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14 Publikationslisten Referierte Publikationen Abdo, A.A., M. Ajello, A. Allafort, …, A.W. Strong, et al.: Ogle, E. Falgarone, G. Pineaudes Forêts, E. O'Sullivan, The Second Fermi Large Area Telescope Catalog of Gam- P.-A. Duc, S. Gallagher, Y. Gao, T. Jarrett, I. Konstantopou- ma-Ray Pulsars. Ap. J. Supp. Ser. 208, 17 (2013). los, U. Lisenfeld, S. Lord, N. Lu, B.W. Peterson, C. Struck, Aceituno, J., S.F. Sánchez, F. Grupp, J. Lillo, M. Hernán- E. Sturm, R. Tuffs, I. Valchanov, P. van der Werf and K.C. Obispo, D. Benitez, L.M. Montoya, U. Thiele, S. Pedraz, Xu: Shock-enhanced C+ Emission and the Detection of H O from the Stephan's Quintet Group-wide Shock Using D. Barrado, S. Dreizler and J. Bean: CAFE: Calar Alto 2 Fiber-fed Échelle spectrograph. Astron. Astrophys. 552, Herschel. Ap. J. 777, 66 (2013). A31 (2013). Arasa, C., M.C. van Hemert, E.F. van Dishoeck and G.J. Ackermann, M., M. Ajello, A. Allafort, …, A. von Kienlin, Kroes: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of CO2 Forma- et al.: Determination of the Point-spread Function for the tion in Interstellar Ices. Journal of Physical Chemistry A Fermi Large Area Telescope from On-orbit Data and Li- 117, 7064-7074 (2013). mits on Pair Halos of Active Galactic Nuclei. Ap. J. 765, Arndt, S., E. Wacker, Y.-F. Li, T. Shimizu, H.M. Thomas, 54 (2013). G.E. Morfill, S. Karrer, J.L. Zimmermann, and A.-K. Bos- Ackermann, M., M. Ajello, A. Allafort, …, A.W. Strong, et serhoff: Cold atmospheric plasma, a new strategy to indu- al.: Detection of the Characteristic Pion-Decay Signature ce senescence in melanoma cells.
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