Mariam Camarero

Position and Affiliation Full Professor (Catedrática) of Economics Departamento de Economía (Department of Economics)

Address Departamento de Economía Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Económicas Avenida de Vicent Sos Baynat, s/n, 12071 Castellón

Email: [email protected] Webpage: Phone: +34 96 472 85 90


1993 UNIVERSITY OF Ph.D. in Economics, with honors. Title: ‘“An Empirical Analysis of Monetary Exchange Rate Models with Aggregate European Variables”’

1990 COLLEGE OF EUROPE, BELGIUM. Master in Economics, Title of dissertation: “Exchange rate dynamics. Cointegration and Error Correction Mechanism”.

1989 BA Degree in Economics, with honors.

Academic Positions

• Department of Economics, University Jaume I, Castellón. Full professor of Economics (2007-date); Associate Professor of Economics (1995-2007); Assistant Professor of Economics (1991-95). Head of Deparment (2006-2008).

• Department of Applied Economics, University of Valencia. Assistant professor (1990-91).

• Holder of an Ad-Personam Jean Monnet Chair in Economic Integration (2013-date); holder of a Jean Monnet Permanent Course (1996-2000) and a Jean Monnet Chair (2000-2013).

• Founder and Treasurer of the International Economics and Finance Association (IEFS), Spanish Chapter. 1999-2003.

Research Interests


Macroeconometrics (time series, panel cointegration) Economic Integration (exchange rates, convergence, trade and factor movements)

Research Positions

• Department of Economics, University of Nottingham, Visiting Scholar (March-July 1992)

• Finance Department, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Senior Fellow (September 1995-July 1996)

• Department of Economics, University of Göttingen, Visiting Scholar (July-August 2011 and July-August 2013)

• Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University, Visiting researcher (July-August 2015, July-August 2016)

Experience as Evaluator

National: Evaluator for the Spanish Agency of Evaluation (ANEP) and ANECA, Valencian Evaluation Agency (AVAP) and the Catalonian Agency (AGAUR). 2013-2016 member of the Technical Advisor Committee, Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness. Selection of National Plan research projects.

International: Expert evaluator for the 5th, 6th and 7th Framework Programme. European Commission. Evaluator for Eduation and Culture General Directorate. European Commission.

Recent Articl

Camarero, M., J. Peiró-Palomino and C. Tamarit (2019): “Growth in a time of external imbalances”, Economic Modelling, aceptado, pendiente de publicación. Impacto (2017): 1.696. Q1.

Camarero, M., J. Sapena and C. Tamarit (2018): “"Modelling Time-Varying parameters in panel data state-space frameworks: An application to the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle", Computational Economics, aceptado, pendiente de publicación. Impacto JCR Economía (2017): 1.038. Q2.

Camarero, M., E. Gómez and C. Tamarit (2018): “New Evidence on Trade and FDI: how large is the euro effect”, Open Economies Review, vol. 29 (2), 451-467. Impacto JCR Economía (2017): 1.368. Q2.

Del Barrio, T., M. Camarero and C. Tamarit (2017): “Testing for Periodic Integration with a Changing Mean”, Computational Economics, 1-31, forthcoming. Impacto JCR Economía (2017): 1.038. Q2.

2 Camarero, M., A. Forte, G. García-Donato, J. Ordóñez and A. Forte (2015): “Variable Selection In The Analysis Of Energy Consumption-Growth Nexus”, Energy Economics, vol. 52, 207-216. JCR Impact (2017): 3.91. Q1.

Camarero, M., I. Martínez-Zarzoso, F. Nowak-Lehmann and C. Tamarit (2015): “Trade Openness and Income: A Tale of Two Regions”, The World Economy JCR Impact (2017): 1.229. Q2.

Camarero, M., J.L. Carrion-i-Silvestre and C. Tamarit (2015): “Testing for external sustainability under a monetary integration process. Does the Lawson doctrine apply to Europe?”, Economic Modelling, vol. 44, 343-349. JCR Impact (2017): 1.696. Q2.

Camarero, M., J.L. Carrion-i-Silvestre and C. Tamarit (2014): “The Relationship bet- ween debt level and fiscal sustainability in OECD countries”, Economic Inquiry, vol. 53(1), 129-149. JCR Impact (2017): 1.031. Q2.

Camarero, M., E. Gómez and C. Tamarit (2014): “Is the euro effect on trade so small after all? New evidence using gravity equations with panel cointegration techniques”, Economics Letters, vol. 124, 140-142. JCR Impact (2017): 0.581. Q3.

Camarero, M., E. Gómez and C. Tamarit (2013): “EMU and trade revisited: long-run evidence using gravity equations”, The World Economy, 36(9): 1146-1164. JCR Impact (2013): 1.229. Q2

Camarero, M., J.L. Carrion-i-Silvestre and C. Tamarit (2013): "Global imbalances and the Intertemporal External Budget Constraint: A multicointegration approach”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 37, 5357–5372. JCR Impact: 1.931. Q1.

Camarero, M., J. Castillo, A. J. Picazo-Tadeo and C. Tamarit (2013): “Eco-efficiency and convergence in OECD countries”, Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 55, 87-106. JCR Impact (2017): 1.961. Q1

Camarero, Mariam (2009): “The real exchange rate of the dollar for a panel of OECD countries: Balassa-Samuelson or distribution sector effect?”, Journal of Comparative Economics, Elsevier, vol. 36(4), pages 620-632, December. Impact (2017): 1.236. Q2.

3 Camarero, M., A. Picazo-Tadeo and C. Tamarit (2008): “Is the environmental performance of industrialized countries converging? A “SURE” approach to testing for convergence”, Ecological Economics, vol. 66(4), pages 653-661. Impact (2017): 3.895. Q1.

Camarero, M., R. Flores and C. Tamarit (2008): “A "SURE" approach to testing for convergence in regional integrated areas. An application to output convergence in Mercosur”. Journal of Economic Integration, vol. 23, n. 1, 1-23.

Camarero, M. Carrión-i-Silvestre, J.Ll. y C. Tamarit (2005): “Testing for hysteresis in unemployment in OECD countries. New evidence using stationarity panel tests with breaks”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, vol. 68, 167-182. Q2.

Camarero, M., Carrión-i-Silvestre, J.Ll. y C. Tamarit (2005): “Unemployment dynamics and NAIRU estimates for Accession countries: A univariate approach”, Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 33, 584-603. Impact (2017): 1.236. Q2.