The official publication of The Channel Sailing Club Bumper Spring and Summer 2013

Bastille Day Cruise Page 21

Club News Page 3

Moody Blue Page 24

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked1 evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor The Commodore’s Cabin Editor Diana Coman News, Letters & Pictures to Wavelength@ The club only survives because people volunteer - volunteer to be on the Committee, run Editor, Wavelength, Channel Sailing Club c/o 1 Christchurch Place, Christ Church events or help out on club nights. Mount, Epsom, KT19 8RS Events are successful because people put Club Night personal time and effort in making sure that Channel Sailing Club meets every Tuesday at Epsom Sports Club, Woodcote Road, everyone who takes part has an enjoyable Epsom, Surrey. experience. Bar opens at 2030 hrs.

Spreading the load means that there is less The Club will send out emails on a regular for an individual to do and people don’t end up basis to remind members of upcoming event. These are sent out via the new feeling put-upon. system using the information you provided. We have a fantastic bunch of volunteers Don’t forget that if information about you changes you can go into your personal working for the club at the moment, but we need account on the site and update it on line. more. We have committee members who want to Check out the Club’s Website for news and step down, we have jobs that need doing and information about events. things which we could get going if we had a few more hands on deck. Photographs are taken at club events and may be used in Wavelength or on the Club’s We will be seeking nominations for website. If you do not want to appear in published photographs please inform the Committee places in October/November. We will Club Committee and the person taking the be starting the process of planning the 2014 photograph if that is possible.

programme in September and we continue to Cover photograph need people to support club night events. So From the Channel Sailing Club photo archive please - step up and help us. Thank you to the RYA for permission to use Thank you. material from the RYA Day Skipper and Watch Leader course book 2007/08.

The views and opinions of the contributors to this publication are not necessarily those of Channel Sailing Club. Accordingly Channel Sailing Club disclaim any responsibility for such views and opinions.

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked2 evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor The Nav Table

It is a bumper Spring and Summer Edition of Wavelength this time. We have received some interesting articles from members from this year’s events. The Bastille Day event proved successful - see page 16, and the Mid Week Cruise - see page 19, also provided cultural as well as sailing interest. Editor

Club News

All Clubs and Committees need new ideas Welcome to the and fresh thinking, so this is an opportunity to get more involved in the life of the club and to shape Committee its future. If you want to know a bit more about what Phil Martin was formally co-opted onto the would be involved in either the Training or Committee at the March committee meeting. It Cruising Secretary roles, speak to Mac or Steve was confirmed he would take over the role of respectively, and for more information about the Treasurer with immediate effect. role of the Committee in general, please speak to A huge thank you to Phil for volunteering, the Commodore or another Committee Member. and a huge thank you to Peter Denning to stepped down from this role after many years’ service. Application forms Can you help? We are looking for people to join the Every single person wanting to go on a club Committee in January 2014. sailing event must make an individual application. Whether you are a long serving member or We ask for this so that if any issues were to arise new to the Club, please see if you can give a little on an event the club knows all the names of the time to helping us run the Club. participants. It also makes the event organiser's Malcolm Keight, who has been leading our job much easier. training programme for a few years now, is With the new online application system we stepping down, so we are looking for help in that are seeing quite a few members who are not role. following this club rule. Being a boat co-owner or Interested in the cruising? We are looking agreeing to crew on a particular boat are not for someone to take on supporting the crusing/ event applications. sailing programme as Steve McCarthy would like If you are a skipper and have already some to step down from this role.

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked3 evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor agreed crew please ask them all to put in their This number will be included on the spreadsheet own applications. of attendees’ details circulated to skippers at the briefings. Please help the club administration by making applications Bar duty The Committee has agreed that everyone going on club events should from now on provide Could members who regularly attend the an emergency contact name and number. This clubhouse on a Tuesday, please volunteer to run has been added to the online application forms. the bar one evening. If you have already applied for events online The more that volunteer, the less frequently it would be much appreciated if you could email volunteers will have to do it. the organiser(s) with your emergency contact Support and training will be provided for details. those who have not done it before, and there are If you would like to print off a copy of all always people at the clubhouse on a Tuesday member's contact details for handy reference who can give you a hand. this is now available as a downloadable PDF file There are always two people scheduled for at the top of the Member Directory page. each shift, so you will not be alone. The Members only section of the website Please talk to the Commodore or Janet has instructions for applying for events and also Sainsbury to volunteer. for updating your personal and boat details held A big thank you to all who regularly run the by the Club. bar. Duty Officers Voluntary Contributions We are still trying to get a small group of Just a reminder about the voluntary people to develop a Duty Officer team, who will contributions that crews give skippers when out open and close the clubhouse on a Tuesday. sailing. This is particularly relevant for new Duties will also include making sure the float members, both skippers and crew. for the bar is organised and the money is The contribution is voluntary and is quite balanced at the end of the evening and that any separate from the ordinary boat expenses that issues around drinks stocks are managed. are normally divided up between all the people Again, training will be provided. aboard. If you can volunteer and spare an evening Skippers and crew are free to make their to help us keep the clubhouse open on a own decisions about the contributions, and the Tuesday, please get in touch with Steve Cole. amount is only a suggestion. It is not a payment for being aboard, but a gesture of thanks to skippers for making their boats available. Find us on Facebook The current suggested amount is £15 per day. and Twitter If you have any questions about this, please Facebook Channel Sailing Club speak to a Committee member. Twitter @Wavelengthcsc

Emergency numbers Investment The Committee has agreed to put £12,000 Members are asked to give an emergency into a one-year investment plan. This will enable phone number when attending a club event. the Club to earn a little more from its money.

