TheThe useuse ofof groundwatergroundwater forfor rehabilitationrehabilitation ofof ThartharTharthar agriculturalagricultural

projectproject GeneralGeneral informationinformation aboutabout thethe RepublicRepublic ofof IraqIraq

Limit from the north (Turkey) and south (Kuwait and Saudi Arabia) and East (Iran), west (Syria and Jordan) is written along the Iraq between 39to48 degrees latitude (29 to 37) degrees. Iraq's total area is (435000) km2 in the northern part of Iraq is the country is mountainous terrain, so the rainfall of more than (1000) mm and the snow where a large quantity especially in the winter so they can be dependent agriculture in this section Rain and snow falling on the mountains after the solubility in the spring and summer while the rate of rainfall in central and southern no more than (100) mm in the center and less than (20) mm in the south, so the agriculture in Iraq depends entirely on irrigation pumps from the river by and . Section few of these waters are brought under control and benefit from storing large quantities of water in dams and lakes, such as the filling and filling his Hamrin fill Derbandikhan fill Dukan. To the climate in Iraq is very cold in the winter rainy and snowy in most epochs in northern Iraq only start of winter in Iraq a month (December to February) while the summer is very hot in Iraq, where the temperature more than (48) degrees Celsius in The southern part of Iraq and the winter and spring only in a very short period, the rain if there was a fall of rain. 1-The summer is long and are one of his (June to October) and the skies mostly cloudy leading to the high humidity and temperature, especially in the summer. 2-Iraq's main rivers are the Tigris, where the rate of discharge of the river is the (1560) m3 per second and start from the north- east of Turkey and the total length of (1718) km How to Shatt al-Arab water way near Basra almost the length of Iraq (1570) km in Iraq and how the most important Tributaries flowing into it are :- * Branch of the Tigris in Turkey. * Taman Su tributary in Turkey. * Khabour River in Iraq. * Zab highest Iran. * Zab lowers from Iran. * Great river from Iraq. * Diyala river from Iran. The annual rate of the water in Iraq is (37 × 109) M3 at the beginning of this century, while at the end of this half century arrived in quantity due to the establishment of numerous dams on these rivers and tributaries flowing into its neighboring countries, especially Turkey and Iran. The Euphrates River is to start from the north-east of Turkey near the headwaters of the River Tigris and the total length of 2,300 km to the Shatt al-Arab near Basra and up to almost 1200 km in Iraq there is no feeder branch of the river, it depends entirely on the amount of rainfall that feed the river the rate Annual water at the beginning of this century is (35 × 109)M3, but also had decreased by half due to construction of dams in neighboring countries, especially Syria. As there are ground water large areas rely on wells and watering the fields and orchards, particularly in northern and central regions of Iraq, but recently have said the ground water due to lack of rain and low levels of rivers in the central region of Iraq. The dependence on ground water there is the third in Iraq and reliable in most areas of Iraq. OutOut lineline ofof thethe project:project: Total area of agricultural land in the province of Salah al- Din (10260619) and this dumdums land is fully exploited Perfusion of agricultural land in two ways: First by the Tigris River and its tributaries and through the Great River irrigation projects by some property of the state and by agricultural pumps belonging to citizens and installed on the rivers mentioned above. The second one is the groundwater through artesian wells and shallow. And Salahuddin province, famous for growing various kinds of strategic crops such as wheat, barley, corn, cotton and sunflower in addition to various kinds of fruits and vegetables. As is familiar to most fertile agricultural land to maintain the production of abundant if fully exploited to become one of the first provinces to maintain the country in agricultural production. As irrigation projects where very low in comparison to the amount of water that pass through this province, for example, only that the rate of water going through the limits (50) m 3 / sec and a surplus that is without the benefit limits (400) m 3 / sec. In addition to these projects, most old projects before the establishment for decades and territory tell all these projects but reclaimed (except draft Awja and Aouinat which irrigated 4319 dumdums) only. This is in addition to the rains that fall within the conservative often inadequate and not guaranteed. In addition to the above, there lakes within the conservative waters has been underutilized in favor of maintaining the Tharthar lake, or taking advantage of partially filling the great lake. The city of Tikrit in central Iraq, none of the impoverished region in the fall of rain and there are five major pumping stations by transporting water pumps from the river Tigris to the main and subsidiary channels. For example, along one of these channels in a region called the Dijlah 20 km and the conduct of 10m3/s at the functioning of all these pumps at the station. But that is what is happening now is the operation of 3 pumps out 6 pumps because of low levels of the Tigris River, which led to lack of water in the main channel to a half and this means that more than half the land had not been exploited and cultivated because of lack of access to share water Especially land located in the middle and the end of the channel with no water and access to them due to lack of water in the channel and most of the territory at the beginning of the channel take the largest share of water for them and close the gates at the sufficiency of farm irrigation water, turning to field drain without the benefit of it Due to lack of central control as we have seen in most irrigation projects in Japan and Aichi, where a special channel to be controlled by water level-control rooms, possession of automatic gates that maintain and regulate water levels in canals and rivers. The irrigation system in Iraq is surface irrigation The irrigation systems failed where large quantities of waste and not fully utilized leading to the growth of natural grass and bush others undesirable. In addition to the rise of ground water level of agricultural land and increases the proportion of salt in the soil and make it unfit for agriculture and increase in the proportion of land reclamation needs. So the best solution is to adopt an irrigation methods such as drip irrigation or spray irrigation and control Centers such as what we saw on the island of Okinawa, where the exploitation of the quantities of water irrigation less than surface irrigation for agriculture, especially drip irrigation, although the cost of purchasing the system expensive and require constant maintenance to the most obstructive Dotting holes in the salt water irrigation TheThe projectproject (Action(Action Plan)Plan) ::-- Can be exploited ground water in these kinds of irrigation because it did not need large quantities of water in surface irrigation system can land and the exploitation of large and wide and suitable for agriculture use this water by digging wells drilled by the company in Tikrit, water wells of the Ministry of Water Resources and then moved to Big concrete tanks where they are compiled in the water reservoirs and then distributed on agricultural land through a pipeline network to be installed and distributed to the territories covered by this system and then set up and operate spray irrigation systems and control and core Water quotas based on agricultural areas, such as what we saw on the island Okinawa, where it is stored and centralized water distribution services before distributions based water and agricultural land for human use. TheThe costcost ofof thethe projectproject :: Description Amount $ 1-The price of drilling the well with the 15000 packaging tubes. 2-Submersible pump price of the Well. 10000 3-The price of pipeline delivery of the well to 10000 the reservoir 4-The price of building a concrete tank. 100000 5-The price of the pipeline from the 15000 reservoir to the distribution Of agricultural land farmers 6-The price of pumps for pumping water 15000 from the well to the reservoir Total cost of the project 165000 LongLong--rangrang Goal:Goal:

