■ OPINION/e' ■ artssacov^a c**— m m m Family Disturbance Wynterln Spring to Uda |j£ 1

Election Ad Generates Controversy at UCLA Group Believes Ruling Violates Free Speech By Colleen Valles The ad did not follow the Staff Writer proper procedures, according to the Judicial Board of the Under­ graduate Student Associated UCLA students faced the pos­ Council, said Max Espinoza, a sibility of their votes for student campaign staff member for the government positions being Students First slate. “The Bruin voided this week when differing Democrats didn’t go through the interpretations of election rules official endorsement process,” forced legal action against the he said. campus’ governing body. However, because the ad’s ex­ The controversy surrounds pense was acknowledged on the the placement of an advertise­ accounts of the endorsed candi­ ment in the campus newspaper, dates, the campus group did not The Daily Bruin, by the Bruin need to follow the official pro- Democrats endorsing Students cess, Espinoza said. First, one of the campus’ predo- minant political slates.______See USAC, p.S Freeway Access ^Adjustment Involves Archaeological Site Island Spirit UCSBAIum Kimo Morris and fellow dance troupe members entertain onlookers in one of many By Chelsea Coles cies, the estimated $6 million Asian-American cultural performances in Storke Plaza Wednesday. Reporter______Caltrans’ project intends to widen the Fairview Avenue in­ terchange and southbound on- Aiming to eliminate conges­ ramp, adding a left-turn lane and tion and avoid future repairs, the a new right-tum lane. The entire Dept, of Transporta­ overhead will also be rebuilt. Recent Attack Raises Lookout for Bombs tion proposes making adjust­ The newly constructed area Since 1978, the Unabomber said his enemies include scien­ ments to a southbound on-ramp will hopefully lead to a smoother By Vaj Potenza Reporter______has targeted universities or uni­ tists and engineers. However, and replacing a Highway 101 flow for vehicles after its sug­ versity affiliates in nine attacks. the College of Engineering is not overhead in Goleta. gested August completion date, Those injured have included a overly concerned with Campus With funds allotted from In the wake of recent terrorist UC Berkeley professor, a Berke­ Police’s warnings, said David state, federal and county agen­ See EXPAND, p.8 bombings via mail, Campus Po­ ley graduate student and a UC Probert, programmer analyst in lice are sending letters to depart­ San Francisco geneticist. computer science. ments warning them to look out UCSB has never been “It’s a standard precaution the for letter explosives. threatened by the terrorist or Campus Police fake every time The precautions are generated other explosives, according to there’s a bomb threat,” he said. out of general concern, not be­ Foster. “As of now, no connec­ “Any of us are much more likely cause of particular threats, ac­ tion between the Unabomber to die crossing the street.” cording to Campus Police Sgt. and UCSB has been made,” he Characteristics of letter John Foster. said. bombs include excess postage or “We always send out a bulle­ However, departments weight, a missing return address, tin when there is a possible dan­ should take possible bomb oil stains, protruding wires or ger,” he said. threats seriously, according to oddly shaped packages, accord­ The notices follow a Califor­ Assistant to the Chancellor John ing to Foster. nia Forestry Association lob­ Tucker. “It behooves everyone Police warnings reinforce the byist's death by a letter bomb to be on alert,” he said. need to be cautious, according FBI agents link to a terrorist In a letter to the New York to Terri Coleman, an assistant known as the Unabomber last Times last month, an individual month. claiming to be the Unabomber See THREAT, p.4 Leg Council Rep Resigns; New A.S. Budget Approved By Michiko Takeda Brown wrote. “We’re all pretty speechless,” Stiff Writer______The announcement followed she said. an April incident in which Many of those affiliated with Brown said Advisor Dulcie Sinn the budget process attribute the The emphasis at Associated and Executive Director Tamara efficiency to extensive premeet­ Students Legislative Council Scott did not comply with A.S. ing planning for the review, in­ meeting was on passage Wed­ Elections Committee’s decision cluding Leg Council members nesday, both in terms of the to prematurely end NetSfation gathering outside official meet­ 1995-96 budget’s rapid approval voting. ings and working to prepare stu­ and a representative’s Due to the limited number of dent groups for budget changes. resignation. weeks left in the academic year, Finance Board Chair Adrian University-Owned Housing the university-owned housing Santos believes council mem­ Rep Jennifer Brown officially re­ rep seat is likely to remain vac­ bers’ preparedness prevented quested resignation from Leg ant, according to Off-Campus confusion. “I think everyone Council, explaining in a letter Rep Cami Cooper. knew what to expect,” he said. submitted to the board that she In other business, Leg Coun­ Some Leg Council members does not believe it has acted cil took less than half an hour to also attribute the approval speed adequately to address “problems approve the budget presented by to a bill passed in November, with our staff.” President Brittany Oates. This which limited student group al­ “In a nutshell, I no longer was the second of two council DAN THIBODBAU/Duly Nexus lotments to $150. Under the new have confidence in the effective­ meetings focusing on its review. rules, oiganizations wanting ad­ Caltrans hopes to one day widen this portion of the Fairview ness and appropriateness of the While budget debating of past ditional funding must apply for Avenue-Highway 101 interchange as part of a project to alleviate actions and operations of Asso­ years has lasted until 3 or 4 a.m., it. rush hour congestion at the site. ciated Students, and I have lost this year’s speed is especially re­ the motivation to change them,” markable, according to Cooper. See COUNCIL, p.8 2 Thursday, May 11,1995 Daily Nexus HEADLINERS Daily Nexus

E d ito r in C h ie f! K irtb e riy E p le r News Editori Brenda M axw el LayouVDesign Editori Suzanne Gamer Training Editori Nick Robertson U.S. Takes Trade Action Against Japan Campus Editori Colleen Valles WASHINGTON (AP) ited States. We have a and seek a ruling from panese luxury cars, auto Asst Campus Editors! Susan Burkhart, Tim MoDoy parts and possibly C ounty E d ito r! Je ff Brax — President Clinton or­ meager 1.5 percent share the 124-nation WTO that Asst County Editori Michael Ball, Kimi Smith dered an unfair-trade in Japan.” Japan has erected unfair minivans. Opinions Editors! Allison Lande, William Yelles complaint filed against The administration's trade barriers to protect The initial list is likely Sports Editor! Curtis Kaiser Japan with the new tough talk followed col­ its auto market. to include perhaps as Asst. Sporto Editors! Michael CadRB, Daniel Solomon much as $7 billion a year Artsweek Editor! Kevin Carhart World Trade Organiza­ lapse of negotiations last The administration Asst. Artsweek Editor! Noah Blumberg tion and authorized pu­ week in Canada. The ad­ said its list of Japanese worth of imports from Ja­ C o p y E d ito r i James Lissner blication of a list of puni­ pan. But after 30 days of Asst Copy Editori E rik a M itteldorf tive tariffs against Japan­ public comment it would Photo Editor! Rachel W eil ii be reduced to between $1 A sst. Ph oto E d ito r! J.E Anderson ese automobiles and We are trying to erase decades Illustrations Editor! Matt Ragland parts. of market restrictions in Ja­ billion and $1.5 billion of AP Wire Editor! L is a Sato Clinton’s decision was j l pan in announcing the presi­ Japanese products that Copy Readers! C h ris K och, Tony L o t announced Wednesday would be subjected to dent’s decision. Account Executives! Carolyn Baiey, Annie Cavender, Pia at the White House — punitive tariffs as high as Chatteqee, Caren Chopak, Juliette the latest attempt to pres­ 0 Mickey Kantor 100 percent — still the Suss man, Matt Slatoff sure Japan to settle a bit­ ^p r U.S. trade representative largest such sanctions ter trade fight by giving in case in U.S. history. Production! Je n Anthony, E rk a D e la Parra, K yra Usa*«® Goldsmith, Barb MacLean, Bridgitte to U.S. demands for in­ While U.S. auto ex­ McDaniel, Gerry Melendez, Todd Pa- creased sales of Ameri­ ecutives applauded the cofsky, W ilia m Toren can cars and parts. ministration said it imports targeted for trade threats, groups rep­ “We are trying to erase would still prefer a nego­ higher sanctions would resenting Japanese auto decades of market restr­ tiated settlement of the be released early next companies and foreign ictions in Japan,” said fight, which has dragged week after Clinton re­ dealers in the United U.S. Trade Representa­ on for nearly two years. turns from a trip to States said the tough talk Usually Considered Vulgar tive Mickey Kantor in But officials left no Moscow. would end up hurting announcing the presi­ doubt they were pre­ But congressional and consumers through dent’s decision. “The pared to retaliate. The industry sources, who higher prices. And they Editorial Policy: U.S. car market is wide will im­ spoke on condition of said it could spark a trade open. Japanese compa­ pose punitive tariffs on anonymity, said the war if Japan decides to A ll letters to the editor and columns submitted for publication be­ more than $1 billion in targeted products were retaliate against U.S. come property of the Daily Nexus and are subject to editing for nies enjoy a 24 percent length and clarity. The Daily Nexus reserves the right to select which market share in die Un- Japanese auto imports expected to include Ja­ products. letters and colum ns w ill be printed. If chosen for publication, the ma­ terial w ill appear in the Daily Nexus no sooner than two days alter being turned in.

