One Year Later: What's Next for IHOPKC?

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One Year Later: What's Next for IHOPKC? INSTAGRAM.COM/IHOPKC FACEBOOK.COM/IHOPKC YOUTUBE.COM/IHOPKC @IHOPKC One Year Later: INTERACTIVE ISSUE What’s Next with LIVE LINKS for IHOPKC? Q&A Interview Page 16 Looking Back with Gratitude and Forward with Confidence By Mike Bickle My IHOPKC Experience Page 8 Audra Lynn’s Story Page 32 OUR ANNUAL WINTER CONFERENCE HAS ENDED, BUT OUR FOCUS REMAINS. LET US HELP YOU GET A VISION FOR 2020 AND BEYOND. CONTENTS | DEC. 2019 CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF 24/7 PRAYER with WORSHIP On September 19, 2019, we will celebrated 20 years of 24/7 prayer and worship at the International House of Prayer. ONE YEAR LATER: WHAT’S NEXT ABOUT IHOPKC FOR IHOPKC? 6 The IHOPKC Missions Base Q&A INTERVIEW 18 International House of Prayer University 16 23 IHOPU Online 26 Center for Biblical End-Time Studies 27 Weekends & 8-Day Immerse Programs LOOKING BACK WITH 28 Internships ANTICIPATING GRATITUDE AND FORWARD 30 Hope City Inner City Ministry REVIVAL WITH CONFIDENCE 31 International Ministries DEAN BRIGGS MIKE BICKLE 33 Luke18 Project 36 IHOPKC Partners 16 8 ARTICLES 8 Looking Back With Gratitude and Forward with Confidence Mike Bickle 16 One Year Later: What’s FACEBOOK Next for IHOPKC JOIN THE Q&A Interview CONVERSATION TWITTER 24 Anticipating Revival VIA SOCIAL MEDIA Dean Briggs @ihopkc 32 My IHOPKC Experience: INSTAGRAM Audra Lynn’s story Use the hashtags @ihopkc 34 Mobilizing a Young Adult #ihopkc Movement to Serve the #ihopkc20 YOUTUBE Next Generation #20yrsof247prayer Lenny La Guardia #happybirthdayihopkc SNAPCHAT 38 The Deepest Thing About You @ihopkc Daniel Hoogteijling FORERUNNER BOOKSTORE Throughout this issue you will find many 40 Books images and live url’s. Tap or click them to 43 New Music (Digital Releases) open up a browser window to learn more. NEW FROM MIKE BICKLE 4 CONFERENCE INFO | No-thing 2019 5 Since 1999, over 16,000 staff, students, and interns have served the Lord at IHOPKC. sessions, each led by a full worship team; it is broadcast live to the nations by webstream, equipping and inspiring others. PRAYER AND OUTREACH From our core mandate to keep a 24/7 prayer sanctuary, many ministry, justice, and outreach expressions have been birthed, both in Kansas City and throughout the nations. From the place of prayer, we go out to win the lost, heal the sick, feed the THE IHOPKC MISSIONS BASE poor, and make disciples. Many more Advancing 24/7 prayer & proclaiming the beauty of Jesus prayer and missional communities have been supported, inspired, and given courage by what is happening in a little prayer room in Kansas City. he International House of to dusk and through the watches of IHOPKC BY THE T Prayer community exists the night, by the grace of God, prayer We refer to our full-time staff as NUMBERS to partner in the Great and worship are offered to the Lord “intercessory missionaries.” They Commission by advancing 24/7 unceasingly. raise their own support to work as prayer and proclaiming the beauty of full-time missionaries who reach 700 Jesus and His glorious return. Scripture teaches that night-and-day out to others from a lifestyle of prayer intercessory prayer is deeply connected to the and worship. missionaries As an evangelical missions organiza- release of the fullness of God’s power on staff today tion, we are committed to working and purpose (Lk. 18:7–8; cf. Isa. 62:6– Through the years, over 16,000 with others in the Body of Christ as 7). We are offering Jesus 24/7 worship believers have served as staff, 20 we pray for the release of God’s power and contending for justice and for the students, or interns, investing 50 years of 24/7 prayer with worship and purpose and seek to walk out the power of the Spirit to bring transfor- hours per week as they go from the two great commandments to love God mation to every sphere of society. prayer room to the classroom, to and people. ministry outreaches and works of 84 The 24/7 prayer room is the center service. Many have gone on from two-hour prayer BEGINNINGS of all we do at IHOPKC; it is open to Kansas City to support the Body of sets per week in the the public around the clock, day and Global Prayer Room On May 7, 1999, the International Christ in cities across the nations. House of Prayer was founded by Mike night. The prayer room has been Bickle and twenty full-time “inter- designed to reflect the tabernacle of The community of IHOPKC is 10 cessory missionaries,” who cried David (1 Chr. 9:33; 22–24); it is a place committed to prayer and the fore- languages streaming out to God in prayer and worship where we never cease worshiping the runner message. This means spir- prayer with worship thirteen hours a day. Four months Lord and interceding for our world. itually preparing ourselves and later, on September 19, 1999, prayer others for the unique dynamics that with worship extended to the full Each twenty-four-hour period is will occur in the generation of the 24/7 schedule. Today, from dawn divided into 12 two-hour prayer Lord’s return. 