====~~-==========================~==============================~~~. :-=======~======~=========== VOL. XIX-New Series Vol. IV IOWA CITY, IOWA, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 2.1920 NU;\IBER 161 :---=-=----- WOMEN MATCHEll TO PLAY rHILY .IOWA:'\ TAFF TO STOUT AND DAVIS TO SE:lH-FINAL TENNIS GAME CLASS 'OffICERS MEET PI I THI FTER '00 SEVENTEEN RECEIVE --HEID DAILY IowAN Women's tennis tournament of sin­ TOMORROW TO WI ND Member. of the Daily Iowan . taff SCHOL ASTIC HO NORS gles now stand s at the semi-finals and former members will l' vert to STAff Of NEXT YEAR line, according to Marian Taylor of UPBIG MEMORIAL DRIVEthe fancy fl' e days of real "port \his OF PHI BET AK APPA the women's physical education de- afternoon wb n they board Fitzger- Daily Iowan Board Pledged $1000 to partment who is in charge of the Those Who Have Not ubscribed or ald's launch at 4 o'clock for the pic- Local Chapter Elect Fourteen 'eniors Iowa Memorial Union at Meeting tournament. Winners of the fOUlth Have Le s Than a Life Member- nic grounds above the Country club. and Three Graduates at Meet- Each person is expected to bring a Last Night, Payable" Quarterly round of the singles as matched for ship Are--to be Solicited ing Monday Evening the semi-finals are as follows: Beat- basket of lunch. Dressing rice Blackmar and Lucile Burtis; Mar­ BLACKMAR IS SUMMER EDITOR RO;\IOLA LATCHEM I CHAIRMA A snappy story is goin&, to be ex- MACBRIDE I H OR MEmlElt I ian Brierly and Lorna Ludwick; Mar­ act d from every picnicer in addition iam Roe and Emilie Hartman; Carrie No Bu iness Manager For Summer Former tudent Here Will Direct the to the two bits fare for the launch. Formal In,'t,'atl'on , l'll Tak Pia I McIntosh and Florence Barnes. Another requIrement to join th gang ession Elected-Applications May Committees in Push for Funds- l'ttonday Evening in Liberal .\rt WM put forth by 011 of th memberN I Be Pre ented to Dr. Weller. Chair- Progress of the double entry tourn- Faculty Members Assist in Effort- A mbly Room-Member hip Open ament has been somewhat slower than of the staff when he said, "An,'on man of Daily Iowan Board-Davis A. F. I. and taft' and Circle Ap­ to PeT ent. of • enior la h \ itll :1 who hm't full of pep hadn't b it 'r Will Appoint Advertising Manager the single. There still remain several !,oint CommiUees for Work Average Crade of inety I tramei to be played off in the second ('om." PI·of. and I\hil. harl('s 1I George L. Stout of Winterset, jun- and third rounds of the double::;. "All \'; Iler and Prof. William S. Maulsby 5c games in these rounds mlfst be played o that June " 9, and 10 may will chap ron the party. ior in the college of liberal arts was be "grand wind-up clays," for the 1F.f.ECTED TO PAt BETA KWP \ 1 off today or forfeited," said Miss Tay­ elected editor-in-chief of the Daily "Bi)! June Push" for the Iowa Memor· ~ lor yesterday, "providing the weather + Iowan for the coming year at an elec­ ial Union, officers of all classes in clive 'f('ll1her tion held by the Daily rowan board permit!!." 'fllr\' n(ler<;(1n. Iowa rih ~ every college will meet Thursday, LAMBD ATHETA ELECTS I of trustees last night. Dwight Davis June 3, at 5 o'clock in lib 1'al arts . lirillm P,"" kner. f"wa Citv 12e I' of Iowa City was elected husiness auditorium to get cards for the m m­ NINE JUNIOR WOMEN E,Iw:mi H. C Ilmherlin. low, Ci t manager; ancl Beatrice Blackmar of A. f. I. INITIATES 12 bel'S of their claRs who have not sub­ Frnnces It Denr1-otn. Hed Onk Ottumwa editor-in-chief for th' sum­ scribed 01' whose pledge has be n less Flinot nouf"11I K. nl" "oine I Initiation Will h~ Held This Afternoon mer session. Howard . Elli. Iowa ity NEW MEN LAST NIGHT than a life membership. A. F. 1. and Followed by Annual Banquet \1 Tlt'. R \T . Good),ko(\nt7. \\'nu\lon No buslne s manager for the sum­ Staff and Circle committees will lunch at Hotel Jefferson 12c Helen . Jcnista. Rock I Innd, III. I mer was elected. Application mu t Banquet at Jefferson Given in Honor together at noon Thursday to discuss 17c RU Ase ll Johnso n, linton be presented to Charles H. Weller, of ew Initiates-Hancher plans for next week's drh·e. To facil- Lam b<lll Theta, honorlll'y .ororitr I lIellr J. Kroel"l'r, ('linton cut chairman of the board of trustees, Speaker of Evening itate the class campaigns, all solicit- for worn n in ducation, will initiate nope Leech. Tipton I this week. Ol'S are requested to bring their cards nine members of the junior clas;; thii'i I1den ::\1. ~lc \ hin, , J\ t ~rloo Mr. Stout is a member of Apollo A. F. I., honorary senior society for in to the Memorial Union office in afternoon, at 5:15 o'clock, in the liber­ cut 'I Alice ]\f. ~Ic"ahon, Wet Uberty club and has worked on the Iowan men, held initiation last night for its Old Capitol building this morning'. al arts drawing room. Following in- "'ran('c,, J. cIon. Dayton t staff the past year. He was manag­ twelve new members following an in­ Romola H. Latchem B. A. '19, will itintion th annual banquet will be Cocoa 5e Ilia n. 