .wB# in Humforian under­ (22) New Three Stooges (C) (80-8244) Yeh Don’t Say (C> vjTie Desperado’s" Glenn 7:80 (3) It’s Abont Time (0) B •:99Snr«ivnI Urjke Sea (•> Mr. Goober (O) ground during WW II. (30) Cartoon Cutups (O) Ford stars in this high ad­ The Life Cycle . (80) The Best on Beoord 8:30 (3) Perception (C) venture of the West in which (20-22-30) Wenderinl WoiM at ; A special progrMn ' featuring' (8) The Christophers (C> Color (O) B 0:29 What's New greed for gold overshadows “ The Prince and the Pauper"^ RANGE and DRYER Repeat of 5:80 p.m. performances by-, several oi: (40) Insight the brotherhood of men. Part HI. 7:99 Travel Time this , year's winners of the No­ (30) Cucfe Waldo (C) (40) Peter Potamns WIRING SERVICE , ROpeat of May-2 8;00 p.m. tional Academy of Recording 8:46 (3) Yonr Community (O) 3:0 (18) The Slave 8:00 (3) Ed Sullivan Show (O) B -7:10 Buylag a HenwT Arts and Sclenops Grammy 10:10 (3) Special Eastern Ortiiodox (40) Man Without a Gan. . (18> Subscription TV Professloiu and Trades to Busy Week Awards. W innw appearing Easter Broadcast (C) 8:80 (40) Walter WiUcheU File “The Endless Summer" Servloe OhaLgea, Oonqdela Building include Ray Charies, Ella (8) Dialogue 4:00 (20-30) Experiment in TV 8:30 (20-22-30) We’ti Take M a» Wiring Installations In IMd 0:00 News In Perspeetlve David Janssen staia in Fitzgerald, David Houston,, Guest is artist and weaver “ Movies in the Now Genera­ kattan (O) and New Homes and Bool* 0:00 Ptoy at the t ^ k For News Eydle Gorme.'many others. Annl Albers. tion” host George Piimpton A comedy special. While The Iceman Cometh I ABC’s “The Fugitive” ' Mr40> Wednesday Night at the (22) Chalice of Salvation introduces eight short films checking records of some neeeea. Tuesday’s from 10 to Movies (30) Rocky and His Friends made by students enrolled in Park Ave. real estate, a ISeetrio Heat InstallatioiiB. NEW YO«K (AiP)—®; bad ‘ ‘The Hustler!' Paul Newman, (C) film schools in England. Po-' young lawyer discovers that Tharsday, May 4 been a buey competitive week 11 p.m. Jackie Gleasoii, George Scott, (40) The Christophers (C> land, Belgium and US. The an aged Wyoming Indian may P.M. tor the newB departments o t and piper Laurie. This widely 18:30 (8) Viewpoint' B films are "Boxer” "Homage” be rightful owner of Manhat­ 6:16 Frleadly Giant , aedaimed film Is a story of "Adoption and Foster Romes to Maybridge" “ Light Show" tan Island. 0:80 What’s New the three networks, staitinK the . drive And ruthlessness of (49) Dark Shadows in Conn" “The Calypso Singer" “ Kirk 9:00 (3) Smothers Brothers (Dens- Folk Music from 14 Countries with pool coverage of the Ad­ Ot young pobl shark who be­ (30) Frontiers of Faith Douglas" Several young fUm- edy Hour <0) Observing Bye 4:19 (9) Banger Andy Shew (0> comes nAtlonA champion. R (40) Faith for Today (C) ' makers from,NYU Film Pro­ Guests: Nancy Sinatra, Frank Our Ocean ot Air enauer funeral, o f (Sen. W illiam (20-22-80) Match Game (O) IRumr Thomas Spselal 11:00 (3) Vniversity of Conn. (O) gram are seen at work. (C) Sinatra Jr. and coinedlan What’s New . C. Westmoreland’s apssch and (40) Swabby Show - ^ h e Road to Lebanon" Bing “ Marine Animals” (8) Texas Open Invitational Dom DeLuise. Repeat dl 6:30 p.m. 4:26 (20-2240) News (O) Crosby: Bob Hope, Claudine (8) A Quinnipiac College Be- (O) J (20-22-30) Boaausa (()> n e Name at the OasM Is ttie press conference by Stalin's 4:39 (8) Big 3 Theatre Auger, Hugh Downs and port (40) Ivan Ivanovltch B (8-40) Sunday