Challis, Idaho
\ ! J % & r „PMI or BUB9CHIPT10M. iter plcjiscngcr. • •••JOB OCPXMTHCNT.H*« ■*• ■•■ «6.00 IS Y BAR (Postage Prepaid) ®hc Letter Heads, per 1,000, .00 n I Months 2.60 Letter Heads, per 500, 4.00 ItEK MONTHS 1.60 Bill Heads, per 1,000. 7.00 .75 r month Bill Heads, per 500, 4.00 .16 OUR MOTTO I ‘Tree and Unlimited Coinage of •liver at ttie Ratio of ttt to 1.' olk Copt Envelopes, per 1,000, 7.00 or. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE.. Envelopes, per 500, 4.00 VOL. XV. CHALLIS, CUSTER COUNTY, IDAHO, TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1894. Also Note Heads, Statement«, Posters, Pro b; irtlslng rates furnished on application. NO. 3. grams, Ball Tickets, Wedding Card*, Etc., directories. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. JOHN J. CHAMBERS. ECHOES FROM LOST RIVER. LOCAL GLEANINGS Nick Millich was in Challis -*• Sunday. He and his partner, m STATE OF IDAHO. The baby kicks Its dimpled feet. Con Hurst, have out the timbers The nominee for Lieutenant- The work of re-lining the smel And screams with pain or Joy; Senate ..........Fred. T. Dubois. „. L .......Oeorge L. Shoup. Governor of Idaho on the Popu ter and putting the other mach The school boy kicks his neighbor's dog; for the bridge across Salmon riv itc " The owner kicks the boy ; ■ iberof Congress., ..............Willis Sweet. er at the mouth of Bayhorse flsrnor...................... William J. McConnell. list ticket, Dr. John J. Chamb inery in shape has been complet The ladles kick their trains about ; Footballlsts kick the ball; ■ tenant-Governor ..........Frank B. Willis. ers, was born in Carrol county, ed, so that everything is in creek.
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