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Roger Roberts joined the battered round the oceans of Committee in 2011, works the world. in the training team and What made this talk interesting was its focus on life focusses on the lecture aboard, on the details of how programme. the crew worked and lived together. It was great that a Channel Over the last couple of Sailing Club member was up years I have tried to expand the with the best and a real winter lecture series to add inspiration to other club some more breadth to the members. topics. January saw a I felt that many members presentation by Cpt Lionel Hall had wider interests than just on the Solent Sea Rescue sailing and although I felt that we Service. SSRS was the Most of our boats are at did not need to venture to far Commodore’s Charity for 2001 least six feet longer than his. away from the interest that and 2012. Although I gather he is now brings us together on a Tuesday We all put the odd coins moved onto greater things and night, a little widening of the into the lifeboat box and we has bought himself a 20 footer. subjects would not be a bad have the Christmas Card sale on Who knows where he will go in things. their behalf, but many of us that but if he does something So we started in October forget that the majority of the interesting we will try and get with a talk by Rupert Cutler from work around the Solent is done him back to tell us about it. the RNLI. He came to talk about by these independent crews. Then for something the new lifeboats coming into It was interesting therefore different. A talk about the early service and he showed a short to get a first hand account of the flying at Farnborough. video of a rescue in the Channel amount of time and effort this Those magnificent man in by the Guernsey lifeboat and the group puts in, plus all the their flying machines. Well not wreck of the Penlee lifeboat, the training the boat crews go quite. It seems that they spent a Soloman Browne. through. It was also good that lot of time only a few feet off This was followed by their we were able to give them a the ground and in some cases in usual Christmas Card sale. generous cheque to assist with it La Mort We then had an interesting their training. But it was interesting in talk by one of our own club Following this was an that they just put it together and members, Tricia Morris, about eccentric, but delightful talk by hoped it would fly and with part in the Clipper round the Phil Ashwin - ex `Royal Marine some they did and from those world trip. contract milman and now Round simple beginnings we have the Tricia had never attempted Britain Sailor. Royal Air Force. an adventure like this before, so Only he decided to do it When listening to the talk we were keen to hear about it - the hard way in a glorified dinghy the thought I had was the old and it was only that her husband with a roof, only 17ft in length. saying "On a wing and a prayer" agreed to it on her behalf and His talk was not only was very apt for those pioneers. then told her, that we were able entertaining but very funny and Cody who progressed from to get a fist hand insight to what does call in to question our club building large man lifting kites for it was like to be buffeted and definition of small boats. the army so that they could

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked5 evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor observe the gun fire accurately and the inflation of a liferaft all of how they use the money that we to something from bamboo and which was useful. have raised. canvass. It is not true that the If we have a summer I Very entertaining. committee has decided that all hope we will all have some great Then to something which boats will carry a liferaft just in sailing and I will try and get next we should all be very aware of case of future calamities. season’s talk programme out a Harkens talk on Safer Sailing. Lastly for this year our final bit earlier. Having organised it, sadly I then talk will be from the Jubilee If you have any ideas for found I could not be there.. Sailing Trust. talks, please get in touch with However from what people Again this is a charity that me. have told me, it went down very we have supported with a boat well. jumble and collection at the Below: A packed room listened The talk had practical clubhouse, so it will be to a talk on sea safety from aspects including interesting to hear from then Harken at the Clubhouse on 19 demonstrations of lifejackets and March 2013.

Caption Competition

Our Racing Secretary celebrating St Patrick’s Day on the Frostbite Rally. Too good a picture and opportunity to miss, so we are running a caption competition. Send your suggested caption to The Editor by 31 October 2013. The best will be published in Wavelength and the winner, chosen by the Committee, will get a little prize!

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked6 evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor What shall we do with an old almanac? What shall we do with an old almanac early in the

morning’? by Nigel Barraclough

I have a feeling there was fact I have done it twice, once a song and connection for the A4 sized McMillan’s and between drunken sailors and more recently the A5 sized old almanacs but not quite sure Reeds. The A5 one is much what it is. There is also the simpler and handier. saying “Royal Marines never die How much you choose to they just go somewhere else extract depends upon your and regroup!” This is the polite needs but means you can version and variation about create your own book of useful what happens to “Old Soldiers” stuff and write on it as you wish but what on earth has this to – useful if you are a non-boat do with Old Almanacs? owner and don’t want to ruin Well, what do you do with the ship’s copy. your old almanac? Throw it It also means that you have a away, pass it onto someone “deck copy” which if it else to look through, put it in disappears in a great gust of the recycle bin, use it as a door wind then at least it was a free stop, rip it up and use it as copy and you will have a spare bedding for the hamster or copy down below. guinea pig? I have also added the odd All these are very useful page. Reeds include a pro- second lives and I am sure the forma for monitoring a casualty rodents appreciate the but not one for saying how the significance of their bedding, fit person became a casualty but can I suggest another so I have made my own. purpose. Incidentally pages like this Before I start can I ask a should also be in the First Aid simple question: what are the two sorts of kit. information in an almanac? The answer is: the Some pages I have laminated. stuff that is out of date by the end of the year and I appreciate that what I have suggested is the stuff that isn’t. The former are things like: tide something you can only do once – so next year tables etc and can be very useful as rodent you go back to the usual disposal choices; bedding. The latter is what I am thinking of now. unless your friendly hamster or guinea pig would Much of the information will not go out of like have a page on light characteristics pasted date: tidal streams and distance tables being the on his cage wall so that he can learn them for most obvious. next year. Perhaps we should have a copy on What I have done is to go through last our “cage wall” or perhaps the loo wall? year’s and rip out the pages that are useful – in

