Manggaraian Myths, Rituals, and Christianity: . Doing

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Manggaraian Myths, Rituals, and Christianity: . Doing MANGGARAIAN MYTHS, RITUALS, AND CHRISTIANITY: . DOING CONTEXTUAL THEOLOGY IN EASTERN INDONESIA Dissertation Presented as Partial Fulfillment for the Requirement to obtain the Doctoral Degree in Inter-religious Studies Submitted by FRANSISKUS BORGIAS l 0/308916/SMU/00812 To THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY, YOGYAKARTA 2016 DISSERTATION MANGGARAIAN MYTHS, RITUALS, AND CHRISTIANITY: DOING CONTEXTUAL THEOLOGY IN EASTERN INDONESIA FraSubmittednsiskus Borgias by 10/308916/SMU /00812 Was defendedOn before 31October the Boar2016d of Examiners Board of Examiners Prof.Dr.Bernard Adeney-Risakotta Co-Superviso XJ f ill.,.,,,. _.. ..../ A -·· _ (. !( �-- Dr.Ro��-;,;::> .- ,_...,..,.,,.,..,,,,.,..�=«"""' D . e C. Epafras This dissertation was declared acceptable to obtain the doctoral degree 0 8 DEC 2016 STATEMENT l, hereby, declare that this disse1iation is my own work based on a field research performed in Manggarai, West-Flores in September to December 2013. It is also based on the literature research both on Manggaraian religio-historico-cultural studies and studies on the phenomenology of religious conversion and contextual theology. I also declare that this dissertation has never been submitted to obtain an academic degree at any other university and to my knowledge does not contain the work or opinion ever written or published by others, except the writing which are clearly cited or referred to in this manuscript and mentioned in the bibliography. Yogyakarta, December, 2016 Fransiskus Borgias 10/308916/SMU/00812 iii WORDS OF DEDICATION For my Mother and Father, Felix and Catharina, My first model in faith, hope, and love in a simplicity of life. iv ACKNOWLEDG EMENT Finally, I accomplish my dissertation. It can only be accomplished through a long and exhausting endeavor. There are many joys and sorrows, ups and downs, laughter and tears. There are difficult times in which I was sick. But finally, thanks God, I can finish this dissertation with the helping hand of many great and good people sUirounding me. That is why, in the firstplace, I offermy thanksgiving to them. First of all, I offer many thanks to my promoter Prof. Bernie (Dr. Bernard Adeney-Risakotta) and co-promoter Pak Robert (Dr. Robert Setio ). They have worked hard in accompanying me along the way of my struggle, in all my confusions, my joy and sorrow of my journey to accomplish this work. They have read and corrected the first, the second and third draft of my work. Their corrections, their critical notes and comments, their insightful considerations have contributed so much in the process of finishing and enriching my dissertation. I do not forget to offer many thanks to Prof. Dr. Peter C. Phan from the Faculty of Theology, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA. With his help I get access to the great, richly, and wonderful library of Georgetown University. Through his merit I got a great opportunity to make a deep study and research in the Library of Georgetown University. Thanks also for several personal meetings and discussions with Prof. Peter Phan in his office from September to December 2014. This meetings and discussions with him have helped me in understanding better the issue of missiology and contextual theology. v Secondly, I offer many thanks to UGM Graduate School (Sekolah Pasca Smjana UGM). Through the consortium of three universities, 1 The Graduate School has given me a precious opportunity to pursue my higher educational program and to accomplish this process of writing disse1iation. All of the leaders and the staff at ICRS-IRS should be mentioned their names: Ibu Syamsiyatun, lbu Jeanny Dewayani, Pak Bernie, Pak Dicky Sofjan, Mas Leo Epafras, mas Ipung (now moved to another working place), mas Erich, mas Ramang, mas Kuncoro (also has quitted and moved to another working place), Bu Ellis, mbak Cendy, mas Goldy. I have to mention also the names of the professors and the lecturers who have given us some lectures during the first two semesters in ICRS: Prof. Dr. Bernie (History of Religion), Prof. Dr. Reddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra (Anthropology of Religion), Prof. Dr. Banawiratma (Religion and the issue of Poverty), Prof. Dr. E. Gerrit Singgih (Biblical Hermeneutics/Studies from Christian Perspective), Ibu Dr. Siti Syamsiyatun (Religion and Politics), Ibu Dr. Jeanny Dhewayani (Religion and Anthropology), lbu Dr. Wening Udasmoro (Religion and the issue of Poverty), Pak Dr. Syahiron (Religion and Hermeneutics), Pak Dr. Robert Setio (Religion and Hermeneutics), Bu Dr. Farsijana Risakotta (Anthropology of Religion), Pak Dr. Erik Hiareij (Religion and Politi�s), Pak Dr. Sri Margana (History of Religion in Indonesia), Pak Dr. Al Makin (Biblical Hermeneutics from Islamic Perspective). I also offer my thanks to all the Chairperson of Yayasan Universitas Katolik Parahyangan and the Rector of Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Bandung (the previous and the present Rector). I offer a special words of thanks to the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of UNPAR (the previous Dean Fr. Fabianus S.Heatubun PR, and the present Dean Fr. Chr.Harimanto Suryanugraha OSC) and all of the staff in Jalan Nias No.2, Bandung, West Java, who have given me a great opportunity to 1 ICRS: Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies. It consists of UGM (Universitas Gadj ah Mada), UKDW (Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana), UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA (Universitas Islam Negeri). vi pursue my higher educational program. For that purpose, UNP AR Foundation has given me permission forfive years of leaving for study in Yogyakai ia. I also offer my words of thanks to UBICHEA (United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia). This body has given me a financial support (tuition fee ai1d living cost and health insurance, book allowances) so I can accomplish this study by writing this disse1iation. I also offer my words of thanks to the LUCE Institute who has given me an extra scholarship (financial support) so that I can conduct my Sandwich Program (visiting/associate/affiliate scholar-researcher) during one semester (four months) in the Faculty of Theology of Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA. Many thanks also were given to all of my classmates, ICRS-2010: Pak Andreas Jonathan (Magelang), Mas Nyong ETIS (UIN Sidoarj o), Mas Ayi Yunus (UIN Sunan Gunung Dj ati, Bandung), Mas Widiono Vij ayo (Buddhist Institute of Mendut), Naw Lily Kadeu (Myanmar Institute of Theology), Ibu Nia Widiastuti (UIN-SUKA Yogyakaiia), Ibu Elya (STAIN Purwokerto), Pak Yahya Tirta Perwita (Pastor of GKJ Purwantoro), mas Zikri Amrulah (UIN-SUKA Y ogyakarta), Pak Nazrudin Hamzah (UIN Sidoarjo), Brother Rooswell Duncan or Mr.RD (Ardi from USA), Brother Farid Ahmed (Bangladesh), and Pak Roni (Kebumen). Thanks for our togetherness during those five years of "struggling" together in Y ogyakaiia. Thanks a lot for our inspiring and insightful discussions, and for our mutual support to each other. Thanks forthe brotherhood and sisterhood we have gone through during those years of study; we have supported each other to move on in this difficult endeavor. I also offer my words of thanks to the staff of some libraries in Yogyakarta and Bandung. First, to the staff of the library of UGM Graduate School, who has given me a great access to use the space and time in the library and also use all of the books available in it especially those related to my research. Also to the staffs of the central Library of UGM who have given me some facilities including the easy access to the online library and journals. I also offer my thanks to the chairperson and the vii staff of the Library of Kolese Santo Ignatius, Kotabaru, Y ogyakmta. The comfortable reading space has helped me in the process of this study. Thanks to the chairperson and the staff of the Library of Seminari Tinggi Santo Paulus Kentungan, Yogyakarta. They helped me by giving a permission to use the library and borrow some books. Thanks also to the staffof the Library of Faculty of Philosophy of UNPAR, in Jalan Nias 2 Bandung, West Java. I also offer a words of thanks to Pak Silvester Goridus Sukur from ELTI Yogyakarta,2 who has given so much time and energy to read and correct the quality of my English. His hard work has transforms the quality of my dissertation. Al so a special words of thanks goes to Sr. Nance O'Neil RSCJ, who has also read and corrected the English "aspect" of my dissertation. 3 Thanks so much also for the all of the members of the Vocalfonsia Church Choir in Nandan Parish, Yogyakarta. They have become for us a second home and family with all their activities and services in the Church weekly liturgical celebrations. They help us to become at home in N andan and in Yogyakarta as well. And a very special thanks to Ibu Regina Ciptoningrum (the Chairperson of this Vocalfonsia Church Choir), and her husband (Bapa Y osef). Since our return to Bandung at the end of July 2015 we have stopped rent a house (!contra/can). Since then, every time we come back to Yogyakarta for a short visit in UGM,lbu Ningrum always opened their house in Dusun Sedan for us to stay for a night or two. Their cordial hospitality help us a lot in staying for some few days in Yogyakarta without any bustling to finda rent-room or a rent-house. God Bless you all. I also offermy words of thanks to some people in Manggarai, Flores, where I have conducted my field research during more or less four months (September to 2 Branch Manager/National Academic Manager Lembaga Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris ELTI KOMP AS Gramedia Indonesia, Wijaya Grand Center F84 A-B. JI. Wijaya II Jakarta Selatan, JI. Sabirin 6, Kotabaru, Y ogyakarta. 3 She is a nun, from American native-speaker. A professional English teacher to teach English for non-native-speakers.
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