Linking School Report to the Curriculum English – KS3 and KS4 Key Stage 3 Pupils Should Be Taught To

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Linking School Report to the Curriculum English – KS3 and KS4 Key Stage 3 Pupils Should Be Taught To Linking School Report to the curriculum English – KS3 and KS4 Key Stage 3 Pupils should be taught School Report Resources to: READING Understand increasingly challenging texts through: Learning new Students learn the vocabulary of news (for Students are introduced to new media-related vocabulary in all vocabulary, relating example, impartiality, copyright etc) and lesson plans. it explicitly to known can explore new vocabulary related to vocabulary and stories in the news. Glossary of common media terms - understanding it with the help of context They also get the chance to explore the and dictionaries vocabulary of the topics they report on e.g politics, science, sport Making inferences Students analyse information from a range Lesson 1 – Finding News - and referring to of texts (e.g. press releases, newspapers, evidence in the text; websites) and are told about the importance of attributing sources in reports. They also gain an enhanced understanding of the importance of accuracy and experience of evaluating the usefulness and reliability of sources. Knowing the Understanding how differently news is Lesson 1 – Activity: Meet the audience – This activity asks students purpose, audience presented for different audiences e.g. how to take on the role of news editor and choose which stories are for and context of a story on the Newsround website may be interesting for their audience. writing; different to a story published on the main BBC News website Checking their Students must evaluate and understand understanding to information they read, to ensure they make sure that what grasp the story and can communicate it they have read clearly to other people. makes sense Read critically through: knowing how Students gain an understanding how Lesson 3 – Writing news language, including meaning is created in news stories, press figurative language, releases and features e.g. emotive vocabulary choice, language used in a press release for a - including top tips from Huw Edwards, a report writing grammar, text charity, how language is used in headlines masterclass and activities. structure and to encourage the audience to engage with organisational a story. features, presents Try your hand at subbing meaning. making critical Students can compare different coverage Ask students to compare coverage of the same story in different comparisons across of the same stories to see how they are sources e.g. a newspaper vs the CBBC Newsround website. texts presented and to explore why differences may exist e.g. the way Newsround cover a story may differ from the way the main BBC News website will present the same information. WRITING Pupils should be taught to Writing a news report – in either script or Key points for writing write accurately, fluently, article format – involves writing accurately, effectively and at length for clearly and effectively. s_key_points.pdf pleasure and information Summarising and Students collate and order information Lesson 3 – Report Writing masterclass – get advice on writing for organising material, they have gathered, incorporating facts radio, TV and online. and supporting and opposing arguments as appropriate. ideas and arguments with any necessary factual detail Applying their Journalists must be able to use language Lesson 3 - Activity: Writing for TV, Radio and Online growing knowledge and grammar accurately, to communicate Try picking out key information from a source and presenting in of vocabulary, information clearly and effectively. script form, remembering to be clear, concise and correct. grammar and text structure to their Using the correct vocabulary and being writing and selecting able to select the best way to present a the appropriate story is another important skill in form; journalism. Plan, draft, edit and proof- read through: Considering how Developing the ability to adapt writing for their writing reflects different audiences, and for different styles the audiences and of news reports e.g.a complex political purposes for which it story vs a light-hearted story about the was intended; school chickens. Amending the Students must understand who they are Lesson 1 – Meet the audience – This activity asks students to take vocabulary, writing for and can then choose the most on the role of news editor and choose which stories are appropriate grammar and appropriate way to communicate their for different audiences. - structure of their story to that audience, thought language writing to improve its choice, vocabulary and presentation. coherence and Lesson 3 – Writing for TV, Radio and Online – Try writing for TV, overall Students involved in School Report can Radio and Online – how might you need to adapt your language to effectiveness; edit their own work as well as the work of suit different audiences? others, improving their stories. In a newsroom, the process of editing and Try your hand at subbing proof-reading stories is called sub-editing. SPOKEN ENGLISH Speak confidently and School Report involves students using Lesson plans include a range of classroom discussion activities, effectively, including spoken English to communicate in a range designed to encourage students to discuss issues and work through: of settings, including: collaboratively to make decisions. Using Standard Editorial meetings – students discuss Lesson 2 covers how to plan, prepare and conduct interviews – English confidently stories with each other and make in a range of formal plans/editorial decisions as a group. and informal Lesson 4 includes a presenting masterclass, which offers tips on contexts, including Interviews – students may need to adapt how to deliver a news bulletin. It includes advice on being clear and classroom their use of spoken English to suit the how to deliver a script confidently. - discussion. context of an interview e.g. are they speaking to a fellow student, a teacher, an Participating in MP or a local grandparent? Lesson 5 also gives pupils the chance to work together in small formal debates and groups to make decisions, use their skills to produce a short bulletin structured Team working – students may work in and present it to the rest of the group. - discussions, news gathering teams (for example, a summarising and/or reporter, producer, camera operator) who building on what has must communicate clearly as they work been said; together to produce content. Giving short Self-evaluation/peer evaluation – students speeches and can evaluate their own work and the work presentations, of others, discussing ways to improve expressing their own outcomes. ideas and keeping to the point; Preparing a news bulletin (video or audio) involves clearly communicating ideas and Participating in staying focused on the purpose of your formal debates and broadcast e.g. including only the most structured relevant information. discussions, summarising and/or Students can discuss stories in the news building on what has and the way in which different news been said organisations have covered them. Teachers may encourage students to do post-broadcast debriefs – encouraging students to self-evaluate their work. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Pupils should be taught to Journalists must be able to use language consolidate and build on and grammar accurately, to communicate their knowledge of grammar information clearly and effectively. and vocabulary through: Using the correct vocabulary and being studying the able to select the best way to present a effectiveness and story is another important skill in impact of the journalism. grammatical features of the texts Students can analyse how journalists use they read vocabulary and grammatical constructions drawing on new to communicate to audiences – and vocabulary and discuss how they can use similar grammatical techniques in their own writing. constructions from their reading and listening, and using these consciously in their writing and speech to achieve particular effects knowing and Writing stories that will be read (an online Lesson 3 – Report Writing masterclass – get advice on writing for understanding the text article, a newspaper feature) vs radio, TV and online. differences between writing stories that will be spoken aloud (a spoken and written radio or TV script) involves making language, including appropriate choices of language. differences associated with formal and informal registers, and between Standard English and other varieties of English using Standard School Report offers numerous English confidently opportunities to use English in both written in their own writing and spoken forms. and speech Key Stage 4 Pupils should be taught to: School Report Resources READING Understand and critically evaluate texts through: reading in different Students learn to analyse information from The values of BBC journalists are reiterated throughout the ways for different a range of texts
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