About the Contributors

Cesar Camison holds a PhD in economic and business sciences. He is the principal professor at University Jaume I (). He has been visiting professor at the University of Texas, the Universitá Commerciale Luigi Bocconi de Milán, the University of Surrey, the University of Vienna, and the Uni- versité de Montpellier I. He is Director of the Strategy, Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning Research Group (GRECO). His specialization areas are strategic management and competi- tiveness, entrepreneurship (SME and familiar enterprises), knowledge management, strategic alliances and industrial districts.

Daniel Palacios has a PhD in Management and Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Administration and Marketing, Universitat Jaume I (Spain). MSc in Control and Quality Management, Polytechnic University of . Degree in Computer Science from the Polytechnic . He has touch or researched in universities of Germany, USA, UK, or Thailand. His primary areas of research include Tourism Management and Knowledge Management. He has published in international books and journals such as Annals of Tourism Research, International Journal of Con- temporary Hospitality Management, International Journal of Innovation Management, International Journal of Technology Management, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Journal of Knowledge Manage- ment, Management Research, or Tourism Management.

Fernando Garrigos has a PhD in Management and Assistant Professor in the Department of Busi- ness Administration and Marketing, Universitat Jaume I (Spain). Dr. Garriogos has a MSc in Tour- ism Management and Planning from Bournemouth University and a degree in Economics from the University of Valencia. He has touch or researched in universities of France, Germany, USA, UK, or Thailand. His primary areas of research include Tourism Management and Knowledge Management. He has published in international books and journals such as Annals of Tourism Research, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, International Journal of Innovation Management, International Journal of Technology Management, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Journal of Knowledge Management, Management Research, or Tourism Management.

Carlos Devece is an Assistant Professor in Department of Business Administration and Marketing at the Universitat Jaume I of Castellon (Spain). His research interests are Knowledge Management and the role of Information Technology as a source of competitive advantage. He has been a consultant in an engineering consulting firm. He has a bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engi-

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neering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and a PhD in management from the Universitat Jaume I. He has participated as software developer in several projects funded by government agencies and private companies.

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Mr. Bachani PhD in Management and Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Admin- istration and Marketing. He has taught or researched in universities of Germany, USA, UK, or Thai- land. His primary areas of research include Tourism Management and Knowledge Management. He has published in international books and journals such as Annals of Tourism Research, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, International Journal of Innovation Management, International Journal of Technology Management, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Journal of Knowledge Management, Management Research, or Tourism Management.

Eduardo Bueno Campos —Professor on Business Economics in the Autonomous University of Madrid, Head of the University Institute for Research (IADE) and Managing Director for Innovation of the Scientific Park of Madrid— is one of the Spanish authors with greatest prestige within the field of business organization, especially in what refers to strategic management and its approach based on knowledge, having numerous research publications and projects with public and private organizations

Carles Camisón Haba Bachelor of Business Management (2008) by Polytechnic University of Valencia. Member of Research Group on Strategy, Competitiveness and Knowledge and Innovation Management (GRECO). His field of expertise is strategic management and firm as a knowledge organization.

Josep Capó-Vicedo is currently an associate professor at Polytechnic university of Valencia (Spain). M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering from Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain); PhD in Management from Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain).His research has been focus on Industrial districts; Inter and intra organizational relationships and Knowledge Management. Researcher of several Research Programs and many publications in journals and international conferences.

Luis Casaló is assistant professor at the (Spain). His main research line is focused in the analysis of online consumer behaviour in the context of virtual communities. His work has been presented in national and international conferences, and has been published in several journals, such as Journal of Marketing Communications, Computers in Human Behaviour, Online Information Review, and books, such as Mobile Government: An Emerging Direction in E-Government and Ency- clopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations.

Enrique Claver is a full Professor in Business Management at the , Spain. His PhD dissertation was an analysis of Strategy Management. His current research includes Strategy Management, Competitiveness and Quality.

Júlio da Costa Mendes has a degree in Business, Master of Business, PhD in Management – Strategy and Organizational Behaviour. Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve, Portugal. Coordinator of the PhD programme in Tourism and in some Master and Post-Graduation De-

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grees.Synopsis of the current research interests: Integrated Quality Management in Tourism Destinations, Competitiveness, Events Management, Tourism Destinations Image, Branding, Marketing Strategies, Customer Satisfaction.Supervision of some academic research studies. Several presentations made at conferences both in Portugal and abroad. Professional experience in public and private companies.