'hwincl, ()uhuqut' ing editor of the 1921 Hawkere. He itiation banqut;lt at Hotel Jefferson at be chairman of th student commit- held at the Hotel J ffer. on. Ethel Verry, Iown ity 6 o'clock. tee: during the drive. She will act as Those to h initiated are Dorothy attended Grinnell for two years b fore Irene Wooo ... Birmingham stroll The following juniors were initiat­ an intermediary between Memorial 'Banks, Delta Zeta; Leone Barngro\'er being overseas and is at present play­ Honorar Memb r ed: Clyde Charlton, Sigma Nu; Union official£, and student solicitors D Ita Zeta; Genevieve Cleary, Delt:! ing the leading roll in "It Pays to Thoma Huston McBride. both. Clyde Doolittle, Sigma Chi, Phi Alpha and will in g neral help with all 01'­ ,amma; Vera Hanson; June JA('k. Jot ! Advertise" on the Redpath-Vawter pre ident emeritu chautauqua circuit. Mr. Davis has Delta; Robert Finlayson, Theta Xi; ganization work. Miss Latchem was Xi Epsilon; Eda Kelley; Mary harp, businel's manager of the Dail~' Iowan ", acted as advertising manager for the Robert Hayes; Edgar P. Hoffman, Chi Om p ~a; Edn:l paulding, A('hoth, Phi Beta Kappa Ie ted fourt""'l in 191 and '19, and has been teachin1! Daily Iowan this year, and will ap­ Acacia; Robert Kauffman, Sigma u; and .Pauline Ita .'eniors ancl thre graduates to ac puolic sp aking in the Emmetsburg Th~mpson ~ G~mma ' l h'~' point the advertising manager soon. William Kelly, Delta Chi; Vance Mc­ Flve hourI> In education, \nth an membership in Iowa Alpha ('haptRr high school the past year. Mi~s Hla,.kmar has been connected IIree, Delta Tau Delta; Floyd Page, average 'rade of B or aho\'e and th at a me ting h lei Monday vening. ",itll the Iowan this year as feature Acacia, Phi Delta Phi; Frank Shuttle­ But the campaign for !;ubsc"iptions intention of entering the teaching pro- Thomas Huston Macbrid , PI' • id nt worth, Fred A. Steiner, Sigma Ph.i is not confined to students, fo], Prof. feldon are necessary fo\' eligibility to editor and has worked on the Des emeritus, wa. el ct <1 to honorary A. O. Thomas, with a committee of Lambda Theta. Election is limit d to Moines Register. Epsilon, Sigma Delta Chi; Benjamin memberahip. ten fa ulty members: Prof. Forest . the upper one-fourth of junior wom­ At the meeting of the board last SynhoJ'st, Phi Delta Theta, Nu Sigma (Continued on Pag Nu. Ensign, Dean William F. Russell, and en in the education cla se:::. Thr - night a pledge of $1000 was made to Prof. Charles L. Robbins of the col­ fourths of the. e are el ctecl in the the Iowa Memorial Union to be paid Vergil 111. Hancher, former active lege of education; Proi. R. A. Ku vel' spring. The remaining fourth will oe in four annual payments from the member of A. F. r., spoke on the of the college of pharmacy; Prof. elected al> eniors next faJl, to I t in money derived from the paper each "Jdeals of A. F. I.," and read the Parade I Followed by Program at I Hanlin C. Craig, head of the depart­ those who hav not yet taken th r­ year. The Daily Iowan hopes to se- obligations tnat the new members Natural dence Auditorium ment of English; William W. Martin qui red amount of ducation. cure rooms in the Memorial building undertake upon initiation. Clyde d of the college of dentistry; Prof. Hel'­ 1 when it is completed and takes this Charlton responded fo,' the new mem­ Memorial Day exercL s, held to bert F. Goodrich of the college of bers. Ralph E. Overholser acted as A LU.l\IN"U. TO 'TART comm morate the h roeA of the na­ means of assisting in the cause. law; Prof. C. C. Keller of applied toa:tmaster. tion, were started off yesterday after­ science; and Dr. E. M. McEwen of Graduating la Will be Asked to noon at 1:30 o'clock by the parade SO-LONG FRIVOL HITS CAMPUS A.
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