Committee Rejects Bill to Creation of Bank Designed Letters to the editor and colum ns must be lim ited to two pages, typed double-spaced (3,000 characters), and include the author's Allow Public Breast-Feeding to Assist Small Businesses name and phone number. SACRAMENTO (AP) Victorian morality in the (AP) tal. Four private banks — — Mothers nursed their country,” Villaraigosa told — Vice President A1 Gore First Interstate, Wells Corrections Policy: infants in a Capitol hall­ a rally of three dozen announced Wednesday Faigo, Bank of America, To call an error to the attention of the Editor in Chief, provide a written statement way on Wednesday, even mothers on the Capitol that $450 million in fed­ and Union Bank — will detaiing the correct information. The Daily Nexus publishes a l corrections of as legislators were refusing steps. eral grants will be used to contribute a combined errors. to make public breast­ The vote marked yet create a bank to provide $210 million, Gore said. feeding a protected right. another offbeat stand by capital for small busines­ The bank is part of the The Assembly Judiciary ses in depressed areas. The Daily Nexus to published by the Press Council and partially Using a South Central funded through the Associated Students of the University of Califor­ Committee for the second nia, Santa Barbara bn weekdays during the school year, weekly in time rejected a bill that Los Angeles shopping summer session. would have placed in law a center as his backdrop, Editorial M atter— Opinions expressed on the Editorial pages and woman’s right to nurse in Gore said the Los Angeles in the W eather Box are the individual contributor's. Opinions ex­ Community Development pressed in the Daily Nexus do not necessarily reflect those of U CSB, public. its faculty or student body. The bill received a 7-4 Bank will open at 4060 Advertising M atter— Advertising matter printed herein is solely vote, but needed eight to Figueroa St on July 10. fo r in fo rm a tio n a l p u rp o s e s . S u c h p rin tin g is n o t to b e c o n s tru e d a s a pass the 14-member panel. Assembly Republicans, The bank will distribute written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of who for the first time since moderately risky loans for Clinton administration’s such comm ercial enterprises or ventures by the Daily Nexus. Democrats voted for it, The Daily Nexus subscribes to The Associated Press and is a while Republicans voted 1970 have enough mem­ small businesses through plan to stimulate business member of the UC W ire Service. no or abstained. bers to block legislation. existing banks and non­ in a 170-square-mile area Phones: “A dark cloud is hang­ Republican committee profit economic develop­ including downtown and News Office 893-2691 members have said they ment agencies, Gore said. South Central Los Fax 893-3905 ing over us if we don’t get E -m a il nexus@ md.mcl.ucsb.edu this bill passed,” said As­ certainly support breast­ “It is an extremely care­ Angeles, as well as parts of Editor in Chief 893-2695 semblyman Antonio Vil- feeding, but not in public. fully designed program, the San Fernando Valley. Advertising O ffice 893-3828 laraigosa, (D-Los Angeles) Several other states, in­ designed by the commun­ Gore said the program Business Office Fax 893-2789 cluding Utah, Florida, Vir­ ity,” Gore said. “It is based will target small compa­ The Daily Nexus follows the University of California's anti- the author. discrim ination codes. Inquiries about these policies m ay be directed “This bill has gone far ginia and New York, have on a philosophy of com­ nies, and that under the to: Raymond Huerta, Affirm ative Action Coordinator, phone (805) beyond breast-feeding in recently approved breast­ munity banking.” program, the city must 8 9 3 -2 0 8 9 . public. This bill goes to the feeding bills with little During the next 10 show that at least one job Second Class Postage paid at Santa Barbara CA Post Office Pu­ years, the bank is expected has been created for every blication No. U SPS 775-300. very heart of the growing controversy. Mail subscriptions can be purchased through the Daily Nexus., to offer $1 billion in capi­ $35,000 in loans.______Thomas M. Storke Communications Building, P.O. Box 13402, Santa Barbara, CA 93107. More Military Bases Added Yeltsin Agrees to Scale Back Printed by Sun Printing Co. to List for Possible Closure Nuclear Deal Made With Iran Sacramento. Correction WASHINGTON (AP) MOSCOW (AP) — In a strain since the Cold War. The changes could af­ — Thirty-five military summit of modest results, Yet both sides were able to fect facilities ranging from bases were added to a gov­ Boris Yeltsin spurned walk away with some A May 9 Daily Nexus photo cutline incor­ major bases involving ernment panel’s target list President Clinton’s pleas claim of satisfaction. rectly stated parking in Lot 23 was changed thousands of jobs to small for possible closure Wed­ Wednesday to halt the “In playing this rela­ from C to A/S. In fact, a few rows in Lot 21 were nesday with the blows foil­ offices with relatively few changed to A/S to make up for the loss of Lot employees. bloody repression in tionship out, there will ing most heavily on the Air Chechnya and to abandon come times when there 15. The Nexus regrets this error. Force and the states of Ca­ a nuclear technology sale lifornia and Texas. to Iran. But Russia agreed The action by the De­ to drop a particularly wor­ fense Base Closure and risome part of the Iranian Realignment Commission W eaC h en deal. means it will have more Yeltsin, after six months options to choose from of hesitation, also dec­ Watching the news last night, I happened to when it makes its final lared that Russia will for­ catch a feature on this six-year-old prodigy from proposal in late June. The malize military ties with New Jersey. According to “experts,” she was list would then go to Presi­ NATO, the Western al­ “capable of reading literature at the lOth-grade dent Clinton and Con­ “All things are possi­ level.” At this point, I recalled reading a number ble,” said former Illinois liance that once was Mos­ will ba differences,” Clin­ gress, but in past closure ton said. But he added, of reports of how modem 10th graders often Sen. Alan J. Dixon, the cow’s enemy. rounds commission re­ Yeltsin made it clear, “Our people will be safer couldn’t read at the sixth-grade level. I was left commendations have commission chairman. though, that he remains as a result of this meeting. to wonder what was meant by “reading at the been approved. “Just because a base was added to the list today deeply suspicious of It was an advance for lOth-grade level” was supposed to mean. Is it In all, the commission NATO’s plans to expand security.” added 29 bases that hadn’t doesn’t mean it will close that she could read as well as any 10th grader or or be realigned. It means eastward toward Russia’s Under intense pressure that she can read at a level we wished was the been slated for any doorstep. from Clinton and threats changes and also said it the commission believes a norm for high school sophomores? fuller evaluation of the After three hours of from congressional lead­ Even more frightening was the idea voiced by would consider closing six Kremlin talks, neither ers to cancel U.S. aid to bases that the administra­ base is a reasonable thing the parents, that a six-year-old was ready for col­ to undertake.” leader asserted any Russia, Yeltsin agreed not lege. I know too many people 18-25 who are tion had recommended to sell Iran a gas centrifuge California was hardest breakthrough on policy emotionally unprepared for this. only for realignment, in­ differences that have put that could be used to pro­ hit with eight facilities on Northwesterly winds will clear away many of cluding McClellan Air Russian-American rela­ duce weapons-grade en­ the list. F o r c e B a se n e a r tions under their deepest riched uranium. the morning clouds. High: 75. Low 48. Daily Nexus Thursday, May 11,1995 3 Park Fest Know what if fakes fo be Trash, Walkway Problems a True Woodstock's Pizza by Greeks Top IVCEC Items Tonight r * i z z a . ^Com m ando!

Sidewalks and solid The county Solid Benefiting waste will be the main Waste Dept, will also O Wide Mandibular Clearance: topics of discussion give a one-hour presen­ Ideal for rapid pizza consumption when the Isla Vista Com­ tation on I.V.'s garbage Área Kids munity Enhancement problem, including re­ Committee meets to­ cent steps taken to cor­ By Brenda MaxweU night to pinpoint prob­ rect it. Since trash has be­ Staff Writer______lems and brainstorm come a community crisis, possible solutions. the committee has asked Softballs and balloons Potential dangers aris­ a county representative wiU fly at Anisq’ Oyo’ Park ing from the lack of area to discuss what actions O Motivated Microfauna: Friday evening for the first sidewalks will be are currently being im­ Quick digestion is very important annual Spring Fest aimed addressed by the com­ plemented, according to a t benefiting local mittee, according to IVCEC Chair Lee Bailey. children. Mark Chaconas, aide to “Mark Chaconas is ar­ Prehensile Tail: 3rd District Santa Bar­ To get a grip The three-hour festival ranging for Geoffrey (on beer, pizza, reality, etc.) wiU feature two Uve bands, bara County Supervisor Simpson [of the county Mama Llama and Son, as Bill Wallace. Chaconas Solid Waste Dept.] to > Sturdy Ground Interface: well as eight carnival-style will present a map of ex­ come out and talk about Secure footing is essential during game booths set up by isting walkways and as­ solid waste and what happy hours local fraternities and sor­ sist the committee with measures have been ta­ orities. Tickets for the necessary data, he said. ken in the last couple of games will be available for “I know that they years,” he said. “There is 25 cents. wanted to talk about the a form that states that “We’ve come up with sidewalk plans of Isla property owners have to something new this year. Vista and I have a sidew­ provide a certain number It’s a carnival in Anisq’ alk map that I am going of cans and/or a dump­ Oyo’ Park this Friday from to present,” Chaconas ster, depending on how five to eight,” said Tamara said. “We’re more of a re­ many bedrooms there Pesto sauce, fresh tomatoes, Kutchai, festival coordina­ source for the commit­ are.” artichoke hearts, broccoli, tor and member of Sigma tee. For example, they red onions. Your choice of. Kappa sorority. want a map of the sidew­ The IVCEC will meet “I’m getting the diffe­ alks and that’s the kind at the University Reli­ rent sororities and frater­ of stuff we can pull up. gious Center from 7 to 9 $92? »$123? nities together to come up We can facilitate people p.m. F[ym* FREE Delivery: with booths for chUdren,” and resources for them.” —Sylvia Luis Medium 12" LARGE 16" Now nothing will stand she added. “Proceeds go to Adopt-A-School and Let to get to know each other of people out there,” she between you and Isla Vista Eat. We’re doing better and have fun while said. “There will be a little IV’s favorite Pizza this for the kids.” doing it,” he said. cash prize for the sorority Organizers anticipate The festival welcomes or fraternity with the most the fest will provide an op­ the involvement of all people out there.” portunity for greeks to get fraternities and sororities Hopefiilly the event can together in an event to and will set aside a small be used to dispel some of MWiMj 1 $200 off close out the year, accord­ portion of the proceeds in the assumptions about ¡§pARCE16"or 1 -„««.16"l a r g ì ! . ing to Taft Owen, festival a fond to encourage parti­ members of the greek sys­ BgBpJY ------Pizza i . p i z z a stopping Pizza 1 coordinator and member cipation, according to tem, according to Todd * sc z a M one or more toppines | 928 Emb. del Norte 968-6969 | 928 Emb. del Norte 968-6969 of Theta Chi fraternity.... Kutchai...... H ä S S .Not good with other offen; : * i f ¿ 1 i, Not good with other offers; : “It’s for thegreek system . “We're trying to get a lot, See BENEFIT, p.8 i l j s - t °ne,ïW on perpizz»; exp. k Pfe8*» ej[P- 6/31/95 ATTENTION STUDENTS!

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Refreshments W ill Be Served 4 Thursday, May 11,1995 Daily Nexus

Swap any Rubes for.. identify a letter bomb.” THREAT The Associated Stu­ T H E W O R LD dents Main Office is also $200 off Continued from p.l paying more attention to IS YOUR CLASSROOM administrative analyst in potentially threatening LARGE 16» o r i t h e C o lle g e of mail, according to office Medium 12” Pizzi • I Z Z A Engineering. coordinator Amy Verbel. prmmitt.u one or more toppinss “You always have to be “The police gave us a list ENVIRONMENTAL Rubes I careful. This is the third of what to look for in a AJ f ie l d s t u d ie s a b r o a d ByUIghRrtla time I’ve received this possible, letter bomb,” she memo,” Coleman said. said. “It’s pretty scary that Semester and Summer “But I’m well aware of the we actually have to think situation and I see enough of these things as we go hands-on field courses: mail where I think I could through our day.” Wildlife Management - Kenya Rainforest Studies - Australia Island Management Studies - Palau HEY WRITERS: There are Coastal Studies - British Columbia Sustainable Development - Costa Rica 18,000 stories on the naked Marine Resource Management - Caribbean COLLEGE CREDIT FINANCIAL AID campus. An additional 20 or so in SPACE STILL AVAILABLE! FO R A FREE SUMMER COURSES C O U R S E the UC Regents. Several in the CATALOGUE, FALL 1995 £ SPRING 1996 PLEASE WRITE SEMESTER PROGRAMS O R CALL: Legislature, and still more we T he S chool F or Field S tudies 'The secret of surviving in a world as unpredictable as ours, my son, is to always Box 8,16 Broadway, Beverly, MA 01915 expect the unexpected." haven’t thought of yet Please help (508)927-7777 |Woodsfoch’s£izia i 928 Emfc dd_Norte 968-6969 us tell them. Write for the Campus Desk. Call Dying for a Cigarette? Colleen, Susan, or Tim at 893-2691. We're meeting soon. Symposium for students You’re not kidding! interested in Careers in Engineering The G um P le d g e Zack Grossman

OH, OK.. 90° 01 OCA SOMEONE CLIMBING , WALKED INTO A m Ha hi HA HEE hA THE ENGINEERING TREE. fO OAT. CORPORATE LADDER WELL.1T5 UKE THI6...THE’ I GUESS IT TURTLE SAYS Does s o u n p H£ HAS S0M& PRETTY STUPID... F e a tu rin g Venky Naroyanamurti INFORMATION 'TH E TURTLE, HE TALKS Dean, UCSB College of Engineering FOR M£. and UCSB alumni and friends now working in diverse fields of engineering ■ ¡ M M tf il M H ... ■ — p ------— — — ■ Learn About 1 -1 1 1 • The job market of the '90s * Various paths to the top I • How important is graduate school • First year earnings • Advancement opportunities, politics and other realities of the profession » The changing structure of the corporate ladder FREE!MEMBERSHIP Engineering II Pavilion Thursday, Mayl 1- 5:15 p.m. EMERALD VIDEO withi major credit card P iz z a ! 6545 Pardall Rd. C A L V IN & HOBBES $1.00 0 FF ANY RENTAL For more information phone 893-8285 By Bill Watterson Sponsored by the UCSB Engineering Alumni Association Isla Vista, CA 968-6059 with this icomic (void with other offer) i i v-----7------v ■ n 15 PEOPLE IN LINE AND AFTER I WAIT TEN MINUTES, I M WAITING TO PM , AND TUE THE TELLER GOES ON THEY OPEN A NEW U N E CASUIER POTS ME ON HOLD BREAK WITHOUT A FOR AVI THE PEOPLE BEHIND INSTEAD OF TUE PERSON ON REPLACEMENT. ME WUO HAVE WAITED VHO THE TELEPHONE- MINV1TE5.

