One Year Later: INTERACTIVE ISSUE What’s Next with LIVE LINKS for IHOPKC? Q&A Interview

Page 16 Looking Back with Gratitude and Forward with Confidence By Mike Bickle My IHOPKC Experience Page 8 Audra Lynn’s Story Page 32



CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF 24/7 PRAYER with WORSHIP On September 19, 2019, we will celebrated 20 years of 24/7 prayer and worship at the International House of Prayer.

ONE YEAR LATER: WHAT’S NEXT ABOUT IHOPKC FOR IHOPKC? 6 The IHOPKC Missions Base Q&A INTERVIEW 18 International House of Prayer University 16

23 IHOPU Online 26 Center for Biblical End-Time Studies 27 Weekends & 8-Day Immerse Programs LOOKING BACK WITH 28 Internships ANTICIPATING GRATITUDE AND FORWARD 30 Hope City Inner City Ministry REVIVAL WITH CONFIDENCE 31 International Ministries DEAN BRIGGS MIKE BICKLE 33 Luke18 Project 36 IHOPKC Partners

16 8 ARTICLES 8 Looking Back With Gratitude and Forward with Confidence Mike Bickle 16 One Year Later: What’s FACEBOOK Next for IHOPKC JOIN THE Q&A Interview CONVERSATION TWITTER 24 Anticipating Revival VIA SOCIAL MEDIA Dean Briggs @ihopkc 32 My IHOPKC Experience: INSTAGRAM Audra Lynn’s story Use the hashtags @ihopkc 34 Mobilizing a Young Adult #ihopkc Movement to Serve the #ihopkc20 YOUTUBE Next Generation #20yrsof247prayer Lenny La Guardia #happybirthdayihopkc SNAPCHAT 38 The Deepest Thing About You @ihopkc Daniel Hoogteijling

FORERUNNER BOOKSTORE Throughout this issue you will find many 40 Books images and live url’s. Tap or click them to 43 New Music (Digital Releases) open up a browser window to learn more. NEW FROM MIKE BICKLE

4 CONFERENCE INFO | No-thing 2019 5 Since 1999, over 16,000 staff, students, and interns have served the Lord at IHOPKC.

sessions, each led by a full worship team; it is broadcast live to the nations by webstream, equipping and inspiring others.

PRAYER AND OUTREACH From our core mandate to keep a 24/7 prayer sanctuary, many ministry, justice, and outreach expressions have been birthed, both in Kansas City and throughout the nations. From the place of prayer, we go out to win the lost, heal the sick, feed the THE IHOPKC MISSIONS BASE poor, and make disciples. Many more Advancing 24/7 prayer & proclaiming the beauty of Jesus prayer and missional communities have been supported, inspired, and given courage by what is happening in a little prayer room in Kansas City. he International House of to dusk and through the watches of IHOPKC BY THE T Prayer community exists the night, by the grace of God, prayer We refer to our full-time staff as NUMBERS to partner in the Great and worship are offered to the Lord “intercessory missionaries.” They Commission by advancing 24/7 unceasingly. raise their own support to work as prayer and proclaiming the beauty of full-time missionaries who reach 700 Jesus and His glorious return. Scripture teaches that night-and-day out to others from a lifestyle of prayer intercessory prayer is deeply connected to the and worship. missionaries As an evangelical missions organiza- release of the fullness of God’s power on staff today tion, we are committed to working and purpose (Lk. 18:7–8; cf. Isa. 62:6– Through the years, over 16,000 with others in the Body of Christ as 7). We are offering Jesus 24/7 worship believers have served as staff, 20 we pray for the release of God’s power and contending for justice and for the students, or interns, investing 50 years of 24/7 prayer with worship and purpose and seek to walk out the power of the Spirit to bring transfor- hours per week as they go from the two great commandments to love God mation to every sphere of society. prayer room to the classroom, to and people. ministry outreaches and works of 84 The 24/7 prayer room is the center service. Many have gone on from two-hour prayer BEGINNINGS of all we do at IHOPKC; it is open to Kansas City to support the Body of sets per week in the the public around the clock, day and Global Prayer Room On May 7, 1999, the International Christ in cities across the nations. House of Prayer was founded by Mike night. The prayer room has been Bickle and twenty full-time “inter- designed to reflect the tabernacle of The community of IHOPKC is 10 cessory missionaries,” who cried David (1 Chr. 9:33; 22–24); it is a place committed to prayer and the fore- languages streaming out to God in prayer and worship where we never cease worshiping the runner message. This means spir- prayer with worship thirteen hours a day. Four months Lord and interceding for our world. itually preparing ourselves and later, on September 19, 1999, prayer others for the unique dynamics that with worship extended to the full Each twenty-four-hour period is will occur in the generation of the 24/7 schedule. Today, from dawn divided into 12 two-hour prayer Lord’s return.


By Mike Bickle

As we celebrate our 20th anniversary of 24/7 (Matthew 6:10). Indications of this include the prayer with worship, our entire missions base fact that human history itself began with Adam at IHOPKC is looking back with heartfelt grat- and Eve enjoying daily prayer in the garden of itude, even while looking forward with confi- Eden (Genesis 1–3). Israel began as a nation at a dence and a renewed spirit of dedication. I am prayer meeting in the wilderness (Exodus 19:6– grateful for how the Lord carefully walked us 20). Israel’s first building project was to build a through a multi-year season of refinement, “worship sanctuary” (Exodus 25:2, 8). One of the including helping us overcome new obstacles first things that David did after becoming king while receiving insight into certain deficien- over Jerusalem was to establish an extravagant cies and also stirring us to push back against encroaching spiritual dryness. Through it all, we have great anticipation that the Lord is about to bring answers and glorious surprises to us locally, as well as globally for the entire Body of Christ—renewing, energizing, directing, and encountering His people.

Locally, the Lord has emphasized His desire to CELEBRATING 20 help us grow in community with a deeper sense of belonging as a spiritual family. We are coop- erating with Him as He raises up more strong YEARS OF 24/7 families together with fathers and mothers who would receive and release the spirit of the PRAYER with WORSHIP Father. The Lord is truly raising up an interna- tional family of affection. Furthermore, we are to never lose sight the Spirit is raising up more than a workforce, but a Bride with intimate part- nership with Jesus. Thus, we seek to walk in the first commandment in loving Him with all of our heart and strength that we work “with Him” as His Bride instead of merely working “for Him” worship ministry that included financing 4,000 as servants. musicians and 288 singers as their full-time occupation (1 Chronicles 23:5; 25:7). God even In His sovereignty, the Lord has ordained the commanded David to call the kings of Israel after prayer movement to be at the point of the arrow him to establish night-and-day worship in their that releases His purposes throughout redemp- generation (2 Chronicles 29:25). Jesus began His tive history. Before Jesus returns, the Spirit public ministry in a prayer meeting in the wilder- will raise up the greatest prayer movement in ness (Matthew 4) and ended it in a prayer meeting history that will openly give expression to His in the garden of Gethsemane. The Church began desire to be worshiped on earth as He is in heaven in a prayer meeting in the upper room (Acts

8 2020 VISION GUIDE | ARTICLE 1–2) and will end natural history in context to level, this gigantic story line is wrapped up in a global prayer movement. Yes, the conflict at massive global outpouring of the Spirit, the the end of the age will be between two “houses salvation of Israel, and the return of a Jewish of prayer”—two global worship movements. man, Jesus, to rule the nations from Jerusalem. We are confident that the glorious worship and prayer movement that exalts Jesus will totally For many years, our prophetic history and story prevail over the Antichrist’s dark worship move- line were exciting to me because I thought that ment (Revelation 13:8). they indicated a fundamentally different kind of Christianity than the boring, simple, mundane Along with many others around the earth, our church experience I had observed. At age 64, longing is to see 24/7 worship and prayer in every I view these remarkable events quite differ- tribe and tongue. We have gained significant ently now. Our compelling prophetic history ground in our pursuit of this divine mandate was never so we could be a special place but in coordination with many other sectors of the so we could give a clear, focused, and specific Body of Christ. We celebrate our partnership call—the urgent call to walk out biblical Chris- with the missions movement and all that God is tianity now, become anchored in mature love, doing to expand His family and kingdom on the persevere and prevail in living faithfully. The earth. We are very grateful for our partnership little things are big things. God wanted us to be with YWAM—to cover this amazing ministry in a people of deep consecration, devotion, and prayer as they go forth to the nations to proclaim love. He surprised us by calling many of us to the fame of the name of Jesus. be “intercessory missionaries.” Though the idea has been maligned and mocked by some, In the last few months, the Lord has given us I am certain this calling and lifestyle will be fresh understanding and energy: new ideas and embraced by more and more people as the new ways to mobilize, equip, and relationally Lord highlights it more and more throughout connect with many people across the nations. the Church worldwide. Under much pressure, LOCALLY, THE LORD HAS EMPHASIZED HIS DESIRE TO HELP US GROW IN COMMUNITY WITH A DEEPER SENSE OF BELONGING AS A SPIRITUAL FAMILY.

