
i"4ot U.S. Property ,

L.:::.D., i.D. Spocic.l Dnlletin No.G ,T-u.l:r lG, J_940

~'1'ri:1e; the oat·t:,l,3 of FJ..e.:nde1~s, ::l. mm1ber ol corrbat orders O.L, t;12 G:::·rr.1:::·.11 ,Sixth ( von. Reicherg:.1,1,), wern c::..;itm·ed. Copies of these oi~(:ij-;_~;; 1.:::d.c:1 h~:ve re,c.chec" c.he :'ar Le;)Gl~tr.:ent 2.re of interest e.s r,ho·.,fr.c ·c,h.2 teclmio,ue o.~· tho fn'Gp::cratiori. o? Gm:mrcn fielC::. orde:cs, o.3 -, 3:U. s.s cert.r.i::.1 of theh· co::bat motho(a. C:ne of these, Army Od.e:i:·s Jo. 1: of :Tc.y 2.3, col.to.:'..nn en 2nnex r.·h:'..ch cives in detail tho o:-- c.er or br-.tt:i_e of t:1e Sb:th Lr~:1.y as oi' t:12.t date.

The 3ixth Arr:1~r cont

Tho r.:i::.ne:: of o:.~0e1's l'.o. 11 sho,.-:s in c"etnil the cor.:jJosi­ tior. of the Si-~U1 li.rr:ry, anc~ this )G::r,1it0 U;J r:m insight :l.nto tho or2;an:.z2.·sio:-:: o:.' a Ge:,•rnan Army, p::1.rticula:i:ly as to the ·c:r11eG and 11ur.:b0:.:s of" cor)S L,nd Aruy ur,j;:~s.

Trio o::ccler of bc.ttJ..e :~olJ_011S ~

~CI Arm:r Co1'.EQ, .30th J.!Jth 1_1ivision 253th Division Troo~x; :~11gi11ecrs 1 ~ng:Lr1e0r Ttsci1acnt2.l Hee.c~_c~ue.Tters l ~nc;ineJr r:icb::ioJ Be.ttelicn 1 3:ogimier -'.::0r::;t1ur::tioi-:. :-=Jette.lion 7 :i.3°:iclc-;s (;o,.r,·,a.n5.e s :,rtillcry 2 1J,.:_-.ti:1_ler:T C0Trt.10.nc~8 -:nd Stc.ffJ 1 t.L1.. tj_=1_J. 0:c::r /.c ~iF211t.:1l }Iand4.11::i..rte1~s 5 :Jat-0.:.:.l:Lr:JJ~;-;, ·:c,c'h:s: Artillery, i.e., 1 rs. ~+)c..l:i 0:,1, ;:i:~ec'c ( 2 ;y1ttel'ies 150r1u.1. ,. · ,li).0°:;,;p,~-·r;,.,. 1 batJ~er~· 10:jmm. c2nnon) :i f.:atttq\~s,, 150nrri:- J:i8':.'it::ers ( each of three b;;..ttories) u:Ba.AltY OOIO{A.ND AND GENERAL STAFF SCHOOL 2 Bat·::,alions, 1O5:,m. ca:mon ( each of t ,~1~_"tee b DI t'-ceT1cs; . ' 2 Battal:l.0112, -:::,'L,Gh rmc1 S01.md Ranging Av::_ation 1 iS0_1 '£.o:t'o:r, A·~uy G:J,SeTvation

1 b2.t·l;aJ.fo:1, _,Eti-1'L.0 craft Artillery (8Cmm.) O·0he:2 foJ·cGS 1 Ant:i.-'.i.'anl: LladiinA Gun Con1Jany 1 Platoor, Pror,s.gaLc1.8. Corii.pcmy

IV _ A-t'l'.~Y. Co_1~ 7 -h '):Lvi.:Jion .?L,t Divi.s5 ·,)n JG·tll J.J~_,.r 1.P ion L!:.ch D:i.vi:::ion Co:::ps 'l'rccr,;z E11binc;e/·c 1 '.,rGinr:ier :J.e3i:rr.en+,al Heactqua:·ters 2 Gc,·abo:~ Enr,j_necr i'-attalfons 1 Er.zin?ler Co:1,1·~ructic:1 .S :---~ngj_ner:r Prir:_ge Cnrn.panies 3 :·'ng::.nesr Far::s ArtiJ...=.ery 2 .•rt:U lery Cour12.nc: s ar : Staf: ~s 2 .1.rtillery Degimenta.:. 'iead.c.~u...·.rt0::.~s :5 l':eJ.h1~n f..:etil 1 e:cy BattJ.lions 2 B&ttalinns, 15G1B. HoTTitt3rS (3 ba·~te:des) 2 Battc.lL,ns, 1051 :l·,1. C2.ni1on l R1tt1:.J.ion (I:i::ed) 2 Batt,?ri,~s, l';OI11J11. E-:::n:itze:~s, 1 '.Jetter~' 105r:1r. Car.non 1 BattaHcn, ='lLsh D: Som:d Banging, rr:;_ th T'al~1 oon Corn1J2.ny e:~tac!::i.ect. Av:'.. ation 1 ,Scyc..dron, Arr.w Obsor n::.tion 1 })Dtt.2.lion, Anti-Ai:cc:tGft .Artillery ( 88mm.) Other Troc:Js 2 J\.n-~t-:.frcre.ft Sc;,:;:2.nies 1 Eec1.vy Ant:L-'l'an:c Lattc1.J_ion ( cal:;_ue:.· o/ g·.'lls n 1!:no'rn) 1 r1atoo11, rrope.gc.,nd.2. ~ornp;:;..ny