Susana de Juana-Espinosa Assistant Lecturer in Business Management at the University of Alicante (Spain). Her PhD consisted in the analysis of the e-Government strategies carried out by Spanish councils. Her current research includes e-Business strategy and management in public and private sectors.

Manuel Expósito-Langa is currently an associate professor at Polytechnic university of Valencia (Spain). MSc in Computers Engineering from Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). His research has been focus on Industrial districts; Inter and intra organizational relationships; Technology Manage- ment and Innovation. Researcher of several Research Programs and many publications in journals and international conferences.

MªEugenia Fabra is associate professor of the Department of Applied Economics of the University of Valencia (Spain). She is doctor of Economics from the same University. Her main research inter- est centre on aspects related to human capital and the value of education and training as comparative advantages. She has participated in different projects and investigations on models for measuring dis- tinctive competences in the Department of Business Administration of the Faculty of Economics and Law Sciences of the Universitat Jaume I (Castellón, Spain). She is currently working on job quality and effects of education on job satisfaction.

Carlos Flavián holds a Ph.D in Business Administration and is Professor of Marketing in the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). His research has been published in several academic journals, specialized in marketing (European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Journal of Strategic Marketing, International Journal of Market Research, etc.) and new technologies (Information & Management, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Internet Research, Online Information Review, etc.). He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Industrial Marketing Management, the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, the International Journal of Services and Standards and the Journal of Marketing Communications.

Beatriz Forés Julián holds a Business Administration and Management Degree (2004, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón). She was awarded a prize for the best academic record of the Business Administration and Management Degree at Universitat Jaume I (2004, Castellón Business Association). She obtained a diploma of advanced studies in 2006 (first stage of doctoral studies). She is currently preparing her PhD dissertation. She is a member of the GRECO Research Group on Strategy, Competitiveness and Knowledge Management (www.greco.uji.es), in the Business Administration and Marketing Depart- ment. She currently has a research fellowship from the Generalitat Valenciana. She also participates in three investigation projects, whose principal investigators are Professor César Camisón (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón) and Sonia Cruz, PhD (Universitat de València). Her research interests coincide with the GRECO line of investigation which focuses on the study of the firm as a knowledge and learning organisation.

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Jens Gammelgaard is associate professor of international business at the Department of International Economicsa and Management at the Copenhagen Business School. He joint the Copenhagen Business School in April 1998. His main research interest is knowledge management practices of multinational corporations, international mergers and acquisitions, and subsidiary development. His work has been widely published in journals like Journal of International Management, Journal of Knowledge Man- agement, and edited volumes. Jens Gammelgaard has taught various courses on bachelor, MSc, and MBA, and is currently Deputy Head of the Bachelor of International Business program at Copenhagen Business School.

Miguel Guinalíu holds a PhD in Business Administration and is assistant professor in the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies (University of Zaragoza, Spain). Previously, he worked as an e-busi- ness consultant. His main research line is online consumer behaviour, particularly the analysis of online consumer trust and virtual communities. His work has been presented in national and international conferences, and has been published in several journals, such as Journal of Marketing Communications, Information & Management, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Internet Research, Journal of Retail & Consumer Services, International Journal of Bank Marketing or International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, and books, such as Advances in Electronic Marketing, Mobile Govern- ment: An Emerging Direction in E-Government, Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations and Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, E-Government and Mobile Commerce.

Carlos Merino Moreno is currently responsible for research projects in the University Institute for Research (IADE) and Coordinator of Innovation Services in the Scientific Park of Madrid. His spe- cialization fields are centred on intangible-asset management, paying special attention to innovation, organizational intelligence, intellectual capital and knowledge governance, transferring research results into realities of technical assistance for different kinds of organizations and institutions.

Montserrat-Boronat Navarro is a lecturer in Strategic Management and Operations Management at , in Castellón, Spain. She received her PhD in November 2007. Her research interests are related to knowledge integration, dynamic capabilities, innovation, strategic alliances, organizational structure. She has published articles in Organization Studies and also in Spanish academic publications. She has presented her research in some international conferences such as EURAM and EGOS.

Mark E. Nissen is Chair Professor of Command & Control, and Professor of Information Science and Management, at the Naval Postgraduate School. His research focuses on dynamic knowledge and organization for competitive advantage. He views work, technology and organization as an integrated design problem, and has concentrated recently on the phenomenology of knowledge flows. Mark’s ex- tensive publications span information systems, project management, organization studies, knowledge management, counterterrorism and related fields. Before his information systems doctoral work at the University of Southern California (PhD in 1996), he acquired over a dozen years’ management experi- ence in the aerospace and electronics industries.

