An Ultrasound Portrait of the Embryonic Universe by an Dre W E, Lange
\'1t han~ a cle" \,ICW. ha c k to that moment turn", , ransparcn!. By analog In cosmic h"'StofY when lh·e Ulll,-. .. rSIe y !O a human lifetime .. afler concepdon_b. rh,s IS about six hours r t,orc tht· l Yt;ore• has di"idt-d r:or t IIt fnst. time. ,. H~I~i!lI~G & \ { I E Nt E ... J !OOO An Ultrasound Portrait of the Embryonic Universe by An dre w E, Lange I've been working wirh relescopes carried aloft In fact, the woodcut is preny accurate-there by balloons since I was a graduate studem, We'd is a beyond, and in order to lead yo u to it, [ 'II have launch chern from Palestine, Texas , and my job to take you on a brief and rarher Caltech·cemric was to dri ve like a bat Oll[ of hell all night long tOur of modern cosmology. (That's nor hard to do, to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to sec up rhe downrange beclluse Gltech has played a remarkably impor srarion, Then, when che balloon lost mdio coman ram role,) ['II talk llbom three seminal observa with Texas, I could receive rhe data in Alabama, tions. The fiTS[ was made by Edwin H ubble L ~ft: What would w~ s~e if And, as will nor surprise my wife, I was frequeml y at the t.k Wilson Observatory, which overlooks we (ould look beyond the scoPlx·d for spel1:ling--once in Louisiana, which is Pasadena, in 1929, Seveml people, narably Vesco visible heavens? something you never, ever want to have happen to Melvin Slipher, had noticed that the galaxies out you.
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