N O W H IR IN G Applications are due May 12th and can HILBERT.:, . ,,,. MTTIK («MPVTEM be picked up in the La Cumbre Office under Storke Tower. For more information contact 1995-96 Editor in Chief Hardware#Software*Printers#MultiMedia#Accessories»And More! Kevin J. Anderson PL »* at 893-2386 N e w USED CD-ROM Department Save 50-75% on most titles Teeny-Tiny Titans We Now Take Visa, M/C & Discover! 685-1759 250A Storke Rd. Goleta. K-MART Shopping Center! Nexus Classifieds Work. 893-3829 Daily Nexus Thursday, May 11,1995 5 . o filed a complaint over the of sanctioning students, or o o endorsement venue used prohibiting them from USAC by the Bruin Democrats campaigning, back to the Continued from p.l with the Judicial Board, Elections Board and over­ “According to the elec­ composed primarily of turned its decision to have tion board, it was recorded members of the greek the candidates in question on all the student-expense slate, a competitor of Stu­ participate in the run-off uatics accounts of the Student dents First, Espinoza said. elections. First slate,” he said. “Ac­ After hearing each side, Espinoza believes the cording to the election the board decided against board is stacked against 9 7 7 0 H o LUst e r AVE., 97111 9 6 4 - 8 6 8 9 board, the Student First Students First, forcing Students first. “The Judi­ slate followed all the candidates for two posi­ cial Board is appointed by rules.” tions to compete in the the president,” he said. The question of a viola­ run-off elections this “Just a week ago, just be­ tion of the First Amend­ week, according to fore the elections, two new ment of the Constitution Espinoza. appointees to Judicial rights of the Bruin Demo­ “They deliberated and Board were approved.” LIQUIDATION crats arises with the issue came to the conclusion At UCSB, allegations of of regulating the elections that the Students First bias could not be levied at process, said a Daily team violated the election the council, according to Bruin story printed May 9. code,” he said. “The gen­ A.S. Judicial Council “We felt that it was our eral representative and Chair Kevin Williams, de­ SALE Constitutional right to free student welfare commis­ spite the fact that Williams speech to endorse these sioner would have to go to chose the members him­ students,” said Bruin the run-off.” self and the approval pro­ u s t Democrats President Tris- Under the decision, two cess for the past year’s jud­ EvERyikiNq M C o ! ten Sotomayor in the Students First members icial council members be­ article. and one greek slate candi­ gan only this quarter. A temporary restraining date elected to the three “I know that, in our si­ order was filed May 8 general representative tuation, when I came into 20% TO 60% OFF! against USAC for violating posts, and a Students First office, I was not told who the First Amendment member chosen to fill the was on the list [of Judicial We are MERCjiiNCj wnh ïhE D îve LocIcer so rights of the Bruin position of student welfare Council members]. I was Democrats. commissioner, would be just told I needed a com­ UCSB has no formal required to go to the run­ mittee,” he said. “I went W E ARE ÜQüidATiNq TO tIhE bARE WaIIs process for endorsing can­ offs. out and found people for didates, according to As­ However, the Judicial my committee who I MERchANcliSE, fiXTURES, CARNETS, COMPRESSOR, sociated Students Elec­ Board decided not to over­ thought would do a good m tions Committee Chair turn the election of greek job. The people I picked Guillermo Martin. ‘To my slate member Cheryl are outspoken, strong- E v E R y m iN q ! knowledge, we don’t have Chang, according to willed people and they & one,” he said, noting that Espinoza. have their own views.” D eaIers weIcome buT IímítecJ to srock on ÍíancI campus organizations or “On Sunday, they had Williams believes the © students wishing to en­ an emergency nighttime selection procedures for 1 st come, 1 st S erve dorse candidates must be meeting,” he said. ‘They the council precludes the noted in a document pro­ decided that Cheryl Chang charge of bias. “I think $ 8 9 C Iass S p e c ía I vided to the hopefuls at would not have to run.” that’s why we have an in­ the onset of elections. The board eventually terview process and appli­ Two USAC members decided to turn the matter cations,” he said. Ferrule: What is the metal band on a pencil that holds the eraser in place, O ' t U I l L Alex.

The AS/UCSB Community Affairs Board presents our sixth annual Volunteer Recognition & Celebration Week May 15th -20th All Programs Are Open To Everyone... If You Are Interested In Volunteering, Please Give Us A Call At 893-4296.

• MONDAY, MAY 15TH • • WEDNESDAY, MAY 17TH • Univesity Leadership Network presents... "Volunteer Opportunities Day" "Building Professionalism Through UCen 2523 • 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Voiunteerism" UCen Mission Room • 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Come find out about volunteer opportunities, agency orientations, one-time volunteer events, and on-campus Community activists Naomi Schwatz, Santa Barbara community service activities through UCSB's Volunteer County 1st District Supervisor, and Marti Coriea-Garcia, Action Center. Students will be available to assist you Garcia Architects Inc, will be joining us to discuss how with matching your needs and interests with the 300+ their contributions to the community through opportunities we have listed. voiunteerism have enhanced and strengthened their professional careers. Co-sponsored by CAB and PWA.

THURSDAY, MAY 18TH "Senior Citizens Nature Tour" "Special People Day” UCSB Campus • 9:45 am -11:30 am Recognizing Individuals in Santa Barbara with Developmental Disabilities Local senior citizens will be treated to a tour of the Storke Plaza • 12:00 noon - 2:00 pm 2000+ trees of different varities located on our beautiful campus. Student volunteers will escort the seniors Individuals with developmental disabilities have during the torn. Dennis Whelan, UCSB Budget & been invited to tour the UCSB campus, hear Michael Planning has volunteered his time to lead the tour. Long from the Department of Developmental Disabilities in Sacramento speak, and view the traveling Best Buddies National Art Show. "Volunteer Recognition & Celebration Week" Awards Ceremony UCen Corwin Pavilion • 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Outstanding UCSB students, staff/faculty, and community non-profit organizations will be honored during this special evening for their dedication and commitment to voiunteerism. Sonya Amos from Volunteers Involved for Pasadena will be our inspirational keynote speaker for the evening.______6 Thursday, May 11,-1995 Daily N<

“Whatever satisfies the soul is truth.” OPINION —Walt Whitman Visited by Sybil Kelly

I picked up my cousin at the bus station on Tuesdc AIL X vlf\NT l b K LTTTUE mind: 1) I was not loaning him any money, and 2) Blasting Away apartment. “God, it is so great to see youl I’m so glad you cou been waiting veiy long. Can you just grab my backp and— I know, all my clothes are in that bag. I’ve bee my mom kicked me out. She’s tripping so hard, she Civil Liberties When I lost my job at Lucky’s — and that was the bes making, like, $12.60 an hour, like $800 a month, anc week to Feed the Children—but when I lost that job me, it took me some time— and, hey, do you smoke < William Yelles was God’s greatest gift to this earth. Our governmei realize th at... look at you, you just grew up.... And ye In the three weeks that have followed the tragic loss of life in ways knew we were alike, even when we were little. I Oklahoma City, much rhetoric has been leveled by the liberal me­ were little? We’re blood, man. Blood. dia and politicians as to who was “responsible” for this terrorist “And now I’m going to be a multimillionaire in tl attack. Apparently, President Clinton and his aides in the sane? We’re going to be like Pearl Jam and sell 6 Wàshington press corps are not satisfied with the knowledge that months. That’s, like, 6 million dollars. Didn’t I tell this heinous crime was committed by Timothy McVeigh and/or drummer and my bassist grew up on the same block some other depraved lunatic. It seems that who is really to blame with Island Records— I mean, as soon as we really { are conservative radio talk-show hosts who, the logic goes, have send it out—because that’s the label that U2 is on, a some sort of Svengalian influence over their listeners, all of my goal is to open up for Pearl Jam on June 26tn in whom, at any given moment, are potentially going to run out and Vedder is so cool. Do you like Pearl Jam? I wrote a soi blow up buildings. believe I’m going to be singing in front of 80,000 peo The past few weeks have shown just how paranoid people can But I can’t wait anymore. NowthatlknowwhatGod become in a short amount of time. While the militias’ fear of earth.... You drive just like I do, playing drums on the America being invaded by the so-called “one-world government” ing to be our first video, me driving around San Fran< is utterly ridiculous, so too are the theories expressed by the presi­ car back — playing drums on my steering wheel and dent and members of the media. It is impossible for some people huh? (singing) “San Francisco / The best city in the to accept that there are always a few nut cases in the world who ful women /A n d beautiful girls....” I wrote that. Pec will commit inexplicable acts of random violence. Rather, these them chills. You want to eat here? There’s a pa individuals don't just act out of their own volition but are driven “I mean, all that time I spent listening to music—ja to madness by a societal phenomenon or influence. In the 1980s, —now I know that I was, like, studying it I can’t beli teenagers were being ordered to commit suicide by listening to for this. We were in the studio for, like, two days stn supposedly Satanic heavy metal music backwards. A few years la­ ing. Although I’ll have to say that, like, Eddie Veddei ter, “increases” in acts of violence were blamed on television, even my music. On my life. Do you know the song rearviei though the amount of violent acts on television was actually at a suicide. Have you even been suicidal? No? It reall] lower rate than during the 1970s. (To paraphrase Geoige Carlin, you can write my articles for Rolling Stone and Mi there were world wars, crusades, invasions, slave trading and able to tell them who I want to write it, and you kno atomic bombs, among other things, long before television.) most people. And I’ll make sure you get, like, a h Now, it seems, the latest media frenzy is surrounding the rapid "Hey, you could be, like, my personal writer, and ji growth of the militia movement. Current conventional wisdom by write my memoirs.... I’ll start sending you tapes — self-proclaimed “experts” and “analysts” is that members of these player? You don’t? You should get one. Maybe yc People will totally want you to write about their mi hind mine is s o ... you know? I’m so glad I’m here wit probably the last time I’ll be able to enjoy my privac; “Although it is not because of any kind with people after my album comes o u t But I already 1 of United Nations conspiracy, there is I worked with him at Lucky’s. I hope I don’t get assas and Bob Marley. Because they were the only other tv some truth to the point that Americans’ who wrote songs with the kind of truth like mine hav Pearl Jam. civil liberties are slowly eroding, as re­ “I can’t believe it took me this long to figure out tin my mission in life. It was, like, prophesied, you kne action to the Oklahoma City bombing mates smoke dope? No? Really? Do you think they n could hook me up? Fuck. All of my pot is in my car - illustrates either, but he wasn’t really stealing it. I think he j “Because, see, check this out: I was going down to groups are not thinking for themselves, but are being encouraged you know who Mudhoney is? It’s Eddie Vedder’s fa' by talk shows and right-wing politicians, fueling their suspicion of lead singer — no, the lead bassist’s ... brother, an< the federal government should go down to Keanu Reeves’ house in Malibi On the contrary, governmental policies and rhetoric of late can And I was, like, NO WAY. This guy knows Keanu I make the public’s blood boil without the help of G. Gordon Liddy DAVE KERMAN/Dxfly Nexus He’s so cool. So we were on our way to go jam wi or anyone else. Although it is not because of any kind of United stopped in Paso Robles, and, like I said, I think he to Nations conspiracy, there is some truth to the point that Ameri­ Clinton and other political leaders should not forget that the cans’ civil liberties are slowly eroding, as reaction to the Okla­ first American Revolution was fought because of taxation without homa City bombing illustrates. representation. Colonists were sick and tired of sending away Shortly after the blast, President Clinton, of course, con­ their hard-earned money to a remote, out-of-touch government demned the act, but then he and numerous members of Congress bureaucracy and getting little in return. As our national debt con­ went on to suggest that such an act could have been prevented tinues to spiral because politicians don’t have the courage to slash had the FBI possessed broader wiretapping and surveillance entitlement programs such as Social Security, more people will S u p p ort 1 powers. A few days later, the president appeared in a national wake up to the fact that when they get older, the money they've television interview on 60 Minutes, opining that if these “danger­ paid into the system won’t be there for them. (Technically, it’s al­ ous” militias could be infiltrated, we could prevent a future ready occurred since trust funds have been repeatedly raided by tragedy from occurring, even though there is still no direct link be­ Congress.) That means younger generations of Americans — in­ Sylvia Luis tween these groups as a whole and the April 19 incident cluding most students on this campus — who will be making up Lesley Stahl, one of the magazine’s hosts, then asked him for the majority of the workforce, will have to shoulder the enormous Almost four years and a hell of a struggle later, I his reaction to militia members’ obsession over the 1993 raid by burden of ridiculously high payroll and withholding taxes. finally got the child support order from the state of federal agents on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, California stating that my daughter’s absent father Texas. The President looked unusually dumbfounded by this no­ While militias are still a fringe group for the immediate future, has to pay child support My first reaction was to tion, expressing that the agents were totally justified in using let­ their anti-government message will continue to gain support as jump for joy, justice had finally been served ... or hal force after cult members already killed four of them. What he long as politicians remain unwilling to react to the runaway deficit had it? failed to mention, though, was that the agents were killed in self- spending and ballooning federal bureaucracy that will ruin our As I read the document I was elated to see thathe defense during an earlier, botched raid. Didn’t David Koresh, de­ quality of life if we’re not careful. The winds of change are defi­ is required to pay the back child support that he spite being perhaps morally reprehensible and one of the world’s nitely in the air, and the results could prove explosive. owes, but my euphoria soon flared into anger as I most pre-eminent nut cases for a time, have a Constitutional right read the fine print. My daughter was bom in 19|>1, to protect his own private property? William Yelles is a Nexus opinions editor. and the District Attorney is only requiring him to pay a total of $7500 in back pay from the year lf93 to the present. I knew that it was too good to De true. The government doesn’t work to help the im­ poverished or seek out justice in any form. D o o n e s b u ry BY GARRY TRUDEAU Being on the welfare system, I signed a form stat­ ing that I would cooperate to the fullest extent with the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s office to assist them in acquiring the child support that the govern­ ment and I both fully deserved. The understanding is that whatever the child support amount comes to it will completely go to the state (as it should!) and then I would get $50 more a month. That was fine with me. I can always use an extra fifty bucks. At first I was so anxious to nail her father and make him pay up to his responsibility — he shouldn’t be able to just take off without ever seeing his kid and get away with it In the beginning I had complete trust in the system and kept surviving on the mere flicker of hope that justice would some day be served. I called the D. A.’s office so much the first couple of years, I think the receptionist had my case Daily Nexus Thursday, May U , 1995 7