These are still unfolding, so we look forward to choosing to be an intercessory missionary discussing them in more detail in the weeks and can feel at times like a lesser calling to others months to come. The year 2020 is truly shaping because it has too often been accompanied up to of rare clarity and renewed vision. with the lack of finance, stature, and “success” The end-time prayer movement has always as others define it. Yet the “muscle” that we been a marathon event, but we recognize that are working as we engage in corporate prayer, we must also be agile and ready for times that fasting, waiting, contending, support-raising, are soon coming, that may require a sprinter’s and pursuing depth and maturity in love is the speed, flexibility, and action. With 36 years of daily declaration that Jesus is and will be worth rich and powerful prophetic history related to the fight and the promises He has asked us to what He is doing in Kansas City, God is showing contend for. These things are worth giving our us afresh how far-reaching His plans are—far lives to believe for and to birth in prayer. The beyond our place in the city. From Kansas City to primary themes in prophetic history include wherever you find yourself reading this, we are God’s desire to birth a global intercession move- all a part of the great story of God. More to the ment for the salvation of Israel (Romans 11:26), point, we must never forget that at the highest a great harvest in nations (Revelations 7:9), and

ARTICLE | 2020 VISION GUIDE 9 the maturity of the end-time church as a prepared Bride (Revelation greater power to exalt the name of Jesus and His Word. Ultimately, 19:7). These themselves have been overlooked by many, but I assure this glorifies Jesus because it puts His beauty and worth on display for you the Lord will highlight them in a dramatic way in the days ahead. all the nations to behold, amidst great wonder and perplexity. For all of these reasons, believers locally and abroad are to ask and believe The church across metro Kansas City has spiritual roots and an for a divine escort of the Holy Spirit into a place of greater love and important calling: a global revival center, a prophetic and intercession abandonment to the purposes of God. There remain realms of divine movement with young people touching the end of the earth, promises love yet untouched by our hearts, unfathomed by our minds, unmet in that one day “no disease known to man” will stand before the name our experience. This invitation is a beautiful inheritance intended for of Jesus, and a commitment to apostolic power and authority through every member of our spiritual family as we lay hold of rich promises the preaching of His Word. Yet none of these things stand in isolation by His grace; but there is none richer than the Lord Himself. As we from the greater purpose. I believe there is a demonic assignment with press into maturity, with all of our being, let us be found embracing intense accusation that stands against any who carry such promises, these values. The sacrifice to love Him and throw our lives into His but God’s grace is sufficient for all who say yes to it. good purposes will be well worth it all.

In closing, by that very same grace, we intend to step more and With affection and gratitude, more into God’s promises over this city, together with perseverance and tender hearts that are anchored and steady in the midst of the counterattack of the enemy to any who pursue revival, healing, and Mike Bickle


A favorite moment at the event CLICK THE PHOTO TO WATCH THE VIDEO »


CONFERENCE INFO | No-thing 2019 13 14 Passion for Jesus. Compassion for People. FRIDAYS 5PM, 7:30PM (EGS) | SUNDAYS 8:45AM & 11AM CT

Forerunner Church’s foundational commitment is to be the local church expression of the International House of Prayer of Kansas City (IHOPKC).

Introducing our new Lead Pastor! Isaac Bennett

Isaac and his wife, Morgan, are full-time intercessory missionaries who serve at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri. They have five children. Isaac is the lead pastor at Forerunner Church and an instructor at the International House of Prayer University. The Bennetts’ heart is to see day-and-night prayer established across the earth and the next generation called into wholehearted love for Jesus.

Click below to see our service archives


ABOUT IHOPKC | Onething 2017 15 Featured Article


The Convergence that brought 1,000 Chinese church leaders to Kansas City in SeptemberQ&A of 2019 helped launch IHOPKC in a new direction. One year later, members of IHOPKC’s Cultural Renewal Team, which formed following the September gathering, share their take on what’s changed in our community and what’s to come.

What changes would you still like designation, or an org chart, or a gift prayers will mount up, fill the bowl, and the to see in the IHOPKC community? mix. Each and every person of the family promises of God will be poured out? matters. Each one has a place and purpose. Diane Bickle: I want to see a healthy We need one another, and we cannot go Ruth Abadir: The changes are a family—spiritually, emotionally, and forward into God’s purposes without each confirmation of all the things the Lord has relationally. I would personally define other. Paul tells the Church the growth of spoken that are yet to come: “I really am that by everyone knowing who are their the Body of Christ in love occurs when each zealous for you to be strengthened to do five people who are going to champion joint supplies as they do their specific work this well.” They are a stamp of affirmation them, who are their eight who are going (see Ephesians 4:16). that He is with us: “I do see you, I am at to celebrate them on their birthdays, work. I am fulfilling the plans I have for who are their mom and dad they’re going Lillian Ukpai: I am excited by the evidence you. This is one way of ensuring that I’ll to call when there’s a crisis, and who’s of change, which gives me hope and accomplish My work through you.” He’s table they can sit at and have a cup of tea, confidence that we’re going to see so much putting legs to how His plans are being because that’s what family is.s more. The banner that was recently placed walked out: strengthening, reinforcing, on the Forerunner Church wall is just like undergirding. There’s an aspect of love we can exchange the poster that was put on the wall 16 years one for another in the prayer room, before IHOPKC started. Day-and-night I took courage seeing how other but it has to surface outside the Global prayer in the spirit of the tabernacle of communities and streams had the same Prayer Room (GPR). It has to surface in David is now a reality; so, as we are aligning message, focusing on family, their own walks with one another, translate into with God and becoming family, those things community, dialing down the external to cups of coffee—that we may see the that we have on the church wall are going to focus on the internal, to prepare for the next other dimensions of the person that are become reality too. And I get to be a part of season. Our capacity to actually steward beautiful and worth celebrating. We can’t that, so that excites me. 500 to 5000 staff members and to actually love one another in a way that is true walk out practically those things we’re and authentic and lasting unless we are What will it look like when we get together contending for in the coming season are first experiencing being loved by God as family, agreeing with God, loving very contingent upon the work He initiated and loving Him in return. Yes, the first one another, serving together, and then through the Convergence last year. commandment is in first place, but the suddenly the staff goes to 500 individuals second commandment is on its heels. And dedicated to fulfilling the purposes of God? What would you say to people who furthermore, if it’s not, then we’re not And then, “Boom”—we are on Truman’s are disillusioned or doubting the doing the first commandment right. property? And from that land praying changes? together for Israel? Isaac Bennett: One of my desires is for Diane: There are yet people here that every person who is part of our spiritual God’s raising up IHOPKC to be a spiritual haven’t felt the shift, that doubt it’s family to believe that they belong. Their intercessor for Israel. Could it be that when happening, and are hanging on by a belonging isn’t contingent on a ministry we are positioned in that way that the fingernail. But there are more who have


either felt the shift or they’re daring to I’m not going to give up until I fulfill the John 17, that we would be one as Jesus and believe that it’s happening and are going to purpose for which He brought me here.” the Father are one, that we would share the feel it in due time. I’m sad for them the ones As long as our eyes are on the big picture same love with which He has loved us. who aren’t feeling it yet. for which God brought us here, we can persevere. Chi: My prayer and desire is that the IHOPKC The Cultural Renewal Team is a team of family will be the spiritual family we want it moms and dads. There’s about 16 of us, What are some of your main prayers to be, a family where everyone is welcome, and we are sitting down with those people, for the IHOPKC community? everyone is given an opportunity to serve in and this department, and that department. any capacity where they have a calling and We’re mindful of the cost that people have Diane: That we would be a family. That we fulfill the call of God in their life here. paid to be here, the sacrifices they’ve made, would love each other like a family, like a and the pain that some carry silently to healthy family. That we would be a source Shady Abadir:: Help God! That we would continue in that role. That matters to the of life and blessing and encouragement to walk in the fullness and with a sense of Lord, and that matters to us. As much as we one another, and that we would all mature gratitude. I pray I never lose sight of that— can help with that, we do. together. Ephesians 4—that we would this amazing place I get to be part of every grow up together so we could be who we single day, where I have been sustained Chi Ukpai:: My advice to them is that they were created to be. Never were we created all these years. Even as part of the healing need to be a little bit patient and see what is to be outstanding and isolated. We were process, I pray that we would connect with going to happen. I truly believe the leaders created to be together, and together we can that gratitude. of this IHOPKC family. Their desire is for accomplish more aligned with the Lord’s this place to be a family, and everybody will heart than we could ever do alone. God’s invited us into a place none of us be included. For us to say we are not going would ever have dreamed up. It’s huge. I pray to have Onething and other conferences Isaac: Recently, my main prayer has that we would all walk in gratitude and the to focus on making this a reality is a big been Ephesians 3:19. I want our family to fullness of why God raised up this place, and shift. If we are a family, everyone is going experience the affections of Christ and be that we would individually and corporately to be included, no matter where you come filled with the fullness of God. I cannot accomplish all that God desires and put a from, how old you are, whether you are old think of a greater thing than the church in smile on His face. or young, black or white, or coming from this city and across the nations being filled other nations—you are included in the with the fullness of God. And Paul defines it family of God. as experiencing the love of God—together What is the Lord speaking to you in prayer (vs. 18). Lillian: I would say to look at the big for your community in 2020? is how we picture of God’s thoughts and purpose, and Morgan Bennett: My prayer for our learn to walk in love and become a family. then to remember that it was the Lord that community is Ephesians 4:1–6, that we Relive and re-experience what God did at the brought you here. Remember God did so would walk worthy of the calling, seeking Convergence with IHOPKC’s YouTube playlist many things to bring you here. You make to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of the event. Watch here >> up your mind: “I am not going to give up. of peace, that we would be one body. And

ARTICLE | 2020 VISION GUIDE 17 18 2020 VISION GUIDE | INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PRAYER UNIVERSITY The IHOPU community exists to train leaders who partner in the Great Commission by advancing 24/7 prayer with worship and proclaiming the beauty of Jesus and His glorious return.