Night MOvtO Fan . daughter, Svetlana AJtlluywva. ■ ''Thunoering Jets" '68-WW n Sheldon Leonard : Join Danny (22) Faith to Faith special 10:00 (3) Candid Camera (O) Freaeh Oket pilot unhappy as instructor 7T:ema8 and plays a dual role (30) Sacrifice of the Mass (3) TBA (20-22-30) Andy Wliliams Shew Repeat ot May 1, 8:00 p,m,' ' Faithful viewers of tbe day­ takes his . nostUlties out on in this full-hour comedy about (40) Bnliwinkle (C) (18) Tapper (0) B Pttat of View time soap operas and game students until one freezes in a troubles that develop wben be 11:80 (3; From the College Campus (22) Big Picture (C) Guests; Herb Aipert and the D e m D’Oench talks wtth dive and he Just proves his decides to visit bis ancestors (C) 6:00 (3) Oilllgi Gilllgan’s Island (O) Tijuana Brass, FhU Harris, WILSON author, Ladislas .Farango. abowa were cbstuihed..' courage and. ability. Rex Rea­ in Lebanon; Central Coiui State College (18) Herald of Truth Joey Heatherton and Claudine Fonrtb Estate v 'But each news special was an son, Dick Foran. 9:8# (3) Oomer Pyle —U8HC (0> (8-40) Discovery '67 (C) (22) Marshal Dillon Longet. ELECTRICAL C O . Local Editors EMscuss tlw (3-22) Mike Denglos Skew (O) !•:•# (3) Oaniur Kaye Shew (O) B "The Stone Age Americans” (30) Yankee Don’t Go Home (18) Subscription TV News eocample of television perform- (20) Dangerens Robin Guests: Ella Fitzgerald, /Bud­ (22) Where Are Helen Hayes narrates this “ The Mikado” Bealden UaJ-Oonim.-Iiidi Allege ^ r t - e t the Week Ing under its happiest circiun- (80) The FUntstones (O) dy Greco, Sergio' Hendek and U:46 (SO) Sacred Heart Program (40) MoBale’s- Navy Brasil '66. film of how Korean and Amer- 10:80 (8) What’s My Line (0> MS4S17 — 64S-188S Rugby —Dartmouth vs. Yale stances. All were important “ Responsibility of Parents” lean citizens and servicemen 11:00 (3-8-22-30-40) News, Sports and IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE WHERE YOU SAVE! I (20) The. Christophers (2#.22-3«) 1 Spy (O) B 12:00 (3) We Believe (C) work together in a people- Weather (C) events occurring in predeter­ (30) The Aquanauts A vengeance-seekiiu: Italian Protestant Friday, May 2 (40) Dennis the Menaoe family kidnaps'HobTnson and to-people effort. Gives view- 11:16 (8) Festival of Hits P.M. mined kioations and scheduled (8) Opinionated Han ers a personal report of prog­ “ Confidential Agent" ‘46 Chas 6:16 Friendly Giant i (18) Highway PatrM - tries him for 'death ot their Librarian Meredith BIoss dis­ ress in Korea and a preview 'A 'A A INSTANT well in advance. Thjs gave cam­ Three gangsters . gim'-down' a ^ ^ w h o was killed in Korean Boyer and Lauren Bacall, 2:80 What’s New fourth crook who ran out with cusses library in translticm of things to come in South ^anish Republican agent in Youngsters Learn About era crews an opportunity to and the library of future. Vietnam and all Asia as well. England to buy coal gets in-- IIARYCARTED Horsemanship proceeds of a bank rbbbere- U:#0 (3-8-i»42-S#4d> News. Sports, (20) The Christophers (40) Scope t E A R N I N G S se(t up their equipment in ad­ (20) Ladies Day Weather (0) ’ ' voived In murder and with lflF»/iIIVTSiV SAVINGS 2:20 M e Name et. the Gome Is (40) Petor Jennfugs News (O) (22) King of the Hill Bowling 6:80 (8)—Mr. Terrific (O) agents out to stop his mlssioa. V u vance and the networks to plan . (18> SabsoriiMon TV (30) Ring Around the World (20-22-30) G-E College Bowl U:20 (8) Movie Masterpiece MOW MMM jMR SfOMA <0Air fO CQMT 4:99 (8-2240) News, Sports.