Kai A. Olsen is a professor of Informatics (Computing Science) at Molde College and at the Uni- versity of Bergen, Norway. He is an adjunct professor at the School of Information Sciences, Univer- sity of Pittsburgh. His main research interests are user interfaces, man-machine communication, and

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logistic systems. He has been a pioneer in developing software systems for PCs, information systems for primary health care, and systems for visualization. He acts as a consultant for Norwegian and U.S. organizations. He is the author of a recent book for Scarecrow Press, The Internet, the Web and eBusi- ness: Formalizing Applications for the Real World.

Reinaldo Plaz Landaeta is currently responsible for the area of technological development of the University Institute for Research (IADE). His speciality is focused on technological applications for knowledge creation, development and management and has developed numerous projects of technical assistance for the configuration of collaboration platforms and virtual-environments within the support initiatives for knowledge-governance strategies.

Raúl Poler is Associate Professor in Operations Management and Operations Research at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He is Deputy Director of the Research Centre on Production Man- agement and Engineering (CIGIP) in which he has developed R & D Projects in the areas of Industrial Management and Supply Chain Management for companies from the metallurgic, textile, footwear, toy and automotive sectors. He works as researcher in several Spanish Government Projects (CICYT, GV, etc.) and European Projects (ESPRIT, IST, GROWTH, etc.). He has published a hundred of research papers in a number of leading journals such as Production Planning and Control, Computers in Industry, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Business Performance Management, International Journal of Production Research, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, etc., and in several international conferences (ECKM, ETFA, EURO, INFORMS, EurOMA, EUROSIM, EUSFLAT, ICMS, IEPM, IESM, POM, etc.). He has been member of the scientific committee of several international conferences and chairman of several sessions. He is member of the European Operations Management Association (EurOMA), the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) and the Association for the Organization Engineering (ADINGOR). His key research topics include Enterprise Modelling, Knowl- edge Management, Production Planning and Control and Supply Chain Management.

Alba Puig-Denia has a degree in Business Administration from University Jaume I of Castellón. Currency, she has a grant as research assistant and is member of GRECO (Research Group on Strategy, Competitiveness and Innovation and Knowledge Management).

Hindupur Ramakrishna is an associate professor of information systems at the University of Red- lands School of Business where he teaches undergraduate and Graduate courses in MIS. He earned his Ph.D. from Georgia State University. His research interests focus on Information Systems personnel, IS curriculum, intellectual property, and IS project success issues. He has taught in a variety of business schools in the US during the past 29 years. He is a member of the DSI, and AIS. He has published in the Interfaces, Journal of CIS, Omega, Information and Management, Human Performance, Human Resource Development Quarterly, Computer Personnel, and other journals.

Thomas Ritter is professor of business market management and research director at the Center for Applied Market Science at the Copenhagen Business School. He joint the Copenhagen Business School in January 2001 after holding academic positions in Germany and the UK. His main research interests are in business relationship and inter-firm network management, collaborative value creation and segmentation. His work has been widely published in journals including International Journal of

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Research in Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management and Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. He has also written a book on network competence and edited a volume on international relationships and networks. Thomas Ritter has taught various courses on bachelor, MSc, MBA and executive level and consults firms on business marketing and strategy issues. He is a regular speaker at industry gatherings.

Andrew P. Sage is the founding dean emeritus university professor and First American Bank profes- sor in the systems engineering and operation research department at George Mason University in USA. Professor Sage is recognized as one of the shapers of Systems Engineering discipline by his important academic, scientific and consulting contributions for advancing the scientific knowledge and the prac- tice of Systems Engineering from 1960s in the topics of: Systems integration and architecting, complex adaptive systems and knowledge management, economic systems analysis, and systems management. Professor Sage is author or co-author from several books on systems engineering and a plethora of papers in journals. Professor Sage has been editor in chief of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (January 1972 - December 1998), editor of Automatica (July 1981 - June 1996) and co-editor in chief (with W. B. Rouse) of Information, Knowledge, and Systems Management, IOS Press, from April 1999 at present. Currently, Professor Sage is the editor in chief of the International Council on Systems Engineering Journal Systems Engineering from, January 1998. He has received several international awards for his academic and professional activities such as: the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Pioneer Award (2002), the Eta Kappa Nu Eminent Member Award (2002) and the Third Millennium Medal IEEE (2000), the IEEE Simon Ramo Medal (2000). His for- mal education is a BSEE (The Citadel, 1955), a SMEE (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1956), a PhD (Purdue University, 1960), a DEngr (University of Waterloo, 1987, Honoris Causa) and a DEngr (Dalhousie University, 1997, Honoris Causa).

