Featuring 445 Industry-First Reviews of Fiction, Nonfiction, Children'sand YA books KIRKUSVOL. LXXXVII, NO. 13 | 1 JULY 2019 REVIEWS Jack Fairweather’s The Volunteer: One Man, an Underground Army, and the Secret Mission to Destroy Auschwitz shines a powerful spotlight on a courageous man and his impressive accomplishments in the face of unspeakable evil. It’s an inspiring story beautifully told. p. 72 from the editor’s desk: Chairman HERBERT SIMON President & Publisher Goodbye MARC WINKELMAN BY CLAIBORNE SMITH # Chief Executive Officer MEG LABORDE KUEHN
[email protected] Photo courtesy Michael Thad Carter courtesy Photo Editor-in-Chief This is the column when I say goodbye. Being the CLAIBORNE SMITH editor-in-chief of Kirkus Reviews has been a dream job.
[email protected] Vice President of Marketing We never want you all to think about all the thorough SARAH KALINA
[email protected] fact-checking we do each issue; or the work our senior Managing/Nonfiction Editor ERIC LIEBETRAU editors do to find critics who write with authority,
[email protected] Fiction Editor verve, and insight; or all the time our reviewers spend LAURIE MUCHNICK alone, reading, before others have formed an opin-
[email protected] Children’s Editor ion of the book they’re reviewing; or the eagle-eyed VICKY SMITH
[email protected] copy editing our copy editor, Betsy Judkins, does; or Young Adult Editor LAURA SIMEON the wonderful design work Alex Head does for us; or
[email protected] Editor at Large the patient, probing journalism our features report- MEGAN LABRISE ers file each issue; or the effort to get all the jacket
[email protected] Vice President of Kirkus Indie images into place in the 300-some reviews we publish KAREN SCHECHNER
[email protected] each issue.