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Looking for some pre-winter sun, we had a standing upright. The also recovered 29 week in Northern . millstones –for trading and ballast, 400 amphorae, We came across a Maritime Museum in large quantity of almonds, lead weights etc. or Girne as the Turks call it. Having been to many Greek Islands, I have Very interested to see the remains of a often wondered how some very large stones were trading vessel 14m long dated from about 340BC, transported to various islands, this vessel gives a which must be the oldest sea-going trading vessel clue to their abilities of that time. ever discovered. It was discovered by scuba divers who noticed a number of amphorae all More details are on Wiki ‘Kyrenia Ship’

Éric the Silent, now in English

Sportsbooks has now published ‘Mémoires du Large’ in English. It is available in all good bookshops or can be ordered from or through website Éric Tabarly became a legend in international sailing after he won the second single-handed Transatlantic race in 1964, a race he went on to win a second time in 1976. He was a naval officer before taking up international sailing and has also had considerable success as an author. He died in aged 66 when he was swept overboard en route to the 1998 centenary celebrations of ‘Pen Duick’s’ construction in Fairlie, Scotland.

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There is a good racing the 2012 Pursuit Race. It gives Let the Event Organiser know programme this year, and if you a flavour of the event and the and berthing and arrangements have not taken part yet, it would competitiveness of the racing ashore will be made. be worth considering putting in series. Wavelength’s Catch the an application for one of the up- If you don’t want to be part Tide Special details the racing coming events. of the racing season, you can programme and full details are The following article was always just sail to the destination also on the club website. submitted by Keith Gibbs about and join other crews for dinner. Elephant joins Pursuit Race

The forecast for the day was rather brisk, When ‘Change of Course’ came up to the promising NE7/8 backing N to NW and Bramble, the skipper went below to check on the moderating later. It looked challenging but as the final four short legs but a call from the cockpit mainland was the windward shore, not daunting. told him they were at a yellow buoy - which they When we approached the starting area the tacked round. However, it turned out to be the wind was already in the North and a suitable leg wrong buoy, so they had to tack back, losing a was planned from NE Ryde Middle leading to the bit of time, and chase ‘Caressa’ round Universal pre-arranged course which ld westward to West on starboard. It was only then that ‘Jambo’ Lepe buoy, finishing in a circuit of Calshot. appeared, reaching fast along the bank and very Seven boats were preparing to start but close to ‘Change of Course’, ‘Knight’s Challenge’ had an incident which meant Both boats were on starboard heading to they were unable to compete. The six remaining Calshot over Bramble Bank. With only 0.2metres boats started on their allotted times and the under the keel, ‘Change of Course’ hurriedly chase was on. tacked, followed by ‘Jamb’ and then ‘Caressa’. ‘Caressa’ were soon storming away in the In the North Channel ‘Change of Course’ lead and looked uncatchable. set off for Calshot with ‘Jambo’ hard on their ‘Change of Course’ was chasing ‘Eagle’ heels, followed by ‘Caresss”. which, being relatively light, were trying to avoid Rounding Calshot, it was ‘Jambo’ first, broaching. ‘Change of Course’ eventually followed by ‘Change of Course’, then ‘Caressa, managed to cut inside them whist rounding the positions which did not change to the finish line. mark and lost sight of most of the club boats as Final positions were ‘Jambo’, ‘Change of they took their various courses to marks criss- Course’, ‘Caressa’, ‘Papillion’, ‘Eagle, and then crossing the Solent. ‘Tucana’ after the longest Pursuit Race - five ‘Caressa’s red hull was visible in the hours for the lower handicaps and 4 for Steve on distance. On the final beat from Salt Mead to ‘Jambo’. West Lepe ‘Change of Course’ made directly Berthing was at Elephants boat yard which across and were set well down by the tide while has not changed since the 1950’s. The meal ‘Caressa’ ahead chose to sail east along the ashore was in the Ferry Restaurant. This was a island shore and tack later, and rounded West good venue for a change, with excellent food and Lepe well ahead of ‘Change of Course’. and also a nearby pub, the Jolly Sailor, which has Now both boats were on a seven mile a great atmosphere. Mooring fees were 50p per reach south of Bramble Bank to Universal Marina foot. with ‘Change of Course’ slowly catching up. What a great finale.