-WeatlH It tx /MU *’‘® Cfanerals" (40) Conversation With cV I.O/VN Repeat of May 4, 7:00 p,'In, the coverage. Television, in' er (C) ll:16,j V Repeat of 5:30 p.m. spite o f -lees bulky eqmpment, U:2« (3) WeiSaesdAr .JtarUght 12:30 (3) Face the Nation (C) (18) The Blue Door the wife of Andrew JacSson MR gUMl HR from day of deposit. I World Press Review . (20) I Led Three UveA J'CasL a Long snadow" ' ’63- (8) Scope _ (40) Dennis the Menace ' and the ^future prestdent’ik I. Antiques is sW l at h’.cUHs^lYant^e when (30) McHale’s Navy . Branded as-.ureglUmate___yoi young (20) Bible Answers , • ;00 (8) The 21st Century (O) struggle to clear ' her name. A cm ic 4 ttiuee yeaiily. (3) Sporfs, News, IVqqther (C>' , cowhand turiui .^ drinking but ipeat of May L 8:8 P-m-. tiy in g to Oliver the im prom ptu (40) - -K .npOT from (30) Jewish Life “ Conquering the Sea” How Charlton Heston, Susan Hay­ LATtX ful niR ^eTgereM^itk^f rtwaMetat iweTiTBinet HOgaviavia MasterM aster Oasa Sin Hrenco (40) Westolrer Presents and uneapeoted. FV>r instance, •<26 (U The Stein Eriokson, Show ^unknown donor. ns straightens man in the future will exploit ward. '63 *2^: ____Net PlayhoBse 12:45 (80) Weekend the sea for his benefit. Broad- 11:26 (30) Washington Report 1001 HAIM^ST-i MANCOpiSTEB e BOITra: 81, OOVBNTBT The. Old Glory: Benito Cereab although It was possible to ;out to take,Ohara#'aided by 1:00 (3) Sports Spectacular cast shows how science is de­ (40) FeiUnre 40 2:99 (3) News with Walter Oraa- loreinan. Audle Murphy, Ter­ North American Gymi vising methods of allowing "Quiet Please, Murder" A OMI COAT ^ piiU togethejf a news - special klte (0) re jHtoore. Championships; Thorobred man to stay underwater- for criminal steals a priceless Mmylag the destntetion of the '(g) Fetor Jennings News (0) U;S# (2#-224#>. L. (Q) Racing Association Champion­ very long periods. Shakespeare folio from a io W ^ (20) New Horisons , Stttreing Jql ships featuring top thorqbred (20-22-30) .l^ n k McGee Iteo library, forges copies and ohtbrqak .of n ii^ est toToadOes, (12-30) Hnntley-Brinkley. Be­ races of '66 and a preview of port (C) n w YtilNMlKK therd .Wore no television pic- port ■ (O) 1:#0 (3) n W V sells them to Collectors.. ClOo W A- Kentucky Derby. (C) (18) The Bobby, Lord______Shew Sanders and Gail Patrick. ^ MANCHESTER (20) Local' News ment ot Mi (20-22-30) Meet the Press (C) Jerry*erry Byrd and his'his'Jimid band ar._and U:80 (30) Sunday Tonight Show (0) ORICIUBPH tores of iJie stonns thdmselves. (8) What in the Worid (C) ' > (8) NewtoMs (8) Way Out special Jfuests Carl Smith and WAU% T^ACO "Spain -mtd Portugal" Comfort —Ga (40) Linus the Llonhearted Dottle West. Guests: Sidgar Bergen, Don (80) Huntley- Brinkley Be- (3#) One O’ 1:80 (22) Southera Baptist Hour (40) The Dakotas ' Rickies, Eari “ Fatha" Hines, OLDSMOBILE Opbn iM A Mrt (C) Sign ..OH (C) 6:30 (3) Bat Mastertsh Josyane Leroi, Carol Sloane (8) Tvilight Zone (40) U: S. Air (8) Comments and People' w n c Sets Show "The Mighty CMsey” FUm oud Sign (20-22-30) The: PIU (G) and Diana Dew. "Yow OMtinoblle Ded*^' Features, will be shown on A special edition' of “Today" (22) ,Late Show Firestone Tiires (Omtlimed from page One) Quinnipiac Collhge- Dance .show in which host Hugh “ Not as .a Stranger” Frank • "f Workshop with modem-dance Downs and reporters. Barbara Sinatra lutd Olivia DeHavU- Quality Line Products and ballet demonstration^; a Waiters and I%ul Ckmnlngham land. . Gen. Repidrers