. The Reader’s Voice y a Relative Nightmare this news, I gasped. I was speechless. These guys had slan­ dered me. They said I had bet]', >lly Feel His Pain thrown out of the fraternity be­ Editor, Daily Nexus: cause I had choked and raped a Tuesday, with only two things in This is in reference to the Pi this person. , and 2) he was not staying at my Kappa Alpha beating of the When I asked this woman Sigma Alpha Epsilon president who were the ones who would you could meet me! No, I haven’t Hugh Campbell, which make up something like this, she ly backpack? I’ll get the amplifier occurred on April 30,1995. The only told me that they were in . I’ve been sleeping in my car since article was published on May 2, this old fraternity of mine. Still lard, she just doesn’t understand, 1995, titled “Three Greek Resig­ having some contacts inside this is the best job I ever had, too. I was nations Result After Friday house, I asked a member to find >nth, and I still gave eight dollars a Fight” I would like to take the out who was telling these lies ab­ t that job, and Shrin broke up with time to explain why Hugh out me. I told him that this per­ 1 smoke dope? No? You should. It Campbell’s physical pain in­ son should talk with me man to ivernment is just too fucked up to flicted was considerably better man. To this day, this coward — ... And you’re, like, my cousin. I al- than what happened to me as a I said coward — has not come e little. Do you remember when we result of my association with the forward. I doubt that he ever greek system. will. aire in three months. Isn’t that in- First of all, I will preserve So, Hugh, consider yourself ld sell 6 million records in three everyone’s name so that no re­ lucky. That black eye will go n’t I tell you about my band? My ference can be made, in order to away, and those guys, if you te block as me. We’re going to sign protect the innocent. The guilty choose to press chaiges, will be e really get our demo together and parties know who they are so I in tremendous trouble with the 2 is on, and Bono is, like, king. But will not indicate them either. law. I, however, have lost a won­ \ 26th in Golden Gate Park. Eddie The purpose of telling my story is derful woman, and had my char­ rote a song for Eddie... man, I can’t that sometimes greeks or other acter dragged through the mud. I ,000 people. That takes such balls, groups can do much worse would love to change shoes with hat God’s purpose is for me on this things to an individual than you. ns on the steering wheel. That’s go- what some Pikes did to Hugh KEVIN DRISCOLL an Francisco—as soon as I get my Campbell. heel and singing really loud. Cool, I would much rather have ty in the world / We have beauti- been thrown through a plate- Educate Me that. People tell me my music gives glass window and beaten, be­ e’s a parking space. cause I would have had the op­ Editor, Daily Nexus: usic—jazz, classical and Pearl Jam portunity to see who was harm­ This is in response to Alison san’t believe how hard I’ve worked ing me. Not to justify Ward’s response to Charles De- days straight... and all that study- eight-on-one, but it seems to me Flanders’ column, “Domestic e Vedder was a major influence on a person is much more of a man Abuse: A Man’s View” (May 4). I rearviewmirror? It saved me from to come to your face than to ruin First of all, I’ll assume that you ' It really wakes you up, man. But you behind your back. In my are right in saying that he offers ! and Music Scene, because I’ll be LEXI COFFEE/Dmily N en a case, these men slandered and “horrible, demented, warped you know me so much better than defamed my character. They de­ (and unsolicited) advice, as like, a hundred thousand dollars, took off with the girl in my Jetta. But he wasn’t stealing it—I mean, it still had all veloped malicious lies that though he is in a position to er, and just go on tour with me and my stuff in it. But this guy was really fucked up, and I think he was robbing mail­ ruined my reputation. I do not understand, much less remedy, tapes — do you have a mini tape boxes or getting Visa numbers off die Internet or something, because he was ar­ claim to be 100 percent inno­ physical abuse from a boyfriend laybe you’ll become famous, too. rested at Circuit City in Buellton frying to buy stereo equipment with a stolen cent, but fabricating lies is cruel or husband.” I believe this their music, because the story be- credit card. But I have his pager number in Seattle, and anyway, the stuff was for and reprehensible behavior. In would imply that you do under­ t here with you now, because this is me. It’s my car.... feet, it goes against these men’s stand domestic violence against ty privacy, because I’ll be swarmed “I’m not even going to sweat it, though. It’s like I say in my songs, ‘Bud’ and fraternity ritual which states that women, and have some opin- already have a bodyguard. He’s 27. ‘Meditation Is the Key,’ ‘Love is the answer.’ Isn’t that just, so deep? Hey, do they will “ever guard all men and get assassinated, like John Lennon you think that maybe file waitress knows where I can get some pot? But seri­ women’s integrity....” f other two in this world ously, I won’t forget you, even when I’m on tour. You could even start taking The falsehoods that were told nine have. And Eddie Vedder from some notes now if you want, for the Rolling Stone article. That’ll probably be stemmed from what was per­ the first one to come out, because they like to get the new bands right when they ceived rather than substantiated. re out that making music was, like, first become hot. You should start listening to my music really soon. It would An incident that happened to me you know? Do any of your room- probably be good to quote some of my early stuff. I’ll write some of it down for last year involved the campus rik they maybe know someone who you. You know, because I write most of my music off the top of my head — police paying me a visit to this my car— I know. I can’t believe it, that’s how John Lennon and Bob Marley did it. I wonder if Eddie Vedder will fraternity last year. I had been link he just took some bad meth. get assassinated, because he’s so cutting edge. I’m really going to have to watch accused of battery on a woman down to Hollywood with, well, do my back, because a lot of my music is really political. Our government sucks.... who was my girlfriend at the ider’s favorite band. And I met the “Excuse me, Miss? I don’t mean to be presumptuous, but you look like you time. We had gotten into a fight ther, and he was, like, “Yeah, we might know. Do you have any weed? No? Do you know where I could get and began yelling at each other. n Malibu and make some music.” some? Oh, you don’t? You should. Pot was God’s greatest gift to this earth....” Unfortunately, I snapped. I cov­ Keanu Reeves. And I love Keanu. He stayed in a motel. ered her mouth with a firm grasp ) jam with Keanu Reeves, and we and told her to “Shut up!” At this nk he took some bad meth, and he Sybil Kelly is making a triumphant return. moment I felt so bad. I had lost OBI KAUFMANN/Dmily Nenia control of the situation. I just ions on how to remedy the situa­ wanted the noise to stop. I then tion. However, the only advice released her. She yelled at me that you offered was to step aside that the whole relationship was and let women fight their own over and stormed out She then battle. called the police, and they ar­ I suspect that most people, Lacking in Decision rived at the fraternity house. DeFlanders included, honestly They questioned me and ascer­ hope for an end to domestic vio­ tained that I was not a threat. lence, even if they aren’t com­ number memorized. Anytime I would find out any just took the initiative to negotiate solely for the last Nothing legal happened to me pletely up on where the heart of new information the first thing I would do was pick couple of years, completely disregarding the fact and all the charges were the problem lies. I, for one, up a phone and dial those familiar numbers to re- that she was already two years old! Did she not exist dropped. would hate for women to con­ : later, I port the essential data, just as I was instructed to do. during that time? Just because he didn’t have a These so-called brothers tinue being “misrepresented and state of As file years passed the reality of a child support stable job during that time period they are going to watched and did nothing else. misunderstood.” So please write it lather check soon faded as I realized that the state of Cali- be lenient with him? What about Alexis during that None of them, except one, who and educate me and my fellow was to fomia would never pursue the matter with the same time? With formula costing about $10 a pop and a came to me and asked what the males on what exactly the prob­ sd ... or determination and fury that I had burning in my supply of diapers for a week priced at least at $15 commotion was about. The pres­ lem is and why victims of domes­ soul, they have hundreds of other cases to worry ab- per package she definitely had some bills that had ident had the audacity to make a tic violence are misunderstood. ; that he to be covered (along with the high cost of clothing, suggestion for a standards board Also, what do you think males that he food, shelter and the list goes on). review without even talking to should do about the problem, as iger as I “ “ “ “ ^ “ “ The worst part is that I am not even permitted the me. This never happened, but he your previous advice was some­ $50 a month of the allotted back child support for still planned to expel me another what nebulous? Should I re­ himto “What comes around, goes the last two years that I would have gotten if it had way. main silent, and thus risk the im­ been in effect at that time—it all goes to the state of Come this fell, alleged allega­ plication that I don’t care? Idfcfe around, and his irresponsi- California. It is no wonder that welfare recipients tions of hazing came out against Thank you for your reply. theim- bility would come back and abuse die system and make it a permanent solution me, which were false. Neverthe­ JOE MILES in their lives. The welfare system is in a major crisis less, this is what the president rmstat- hit him right in the face because they don’t even know how to make the used to expel me. I was actually program work in a logical manner — make the happy to go. Part of the reason I ¿¡assist years down the road.” deadbeat dads pay from the start! There shouldn’t did not resign from the fraternity The comics ere dim govern- ______be any kind of negotiations in child support; it is a was that I would have had to sac­ landing child’s life we are talking about here. rifice my financial well-being. with changos M o fo omesto When Alexis is old enough to understand what With the fraternity expelling me, ieri; Úarfíeli te i Id!) and happened, I am going to have to be the one to tell all of my monies — including ivas fine o u t After some major soul-searching, I decided to her that her dad left before she was ever bom, and dues, rent and deposit — were Ariete tre getting 1 bucks, gtye up file fight and go on. What comes around, that the state of California aided in the denial of her returned to me. her and goes around and his irresponsibility would come existence during the first couple years of her life by But the point of all this is that back together. Bot \ — he back and hit him right in the face years down the making idiotic decisions like this. The district attor­ about three weeks ago, these in­ irseeing road. ney’s job is to seek out justice and to ensure that it is dividuals had gossiped so much thee there's good et* ng I had The district attorney has the right to make negoti- served, not to help out the criminals and let them that the facts were altered so sig­ iving on ations with the father’s lawyer in court regarding get off easy. As far as I am concerned my daughter’s nificantly that I had become a Bagwood Bumstead, ome day die child support order and what actions should be long- awaited day in the sun just exploded in her rapist! Yes, in feet, a young wo­ missing bis cafpooL the first taken. Nobody asked me, or my daughter, for our face. man who I had been dating, my case opinions and what we thought would be fair. They Sylvia Luis is a Nexus columnist learned at a party of all this. When she confronted me with 8 Thursday, May 11,1995 Daily Nexus