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked9 evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor The National Handicap for Cruisers (NHC) replaces Portsmouth

Yardstick racing for Cruiser Racing by Alick Fraser

For several years now, CSC has used a handicap has hitherto been the stuff of legend, progressive handicap system to enable boats of and lengthy counselling sessions have been held widely different performance to race together in pubs up and down the Solent. However, the competitively. Now we are not alone. RYA advises a sterner approach: The RYA comments: “Because NHC is a progressive “At the End of 2012 the RYA Technical handicapping system EVERY boat that takes part Department started to investigate a new solution in a race WILL have its handicap adjusted by the to Cruiser Racing and are rolling out NHC which results software. Accordingly a club should have is a performance handicap scheme... NHC the following clause in their SI’s: ‘A boats handicaps individual boats as no two cruisers are handicap will be adjusted after every race. An the same through elements such as sail size and adjustment in handicap number is not grounds configuration, number of crew, weight of the for redress, this changes RRS 62.’ ” boat, equipment on board, engine type, number Perhaps now the only way to win will be to of berths, etc etc. sail faster! All boats taking part in a NHC race for the first time will need a starting handicap. Starting handicaps will be allocated by the RYA in the form of the “Base List”. The Base List will be created from a rating formula using “boat show” data such as sail area, hull length, beam, weight etc. When a boat first takes part in a club race it will start on its base number. After this it will develop its own personal club number which it will use for future races. If a boat moves to a new club it will go back to its base number and will develop a new club number as it will perform differently against different boats and in a different venue.” Where Channel Sailing Club leads, the RYA will surely follow… The RYA has approved three software packages for use with the NHC including the package we use, Sail100. Any boat with previous “form” in the Channel Sailing Club will continue to use her existing handicap. For any new entrant to our club races I now propose to allocate a starting handicap based on the new NHC Base List. The sympathy extended by the Racing Secretary to members unhappy with their

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Letters page for club members share news and information, comment on club or sailing issues. Send your letters to [email protected].

it are to be praised for A re-assuring Italian Night encouraging the high level of Well done Jo (and the voluntary training that is taken in accident team) - a great evening and a the UK. I was testing and checking good turnout. Although any loss is tragic, my equipment for the coming Peter Horat we should not get too paranoid season and did a battery check about the dangers of our chosen on my Epirb. One did not Many thanks for arranging sport. cancel immediately and such an enjoyable feast for us Happy sailing. transmitted for about 45 all. It was an excellent evening, Keith Gibbs seconds. the food was great and all your ‘Change of Course’ Within a few minutes hard work was very much Falmouth Coastguard telephone appreciated. my home, as a contact number, Thanks again Wet suit outlet and I assured them I was safely David Murch For those of you who like at home. messing around in boats – these During our chat they said folk seem quite good value. they tried my mobile without Sailing Safely success and I realized that this I have always considered bargain-typhoon-5mm- would have been one I lost sailing as the least dangerous boot-300182-new-2012- overboard last season. outdoor pursuit. p-5933.html I am now checking that my Following the two excellent Nigel Barraclough CG66 is correct and ll details up and interesting talks from Ocean to date including, contacts, Sat Safety with Harken and Janet phone, Epirb etc. and Glen on their MOB incident, Safety tips for I hope that all boat owners I checked p wit the Maritime and will see that they have a correct Coastguard Agency. skippers and CG66 registered with the The reply was a complete coastguard. surprise. crew Keith Gibbs During the past three years When you have received ‘Change of Course’ there have been only 33 fatalities an order or request, in leisure boating within the UK acknowledge by repeating it SAR area. Motor Boats 2010 = back, naval style. Sea Safety 0, 2011 = 8 and 2012 = 7. Never give negative orders, I greatly enjoyed the talk Sailing Craft 2010 = 4, 2011 = 5 instead of saying “ don’t stop”-, last Tuesday (19 March) and and 2012 = 9. say “keep going”; the person would like to know the name of Considering that boating is often does not hear the “don’t” the Ocean Safety one of the most popular and does the one thing you do representatives who took part. activities and you consider the not want them to do. Alex Parker resent reports regarding hill When pulling on a rope, walkers, quite a low figure. always do this with your hand on The RYA’s training initiative top of the rope, partly because and club, like ours, that promote you are stronger that way, and

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked11 evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor also if pulling on a winch, your Janet Sainsbury We would like an indication little finger is nearest the winch, ‘Knights Challenge’ of possible numbers as we need not your thumb, which you do to book the correct size Dining not want to get mangled. Room, as they have three. Try to go swimming before BBQ If at this stage you are the sailing season, so you are Just wanted to tell Jo what uncertain, again please let me used to swimming and confident a great BBQ she and the team know and we will put you on the in the water ‘just in case’. put on in July. The food, quantity list Keep fit. and variety was superb. If you are interested in Drink sufficient water, it is Well done. attending, please contact me on easy to get dehydrated when Regards the email below sailing with unpleasant effects. John Durbin Peter Thomas Use sun cream before you 07785 960049 burn. [email protected] When moving about the boat keep one hand for the boat Icicle frozen and one for yourself. Keep your centre of gravity low. out? Icicle - reasons If you think you need a life Following the recent Round jacket, put it on properly, tight Island Race, a number of for change enough and with leg straps, and skippers and crew met in the Questions about the future hook on if you think it wise, Royal Corinthian Yacht Club, of the Icicle Rally were raised Make sure all the crew are able some said for a rest, others for about four years ago. to use the radio, and able to give another beer or two. A questionnaire was sent their position in case of an Rodney, the Steward, was out to members and the incident. delighted to see us and asked feedback was that members If you notice something where we were last December, would consider another event to wrong, or a hazard tell the when the club use to host its replace the Icicle Rally - skipper or helm, do not assume annual Icicle Cruise Dinner. however, this survey failed to they have seen it, even if they We started reminiscing demonstrate what the issues are rude to you. As the skipper about the Icicle of recent years, were and what sort of event or helm, always thank the encouraged by the beer. could therefore replace it. person, even if you have seen it, We felt the Icicle, a good A second survey was sent also make sure you are seeing traditional Club event, was out and the responses revealed the same thing. changed by the Committee for that there were people who When you are the ‘give reasons we still do not wanted to attend a club dinner way boat’ let the other boat see understand, and decided that but felt that, particularly where your intentions early. If you are there were a small number of people could not sail on a club ‘the stand on’ boat, keep Club Members who would like to boat, the cost of the ferry and straight don’t fluff about so the resuscitate the event. overnight accommodation was other boat knows where you are To this end, we have too much, and that they would th going. NB. If the give way boat booked a dinner on Saturday 7 support a more local event. has not seen or heard you, get December 2013, and wonder if We scheduled an Icicle out of the way! any Club Members would like to Rally in the programme for the When someone says join us. 2012 season - to be held earlier DUCK, don’t look round or get a Should the Club wish to n the season, because one of shotgun, it’s the boom not a make this an official Club event, the other issues that the survey game bird! we are happily volunteering to revealed was that holding the These are just a few tips to organise it, if not we will organise event in December, clashed with be going on with, I am sure this ourselves. other seasonal events. people can give many more.

