====~~-======~======~~~. :-======~======~======VOL. XIX-New Series Vol. IV IOWA CITY, IOWA, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 2.1920 NU;\IBER 161 :---=-=----- WOMEN MATCHEll TO PLAY rHILY .IOWA:'\ TAFF TO STOUT AND DAVIS TO SE:lH-FINAL TENNIS GAME CLASS 'OffICERS MEET PI I THI FTER '00 SEVENTEEN RECEIVE --HEID DAILY IowAN Women's tennis tournament of sin­ TOMORROW TO WI ND Member. of the Daily Iowan . taff SCHOL ASTIC HO NORS gles now stand s at the semi-finals and former members will l' vert to STAff Of NEXT YEAR line, according to Marian Taylor of UPBIG MEMORIAL DRIVEthe fancy fl' e days of real "port \his OF PHI BET AK APPA the women's physical education de- afternoon wb n they board Fitzger- Daily Iowan Board Pledged $1000 to partment who is in charge of the Those Who Have Not ubscribed or ald's launch at 4 o'clock for the pic- Local Chapter Elect Fourteen 'eniors Iowa Memorial Union at Meeting tournament. Winners of the fOUlth Have Le s Than a Life Member- nic grounds above the Country club. and Three Graduates at Meet- Each person is expected to bring a Last Night, Payable" Quarterly round of the singles as matched for ship Are--to be Solicited ing Monday Evening the semi-finals are as follows: Beat- basket of lunch. Dressing rice Blackmar and Lucile Burtis; Mar­ BLACKMAR IS SUMMER EDITOR RO;\IOLA LATCHEM I CHAIRMA A snappy story is goin&, to be ex- MACBRIDE I H OR MEmlElt I ian Brierly and Lorna Ludwick; Mar­ act d from every picnicer in addition iam Roe and Emilie Hartman; Carrie No Bu iness Manager For Summer Former tudent Here Will Direct the to the two bits fare for the launch. Formal In,'t,'atl'on , l'll Tak Pia I McIntosh and Florence Barnes. Another requIrement to join th gang ession Elected-Applications May Committees in Push for Funds- l'ttonday Evening in Liberal .\rt WM put forth by 011 of th memberN I Be Pre ented to Dr. Weller. Chair- Progress of the entry tourn- Faculty Members in Effort- A mbly Room-Member hip Open ament has been somewhat slower than of the staff when he said, "An,'on man of Daily Iowan Board-Davis A. F. I. and taft' and Circle Ap­ to PeT ent. of • enior la h \ itll :1 who hm't full of pep hadn't b it 'r Will Appoint Advertising Manager the single. There still remain several !,oint CommiUees for Work Average Crade of inety I tramei to be played off in the second ('om." PI·of. and I\hil. harl('s 1I George L. Stout of Winterset, jun- and third rounds of the double::;. "All \'; Iler and Prof. William S. Maulsby 5c games in these rounds mlfst be played o that June " 9, and 10 may will chap ron the party. ior in the college of liberal arts was be "grand wind-up clays," for the 1F.f.ECTED TO PAt BETA KWP \ 1 off today or forfeited," said Miss Tay­ elected editor-in-chief of the Daily "Bi)! June Push" for the Iowa Memor· ~ lor yesterday, "providing the weather + Iowan for the coming year at an elec­ ial Union, officers of all classes in clive 'f('ll1her tion held by the Daily rowan board permit!!." 'fllr\' n(ler<;(1n. Iowa rih ~ every college will meet Thursday, LAMBD ATHETA ELECTS I of trustees last night. Dwight Davis June 3, at 5 o'clock in lib 1'al arts . lirillm P,"" kner. f"wa Citv 12e I' of Iowa City was elected husiness auditorium to get cards for the m m­ NINE JUNIOR WOMEN E,Iw:mi H. C Ilmherlin. low, Ci t manager; ancl Beatrice Blackmar of A. f. I. INITIATES 12 bel'S of their claRs who have not sub­ Frnnces It Denr1-otn. Hed Onk Ottumwa editor-in-chief for th' sum­ scribed 01' whose pledge has be n less Flinot nouf"11I K. nl" "oine I Initiation Will h~ Held This Afternoon mer session. Howard . Elli. Iowa ity NEW MEN LAST NIGHT than a life membership. A. F. 1. and Followed by Annual Banquet \1 Tlt'. R \T . Good),ko(\nt7. \\'nu\lon No buslne s manager for the sum­ Staff and Circle committees will lunch at Hotel Jefferson 12c Helen . Jcnista. Rock I Innd, III. I mer was elected. Application mu t Banquet at Jefferson Given in Honor together at noon Thursday to discuss 17c RU Ase ll Johnso n, linton be presented to Charles H. Weller, of ew Initiates-Hancher plans for next week's drh·e. To facil- Lam b In education, \nth an membership in Iowa Alpha ('haptRr high school the past year. Mi~s Hla,.kmar has been connected IIree, Delta Tau Delta; Floyd Page, average 'rade of B or aho\'e and th at a me ting h lei Monday vening. ",itll the Iowan this year as feature Acacia, Phi Delta Phi; Frank Shuttle­ But the campaign for !;ubsc"iptions intention of entering the teaching pro- Thomas Huston Macbrid , PI' • id nt worth, Fred A. Steiner, Sigma Ph.i is not confined to students, fo], Prof. feldon are necessary fo\' eligibility to editor and has worked on the Des emeritus, wa. el ct <1 to honorary A. O. Thomas, with a committee of Lambda Theta. Election is limit d to Moines Register. Epsilon, Sigma Delta Chi; Benjamin memberahip. ten fa ulty members: Prof. Forest . the upper one-fourth of junior wom­ At the meeting of the board last SynhoJ'st, Phi Delta Theta, Nu Sigma (Continued on Pag Nu. Ensign, Dean William F. Russell, and en in the education cla se:::. Thr - night a pledge of $1000 was made to Prof. Charles L. Robbins of the col­ fourths of the. e are el ctecl in the the Iowa Memorial Union to be paid Vergil 111. Hancher, former active lege of education; Proi. R. A. Ku vel' spring. The remaining fourth will oe in four annual payments from the member of A. F. r., spoke on the of the college of pharmacy; Prof. elected al> eniors next faJl, to I t in money derived from the paper each "Jdeals of A. F. I.," and read the Parade I Followed by Program at I Hanlin C. Craig, head of the depart­ those who hav not yet taken th r­ year. The Daily Iowan hopes to se- obligations tnat the new members Natural dence Auditorium ment of English; William W. Martin qui red amount of ducation. cure rooms in the Memorial building undertake upon initiation. Clyde d of the college of dentistry; Prof. Hel'­ 1 when it is completed and takes this Charlton responded fo,' the new mem­ Memorial Day exercL s, held to bert F. Goodrich of the college of bers. Ralph E. Overholser acted as A LU.l\IN"U. TO 'TART comm morate the h roeA of the na­ means of assisting in the cause. law; Prof. C. C. Keller of applied toa:tmaster. tion, were started off yesterday after­ science; and Dr. E. M. McEwen of Graduating la Will be Asked to noon at 1:30 o'clock by the parade SO-LONG FRIVOL HITS CAMPUS A. F. J. is a self-perpetuating body the college o~ medicine are oliciting ub cribe-Price Raised to 1.50 which formed on Linn and Wa ~hi ng­ and each spring chooses from the men the faculty. ton strpets The marshal of the day, of the junior class the twelve most Favorab!e Reception Promises Re- These committeemen have request­ A campaign for sub criptions to the Col. GeOl'g'e W. Ball, was at the lend, umption of Publication Next Year prominent men in activities, leader- ed forty other members of the in- Alumnu. will be conducted among the followe<1 by the nh'er, it~, band. the . hip, and Iowa spirit. ~ . mem bel of the graduating clas', at Leyion, pani.' h-American veteran \ Frivol stormed the battlements of (Continued on Page the beginning of next week, when a and 110n of v terans. The old ~o\dier Univer ity life Monday and Tuesday, nAPTl T • T DE TT TAGE complimentary copy of the May num­ anti wounded soldiers were brought in broke through the gloom clouds that "TEETH OF THE GIFT HORSE" ber of the Alumnus will be sent to cars. guarded there, and replaced the pre­ MAURICE VAN METRE each senior. The president of the The line of march terminated at ll; \'atent despair of departing seniors Univel'sity young people will ap­ . eniol' class in each coli ge will b in the natural science auditorium where with th joyousness of the So Long peal' in a one act farce, "The Teeth of JOINS REGISTER STAff ch:lrge of a committee to solicit sub­ the exerci es of the day were helel. I number of the University's humorous the Gift Horse," at the Baptist church ! a a ee. news sel'vice has been prompt and McIntosh, Margal'et Hayes, Eula Van Telephone Blnck l757; Offire IIours 9· 11 : Iowa has some men who, while not Iy 20 pel' cent. 2·4 dnih , Room 14 L. A. Building d' h U . courteous, and we wish, as a body, Meter, Magdalene Grimm, Alvaretta ------outstanoing stars, have brought home Of the students atten mg t e m- to make formal acknowledgement West, Mary Shal'p, Reva Meardon, J . Mel ITick ...oll ...... Managing Editor h't 2892 me and 209 4 are Menrice \'~n M~tre ...... A8soclllle Editor point!' for alma mater by t eir con- venn y" arc n , ~ of your consideration. Mildred Taylor. "" ,.,ney Laml} ...... -...... News F.ditor • T h " m The colleO'e of liberal arts "."neth C. N"I,I ...... Sports P.ditor sistpnt per s l~tency. owa as a num- \0 en. " • On behalf of the out-going cab- Y. M. C. A. will decide on its sum· ll."trir_ Illllckanllr ...... Ye.