■;r ?: • Wn v% . 9 ' .T kV FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1967 ^G E TWBNTY-FOUR S?' iHanrif(0t(r lEw ning 4 »- AmaMo Dalljp. ]^et Proas Rqo The WcaAcf ; V vf TM Wbok abided Cub Scout Pack 3 of Sec­ Sunny, Iweezy high ^^bout Town ond Congregational Church will Mahoney Safs Republicans April 22,1SS7 60-65; olear, cold UNT* meet tonight at 7:30 at the ' 85-40; fair and mild tomontnri. •^Mknchester Bridge Cltib will church. hlgta % 50a,i l^luor a “Team of Four” du- Deliberately Stall Pool 15,134 ' - - ' v '- ■' ■ N \ raoate tournament tonight at “Never Too Late," ^ comedy ®/ Charm the Italian American Club, by Sumner Arthur Long, will NEW! Democratic Town Director decision so that the .pool may be # » Bldrldge St. Only teams be presented tonight through (OlaMlfled AdverttdBf on Page U) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Francis Mahoney today charged built on the site preferred by VOL. LXXXVI„Nd. 178 MANGHESTBR, C0 NN.i SATURDAY, APRIL; ?9,, 1967 ]^^eviou8ly signed up will play Sunday by the Little Theater the directors—a site which (EOURTlBBN PA6ES-^TV SECTHON) that A e GOP majority on the DELUXE SPRAY-STEAM IRON iii this session. of Manchester at Bailey Audi­ would save Construction costs. _____ ------------------------------------------------------------------------— 3: ----- " torium, Manchester High board is delaying the construc­ The town directors had sched­ ^l^yal Black Preceptory will School. Curtain time tonight tion of a Robertson Park uled a meeting for last Wednes­ ntiearse tonight at 8 at Orange and tomorrow is 8:30. Sunday’s Swimming Pool to 1968, In or­ day with the 8th District direc­ T|Wn. performance will begin at 7:30 der "to look good in an election tors, to discusis the Robertson p.m. Tickets are available at Park Swimming Pool proposal. year.” %Cub Scout Pack 152 o f Bow- the bpx office. The meeting was called off by' m School has canceled a trip He said that, to date, the Re­ the District directors. icheduled for tomorrow to the Miss Christine Bissell, daugh­ publicans have ignored a 300- Mahoney said that at two tibast Guard Academy, New ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Horace signature petition for North End board meetings, Noy. 22 and ^ n d on . Bdssell of 109 Carman Rd., has residents plus a request from Dec. 12, he had sought ti) have TTi . —_____ recently been elected secretary ;;?rhe executive board of Cham- of Seih North Hall Dormitory the Sth District directors "for the directors commit them- Ihade Musical Club will meet at Central Connecticut State a pool this year.’* selves to a new pool for use this Monday at 8 p.m. at the home College, New Britain. She is a Rev. George F. Nostrand Rev. Dr. J. Manley Shaw The board has unwimously summer. No action wets taken, o f Mrs. Raymond L. Smith, 51 1966 graduate o f Manchester favored the construction of a he, said. Walnut St. High School. pool on a site near N. School He now has asked the GOP Exchange Pulpits Sunday St. and the relocated N. Main majority to include funds with- ~The Fellowcraft Club of Man­ The; Rev. Gary Cornell of 11 a.m. service at St. Mary’s St. The Towrn Planning Com- in the 1967-68 Capital Improve- chester Lodge of Masons will South Methodist Church will The Rev. George F. Nos­ Church. He will be assisted by mission is on record for a site ment Bhind for the construction... ’ »!anan meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. at conduct a service Sunday at trand, rector of St. Mary's the Rev. James W. Bottoms of Robertson Park. The and said that the Item will have COOLER-EASIER- U» Masonic Temple. Members 8:15 a.m. on radio station Episcopal Church, and the Rev. St. Mary’s. The sermon topic board has asked fhe commis- the complete support of the pKsenting the Entered Appren­ WINF. The program is spon­ Dr. J. Manley Shaw, pastor of is '"W e Are Accountable.” a'O" review and reverse Its Democratic minority. MORE COMFORTABLE IRONING! tice degree Tuesday will re­ sored by the Manchester Minis­ South Methodist Church, will Presto's new padded handle and convenient thumb- hearse after the meeting. Re­ terial Association. exchange pulpits Sunday. rests make this Deluxe Spray-Steam iron easier to The Rev. Mr. Nostrand will freshments will be served after handle, cooler to hold, less tiring to use. And it’s the First Boost Pvt. Thomas F. Healy of East preach at the 10:45 a.m. serv­ the rehearsal. steamingest iron ever— 42 ports plus Presto's exclu­ Hartford, a member of the 134th ice at South Church, assisted WASHINGTON (AP)^ sive Spray Vent provide more steam. Push-buttons MIP, Co. of Manchester, Con­ by the Rev. Gary S. Cornell, as­ Senate Ethics Committiee r. Motherhood of Mary Mothers are color-matched to dial, with a wide range of necticut Army National Guard, sociate pastor of the Methodist members aay they’re pre­ (hrcle will meet Monday at 8:15 church. The sermon topic is settings For all Fabrics. ]g:m. dt the home of Mrs. Rich- will report for basic combat pared to meet Sen. Russell training Monday, May 15, at Ft. “Reborn Christians.’’ ^ Thorpe, 166 Lydall St. Dr. Shaw will conduct the HOUSE PADDED HANDLE- c o o l B. Long’s challenge on Gordon, Ga. SAT. and comfortable to hold. their recommendation that l;Manchester Veterans Council 41 STEAM PORTS — more Sen. Thomas J. Dodd be 9 Will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at than any iron. censured for financial mis­ tfie VFW Home. •E conduct. H jS ------ Spring (or Winter) Our Variety Is King!! SPRAY VENT- sprays Part of the huge opening day-crowd. at ■ Expo 67 Montreal world’s fair. The bubble-shaped U.Si Long, the Louisianian who, is ^Members of the American with steam, won’t spot Pavilion is in the background. (AP Photofax) fabrics. waits at a Metro Subway gate for entrance to the assistant Democnutic leader, C^on Auxiliary will have a SUMMER FRESH! Georgia Peadhes, Strawberries, Water­ accused the bipartisan commit­ melons, Seedless Red, Blue Grapes, Cantaloupes. Honeydewa, chrd party Monday at 7:30 p.m. THUMB RESn — easy to tee Friday of making a scape­ the home of Mrs. Bessie Far- Sp^sh Melons, UglI Fruit, Papayas, Bose, D’Anjou Pearo, HALE Pluins, Coconuts* Pineapples and CRISP-AIR APPLES: ONLY! handle, lass tiring to use. DuPont TEFLON* Expo Opening goat of Dodd, whom be defend­ I tjp, 9 Durkin St. There will be I Coast Guard ed as “a fine, decent, honest Macs, Bed Delicious, WInesaps and Baldwins. turfici o n lolapltt* prmnU aUrdi Thesis .Saved fhble prizes and refreshments. JUST ONE DAY! Dtcentor Blui willi from atIcUnf to tlia aolapitio, makta man — a fine father uid fauiiily GARDEN FRESH: “LIKE NATIVE” JERSEY ASPARA­ DuPwit TEFLON* IrpnliTi Malar, avtfl on ilarehad labrica. WORCESTER, Mass. man.” ?9knnciB J. Vincent o f 683 GUS, DandellMis, Watercress, Green, Yellow Squash, Peas, (AP)— Storing his doctor­ Fights Seas AlsosvsHablewIthwrt ih -talking vrith a rep<wt«r Haatfoid Rd. has been named Broccoli, Corn, Beets, Leeks, Chinese Savoy Cabbage, Egg­ Crowd Triples al thesla in the family re­ Long first said half the commit­ TEH0N*Ml«pUto tS the dew’s list at the School plant, White Sweet Potatoes, Yams, Hot Peppers, Acorn, frigerator paid off for Jack tee couMn’t withstand the invea- 0? Elducation at Boston (Mess.) Butternut Squash and Native Hothouse Tomatoes. For 2 Ships * Suits Gome In and Get Our LOW PRIGE Cahalan when a fire severe- ligation Dodd went through. In RADISHES or RARERIPES.......................bch. ly damaged his home. BOSTON (AP) — The Coast a later interview with newsmen Expectations The lO-lnch thick thesis, he upped that to half the Senate. J Hiree Manchester students Guard fought today to save two MURCOTT TANGERINES...................... doz. 7 9 0 On This Famous Iron! Sen. John Stennis, ‘ D-Misa.i ^ ve been named to the dean's pack^ In a plastic bag, was MONTREAL (AF), — Bncour- tered with slogans denouncing fishing vessels balt‘>red by huge ethics panel chairman, declined at Yale University, New rescued from the refrigera­ BANANAS ............................................... 2 lbs. 290 waves off. Nantucket Island as comment. But vice chairman ^ven. They are Robert Beach ^ Sport Coats 'Charge AccaunFs aged b the etythusia^ and size L'. S. policy in Vietnam. tor after the fire last night. # ., son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- NATIVE HOTHOUSE TOMATOES....... lb. 490 (A an opening day crowd about Pavilion officials gave them Cahalan, an Instructor of winds of up to SO miles per hour WaUoce F. Bennett, R-Utah, Of Invited'' three times bigger than predict- chaira and soft drinks end one the six-member committee said ^ E. Beech Sr. o f 143 Boulder Royal or Sealtest Ice C ream .............. '/z gal* 990 HOUSE philosophy at Holy Cross continued to chum the AblonUc Hd.; Paul A. PUkonis, son of ed, officials of the Montaaal, remarks: "It looks as if we College,, said .he had been Ocean. the other 94 senators wifi have and Mrs. Ray S. PUkonis Expo 67 looked forward to a have added a new exhibit:” keeping the thesis in the re­ The bugh waves, endangering an opportunity ’ - "to decide The demonalnators left peace­ 6 ^ . Westmoreland leans close to Speaker of the Hoiis^ John W. MiiCormadc «* 47 Hoffman Rd.; and WU- bustling weekend. frigerator for three years, shipping__ _________ along_________ the Atlanttc________ sea- whether the senator from Loui- Ifcm J. Waldmw, son of Mr. An official said Friday’s ably when the paviUon doeed at because “I’ve always ha4 a board, sank two fishing boats sSm» is right or the committee to hear his comment following the general’s speech before Congress yester­ "THE KING OFF ^ Slacks 9’30 p.m.
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