EDUCATIOWAL. RA LROADS WINTER RPRORTS, PROPQSAjS. ORANTED LICENSES. AN UP-TO-DATE AmmUELANC3, 33 mAMN HOUs FLEET EVOLUTIONS Number of Retail Ones Issned Yea- WAaSamNOTON. BALTIMORE AND AMr.AnM ,. I. X Freedamen's Hospital Provides Itself on Oa PROMIL'I VATION 03'F Schedule in eeta. Directly 6=L 4 0- noGat LT FAL .TEPOTMAC. terday Afternoon. Of NOW ]= satbats Relator. W With a Muelk-Ieeded Aeeessary. I1ANO LOtW -M'WIAL ATfEITION PAi) Leave Washington fregs statics earner The Great Power o wi receiveSI- The excise board afternoon to beginners; papua taken rm iz years up. Jersey avenne and street. - £4-lUCHAS. ZVANS. utlNOON or BAT 6AY =H late yesterday The ambulance-service of Washington is . Iias for eixeSvA shaft for the Address W.tar ere. fe7t* For Chicage and Northwest, Vestinle4 D(VLG BBUNSWIK granted the following retail liquor licenses: to be increased on Monday or soon there- trains 31:5 a.. :00 s. wheel pits of the compa gs bouse at Great Maneuvers of the North For and Imnapb. Vbdi- Pactfie ave., above Now York, Atlantle it. falls, Said shaft will be- by eight feet in Projected T. F. Kinslow, 2155 Pennsylvania ave.; Cas- after by the ambulance of Fradmen's Cincinnai, St. Look cp3 n aB the year steam heat; rates, $, bitadmenion, t de ale F. buled Limited 3:0 p.m. espress 12:1 Night. an iiJW CHAS El KM titonty Verti Atlantio Naval M. Leahy, 1001 6th at. sw.; Ernest Hospital. This will answer emegency For Pittsburg and-Cevelad, dsm1 11:0 fLB $3Pa day. The omainIagulsi rokwth ner~ Squadron. 814 Osborne & n.m- 8:3 Uespe eal 41.lais.~d~Wlsto pre Tralbor, 0 n.e.; Hoban, 6Z calls in the most approved manner and will LANGUAGES. Vol p.a. foot In th of . auccf 7th Brown & Mullen. 212 9th o tgoda an mea.n 1115.m. OCAN GANATORIMU t commnece work imme- n.w.; at.; be accompanied on its runs by Surgeon THU S Or WIOGUAG, or 5:0 . Atlantt. City, N. J. der lbe required Bernard Pa. Geo. RL%.OOL tar and way station, with conveniences for Invalis and for The c re es -the right to exact Bryan, 121 ave.; Delahay, Hill of the hospital. Freedmen' Hospital, For Luray, Natural BrbdgeRonank, Knovine Replete for perform a of contract, and to re- 801 D Geo. R. Emrich, 485 Pa. cth1111We pAm enan Euro Chattanooga, Memphis A New Orlase, 11 thoe demiring the comforts of a first-dam quiet address- REAR ADIMAL IRAlE IN COMAI at.; ave.; under Its new management, Is desirous ef p.m. daily, s a thrmagh. hotel. ject any a all bids. s will be Ada K Nagle, 109 Pennsylvania avenue; Erggeb,"110M e~ ela G reef ears MaNge bat ete. Write for di ed to the undersigned, will furnishpe Robert K 1610 U Edward L. becoming one of the leading emergency. FMn LOVOy, ' electrilty, Boyle, street; For M-p-na. dafly. 6:5 eular. and forms and any further in1- Jordan, and operating hospitals of the country. ltio, week dnys., Z4:20, 5:00. H. tlon Nei HAAM N, 517 9th street; Louis Schmidt, 702 SHOWrAND. X7:10, z7:30 (8-0 45-minutes), 8:36 9- 00 M2t DR. W. H. BUL Gra 7th street; John Kaiser, 1314 32d street; and this ambulance service is a step to- Is three 45-mulates) x12:00, x12:0, 12: 232 Atresfor PrOereey fotia. FPh eime, 315- 43:00 am., 5:00 45-min- HOTEL TRAYMOR11 Fal(owrt Value of Such Exercise of War Alex. L. Satterwhite, 419 12th street; M. T. ward the accomplishment of that design. writing, S. ACME PHONOsmAPHYi 4-mInutes) 325, x4:2, 4:11 Atlantic City N J. O'Brien, 107 H street Louis V. No was tyN RoB 3L,1sewart mith s.w. tes), 5:05, x5:i), x6:2, 6:30. 3800, 8:15. ac-1- northeast; appropriation made for this, but lift. 29:00, 11:30 5:35, Suadys, z4:20, Appoist~d" ti.unIexelled. Spinner, 61 Pennsylvania avenue south- Dr. Williams, surgeon-in-chief of the hos- ad 11:85 p.m. HuOTEL TAYMOB CO. LEGAL NOTICES. Demonstrated. cast; T. L. 60 B gen- AN 7:30, 8:30 49:00 45-minutes), 20980 am., x-. DS. WHITE Jr.. Manager. fel-78t Ships Silby, street; P. B. Mere- pital. managed to do this out of the iXPERINCED LADY TE.CUUR FOR CHIL. 212:05, 1:00, x2:20 (3:00 45-minute.). 8:25, 4:a1 ESTATE OF EDWARD Y. OF dith. 84 Pennsylvania avenue; C. F. Lam- eral fund. An ordinary wagon was pro- dren OF yon ladies makes a seaof lmah (5.00 39u0- THU PENNHURST, ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. UN- ROBBN D 20. literature, rhetore. an be 45-minutes), x5:45, 6:0, Z8:00, 1O:04 andgs Ali conveiene In- CINCINNATI. OHIO. No. 6492. DM'NLDOC brecht, 729 8th street southeast; A. J. Col- cured and made over In ambulance fash- reene Vl 0 R11:30, 11:25 pm. VmodeleL Appliation havi been made to the Supreme lins, 27 F street; M. 000 41-2 south- ion at the under the direction of Addrem T3AM R 2 st. L.. For Annapol, 1:10 nd 8:30 n.m., 12fl. : hse tr, light a , etc. Court of the Distri of Columbia, holding Orphana' Daly, hospital, p-".Su-days- ja2S-3m JA~ilavO-OD. letters of administration on CRUISERS TO PARTICIPATE West; M. T. Green, 617 4 1-2 southwest; the surgeon-in-chief. Springs of a special 3:30 a.m., 4:31 p.m. Court, for ancillary Wm. 3288 80 on Fo: Frederick 00, a.m., b1:15, e4:6 THE CHBA10N said estate, by Hervey S. Kniht, of the frm of Harnedy. M; Joseph Gatto, pattern were put the vehicle, end in Geo.W.Lawrence, Ln c5:30 pm Atlantic N. J. Inight W D. C., this Is to give E; Henry Alechwee, 512 12th; W. J. Cos- all ways It-will compare favorably with e e City,t N Bros.. 604 a Studios. 11011S9 w.. 110 3 a.. Tial leson tie. For agertown, e11:25e11:0a.m., 50 p-A, irelanthe beah ctice to all conce pp~ear In said cour tello, G; L., R. and L. Sprohs, 483 C; specially built ambulance. Then came ja1-18te For Boyd and points, 1W the 23d of F r A.D 1895 the John P. 310 Jas. F. Connors, a struggle to the horse. This was way wa dS09 1tulak to sh awhy mua To the naval enthusiast projected Hickey, 10th; procure 2UL OROXY F7r Galtbesburs ned iI.c64.m.: watr bathe io the bouse. 10 o'coc a.m., ipidca fleet evolutions of the North Atlantic 843 Pennsylvania avenue; Wm. L. Wells, done after considerable dificulty and with aIm., e12:50, c96- es:8 :5,a7:05, b9:406 tion shoulP pot We grRated 363 M southwest; H. 0. Cornwall, 3214 M; a minimum of cost. The harness was se- h t ebtai, the BoUT p1.3' m. ja2S4S1t 3ROET'SONI. are of an Importance second only with @nm. smguu to te OWL Por1 way points, :00. Attest: f D. CL squadron Julius Thurm, Good Hope Hill; Wm. Mor- cured after much trouble, and then the Junetlen and HADDONHRAI.L Wlls, to an actual naval As a prac- 301 H. outfit was WORMERLY e9:50 a.m., :15 p.m. Btentrais s 5b at J. WM. I. KPgGHT, Pro for Applitsnt. engagement. ris, G s.w.; F. McDevitt, 530'3d s.w.; made complete with the neces- Articles of merit eme bardb be booht onl Atlantis City. N. ja24-lawft tical lesson the war be- A. Lcehl, 643 D; Chr. Dammeyer, 301 10th; sary instruments, &c. at a eessr, 11ICIIstations c4liD Ocean frunt; sa water baths In house; ele- object present has 1W ROALBLM La yOR YrsORK A14D vator. &e. tween China and Japan is of great value. Henry Dismer, 241 Pennsylvania avenue; The Secretary of the Interior been Merehant ble. hae the lew-eieed @to"&L P ILDAELPHIA. Jill-Ot LUDS & have National Hotel; Lewis 0. Carroll. 