Transforming Revivals –
Transforming Revivals This book is also Part 2 of Great Revival Stories Geoff Waugh Transforming Revivals Copyright © Geoff Waugh, 2014 These stirring stories of Transforming Revivals include accounts from Flashpoints of Revival, 2nd edition 2009, and South Pacific Revivals, 2nd edition 2010, and Revival Fires, 2011, and include articles from the Renewal Journal. This book is also Part 2 of Great Revival Stories ISBN: 978-1463778965 We need and value your positive comment/review on Amazon and Kindle Renewal Journal Publications PO Box 2111, Mansfield, Brisbane, Qld, 4122 Australia Logo: lamp & scroll, basin & towel, in the light of the cross 2 Transforming Revivals To George & Lisa Otis Jr Steve Loopstra and all the Sentinel Group with loving appreciation for your pioneering research and ministry in transforming revivals 3 Transforming Revivals South Pacific and surrounding nations 4 Transforming Revivals Contents Preface Introduction: Australian Aborigines 1 Solomon Islands 2 Papua New Guinea 3 Vanuatu 4 Fiji 5 Snapshots of Glory, by George Otis Jr 6 The Transformation of Algodao de Jandaira Conclusion Appendix: Renewal and Revival Books These stirring stories of revival include community and ecology transformation. They are compiled from articles in Flashpoints of Revival (2nd edition, 2009), South Pacific Revivals (2nd edition, 2011) and Revival Fires (2011), Details on 5 Transforming Revivals Expanded Contents 1 Solomon Islands Honiara and Malaita, 1970 Marovo Lagoon, 2000 Revival mission
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