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked12 evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor This event had to be venues and the existing sailing Feedback event we hold canceled because there was not and racing programme, make it towards the end of the season, enough take up. difficult - so we fixed on holding speak to the Cruising Secretary, It was agreed that this year, a dinner in November and Steve McCarthy or talk to me. the programme would include making it a bit special, by using In the meantime, if people an annual dinner - so we can all the evening to present the club want to go to Cowes for a get dressed-up - but that we trophies. Christmas event, then get in would hold the event in the Discussions about the touch with Pete Thomas. Epsom area, to allow those who future of the Icicle event arose And finally, I hope that expressed an interest in because the numbers attending members will join in with the End attending a special club dinner, the event were declining year on of Season Dinner. Tickets will be but could not do so because of year. However, if members are on sale in September. travel and accommodation really keen to see the Icicle Rally Diana Coman costs, to attend. put back on the programme, Commodore We tried to book the dinner then feed that back to the earlier in 2013, but availability of Committee through the

Fastnet Success

Among some 300 entries completed the 600 mile course Congratulations to both to this year’s Fastnet Race from Cowes, round the Fastnet crews and we look forward to were two yachts from the Rock and back to Plymouth. hearing the stories from the Channel Sailing Club. Jambo! Provisional results show race. skippered by Steve Morris and that Jambo! finished a notable Change of Course skippered 28th and Change of Course by Keith Gibbs successfully 65th in class.

Commodore’s Charity 2013

The Committee has chosen the development opportunity for young people aged Ocean Youth Trust South as the 12-25, taking them to sea in their 72-foot ketch Commodore’s Charity for 2013. John Laing. They sail with around 450 young people Club Member, Gerry Moore has each year. Roughly two-thirds will be some invovlement with this organisation disadvantaged or vulnerable in some way: they and has written the following piece for work in partnership with other organisations both Wavelegth. to select these young people and also to ensure that lessons learned and achievements enjoyed on a voyage are carried through into a long-term Ocean Youth Trust South is charity which programme of work with each young person. uses Adventure Under Sail as a personal

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked13 evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor These partnerships include mainstream and To see read further information, see pictures special schools and youth clubs; other charities; of their boat, read comments from crew and lots local authorities and social work teams and many more go to more. Examples of young crew members selected in this way might be siblings of life- Caroline White, from the OYT-South has limited children using a local children's hospice; asked Channel Sailing Club Members if they can children who have been bullied or bereaved or help with clothing. If you have any fleeces or the victims of crime; young people who have other sailing clothing that you no longer need and been homeless; young people affected by family which you think would help OYT, please bring it situations such as drug or alcohol abuse; down to the Club. children in local authority care; young carers and We are holding a collection day on 12 many more. November. In addition - and particularly during school holidays - OYT also offer places to young people Many of the young people who sail with us from more mainstream backgrounds. Sail training come from extremely disadvantaged brings benefits to all sorts of young people: backgrounds; and while we provide waterproofs perhaps their lives are dominated by television for them on board, we often have young people and computer games and they really need an who don’t have enough warm clothes of their active outdoor adventure; maybe they are high own to wear under the waterproofs, or who don’t achievers who need to broaden their experience have a change of clothes if things get wet or if beyond endless exams; or they may be doing the they have been seasick! Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award and looking to Many years ago we were working with stretch themselves through a challenging another sailing club whose members donated a adventure. supply of secondhand fleeces which were For all these young people, a voyage is invaluable to us; but over the years some of designed to develop confidence, team-working, these have worn out or been lost. the ability to cope with unfamiliar situations, and We’d love to replenish our stocks and if any tolerance and understanding of others. Young of your members has a spare fleece which they crew members not only sail the boat, keep watch no longer wear, we would really appreciate and help to navigate; they also learn basic life anything in sizes to suit small 12-year olds up to skills such as cooking. extra-large older teenagers and young adults. OYT run a self-evaluation project which Fleeces are ideal because they are warm and shows remarkable changes in how people feel very easy to wash. about themselves over the course of a voyage. It really does make a huge difference to our They also award in-house certificates which young crew members – everything on board record what young people have achieved; and goes better if we can keep them warm; you can crew members can work towards recognised imagination that morale and participation really RYA sailing qualifications. suffers if they get cold. Even if the weather is a little warmer, the night watches are still tough for a child who hasn’t got enough warm clothes.