— U ------cording to Alessi. “We have just about EXPAND It’s not going to make it 100 times better, concluded the environ­ but it will be a lot better than it is right mental phase and then we Continued from p.l have to start the archaeo­ according to project man­ now. James Alessi project manager logical stuff,” he said. ager James Alessi. “That can be a very time- “During peak hours the Caltrans ------— n — consuming process.” traffic can get real bad,” he said. “It’s not going to archaeological site within against the project. make it 100 times better, the project vicinity. Local “I don’t think it’s right Although a Caltrans but it will be a lot better tribal concerns must be in­ they dig up anything,” said study states that the pro­ than it is right now.” cluded in the planning Eamestine Sotl, a Chum- ject will not create any ma­ The overhead must be process before develop­ ash representative. “But jor environmental conse­ reconstructed due to con­ ment begins, according to everything is already dug quences, an overt effect re­ crete erosion and neces­ the Caltrans Initial Study, up.” mains, according to Pam sary repair, according to a detailed outline of the Nonetheless, Sotl ap­ Dimbeiger, a senior envir­ Alessi. project available at both preciates the supervision onmental studies major. “The bridges need to be the Central and Goleta of a Native American. “I replaced,” he said. “The Buying? Selling? branch libraries. have qualms if it’s not “Expanding the roads process is such that we can Although construction Chumash-monitored,” he may actually encourage do some maintenance on activities will be witnessed said. “And they must be more vehicles to use that it, but eventually you can’t Advertise in the Nexus Classifieds. by an indigenous people’s proven Chumash.” road instead of finding an stop the deterioration.” Our Ad Office is under Storke Tower, representative as well as The proposed construc­ alternative method of However, the overhead Environmental Planning tion, initiated in 1990, has transportation, for exam­ Rm. 1041, open M-F 8-5. 893-3829 replacement will encroach personnel, some local Na­ only a few steps left before ple, public transportation upon a Native American tive Americans remain it is put into action, ac­ or carpooling,” she said. COUNCIL Continued from p.l The council voted against Oates’ recommen­ dation that several student groups, including the Laughter Club and Star- fleet, receive only $50 of the $150 available to them. Leg Council decided to al­ See D>ck look Dick got d jok lot $150 to each group, as ■for a j o t (a n d look (Xnd tHOV*d ir\t" o Finance Board originally a n d took). an apar+ra-enj*. recommended. The board agreed with Oates’ recommendations that the Isla Vista Youth Project and IVYP Recrea­ tion Program receive more than their original budget allotments. “I based [the increase] on the productivity level and how wisely they used the money,” Oates said. Leg Council tabled ap­ proved of Judicial Council Dick rqqlly nee«is members until they are Dick knew ke'd sav«. D»ck called local pk«ne able to interview the cur­ Soyvxe cask. V*\onfcy wi+k AT&T. Com pan y .t* d ik F o r /|T4 T rent recommended ap­ lonj distance. pointees or until a new list of candidates is provided. J e e k o u , P i c k s u v e s i * the renl *orU tk AMT. BENEFIT AI&T True Savings* AI&T True AI&T D igital AI&T C ordless Continued from p.3 Sullivan, Delta Upsilon Dick is calling everyone Connections®' A nsw ering Telephone 4725 fraternity president. to tell them his new phone Dick moved a lot as a System 1750 See Dick get around his “My plan is definitely to number — especially Jane student, but that was just the Now Dick will get all of his new apartment without have some guys there to He’s saving with AT&T beginning Now he’ll be on important messages — like getting the phone cord help out with the booths,” he said. ‘The stereotypes True Savings? It’s perfect the move and on the road the one’s from Jane They’re snagged. He remembers of the greek system is that for calling anyone, anytime, more than he ever imagined recorded on a microchip — Jane’s number — luckily it is narcissistic and is just anywhere in the US.A. With his 500 number he’ll no tapes to deal with. He the phone remembers 9 doing things for ourselves. He just spends as little as always be in touch with Jane can selectively save and other numbers for him. But we’re doing things to __ $10 a month or anyone else, no matter delete messages, it’s much Plus, there is virtually no better the community and to better ourselves and we > on qualifying where he might be. Plus, safer than his roommate’s static due to AT&Ts take full advantage of Up O calls, to save every time he moves, it’ll selective memory. Best of advanced technology3 that.” ~ ~ 25%. And $50 follow him — to almost all, 3 mailboxes means his lb o rd er- The carnival will be a month anywhere.2 Tbsign up... roommates won’t erase his D ia l 1800-582-5970, underwritten by the Inter- means 30% D ial1800-ATT-1500 messages by mistake.3 e x t. 58 2 0 fraternity Council, accord­ ing to Kutchai. off AT&T basic rates. Best To o rd er- Reg $99.99 “We wanted to have an part — no fees, no lists D ia l 1800-582-5970, Sale $59.99 event at the end of the and no hassles.' e x t. 5 8 2 0 year,” she said. “IFC is Tbsign up... Reg $129.99 sponsoring it. It’s not a D ia ll 800-225-3733 whole week thing, like Sale $89.99 Greek Week. It’s just one day.” ______

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years at UCSB. “It has been a little dis­ PHOENIX appointing, a little aggra­ Continued from p.12 vating,” Phoenix said. sophomore catcher and “With all the potential we team co-captain Dave Wil­ have on the team, we never lis, who has played with really put it all together. Phoenix for three years. Each year there seemed to “On the field, he’s one of be a different factor and I the hardest workers on the thought this year we might team. He always stays after have done it. We were to take extra hitting and coming in with really high fielding.” expectations and so, in Despite his lowered bat­ that respect, it’s been a ting average, Brontsema little disappointing, but isn’t disappointed with it’s still been fun and I’ve Phoenix’s performance still learned a lot.” this season. Early season worries ab­ “The fact of the matter out his position in the is, he’s led our team in runs draft may have lead to scored most of the year Phoenix’s slow start. Since and also driven in a lot of then, however, he has re­ runs,” Brontsema said. laxed at the plate and “We have a stat called runs seems to be more comfort- responsible for, and he’s able with his draft one of our top guys.” prospects. Although Phoenix can’t “I was picked preseason recall his first at bat as a to go between the second Gaucho, he definitely re­ and fifth rounds,” he said. members his second, an “As of late, I haven’t heard opposite field home run. too much. I hope I'm back “It was here and we up there. I hope people were playing LMU. The still realize I have potential count was 2-2.1 swung at a and I hope they go from high fastball outside. Be­ that.” fore, my swing was diffe­ Although Phoenix, a rent—I would have had to biology major and Arthur catch the ball perfectly to Ashe scholar-athlete send it out of here going award winner who aver­ the other way and I just ages between a 3.2 and 3.4 happened to on that one. I GPA, is likely to leave haven’t done it since.” school for the draft, he When Phoenix was a promises that he will re­ freshman at UCSB, he and turn to UCSB to earn his fellow freshman team­ degree next year. mates Jared Janke and “I’ve worked too hard shortstop Zach Elliott all not to continue my educa­ earned All-American hon­ tion,” he said. “I’ve taken ors. The Gauchos ap­ too many classes, too peared to have the nucleus many difficult classes not to put together a mini­ to. If all goes well and I get dynasty, but the team has drafted and play during never finished at .500 or the summer, I’ll definitely reached postseason com­ come back in the fall and petition in Phoenix’s three finish up.”

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Yes! it’s almost time to read the Weekend Connection Every other Friday in the Daily Nexus you’ll find the Weekend Connection— a section that's just bursting with information about dining, drinking, dancing and other fun activities around town. Don’t miss it— coming next Friday! Daily Nexus 10 Thursday, May 11, 1995 CLASSIFIEDS Daily Nexus

FRONT DESK CLERK, 121 L ost* F ound B usinessP ’RS’nals roam hotel; m ust be friendly ft B icycles DO EUROPE Student E.M ,T.s professional w/ computer ft $269 ANYTIME LOST LAST THURSDAY!!! TIRED? Summer Mountain bike must sell $85, customer svc. exp. Apply in If you’re a little flexible, we can Ann Taylor straw bag/ of working 2 or 3 jobs to put Wanted person only: BEST WESTERN Schwinn-Cruiser (nice) $65, help you beat the airlines padcpack w/gym clothes and yourself through echoed. We’ve South Coast Inn - 5620 Calle Internship 10-speed Schwinn, only $39, p rices pair of prescription glasses. got the aolution! Call: U.C.S.B. Real, Goleta. Chrome BMX $65, Tel: NO HIDDEN CHARGES Please call 685-0402 asap. 682-8386 David/Martha 9 6 8 -2 1 3 8 ______Paramedic Rescue GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS Cheap Fares Worldwide Lost somewhere from Phelps TREK 8700 18" Carbon Fiber AIRHITCHtm 800-397-1008 is presently accepting appli­ DEADLINE Hail 2524 to 1521. It’s mid­ H elp W anted Rock Shox Mag 2 1 ,94XT Ra­ Inter- cations for student rescue terms and I’m blind w/o my Quick Money pid Fire Plus, Answer Stem, netAirfaitchftnetcom.com AA Cruise Slips Hiring! Earn Monday. May 15th! g la sse s.______worker positions to assist on av era g e Custm Wheel, $1300 OBO. Big $$$ + Free world travel U.C.S-B.’s Paramedic Ambu­ FREE Video - Learn About a LOST • PAIR OF PRE­ Attend this last Mark 968-2842 (Caribbean, Europe, Hawaii, $40Q/Day Con tiki Summer in Europe! SCRIPTION GLASSES IN lance. Qualifications include workshop to get a etc.) Summer^perm&nent. No Exotic Dancing, Training Just Ask Us! Dean Travel PHELPS 3526 ON 6/5. IF a California Emergency S ports experience nec. Guide. A vailab le summer internship On Campus - UCSB 968-5151 FOUND CALL 562-6265 - Technician Certificate and a 5 6 9 -3 9 2 5 ______. (919)929-4398 ext C1039 strong desire to work in the Thursday, May 11 SPORTS CARDS MUST SELL! One round-trip REWARD.______HELP WANTED ACTORS/MODELS pre-hospital care setting. 4:00-5i30pm 918 State St. 9688108 Sets. airline ticket LA - July LOST: RICOH CAMERA, SAM’S TO GO ft 5772 Cal- Auditions by appointm ent Application deadline is Singles, Boxes, Supplies 5-Aug 15. Can change name/ PICTURES OF HIKING AND lereal in Goleta Now Hiring. Counseling &. Career only for com m ercials, May 14,1995 at 5:00 pjn. O P E N E V E R Y D A Y date $700.00 685-7802 ______INDIAN DANCING. IF films* ft m odeling. All For Tue and Thr lunch time. Services • Rm. 1109 FOUND PLS CALL DAVE typee/agee needed, no ex­ We are anticipating open­ Please leave application ft 893-4418 M otorcycles T yping 9 6 1 -4946 above address.______perience necessary. No fee. ings to begin in June and/or 82 Yamaha Seca 650 looks Accu-W rite Word Process­ Im age (818)222-9091 ______September. Please pick up HELP WANTED THE FEELING LASTS A S pecial N otices good, runs well $950 obo. in g applications at the Rescue CASHIER PART T H ^ LIFETIME volunteers are A SHARP BUSINESS/ Phone Jim 685-0161 $lJS0/pg DS Resum es $10 Office located at the Public IV MARKET 939 EMB. DEL 11AUTO STEAM CLEANING!! MARKETING STUDENT needed to bring hope, encour­ gram m ar/spell/puncft. MAR. START NOW.______94 Vespa T5 Electric Starter Get your carpets and seats loo- WANTED TO RESEARCH ft Safety Building. agement and joy to people who c h k d . w/ Fuel Gauge, Grey Color, king&smelling new again! WRITE OVERVIEW ON 3 INTERN $250/QUARTER are ilL V isit hospital patients quotes avail. For additional information Only 50m. Sacrifice $2800. Pa- Special Deal: 2cars w/scotch BUSINESS TOPICS. FOR EXCITING NONPRO­ as Raggedy Ann & Andy ■ ______9 6 4 -8 1 5 6 ______call us at 893-3928. ger 805-385-0412,8am-6pm. guard $60 evng+w.e. appts 6 6 9 -2 6 7 8 FIT AGENCY ARRANGING 2hrs/ wk. Training provided. COSBY’S SECRETARIAL avl! M atrixx Cleaners If you need this material in an LOCAL - INTERNATIONAL Can 6 8 7 -5 8 0 3______Honda Elite 150 scooter. $1.50/PAGE DS; RESUMES 6 8 3 -0594______alternative format or have a TOURS FOR PEOPLE W/ TRAVEL ABROAD AND Low m iles, great UCSB trana- $ 1 0 BURNED OUT! MODELS special request due to disability, DEV. DISABILITIES. WORK Make up to portation. please contact the Rescue OfficA 42 AERO CAMINO, #103 NEED MORE ENERGY? 9 6 7 -2 8 4 1______$2,000-$4,000+/mo. teaching Runs great! No parking heada- An Equal Opportunity and 6 8 5 -4 8 4 5 ______New all natural herbal pro­ WANTED basic conversational English ches! Affirmative Action Employer. N E E D A SUM M ER JOB? ducts also good for w eight loss. SWIMSUIT CALENDARS Girl Scout resident camp in S. in Japan, Taiwan, or S. Korea. $550 OBO. Call 967-2013. JUST YOUR TYPE Call 682-8386. Martha/David Athletic Women & Men CONTESTANTS WANTED Cal mountains seeks counse­ No teaching background or Asian languages required. Far S ervices O ffered Huge Garage Sale!!! FOR NEW FOX SHOW. lors, WSI, lifeguard, horse­ inform ation call: (206) $1.50/ DS ps. (10 Clothes, toys, records, books, 9 6 1 -2 4 1 1 MAKE $$$$$. CaU TODD back riding staff, RN, good sal­ Assistance With Papers 632-1146 ext J59995 clean bedrm set, roil bar far AVON SALES at (818) 973-2392 ary & roam/board. Great waric­ Grammar, spelling, develop­ min. drive) RE­ Chevy p/u, Qn brasas bed- ing environment. Call ment. Also Tutoring in com­ E arn u p to 50%. Commercial Delivery Driver SUMES TOO! frame n& much more. 7-lpm 564-4848 ext 123. for info. F or S ale position. Call Judy 685-0661. No door to door necessary. Kragen Auto Parts. Must have 5060 San Julio (Off Patterson) Part-time reception/derical ft $ 9 HR.______T Y PIN G / CON­ Ind. Rep.1-800-333-1383 d e a n d riv in g record - n e a t a p ­ 3 Page and Plant tickets (next am. S.B. mfg. co. Good SULT ALWAYS LA CUM BRE YEARBOOK pearance. P/T (tick up apps. in to each other) fir May 17, at GRANTS & SCHOLARSHIPS communication/customer ser­ APPLICATIONS DUE MAY Cashiers for Hollywood Bowl store 55 So. La Cumbre S.B. the LA Forum. $80 each. ARE AVAILABLE. BIL­ ON TIME, RUSH vice skills. Computer know­ 12th Restaurant in Los Angeles, 646-0311 evenings______LIONS OF $$$ IN FINAN­ DAY CAMPS serving Conejo ledge, typing, filing. 15-20 hrs. WLCM Ph/ Fax 893-2386 SPEAK WITH nights June 3-end of Septem­ CIAL AID. CALLTOLL FREE ft San Fernando Valleys, Simi, Knowledge of mktg/ad helpful. A -l MATTRESS 898-9533 KEVIN ber. 4-6 nights a week. Previ­ 1-800-AID-2-HELP. Camarillo, ft Malibu seek fun Fax letter or resum e568-0501. SETS ous cashiering prefTerred. caring counselors ft in­ Twin sets $79, Full Sets $99, tereos 5.25 + gratuity Call PROFESSIONAL PHOTO­ M eetings S P ersonals structors for sports, nature, Queen sets $139, King sets GRAPHER SEEKS NEW 213-851-3588 ______horseback riding, crafts, $ 1 5 9 , HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Environ­ SPEAKERS PLAY THERAPY MODELS. M ale/ Female, Pro/ Catalina Island Camps seek swimming, gym, song leading, 9 6 2 -9 7 7 6 mental Studies 25th anniv. New 3 way Fluidcoded 12” Instruction and Training Non-pro, for upcoming ses­ Boys Cabin Counselors; Arts fiahing/boating, ropes courses 909 De La Vina celebration May 13, Sat 10-4, woofs pd $650 sell pair far 4 week course sions. Fashions, commercial, ft Crafts, Waterski, Archery & more. Now interviewing Buch Hall. Came and discover $500 call 685-3720 PLAY THERAPY CLINIC theatrical. Call for Appoint- Instructors. 6/21 - 8/22.19 yrs (818) 865-6263______how far ES has come, FREE!! 5 4 9-9600______ment. 818-986-7933 ______R esumes ft 1 yr. college. Salary ft room/ FAST FUNDRAISER-RAISE 1984 HONDA ACCORD 4dr RESHAPE NOW! LOSE Servers far Hollywood Bowl board Call 310-410-7688. $500 IN 6 DAYS-GREEKS ravel WEIGHT FEEL GREAT, I Gourmet Restaurant in Los w/ac dean $2000 obo phone T Just Resumes 569-1124 Childcare needed for Sept. GROUPS, CLUBS, MOTI­ 6 6 3 -1 8 5 6 . R esum es LOST 301ba IN 90 DAYS. UN­ Angeles, nights June 3-end of CABO SAN LUCAS; Beach­ Tues thru Fri 2:30-5:30-6:00. VATED INDIVIDUALS. Cover Letters Papers CONDITIONAL 30 DAY MO­ Septem ber. 4 -6 n ig h ts a w eek . 94 Cavalier RS 2dr Coupe front Resort w/dub privileges, Responsible .and energetic. FAST, EASY-NO FINAN­ W ritten Designed Printed NEY BACK GUARANTEE Previous serving required. Auto air cassette abs 10700 mi walk to downtown, sleeps 4, Call Lynda 569-1923, CIAL OBLIGATION (800) M.C/Visa IDay Service 5 6 8-5962 Can 213-851-3588 u n d er w arr. $ 9 9 7 5 $130Q/wk neg. 310-459-2280. 9 6 8 -7 2 5 0 775-3851 EXT.33 5 6 3 -1 8 6 2 Student Discount