236 3d much pleased with this enterprise, and it AB trais Illuminated with Pintsch lght. LIPPICOIT.- ATTORNEYS. Expert officers of the army and navy northwest; Wm. Reagan, 945 B; Daniel F is quite likely that an will THEREFORE, For New York, Boston and the THE PRINCS ANNE, to watch appropriation TheIprice7 e r et an ftas of metL Erst, weekPhiladelphia.das 3:00 S.m. VIRGINIA BEACH. VA. A. GOODRICI, LAWYER 124 DEARBORN ST been specially detailed carefully Driscoll, 201 K; The Normandie; Jno. M. be made which will permit Freedmen's (DLLEOUI, 4:20. (10-0 Dinlig TRAIL Chicago. Established 1Mt. Business an of the 506 John 640 to in service one of the best Car). 02:00 Carl, 8:00 (5:00 D10 r), OPEN ALL THE le~gltes the military operations contending Perreard, 14th; Fitzmoris, Hospital put I.W. eor. 8th and K ats. .w., 3:-00 at 10 o eee. The regular winter and spring season at this e.Branches and facilities In other on with the Pennsylvania avenue; Duffy & Leannarda, ambulances in the country. During the is cnadueted an bo.n. methode. (11:&0pm.,eeping Clar, Opn a forces, on sea as well as land, modern nd fi(9:00 a.m. Dinifg Car). (12:00 Din- favorite hotel beins on January 29, 1896. As 215-217 7th street; T. J. Tyrrell, 236 busy hours of the day the rig Is to be kept The BEr baines educatles M:, :00 45:00 8:00 (11:0 peasure and helhroti sunsurpassed, and CAMPBELL CARRINGTON, prime object of obtaining information that 4 1-2 street J. J. hitched within reach of Q-e at the L wS est. Dining p.m.). conduct of the hotel will. a hitherto. he first- southwest; Wormley's; standing easy :5 a Sleepoin er, open for passengers 10:00 Attorney-at-Yaw, will be of value to the army and navy of Binder, 214 9th street; Hotel; 'phone, and Its driver, Mr. Ward., and Phil beatnesn eourme. day or might. Yer. Buffet Parlor Casen anl day train.Car). clm in all respects. Guests from Washington can Webster Law building, 505 D at. n.w., Washing- Metropolitan The typewrittn and mbortband ceerme, $15. For Atlantic Ct n.m 1000 a.m., 12:00 leave that city dai at 7 p.m. by the splendid ton, D. 0. Resddence, 063 K at. n.w. d22 the United Staterin the defense of the flag E. H. Neumeyer, 1420-30 E; Conrad Eber, Surgeon Hill are to be close at hand. At The long-establiahed reputation of the principal moo. 4:0 iron atealners "Wasigon" and "Norfolk." and 480 Louisiana avenue; John F. Chamber- night the horse will stand under the swing- a full S,-hl Sutndys, 4: a.m. 12:0& oon. For eirculaa PRACTICE IN THE SU- and the maintenance of the national is guaratee of correct treatment. e Except a b nn t reach the hotel the next morning. HOSEA B. MOULTON. lain, 825 15th; Campbell & Worthan, 216 ing harness. Every detail facilitating speed 1. catalogue. a17-3m-2) X Sunday. Daily. and terms apply to preme Court of the United States, Court of Claims honor. It is a military axiom that the best John C. 200 J. W. has Express trains. B. U WINNER, Manager, and local courts and before the executive de- 6th; Wittekindt, B; been looked after. PROP. J. FRANaCI 1G1RMULE, TEACHElR OF B'WaIge called ftr and checked fom hotels and 5 way to avert a war is to be fully prepared Powers, 1123 29th; M. 0. Leary, 1134 26th; piano. residences Co a on orders Virginia Beach, Va. rtments, removed to Rooms and 6. Eqiuitable organ, vocal music and harncay; espe- by Union Transfer ny ildi g. 100 P at. n.w. ja8-Snm for It. No nation can be considered In a W. F. Poulton, 227 7th southwest; Jas. DEATH OF K. UPSRUR. etally attentive to beginners a well as to pupils left at ticket oees, 619 Peunsylva avenue w., ja1o-thututoapl Stevens, 3004 M; J. Blake Dant. 429 3d advanced. Terms moderate. 1 1 at. nw. f.l* New York avenue and 15th street, and at d . proper state of readiness unless its capa- southwest; William Schnebel. 613 B: Anna CHAS. 0. SCUI, enL. Pass. At. Brunswick, Ga., bilities for offensive and defensive opera- He Was Well-Known Here in the PRIVATE LE 'NSAND CLA.-ES IN LAN- R. B. CAIIPBELL, Manager. THE OGLETHORPE. COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS Greff, 470-2 Pennsylvania avenue; Thomas mthentrmatics and English branches. EV% Gen. A PERFECT WINTER RESORT H(TEL. tions have been at least tentatively de- Walsh, 933 D street; L. F. Menikhzim, Years Before the War. gPu.ges4. CHARLES S. BUNDY HlFrH. A.M. 0"4 12th n.w. Evening pupils Opens Jan. 5. Famous for its healthful climate, monstrated to the satisfaction of the men 801 13th; Louis Oriania, 709 D street; and Thurs., I to 9 best sets. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. balmy sea air, aquatic sprts, and fne drives COMMISSIONER 0OF D&~DS Barbara Clements, 1435 H street north- The death of Mr. Abel B. Upshur cc- "tly *Tues. p.m.; Station corner of 6th and B sts. throug pie forests. Send frcrcular. Of all the States and Territories, upon whom their conduct and management curred at the residence of his Tn effect 4:00 .m.. 20. 1895. WARREN LELAND Jr., Man-er. 817 n.w. will 'devolve in the event of actual hostil- e-st; Geo. W. Harvey. 1016 Pennsylvania yesterday CWfXMlIA C SERVATtICY OF MUSIV. 90 K January d22 d17-tf EquI4ust.building.) avenue; Michael O'Connor. 43 H street Mr. James T. 1446 Rbcde tT. V ETr. 10:30 A.M. PFMSYLVANIA bs rPull- (New ities. nephew. Ringgold, N.W.-PIANo. t1J.VOF. man Sleeping. Dining, Swokig and Observation JOHN E. BEALL, JOHN E. blITCHELL, Tactical Maneuvers. northeast; Dennis Connor, 2626 Pennsyl- Island avenue. The deceased had reached _j______w' EDWIN HAItT. Principal. Cars, to Chicago. lnclUmti. Indian- of for state and terri- venta John L. Smith. 425 1-2 Harrianurg .A1WO NE|W JERSEY. CommissIoners Deeds every a of vessels is avenue; 8th the of and, he 1Qe3 Wioning av,. n.w. apolls, St. Louts, Cleveland and Toledo. Buffet t. Notary Public, United States Commissioner. In modern warfare fleet street southeast; Kallmeyer & Pfeiffer, age seventy-three, although WArl1N(;TeON HltimtiTiT SCH(O)L FOR GMIIA Parlor Car to Harrisburg. oc Ofice, 1821 F st. (first floor). controlled the same principles 1400 had been ill for the past two weeks, his Aie-for dv s.I0fars. French Kinslrairten. 