t this critical juncture of flows from relationship with A history, as the powers of God. Our desire is for students to darkness rage against the encounter God, learn His ways, do His moral fabric of society, the Lord is works, and become bold prophetic raising up those who know their God, voices proclaiming the gospel of the have spiritual understanding of the kingdom and the return of Jesus. times and seasons, and are equipped for mighty exploits in the power of Our faculty of seasoned and skilled the Holy Spirit. leaders, with a wide range of exper- tise, serve as full-time interces- International House of Prayer sory missionaries at IHOPKC, a University’s (IHOPU) ministry missions organization committed schools exist to equip men and to advancing 24/7 prayer and boldly women who long to encounter Jesus proclaiming the beauty of Jesus in and serve Him effectively in every the nations. sphere of society. In the context of 24/7 prayer with worship, our school A FELLOWSHIP OF BELIEVERS provides an environment where Being fully involved in the life of students can encounter God, be IHOPKC, students experience the equipped with a thorough knowledge life of an intercessory missionary of His Word, and receive practical along with hands-on ministry training and ministry experience opportunities as part of their in a thriving missional community training: power evangelism, serving from many nations. the poor, ministering to children and youth, and participating in our THE MANDATE worship and media teams. Training at IHOPU forms not only minds but also lifestyle and “I recommend IHOPU character to sustain students because you are surrounded in a life of obedience, humility, by people who are going and service in the kingdom. Our after Jesus; when I heard programs combine in-depth biblical the instructors, I thought to myself, I hope I know Jesus training with personal mentoring, like that one day. At IHOPU I practical equipping, and ministry saw Jesus move in ways I had opportunities. At the heart of the never seen before.”

curriculum is a commitment to David, IHOPU Alumnus worship and prayer, because we Crusade Director recognize that effective ministry Making Jesus Known

INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PRAYER UNIVERSITY | 2020 VISION GUIDE 19 FORERUNNER SCHOOL OF MINISTRY Equipping leaders through biblical training, intimacy with Jesus, and ministry with power Mike Bickle with students Forerunner School of Ministry (FSM) is dedicated to in small-group discussion equipping pastors, preachers, teachers, forerunner messengers, and missionaries to engage in the Great PROGRAMS OF STUDY Commission in the power of the Spirit. Our two- and FORERUNNER PROGRAM cultural missions, students are pre- four-year programs prepare students for ministry in all Freshmen & Sophomores pared to serve the praying church in areas of the Church and global missions movement. every tribe and tongue. This two-year program is designed to help students cultivate a greater love Works of Justice TRAINING HIGHLIGHTS for God, gain insight into His Word, Students prepare for ministry and pursue His purpose in their lives. » Robust instruction in the Scripture through training in evangelism, dis- » Ministry training in the power of the Spirit and cipleship, and the global missions Training provides students with ministry trips each semester and prayer movement. » Spiritual growth and freedom the biblical doctrine, values, and hands-on experience to equip them » Weekly hands-on ministry mentorship and coaching Youth & Children’s Leadership to love Jesus and others with all their » Community of friends and leaders who exalt Jesus Students learn how to disciple young strength, that they might do His » Forerunner messengers with biblical clarity people and help them encounter the works in the power of the Spirit. about the end times Lord, enjoy prayer, grow in the Word, and walk in the power of the Spirit. We value training forerunner messen- gers who declare the gospel of the FSM MENTORSHIPS kingdom, including what the Scrip- tures say about the unique dynamics We offer mentoring and personal that precede the Lord’s return, such development to juniors and seniors as an unprecedented outpouring of who sense a calling to ministry— the Spirit, resulting in a great harvest preaching, teaching, missions and of souls and a victorious Church, who cross-cultural service, organizational will confront and overcome the esca- leadership, prayer, the forerunner lating darkness in the nations. message, counseling, and house of prayer leadership. We want to CHRISTIAN MINISTRY graduate praying leaders who excel Juniors & Seniors in both personal spirituality and the necessary skills to thrive in ministry. Students engage in four areas of practical leadership development. STUDY IN CHINESE FSM & FMA Preaching & Teaching Training equips communicators to Our one-year course in Chinese is preach and teach the Word with clar- available for Forerunner School ity, humility, and authority. of Ministry and Forerunner Music Academy. It includes active partic- Local Church & House of Prayer ipation in our All Nations Prayer Leadership Room, where worship and prayer Through training in leadership meetings are held in Chinese and dynamics, teaching, and cross- nine other languages.

20 2020 VISION GUIDE | INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PRAYER UNIVERSITY FORERUNNER MUSIC ACADEMY Training singers and musicians to lead the Church in worship that reflects the worth of Christ and releases His power Forerunner Music Academy (FMA) equips worship leaders, singers, and musicians. Our training combines excellent musicianship with study of the Word and inti- macy with Jesus, preparing students to serve in houses Jaye Thomas leading of prayer, local churches, and places of worship all over the FMA choir the earth. PROGRAM OVERVIEW SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS FMA’s curriculum incorporates Performance » Play on a worship team six hours a week the study of music and worship Music performance students have » Participate in the IHOPKC prayer rooms with growing in love for God and the opportunity to acquire mastery » Learn skills to lead worship His Word. Bible training provides of their chosen discipline and for » Grow in intimacy with Jesus through foundational students with a solid biblical frame- ongoing involvement on worship Bible classes work from which to live a life of teams. Students learn the discipline » Write songs and record music extravagant worship. and value of skill development along » Learn music skills from IHOPKC musicians with a biblical heart posture to serve » Take elective classes in art, dance, and drama Music lessons consist of skill the Body of Christ. » Build friendships in a community of worshipers development in voice, guitar, keys, » Choose domestic or international ministry opportunities bass, drums, violin, flute, theory, STUDY IN CHINESE and the prophetic. FSM & FMA Our one-year course in Chinese for At FMA, each student plays or sings FSM and FMA includes participa- on a student worship team, coached tion in our All Nations Prayer Room, by seasoned singers, musicians, where worship and prayer are held and worship leaders from our main in Chinese and nine other languages. prayer room. Our coaches help you grow in foundational worship team skills. Worship teams are a place to grow in friendship and community, “In my four years at FMA, as well as to enhance music skills I developed as a worship leader through hands- in a live worship setting. on experience leading a band, gaining skill on ACADEMIC MAJORS my instrument, music Worship classes, and one-on-one Exploring biblical examples of wor- coaching from excellent ship, cross-training in musical disci- instructors. Through FMA’s plines, biblical training, leadership encouragement, I feel blessed to step into my calling as a development, flowing with a pro- prophetic singer and worship phetic spirit, team-building skills, leader in my generation.” and practical elements of worship equip students to serve the global Lauren, FMA Alumna Worship Leader worship and prayer movement in International House of Prayer Learning keyboard skills in a piano lab local churches and houses of prayer.

INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PRAYER UNIVERSITY | 2020 VISION GUIDE 21 FORERUNNER MEDIA INSTITUTE Preparing media messengers to capture the message and share His story

Our two-year Forerunner Media Institute (FMI) program aims to foster creative and technically equipped messen- gers who are rooted and grounded in a deep understand- ing of Scripture and intimacy with Jesus and provoked FMI instructor with students in class demonstration to challenge and influence culture through visual story- telling. Through this focused training model, students receive a solid biblical and storytelling foundation, PROGRAM OVERVIEW equipping them to employ their skills to communicate FMI combines media education with the message of Jesus in a variety of settings. MEDIA PROGRAM biblical study, worship and interces- Each student gains experience in the sion, and practical discipleship in creation and execution of a range SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS small groups. of programming genres, including » Industry-professional instructors who inspire and music videos, new media, dramatic During the first semester, incom- demystify all stages of the production process shorts, documentaries, and promos. ing FMI students take classes in » Hands-on collaborative learning with individual attention Overall, students gain understanding and mentoring throughout the Forerunner Curriculum, a of how the business, technical, and » Individual attention in class from industry professionals foundational program of biblical creative processes work—from the » Opportunity for experience and growth in live productions study, in addition to their me- inside out. » Creation of a range of projects from concept to finish dia-focused training. It is our aim that students who Through biblical training, FMI aims complete this program would have a to equip students in the Word and passion for Jesus and a proficiency to the power of the Spirit to walk with craft and deliver compelling stories confidence in their identity in Christ. that have an impact on our culture.

Training under industry profession- als, our students study the nuts and bolts of taking a project from concept “My time at IHOPU changed to a finished production in a hands- the course of my future— on, collaborative environment. I am a videographer and video editor. FMI gave me Students learn not only how to tell hands-on experience, the a story, but what it takes to pitch, freedom to push myself, and produce, direct, and edit the stories quality time with teachers they want to tell. Additionally, FMI and mentors. I learned students learn cinematography, to live in community and fundamentals of audio recording, walked away with strong lighting principles, and design—in friendships. If you hope to studio and field production settings. strengthen your relationship with God, this school will Students also spend time in the give you a solid foundation.” prayer room, growing in their Kari, FMI Alumna relationship with the Lord through Videographer prayer, worship, and the Word. Electronic Discovery Institute


“After taking my first two semesters through IHOPU Online, I was completely prepared for my sophomore year in FMA. Taking the first year while still being at my home church helped me to take what I was learning to those around me and minister more effectively to others.” —Michael Online ministry training at a unique time in history “IHOPU Online meets me where I am—at home, on Find out more at the road, across the country. IHOPU ONLINE It gives me the flexibility to spend the time I have HOPU Online exists to equip students to respond available to grow in biblical to the unique dynamics of the hour in which we understanding and my I prayer life. It allows me live through a biblical perspective combined IHOPU ONLINE COURSES to move at my own pace, with a lifestyle of prayer. EQUIP STUDENTS IN THE integrating what I’m KNOWLEDGE OF GOD AND studying online into my Our desire is to build a virtual community of learners THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT. daily life.” who seek to be an effective witness of the gospel in our —Karen unique generation.