XXVI I Arrny_ Cc2.~rn: 217th D:1..·,r~.sion 269th Division 253nJ. Divis:i.cn 35th Divis1on Corps Engineers J Engineer Dridee CoiJI1anies Artillery 2 ArtiEery Conr.:ands e:nd .Staffs 2 ArUlJery Legimental Headquartern 12 i:ediurn B.ncl_ ;:-fo:::cv:r A:cti1le;:-y / 1• Br:.ttalions, 150mm. Hovritzers 2 Bz.ttalions, 105m1;1. Ca.m1on 3 T:1ixGd I-Ieevy Batta1ions 2 BatteriGs, 3001:m. T.lortars 1 Battery, 210Lm. Llortars 2 Battalions, 210mm. HoYJitzers 1 Battalion, 2/t0mm. Honitzers 1 Battalion, J00liun. Ho:i.~tars 2 Battalions, Fl1'.sh anc1- Sound Ranging J'iviation 1 ~3quadron, Army 0bs0rvatio11 1 1:::attalion, Anti-ldrcraft Artillery (88mm.) Other Forces 1 Special Infantr:r Batto.lion 1 Anti- Patte.lion 1 Heavy Anti-Tank I';attalion 1 11 Smoke 11 ( Chemical '.Te.rfare) Regirt1ental l:Teac:quart8l'S 1 ttSmoke n Be. t talion

Army Troops ()1st Division E:n6ineer Troops 1 ;~nginee:r 17.egimentc::.l Headquarters 2 i~ngineer Combo:t, Bc.·_ttalions 4 Engineer Bridge JJuildbg Battalions 1 JSngineo:c /,1, D1•j_df~O Cornp2.nierJ Artiller;T J. Artillery Pogimental Corn1nnd and St.s.ff 3 Heavy Artillery Datta.lions 2 Ba:ttalionD, 2/:.0,:un. Ca..nnon 1 Dattalion, 150mn. Cam1on 1 Balloon Bs,ttery 1 :JoteoroJ.ogicaJ. Avie.tion J. Headquarters l Ilist(::.nt f'.econnaisnance Sqund:con 1 Cou:t1ier Sc;us.d:ton (Storcb slor, flying planes) 1 11.ir ;:;i;_;n2,l Battalion Othm'11-- Ii'o:i.~ces - 1 ::eteorologic,,.J_ :)ection 1 SreGi:c\l Infe.ntry Cor:;_::iany l Flatoo:n l,rT,o,:·ed Cars.

T:..'.'Enslations o:,~ A-;:my on.\:cTG m1.mb2rs 10, 11, anc1 12 C'.):,enc.ed hereto mo.1·ked. Ai:i;Jenc1.i:: I; E s.nc~ III resi1ectively. Army I~1 Co~d ..2. G.H.Q. 22/5/40 Sr-,ction ]AfOP 2100 Hours

Ann Y 0 }l D E R_S_'__N_O_.•_l_O_.

Tho attack of the XI Ar;:iy Corps is :)rogressing fo.vore.bly.

2. The Al'my ,·dll continue its ,.tt2.cl~ on the 23/5, the main th:i:ust (Sch·aerpun!d:,) being strengthenecl by the XIV Army Corps ad­ vancing North ·Jest.

3. 0-,:n Troop_i!)_.

IV ArrJ.y Corps i:I:i.11 8.Sf'.Ume comm2.nd of the 1/+th Infantry Division. .Arran§;oments to be a 6ro0d by the respective Army Commands. The IV A:1..~r,w Co:rps nill re::iort to these Headquarters i:rhen it is in a position to e.ss111ne command of the 14th Infantry Division.

:XXVII Army Corps ,.fill a;:.,~mme cor;uno.nc7. of the 35th Infantry Division at 0600 hoP.rs on 23/5 •

,'+. O1?,j_Q_ctives.

(a) 'l'he XI p.rmy Corps i:d.J.l cross the LYS crnd advance to the road IlrG3iX:Ui.TST13R-C0UTITfJi.I 0 From this line it uilJ. advance South \:est in the general direction :JYT:3CI·1X,1:'l'E. Having crossed the LYS the Corps rill leave an Infantr:~ Division at the disposal of the Army H.Q. in the ar0a VIVE ST. ELOI-l.!A:ZREGEI1-0YCKE-Cil.UY3HOUTElI.