The benefit from this project in the long run is to take advantage of the quantities of ground water and the exploitation of the largest agricultural land that have not been cultivated in the past due to lack of water and improve the living conditions of farmers and improve local communities and reduce waste in the quantities of water and reducing salt in the soil attributed to the absence of an increase in The amount of water for watering, as well as meeting the need of plants and vegetables that the country needs them. ShortShort--rangrang Goal:Goal:

1- Self-sufficiency of food and water.

2- Improving agriculture in the country.

3- Greater use of agricultural land.

4- Operating the largest number of labor. TheThe Problems:Problems:

Low water levels in the Tigris River and the lack of rainfall led to a significant decline in agriculture in Iraq because of water shortages and lack of access to them through the irrigation canals. We must therefore use of ground water in the area of Lake Tharthar, which feed water the ground so that water stock in the lake has been reduced because of feeding the lake water from rain and flood water in the Tigris river as they were in the beginning of this century, where was the transfer of large amounts of flood water To the lake through the gates of control of the city of . If there were working gates automatically open and close as the low and high water levels in the river was easy to exploit and control of the Tigris River and fully benefit from it without going to sea as we have noted in most of the gates in the control channel Aichi. TheThe expectedexpected resultsresults ofof thethe project:project: 1-One of the main expected results of this project is the exploitation of large tracts of land and planting different types of crops and vegetables such as wheat, barley, sunflower Tomato, cucumber, sweet potato, progress and other. Self-sufficiency of vegetables and fill local need for these types of crops and improve the living conditions of a large number of farmers. 2-To make houses combination and improving the living conditions of farmer’s exploitation of groundwater.