11:30 A.M. FAST LINE-PunBmanBufet Parlor by general Pennsylvania avenue; Mary E. C. IelSi Car to and Cars, Har- COMHMISSIONER OF DEEDS AND NOTARY PUB- as is a division of soldiers, and a perfect Sproesser, 205 1-2 7th street; Richard A. condition was not considered serious. His FILI.NCES MARTLN. PRINCIPAL, Harrisburg. Parlor Dining a SPECIALTY risburg to Pittsburg. "The Lakewood," lie for 11 states snd territories of tactical maneuvers is as neces- Driscoll, 2 'G street northwest; George E. heart was affected, and yesterday he sud- 3:40 P.M. CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS EXPRME - by R. H. EVANS. Oflee (basement), 1321 F at. system 101 G street WANT A PIIAI'rICAL ofice hours. ja7-tf one as to the other. Annual fleet Linkins, southeast; Charles away. Mr. some Pulman Buffet Parlor Car to Harrisburg. Sleep- Always In ofice. sary to Fox, 1743 Pennsylvania avenue; John C. denly passed Upshur ing and Dining Cars, Harrisburg to St. 11nts, CIn- maneuvers have now become a familiar years before the war held a prominent Business Education? cinnati, Louisville and Chicajo. . NOW OPEN. Quackenbush, 3215 K street; John Burke, Tout an get the best at 7:10 P.M. WESTERN EXitS-Pullmn Sle FOR SALE-PIANOS. part of the naval training of the leading 7th and I streets southwest; Daniel F. Sul- position In the Navy Department and bad COLUMBIA 0*IA.EGE OF to livan. 304 365 COMMERCE. ing Car to Chicago and Harrisburg Clevemn FRED STERRY. manager. DAVIS PIANOS-IMPERA- nations. They rest upon the same foundIa- Q street; Henry Xander, an acquaintance among the older residents W7 Seventh street Northwest. Dining Car to Chicago. FOR SALE-HAIAMr a ma- 4 1-2 street southwest; C. K. C. E.. 7:10 EXPRESS-Pull- tive clearance sale; five'different styles at cost; tion as the division, corps and army August Schwarz, of the city. He was born in Accomac coun- 'ItNER. A.M., PrIncipal. P.M. SOUTrWESTERN neuvers of the land forces. Their first ad- 827 7th street; Thomas A. Donoghue, 1304 Va. married Miss W. A complete course leads to a paying and perma- man Sleeping and Dining Cbrs to St. LQIas and no reservation; agency to be clcsed and removed; North ty, He Columbia sent situatioLn. Moderate tuition and easy terms. Sleeping Car Harrisburg to Cincinnati.*-13w p.%sent agent retiring. H. L. SUMNIE Agent. vantage is in the mobilization of many ves- Capitol street; Richaid L. Moore, Williams, a cousin of Mrs. Robert E. Lee, SharthaeMi Dictation Soriety- Entrance fee. $2: 10:40 P.M. PACIFiC EXPRtI-Pulan Sleep- 611 9th at. S.w. ocl tr sels, thus giving the line and staff branches 1225 11th street southeast; Andrew W. and great-great-granddaughter of Mrs. does, dictation three a week. Car to case Brown and Win. Mullen, 212 9th monthly $1; nights Pittsburg. and an experience of their requirements In street; Custis, afterward Mrs. George Washing- J026 :50 A.M. for Kane, Cana Rochester of actual war. Julius E. Albrecht, 614 4 1-2 street south- ton. She was a sister of the wife of Ad- Niagara Faill daily, except =y. LADIES GOODS. Charles E. 415 East WAIILNGTIN FEMALE SEMINARY. 1226 ISTH 10:30 A.31. for Elmira and Renovo daily, except In addition, fleet commanders get practice west; Engels, Capitol miral Carter. The deceased was a cousin at. Day and bxrdiing school. Primary and ad- Sunday. For Williamaport daily, 3:40 p.m. HYGEIA HOTEL, NOTICE TO LADlE3-- in movements similar to those that might street; Fritz Reuter, 4 1-2 street and Penn- of Admiral John H. Upshur and was a vnneed departments in charge of able teachers. Buffalo Turkish Rose Leaf will be pre- sylvania avenue; Willfred F. Guindon, 921 advantages. Modorate terms. Mh 1:10 P.M. for Wilamsport, Rochester, A 50c. bottle of be required of them in actual hostilities, brother-in-law and cousin of Mr. Upehur. Special and Falls Saturday, with to ladyad having her hair shampooed D street; Reuben 332 M street Niagara daily, except Old Point Va. sented every PAR- and the naval authorities can observe the Taylor, Secretary of State, who -was killed on the AIDIA UWAR. Principal. U24-Sn Skepf Car Warbington to SUapension Bridge via Comfort, or dressed at the HAIRDRESSING conduct of its officers and men under such southwest; Timothy D. Daly, 127 H street Princeton in 1844. IDR. 711 11th at. n.w., during this week only. John A. 407 The Misses Kerr's School 10:40 P.M. for Eie Canandaigua. Rochester, Hairdressing, 50c.; shampooing.5c.; singeing,25c. circumstances. The merits and drawbacks northeast; Voegler, Q street; During the war Mr. UpShur was con- Car as a health and resort. Air of or classes of ships cn Kate Pumphrey, 315 Q street; Patrick F. nected with the confederate navy, and at For Young Iadies and Little Children. Buffalo and Niagara kiafls daily, Sleeping Unrivaled pleasure f5-6t particular ships 005 15th street Jacob Washington to -Ira. balmy and full of life-giving osone. New plumb- IS SELLING LER HAIR, also be noted. In countries where strategi- McMahon, northwest; the close of the war he went to Baltimore. Spring Term, February 1. For New York and the East. 3tADAhME JEANNERET maneuvers are carried on a W. Powers, 1223 29th street; J. Frank where for a number of years he held a N at. Philadelphia, all ing throughout and perfect drainage and other Shell Goods and Tonics at very low rates. Call cal upon large po- 1488 ja19-Im 4:00 P.M. "CONGRESIONAL LIMITED," Send for her scale, useful knowledge is derived as to Johnson, 937 D street; Wm. G. Davis, 1419 sition in the city government. Mr. Up- EUEENE Parlor Cars, with Dining Car from Balt for sanitary arrangements. descriptive and see her at parlors, H street northeast; Michael 1210 PrrOu. PAI'L vovir. New York daily, for Philadelphia week s. pamphlet. fe2-3n 609 13th st n.w. the legislation needed to increase naval Hennessy, shur came to this city about six months DIPLDME D I/tNIVElWSIT DE FRANCE, at 1:0 '(Dining 7:20, 8:00 ID' 8g strength. In this way practical lessons are 3d street southwest; Wm. T. Bothwell, ago with his nephew, who is the private I 2-. New York ave. a.w. Regular Car), dll-tu,th,sb8t F. N. Pike, Manager. Pennsylvania station; Wm. Nel- Trial Car). 9:00. 10:00 (Dining Car) and 11:00 (Dlnln learned problems are solved, experiments railway secretary of Justice White. FRENCH LANG;UAGL lesson free. je19-1m* Car) a.m., 12:15, 3:15, 4:W. 6:40, 10:00 and 11:3 STEAM CARPET CLEANING are tried and all sorts of propositions are son, 332 4 1-2 street; John C. Mulford, Funeral services will be held tomorrow p.m. On snday, 1:05 (DinIng Car), 1:20. 8:00 which would otherwise remain mat- Hotel Cochran; Wm. J. Brown, 717 4th afternoon at 2 o'clock from the late resi- Wjiliam Dinin Car). 9:00 11:00 (Dining Car) A.m., 12:15, PIANOS AND ORGANS. AMMONIATED rEA.M CARPET CLEA.NING tested, street; C. Ebbitt Waldecker, .:20, 6:40, io:00 and 11:35 For Phila- Works-Carpets cleaned in the best manner. ters of mere speculation. Great Britain Henry Birch, House; Den- dence, and the interment will be in Oak GRADUATE LAPSIC ROYAL CONSERVATORY. 