Semester courses comprise five “The structure of IHOPU Join our online community and engage in lively discus- credit classes, consisting of live video Online and the account- sion forums, virtual small-group assignments, and interaction and course videos, as well ability it provides have prayer together. as reading, prayer, and homework been crucial to my growth. Inspired teaching gives me TRAINING HIGHLIGHTS assignments. Credit or audit. clarity, while challenging » Interactive course design meditation topics take me » Flexible schedule straight to Jesus’ feet. I ENRICHMENT COURSES » Strong student community highly value being connect- Enrichment courses are for those » Live video interaction each week ed to other online students seeking personal spiritual enrich- » Personal learning experience who are pursuing Jesus in ment and training in subjects that » Emphasis on the Word and the Spirit the place of prayer!” fuel prophetic worship, under- —Angie standing the Word of God, intimacy We offer online courses in Chinese, Spanish, Korean, with Jesus, and night-and-day prayer. Portuguese, and Arabic, as well as English. Audit only. SEMESTER COURSES IHOPU Online semester courses parallel the on-campus ON-DEMAND COURSES On-demand courses include courses IHOPU class courses. Our goal is to produce praying filmed specifically for online viewers leaders who partner in the Great Commission in the and courses previously recorded at power of the Spirit, with understanding of the urgency IHOPU. of the hour. Audit only.

INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PRAYER UNIVERSITY | 2020 VISION GUIDE 23 ANTICIPATING REVIVAL by Dean Briggs t the International House of Prayer of move into alignment with His heart, and Kansas City, we are a people committed we don’t even realize that transformation Ato the evangelical understanding is happening. No wonder so many justice of Scripture’s inerrancy and unique and compassion ministries have launched inspiration. The canon is closed, and all out of this place: ministries to end human Scripture is God-breathed, suitable for trafficking, adoption ministries, labors to correction and instruction, and sharper end abortion, ministries to feed and clothe than a two-edged sword. Once a month, we the poor, and on and on. corporately recite the Apostle’s Creed as a statement of our profound agreement with Over twenty years, from 20,000 former and the historic, unassailable doctrines of the present staff (conservatively speaking), 20 Church. We believe in community, healing million man-hours of prayer have ascended for hearts and bodies, and the present power to heaven out of this place. Now pause and of the Holy Spirit among His people. take that in.

The distinguishing factor of our spiritual In light of the undeniable historic community is not to be found in unique pattern revealing that dramatic revival doctrine, which is thoroughly orthodox and awakening movements are always (i.e. “correct belief”), but in our attempts to preceded by the steady, soaking power of form a sustainable prayer, and further orthopraxis (“correct 20 MILLION MAN-HOURS OF considering that conduct”) rooted in tens of thousands a culture of prayer PRAYER HAVE ASCENDED TO of other houses of combined with HEAVEN OUT OF THIS PLACE. prayer have also worship. In our own sprung up around small way, we have tried to follow divine the world in the largest, most strategic, patterns from King David to the Book most coordinated prayer initiative—in all of Revelation. We tried and stumbled, of human history—divinely inaugurated by and kept trying. As a result, we have all the Holy Spirit, what must God have in store experienced firsthand a measure of what for America, North America, Asia, Europe, Isaiah promised 2700 years ago, when he Africa, South America, and all the islands? declared that God would one day bring His What is coming to planet Earth? people to His holy mountain “and give them joy in [His] house of prayer” (Isaiah 56:7). What do you believe God is doing in our day The infinite dimensions of God, even the to bring revival? smallest glimpses of the beauty of Jesus as Bridegroom, King, and Judge, spur us on with lovesick longing. Like Moses, we cry, “God, show us Your glory!” and He answers DEAN BRIGGS back, “I will make all My goodness pass Dean is happily married to Jeanie, and the proud father before your eyes” (Exodus 33:18–19). of eight grown children. His books include Ekklesia Rising, But let’s be real. Prayer can be daunting and Consumed, the visionary, dry, like piling spiritual rocks. So where does two-part Partakers of the Divine, and the the joy come from? As a community, we YA fantasy series, Legends of Karac Tor. He also co-authored The Jesus Fast with Lou have learned and practiced a rhythm that Engle, now available in multiple languages. routinely brings powerful daily encounters A former pastor and church planter, Dean between average, weak humans and the is a consultant, dreamer, and Bible teacher. great love of Jesus; and these encounters As part of the senior leadership of IHOPKC, leave our hearts burning for more. As we he travels and speaks around the world. The Briggs live in the midwest. pray the Scripture, we find ourselves caring about what God cares about. Our hearts

24 Nowthing 2020 | 2020 VISION GUIDE Relive IHOPKC’s prophetic history from 1982 to present and look forward to what’s ahead through our interactive timeline and videos. i h o p k c . o r g /prophetichistory

2020 VISION GUIDE 25 These chapters have often been neglected, even though they tell the story of the glorious hope of the gospel and how God is leading human history as we eagerly await the day of Christ’s appearing. Forerunner Study Group systematically presents and provides an interactive environment in which to discuss these chapters.

This flagship program led by Mike Bickle is a robust community learning experience that can be accessed live online or locally in Kansas City, in community with many other participants who are seeking to understand, live, and share the complete gospel message. After successfully completing all six modules, participants receive a certificate of completion from the International House CENTER FOR BIBLICAL of Prayer, verifying that they have studied all 150 chapters. END-TIME STUDIES "And behold, I am coming quickly." Empowering Believers to Understand, Live, and Share the Forerunner Message Revelation 22:7

Learn more at

n the summer of 2017, Mike The gospel of forgiveness offers I Bickle felt it was time to humanity a changed heart, but this 2020 CALENDAR journey through the Bible’s is only half the story. We need more JANUARY 31 150 chapters focused on the end times than just forgiveness and personal End-times for beginners in a community learning experience, transformation, we need a cosmic Korean Virtual Summit and so IHOPKC established a new solution! These chapters tell us how ministry initiative called the Center God will establish an eternal reign of FEBRUARY 5 for Biblical End-Time Studies peace under His leadership. Spring 2020 Forerunner Study Group Module Begins The Forerunner Message in the Psalms and Pentateuch (CBETS). For some years, these 150 chapters have inspired many in the In other words, the Lord has yet JULY 5–12 IHOPKC community to go deeper in to apply the full extent of what He The Unbroken Story of God (Immerse program) the forerunner message. Starting accomplished at the cross. These Join us on a journey through this story, from creation at Genesis and culminating in the chapters teach that Christ Jesus will to culmination. Experience the wonder of God’s plan in end-time depictions of Revelation, come again physically, set up His Scripture and take your place in the story. these chapters have helped to inspire throne on earth in Jerusalem, and and inform our prayers. push back the powers of darkness JULY 16–26 forever. This is the zeal behind the OneKing/CBETS Trip to Israel The Center for Biblical End-Time Studies is partnering The goal of this initiative is to equip Center for Biblical End-Time Studies. with OneKing to embark on an educational journey to the the Church to understand and Holy Land—an immersive experience into the heart of proclaim the unbroken story of God Alongside our new 0n-demand the Middle East. from creation to culmination. This courses and events, we established gospel-centric, mission-minded, our premier learning environ- AUGUST 21 community-based, and biblically ment—the Forerunner Study Group. Fall 2020 Forerunner Study Group Module Begins grounded ministry exists in the Together, over six modules, partici- The Forerunner Message in Isaiah 1-45 context of our 24/7 sanctuary of pants study the 150 Bible chapters on prayer and worship. the theme of the end times.


o you need a time of refreshing? like-minded Christians D Do you desire to go deeper in » Be equipped in a greater measure relationship with Jesus? of the Holy Spirit’s power IMMERSE DATES IN 2020 IMMERSE MONTHLY IMMERSE ON-DEMAND (NEW!) JANUARY 17–24 8-DAY PROGRAM Our on-demand courses include concise Becoming Fully Alive: We invite you to join our themed courses created especially for online Experiencing Freedom and Joy programs each month and see why people viewers. Courses include 12+ hours of FEBRUARY 14–21 of all ages have come from around the teaching and prayer content to awaken Who Am I?—Defined by the Father’s Love world for the past 19 years to encounter your heart to intimacy with Jesus and MARCH 20–27 God and engage in a vibrant community understanding the urgency of the hour we Beyond Immerse of 24/7 prayer with worship. live in, and tools to enhance and fuel your APRIL 3–10 personal prayer life. Igniting Spirit-Led Worship and Prayer Designed for singles, couples, and MAY 22–29 families with children, Immerse is for WEEKENDS AT IHOPKC Silencing the Voice of the Enemy and all who desire to encounter God, be Join us for Weekends at IHOPKC, a three-day Walking Out Our Lives with Courage strengthened in their spiritual lives, and program for those who desire a time of spiri- JUNE 5–12 better equipped in the Word and the tual refreshing, connecting with like-minded The Unbroken Story of God Spirit to impact this generation. believers, and encountering Jesus in worship, prayer, and the Word. JULY 17–24 Who Am I? –Defined by the Father’s Love Immerse programs include Bible teaching, worship, dynamic group discussion, Whether you are in ministry, in the AUGUST 7–14 Becoming Fully Alive—Experiencing workplace, attending school, or at home, practical hands-on equipping, Spirit-led Freedom and Joy ministry, prophetic ministry, and more. why not spend a weekend pursuing God? It Through Immerse, we hope you will: just might be the key to unlock the future SEPTEMBER 11–18 Building a House of Prayer you’re searching for. » Grow in passion and love for Jesus OCTOBER 9–16 » Discover your true identity in Christ Beyond Immerse » Build quality friendships with NOVEMBER 6–13 Silencing the Voice of the Enemy and “This weekend was an answer Walking Out Our Lives with Courage to prayer—a time of refreshing DECEMBER 4–11 and refocusing my heart Becoming Fully Alive—Experiencing and mind on Jesus.” Freedom and Joy —Bradley, Kentucky