\ur. Editor bel' of them this v. ear. We wonder if enrolls 61 per cent of the student Mnllriee Van M~ire ...... RuIllOroul Editor inet,l am mer program at the next board meet­ T~t'lm. 1·,rRV ...... SOeietv Editor in recognition of their flervices and body or 3,186 students. The graduate Very sincerely yours, '''@#II .lnh'lItOn , ••..••.••.•.•..••. h ••• llrRmntlr F,fitor I ing to be held next week. Zen aide Coover ______Exchange Editor for lhe future interesis of track ath- college i the second largest college Mary Anderson, president. XI(JHT EDITORS letic=", it would not be worth while to in lhe University. It ha: an enroll- P. S. Editor's note:- I 'frpd A ~tpi"p. r NR.ncy Lllmh' l{ ~rian 1I)"r IIlnrion Smith sene! a few more men to Michigan. A ment of 482 students. Applied science I The acknowledgement was a five ~11I\lrire ""n M~tr. ------, ---- chanc(' sometimpf; wim; u meet. At is thil'd with 394. pound bOK of chocolates which the PlSDiERS STAFf' \" 11 d . I Iowan staff enjoyed. We thank rDWA~n II, ( 'H \tHUta.,,, n"Minoss Manngor least the more "l"s that are present ,.omen are enro e tn every co- I . Telephone Office hours 11-12: a-6 dnily. tl M' h' fi II '11 b . l' i' legn of the Unl·veI·Sl·tV.. FOUl' 'lre takJ you. 8~;J~I-1 23 IOWR Ave. on V' 1(' Igan e (WI e me Ica Ive " - Dwight A. Davis Advrrti$ing M.n"gO' of the growing intel'est in track ath- ing law, six are students in medicine, ------' E: '" ••II,v. w. ~.,., rM'" Inr '",' 0'" '0'" leticfi at Iowa-a reputation we need l one is in dentistry, two in applied loValtV, o"d that I. IOllnltv I. ,,,, A ,"'rira" I PtOlllt." -Thtod"rt Ro".,."" in the Big Ten. science, and ten in phal'mac)'. In the I college of liberal arts thel'e are ninety BOTH Y.M. AND Y.W. TO I ~;~! ~~!~~l~~~~l~ I Fl'T. II TilE .JOB So-long- Frivol i); out and the ecli-, more men enroller! than women. Eight month,: ago Iowa acc~pte(~ a lor of the Listening Post ha~ left Completp ~tatistics for the University CONTINUE "OPEN HOUSE" I I job. No one outside the Unl\'eI'Slb" f II . . lhe nivPl'sitr. What a dry world it are ali 0 ow,,;: urged its adoption. The citizcnr~' of j. getting to be. I - Men W'm T'l , BUCK l the Uniyel'sity \'olltntarily took upon Graduate college __ 256 217 4 .. 2 hri"tian .\s"ociation Will Continue . I itself the huilding of a Memorial Liberal Arts ______163 15-1 31 6 Work During. ummer es ion with IJON E S I Union, Tocla), thl' jcb i::; unfinished. Most wom"n are thankful that the Law ______14 4 152 Defill1t~ Program I The pt'omoter:;-th :tuoents-must Gibson gil'l in the moon is not gifted Medicine ______237 7 244 Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. A. are rally to the cause. RponRoree! by them- with Rpeech. School for nurse __ _ 199 199 C. in his latest photoplay, arrangin~ for association' work to be selves, or their dream will never come Homeopathic nurse ' 6 6 carried on durin!!' the Summer es- true. Today's wit avers: that only a pes- Dentistry ______311 1 312 "The Forbidden Trail" 394 sion. Both organization plan to The "June Push" i.. on. For the simist would hang a pin on Memorial App IdSie clence . --__ 39":.. 2 67 keep their offices open, ancl ha\'e a A dandy western picture fuJI of fourth time this yeul' ~tudents of the day. Ph armacy ______57 10 pep. definite program during the summer. University are asked to put their *School of Music___ 3 17 20 quota over the top. The goal is $100,- L'bI rary T'ramtng . __ _ 27 27 A committee of Unh'ersity women Also a comedy. Pathe News 000. More than half that amount has This is the month when cupid calls who are members of the y , W. and been raised by 1311 students on th.e the bluff of old h. c. !. 3051 2037 50 9 TOMORROW and FRIDAY campus. A life membership is but $50 Dupliclltions ______159 13 See Charming for the undergraduate. Two thousand Seniors may be consoled, the final slJoCh memberships would make the Total ______-2892 2024 4917 examination is not a crucial test. student quota. Four thousand would *The students here noted ~l'e pe­ VIVIAN double the quota, Payments al'e easy. cial students registered for course3 in Four years is permitted the sub,cl'ibel' Phi Beta Kappa has been an- music exclusively (not including chil- MARTIN ·1 in which to pay a life membership. nounced. Rest, brother, rest. dren.) The total number of different 'The contribution amounts to $12.50 a students registered for courses in mu- Today and Tomorl'ow in the best picture she ever made, year-$0.0347 a day. Is there any 01.1.... ------....-rr sic as candidates for a degree in the Madge Kennedy student who can not afford such a STUDENTS AT COE I college of liberal arb is about 265. trifling sum? It is scarcely interest I WALK OUT FOR DAY \ in her latest comedy, "Husbands and Wives" on one's loyalty to his University. ON "STRIKE" ORDER I I CIVILlAN lOWA RIFLE Taken from the famous novel, The Memorial Union is not a facul- -1- .s- TEAM SELECTED IN Jl NE "Dollars and Sense" "Making Her His Wife." ty project. It i. a student enterprise, "The way they do it at Coo" will This i a dandy. Plan on seeing backed, desired, and promoted by the interest Iowa students. Also other comedies. it. unoergraduates. The administration The following notice appeared on Iowa civilian rifle team which will Also a two-reel has taken only a guiding hand, its A sure cure for the the Coo campus on a recent warm take part in the rifte matche at sympathy being that of direction rath- ALICE HOWELL Comedy. day, under the bold face headi~ Camp Perry from July 30 to AUlt'ust exalnination blues, r than promotion. "STRIKE": 2 ' will be selected during the latter "The coolest spot in town." Have the students forgotten the WHEREAS: The Powers That Be palt of June accorQing to advices re- ~t!~~~)t~~j(jc!~~~~ Come down and get cooled off, ideal the Memorial Unioll is to stand and njoy a fir t-c1ass show. have seen fit to grant us weather un­ ceived fl'om Adjutant-general Louis ------..:--~~;,;.,;;.~~.::....;.;...-...;...----- for? Have they so soon fOI'gotten the fit for study and the squalor of the C. Lasher of Des Moines. Any citi- • cause that sponsored a Memorial to class-room, and ~en of Towa is eligible to comp te in the University's sons ami daughters WHEREAS: The faculty and board the try-outs and if successful will be who have taken part in the past war? of trustees of this, our college have sent to Camp Perry at the expen ' of Can the heroism of such men as Beck: returned an unqualified refusal to our th govel·nment. Person~ interested er, Grubb, and Roland bE' ca~t aRide petition asking that classes be held are requested to write the Adjutant- indifferently without M modals to out of doors in shady dells and sylvan gen I'al at the State Hou. e, Dr. their name ? glades, and that picnic lunches be Moine. Students of rowa! Our job i8 s mall. s rved during chapel, and Self honor will lloi permit us to "pro­ WHEREAS ALSO: We are nevel crastinate longcl'. In this out' final young but once, and JJlI1;h-we must succe d,_ we will suc­ It' RTHER WHEREAS: Everybody Making it Easy to Bank ceed. We mU8t tlni. h the joh. i!; doing itr-many with less provoca­ tion-be it therefore For your own protection you should THE Trt.\CI TEAM RESOLVED: That for the space of GARDEN ban k all ch eck tti en . rOll h oth rl'R Tl'1ck at Iowa i: on the gai n. fO one day the student body of Coe Col­ Last Time Today within at lea t J8 hOlll's aft l' their time in past history of the nivel'­ lege shall STRIKE and refuse to go receipt. sity can bonst. of UH much intel'clit and to claAses and other toilsome routine Alice Lake IiU('CC,ity's n1'ollment this year to S The attendance of University stu­ of hat in ol'deriflg. $Ucc ssful year for the aSl1ociation. h well O\'el' 4,900 stu(lent.~: wooel. Advisol'Y board, Prof dents at summer school is decidecQy The special work of the year was th H. Weller, Prof. Gl nn N. Merry, W. increasing, according to Prof. Charles PHILOS ELECT OFFICERS exhibition of the Redfield paintings at "I'll bet you a dinn r thai ~ummer H. Weller, director of the summer Philomathean literary society elect- the Commercial Club room!> last M. Davis, J. J. 1\1:agnuson. school aU nclan thili ~(,3r i. n arer session. Formerly, it was attended ed and installed the following officers January. 1 00 than 1,500." mainly by teachers and by studentill at its last meeting of the year .held Plans for the coming year's work To Observe JO 0' lock Rule What th d an of th j!ru