Raquel Sanchis Gisbert is an Engineer of Industrial Management at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. She has obtained the Diploma of Advanced Studies in the Doctorate Program of Textile Engineering and nowadays she is attending the Doctorate Program of Advanced Models for Operations and Supply Chain Management in the Department of Organizational Matters of Enterprises. She does research work in the fields of Knowledge Management and Business Process Modelling in the Research Centre on Production Management and Engineering (CIGIP). She has participated in different National and European projects: ‘Integration of Business Processes, Knowledge Management and Decision Sup- port Tools in Supply Chain of Industrial SMEs (GNOSIS)’, ‘Interoperability Research for Networked Enterprises Applications and Software (INTEROP)’and ‘High Performance Manufacturing (HPM)’.

Avijit Sarkar is an Assistant Professor in the School of Business, University of Redlands since July 2005. Avijit comes to Redlands from The University of Toledo where he taught in the Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department as a visiting faculty (2004-05). He received his PhD (2004) and MS (2002) degrees in Industrial Engineering from the State University of New York at Buffalo. His research interests are in business analytics, applied GIS, and congestion in facilities location and layout and his research articles have been published in Journal of Geographical Systems, IIE Transactions, European Journal of Operational Research, Computers and Operations Research, and Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. At Redlands, Avijit teaches management science and operations management courses at both the graduate and undergraduate level.

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Cynthia T. Small is department head of the information and knowledge management department at The MITRE Corporation. Since joining MITRE in June 1997, Dr. Small has supported the Intelligence Community in a variety of technical and leadership roles in the areas of knowledge management (KM), IT service management and governance, performance management, and collaboration. Dr. Small was a key innovator in the initial stages of MITRE’s Corporate Knowledge Management Program for which she was instrumental to the development of a holistic KM model which enabled a sound foundation in learning theory and organizational aspects which cause knowledge sharing to flourish. Prior to joining MITRE, Small held several senior leadership positions including program manager, technical direc- tor, and vice president at a rapidly growing IT enterprise. In 2001, Small received the Woman of Color Government and Defense Technical Innovation Award. Dr. Small received her PhD in information technology with a specialization in Knowledge Management from George Mason University, her MS in technology of management from American University and a BA in mathematics/government from The College of William and Mary. She participates in a variety of academic, industry, and government forums, authoring articles and presentations in the area of knowledge management (KM). Her research interests include knowledge capture and representation, knowledge sharing, KM measurement, and complex adaptive systems.

Juan José Tarí Senior Lecturer in Business Management at the University of Alicante, Spain. His Ph. D. dissertation was an analysis of Quality Management. His current research includes Total Quality Management and the relationship between Quality Management and Environmental Management.

Prof. Dr. Andrew Targowski was engaged in the development of social computing in totalitarian Poland (INFOSTRADA and Social Security # PESEL-1972) and received political asylum in the U.S. during the crackdown on Solidarity in 1981. He has been a professor of Business Information Systems at Western Michigan University since 1980. He published 21 books on information technology, history, and political science (Red Fascism-1982) in English and Polish. During the 1990s he was a Director of the TeleCITY of Kalamazoo Project, one of the first digital cities in the U.S. He investigates the role of info-communication in enterprise, economy, and civilization. He is a President of the International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations and a former Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Information Resources Management Association (1995-2003).

José V. Tomás-Miquel is Assistant Professor in Operations Management of the Department of Business Management at the Polytechnic University of Valencia since 2005. During his PhD research he is working in different national and European research projects resulting in several international scientific publications. He is a member of the Production & Operations Management Society (POMS) and the European Operations Management Association (EurOMA).

Ana Villar-López is a lecturer in Strategic Management at Jaume I University, in Castellón, Spain. She is currently developing her thesis about organizational forms and innovation. Her research interests are related to innovation, strategic alliances, organizational structure, organizational forms, internation- alization. She has published articles in several Spanish academic publications. Her research has been presented in some international conferences such as EURAM, EGOS and IAM.

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James G. Williams is professor emeritus in the School of Information Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh and an adjunct professor at Molde College in Norway and Siam University in Thailand. He was the CIO of Broadstreet Communications, Inc.; a broadband telecommunications company from 1999-2002. He is also president of Automated Systems Research and Development, Inc., which devel- ops software systems for hospitals, courts of law, manufacturers, libraries, educational institutions, and retailers. Dr. Williams has authored or co-authored eight books and nearly 100 journal articles and conference proceedings.