IMMERSE & WEEKENDS AT IHOPKC | 2020 VISION GUIDE 27 Visit us online IHOPKC INTERNSHIPS ur internships exist to see people equipped with the Word of God Preparing believers of O and a deeper life in prayer and friendship with Jesus, ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit, and equipped to engage in outreach all ages as intercessors, and ministry in the local church. messengers, singers, While each internship has a distinctive age group, length, and schedule, and musicians for the they all share the same core training components: equipping and encounter INTERNSHIPS BY in prayer and worship, classroom instruction, practical ministry experience growing prayer and THE NUMBERS and outreach, and a season of growing and building community amongst missions movement like-minded believers who want Jesus to be first in all things. throughout the earth 49 For more information, please visit nations represented since 2010 8,000+ INTRO TO IHOPKC interns have All ages | Two 3-month tracks taken programs since 1999 Intro to IHOPKC is a full-time internship program that encourages individuals into a lifetime of prayer and friendship with Jesus. This program is designed as a 19+ time of consecration, encounter, and missions through years of internships prayer. Many have rebuilt their spiritual foundations in at IHOPKC this program through a season of encounter and equip- ping, for a deeper life in prayer and confidence in the love of God. We welcome single and married applicants of all ages.

SIMEON COMPANY Ages 50+ | Two 3-month tracks

The Simeon Company is a gathering point for believers over the age of fifty, married or single, who desire to give the next season of their lives more fully to prayer, worship, the ministry of the Holy Spirit, outreach, and works of justice. Our goal is to see each intern filled with passion for Jesus and turning toward the younger genera- tion as a spiritual father or mother. We believe that unity and ministry between generations are part of God’s glory and plan for the Church.


In the One Thing Internship we call young adults to wholeheartedly pursue God in a season devoted to prayer, friendship with Jesus, study of the Scriptures, and equipping for ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe God is raising up a generation who are confident in God’s love and who abandon themselves to Jesus as their supreme delight and pursuit—their “one thing” (Ps. 27:4). In the context of 24/7 prayer and worship, you will be encouraged and equipped in a life of prayer and outreach. FIRE IN THE NIGHT 18+ | Two 3-month tracks

Fire in the Night is an internship joined to the NightWatch, the prayer watch of a company of people who pray and worship the Lord from midnight to 6am in our Global Prayer Room. We believe that the night belongs to the Lord. Fire in the Night interns cry out in prayer for justice and revival to break in on the earth. Our interns are involved in building a fiery community, outreaches to the lost, and ministry to others in the power of the Holy Spirit.

HOPE CITY 18–40 | two 3-month tracks

The Hope City internship trains and equips intercessory missionaries to carry out works of justice through serving the poor, the homeless, and addicted in an inner-city prayer room setting. Participants grow in the knowledge and love of God through spending time in the Word and prayer; they also develop the life skills they need to minister in an inner-city context by leading in the Hope City prayer room, serving in our community kitchen, and participating in the food distribution project and evangelism outreaches. We do this along with ministering to and living among recovering gang members, drug addicts, and the homeless. (Read more on page 20.)

INTERNSHIPS | 2020 VISION GUIDE 29 THE TRADE-OFF PROGRAM The Trade-Off Program is a 90-day program for individuals who are coming out of drug addiction, prostitution, and other destructive lifestyles into the new life that Jesus gives.

At Hope City, we desire to see lives transformed and people succeed in a world that swallows up the poor and the weak. We provide a safe, structured environment for people to learn and take healthy, life-changing steps to freedom from addictions and damaging choices. We teach people to believe for lasting change in their lives.

COMMUNITY CENTER Hope City operates a day shelter with a soup kitchen, serving hundreds of plates of hot food to the surrounding community. Our shelter offers a food pantry, fresh coffee, showers, Wi-Fi, and clothing. Additionally, we offer teaching and training in life skills, recovery classes, and biblical teaching.

Visit us online HOPE CITY hopecity Bringing God’s hope to the inner city

ope City is a ministry center hardship into hope, and to see the H that functions with a social life-changing power of God at work in justice emphasis in the inner- people’s lives. city community of Kansas City. Hope City maintains a house of prayer, a HOPE CITY INTERNSHIP community center, a soup kitchen, From the place of prayer, interns help training for addicts, and youth outreach. feed the hungry, serve the broken and addicted, and learn skills to impact Hope City is part of the International Foreword by Mike Bickle

House of Prayer, a ministry committed NEXT TO THE LAST VEIN to combining 24/7 worship with prayer and 24/7 works of justice. Our central AN INNER-CITY Next to the Last ministry is the prayer room, because we PRAYER ROOM WHERE know that prayer to a God who hears us At the young age of 12 THE HOMELESS, THE Lisa Stribling began sticking needles in her arm. By the age of 16, she was a journey is the answer to every need. hardened junkie. After bouts of home- lessness, and 15 long years of living a of a junkie ADDICTS, AND THE life of crime, violence and abuse, she hit

rock bottom. Hope finds her in a Mis- LISA BICKLE STRIBLING souri penitentiary with nowhere to turn, POOR CAN FIND A but to God. Located in one of Kansas City’s toughest Lisa’s gripping story is one of trans- formation midst the most trying set of circumstances. Its message of hope will neighborhoods, known for high gang PLACE OF HOPE empower people toward freedom and encourage them to reach out and pull oth- ers forward on their journey. activity, violence, murder, and poverty, Ray & Lisa Stribling, Hope City encounters real-life scenarios Hope City directors LISA BICKLE STRIBLING where those who have been margin- these men and women through prayer, alized by society—the lost, sick, and worship, works of justice, and the grace Read Lisa Stribling’s journey out of driven out—are forced into desperate of God. Interns have the opportunity to drug addiction in Next to the Last Vein. situations. We have the opportunity show the love of Jesus in word and deed Available in the Forerunner Bookstore to respond to challenges, to transform and bring hope to the inner city.

30 2020 VISION GUIDE | HOPE CITY Visit us online INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES international Equipping believers in the nations to participate in the prayer movement and engage in the Great Commission

HISPANIC MINISTRY Si te gustaría aprender más acerca de las reuniones de oración en Español en IHOPKC y otras actividades en Español, por favor visita la mesa de información dedicada a los ministerios internacionales la cual esta localizada en la librería.

KOREAN MINISTRY 아이합 한국어 사역의 기도 모임과 한국어 사역에 대해 더 알기 원하시면 서점에 위치한 국제 부서 테이블을 방문해 주십시오.

CHINESE MINISTRY 如果您想知道更多有關堪薩斯市國際禱告殿的中文(普通話)禱告聚會和其他中文活動,請來書坊裡面的國際部門攤位洽詢!


PORTUGUESE MINISTRY Se você quiser aprender mais sobre reuniões de oração em Português no Ihopkc e outras atividades em Português, visite a mesa internacional, localizada na livraria.


DID YOU KNOW? RESOURCES We host conferences and training programs in Spanish, Arabic, Korean, Chinese, and Portuguese to help equip the Body of Christ. Visit the Forerunner Bookstore for a variety of books and music Events are added regularly at in several languages.