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2Bdr APTS. Avail At 6754 ST OCEAN FRONT Del Playa, 2M or F needed 2 share rm in Room & Brd exch for flex, W anted & 6 7 0 5 P A S . Do You Want a New 3br/ 2bth, private deck on6500 lrg 3 bdr apt 4 ammr. Clean, cooperative, caring person. Summer-$500-550,9 or 12 Mo Color T.V., VCR or Mock. Laundry, pkg: $2370, vaulted ceilings, dswshr, pvt Support people w/ dev dis in Largest Library of Information in U.S. GREATFUL DEAD TICKETS Leases'Starting At $104Q/Mo. -Rick 961-8464______their homes. VM: 961-2021 19¿78 TOPICS - ALL SUBJECTS Microwave? bath, lot parking, washing ma­ Oder Catalog Today with VtsafMC or COO NEEDED1 May 20th show in SFM 685-4506 ______Oceanside 6701 DP #B chine, paid utilities. Avail We have spacious, clean S u b l e a s e s Vegas Preferably Call 2 Bdrm 1 1 /2 B a th 7 7 5 - m on th 3Bd 3Ba $2400/mo dean 6/19. RENT $240, MUST SEE 1 800-351-0222 562-5875 Ask for Easy-E & quiet 2bd 1.5ba 685-9493 Lv message.______or (310) 477-8226 Year Lease Laundry Fum. 1 yr, lease-July 1 1 Female subleaser wanted O , rush $2.00 to: Research Assistance 6548 Cordoba Ventura ENter- Townhouses. Laundry & Call Charles 818-996-4536 2 m a le or 2 fem a les n eed ed for 6522 B Del Playa. Close to 11322 Idaho Awe., #206-RR p rises 968-4614 Los Angeles, C A 90025 Free Parking ON THE BEACH, Next to 9 5 -9 6 yr to s h a re a 4 b d 2 ba on campus. Share roam $275 per 6600 blk D.P. lOw ReNt and month June - September. 2 Bdrm 2 Bath Apts. 800-850 campus. Townhouse, 3BD Congratulations D.G. Pledges. French Quarter Apts. gReAT Oceanview Call 9 6 1 -9 9 6 9 ______per month year lease fum 2BA + Study Rm. Views of Get Excited for initiation! You 961-9304!______laundry 6632Abrego. Ventura 6643 Abrego Rd. A-3 Campus Point and ocean. 6503 4 Subletters 4 Summer Jun - g u y s a re th e BEST! Enterprises 968-4614 ______685-1154 D.P. 685-0559______A GREAT HOUSE! Close to Sep. Fum. Spacious 2BD 1BA campus. Pkg, laundry, vball Laundry / Pkg. Close 2 Cam­ 2 Bdrm 2 Bath apt 1000-per der. May you all rest in Peace. COOLEST PLACE IN IV bball. M roommate needed, pus. $225 OBO 961-8206 month, year lease fum. great PRIME ISLA We’re looking forward to to­ 2BR/ IRA WITH LARGE $350. Call 685-0525______CALL 2DAY!______location 6549 Pardall #1 Ven- LOFT, GREAT YARD. V I S T A night. Love, Theta tura Enterprises 968-4614 $1150/ mo. INCLUDES Own Room w/walk-in closet & Good Living priv bath in Ellwood House. Srusicians W anted 2 Dplx’s: Upstairs units. Avail GAS, TRASH, WATER, PROPER­ Huge room in spacious AND GARDENER 563-9789 Sublet 4 summer & possible 11/2 Bdrm 1 Bath Apt 700 - 4 June. 3 bd/2Ba priced ac­ TIES FOR 4Br/2ba Hs. off Cath Oaks. rent 4 95-96 yr. Call April PRACTICE STUDIO for band/ per month year lease laundry cording 2 # of roommates, (3,4 DUPLEX 3Bdr IBath Left At Nice dean *mates. w/d, FP, 9 6 8 -1 3 1 2 ______storage, huge safe room, no film . 6632Abrego #5. Ventura or 5). Call 685-0508 ______6610 ST #B 5 Tenants Max For Bkyd w BBQ. Must see! time limitations sink, bath- RENT NOW! SUB LEASER needed for Jun. Enterprises 968-4614 2 M/F needed to share huge rm Only $1600/mo. Laundry, 430/mo + util roora, doset, 965-9820,______Yard & Parking. SFM Vista CALL 683-8771/893-4349 MIKE to Aug. contract $350 per 1BDRM DUPLEX QUIET in g r e a t b ig h o u se on T rigo for month to share an oceanview DEI Mar 685-4506 ROOMMATE WANTED! E ntertainment AREA LOT WINDOW CRVD J U D I T H - room 6663 Del Playa 685-1178 Share a dean and Spadoua 1 PRKG EXTRA STORAGE VERY NICE NO LAST MO. Duplex 4BD 2BA yard, dryer, a sk fo r John ROBERT PLANT AND CLOSE BEACH & UCSB washer, Quiet IV, off st park, 683-0693 BR apt. with most utiL paid, RENT, $1396 JUNE 16 FREE Subleasers Wanted for 6519 JIMMY PAIGE TICKETS. CALL 966-2360 AVL JUNE LAUNDRY 968-6868 Well Maintained. Call Patty. pvt. pkg. A laundry facila. in a RAD!! SEATS FOR MAY 16 682-9889 »I860 mo. QUALITY 4 BDRM peaceful environment Call Seville #6. Close to campus & 1 BDrm 1 BAth apts CALL 885-3015 ASK FOR Marie. 685-3484.______beach. Clean and well kept 500-575/month 10 month & Duplex townhs OK 5 tenants 2BTH MATT NEW/NEWER EVERY­ Krigt*w or K atie 968-2867 year leases. Laundry, fura. OLIVE TREE Wd pnl LR, frplc $1450mo 1st/ Live in the co-op. No landlord. THING, DISHWASHER, 6548 Cordoba. Ventura Enter- lst/sec. yr lease starts June 25, Partially furnished. Opt. meal reek essages APARTMENTS C L O SE T S , G A L O R E , P R IV . G M prises 968-4614______6 6 6 0 A & B T rigo. G o s e e , C all plan. Smmr. $190 Shared, 310 Strip-oh-Grams Now tenting for 1995-96 Y A R D , B A R -B -Q , E N G L ISH Julie 565-1332______single rm. Fall $250 Shared, BETA SPRING OPEN M /f Exotic Dancers 1 Bd apts-spacious. Near ;e 2 bedroom 2 bath GARDEN 965-4886______$435 Single. Call 685-6964. Featuring the Tearaways, S in g in g T e le g r a m s UCSB, dean, 2 parking; & •EDUCATION HAS FOR ITS FuHyfarnUhei Q U IE T A P T S . F O R R E N T Jimmyztimes & D’jango Belly Dancers 966-0161 laundry. 1 yr lease. Av 7/1. OBJECT THE FORMATION 6587 CERVANTES ST. Friday, May 12,8-12pm $625 month, $625 dp. OF 14-lBDR’a, 759 EMBARCAD­ 9 6 8 -7 2 5 0______Pool, Bar-B-g, Tree* CHARACTER.* -SPE N C E R ERO DEL MAR 6-lBDR'a Laundry, parking STUDIO PLAZA APTS. 1 Bdrm 1 Bath Apts. 575-625 $555.00 PER MO. 10MO. ______9 6 8-8555______per month 10 month & year On-site manager* LEASE SEPT. 1 TO JUNE 30. leases. Laundry Fum 6632 P escad ero FREE RENT 1 mo. 4bd 2ba 2 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS. Abrego Ventura Enterprises house + garage. Nice yard, GROUNDS LIT ALL NITE. OAI CAKE 9 6 8-4614______le a s e s l a u n d r y w / Parking on property A at. 1 Bedroom apt very dean, 8 5 0 wash&dry,parking for 6, PREPAID LAST MO. RENT & The RAGE from San Francisco pet considered. 12 mo. SECURITY DEPOSIT ONLY. parking, laundry avail. 2blks Just (1.25 for a lowfat, from UCSB-available June 21, le a s e 2 1 0 0 /m o 7 /9 5 5 6 8 -4 8 5 2 No fur bearing anímala July 1st and Sept 1st. $600. 6 8 7 -8 1 5 3 ______3 Tenants Only At 6589 Pi­ FURNISHED 3BDR 2BATH high-protein, really delicious, 876 Embarcadero del Mar casso. 2Bdr IBath For At 6609 ST #1,4 Tenants Max Quality one bodrm apta with 6559 Cordoba 965-8662, hockey puck-shaped cake thing $750/Mo. Laundry & Parking, Far Only $1350/mo. VERY n ew k itch en s a n d b a th s. $576. 965-1311 lve. msg. Dead End Street SFM VDM Cloee to Campus, Laundry, O nly 5 le ft 6 6 9 7 T rigo R d. M gr 1 BR NICELY FURN CLEAN 6 8 5 -4 5 0 6 ______Parking SFM VDM 685-4506 9 6 8 -0 2 5 3 ______TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK! APT IN STUDENT BLDG 6560 Pardall Rd. • 685-1134 4 BDRM 2 .5 B a th h o u se in r e ­ FURNISHED 1 BDR APTS At Room for rent in Goleta heme: LAUNDRY, PKG AVAIL You May Soon Be Hooked! sidential IV many skylights, 6611 TVigo A 6639 Picaaao 9 or laundry, near ahopping/bike Next to Sam's JUNE & SEPT - LARGE! 850 indoor garden w/(ree. Priv. 12 Mo L ea ses From $ 5 2 6 SFM path, big backyard, cable, all CAM PESC 967-7795, yard 2500/mo Lease avail Vista Del Mar 685-4506 utilities paid. $350 mo. Avail- 6 8 8 -6 8 4 2______June 15. 685-2212 ______GOLETA TOWNHOUSE able now. 649-5189 Shane. 2BD/1BA Apts 12mo. lease, 5 Bd 3 Ba House in I.V. 7 or 8 4 BED 2.5 BATH Studio Apt Residential IV near campus, beach, IV shops. people $2775. 685-5909 PRIVATE YARD. very quiet kitchen, bath, up­ $880/ma 6510 Madrid, see 2 CAR OARAGE stairs atandup bdrm left $575 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE mgr in apt #2 or call 685-6723 6506 SABADO TARDE- ______7 3 3-6318______includes utilities non amoke lb r /lb a 2 BDR1BATH APTS AT 6559 6 8 5 -2 2 1 2 ______Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe Great location, dean, sharp G R E A T L O C A T IO N l & 6561 ST. Summer- $500/Mo. parking- $550/mo GOLETA NORTH TOWN- Studio w/ kitchen, both, W/D, A C R O S S 4 Casts out 3 8 H a d a 54 “— Easy”: 9 & 12 Mo Leases Avail Start­ 969-4276 Pete or H O U S E . 2 b d r m , 1 1 /2 b a th . yard, pkg. $650/ mo. 930 Ca­ 1 Bridal month 5 Play it again H a m m e r” Buddy Holly ing At $850/mo SFM VDM D/W, refrig, pool, laundry mino Corto Call Bill 968-1698 5 Furnish with a 6 Lloyd Webber 41 Stay informed tu n e 6652 Sueno- 3bd/2ba 6 8 5-4506______bed. Pvt. Pkg, dose to n e w c r e w o p u s 42 City on the spacious, dean, and sharp THESE WON’T LAST 5 5 D a u n t 2BDR IBath At 6657 Abrego shops and much more! 2bd/2bth apta in ultra quiet/ 10 Alphabet run 7 B ill o f ta re M o h a w k 56 Shopworn parking- $1800/mo Only 5 mins, to UCSB! Only $900. Laundry Inside 969-4276 Pete or Linda dean bldg. Lg closets, balcony 14 Strong as — 8 Agassi of tennis 47 Pisces’mo. 57 Shipping «85-1850 or 686-348«. Apt SFM VDM 685-4506 on patio/lndry/perk. 12m th • 1 5 “— k n o w th a t!” 9 Japanese- 49 Place for a llo w a n c e 9 MONTH LEASES ONLY 2 2 Bd 2 Ba apt New Carpet, G rea t 2 B d/2 B th A p ts. N e x t to $875/. 820 Camino Corto 16 Corridor American a lo a f 58 “Right on!" Bd & 1 Bd Apts. Next to cam­ Campus A Beach. Assigned 9 6 8 -9 4 7 5 ______D/W, Microwave, Sink, Coun­ pus. Assigned Parking, Laun- 17 Thin tuft 10 Spassky’s 51 H e m s in 59 Switch chaser parking, laundry. 6515 Sa- tertops, Stove & Refrigerator dry. Kamap 683-5866 ______This House w ill have plush, lu­ 1 8 C h e e s e game pieces 52 Code of 60 Counterfeit bado Tarde, 6518/6520 El w/ icemaker $1360 Call Dean cí ous new carpet b/4 you move c o v e r in g s 11 C o n d e m n c o n d u c t c o in Nido. Kamap Property Man­ Brunner 685-5904 A Great Find! in 3 bd/2ba w/ sunny yards, 19 Thompson 12 Tars'patron 53 Sacred song 64 Greek letter Xtra lrg 2 Bdr townhouae, agement 683-5866 2 Bd 2 Ba TOWNHOUSE - garage & mere. Q uiet end o f IV o f T h e s a in t ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: Frat & Back Patio. 