Thank you very much.

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Congratulations to Martin Owen and Trish Hayward who got married in July.

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Above: The room was laid out for just over 60 club members and their guests to attend the annual Italian night social event; a favourite in the club calendar. Left: A big thank you to the Linda Varney, Julia Riffin, Jo Brady and Dorri Parker for getting all the food ready, and to David Surman who was ‘Pasta Queen’ on the night.

New Season Showcased This year’s Catch the Tide, held on 26 February, was well attended. The evening started with the Flag Officers reception. A short film, about last year’s Mid Week Cruise, by Trevor Barker was shown and this was followed by a presentation from Steve McCarthy on the programme for the coming season and a quick demonstration of how to book events on line. Event organisers were available to talk about the events they are holding this season. A huge thank you to all who have taken on this responsibility. There were fact sheets to help event organisers on the club’s website and Steve McCarthy and Alick Fraser are also available to help. All events are listed on the club’s website and members are reminded that they must book to attend an event. Watch out for the Catch the Tide 2014 event - and make sure you are ahead of the game in booking next seasons’s events.

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked18 evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Trophies awarded at AGM

Congratulations to all the winners of club Peter Denning - Commodore’s Trophy for a trophies for the 2012 season. personal contribution to running the Club, Presentations were made at the Club’s recognising Peter’s work as the Club’s Treasurer AGM, held in January. over many years. The winners were: Steve McCarthy - Sally Jennings Memorial Knight’s Challenge, skippered by Alan Trophy, for the most significant contribution to Pryce - Round the Island Trophy. Pete Thomas Channel Sailing Club, recognising his work on the collected the trophy which was for the first Club’s new website. Channel Sailing Club boat to finish the Round the David Surman - Seamogs Trophy, for long Island Race (ISC Class). distance and racing. David took part in the ARC Eagle - Turner Prize, for winning the this year and has taken part in other long- Navigator’s Race distance sailing during the year. Caressa - Ghengis Khan’t Trophy, for Caressa - Gliding Trophy for winning winning the Two-handed Race. the 2012 Racing series. Jambo - Pursuit Trophy for winning the Pursuit Race. Club members are reminded that the Jambo - Le Harlequin Trophy - for being the Committee invite nominations for trophies. boat that made the biggest progress in the So if you are on an event that you have handicap in the racing season. enjoyed and you think has been very well run, Janet Sainsbury - Cambrian Ball for a think that someone has made a significant blunder on a club event. Janet admitted to trying contribution to the Club, or has been an to leave a mooring several times whilst not exceptional skipper, get in touch with the Janet noticing that the boat was still tied to the buoy. Sainsbury. Janet Sainsbury - Mizzen Trophy, for Trophies for the 2013 season will be attending the most Club events. presented at the Club End of Season Dinner to Keith Gibbs - Jacqui Sillance Memorial be held on 9 November 2013 at the Horton Golf Trophy, for organising the best sailing event. Club.

Club members were following their Fastnet Success progress on line through the RORC website. Congraulations to the skippers and crews It is a fantastic event in which to take part, of Change of Course and Jambo for their so if you get a chance in 2015 to join a crew, performance in this year’s Fastnet Race. take up the offer.

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked19 evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Special mooring fees for members at Port Chantereyne

Channel Sailing Club still Being the closest French has an agreement with Port marina to the Solent, Port Chantereyne, Cherbourge Chantereyne is ideally located in the heart of the English Channel to provide discounts to and is a perfect starting point to Channel Sailing Club sail to St Vaast La Hougue and members. the landing beaches to the East, and the Channel Islands to the The discount will be offered West. on presentation of a valid Cherbourg itself is a membership card. typically French destination with If you need a membership its large selection of shops, bars, not apply to permanent berth card please get in touch with restaurants, gardens, parks and holders. Jane Shott, Membership museums all located very close A copy of the agreement is Secretary, on 07812 415 939. to the marina. on the Club Notice Board. Berthing in the marina in The friendly English The marina Port Cherbourg is based upon speaking marina staff will be Chantereyne in Cherbourg is categories of length. Members delighted to help with the located in the largest artificial will be charged two categories organisation of your stay in harbour in Europe making it a below their actual category, Cherbourg. very safe place to moor. The which is the equivalent of up to For all members of the marina is a deep water marina 20% discount. Westerly Owners Association, and is therefore accessible 24 No discount can be offered Port Chantereyne will offer a hours a day at all states of tide unless a valid membership card discount on berthing fees on and weather. can be presented to the marina presentation of their current reception. This discount does membership card. For more information about Port Chantereyne and Cherbourg, please visit

Port Chantereyne is a popular place to go for club members.