3:15, p.m. Having no occasion to made to order. Ocre, 1720 Pa. are. on these maneuvers on a ils O'Connell, 1342 H street northeast; G. as delpia only, Fast Espress 7:50 a.m. week days. Mattrasss 84 and France carry Hill cemetery. The pall-bearers will be PLANO, ORJAN AND HARMONT. Express, 2:01 and 5:40 p.m. daily. either "remove" or "re- Works 1706 and 1710 Z nw. Teehone scale utterly beyond the power of the Anton Bartholme, 1422 Maryland avenue follows: Admirals Roe, Stephens and Lee, jat4-Iml RJESIDENCE, 1140 6TH ST. N.W. For Boston, without change, 710 n.m. week days model" oar magndfcent M. NEWa t Manager. United States, with Its comparatively In- northeast; John E. Turner, 10(05 7th street Majors William M. Caldwell and George DR. E. KKIMR ALL4 and 3:15 .m. daily. piano and organ ware significant navy. In the British navy it southeast; Edward V. Rice, 145 B street Upshur Mayo, William Moran, Senator For Baltimore, 6:25, 1:05 720, 7:50, 8:00, 9:00, over a hun- southeast; August W. Noack, the Leamors intio ig 10:00, 10:30. 11:00 and 11:i a.m. 12:15, 2:01, rooms, we will have our NEW PUBWCATIONS. has frequently happened that president Harris, Representative George Wise, WEDNVWAYS AND REDAIL, sale of the sea- dred vessels have been through a series Shoomaker Company, 1331 E street; T. Messrs. Luke Devlin, Kennon Custis H at. Lw. 8:15, 3:40 44:00 Limited), 4:20, 4:36. 5:40, 6:05, bargain put Peter, $R10-1to No. 1300 6:40, 10:00. 10:40 11:15 and 11:. On son until March of evolutions. In last year's maneuvers E. Roessle, Arlington Hotel; James P. Walter Peter. S. Abert, 7:10, Pm. from now 134 G street southwest; John H. Upshur, Thayer Ji'in. ARNOL W. M.YER, LEIPZIG GRADF- Sunday, 1:05, 1:2, 8: 900, 9:05, 10:3, 11:00 4. allowing a genuine re- Received ninety-six vessels took part. France some- Brehamy, Murray Addison, Thomas Campbell and ate, piano and theory, culture. psychologi- n.m.; 12:15, 1-15, 2-01 8:15, :40 (4:00 Limited). duction AT times has two sets of summer maneuvers, Schombert, 2010 B street; Joseph Gruse- Charles Campbell. cal systemr; correct trainiag guaranteed; no 4:20, 5:40, 6:0, 6:40, 7:10, 10:00, 10:40 and 11:35 of one in the British channel and the other in meyer, 350 Pennsylvania avenue; Theodore trenmilo. Send for circulars. 1333 12th t.Lw. p.m. 912 New Otto For Pope's Creek Line, 1:20 0.m. and 4:36 p.m. Dollars the *Mediterranean. Extensive mobiliza- Ruppert, Hampshire avenue; A Tribute to Theodore Dright Weld. daily, except Sunday. Fifty Charles ,Baum's tions are also common to the navies of Toussaint, 1301 7th street;Ernst Le Mowr, For AnnapolIs, 7:20, 9:00 and 11:50 a.m. and from the already lowest Italy, Germany and Russia. 312 8th street; August Detterer, Bright- To the Editor of The Evening Star: Norwood Institute, 4:20 p.m. daily, except SUNday. Sundays, 9:00 manufacta-er's prices, Book wood road. more should be said of Theo- A Select and Umi-l Boardinu and School which are Department, Arrangements for the Evolutions. Something Day a.m. and 4:20 p.m. invariably Wholesale applications approved-John dore Weld, who, as announced in For Yoeeng Ladies and Little GIrls. Atlantic Coast Line. "Florida Special" for Jack. marked in fgures. St. N W., Maneuvers on so large a scale are not Batters, 1840 13th street, and L. Dwight For full Information ne1res amio and St. Augustine, 10:48 p.m. week days. plain 416 7th Henry The Star of died a few days ago Mrs. W3. D. CABELL. possible in our navy, the greater part of Blout, 52 E street southwest. yesterday, Express for Richmond. Jacksonville and Tampa, Retail at Hyde Park, Mass., at the age of ninety- Principal. 4:30 a.m., 3:30 p.m. daily. Richmond and Atlanta, METZEROTT rIUSIC CO., "Madame Sans Gene," which Is scattered in different foreign applications rejected-Jeremiah 143. K at. aLw. :49 p.m. daiy. Richmond only. 10:57 n.m. week The famous historical na$hS of Napoleon and his waters. They will be conducted, however, Hawkins, 100 14th street southeast; John one. Seguare. days. times; founded on tl'e play by Victorian Sarlou; F. Dugan, 700 3d street southwest; Jacob was of the Lane OIppeette MicPherson no2? Accommodation for Quatkeo, :45 a.m. and translated from the Frene IX R. Ielier; on a modest scale by the few vessels on Mr. Weld one Seminary daily 111o F St. N.W. b? Neurath, 1201 F street northeast. who, years withdrew Institute. 4:25 p.m. week days. pages; in fne cloth the Atlantic or home station during tbe cases were held for further students, sixty ago, Gunston For Alexandria 4:30 6:5 7:45 8:40, 9:45, ri-st Eighteen up Institution when it then II.3$-3"4- and sal2 C-anbrdge place L.M. 10:57, 11:50 a.m., 12:50, 1:40, 3:16, 4:25, 5:00. bindin-., coming spring and summer, under the consideration, and twenty-nine were post- from that attempt- Board!ug aul dey ec-hool for girls. 5:37. 10:10 and 11:39 On of Rear Admiral poned in order that the applicants may ed to suppress the discussion of slavery. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. MASON. 6:15, 8:02, p.m. Sunday Price personal supervision 3-:,u. at 4:30, 7:4, 9:46 am, 2:45, 6:15, 8:02 and Sale. Our Meade, an officers specially fitted for the show cause why their licenses should not He was a leader in that distinguished exo- BE SPOKEN WELL. 10:10 p.M. Surplus be FRTtEIil TAtIIlT To Leave AlexanfiHa for 6:05. duty. rejected. dus, and was thereafter recognized as the reiad anI uner'.tl: apsod pronunciation; term of Washington. 6:43, Your Chance Arrangements for the evolutions are well - 8:00, 9:10, 10:15, 10:28 a.m.. 1:00, 2:15, 3 10) weI.ks: Fr--nte receptions free; espert 1:05, fair to to -a New most eloquent advocate in the whole field 307 D D.W. 3-00. 3:2:1. 5:00, 5:30, 6:13, 7:00, 7:20, 9:10, 10:52 is now under way and bid progress Lodge Organized. teacher. MLLE. V. PI:D'HOWMME 11:0s On at 10:28 To buy a magniaficent upright piano offered Only The of of anti-slavery effort. 11owerful and per- and Sunday 6:43, 9:10. conclusion. ni ' p.m. at our closing-out sale of surplus styles of finest satisfactory squadron District Lodge, No. 3, of Good Templars, a.m.. 2:15, 5:30, 7:00. 7:20, 9:10 and 10:52 p.m. at Don't miss this maneuver includes the flagship New York, suasive as a he was almost equally Ticket otflees. northeast corner of 13th street and standard makes factory coat. f7-3t was organized last evening at the hall of speaker opportunity. Cash or ayments to suit your Capt. R. D. Evans, commanding; the pro- as a writer. He was the author Education for Real Life. Pennsylvania avenue, and at the station, 6th and easytthe to trade your old Star of Hope Lodge, corner 19th street and powerful orders can be left for the conveukauce. Now Is time tected cruiser Cincinnati, Capt. Glass com- two volumes on the of L44. FOR WIN4 AND DAUGH'ICRS. 1804. B streets, where check- TRAVEL, avenue. The meeting was of subject slavery. The Spenc.rtan ueaInoia 0li--9e, lng of baggage to destination from hotels and piano. OCEAN manding; her sister ship, the Raleigh, Capt. Pennsylvania of unsurpassed eloquence and conclusive cor. 7th resIdences. 