EIGHTY-ONE REASONS why you should become a member to-day of the IOWA MEMORIAL UNION "If ye break faith with us who die, We shall not sleep though poppies grow In Flanders' fields."

Charles Frederick Allen Hugh Stanley Newell William Austin Jarvi H .. Walker William John Barry Robert G. OdIe Clifford A. Ros E. F. "Edward n Fred H. Becker amuel Leo Oren William Des el J . J. Kelleher harles E. Benton Charle Polton Ella Noring Fred W. Jone Lewi Nelon Bower Fred E. Renshaw John G. Mapes W. H. Jone Lyman E. Case Homer J. Paine Rush mer Chri tian hri Hansen Jame A. O'Donnell . W. Cloe Homer G. Roland F rand Joseph McNiff Royal Y. Galliher Harold James B. Coxe E lroy Edward Rorick Ralph Whittle Leon W. Re d Harold Edward Crutchett Charles P. Rowe Harold Lewis Bryson John P. heenan Lloyd Hawley Carter Glaucius L. Royce Cha t-Ies McCreary lark Orland L. Orcutt Robert E. Dunham Richard Harrison Ri tine C. Kapheng t Francis Quinn Clark Denike Fanton Edward M. Sheehan F. l\footheart Theo. ha. Nicklau Raymond Fish Harold E. Stevenson Philip Molskness J. W. O'Donnell John Frank Grubb Walter Martin Stillman Frank B. Koopman Othal G. Williams Samuel Cushman Haven John Deane Stuart F. D. Bond Paul S. Cochran William Paul Hyman Winfield M. White Fred Larsen Edwin Adams Justin Keneher James Doomink F. Stevenson Wallace B. Carpenter Michael Kerwin James H. Weaver Sidney Parl!Ons Endor John Hoeven George Gilchrist Luckey Walter H. Fox Elmer Johnson Felix E. Pauls Homer McGuire Francis John ~lcNulty M. R •• zczukowski Bemard Wallace