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked20 evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Bastille Day Cruise by Bill Callaghan

Seven boats and 28 Channel Sailing Club All boats arrived safely at Boulogne, with members and guests enjoyed a cruise to Gilken taking the honours for the fastest passage Boulogne for the Bastille Day celebrations. Most under sail. After some chaotic scrambling for boats set out from the Solent early on Thursday spaces at Boulogne Marina, and much rafting up morning 11 July in fine weather bound for on Friday evening, all boats managed to secure a Eastbourne. Gilken had taken the opportunity to good berth on Saturday morning as a host of set out the day Dutch and before for German boats Brighton. Winds moved on. were NE force On Saturday 4, but later and Sunday, became ENE with warm and and with the sunny weather, turn of the tide crews enjoyed early afternoon the Festival of most had to the Sea taking motorsail to place on Quai round Beachy Gambetta Head and reach opposite the Eastbourne. Marina, with a On Friday fine display of 12 July Coral historic sailing Moon, Gilken, boats, much Jabberwocky, singing of Knights French sea Challenge, shanties, and Matambu,and many interesting Moody Blue stalls. Many locked out of visited the Eastbourne markets and Marina and Boulogne old most enjoyed a town. A very good sail to enjoyable cruise Boulogne on dinner was held one tack in NE at Chez Jules F4 winds. restaurant in Danny, Boulogne on chartered by Saturday and on Oleg, was Sunday evening delayed leaving Brighton because of lack of Coral Moon hosted a drinks party and 28 people dredging in the entrance channel. (Skippers managed to fit on board. please note that entrance to Brighton Marina now On Sunday afternoon, Knights Challenge dries at low tide and is now impassible LW plus and Danny realised that they had a very or minus 1hr 30 mins.) interesting berth. The French was due

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked21 evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor in town and just after 18 00 Monsieur Le crew spotted a few dolphins. In a brief spell of SE President, Francois Hollande, arrived at the winds off Beachy Head Coral Moon sailed with Marina to Board a customs cutter moored a few the main and cruising chute but after 30 minutes meters away from Knights Challenge and Danny. it was all over and back to the engine. Moody I am not sure M Hollande realised that the people Blue returned home to Eastbourne and Matambu waving and taking photographs were members joined her. Knights Challenge decided to return to of the Channel Sailing Club and not French the Solent in one leg. The other boats headed for citizens. Brighton. All of us moored there agreed that this The highlight of the Bastille Day Marina had seen better days. celebrations was a dramatic firework display Tuesday16 July saw the remaining boats (theme pop songs of the 1980s) set off from the return to the Solent with conditions similar to cliffs and viewed from the beach below. Monday. No dolphins spotted on this leg, but The fleet set off early on Monday morning sadly Coral Moon spotted the decomposing motoring into a flat calm sea with no wind to carcass of a whale in the Looe Channel off speak of. The calm conditions Coral Moon’s Selsey Bill. It was frustrating that by the time some sea breezes had set in Coral Moon had reached her home port of Gosport. Feedback on the cruise from CSC members has been favourable and a repeat voyage next year is well worth considering.

PHOTOS: Page 16 - Coral Moon Page 17 - Monsieur Le President, Francois Hollande

End of Season Dinner

This year the Club will be running an End of The Committee received feedback that Season Dinner. members who could not take part in the Icicle To be held at the Horton Golf Club, Horton Rally would be interested in a special dinner Road in Epsom, the event will mark the end of event closer to home. We hope this new event the sailing and racing season. will prove popular and, if it does, it will form part The evening will include a three course of the annual programme. dinner followed by the presentation of the Club’s trophies. Tickets can be bought on line via the club’s The Dinner will take place on Saturday 9 website or you can speak to Jo Brady or Diana November 2013, 7.30pm for 8pm. Coman on a club night.

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked22 evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Round the Island Race 2013

This year’s Round the Island Race, Roberts and crew Bob Driver, it was the first time organised by The Island Sailing Club, took place out on the water for the season. “Work and boat on 1 June. The race round the Isle of Wight is a repairs got in the way of us getting our any 50 nautical mile course and will see the first start earlier”, she told Wavelength. at 5am. That’s for the big boats, most of which are back having breakfast before the last start Photograph courtesy of Round the Island Race has barely got going. website. J.P. Morgan Asset Management were again sponsoring the event and making a donation to charity. For every #raceforall tweet that is sent out J.P. Morgan donated 10p to the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust. The target is £3000 before June 1st. It is a great event and we once again submitted a club entry. This year conditions were favourable and it was a great day out on the water. For the Commodore, Diana Coman, sailing on Christopher Robin with Skipper Roger

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked23 evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Moody Blue by Andy Lear

We pootle off to France and back. I learn a Eastbourne which meant that Fecamp was pretty thing or two about Moodys (including which ones much due south and a good deal nearer than it have the best breakfasts). ‘Hawkeye’ Price was for the boats that set off from Portsmouth. makes a few observations on French plumbing. I We met up at the boat on Friday night. fail to win my usual ‘well behaved crew’ award. Eastbourne is a 24/7 marina with a lock We acquire an extra crew member. Conflicting that opens every half hour. We caught one of the reports on Dieppe. earlier openings (which was pretty early) on The midweek cruise was billed as a three Saturday we were off on our international voyage stop cruise starting on Sunday but my skipper of discovery. After an hour at the helm the third crew member William was stricken with ‘mal de mer’ and that was pretty much the last we saw of him on the outbound voyage. The guess artists at the Met Office had predicted all sorts of horrid weather and it was a bit lumpy and we got a few showers but my self-gimbolling tummy stood me in good stead. Ten hours or so Mike ‘Hawkeye’ Price needed to be back by the French coast Friday so we left a day early and proposed to heaved (hove?) into view. Visibility was not skip the final leg of Dieppe. The boat ‘Moody brilliant, I put it down to the rain but an alternative Blue’ (it is an unwritten rule that all moodys other explanation was that I should have gone to than Lonk Avel are called Moody Blue) was either Specsavers. Hawkeye had spotted the French a moody 27 or a moody 28 (the difference being coast five miles out of Eastbourne. The man is a apparently that the Moody 28 is 27 foot long and human telescope I swear. At one stage he asked the Moody 27 is 28 foot long) It was a perfectly me if I could see the blades of the wind turbines fine boat whichever it was and was berthed in on the hill. I could not see either the blades or the