38c. Merrill Miller commanding; the triple screw called to order by the district deputy, A. as National Bank of the Republic building. argument The one entitled "Slavery It and D n.:.. Day nod ntzht session. a. M. PREVOST, J. R. WOOD, cruiser Columbia, Capt. Sumner command- and with a or of a Thousand Wit- of this lI- General Manager. General Agent. Piano Ex= Going Abroad? Kalstrom, opened prayer by Is, the Testimony The- thirtieth scholastie year popular Passenger The NINE ing, and her sister ship, the Minneapolis, Grand J. S. Blackford. is a picture of slavery the most sti:wfon MgotWonday. Septenbe~r 3, 14#. Five [ prD( P[ commanding. The pre- Chaplain Delegates nesses," depprthn'es. viz.: Practical ninsines incluelding PARTIES TO [[ Capt. Wadleigh from all the lodees in district No. 5, as effective of the many abolition productions t,-okke course. English. calcu- AIL TRAVELING EXPENSES INCLUDED, liminary cruising ground is the Caribbean follows: Perseverance, Rescue, Goodwill, of early anti-slavery times. complete epneg rapid SOUTHERN RAILWAY YORK the season 1 in the of St. Thomas, W. I., lations. rapid wrttin.. moral and social culture. iriedmont Air Line.) change, *Il leave NEW during APRl. sea, vicinity Star of Hope, Independent and Silver Star Any one of the coming generations who Delsarte s'etem of expreei ctives, Sehedule in eflect 20, 1895. leading steamshbp lines. First departure which was selected because of its many ad- answered at roll call. The grand chief may desire to know what was the real ndA law: Practical z~nlish,plitical January 24 by S. S. -MAJESTIC" for TOUR OF 100 DAYS. for the It Is convenient econou-y All trains arrive and leave at Pennsylvania Pa. Ave. Illustrated program free. INDEPENDENT TICK- vantages purpose. templar, Mr. Canfield, was invited to pre- character of American slavery, in all its with initiatory Nonkkeeptng: Siirthand and Type- Passenger Station. and affords plenty of sea room. The New and as it existed Writing. inehuding English; Spencerian Rapid lrit- 8:00 for Danville. Connects 17-2"d 913 Nifi everywhre. side, after which the beautiful and impres- repulsive features, forty Are-lterturn] Fall A.M.-Dally-Local THOS. COOK & SON, York, Cincinnati and Raleigh are already sive district lodge degree was conferred years ago, need look no further than this fom: .i--.hanical and1 Drawing. at Manussas for Strasburg, daIly, except Sunday, YORK. on the The at St. of thoroughly trainal teachers. Location cen- and at Lynchburg with the Noroik ana Western. 261 AND 1225 BROADWAY, NEW ground. Raleigh iM upon forty-one members. The officers were book, by Theodore D. Weld. In it there is %rr e f7--th&eSt Thomas, with Admiral Meade on board, then elected as follows: District chief tem- no statement made that is not overwhelm- ly. vessels are in Samana flie- open every boelvess dety and night. 11:01 A.M-Dany-The UNITED STATES FAST & and the other two plar, Albert E. Shoemaker; district coun- ingly fortified by incontestible facts and Write or tll for newo anev:rl annourrienent. MAIL carries Pullman Buffet Sleepers New York bay, Haiti. The Minneapolis and the Co- selor, John J. McCann; district vice tem- unquestionable authority. The anti-slavery MRS:. SARA A. VENVER. and Washington to Jacksonville uniting at Char- F. DROOP COAL AND WOOD. will join them in a few weeks. The lumbia Mris. Rebeeia Giles; district cause was indebted to him also for the ne-ln-tr Principal and Proprietor. lotte with Pullman Sleeper for Iugusta; also Pull- on at plar, secretary, nma Sleeper New York to Montgomery, with eon- former Is taking coal New York. She W. S. McCollam; assistant district secre- most painstaking and elaborate Bible argu- nection for New Orleans: connects at Atlanta with Rebuilding Sale. a will go to Newport in a day or two to be tary, Mrs. M. E. Cuthbertson; district ment against slavery. So masterly and Fit. Vernon Seminary, Pullman Sleeper flor Birmingham, Ala., Memaphis, Inspected and to receive her torpedo outfit, J. C. district were these that 11404-1104 Mi st. ll24-l118 11th at. March 1 Is rapidly approaching, and if COAL treasurer, Daly; superinten- convinclng productions and. Teun., andl Kansas City. at after which she will proceed south to the dent Juvenile Templars, Mrs. W. M. John- they at once became the moral armory for Bionrding and day schotol for young ladies and 4:45 P. I. -Daily for Charlottesville and through you are looking for a High-grade Piano rendezvous of the fleet. The Columbia is sent littl echlliren. train for Strasburg, daily except~Sunday. a reduced price, don't put off your pur- sonl; district chaplain, Miss A. E. Taylor; the seventy anti-slavery lecturers lThor.'ghly modern and progressive In mlethod 10:05 P. M.-D~aily-N EW YORLK AND FLORIDA chase longer. Our stoek is being ofrered at the navy yard, Norfolk, undergoing re~- district marshal, Wmn. TF. Raley; deputy forth by the American Anti-Slavery So- and sp'irit. SHiORT LINE LiMliTElb. Pullman Sleepers New at figures which are ridiculously low, con- pairs, which will be completed in a short district marshal. 31iss Maggie Hennircg; jety, sixty years ago, to awaken and con- im~:r.prparatory andi enllegiate departiments. York and Washington to Augusta and St. Augustine sidering the hIgh grade and quality of oqr W'th time. There are two other vessels belong- district guard, AMiss Mary Bradley; district vert the nation to anti-slavery thought and N..: lee!t!ina. p..rfe r!y eTi;ippedi with every and Pullman Double Drawing Room Compartment Guiarantee. ing to the North Atlantic squadron which Lcwis H. district feeling. Those remarkable young students, goods; but, then, sentiniel, Lanmnan; past apeplitance fr henthi ande comefort of pupIl. Car New York to St. Angustine, DinngCr Sals- will undoubtedly be added to the evolution was late B. Stan- year opens fkatobern 2. to St. first-class coaches That's the kind we sell. And CHEAPERI chief tempiar, W. R. Bsradley. The officers among whom the Henry le the bury Augustine, dy feet later in the spring. These are the were duly installed by the grand chief ton, readily accepted Mr. Weld as their further infornat'eon nppty to. princi m. Washington to St. Augustine without change. We Must Move THE ADVERTISED of elsewhere ruisers Capt. and me7-tr 3Mrs. EIJZAlt'.TII .J. SOfEJL. 10:43 P.M.