L ic e ^ JeaMoly. and BUI Bandeis. fashion Interview; and a film try to-piace the birth Control 1:00 (SO) Sign OH Report —Slgq SD WEST CENTER ST. — MS-1511 ' 'WTJC saSd 'viowYTS wiH attso ATUNTIC FURNACE OIL look at the work of the New- pill in medical and moral -tngton Connecticht' Hospital perspective through inter-- 1;16 (8) News and Weather -M o­ Corner Hroa^ and be tahien to about 10 I ms Vegns 24 HOUR CUSTOMER SERflCE-^49-3701 for Crippled Children, with views, medical ' authorities, ment ot Meditatfam —4igh -OH 46e.Hain St oigihtolkifaB in toeV -oo^ ^ a comedian Jerry Lewis filmed - members of the clergy and a. 1:30 (8) News —Moments 01 Com­ Middle T|die. Went. v5tok to. ositch dbowb. Tbo poo- during his visit there last sum­ number of average uSera ot fort —Onideposts „ llaiiciMstor NEW IN’ USED 51 BISSELLr ST. mer. the contraceptive. (40) U.. S. Air Force Beligious Phone «d3-2l76 S^»m is the first produoUun .of Phone 643-1129 (20) Frontiers of Faith (8) The Unwilling Host Film and Sign OH (O) the new Uodited Hetwonk. LYWOODQO ------ai^CE^PiyR^irm iPfS-H ie^^ MW HBBTERrOQW .rSA Ttm i»gT;ii^^ *rt l»’ THURSDAY M e U te 1:M .Wiedpeeker — fo r the _ _ trials “ m m Oeoige C. floott, Od- . ^ er MahMNews (0) . Dewhi^ *Vtts Weaver.. (tl> At Heme with WHy Henry Jones, (Mthletn Nes^ ( m q n v x o t (M) TheFs^tve (||> Menr «i«ua Shew (■^°TSS'aM to t i 1:M As the WerM Taras (0) (Mi m m Year Aaswer . (3S-X3-SS) X «t’B Blake a Deal (Ml - MteHale's Navy <0) ; (SI -A m Ms, News, Weather (O) gnn. Sgt Friday and Oft Gan­ <8) Dattns OUhe I (4t> Breaee non's Investigation ot a n a / i Ikews (0) ;|> n e Steta Biloksea Shew ot Juvenile shoiditten leads .(» Password: -lis y s Oar U res SiW <3) News with Waller Orea- a unique set ot entrance rd- Ute qiUremenls. __ (S-4e> i IferdM ed- Oaaie Deter SeBBiags News (0> (•44) Inve 4B a Beottop <0> f:M (S> HMke Ira ^ ' |M >„.D -«sh .,ca!«-ar B (BSASdS) ' Dream GIH e f «T (n-M> HastleyMriakley B e- 14:44 <34A3-M> Deaa Marita Shew Z:M .(M) ,WolBek*s -News (O) B S:M (S> a TaU the Trath (0 ) fSn Dseal Nam . PhU Harrta, VUdd C w . ^ (tASSM i.Xieaer WerM Daktari <0> Gobel and Braacta and Tybea (8*M) O eaeM .Hespttal (34> Hsnth[aatley-Brlakley - ‘ Bepert 3:18 (8) News (C) . S S 4 «e '47 (0) .. 3:Se (3) v a a Oirke Shew <8> Twilight leae . "The Human Voice" Ingrid <3a.33AS>. Voa m a ’ t Bay <0> "laUeneaa ot Hour" Bergman, JSan ' .Cocteau's <3> ICr. oeob er (0 ) (3»3A44> I«ea l N em one-character drama about aA <40> Dark Shadows Weather in-atarred woman in love. 4 :N <3) Bhaiwi Aady Shew (0> <83) Hiskllahts Mi44 <4 34« M44> Nem, WeaOier (fa-33-SS) Mathk Game (O) <44> YoB~Asked ______far. It aadSperie (0) _ (13) daperherees <34-tS-34) Daniel Boose (0) SaksorlpItoB TV The ICishty. TOor (S-44) Batman (0 ) "H otel" (U> “ X X X ” U :U (4> Nem, Bperta. WOaAer <0> (SS^tbdSl N ews ' (O Thurston of American Central Memory tiaae 4:34 "Touch and Go"- '66-When an international intrigue to ob­ Johnny Oummirson ' English fanilly decides to emi­ tain a vital secret Barry Snl- (844) Aoey Mshop Shaw Slu (0> grate to Australia, nothing Uvaai. Ui3S (3)- Thamlay T StariIgM3*** " r . goes right; humorous episodes (8) Mister Beberts (0) .