am still trying to wrap my head around Let me just say that the NightWatch was a whole in my heart, and I knew beyond a shadow of a I 20 years. IHOPKC is now 20 years old. other world back then. For anyone who experi- doubt in that moment why the Lord had brought Overall, I guess that’s not so much, but enced it, you know what I mean. We were a family me to this place. it sure feels like it when we’ve been keeping it of misfits who loved Jesus and loved staying up all going 24/7 for that long! night worshiping Him together. Those four years To have grown up in the Body of Christ and to that I spent there shaped me in so many ways. not remember ever seeing a pastor or man in I still remember coming here to Kansas City for Thank you, Lord, and thank you, Stuart Greaves! leadership kneeling before the Lord in a place of the first time as a young 17-year-old and the Lord humility and reverence to God was heartbreaking speaking to me so clearly that this was where I Somewhere in there I was blessed with the oppor- to me. I know this might seem like such a small was supposed to be. Now, another 17 years later tunity to record my first and then to travel thing to some, but to me, it isn’t. I saw in that (please don’t do the math on that), I don’t regret a a bunch with Onething Regionals. A little after moment during the 10am set a man of humility, single minute of it. Wasting my youth on day-and- that, in 2009, there was the IHOPU Awakening. who wasn’t afraid of looking foolish or awkward; night prayer has really been the best investment Crazy, crazy year! The Lord brought so much who was putting himself in subjection to God; of my time and energy. I couldn’t have dreamt up breakthrough and encounter. I look back on it who could lay aside outward appearance in order a better way to spend my 20s and 30s. Maybe I’ll now, though, and realize the Lord’s kindness that to seek God first in prayer and supplication. get to keep doing it into my 40s . . . if I’m lucky. He didn’t take it further. We just weren’t ready. We still aren’t! Haha! I also saw and understood for the first time the January 2003, my family (Dad, Mom, and younger holiness of this place and what we were doing. It Brother) and myself pulled in to the parking lot I’m sitting here talking with my husband as I’m had nothing to do with whether or not the music of IHOPKC with our moving truck packed full, an writing this, trying to break down my time here was lively and got people dancing nor if there was hour late for our first class with Intro to IHOPKC, into a couple of good stories, and I finally real- going to be a message that made us feel good. It and no place to go afterward since we had just ized that it just isn’t possible. Nothing can really had everything to do with a people of like-mind- found out that our new house wouldn’t actually describe the years or the seasons spent. There just edness coming together in this small building in be ready for another day or two. We had sold a aren’t enough words nor enough time. the middle of no-man’s-land and choosing to good portion of our belongings and came to KC lay themselves down, along with all their high completely on an act of faith, and now found There is, however, one story that sticks out in and lofty plans for their lives, in order to just sit ourselves a bit freaked out since we had spent my mind from the many that are worth putting at Jesus’ feet and worship; to be priests in His pretty much all we had to get here and couldn’t down on paper. I grew up in the church and was temple. No job is better. No life is worth more afford a hotel room. given an impassioned heart for worship from than a life laid down. I have the best job, and I my mother. She, in many ways, has always been thank God every day that I get to do this! Fortunately, even though we had little to no to me a good modern-day representation of acquaintance in this foreign city, Mom and Dad someone who possessed a heart like David that had met a nice family, the Canhas, on a previous was truly after the Lord’s. However, other than visit, and they were kind enough to put us up in my mother, who was the worship pastor at our AUDRA LYNN their home til we could get in to ours. church, I couldn’t recall ever seeing leaders who Worship Leader, IHOPKC would get on their knees to pray or on their face Audra Lynn is a worship The next three months were a whirlwind for me before the Lord to worship. leader/singer and intercessory of classes with Matt Candler, Allen Hood, and our missionary at IHOPKC. She has beloved Tom Mills who is now no longer with us. One morning, while I was singing on a set during been on staff since 2003, when Miss you, Tom, and I hope you’re having a rocking my first months at IHOPKC, I saw Mike Bickle she moved to Kansas City with her family. party with Jesus right now! I was also playing in come in, like he always did for the 10am prayer Audra and her husband, Matt, have three little boys and love their home in KC. Her greatest two to three prayer sets a day if I was able; then set. He opened his Bible and began to read. I didn’t passion is to pursue Jesus and hasten the day as soon as I was done with Intro and officially think much about it ’cause this, obviously, wasn’t of His coming with prayer and worship. on staff, I transitioned on to the NightWatch and an unusual occurrence. I glanced over his direc- joined Clay Edwards team (btw, Clay has been tion a little while later, however, and he was on Audra has two worship , Fading and leading worship here for 20 years!). his knees, praying. This struck such a tender place Vow, which are available for purchase on iTunes.

32 2020 VISION GUIDE | ARTICLE FULL LIST EVENTS AT IHOPKC.ORG/LUKE18 Movement 2020 December 31–January 1 in Fredericksburg, VA Movement 2020 is a collaborative gathering to encounter the presence of Jesus together. Worship, prayer, and missions move- ments are converging as a new Jesus movement is emerging across America on our campuses and in our cities. It is a movement centered on the person and presence of Jesus. As we gather as family, in a time of significant transition in the prayer and missions movements, we expect the Holy Spirit to move powerfully.

Spring Break Fuel School March 8–13, March 15–20, March 22–27 Spend your spring break in Kansas City with others from across America at our Spring Break Fuel School, a five-day spiritual boot camp for college students and campus ministry leaders to get refueled and set on fire for Jesus. Choose from three date options.

This program is for all who desire to grow in prayer, spiritual Visit us online hunger, intimacy with God, and faith for revival. Get immersed LUKE18 PROJECT in a community of day-and-night prayer and worship coupled BRINGING REVIVAL TO YOUR CAMPUS luke18 with a week of biblical teaching and practical ministry training. Invest your spring break in getting spiritual breakthrough and Luke18 Project is a campus prayer movement that a burning heart! exists to establish a culture of prayer and worship on every college campus in America. Summer Leadership Program June 27–July 18

uke18 Project is for praying college students of our nation to finish Our three-week leadership program is for college students and L students on college campuses the task of world evangelization. Within campus ministry leaders who desire to grow as praying leaders who are contending for revival thirty short years, over 20,000 students contending for revival and awakening on their campuses. Join and awakening. We train and equip were mobilized to go to the foreign young leaders from all over the earth for a summer of training college students and campus ministry mission field. These student volunteers and ministry in intimacy with God, worship and intercession, leaders to establish a culture of prayer gave up comfortable lives and the Amer- evangelism and discipleship, prophecy and healing, leader- that fuels a lifestyle of mission on their ican dream to wholly give themselves to ship development, and more. The first two weeks of training campuses. the purposes of God in their generation. will be at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, and the third week will be an immersive learning experience on a local college campus, pioneering and leading a campus THREE PRIMARY OBJECTIVES We are believing that God would raise prayer furnace and growing in practical leadership and campus A New Jesus Movement up another movement of student volun- ministry skills. In the 1960s God visited the hippie teers committed to unrelenting prayer generation and awakened hundreds of and the work of missions on their college Collegiate Day of Prayer thousands of young people to the love campuses and throughout the earth. February 27, 2020 and grace of God. It was known as the Jesus Movement. A Campus Prayer Movement Join us on February 27, 2020 for a united, multi-generational Recognizing the urgency of the hour, day of prayer for revival and awakening on college campuses we cannot continue with business as We seek to call students to contend in in America. usual. We desire to challenge college prayer for another Jesus Movement to students to live for more than the typical sweep across the campuses of America Learn more at college experience—to be catalysts in our generation. We are believing igniting a radical movement of prayer, that many students would once fasting, and worship on their campuses. “I have never felt so whole, so complete, again be awakened to the love of God so full of purpose, and so ready to pray and give their lives in wholehearted Our vision is to saturate college campuses and share the gospel on my campus. I left devotion to Jesus. the Summer Leadership Program with new with fervent prayer and passionate confidence in the Father’s love!” worship, as students gather to exalt Jesus A New Student Volunteer Movement and contend for revival and awakening —Melanie, California State University, East Bay Over 100 years ago, God stirred the in our nation.

LUKE18 PROJECT | 2020 VISION GUIDE 33 Mobilizing a Young Adult Movement to Serve the Next Generation Simple Truths for Young & Old Alike


e are a community, not a program: Through Christ’s death and resurrection we want people to make these kind of compar- W a community of believers commis- are cleansed and commissioned to go make isons and think themselves uneducated and sioned by God to proclaim His Word disciples, not volunteers. That is what we are unholy. We have to go after hearts and lives and works to all communities. According doing with the children. that are called to this. We recruit the called. to Ephesians 2:19, we are members of His household. In the kingdom of God, you are Now, one could say that those who minister And remember, you can also be an agent of not a volunteer. to children in our churches make a volunteer change in your team members’ lives. Your commitment. People have jobs, and they ministry is also in providing care and concern Ministry versus Volunteering have families, but God also calls us to serve for your workers and others. I tell my team, Though volunteer-staffed programs in the and minister in the church. That is real, but “You want more workers? You want servants? church share certain characteristics with we do not want a volunteerism mindset. We Then let’s be a warm place where people feel volunteer programs in society, there are want ministers. like they are cared for.” You are not just a differences. One of the hardest things I face teacher, you are a pastor. is changing people’s understanding of serving When you see those who work in children’s in children’s ministry. We do not need parent ministry as ministers, you are changing a In serving in children’s ministry, you carry volunteers, but parent assistants. generation rather than building a program. and reveal the pastoral heart of God—a shepherd’s heart. You are stewarding His In 2 Corinthians 9:12, Paul was addressing the Volunteerism is a label that tends to carry vision and caring for His people. church in Corinth. They were feeding the poor the meaning of being uninstructed and and he said, “Listen, this service that you are unlearned. So if I look at my workforce as performing is not merely fully supplying the volunteers, I am basically saying to them, “You needs of the saints. It is not just putting food are uninstructed and unlearned.” Do we want in their bellies. It is overflowing with many someone who believes that they are outside LENNY LA GUARDIA expressions of thanks to the living God.” of this particular profession? I don’t think so. Vice President, Ministries I believe we need those who are called to the Executive Director, Children’s Equipping Center, IHOPKC This word service in Scripture also speaks of family of God and to serve the children. Just priestly duties. So those who work with the because you have your job, your family, and For over three decades, children on Sunday morning are performing a other activities, it does not mean that you are Lenny La Guardia has devoted priestly and spiritual duty. More than that, it is not called as part of His household. his life to equipping and mobilizing overflowing with many expressions of thanks young people, parents, and leaders with kingdom-of-God truths and strategies for to the Lord. We are one, going in the same direction to ministry to children. A husband, father, minister to the children. and grandfather, Lenny serves on the As members of God’s household, we are leadership team at the International House filled with the Holy Spirit, and He influences Calling the Called of Prayer, where he and his wife, Tracy, our skills and habits. Our desire is that our So if we are recruiting people as “volunteers,” direct and oversee IHOPKC’s local, national, parent assistants would live holy lives before sometimes their basic mindset is that they are and international ministry to the next God, be sensitive to the Spirit, and cooperate unholy compared to “clergy,” as if it is only generation. with what He is doing in the children’s lives, the senior pastor or the children’s and youth ministering from the Lord. pastors who have the anointing . We don’t @lennylaguardia

34 2020 VISION GUIDE | MOBILIZING A YOUNG ADULT MOVEMENT TO SERVE THE NEXT GENERATION 35 PARTNERS The Lord is raising up a family that is after His own heart—of people throughout the whole world who are devoted to Him, with the spirit of Mary of Bethany, sitting at His feet, fellowshipping with Him, lifting their voices, calling for His kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. For over 19 years IHOPKC has hosted thousands of worshipers, singers, and musicians, helping them to get immersed in the love of God, to hear His voice, and live a lifestyle that is empowered with worship and prayer. In the presence of God souls are restored and bodies are healed. Our Partners have been an essential part of our family and the IHOPKC story, fueling 24/7 prayer with worship, giving sacrificially to reach every nation, even those hostile to the gospel, and to sustain devotion here in Kansas City. We invite you to join our Partners family—we can’t do this without you. WATCH AS MIKE BICKLE SHARES HIS —IHOPKC Partners Family HEART ON THE LAST 20 YEARS » 215 NATIONS 20,000,000 100,000+ AND TERRITORIES HOURS OF HOURS OF ACTIVELY ACCESS OUR RESOURCES PRAYER & WORSHIP WEBSTREAMING IN 12 YEARS

PRAYER ROOM TESTIMONIES Every day, people around the world are impacted by the ministry in our prayer room in Kansas City, which could only take place with the partnership of people like you.