-DI~nly--WASINGTON A.'D SOUTH- the THAN PRICliB Atlanta, Cromwell, temnplar andi subsequently favored with teacher. Mr. Weld possessed the peculiar VES'IIBULED L.IMITED, of Into other quarters very soon, pending Montgomery, Capt. Davis. The latter is brief Indicative of their appreci- of putting into men's hearts and THE. ACADEMIY OF- rTE HiLY Clims, WFSTERN composed e f nw buildin. concerns. We're not in business for a day, a Gulf southern coal speeches, power Pullman Vestbuledi Sleepers and Dining Cars. rct p r'magnficent visiting ports, testing ation of the need for greater and more minds the celestial fire of his own glowing FN'~Y4)T'G I.tDftN AND EIHYLDRUEN. Pullman Skepera New York to Asheville and Hot not wish to run any chance. of damaging week or a but expect to stay at It for for naval use. active tempierance work, which has called inspiration. He had all the earnestness of The course Springs, N. L. vir. Salisbury, New York to Mecm- month, The Atlanta, which has just completed a English offers every opportunity for via Birmingham and New York to New Orleans our fine pianos and organs by unnecessary the district lodges into existence. The a whole-souled evangelist, chastened by nh'ietig a thre gh edention. while plis years to come. We strive to satisfy you, both In cruise to Bluefields and Honduran ports, - ci ii elitarnry via Atlanta and Mlontgcomery. Dining Car from for ready means the District Lodge affords superior learning and higher intelligence up. attent'an ise gil tob he natural scienen-. Greensboro' to Montgomery. hepr1ices quoted here will continue is now at Colon, watching events in Nica- for concentrating cfforts in any giv-en place than is usual to that class. When he spoke V :er.,1 drawing a tIme and we you to . us ,cal ietrfuental umeelie, nde paint- TRAINS ON WASHINGTON AND OHIO DI- short only, again urge price and quality, particularly quality. Ring ragua and awaiting developments in the or necessary public way, as well as for men were to hear, and, if candid, ing. French. Latin. elecuetion anal phys- 9:10 4:32 come and look, even If you don't buy. Impelled la culture are t-inght by competent VISION leave Washington A.M. daily, up or us a postal before ordering elsewhere Colombian revolution. These two vessels Increasing the efiiclency and prosperity of they seldom failed to be convinced. instructors. P.M1. daIly, except Sundlay, and 6:33 P.M1. Sundays drop are under orders to participate in the ne.I-t f for Itounml Hill. and 0:33 P.M. daily for Hera- Will buy a magnificent Square the subordinate lodges, is well understood To him the slave was not a negro, not an only, "Steinway' Piano, In good con- and get our prices-It'll pay you greatly. Mardi Gras celebration in New Orleans, by the members of this new organization, Indian; not black, nor white, but a man. don. Returning, arrive at WashIngton 8:34 A.M. 10I0 dition, and fully warranted. Terms: which will be ordercd Signor Mariano Maina, and 3:00 P.M1. daIly from Round Hill, and 1:06 down and monthly. after they probably which starts out for work under the most He saw In him a brother, a child of God S.hooi Art Method. A.MI. daily, except Sunday, from Herndlon ol. $10 $5 to report to Admiral Meade at the chosen encouraging auspices. The district chief and a fellow traveler to eternity; one pos- hle SlagIng-ItalIa trains from the South arrive at Wasig John Miller & Co., will him an 14th n.w. Throug the of another "S'1'!IN- E4^',N rendezvous. Their arrival give temnplar was authorized to appoint the ne- sessing a birthright to liberty as sound, mo12-8an 180? eat. ten 6:4 A.M1., 1:42 A.M., 2:25 P.M. and 8:30 P.M. price of exercising seven of the fin- son daily. Mianassas Division, 10:28 A.M. daily, except .p25$IsWAY" Equare, which will be sold COR. 1&0'H AND F STS. N.W. 'PHONE 446. opportunity cessary committees and call the next ses- solemn and commanding as that of any The Sunday. and 10:28 A.M. daily from CharlottesvIlle. on the same terms as the one est ships in the navy. sion of the lodge, which it Is expected will of the Eternal Father of mankind. M~cDonafldallisSchool, information above. This instrument cost orig- f7-20d weeks. Ant Invitation was The idea of man, in the mind of Theo- 13115 17th at.. 1624 Majas. ave. ande 142B N st. Tickets, Sleeping Car reservation and inally $5 cr-sh, and Is in elegant A Preliminary Cruise. be within two tglitsh andi French Boarding and Day School for furaished at oces. 511 and 1800 Pennsylvania ave- Prior to the of the entire tendered to the members to join District dore D). Weld, was luminous with the at- Sr~g Ludfes and Little tarls. For informtation sue, and at Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Sta- assembling Lodge. No. 1, in Its visit to. and session tributes of God, for the humblest, not less resthe Miss A5NNA ELLIS. feet, the New York. Cincinnati and Ra- Al- grincipal, W. H. GREEN General Manager (Eastern System). --An "Emerson" Cabinet Upright, Splendid Burning with, Langdon Lodge on next Friday even- than the highest, was the care of the W. A. TURK. General Passenger in thorough order Inside and Out. leigh will have a preliminary cruise in the ing. mighty Father, and as an earnest Christian Agent. 57 will be sold at this price, and on Weld was the friend . BROWN, Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept. Their includes St. man Theodore D. Friends' Select a19 L. monthly payments of $7.5l0.- White Ash Caribbean. itinerary School, Coal, Lucia, Port of Spain, La Guayra, Curacoa, The CGolden Cross. and brother of all who are wronged and 1811 3 WIREa' N.W. ST~OVE SIZE. the last meeting of Potomac Corn- oppressed, of whatever race or color, and PRIMARY. INTERIMEDTATE and HIONW SCHOOL CHUBAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY. for a "Weber" Clean-free burni --and of a__ Port au Prince, Kingston, Colon, Havana At he did wili live after him. for Schedule in effect December 2, 1894. . 00 -A low price Uip- mandery, United Order of the Golden the good that elopeertments 30OTH SEXES. leave from Union Station in and although and Key West, the last-named port being FREDERICK DOUGLASS If reeking a goesd schoo~l mend for a catalogue Trains daily (B. A taken exchange, dare to hiave ben seldo or ever-5 E reached about the end of April. The pres- Cross, N. M. Commander Fletcher S. Page or call on thce prin.!ipal, who w~ll eaplala the P.), 6th and B sts. r ecie In Waz igon. GUARR ent practice in chanrae ter of this one. Throuh the grandest seer in America, with will oso at our erlis moment. plan contemplates ev'olu- presided. Grand Commander Perry in- Three masked burglars broke into the no.-tf_ THI3tMS W. SIDWELL. the handoet and most complete solid train serv- $8 per month will buy it. BEST OF SATISFACTION. The tions as far north as Newport. where the ice west froma Washington. lot we have on hand I. rapidly diminishing-and final exercises of the fleet may be had, in stalled WmI. C. Hcnry in the office of war- post office at Matteawan, N. Y., yesterday OLNE.Y INirf1TI'TE, 1827 3 ST., FOR YOUNC) 2:25 P.M. DAIl.