6 2020 VisION GUIDE | THE IHOPKC MISSIONS BASE 7 LOOKING BACK WITH GRATITUDE AND FORWARD WITH CONFIDENCE By Mike Bickle As we celebrate our 20th anniversary of 24/7 (Matthew 6:10). Indications of this include the prayer with worship, our entire missions base fact that human history itself began with Adam at IHOPKC is looking back with heartfelt grat- and Eve enjoying daily prayer in the garden of itude, even while looking forward with confi- Eden (Genesis 1–3). Israel began as a nation at a dence and a renewed spirit of dedication. I am prayer meeting in the wilderness (Exodus 19:6– grateful for how the Lord carefully walked us 20). Israel’s first building project was to build a through a multi-year season of refinement, “worship sanctuary” (Exodus 25:2, 8). One of the including helping us overcome new obstacles first things that David did after becoming king while receiving insight into certain deficien- over Jerusalem was to establish an extravagant cies and also stirring us to push back against encroaching spiritual dryness. Through it all, we have great anticipation that the Lord is about to bring answers and glorious surprises to us locally, as well as globally for the entire Body of Christ—renewing, energizing, directing, and encountering His people. Locally, the Lord has emphasized His desire to CELEBRATING 20 help us grow in community with a deeper sense of belonging as a spiritual family. We are coop- erating with Him as He raises up more strong YEARS OF 24/7 families together with fathers and mothers who would receive and release the spirit of the PRAYER with WORSHIP Father. The Lord is truly raising up an interna- tional family of affection. Furthermore, we are to never lose sight the Spirit is raising up more than a workforce, but a Bride with intimate part- nership with Jesus. Thus, we seek to walk in the first commandment in loving Him with all of our heart and strength that we work “with Him” as His Bride instead of merely working “for Him” worship ministry that included financing 4,000 as servants. musicians and 288 singers as their full-time occupation (1 Chronicles 23:5; 25:7). God even In His sovereignty, the Lord has ordained the commanded David to call the kings of Israel after prayer movement to be at the point of the arrow him to establish night-and-day worship in their that releases His purposes throughout redemp- generation (2 Chronicles 29:25). Jesus began His tive history. Before Jesus returns, the Spirit public ministry in a prayer meeting in the wilder- will raise up the greatest prayer movement in ness (Matthew 4) and ended it in a prayer meeting history that will openly give expression to His in the garden of Gethsemane. The Church began desire to be worshiped on earth as He is in heaven in a prayer meeting in the upper room (Acts 8 2020 VISION GUIDE | ARTICLE 1–2) and will end natural history in context to level, this gigantic story line is wrapped up in a global prayer movement. Yes, the conflict at massive global outpouring of the Spirit, the the end of the age will be between two “houses salvation of Israel, and the return of a Jewish of prayer”—two global worship movements. man, Jesus, to rule the nations from Jerusalem. We are confident that the glorious worship and prayer movement that exalts Jesus will totally For many years, our prophetic history and story prevail over the Antichrist’s dark worship move- line were exciting to me because I thought that ment (Revelation 13:8). they indicated a fundamentally different kind of Christianity than the boring, simple, mundane Along with many others around the earth, our church experience I had observed. At age 64, longing is to see 24/7 worship and prayer in every I view these remarkable events quite differ- tribe and tongue. We have gained significant ently now. Our compelling prophetic history ground in our pursuit of this divine mandate was never so we could be a special place but in coordination with many other sectors of the so we could give a clear, focused, and specific Body of Christ. We celebrate our partnership call—the urgent call to walk out biblical Chris- with the missions movement and all that God is tianity now, become anchored in mature love, doing to expand His family and kingdom on the persevere and prevail in living faithfully.
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