“Thank you for streaming live from the prayer room and con- “I am so thankful for the 24/7 worship room. I had yearned ferences. I was not able to attend Onething because I was de- in my heart to find such a place, but I doubted it existed on ployed to the Middle East. It’s amazing to listen to such pow- earth—until I found this 24/7 site. Your worship carries a true erful worship and teaching while hearing the Muslim call to anointing. Blessings to all who make this house of worship prayer, in a country that worships a false god.” possible. You are truly making an impact in the nations.” —Hannah, Afghanistan —Christina, Columbia

36 2020 VISION GUIDE | IHOPKC PARTNERS HOW DOES PARTNERSHIP WORK? Our Partners make a commitment to give a specific amount on a regular basis, or a one-time gift to support our ministry to the Lord and His people.

PARTNERSHIP IMPACT I have set watchmen on » 1.5 million new website users in 2019 your walls, O Jerusalem; » 215 nations and territories actively access our resources “ » 10,000+ hours of prayer and worship annually in our they shall never hold their Global Prayer Room and All Nations Prayer Room peace day or night. You » 70,000 children and teens equipped since 1999 » 1.1 million Facebook likes, with a reach of over 6 million who make mention of the » 100,000+ people have received healing prayer ministry since 2002 Lord, do not keep silent . . . » 300,000 received prophetic ministry » 20,000 staff, interns, and students have received training since 1999 till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth. JOIN THE PARTNERS FAMILY We would love to talk with you about partnering with IHOPKC. ISAIAH 62:6–7

To partner with us and help fuel 24/7 prayer for breakthrough, please visit

TEXT TO GIVE Text “IHOPKC" + the amount you wish to give to 779-77. For example, text “IHOPKC 100” to give $100 to IHOPKC.

Today millions of brothers and sisters in Christ from around the earth watch the prayer room webstream every year, many of whom live under persecution in closed nations. TE X T T O GIVE

“The stars are a sign of a promise. As God unfolds this promise through Scripture, we find that the stars have so much more meaning to the Lord.” KIRK BENNETT

Cozy up near the campfire and hear Kirk Bennett, a father in the IHOPKC community, share biblical secrets hidden in the stars.


hen we have a wrong picture of identity, from You and You alone.” other things—things like what they have, W what God is actually like, our ability There are many things that are true about how they look, whom they know, whom they to relate to Him will be hindered. us, right? For me, it is true that I am from the are dating, or what their position is. Our hearts will shut down toward Him. We Netherlands, that I am married and have lived could sing along in church but have a heart in Kansas City, Missouri, and Kitale, Kenya, As God’s children, only one thing is the most withdrawn from Him because deep down we East Africa. I have three kids and a dog. I have important thing about us. It’s the thing that are afraid of Him, afraid He will reject us, or certain strengths and weaknesses. I’ve done should define us more than anything else. It’s afraid He is disappointed in us. things well, and I’ve messed up. There are the deepest thing about us. some people I know, and billions of people I If you don’t have a revelation of God’s love for don’t know. And I love scuba diving, and I hate What is it? you personally, you will strive to earn His love. eating liver. Many Christians, dearly loved by the Father, It’s that we are children of the Father who live as spiritual orphans. Because they don’t A lot of things are true about me. All those made us and loves us. It should be what expect anything good to come their way things together make up the story of my life. matters most about us and what defines who from the Father, they have to make it happen we are more than anything else. It’s the source in their own strength. Life then becomes all The same holds true for you. There are many of true self-worth and where we find our about what they can do. This makes for a very things true about you, good and bad, and they confidence. We don’t overcome insecurities tiring life of constant striving. make up the story of your life. That’s fine. The through achievement, but through believing problem, though, is when we take something and experiencing how God feels about us. Something in us wants us to make a name for that is true about us and make that the truest ourselves. We want to accomplish things in thing or most important thing about us. If we People may also overidentify with things that our own strength. If we want to experience then allow that to define us, we encounter are negative about themselves. They battle intimacy with God, however, we have to turn problems. with a horrible sense of self-worth because from this independent attitude. they have allowed something negative that is Why? true in their lives to define who they are. It can Jesus is a great example for us. He was a perfect be something bad that happened to them, or it Son who lived for and drew life from His Because everyone builds their identity around can be something bad that they have done. It relationship with His Father. He surrendered what they believe is the most important thing could be a persistent sin that they are fighting. His will, saying not His will but the Father’s about them. So, when we overidentify with The devil loves it when we let our sin define us. will be done (Lk. 22:42). something that is true about us, it messes with But we are not our sin. You are not your sin. It our sense of identity. is not the deepest thing about you. A heart humbly submitted to the Father comes to life. Like Jesus, the children of God For example, many people overidentify with The devil knows your name, but he calls you acknowledge where they came from and what they do. They derive a sense of value by your sin. God knows your sin, but He calls submit to their Father. Instead of seeking to from what they do. It gives them their sense you by your name. ¹ make a name for themselves, they say, “Father, of self-worth. Therefore, they conclude that I give You the right to define me. I want to they matter or have value because of what When we look to something or someone to derive my sense of self-worth, my sense of they do. But people can overidentify with give us our sense of self-worth, we are also

38 2020 VISION GUIDE | ARTICLE empowering that something or someone to take away our sense of of me, then I felt valuable. I felt I had the right to sit “at their table,” as self-worth. What if we lose our jobs, or our spouses leave us? Or we it were. But that formula made me a slave to the opinions of others. lose our possessions, or are not invited to sing on the worship team anymore?Henri Nouwen said, “If you know you are Beloved of God, Don’t do what I did. Don’t look to people or things to define your worth. you can live with an enormous amount of success and an enormous I had to turn away from listening to people’s opinions and turn to the amount of failure without losing your identity, because your identity Father. I had to ask forgiveness for looking to people to validate me is that you are the Beloved.” ² when the Father wanted to do that. I had to stop striving and stop trying to make a name for myself. Instead, I had to allow God to name David Lomas, in his book The Truest Thing about You, asks a great me. Instead of trying to create self-worth, I had to discover it in God. question that helps us see where we stand with this. In my own words: What is it in your life right now that is giving you your strongest dose of self confidence? Think about that for a minute. What is your primary source of self-worth right now? DANIEL HOOGTEIJLING Daniel Hoogteijling is a missionary, international speaker, and scuba diver. He loves to help people find confidence God wants to be that. in God’s love and courage to go wherever He leads. Originally from the Netherlands, he and his wife, Marlies, For years, I lived by a very unhealthy formula. I believed that my have served with Soul Survivor in Europe, on the mission accomplishments plus people’s opinions of me equaled my importance field in Kenya, and in leadership at the International House of Prayer of as a person. When I was achieving good things and others spoke highly Kansas City. They and their three children are based in Kona, Hawaii, with Youth With A Mission.

Notes: 1. Paraphrased from Bianca Juárez Olthoff, Play with Fire: Discovering Fierce Faith, Unquenchable Passion, and a Life-Giving God (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2016), 119.

2. Nouwen, Henri (@HenriNouwen). 2018. “If you know you are Beloved of God, you can live with an enormous amount of success and an enormous amount of failure without losing your identity, because your identity is that you are the Beloved.” Twitter, October 7, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

3. Excerpt from chapter 3 of Loved: When the One Who Knows You the Best Loves You the Most (Forerunner Publishing, 2019, used by permission).