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked24 evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor wind turbines…. or the hill, or indeed any sign of like a drain throughout. Coral Moon had arrived land at all and yet an hour later when I could just on Saturday a bit later than we had but the other about make out the French coats everything was two boats Knights Challenge and Jabberwocky there as he had said. It was still light when we arrived on Sunday and Sunday evening was arrived at Fecamp. The harbour master had gone spent on board Jabberwocky glugging wine and home but we hailed the nearest red ensign to ask nibbling on nibbles. where the visitor’s berths were and the chap Monday was another exploring day. After hopped off his boat, scampered down the breakfast I wandered about for a while, meeting pontoons to find a free berth and took the lines up with Janet and eventually ending up on Coral for us. Moon for a glass of wine. Janet wanted to go to Sunday morning came and after a five one of the old houses that I had visited earlier so course breakfast! (Grapefruit, cereal, toast and although I had been told that the model museum marmalade, sausage, egg bacon etc, and yogurt) was closed I decided to have a look anyway. I was firstly set up for the day and secondly Picking up David and Debbie and Ron en route convinced that this was the boat for me! After the inhabitants had mistaken me for French due breakfast we went exploring Fecamp. Mike had been there before and showed me some of the sites including the ‘maritime church’. We did some shopping (mostly wine) and visited the fishing museum by the beach. They have an interesting water supply arrangement on the pontoons with the taps pointing to my Marie Chasse T-shirt (Marie Chasse being straight upwards. I know this because of tirade of a sort of French yachting monthly about wooden anti-French sentiment issuing from Hawkeye who boats) and by the time they realised I was English had got himself totally drenched trying to wash it was too late and I had snuck in. A long the cafetiere. The best bit of all was when you conversation ensued (in French) about the turn the tap off because as a final gesture of benefits of wooden boats and I struggled to defiance the French plumbing sends a final convince the functionary that there was a replica geyser in all directions before finally consenting to of Jules Verne’s yacht and that I had been on it shut off. I don’t imagine I am in line for any ‘well three weeks previously at the Brest maritime behaved crew’ awards either as I was laughing

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked25 evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor festival. Fortunately Debbie eventually lost patience and rescued me. The highlight of Tuesday was the guided tour of the Benedictine (a strange liqueur made out of monks) distillery. The low point was the pitifully small samples they handed out at the end of the tour but I suppose that there are not as many monks available as there once were and you don’t want to drink them all at once. Most of us also met up for Dinner at a restaurant called La Maree. Wednesday morning it was off on the within a few hours of each other some of us second leg of our international voyage of ended up on other sides of the marina than discovery, St Valery en Caux (I never did find out others. Coral Moon ended up moored a couple what a Caux was). It was a beautiful harbour, real of boats away from a huge (60 foot at least) picture postcard stuff with a huge lock to keep ship. It seemed that there was going to be the water in. Although all four boats arrived a maritime festival that weekend that we were going to miss. The weather which had been a bit off and on all week turned the rain on late in the day and we got sort of rained into a bar all night. Well worse things happen at sea. I do not want to go into any depth on the subject but it would be fair to say that some of the crew on one of the boats did not really get on together as well as they might have. The practical upshot of this was that Thursday morning we headed back to Eastbourne Moody Blue had one more crew member aboard than we had on the way out. It was a lovely sail back and though it was dark when we arrived it was not ridiculously late so I drove back Thursday night. I have had conflicting reports of Dieppe from those that made it there. Some say it was nice, others say it was crap. I guess I will have to visit it myself some time and form my own opinion. Maybe next time….

PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked26 evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Anchor Watch Knot Likely

by Gyn Robart

The cars on board, the gates well shut, the ferry was to leave From Cowes to make its crossing, one chilly winter’s eve But sat there quite immobile, as the skipper called in pain “What VERY THOUGHTLESS PERSON tied a reef knot in the chain?”

You wouldn’t think it possible, each link weighed fifty pound All welded up in solid steel and bolted to the ground. Yet somehow, while the ferry sat and waited in the rain, Some Very Thoughtless Person tied a reef knot in the chain.

It might have been a motorist who bore some kind of grudge. It might have been an admiral, it might have been a judge – But with what motivation? Can anyone explain Why man or maid should want to braid a reef knot in the chain?

The skipper tore his hair out and called the County Press He radioed the Council to come and sort the mess. And they approached the Boy Scouts (as knots are their domain) To see if they could puzzle out the reef knot in the chain.

A dozen Scouts pulled this way, a dozen Scouts pulled that, But still the chain stayed knotted up, they couldn’t get it flat. In fact, by seven-thirty – and this is quite uncanny – This very simple reef knot had turned into a granny.

So then they called the firemen who, when they came, said, “Please Just stand aside and we’ll soon have this knot undone with ease.” They pushed and shoved till half-past ten, they couldn’t get it loose By when, the wretched granny knot had turned into a noose!

If you wait here for what can seem like half an hour or more And watch that ferry motionless on yonder blessed shore Do not despair, but say a prayer – and hope it’s not in vain That no Very Thoughtless Person tied a reef knot in the chain.

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