They gave their lives. All you are asked to do is to contribute a few paltry dollars in their melTIOl'Y and for your

t. own future profi t and pleasure. I' " partmt'nts in the college of medicine rooms from either the office of the +______--.+ "GREAT DIVIDE" UNFOLDS VIVID and the college of liberal arts. dean of men or the dean of women.: ANNOUNCEMENTS I STORY OF GENUINE WESTERN LIFE QUADRANGLE !\tAKES ROOM Room rent at Currier hall will be + + PLENTIFUL FOR SUMMER the same dudng · the summer ses ion Kappa Phi Picnic ~~, Unusual scenic effects nevcr before I biggest support in the entel'PrlSe out as it is during the yea I'. The Kappa Phi, University women's June V attained iR University dramatic pro- west, has left him without explana-I Rooms will be easier to secul'e for class of the Methodist church, ....;11 prices for three months are: double Dr. : ductions are promised for William tion, the venture fails, and Philip Jor- I this summer ses!lion than before on _ have a pi<;nic Thursday evening, the Moody's famous play, . "The Great dan is forced to return to Boston account of the fact that the Quad- rooms $32,50, and for single rooms last meeting of the class this year, GuthriE ment () Divide," to be presented by the senior practically penniless. Stephen Ghent, rangle is fini shed, This ha been re- $35.00, Suites will be $37.50. The clas:; will meet at the Wesley I Arch F class at the Englcrt theater June 9 hearing of t.he misfortune, .buys up served for the men except one section house at 5 o'clock and are asked to I The price of board is now $5.50 a the we( and 14. Tickets are on sal e at Whet- the pl'operty "floating loose on the of it which has been set aside for bring money for theil' lunch . . All " I E R h i· I I week, but it will probably be raised to tho e who I'ntenel to go are to call Miss D stone's or may be 0 b tRine

the laboratory ami infirmary not aJl DENTAL CLINIC WILL of the 160 eligible freshmen may I ~)¢~)¢~~~~~~ ~~~~~~x~ ~ FOR SUMMER regi3ter, , ince there is only room for CLOS U I]10; priority in selection will be I based on high scholarship entirely, College of Medicine Open Onl y to Course oITered in the college of 50 Half 50c Graduate and no Regular medicine during the summer session will be open only to graduates. "Regu­ on the Courses Are Offered Per cent lar work in this cQllege will not go on this summer," Dr. John T. McClin­ Saving Dollar The dental clinic will not be in tock, junior dean of the college of opl'ration dUJ'ing the summer ses io n, me

If the four students who were looking for gra­ ! duation presents Monday night will l'eturn the bottle of Cara-Nome (Toilet Water) they stole from ollr store, there will be no Questions asked; otherwise I will prosecute, I am getting tired of these petty thefts and will be only too glad to u e them a an example, HENRY LOUIS, Druggist COASTS' 121 E. College


FRIDA Y EVENING SATURDAY EVENING Varsity Dance Friday, June 4th Saturday, June 5th Dancing 8:45 to 11:45 Dancing 8:45 to 11:45 Company "Au ArmorY Varsi ty Orchestra


