Congressional Record—House H3552
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H3552 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 18, 2007 As a lame duck President and as (Ms. SOLIS addressed the House. Her as it is big enough.’’ And, Mr. Speaker, slave to his own failed foreign policy, remarks will appear hereafter in the at this very moment, this cataclysmic Congress must ensure that the Presi- Extensions of Remarks.) heartbreak continues. dent cannot unilaterally strike Iran in f Arthur Cohen, who is perhaps the the remaining months of his failed world’s leading scholar on the Euro- THE SCOURGE OF ABORTION IN presidency. Congress must pass legisla- pean Holocaust, used a Latin term to AMERICA tion that preserves the checks and bal- describe abortion in America. He called ances to guarantee that the President The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under it ‘‘mysterium tremendum,’’ which must listen to someone other than the the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- means an utter mystery to the rational Vice President. uary 18, 2007, the gentleman from Ari- human mind, a mystery that carries zona (Mr. FRANKS) is recognized for 60 with it not only the aspect of vastness, b 2015 minutes as the designee of the minor- but the resonance of complete terror, America cannot afford to remain on a ity leader. something so unutterably diabolical as hair trigger until a new President Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. Mr. Speak- to be literally unknowable to us. takes the oath of office in January er, today was a very important day. Mr. Speaker, following the invasion 2009, but that is exactly what will hap- Today, the United States Supreme of Germany into Poland in 1939, a Jew- pen unless Congress steps up to ensure Court handed down a decision uphold- ish man named Yitzhak Katzenelson that the President stands down on a ing the Federal law protecting unborn was trapped by the Nazis in the Warsaw military strike against Iran. We must children from partial-birth abortion. ghetto. He was later transported to the take away his blank check. Mr. Speaker, perhaps it is important Auschwitz concentration camp, where for those of us in this Chamber to first f he and his son were brutally murdered. remind ourselves again of why we were Before his death, he buried under a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a really all put here. Thomas Jefferson previous order of the House, the gen- tree a song that encapsulated the en- said, ‘‘The care of human life and its tire Nazi regime in one verse. He stated tleman from Texas (Mr. POE) is recog- happiness and not its destruction is the that, ‘‘The first to perish were the chil- nized for 5 minutes. chief and only object of good govern- (Mr. POE addressed the House. His dren. From these a new dawn might ment.’’ have arisen.’’ What a profound lesson remarks will appear hereafter in the Mr. Speaker, protecting the lives of for the rest of the world to hearken Extensions of Remarks.) our innocent citizens and their con- unto. A new dawn might have arisen stitutional rights is indeed why we are f from those children that perished in all here. The phrase in the 14th amend- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a the Holocaust. ment capsulizes our entire Constitu- previous order of the House, the gen- No matter the rhetoric, Mr. Speaker, tion. It says, ‘‘No State shall deprive tleman from New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) we must not ever be so blind to the fact any person of life, liberty or property is recognized for 5 minutes. that each time an abortion takes place, without due process of law.’’ The bed- (Mr. PALLONE addressed the House. a nameless little baby dies a lonely rock foundation of this Republic is the His remarks will appear hereafter in death; a mother is never quite the belief that all human beings are cre- the Extensions of Remarks.) same, whether she realizes it or not; ated equal and endowed by their Cre- f ator with the inalienable rights of life, and all of the gifts that that child The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a liberty and the pursuit of happiness. might have brought to humanity are previous order of the House, the gen- Every conflict and battle our Nation lost forever. tleman from Texas (Mr. PAUL) is recog- has ever faced can be traced to this It is often said, Mr. Speaker, that a nized for 5 minutes. core foundational belief on our part society is measured by how it treats (Mr. PAUL addressed the House. His that every life, from the smallest child those in the dawn of life, those in the remarks will appear hereafter in the to the elderly widow, from the strong- shadows of life, and those in the twi- Extensions of Remarks.) est and bravest soldiers on our front light of life. Because unborn children are hidden both in the dawn and in the f lines, to the weakest and most frail in our society, every human soul is of in- shadows of life, we kill thousands of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a them every day in America, using previous order of the House, the gentle- finite worth and entitled by God to pursue liberty, prosperity and happi- sometimes methods like partial-birth woman from New York (Mrs. MCCAR- ness. abortion that cause so much agonizing THY) is recognized for 5 minutes. But, Mr. Speaker, for 34 years, Roe v. pain that the child that is being killed, (Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York ad- Wade has been a desecration of that if they were an animal, it would be ille- dressed the House. Her remarks will bedrock foundation upon which Amer- gal under Federal law to do it the way appear hereafter in the Extensions of ica stands, and Roe v. Wade sets itself we do it. Remarks.) apart from all of the other egregious If we, as a human family in America, f decisions made by our courts in that cannot find enough humanity within The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a its result is 45 million dead American ourselves to change that, if this human previous order of the House, the gen- children. rights atrocity of dismembering our tleman from Indiana (Mr. BURTON) is Mr. Speaker, that is 15,000 times the own children alive is truly who we are, recognized for 5 minutes. number of lives that were lost to ter- then the ‘‘invincible ignorance’’ Henry (Mr. BURTON of Indiana addressed rorism on September 11; and the land Hyde spoke of in this Chamber so long the House. His remarks will appear of the free and the home of the brave ago will indeed finally prevail, the pa- hereafter in the Extensions of Re- now stands awash in the blood of 45 triots’ dream will be lost, and those marks.) million of its own children. And it will lying out in Arlington National Ceme- tery will have died in vain and twilight f never cease to totally astound me how we, as Americans, fail to grasp the will have fallen upon us all. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Mr. Speaker, that day may come in previous order of the House, the gen- enormous and terrifying threat to our Nation’s survival economically, mili- America indeed. But, sir, that day has tleman from Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO) is not come yet. It is not this day, be- recognized for 5 minutes. tarily, morally and spiritually that this tragedy represents. cause today, Mr. Speaker, the world (Mr. DEFAZIO addressed the House. We have made it illegal to throw changed. Today the United States Su- His remarks will appear hereafter in away polystyrene diapers, while it re- preme Court upheld a law protecting the Extensions of Remarks.) mains for the last 34 years legal to unborn children from the barbaric, f throw away babies. How can we be so nightmarish procedure of partial-birth The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a blind to such a cataclysmic, soul- abortion. And with this ruling comes a previous order of the House, the gentle- crushing tragedy? brilliant, piercing ray of hope, because woman from California (Ms. SOLIS) is G.K. Chesterton said once that ‘‘Men even though this ruling only upholds a recognized for 5 minutes. can always be blind to a thing as long law that protects a small number of VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:18 Apr 19, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18AP7.157 H18APPT1 hmoore on PRODPC68 with HMHOUSE April 18, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3553 late-term babies from this horrifying tions to restore protection to unborn b 2030 procedure called partial-birth abortion, children throughout the world. Mr. HENSARLING. I thank the gen- it represents the day that America Hope is a powerful thing, Mr. Speak- tleman for yielding. changed direction and turned her heart er. One of the most powerful messages Rarely do I rise with such trepidation toward home. of hope I ever saw in my life was cap- as I do tonight in trying to follow the I believe, Mr. Speaker, that this deci- tured in a picture I saw a few years powerful eloquence of my dear friend sion is part of a growing awareness on ago, and I cite the commentary that and colleague from Arizona (Mr. the part of all Americans of the simple accompanied it. It should be the pic- FRANKS). I want to thank him for the truth that abortion takes the life of a ture of the year, or perhaps the picture passion and clarity that he brings to child, and the United States of Amer- of the decade.