-"Cinclnnatl and St. Louis of the best instruments made this pricds is made to hurry It out. Drop a pos- conjunction with the Naval War College. der of the inner gate. Geo. UW. E. Slater morning. The amount of money stolen leai.eand little girls. Special advantages for -pel''-Solid Vestibuled, uewly Equipped, Elec- 5-One20 today Is the Msthushek a Son Up- tal-we'll deliver it quickly. Asieeo To what extent the fleet can carry out was elected representative to the Grand Is believed to be several hundred dollars. study of muic. art and unodekrn languages. tric- lighted, Steam-heated Train. Pullman's finest right; this one has been used two There Is no clue to the guilty parties. lts, Vircila Ma-on Dore-ey. sleepin curs Washington to Cincinnati. Indlanapo months, and will be sold at $10 W. L. tactical maneuvers remains to be seen. All Commandery. Under the good of the order Mi-a Laeura Lee Darsey. Princlpala. orS-tf lis St.Louis witk-out change. Dining Cr per month. latthews,,.TS.iAdison, the vessels are modern steel ships and speeches were made by Grand Commander from Washington. Arrive CincinnatI, 8:00 n.m.; 102-1804 ELEVENTH ST. N.W. f,-20d ought to be able to make a good record. Perry, Past Grand Commander Yates, GUITARl. BANJO, MANDOLIN TAUGHT IN ONE Is.dlanfolls, 11:-40 a.m., and Chicago, 5:30 p.m.; -This piano is one of those superb Grand Keeper of Records Graham, Past term by a tearher of experline; eareful training & Biro." Uprights; its DENTISTRY. Value of Fleet Exereines. Noble Commander Harrison of Mt. Vernofi LIKE A__MIRACLE. of positinois. At 10514 11th at. n.y. nol0-3in* 11:10 P.M. DAILY.-The famous "P. F. V. Im- $ O"Gab~leroriginal cost was $450. It has been In a recent article in advocacy of fleet and others. Grand Commander also ted."~ A solid vestibuled train, with diningr car rented to a ery careful musiia, Perry WOAD'S t'OMMERITAL COLLEYIE. 311 EAST and Pullman Sleepers for Cincinnati, Lexington and exercise Lieut. J. C. Colwell of the navy announced that the "schools of instruction" SALT RHiEUr1. IMPURE BLOOD AND A RACK- ('apeitol at uiparts a thorough knowledge of the Louisville. without change. Observation car from in- said: for officers would be held as follows: On ING OCUGH THAT BAFFLED PHYSI- c'e'istFitCIALI MUtDIFS at the cacst of less tite Hinton. Arrives Clncinti, 5:50 p.m.; Iexington, Stool, Cover and Book with each Teeth Troublesome? the 15th at the citadel of Haicyon Corn- ClANS. FIN~ALLY CURED. ertd money than e'ther schols. We make BRtEAD- 3:00 LouisvIlle, 9:35 p.m.; Indianapolis, 11::|0 If so, see Consult "The units of a fleet require exercise to- il people and then secure p.m.; strument. you ought foe g~dentist. mandery, corner 5th and G streets north- INNER.L4 ofyun posl- p.m.; ChIcago, 7:30 a.m., andl St. Louis, 6:56 a.m.; US about them. Theit needq. can be best at- gether for the same reason that such train- west, for vice noble commanders and war- Springfield (Mass.) Rlepublican. tierns for themn. Tent'h ar. Day anml evening Gee. B. me..iona. Send for eireulnrs. nO-tf A M.. EXCE S~AU .For Old Point E3. F. Droop & Sons, tended to here. Superior werk-skillful cpera- ing is required by the units of a regiment ders of the outer and inner gates; on the In the town of Amherst, Mass., Mr. 10:7 without it can be classed as to a at the citadel of Potomac Command- Pierce and his mother are the proprietors of the ART S1DEI.NTIS' LE.Wi-E. S08 lTH1 ST. Comfort and Norfolk. Only rail line. fT-2t 925 PENNA. AVE. tionssmall prices. 5XTRA1'T'G before superior 19th Amherst Creamery Association. Mrs. Pierce has 2:25 P. M1. DAILY-Express for Gordonsville, the slightest No sileep or mob. The individual worth of the men of ery, 021 Louisiana avenue, for noble comn- lon with Salt Rtheum and a Day arnd ev.auin c-lase. In drawing and paint- CharlottesvIlle. Staunton and principal PER MONTfl WILL BUY pain-8& CE!NTS. be suffered for a tinme lag. 'ruim east andI life. umder 3ir. C. Ii. L. Ma- Waynesboro', for Rich- $500 CASH AND $8.00 harmful effects with1 this method. a regiment or the ships of a fleet may manders. worthy heralds, worthy prelates cough that foreboded ConsumnptionI, but they har. Mr. Edward HI. Steert. Comnposa- Virginia points; daily except Sunday, but if they lack the training which and past noble commanders; on March way to health and vigor. Hearing of this a donald anti DR. GRAHAM, 807 7TH ST. -- f-4 great, given thon. Mr. E. C. Messer anul Mr. It. N. Brook... Pulman locations and tickets at company's of- coe goa s with It ian ha carved legana would enable them to act In concert their 3 at the citadel of St. John's Commandery, rporter enllad on Mrs. P'ierce, and the following Watter ceelor. Mir. De. Laneeay W. Uill. Prpara- 513 and 1421 Pennsylvania avenue. FREEI DENTAL ~NFiltfARY, value is lost, should the warfare extend No. 316 Pennsylvania avenue southeast. rence tor? antique. Miss ALn de Mien. Special termns flces, H. W. Oesecond-hand organ. 22 stops, splendId tone, or exT watimeI s~uffered from Salt Rheum," FU;LLER. cash d month. and 2 o ce e 10'pfo mterials beyond guerrilla work in the one case for keepers of records, financial keepers said Mrs. Pierce, "but ab~out two years ago I by the year. oc3-if General Passenger Agent. $48; $3.00 ar $300 per to5 p$m. or in the other. of records and treasurers. d* HUGO WORCI?, n27 single cruiser raids scouting slipped and hurt my knee, which made it worse. 311S1 AMY 4'. jLFAVrTT, used. Extracting free. Mobility of a fleet in war is as much a Mt. Vernon Commandery at its last I can't begin to tell the agony I was in, my limbha 1121 VER~MONT AVE. N.W., 924 7th at. n.w. with PIANO AND HARMONY HOTELS. necessity as is that of a regiment In the meeting received two applications for became a mass of raw flesh covered running Pianos for rent, moved and packed. n15-3m12 field, and an assemblage of ships whose membership, and conferred the degrees on sores. My friends would ay I could no~t live lung, mel dtf LPSONS ON TFiPE iANKO) KEYBIIARD. There IslA Point and I thought so too. Well, I heari of Dr. David On the down grade of lity price where oficers have been Insufficiently trained In three candidates. Noble Commander and Dr. Dai d Ken- I.elYei.efr te-Iy:t OFl $tidtRT STORJIESD, UNDER 'sd of evolutions would in action bo quite Maion F. Hlolderman Visitors K..nnedy's Favorite Rteme~dy f ore higuh etroenage of Leei3 l'tanefete. Mirs. E. he cheapness ceases to he cnoy.' Our claims tactical presided. n~dy's Salt itheum cream. I commenced using ..eaen. 1lrs. Lede.. Mrs. Mirs. hooks pulish, coatan superIority rest ron super tive service and not on as dangerous to each other and as little were prceent fiom Goodwill and National thenm, and in three weeks I walked out of Truuedeli. [Hen- The us to a and I aicr".nt, etc.. etc'. Thee elubis, now forming, wili Raleigh, T ~ing *useful Information to price-but the assodation system enables worthy of consideration by a trained ene- Conmmanderies. Under the good of the dlors. Lest night I walked mile, at'. rl students the cedvntage of training self-cone- WASHINGTON, D. O. sOgutde yuin selectin a adpt fees which private& practitiners cannot af- my as would a regiment of riflemen whc se order Miss Ade'laide Payne of Goodwill am sixty-three years of age. It shows that Dr. ten. in rel-aig onileru langunaes. Apply New open. Europea plan. For ladies andl fer for the best grade o5 work. drill had never extended beyond the man- Commrandery recited "'She Meant Business"~ Kenniedy's Favorite ltemedy and Salt ibenan Cream G.AiLLARIP SCHOLJ OF' LtAGtAGE. 