4 Pkg c lo se to U C SB , b each. 6 6 6 6 S a- HARDWOOD FLOORS At yet dose 2 beach Please call Remains...” 13 Diamond defect bado Tarda »1,685-2888 Spaces. New D/W $1280 6659 Abrego #A 2BDR IBath 685-0508 Nowl______20 Prognosticator’s 21 Sumptuous For Only $900 Avail Mid July 685-5904______ALL UTIL PAID At 6666 Pi- UNDISCOVERED DUPLEX: prediction, m e a l SFM Vista Del Mar 685-4506 2Bd/2B th Apts, at 796 Embar­ easao. One BDRS For Big Lawn, Lots of Parking, 2 p e r h a p s 22 Part of ITT cadero del Norte (Carriage $520/Ma Lndry A Parking. HOUSE AT6740 Pasado 2Bdr storage rooms A super dean. 3 23 M iss Horne 25 Particular SFM VDM 685-4506 ______1.5 Bath, New Yard, Paint, House) Newly-remodeled Bd/2Ba for 5.685-0508 24 One, in c u s to m New Fence Only $1400/Mo Must See! Laundry, Assigned BEAUTIFUL FURN 2 BR UNIQUE PROPERTY: com­ D ü s s e ld o r f 26 Aviator Balbo CHECK IT OUT! SFM VDM Paxking. lis t of Avail. U nits 9 QUIET AREA OF IV LARGE pact 1 bedroom dplx w / lg yard. 25 — snag: bogs 2 7 S a y in g office. Kamap Prop. Mgmt 6 8 5 -4 5 0 6 ______APT HUGE KIT LAUNDRY, Unf. so decorate to suit your d o w n n o th in g 6 8 3-5866 PARKING AVAIL JUNE How about a large 2 Bd/2 Ba needs Call 685-0508______28 Despotic rulers 29 Island off 967- 7796 OR 688-6842 apt. with yard or ocean view, 4 S u b lea sers 4 sum m er *95 3 2 O n e — tim e V e n e z u e la balcony? Sound good? Many Jun-Sep. Fum 2BDR/ 2BA BRIGHT SUNNY util. paid. Call 685-0508 33 Shrimp dish 30 Less common la rg e roam s, p arkin g, laun dry. 39 Part of QED 31 British guns YARD! IV Duplex 6610 Sabado Tarde, $225 OBO 685-5612______40 Michael J. Fox 34 — Cob, Conn. CHARMING 2BDR 1 BA 6/16/95,3BR 1 BA $1600 Re­ m o v ie 35 ABA member FURNISHED DUPLEX W. cent remodel, laundry, fenced R o o m m a t e s LAUNDRY, OFF- STREET yard, off-street parking, gar­ 43 Courtman 36 Current abbr. PARK ING . YOU’LL LOVE IT! deners. 569-5955 or 685-4506 1 F NS roommate needed to N a s ta s e 3 7 E n e r g y 1180/ MO FOR 12 MO, 1250/ sh a re room in la r g e 2B D / 2B A 4 4 C e a s e l 5 / 1 1 / 9 5 MO FOR 10 MO. NO PETS. fur. apt. Will go fast. Call IV Phone Home 45 Actor Kingsley 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 ASAP Mirella 961-8423 9 t o 11 12 13 9 6 8 - 00 8 9 ______about this incredibly priced 46 Ojibwa emblem 3bd/2ba condo for 179k. Patio 5 CHIMNEY SWEEP 1 F needed far 95-96. DP apt, 48 Construction 14 & garage an greenbelt. Gail APARTMENTS oceanside, huge room, 5 nice b e a m s 15 16 Skyview 17 F u m /U n fu rn 2 B dr 1 .5 B A , pa­ Crook agent. 687-759L roommates. $370.0Q/mo Call « WHY RENT WHEN YOU 5 0 S u m m o n Luxury Apts. tio, laundry. $900-$1000. $200 Beth or Jill 961-9469.______19 C A N OW N.______5 3 T y p e o f ty p e 20 21 22 Disc Jul/Aug. 775 Camino Del "..Skyview goes the extra 1 NSF Needed 95-96 to share 55 Horse racing JUST A FEW LEFT 95-96 len g th to m a ke su re th e ir S u r 9 6 8 -8 8 2 4 ______dean + quiet 2BR duplex w 3 23 24 Last chance far large lbdr e v e n t residents are happy. I have CLEAN 2BDR 2BATH APTS o th er g ir ls $ 3 1 0 m o. in c w a ter, walk-in-closet $595. 2bdr 61 PDQ's relative 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lived in Isla Vista fo r 3 at 6519 ST. Summer, 9 or 12 tr a sh , f t i r a . parking + yard. 2bath $995 good location off st 62 Perlman and y ea rs a n d / can h o n estly sa y Mo Start At $1040/Mo. SFM Call Stacy 685-0407______pkg, ln d ry - M gr to ta k e ca re o f n a m e s a k e s 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Skyview is by fa r the best Vista Del Mar 685-4506 needs 968-6168 1 NSM ROOMMATE 63 Stanley ■ place to live...” WANTED FOR SUMMER, to 40 41 4 2 CLOSE TO CAMPUS Up­ OWN ROOM DOWNTOWN G a r d n e r C o ry Harrison, Resident share a huge, totally fum ., one stairs 2Bdr 2Bath, Downs­ in large 2 bedroom home 65 Goose egg 43 4 4 br. apt. in I.V. $250/mo free tairs, HUGE 3Bdr 2Bath, $450/mo. mo to mo lease. Close 66 Touchtone ■ water & trash. Clean and 45 Ask About Our: Laundry At 6512 Seville. to State St A S.B. County 46 47 46 4 9 Quiet. 961-4882 predecessors 2Bdr-$980/m o, 3Bdr- Bowl. 511 B. Anapamu. Also ■k Best Price Guarantee 67 Soundly defeat 50 51 52 53 54 $1560/mo. SFM VDM $225/mo to share ava. Call 2F NEEDED to share a roam i t New Low Rates 68 Genesis scene 6 8 5 -4 5 0 6______in a 3 Bdrm apt. on DP 95/96 9 6 5 -0 8 6 8______6 9 N e rd 55 56 57 58 59 60 ■k Summer Rentals Somewhat neat easy to get (starting at $545/Month) CLOSE TO CAMPUS 6505 LARGE 1 BDRM, light & airy, 70 Jnana, bhakti Pardall, Laundry On Pre­ along with. Call Heather 61 63 64 k 10 Month Leases 1 blk to UC & bch, off st park­ a n d k a rm a mises, 2BDR 2Bath Only ing, storage, bike rack, 5 unit, 5 6 2-8342______“ ■ 65 i 66 67 k 1 Year Leases $920/Ma SFM VISTA DEL new carpet 683-4467 2MF needed to share Own BIG (starting in June or SepL) DOWN MAR 685-4506 ______Rm DP Oceanside B est view in LARGE B D R S A t 6 6 5 6 Sueno. 68 70 IV, Clean, laundry, Parking, 1 C h a tte r CLOSE TO CAMPUS at 6527 3BDR 2Bath Laundry, Park­ - Big Deck, Subletters for Sum­ 2 Troop group Abrego El Greco,9 or 12 mo Leasee, ing, NICE NEW Front Yard By Thomas W. Schier mer If Needed 350.00 3 S n a c k 0 1995 Los Angeles Tfanes Svndkatt 5 / 1 1 / 9 5 $520-$S 70/m o, A lso 2B D R F or for Only $1800/ma SFM Vista Garden Apts. 9 6 8-6802______3 Only, SFM VDM 685-4506 Del Mar 685-4506______"The management staff at Room for rent, large house, CLOSE TO CAMPUS 2Bdr 2 LARGE SUNNY 2BDR the Abrego Gardens has great location, sundeck, wash/ Full Bath at 6517 Trigo. Laun­ 2BA TH A PT S AT 6 5 5 2 A 6 5 5 8 been helpfid and pleasant to dry, parking $35Qfaio to share. dry A Paxking $940/mo Avail Segovia. 9 or 12 MO Leases ta lk to. A n y m aintenance Call Amy or Sierra 685-1556 • \ For Summer A 9 Mo Also. SFM Start At $1000, Summer-$550 HOMEMADE requests were responded to Vista Del Mar 685-4506 SFM 685-4506 ______OWN ROOM! M needed NOW in a timely and efficient LARGE 1 BDRM APT. in dean 95/9 6 . n ice h o u se in GOLETA. m a n n e r...” QUIET 1BDR APTS At 6581 NO-OH A quiet bldg. NICEI Ap­ Furn/w shr/dry r/FP/B Y d/ HUMMUS Trigo, Summer, 9Mo A 12Mo Damon Brown, Resident DvWy/cool mates. Only pliances, fum. track lighting, Leases Avail. Summer-$350, $285/mnth. Call Ross $1.501/2 PINT ceiling fans, rsvd. covered $525-$540. SFM VDM LOWFAT 685-3484 685-3974/Liz 961-9967 parking. 968-7928 6 8 5 -4 5 0 6 m t ' & îtrtM rr.prr % West. nior Stacy Atwood was was of Big Pitcher West Atwood named Stacy nior Pa­ ju­ Jose San State, cific the and of University the against hitting her accomplishments for week last Player of citation Week the hon­ been has player ball ored as the best of the Big the of best the as ored soft- UCSB a week, cutive Atwood Earns Big West Honors for Second Straight Week Straight Second for Honors West Big Earns Atwood because of the way he he way the of because because just “Not said. Fer­ rer him,” admire respect or didn’t him that team­ a mate had ever have to Phoenix out of high high of school. out recruited — Phoenix year man fresh­ Phoenix’s sema after current by replaced was ras epe Tees no There’s people. treats but ability athletic tiie of Head Coach Bob Bront- Bront- Bob Coach Head who — Ferrer A1 Coach ue felt” I sure I it, on back think I when remember how much pres­ much how Even remember life. my in make to I’ve had hardest the was worked hard on my educa­ on hard worked “I’d said. he college,” go to pretty had I and low, was Phoenix for tough was decision [choosing UCSB] [choosing decision to wanted do. and for pared pre­ was I thought I thing my some­ was of college so life, most and school throughout high in tion to planned always much of universities to attend attend to universities of a not was college attend to Tigers’ offer the up pass to difficult says.’” That’s when I thought, thought, I when That’s said. he experience,” great June, Phoenix has actually actually has Phoenix June, or as good as everyone everyone as good as or enough good I’m 'Maybe flattered. very was “I ri Tigers. troit De­ of the pick round 37th Grossmont of out senior a As drafted. been already by by third-team a named was east of , he was a he was of Diego, east San Cajon, El in School High this draft baseball teur ama­ the of rounds top the preseason All-American All-American preseason 210-pound to invitees 64 of one was nior season, the 6’2”, 6’2”, the season, nior ju­ his to Prior Florida. in fall USA trials Baseball the Honorable an named was program. olgae Baseball Collegiate by All-American Mention he re­ freshman, a As has ceived. Phoenix many of at Braa baseball Barbara Santa Wynter in a the rising star Phoenix, fielder right nior UCSB Although ous photo was Gaucho ju­ Gaucho was enorm­ photo ous an with page the 150, gracing below ranked season. 1995 the for teams of all Division I baseball baseball I Division all of I After her Big West Field Field Big West her After o te eod conse­ second the For “I find “I it find Former UCSB Head Head UCSB Former “Having to make that that make to “Having offer first “[Detroit’s] Although the decision decision the Although “Being drafted was a a was drafted “Being Certain to be drafted in in drafted be to Certain one only was 'Hie honor aeal America. Baseball n January of this year, year, this of January n published its ranking ranking its published aeal Weekly Baseball one, the selection selection the one, difficult left-hander left-hander for was was and and him