\ 1· Miss Violet ETHEL JONES an, Her Shadow (Obibway Canoe fir to the Dean of Women, in speaking Song), from the Opera, "Shanew," SOCIETY I):WOMEN'S COUNCIL PACT of the constitution, said: "The con- :\[ezzo Soprano Is Ac:compilnieel by Cadman. stitution as designed, is broad enough Dr. Penrose and Prof. Clapp 4. Wind and Lyre, Rogers; Japan- Y women's to include the interest of all the girls ese Death ong, Sharp; 1\I y GardeD, W;;;;;ed-din;;;gS :hurch, ""ill ~\;;;;Iun;;;;;e ;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~:·I ~~: !~.t~~:'~a~~:~:. in school, and hopes to coordjnate the Ethel Jones, mezzo soprano, for- Freer; A Clear Midnight, Spier; The :vening, the Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Daugherty of eel or Reiected at Referendum women's activities on the campus. The merly of Independence, now of Chi- I ailor's Wife, H. T. Burleigh. I this year. Guthrie Center announce the engage- Election Held Today adoption of this consti~ution will fonn cago, Ill., gave a rec:ital at the nat- \ 5. Tranquility, Foote; Cradle Song, ment of their daughter, Helen to __ the Wf!sley a defi~ite . wol'kin~ basis for a wom~n's ur:ll scienCt' auditorium last evening. ICarpenter; Didn't It ~ain, Burleigh; re asked to Arch F. O'Donoghue of Storm Lake, I The recently dl'Sfted co nstitution orgamzatton whIch ought to develop The first two groups of . ong were A Burilt of Melody, Iler. lunch. - All the wedding to be an event of June 4. for the Women's Council is to be vot­ into a true elf-govemment associa- accompanied by Dr. Byron Penro, Mi ' Jon s is entirely American are to call Miss Daughelty is a member of the ed upon today by the women of the tion within a yeaI' or so." instructor of prosthetic dentistry, at trained, having had orne work in the Wesley Alpha Delta Pi sorority and attended University. Tables will be placed in the Council, urges every women in the the piano. Prof. Philip G. Clapp, Davenport and a gr ate I' part in Chi­ lay night. the University in 1918 and 1919. Mr. the halls and voting may be done be­ Univer,;ity to vote. "By voting, the head of the depaltment of mu ic, ac- cago. he is at pre ' nt t aching a t O'Donoghue was gl'aduated from the tween 9 and 12 in the morning, and women will show their interest in the companied the English song. the olumbia School of lusic in Chi- ihipped yes­ college of Iibel'al alts in 1917 and the 1 and 4 in the afternoon. estahli shment of an organization at The program follows: cago. ! in two or college of medicine in 1919. He is a According to the constitution, the Iowa that has as its purpose, the fur- 1. Morning, Rachmaninoff; ord received member of the Phi Beta Pi fraternity. approving vote of the majority must thering of the spirit of unity among nance, Borodine; To the Ch ildren, be cast- before the constitution is the women of the University; the pro­ igma Pi Win Game 4 to 3 Rachmaninoff; In the teppe, Gret- Mr. and Mrs. George A. Crane of ratified. Therefore, over 700 women moting and maintaining of high Sigma Pi trimmed igma Phi Ep­ must vote. chaninow. will hold a Dexter announce the engagement of standards of living and cholat'ship, iJon by a 4 to 3 SCOI' at the city Y afternoon their daughter, Mary Ellen, to DT. If ratified by the women of the Unj­ and the l'egulating of student conduct 2. Cloches de Paques, Tournemire; park yesterday afternoon. Thi i the 1:15 o'clock. Hugh F. Hgen Fritz of Dextel·. The versity, the constitution will be pre­ not under faculty jurisdiction." Le Vieux Moulin, FOUl'drain; J 'a second game the two fratern ltie have wedding will take place on June 23. sented to the faculty for approval and A copy of the constitution appears pleure en Reve, Hue, a nd Carnavnl, played together. In the first game Sigma Pi got nine run. to the ig I the lib- Miss Crane attended the University I if accepted, will go into effect at the in another column of this is ue of the \ Foul'drain. Ep , two. 5 p. m. this and is a member of the Pi Beta Phi opening of the University in the fall. Jow:m. 3. Spring ong of the Rohin Wom- sorority. Dr. ligen F ritz g raduated ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- from the college of denti try in 1919 _------~.; ----.------., and is a member of the Psi Omega iratE: rnity. He is practicing dentist ry in Dexter.

Theta . i~ m a Phi Picnic P"RO PATRIA Theta Sigma Phi, profesRional I · journalistic sorority, will picnic along Hundreds of the sons and daughters ot Iowa forsook the pleasure of college the river Thursday afternoon. Be­ fore the picnic lunch is served initi a­ classroom for the sterner duties of war, and with but one thought mp countrp tion will be held at the Alpha Ch i Omega house where Margaret Hayes first. All honor to them! '20, will be initiated. Let not the honor be empty. Recall those early days of 1917 when camps W. A. A. Pknic sprung up over night, and search now your heart. Be loyal. Sign up for the Women'. Athletic a sociation will picnic at the city park this evening at 5 :30 o'clock in honol' of senior membels of the association. AU the memhr1'3 wi!1 meet at the women's grmnasium at 5 o'clock. Jean Spiers, Iowa Memorial Union preside nt, requests that all bring their swimming suits and money to pay for This space donated by the R. L. Dunlap Lu.mber Company lunch. ----

Class in Arithmetic, Atte~tion!


Problem No.1 A certain student expects to take a life membership in the Iowa Memorial Union at $50 payable in four years. How luuch will it cost him a year? A month? A week? A day? (Answers: (1) year $12.50; (2) a month $1.04; (3) a week 24 cents; (4) a day 3% cents.)

Problem No.2 If every student gives 24 cents a week for four years to the Iowa Memorial Union how 111UC 1 \vill he S1.lb~cr lhed by 4000 sh~ c1 e nts? (Answer: $200,000.)

Excused from Final Examinations NOTICE: All students, whether seniors 01' not, who prove their complete understanding of these problems by subscribing $50 or more, according to their pawn, to the Iowa Memorial - Union, will be excused from final examinations in this subject and may go home with the feel­ :::::m ing that they have done something proud for Alma Mater.