ARTICLE | 2020 VISION GUIDE 39 Shop online 24/7 at FORERUNNER BOOKSTORE FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM @forerunner_bookstore

The Fully Funded Missionary Rob Parker In this essential guide, Rob Parker successfully Books from IHOPKC shows that the Great Commission is not for Books the struggling, lonely missionary; it belongs to the Body of Christ The Heart of Chaos Beneath working together. Be Songwriting the Shade equipped with practical tools and a plan for moving Tracey Bickle forward. Learn how to invite God’s people to John G. Elliott joyfully join you in the Great Commission. From her own Dove Award-winning experience of getting producer and career song- free, Tracey Bickle Inheritance writer John G. Elliott digs to honestly walks us Corey Russell the core of Christian song- through recognizing writing, answering these After the sudden death of and overcoming the questions and demysti- their only son, Corey Russell bitterness lurking fying the writing process in and his family faced unbear- within and its resulting this insightful and detailed able pain and loneliness. chaos. Will offenses ruin us, or will we emerge guide to the craft. You will learn the essentials of lyric, God carried them through tender, victorious, and joyful? How can we be structure, rhythm, style, and more, underpinned by a the ensuing five years with healed from the pain of heart injuries? Join Tracey solid spiritual foundation and discussion of the unique promises from five specific and discover the wise counsel of God to free us dynamics faith brings to songwriting. psalms, comforting and from the chaos of bitterness and release us into awakening them. Corey’s His peace. honest journey through these five psalms will help readers discover how the Good Shepherd heals His people, makes us into shepherds after His own heart, and calls us to believe in a God who turns the worst circumstances into a profound and eternal inheritance. NEW RELEASE FROM IHOPKC Satisfy My Soul: Devotional LOVED: WHEN THE ONE WHO KNOWS Various Writers YOU THE BEST LOVES YOU THE MOST Satisfy your longing for a With powerful stories from his own past and the Bible, author Daniel closer relationship with Hoogteijling uncovers the difference that discovering God’s love for God. Jesus wants to give us personally makes in our daily experience of life as a Christian. you a heart that burns for A wrong picture of God keeps us from relationship and the joys of Him. Satisfy My Soul is intimacy with Him. But when we understand what God is like and a 40-day devotional that how He sees us, we find the freedom to grow in God while being invites you to discover loved by Him as we are. the beauty of the Lord, the language of worship, the journey of intimacy, and fullness of life. Each day This honest, direct, and gracious invitation to trust God’s love will shatter shame and revolutionize includes a Scripture reading, inspirational devotion, your Christian walk. Come find out that the One who knows you the best also loves you the most, passionate prayer, reflective question, and song and live in that confidence! recommendations. Let Jesus satisfy your soul. Devotions composed by 24 worship leaders, prayer leaders, singers, and musicians from the International House of Prayer.

40 2020 VISION GUIDE | FORERUNNER BOOKSTORE | BOOKS Seven Longings of Passion for 7 Commitments the Human Heart Jesus for Spiritual Mike Bickle & Mike Bickle Growth Deborah Hiebert Mike describes how Mike Bickle w/Brian Kim We all long to be enjoyed, to we can walk confi- Mike Bickle presents a be wholehearted, to make dently in God’s love for compelling prophetic a lasting impact. When we us even in the midst of wake-up call to the Body of realize that these longings our weaknesses. For Christ in this generation by are godly and that God all those who want to outlining the need for the wants to fulfill them, we feel love, acceptance, ministry of the forerunner. begin to find new freedom forgiveness, peace, These practical steps and joy. To encounter God in these areas is to be fully rest, and freedom from the past, Mike’s message have been a key to the spiritual growth of believers alive. We are not to repent of these longings, but to will break open and restore any heart. This book throughout the centuries. repent of seeking to satisfy them outside of our rela- will help awaken a stronger devotion to Jesus. eBook also available tionship with Jesus.

Son of Man: The The Rewards Longing For Gospel of Daniel 7 of Fasting His Return Samuel Whitefield Mike Bickle & Dana Candler Dana Candler Daniel 7 is not just an We are living in the delay end-time chapter. Based The grace of fasting between Jesus’ first and on Jesus’ words, Daniel is a gift from God that second comings, days 7 is a gospel-centered positions us to experi- of deepest yearning for chapter and perhaps ence more of His power the dawn of His return. the premier summary of and affections. Done in Amidst the lethargy of our Jesus’ majesty.If we do the right spirit, fasting Western, modern, religious not know this chapter, increases our recep- landscape, our longing we cannot fully grasp the gospel. Jesus commis- tivity to God’s voice and His Word, enabling us to for Jesus is a witness to others that He is more than sioned us to carry the message found in this chapter encounter Him more deeply. This book is designed a name and more than a religion. He is a Person so to every people, but we cannot carry what we do not to equip people to embrace the discipline, grace, majestic in beauty, kindness and truth that our hearts understand. Let Daniel open your eyes to the gospel and joy of fasting. are unsatisfied with anyone or anything but Him. as Jesus proclaimed it.

CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF IHOPKC Book of Revelation Study Guide Mike Bickle Simple and inspiring, this ON EARTH AS IN HEAVEN verse-by-verse guide to IHOPKC 20th Anniversary Photo Memory Book the book of Revelation

includes a glossary of In September, 1999, a group of young people at the southern terms and symbols as well edge of Kansas City began praying and worshiping in a motley as in-depth articles and cluster of renovated trailers, and never stopped. In this picto- charts. Mike’s straight- rial celebration, culled from nearly four decades of prophetic forward approach brings history, and two decades of 24/7 prayer, we invite you to join us the message to life and emphasizes its relevance on a stroll down years of memories and special moments, and for us today. Gain understanding of some of Mike’s enjoy some rarely seen photos. From the heart of America to most compelling insights into this book of the Bible; our international family of affection, it has been a remarkable journey. discover how the Bride will partner with Jesus as He cleanses our planet of evil and ushers in the kingdom We are grateful and blessed for all that God has done. Most of all, we are convinced of this: Jesus is of God. worthy. And so the journey continues.

FORERUNNER BOOKSTORE | 2020 VISION GUIDE 41 The New Earth: God’s Hostage The Hell Conspiracy You’re Going to Andrew Brunson Laurie A. Ditto Laurie Ditto’s life was Love It! In 1993, Andrew forever marked when she Kathi DeCanio and Norine Brunson experienced supernatural traveled to Turkey- Based on Scripture visions of both Heaven --the world’s largest and illustrated and Hell. unevangelized delightfully, The country---to serve as She knew these encounters New Earth describes missionaries. Their were meant as a wake-up what will happen to work with Syrian refu- call for herself and others, so the world when Jesus comes back again. It answers gees, including Kurds, she has made it her mission questions like: Will He take us all back to heaven to gained attention and to share this message with live there with Him forever? Will we live in heaven? suspicion. In 2016, both were arrested. Norine was the world. The Hell Conspiracy is a somber warning. It What will happen to the earth? You and your child released, but Andrew was accused of spying and records harrowing accounts of souls enduring endless incarcerated. This is the tension-laden, faith-laced will be inspired and encouraged to live today for the torture and eternal separation from God. eternity that God has planned for His people. account of his imprisonment, brokenness, and eventual freedom.

The Midnight Hour FROM FORERUNNER PUBLISHING Lisa Bickle Stribling Lisa Bickle Stribling’s book The Midnight Hour is an POWER TO DELIVER urgent call to know the hour we live in, to understand MINISTRY MANUAL the signs of Jesus magnif- Stephen Beauchamp icent return. We are truly on the threshold of God This step-by-step ministry manual for individuals and teams fulfilling His glorious Isaiah contains practical instruction on how to bring spiritual deliver- 60 promise to awaken His ance to oppressed and tormented people who desire freedom. sleeping church, to be a voice amidst the gross dark- ness of our critically troubled generation. Arise! Shine! Through a sound, biblical foundation, specific and direct prayers, For your light has come! and proven tools, this manual provides a clear, concise way to build a ministry team, helps you determine who qualifies for this The Definitive type of ministry, and walks you through a succinct process of Guide to the confronting demonic influence in the life of the ministry recip- Prophetic ient. You will be equipped to avoid common pitfalls and operate Joni Ames effectively in deliverance ministry. Joni Ames provides a Bible-based, clear, concise, and practical explanation of the oper- Ekklesia Rising Growing as ation and use of personal Dean Briggs a Prophetic prophetic ministry in the Church today. Her goal is For generations, we Singer twofold: first, to act as a teacher and mentor to help have been taught Anna Blanc people with prophetic gifts understand and mature that Jesus promised This book is an into those gifts; and second, to help pastors and to build His “church“ excellent resource Church leaders understand, acknowledge, discern, in Matthew 16:18, so for equipping and and train the prophetic community within their we’ve dutifully tried to strengthening body of believers. build the church with prophetic singers Him. But there’s a big in their calling. The Bible 360º problem: that’s not the word He used. Instead, book’s instructional Daniel Lim He announced something far more potent: “I will approach is paired with personal experiences God’s Word gives life, build My ekklesia!” from Anna Blanc’s years as a prophetic singer but how do we partake and worship leader at the International House of A motherlode of identity and mission separate of all it offers? Discover Prayer. It addresses practical issues of the heart church and ekklesia. If Jesus gave His disciples ten profound and highly and offers instruction on how to grow vocally authority and keys to bind and loose, it means we practical ways to engage and develop in the Word. This informative have been put on offense, so why are we stuck on with God in the Bible, and approachable resource is for any singer or defense? If we are built to soar in heavenly places using every part of your worship leader who is involved, or who desires to with real authority in prayer, then why does our being as you read it, be involved, with a house of prayer or a church mission often feel grounded on the launch pad? meditate on it, study it, live it, write it, pray it, sing worship team. it, proclaim it, teach it, and remember it. Available in paperback and hardback.


Artist Vol. 1: Close to You Vol. 2: Mercy Has Won Cries From The Inner-City Laura Hackett Park Lauren Alexandria Lauren Alexandria Music from Hope City & Kendrian Dueck & Kendrian Dueck Coming January 24

Look for new music in 2020 from Laura Hackett Park, Jonas Park, Justin Rizzo, Olivia Buckles,

The Wounds We (Need) Closer Endless Mercy EP and others! Jeremy Whitaker Louis Barrazza Brandon Oaks