gis NS, helping NMSU, against six up gave only Atwood award twice in one season. one in twice award hits and struck out nine nine out struck and hits New over lead Barbara to Santa 0 shutouts of tossing pair week, last over the 3-1 went native lif., Gaucho has earned the the a earned time has first Gaucho the It marks Monday. on Week the Mexico State on Friday. Friday. on State Mexico streak of his career, raising career, of his streak he then, Since runs. home four just with .200 below batting was Phoenix ago, a just few season weeks the has gone on the hottest hottest the on gone has in point one At at numbers. seasons his of three has bom, was he which Santa Barbara to post big big post to Barbara Santa all in starts slow overcome never been the prim a a prim the been never comes from the season in in season the from comes on type.” donna he’s at all and ego involved Junior right fielder W inter Phoenix has clubbed a career-high 1 0 home runs in runs home 0 1 career-high a clubbed has Phoenix inter W fielder right Junior atrhtigol iei speiu tosas combined. s n so sea two previous is h in five only hitting after 5 9 9 1 h L Cecna Ca­ Crescenta, La The Wynter, whose name name whose Wynter, was very sm art,” said said art,” sm very was and her pitch selection selection pitch her and UCSB Head Coach Liz Liz Coach Head UCSB something, I start to turn it turn to I start something, omn o e pitches. her of command on,” Phoenix explained. little a explained. been has “This year Phoenix or on,” month magic my be Kelly. “She had pinpoint pinpoint had “She Kelly. htu wn, -, -. ' 2-0. 4-0, wins, shutout season. complete game six-hitter Titans. the six-hitter over game complete Cal #3 beat to later hours that whether March, come then and start, slow a had reach that plateau that that plateau that reach State Fullerton 2-1 in a a in 2-1 Fullerton State UCSB gamer a pair of of pair a gamer UCSB more campaign, he batted batted he campaign, more .300, the only Gaucho to to Gaucho only the .300, batted Phoenix round- season, 10 his with go 35 wie n i sopho­ his in while .315, freshman his In trippers. his average to over .260 to to .260 over to average his “She hit the comers, comers, the hit “She tod ae ak 18 back came Atwood “The last two years, I’ve years, two last “The h stretch. the 1.06 ERA in posta to three bat­ 18 out striking while ters. She walked only only walked She ters. only four runs on 18 hits, hits, 18 on allowing runs four only innings, 26Vi when she has her focus focus confidence.” her and has she when serving,” Kelly Kelly serving,” “Stacy is hard to stop stop to hard is “Stacy when talking about Phoe­ about talking when nix is the dedication and and dedication the is nix coaches and teammates of words the through runs n n ofte field. the off and on both in puts he work hard we games have.” four next for the goals major have ally drought, but I still person­ I still of but drought, period extended more ult idvda, said individual,” quality Overall, Atwood threw threw Atwood Overall, Se s eiiey de­ definitely is “She A recurrent theme that that theme recurrent A “Off the field, he’s a real real a he’s field, “Off the e PONX p.9 PHOENIX, See Mihe Cadilli C ichael —M added. added. h oe am o h NBA. the of arms open the institutions that gave them a free education and into into and education free a them gave that institutions the from away walk stars young top its watch to tinue RRI M IW R IR utmlindla cnrcs te CA il con­ will NCAA the contracts, multimillion-dollar illegal, the threat of a rookie cap in the near future is future near doubtful. the in cap rookie of a threat the illegal, olciebrann gemn,ad ic h vet­ is cap the salary their since that prove to trying and are players eran agreement, bargaining a collective to without due operating However, NBA is currently the that fact the basketball. high- pro of the by lured contracts are priced that players young of amount salary cap in an effort that it hopes will reduce the the reduce will hopes it that effort an in cap salary professional baseball, which prohibits teams from from teams prohibits which baseball, professional a freshman that will provide as much as Stackhouse did. Stackhouse Wallace as and much as provide will that freshman a while only donating the naturally gifted skill they they skill gifted fee no naturally for the college donating attend only to while opportunity the given drafting players before they have served three years years three served have they before players drafting of that to similar a policy is if adopts now in and NBA steps the them to given are that headaches the spared All-Americans in his starting lineup. With the major­ the With lineup. two of starting his in spots the All-Americans fill to try and tricks of bag glorified possess. are individuals Very few other they? But aren’t sional. with­ commitment five-year a of out walk individual (which includes redshirt years, if applicable). if years, redshirt includes (which ity of the “blue chip” players already committed to to finding time difficult a committed have will Smith already schools, other players chip” “blue the of ity early would argue that college sports are not profes­ not are sports college that leave argue who of athletes would early the Supporters punishment out h bto o h Suhatr Conference. Southeastern the of bottom the enjoyed has he where NBA the to skills raw his took only moderate success, while LSU has slipped near near slipped has LSU while success, moderate only nu­ a with powerhouse SEC an building was he that Shaquille O’Neal. Jackson believed otherwise, and and otherwise, believed Jackson O’Neal. named Shaquille center young powerful a and of Jackson cleus loss of point guard Chris Jackson (Mahmud Abdul- Abdul- (Mahmud Jackson Chris the by guard decimated point of loss program his seen has Brown Dale Coach Head LSU notoriety. and publicity ages lost in veteran point guard showed as Cal did not even re­ even not did Cal as showed guard point veteran Rauf) dam­ irreparable suffer schools some but phomores, ev a NT invitation. NIT an ceive a of lack The schedule. Pac-10 grueling the through not sacrificed into the starting lineup in their first run run first their in lineup starting the and into sacrificed future not the for groomed be to meant were players lani Gardner and Tremaine Fawlkes. However, these these However, Fawlkes. Je- Tremaine freshmen and land to Gardner lani able was and future the looking toward was Bozeman fans, Bear Golden for Luckily the crying as they see their visions of an NCAA NCAA an door. of the out visions their walk see Championship they as doing Smith crying Dean the Coach Head Carolina North now and Bozeman been have It NBA. should the enter and of out first the round Cal knocked after was just weeks lowing him to fill more present needs on his squad. squad. his on needs al­ thus present more fill returning, to was him lowing guard point talented his that that he would forego his final two years of eligibility eligibility of years two final his forego would he that confer­ press a called Kidd Bay, by Wisconsin-Green recruits. In the case of Cal, Bozeman was guaranteed guaranteed was Bozeman Cal, of case the In recruits. it way affects the he years of athlete, three play an from ence in which he shed tears in telling the Bay Area Area Bay the telling in tears shed he which in ence However, season. more one for Berkeley in remain if the that Bozeman Todd Coach recruiting. Head Cal affects promised also it but team, talented a from very star a removes only not it program, a leaves — Stackhouse and Wallace of case the in — athletes, or Golden Bears did not reach the Final Four, he would would he Four, Final the reach not did Bears Golden athlete an When sports. profitable less many support ing funding to college athletic departments and helps helps and departments athletic college bring­ to for ing funding responsible is that sport money-generating col los hm o leave. to them allows school of years four for exchange in education of years five their basketball skills, a question arises as to how the the how to as arises question a skills, basketball their eyed goodbyes to the institutions that offered them them offered that institutions the to goodbyes eyed teary- say their “students” of these each as And, them. success the duplicate to attempt NBA in an ble for the basketball playing abilities. Not only did these players players these did only Not abilities. playing basketball of Magic and the others who made the jump before before jump the made who others the and Magic of eligi­ themselves made have who college sophomores dominate the NCAA, they all left after just two years service. years two of just after left all they NCAA, the dominate M the $$$$ in Your Eyes Your in $$$$ the Hey Sophs, Don’t Lose Don’t Sophs, Hey showed as Calshowed not even receivedid an NIT invitation. NIT h lc o a eea pit guard point veteran a of lack The Without a cap, and with the current trend in in trend current the with and cap, a Without Currently the NBA threatens to enforce a rookie rookie a enforce to threatens NBA the Currently be will coaches college which in way only The In no other profession, including pro sports, can an an can sports, pro including profession, other In no much- his into look to turn Smith’s it’s Dean Now Not only is recruiting hurt by the early exit of so­ of exit early the by hurt recruiting is only Not When a coach assumes that he will receive at least least at receive will he that assumes coach a When For example, last season, Jason Kidd publicly publicly Kidd Jason season, last example, For Like it or not, present-day college basketball is a a is basketball college present-day not, or it Like In recent years, there has been a growing number of number a growing been has there years, recent In after his sophomore campaign. Brown believed believed Brown campaign. sophomore his after list of talent who have more in common than just their their just than common in more have list who of talent Stack- Jerry Wallace, Webber, Rasheed Chris Smith, Kidd, Joe Jason Johnson, agic house and Rashard Griffith. An impressive impressive An Griffith. Rashard and house f r rGC rjG