NG This space contributed by the First National Bank .. • I I. v

~-- -- ~ ------. Execlltive Ceuncil f.lowi-nc tach "6111<'. Clwsen for Dancera PROPOSED CONSTITUTION OF THE meeting- and act ae a rtfIreselttatiTe DANCERS AND DANCES 1\1 ClI'IM!n, who ha\'e boon chosen for WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF IOWA of her di~l"ict on the co ...iI. !he yadou:: voup dances, are; (3) It shall be tile duty of the ARE ANNOUNCED FOR Au tum. leaves: Jesn Hicklin, Lela UP FOR RATIFICATION WEDNESDAY chairlllan of houile pr68identlli to cat! TragQr, Elizabeth Dorcas, Mrs. meetin&"s of the hou se premdentl. Jose¢1ine Hunter Ray, Helen Gier, I ARTICLE J the Bxecutive Council. T1¥o . candi­ ANNUAL SPRING FETE and Norlilla Scheidemann. "00(/ ARTICLE VI-DISTRICT Thc n'lRle of this orgawi:l;ation shall dates shall be nOM inated for each of- nympha and snowflake.: Mattie Kof­ ORGANIZATIOlIIS t-e the WDmen's Association of Iowa. fice. Th president must be a Senior PR,eant GinD in J.ne on Presidl'nt's ton, Alberta Vaser, Dorothy Lingham, ARTICLE ](-PUROOSES and have Ile)"ved the pre\~OUll rear on The city shall be dil'ided geogra- Lawn-Direction of WORln's Adele Kimm and Dora Ohde. Flowers The purpose of this organization the Executive Council. phically into districts, each district Physical Education of Spring: Marjorie Peters, Elsa b~all be: (2) Election: The oifieers of the including not mOI'e than thirty girlll. Smith, Iva Dodd, Marguerite Stnible, (t) To further in every way the aSllociation shall be elected by popular One girl shall be elected from each GOODENOUGH IS IN CHARGE Margal-et Taylo», Margaret Star~ck, filil'it of unity nd fellowship among I vote before April 15. diiitrict to represent that district on Esther Butler, Dorothy Brooks, Ruth tl1e women of the University. To co- No girl shall be a candidate for any the Executive Counoil. Every house Is Traditional Entertainment for Uni - Parker, Helen Gier, Emma Martin, [lCl·:' te with other women's orgaRoiza- office who has not had an avera&,e of containing five or more girls shall versity Visitors of Commencement Ada Snyder, Edna Tolander, Mrs. t ions of the University. C for thf' previous semester. elect a president who shall be res- Week-Scene of Pageant Laid in Josephine Hunter Ray, Rosamond (2) To promote and maintain ARTICLE V-EXBCUTIVE ponsible fsr the girls in her house. Fairyland-Nature to Furnish the Road and Leal Rank. hif:h standards of living nd scholar- COUNCIL The house presidents shall meet at the Scenery-Seven Leading Character8 Fairy Attendants of the Queen: ship. Section 1-rer~nn el. beginning of the year' and elect one Margery Heberling, Salome Fisher, (3) To regulate all matters of Officer of the association, Repre- of ~eir number to act as ehairman Selection of the cast of dancers for Margal-et West, Margaret Eglin, ~ student conduct not falling under the sentative from Staff and Circle, Rep- and represent them Dn the Executive the annual June pageant to. be held Helen Stearns, Alma Held and jurisdiction of the faculty. resentative frDm W. A. A., Represent- Council. under the auspices of the women's de- Clemme Stephenson. Birds: Salome ARTICLE III-MEMBERSHIP ative from Y. W. C. A., Represent- ARTICLE "II-AMENDMENTS partrnent of physical education is noW Fisher, Ruth Evans, Emilie Hartman, All women of the University shall ative from Pan Hellenic, Represent- This constitution may be amended complete, according to Edith D. Good- Beatrice McGarvey, Wava Smith and I "pon registration become ipsofacto ative from Forensic Council, Repre- by a 2-3 (two thirds) vote of the Ex- enough, dancing instructor in charge Lela Tra&,er. Forest Sprites: Salome m mhers of this organization. lentative from Fl-eshmen Council, ecutive Co.ncil at any llIeeting. The of the fete. The fete, to be staged on Fisher, Ruth Evans, Emilie Hartman, ARTICLE IV-OFFICERS Represe. tative from Freshmen Com- proposed amendment must be present- the lawn of the president's hDme on Eileen Ga.1vin, Beatrice McGarvey, cetlon 1. mission, Chairman of House Presi- ed in \vriting at a previous meeting. the hmen ommlSSIDn, and students who. are preparing to en- sprit s, the birds. and the wood English, c) nee, Musk, l'enmanshi-p, r' jnt", made by indivi(h'?'~ '. 11' , • "OI'~ ... <.:"".,,- no (!\ng and, Forensic Council shall be to CD­ t r college to make up work in which nymph~ all take their t.urn in nanc­ Drawing, etc. Address George W. con ('1\. _ _ fl" . ordinate the work of. her organization they are deficient. ing for the beautiful Prinress. Then Sies, Secretary, Oxford, Iowa. 159 (~ _ Il~o\ '( i The publjcity chairman hall with that of the Women's associatiDn. Students who wish tv enroll in the the Fairy Queen once more put;; the t r:c tharge Df the advertising of the The di. trict captains shall: summer ses iDn may clo so in person Princes to sleep. Pre,ently th Princ watch. Initials "E. :>"~'l('b tion and personally notify the (1) A t the beginning of the or by mail, by applying to the regis- enter. in .earch of his Prince". He K." Return to IDwan Office. Re- members of meetings when necessary. SChODI year cDmpile a list of the mem­ trar of the Univer ity, Dn or before Ifinds her sleeping, wher upon he /! nt­ ward. 161 bers in her district. the date Df opening. Registration Iy awakens her and tDg thel' the Rcrtion 3-Election Df Dfficers. LO T-An ~co kod k. Reward. Call will not b accepted after the begin- 10vE'rs go dancing down th way Df (1) Nomination: The officel's of (2) Hold a meeting Df her dis­ Thorn n, 2294. 162 the association shall be nominated by trict and report the busines Df the ning Df the secDnd week Df schoDI. life to live happily v rafter.