906 F gtlemen. ABSOLUTEY fireproof throughout. d canl d.. more than the physicians, for th-y made a line and . wit oo eo clean- ual of arms. and "An Interesting Traveling Companion," me I was in'-urab'le. at. m.w. ja7 Eery floor lighted by electricity and heated by Drn irs we'll Exating gas.:c., Allen read "Mr. me well after my doctors told steam. Comrllete equipment of pblic and pri- an.e ing. 75c.; fillings, 75c. up; gold4 crowns, $7.50; "A proper appreciation of this has led andi Dr. Chams. Caudle I miust also tell you of anotner priaratin Dr. - 41T OF WASHIaNGTON. vate baths. Elegant cafe and ldes' restaurant. Buyers"m best teeth. $8.00. businesslike powers to concentrate their Wants a Latch Key." Speeches were made Kennedy advised me to use, which dd as much for Private dining rooms and banquet room. Theater naval strength In fleets which are constant- by L. Rt. Trembly and Jlos. B. Bailey of me. It was Dr. Davjd Kennedy's Cherry Bialsam. B. W. U. S. Dental Association, ly drilled at steam tactics, that their offi- National Commandery, Dr. Harlow R. I have had a wretched cough for the past fifteen __UNDERTAKERS F - ,mner D.O. Pifeiffeir & Co., Street and others. At the close of the years. The best doctors in the state united in gitca;""ec"""'- ja30-tf COR. 7TH AND D STS. N.W. cers may acquire the art of handling ships it was and safety, when meeting refreshments were served by the saying that it was ineurabale, and that only WUr.L~An'S HOTEl5 417 iith St. N.W., with alacrity, precision a matter of time before my lungs would give out- W. R. Speare, A Charity. at high speed, In close proximity to each ladies of the conmmandery. my sleep was restless. I would lie awake for hours. Pa. ave. and 14th PIANO AGENCY. Newmpaper's I used Dr. Kennedy's at., fs2-24d STIR!|F The Cincinnati has other, which must always prevail In a fleet I well recollect the first time .483 Washingtn, D. 0. Commercial-Gazette maneuvering or crusing in company,' The People's Palace in London. Cherr Balsaml. It relieved my throat at once, Undertaker & Embalmer, begun the distribution of the results of a and Islept all through that night, the first full At the recent prize distribution at the night's rest I had in several years. It aee'ned 9-e0SF Street Northwest. EBBITT DOUSE. collection of the supplies for the destitute bottles and was reached The Cienfuegom a Wreck. People's Palace, In London, Mr. Thomas F. like a miracle. I took but two Everything strictly rSwet-class and -n the moat of the city. The contributions from N. I bat WABHINGTON. D. 0. $2500 In cash and from four to five times A dispatch Nassau, P., says Bayard, the American ambassador, made a cur. David Kennedy's Cherry Balsam cures asth- reasoenatbie terms. Telephone call. 340 .Sal-ti that value in kind, aggregating from $12,000 the Ward line steamer Cienfuegos, which brief address, in the coutrse of which he ma, bronchitis, coughs, col1ds, inIcipienlt consumptkmn, to $15,000 In total value. The supplies In- was stranded on Harbor Island on Monday whooping cough o-- croup. 'Taken wIth Favorite ' referred to the blind designer of the 50c. and $1.0 lUR. ISillN UIDERAKER AND EBALMIER, FOR SALE--HOUSES. eluded over two hundred tons of coal and Rmiedy, it never faila. Irces.Z2-c., 1. 4 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. Uniqualid In Tone, Touch. Workmnship and morning, has become a total wreck. Very America's Cup defender and to the coming a bottle. Dr". David Kennedys Salt Itheum Cream Taleprhone 2935. am23-tr F'OR SALE-ON EASY TERMS.- Durablity. 1,200 garments. little of her cargo will be saved, and that yachting struggle. The People's Palace for is mold at 50c. a package. Dr. David Kennedys NORTHWEST?. much damaged. East London is situated In the Mile End Favorite Remedy emsts $1.00 a bottle, or six bot- 1734 Cort oran at. Pianos for Rent. Noted Deaperadoes Convic ted. tes for $3.00. 421 6th at. -0---- road. It provides fcr the vast population STORAGE____ case Favorite Remedy .ranks with the medical pro- 1805 M et. Spcial In Second-han Square Pianos The jury at Fort Smith. Ark., In the British Captain Attacked by Chinese. of the East End a large ball for concerts, as the most perfect of all blood and nere 21st at. Redueto fesston con- WfORA.;E, WrTH INSURANCu. CASH AD- 132 of Bill Cook and Cherokee BIll yesterday A dispatch from Shanghai says that on entertainments, etc., a library and reading medicines... It restors the liver to a healthy on merchandie of ,-very kind stored 1621 Madison. ji31-144 W. KNABE & C., 81? Pa. ave. n.w. rooms, gymnasium, swimming baths, so- dition and cure consti ation. It is a certain cur. vanede with 1483 L at. afternoon returned a verdict of guilty. a number of Chinese soldiers at- for diseases pecul~a to women, and agords a. JcotF.PH BReOTHERtS & CtI.. Thse convictions are for the Wells Sunday cial meeting rooms, game rooms, and, more all ave. NORTHEAST. robbing of the British war rotection from attak that originate is change of f6-6t 637 Loulaiana 64-1 Acker . Fargo Express Company bnd the St. Louis tacked Capt. Cartwright important, trade shops and technical ife. It cures scrofula. salt rheum. tumors, rhen- Al; Y ANDI NAVY STORAGE. ROOMS. 1407 0 411 E at. PIANO TUNING. and San Francisco road at Red Forks, I. ship Pigeon, in the streets of Nankin, hoot- schools. These trade training schoois were matism, all kidney, b~ladder and urinary 1244 the Com- dyspepas.a and disease. Ia at. tieparaete apartments: Breproof building, beat LUnden st.* ledfor UKD ing at him and pelting him with mud. No built and equipped Ly Drapers' dgsasavel, diabetes Bright's lesarion ane lewest ras sa the city. U. L. GOOD1A136 dia. How B30 , Erftinm C.G.UAJANAOU.PlSamietSSa. wream t sO. ProfeeslonelT.nsr.US11th~.nw 426-Sm T.,eralonotherthe8thcasesofagainstlastJuly.t~i~m.Therearesev- pany. .di--seitha curedwhereallelsefailed.