*TTrinmnrm/wim'*"Honeymoon'' HoneymooningtfsiMmvw make leaving impossible. Jack (3) Twiggy la New York couple meet tlely Spanish Hawkins, llargaret Johnson. (44> F IB n op <0> dancer who learns bride la My Three Boss (O) B ex-prima ballerina and - fid- (343) BClke Dosglas Show <0> <34-n^> Star Trek (O) B loirs her everywhere urging (U> Tea Asked, (pr It Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock er to dance in his latest pro- (3t) Bough Blders discover that pilot ot disabled Suotton. Anthony Steel, Lud- (M> The nintstones (O) spaceship is runnliM an inter­ mtlla Tcherina '86. ((;) (44) XcBale's Navy planetary mail-order-bride, li44 (■> Kem, Memeato ot Oom- S:W (18) Highway DaM business. fart, OBtdeBeeto Boodluma pose as police of­ (8-44) Bewltohed (O) (Mr One ^imeek Beperi — ficers nsh a fake detour sign SsbaorlptleB TV S i n (MI to misdirect motorists to a "The H i k ^ " D. S. Air Faroe Beliglans lonely road. An. arsonist sets 4 :H (3) The Oraelble (0) , nim aad Staa Oft (0 )^ - tire to a warehouse bringing Arthur Miller> powerful dra­ 1:44 (3) News, Weather —MemenI Dan and the Highway Patrol' ma ot people and eventa In et Medltattoa —SIga Oft FRIDAY PROGRAM 1;M (3> Best SeUer Tict who Is leader ot a ms- Part V "Twilight for the sical combo in a Texas road­ ^ 1 ^ -"', w ^ - K ’ G ods" ■ house, hopes to break away (34) Film from the cast and present to (33) At Heme with KiMr find fam e in NY or Hollyw Ingrid Bergman in AB^’s “The Human Voice.’ (34) Gypsy wood. B ' (44) The FsglUve (44) Baago (O) 1:34 (S> As the Worid Taras (0) ) (34-3344) T. H. H. Oat (O) H (34-33-34) le t 's Make a Deal (444) .Phyllis DOIer Shaw (C) (8) Dsting Game \ . ' The Ingrid Voice 1:55 (34-33-34) N em (O) - 3:M (3) Passwerd (0) (34-33-M) Days ot Onr Uvea Ifsnv YORK—It was exactly in the “A B C Stag-e &I" c o l o r (C) 9vZ6 p.m. when word came that presentatloh of Jean C octeau’s (3-44) Newlywed Game 11:U (34) Memory Iskao one-character dram a, "T he H u­ S:M (3) Houe Party (G) U ;34 (*> Friday teeetaeatar her car had arrived. The 10th (34-33-34) The Deetors (O) "The Lett Handed Gun” day ot rehearsal that had be­ m an Voice,” to bo telecast^ (344) Dream Girl at '47 Billy the Kid teen-age daa- Thursday, M ay 4 10-11 p . m . 3 :N (3) Ta TeD the Trath (C) perado, avengea muraer of gun at 12:30 was over. Ingrid (34-3344) Another Worid (0) MsZrZT' employer WB woman.and WtaVMUUMescapes to« ' Bergman put on her ralndoat (3M) Oeaeral Hospital Madero where he to glvs» *T ve been fascin ated w ith the 3:35 (3) News (C) m t^ ry by gunsmith and •ver the blouse and skirt, note sinoe I fk-sd saiw U played S:M (I) Dink Vaa Dyke Bhew Ms beautiful tme.’ Paul New­ changed from the worn, flower­ 15 yeans ago. M y form er hus­ (34-3344) Tea Dsa’t Bay (O) man, LIta Hllaa. (I) Mr. Ooeber (O) ’ "•to* Mww (0) ed scuffs to low-heeled strap band (Roberto R osseH M ) dM (44) Dark Bhadewt Starring Johnny Oaraon pumps, said her good nights, ft as a film w M i A m a M agr 4:M (3) Baager Aady Shew (0) _(4-44) Jeey .Biehep Skew (34-33-M) Match Game (O) 1:M (4) News i-Stemmie T oem . •nd went down the long flight naid. H ow I envied her that (18) Biiperheroea e i»»d » t o p —we| Of stairs of the Oval Rehearsal role. A lsp, in a w ay, I think I Iron Man (I ) O'Oleek Beperi — _ (44) Sm Uy Bhew (O) SIga o n Rooms on Brixton Road in ow e this perfom m noe to Jean 4iM (84-33te) Nem (O) (44) H. 8. Air Feres BeHgierii southwest London. ^ Cocteau. I knew him and al­ 4:M (3) .Big 3 Theatre ^ ^ Film aad SIga OH (C) ’ As she came through the •^arge of the Lancers" *M 1:M (4) Nem aad Weather —Ma- w ays adm ired him end his w ock. During Crimean War when BMBt et MedHstlen —BIga Om door, she looked up at the early H e w as alw ays am using; wwl B iltlsh retreated at Sebaatop