period in ~ or the b('st ~Icllre ly as e[l.'c Get Yours Now collegilltl' C JUNE with those I IIOl until th left field U At Whetstones IS tlte lie. t 'D~\ 0 . Send f( Mathel PhiloS( " hower leer, We,lll e<;tlay . .JUIlt' ~, 1920 THill DAILY IOWAN, UNiIVJ:RSITY OF IOWA. I ":" PAGE SEVEN nosen for :e8, art; din, LeI .. Me ILREE GETS MOST 18, Mrs. IOWA TRACK MEN TO GO TO BIG MEET elen Gier, I DINGLES fOR HAWKS ~ . "'004 ~ tiie Kof­ ILinghlUJl, lumps Toward 10 of ason and '. Flowers lose Pressed b aptain Hamilton frs, Elsa .... t •• i Ie Struble, Star~ck, rks, Ruth &tting .h erage la Martin, A B H Pet Mrs. ) IcllI' e ______10 10 .2 0 Hamilton ______35 .22 " Micha I'on ______-_45 10 .222 I'ary ______46 10 .21 7 , Hollman Clea ring Ancler.'lon ______3 .212 Woodarcl ______17 I;ar at 6 ;' 1. '! in. .1iO DrapeI' ______:H 5 .117 Leighton ______3fi 5 .143 Parrott ______1 .125 :himl'k ______16 2 .12;' Layton ______lH 2 .111

rlL~h ______12 1 .0 ' Fl'ohwein ______4 0 .000 AB II Pet Team A\' rage _____ :162 6, .1 "I

1\lcllrce, Hawkey pitl'h(>r \l'ho ha INI the team hitting all )«'tlson, took a big ."Iump in hill willow work during the la. t gum!'" of th :ch(',lul(> but "till maintained hill hold on the top of the column for th ~"ar with tl Ili t ille . later mal'k of .200. uptain Hamilton an 1 Dyke Michaelson gave him a hard run al­ pole , \\.11 give Carl Johnson of :\Ikhigan a though they fell by lhe way in tlle TWELVE MEN PICKED ron, and may even beat him. At least ~a m e mannel' by failing to ('o nn ct in Hoffman looks like a point winner. the closing m ixe~. While it is not likely that a)\ of While no one of them can boa t the Iowa men will come in fOl' point of a nything sensational fol' record ­ it is not unrea:ionable to e, t imate ting the poor start whi h wa made they will roll up at lea t 15 points, in the early collegiat games w and may go considerably above that largely responsible for th • mall fig­ total. Ul·CS. Aft I' g tting but a single blow in both the opening game wi th Coe at Cedar Rapids and the Upper Iowa. 'l'welve men will l'epl'esent Iowa at game here th team hit a bet tel' trid the Big Ten Conference track and the shotput and discus, the lat ter a Iowa when the Confe rence s a on opened. Iowa or Wisconsin may cut in on a nd clouted out th bingle. at a bet­ fiel d meet at Ann Arbor, Mich., FrI­ boost of seven feet over a record Iowa day a nd Saturday. Colby and Ty some of their pet events and make mark of 134 feet he had made at Iowa ter than .200 clip. Smith are entered in the dashes, Bel­ the meet a thri11er. Michigan looks Ames the week before. Wallen also Iowa McIlree i the only exception, the la t game being respon ible for ding and Shope in the hurdles, Ris­ to Capt. Carl Johnson to "boost its heaves the hot and is a close second Iowa tine and Peterman, t\\"o mile, A, De­ points by taking a couple of firsts and to Slater, even likely to beat him. Iowa wl'ecking his .300 mark retained vine, pole vault, Hoffman, high jump, l11inois has a formidable array in such Iowa in Running Iowa throughout the bigger end of the mat­ inees. Hamilton failed consis ntly Wal1 n a nd Slater in the weights, distance men as Emery, Spink, and It i in the pole vault and high Iowa 1; Illinois 2 when the eason was young but the jump that some of the keenest com- Iowa 12; Ames 3 Ames game and the 18 t trip east saw HARD TO IDT; HARD TO FAN petition is expected. A. Devine is Iowa ; Notre Dame 9 him connecting safely better than halI When Giling J Rough Hamilton and McIlree Have Been Iowa's Two Best capable of hitting eleven feet 01' bet- Iowa 3; Michigan 12 of the time. Bids Both on the Mound or at the Plate tel' with the bamboo but in the three Iowa 2; Purdue 0 rary, al 0 loiter d along most of Conference meets in which Iowa ha Iowa 2; Notre Dame 3 the way until the team returned to been he has belln held to a .ie, by Won ; lost 4 the home lot. Here he took a brace Minne ota, II1inoi" and N"rthwest­ Track a nd slammed out a bevy of liners that ern. However, it is doubtful if either Iowa 106; Coe 30 ran hil; total to 10 and anchored him of the four will take fir t place in Iowa 116; Drake 20 in fourth place when the Hag came the affair. The high jump will be Iowa 74 L ; Minnesota 61 % down at half rna t after th luckles equally as hard fought. Hoffman Iowa 69 2-3 ; ~ Am es 66 1-3 'otre Dame game. should be able to clear the bar at six State l\1 eet feet and if he makes this mark he Iowa 61 1' ; Ames 39 . Iowa 113; Northwe tern 23 Michigan authoritie. are now agi~ Won 6; lost 0 tating a post eason ba eball game i···············~········i with Princeton to settle supremacy,

i YOU'LLKEEP : , WIENEKE'S ARCADE BOOK STORE I Memory Books Leather Letter Pads l COOLER I Fountain Pens, Fine Stationery, Etc, for Graduation Present L-~_---";~~_--.I 1*-f01' the remammg I," 114 East Washington St. I aptain Hamilton Md"·" days of sch 001 if YOU --- f'.' .:.~ - ".' "-~" • • f") -, , TI"\·""'I.L.~,~n .:. ------~: The old ar);Ullll nl that a jJiIC!:"f I.VII t hit "( t; I ~tl" " ;1111.:,, 1'1;. ,: ~ 0 Hamilton and l\Icllr~e, who have pitched IS te rl ln ~ uall ,'01' W\\ .. ali S.iI~,!.U 1Il1 ~: drinks at Rei~h's, :;: led the team ill hitting II , well. Hamilton lJitrhed his Ili st gllm e for Iowa, ± . X Drink against Notre DIII1l ~ Saturday. antllost on e of the tou ghest gallles he ever had 10 lORe during the three years which he has Illayed in II Hawkeye uniform, a * A quiet cool place t period ill which his performances have given him the reputation of bein g one Jto forget the heat. i of the be t hurlers ill the Di g Ten Confcrence, :\l cIlJ'('e. who hus )llaYI'd wilh him for the last twO ) ellr:,!. has hee n e uul­ ly a effective and during the eOlSon jllst closed ha. not heen heattH in II .~ ~ I' DELICIOUS AND REFRESHING col\egia tl' contest. l'urdu(' was his biggest triumph and his name Wl nt dOW11 j: Quenches Thirst­ with thost· few who ha ~ e III issed hili Oll t' of pitching a perfect gll me. 1t WIIS T ouches t he SPOt 1I0t until tht' la'lt HoilerJlluher, in the ninth with two gone, drove II , ingle into ..-' :~:~ left fi eld that u Rin Ie nlUII )l; ot to fir !3t hasc, lind he wus doomed to die there t..... · ~. as the ltc. tone w(' nt h3 the WilY ide. 1 rno You Need Extra Courses? ! Send for catalog describing over 400 courses In HIstory, English, age I: Philosophy, Sociology. etc., given 6y corre.pondence. Inquire howMatheIDmat~iCl'S' credits earned ClhemttiSitryu',ZrOOslOigyt'gModnefrn may be applied on present Langu4tr colleaeags,EconnomiCs, proaram, z" lt~ ~ . t Chocolate Shop cn ~ The Shop with the Campus Spiri t ... HO .... STUDY DE~T , CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ,_ " r . GE EIGHT THE DAILY lOWAN, UNIVE~SITY OF IOWA Wednesday, June :I, 1920

Hope Leech lives at Tipton. SENIORS WILL NOT BE mester that will l'educe the present forfeit games, according to word giv- STUDENT COUNCIL PACT Helen M. McAlvin of Waterloo is a Iltl'ess upon the students. en out ye terday by Miriam Taylor of member of the Delta Zeta sorority, EXEMPT FROM EXAMS "2. We favor the policy of distrib- the departmeJlt of physical education AW ~ ITS DEANS' ACTION and of Lambda Theta. uting examinations and l'eviews for women, in charge of the tourna- A]ice M. McMahon of West Liberty throughout the term or semester. ment.


Call 1403. meet ing not attended by every dean," 163 lJer.n McGovney said yesterday. The proposed constitution has been approved by the student. of six col­ Omcers of the fraternity for next year are: Be!;sie Louise Pierce, asso­ leges: dentistry, medicine, law, ap­ plied science, pharmacy and the nurs­ ciate professor of history, president; es' tl't' ining school. Liberal arts coI­ Berthold Louis Ullman, head of the l O'e rejected the propo. ed pact by the Latin department, vice-president; L THIS ENTIRE WEEK THE \ ote (>f 639 to 519. Charles Raiford, associate professor In :l l addre"s. Two other talks Hon s of this fourth drive. Mabel ,','i:' b' included in the progl·am. Turner, chairman; Helene Blattner, Ever offered to the Public and Elizabeth Dorcas compose the !' embership by High Grades committee from Staff and Circle. Election to membership in Phi Beta While all these efforts to reach Ktl ppa is limited to a certain per cent students and faculty members who of. the senior class having the highest have not yet given their share, are be­ scholastic standing. An average of ing made at the University, Ruth $5,000 WORTH OF SILK SHIRTS at least ninety per cent is required. Rogers, field secretary, is busy ., Mary E. Andel' on of Iowa City is throughout the state. She began a $1,200 WORTH OF NECKWEAR a member of the Alpha Xi Delta so­ two weeks' trip Tuesday in which she ror:ty, Erodelphian literary society, plans to visit many of the principal 't and Staff and Circle. towns and county seats of Iowa to , I Is placed on sale at a saving of from 35 to 40 per cent Miriam Brueckner of Iowa City is confer with alumni and help organize a member of Octave Thanet literary local units for securing pledges to the , ciety, Lambda Theta, honorary edu- Memorial Union. LOT 1-$10 Quality SILK SHIRTS ______7.45 eational sorority, and Spani h club. :::======~==~==~ LOT II-$13.50 Quality SILK SHIRTS --______$9.35 Edward II. Chamberlin of Iowa City :- Corned) is connected with the Alpha Tau Ome- LOT III-$14,50 Quality SILK SHIRTS ______$9.95 .<1 fraternity, igma Delta Chi, pro­ LOT IV-$16.50 Quality SILK SHIRTS ______10.45 fessional jOUl'nali stic fraternity, Irv- in'" literary soci t y, and Commel'C LOT V-$17.50 Quality SILK SHIRTS ______$12.95 d ub. He is al so bu:iness manager of SPECIA LLOT- $7.50 to $9.00 Value ______5.95 the Daily Iowan. Tennis Rackets Franc R. Dearborn '19, of Red Oak, wa. graduated at the clo;1e of and the summer ses ion la t year. At Silk Neckwear present she is teaching in Detroit, Supplies Mich. She i a memb r of tll Alpha Xj Delta sOl'ol'ity. $1.50 Quality NECKWEAR ______$1.15 Elinor Douglas of Des Moines is Bfl . c Ball Gods (2 for $2.15) a member of the Spanish club, and ~2.00 Quality NECKWEAR 1.65 .p,TI il'ls~rl1ctor in the department of (2 for $3.20) ltomance languages. porting gooa. of all $3.00 Qualily NECKWEAR ______$2.15 Howard Ellis of Iowa City is a kind for the prmg ea­ m mber of the Il'Ving literary soel ty. (2 for $4.00) Bes M. Good~ ' k oontz of Waukon is on. a member of the Delta Zeta sorority, L.'lmbda Theta, Whitby literary so­ d ty, and Staff and Circ) . Helen S. Jenista '19, of Rock Island, Winters; Lopez, 111., was graduated during the last Harry ummel' se sion. UNIVERSITY Clarke; Russcll John on of Clinton a ll'llla member of the Clinton club. The Henry J. Kroeger '19, of Clinton, I BOOK STORE did graduate work in the botany de­ OWA CITY. IOWA partment until the beginning of the I .pring quarter, , ,