(b) Tho IV Arl)JX__C:orps uill attacl~ on the left of the XI Corps ,md r,·ill be i~esponsible for maintaininc contc.ct vrith it. It will ac1 vance to the road COURTP.AI-COYGIIT%1 eo that a further advance can be made 2.cross the line L'IENIN-TOURCOING-APJJENTIBHES. As the attack l)l"oc;res::;es this Corps 1.1ill withc~rm: units of the 255th Infantry Divisional Artillery which have been attached to the 14th Infantry Division, and these units -r:ill ret1.1..rn to their o~n Division. The Cor:0s uill ta:~e the necessary security measures. in front of the enemy lortHicd line: TOURCOIEG-FOPJ.'.S'r and uill reconnoiter this line r:ith strong .

(c) Tho 1..'XVII Arm:r Corps 1Jill continue its local attacks on enemy positions and trenches so as to prevent the enemy from break­ ing off contact before retiring. A:n.y retreat Ylill be follovmd up ir:1.11ediately in the general direction of SECLIN.

5. Boundaries.

(a.) Bety;eon the XI and IV Army Corps. (b) I3otnee.n the IV und XX'iTII Ari11y Corps.


LI_ .L..J_.!.L'.JTT -rc (""-VI·r).L\_,_;., .l. •

6. Arny Headquarters ,:ill remain o.t :nghien.

(signed) Reichenau C. i:a. C•

-2- ----APPElJDIX II G.H.Q.. 23/5/40 2LJO hours

ARMY ORD_EH Ho. __ 11.

1. The eEemy is behind the LYS and on the Eastern front has ~-:ithc'lrai:··n fror:i the fortified positions East of the line Tom;COitG-:LILIE. TOuRIJAI is in our hJ.nc1s.

Obsel'V-'3.:Gi011s of enemy lilovenents indicate an i_nteni;.j,on to 'cto:::1.~: thrcugh in the region of ARJ'.AS.

2. The sixth Army Fill attc.c}c on res right and first effect tho m1 oscinc o:": the LYS; t:10 left fl2.nk of the A:cmy r:hile contain­ ing the fror1t L0UBAI==-1::11=: in t:1e east, will attc.ck this fortress aroa frou ti1e southeast.

On the right the left ( 216 Inf. Di,•• ) of the n Army Corps uilJ. [~d.\·c.nco from a b1·idge head at SY!:Gi-::l: to OLSEl!E. GHENT

On the left the last de:'ence of '.IAU:'J=:UGE having fallen, the rii;)1t riiLg of tl1e L}t:1 A1'n.y1 ( l Div.) is r.c1vo.ncin6 from BAVA I to \J"i1.IJi,lTC IJ:jl,J.~~;~S.

Tl~){I Anr~y-___QC2D_)_E!._ nEl cross the LY'.:,, its main thrust being to the south o:t' the c,mal f:i.0 or.1 ROG,:~i,s and rriE be :~reparod at any tL1e to ,:1s.ke a fl2.nking attac1: on YPTIES.

The IV 1-i.rmy Cor12Q, Y:ill foI·ce the LYS anc~ uill suing round on l'1;i;i.:INc '1'b.o noccs:,:;ary security mee.sures \ii11 be taken towards TOU:-COING and. EOUBAIXo

1}::_o_-""Q'=Vn Arp_:y: Coi~ will ac~va:r_ce age.inst the fortified li:i.1e, FC:':"J:ST-COND7.;, its sti·engtlwnec~ left uinc; 8.dvancing in the di:cection oi' o::.CHIES-SECLIN.

5. Reco1:.11a~ssanco.

(o.) G,:9.1:--~l':.S1-'-'1:coripn.iss3£g,.~. D1:rinc the prepare.tion of the atta.c::, ctrong pat1,0J.s uill b;J r:.:ent 01-1.t to asccrt2.in i:rhcther the e!lerr.y is p:-..1 0';'Ql"".ng fresl1 defences behind the LYS 2,nd along the en­ trer~choC:. lii1c ec.1.st of LILLl~-,ST .ALIAND. It is specially iri1portant to obtain 1risonor,, o.r:.d to ascork.in fror-1 the:il Yihetl1er any hither­ to unidentifiec1. unit,s on the L:i::S are relieving enemy forces with- dravJing from the SCHELDE, or ,:rhether the units already identified are again appearing.

(b) Air Reconmdssance uill obtain information on the follow­ ing points:

1. Are the enemy forces nhich are retreating West and South 1.iest from the SCHELDE preparing further resistance along the line of the frontier fortifications, or along the DEULB Canal positions,

2. Are the enemy forces round GHENT and in the nest re­ treating in the general direction of YPRES?

3. Are eneray forees retreating from the line YPRES-ST. AHA.ND in a south nesterly direction to the line HESDIN­ ST. POL-ARRAS? 6. Change of Boundaries.

(a) Between the XI and IV Army Corps.


(b) BetY.1een the XXVII Army Corps and Fourth Army.

BOUVIGNIT:i:S (XXVII)- LE FOREST (Fourth Army) - CARVIN (XXVII) - FOURNES (Xl'VII). 7. Direction of Main Thrust. 217 Infantry Division, previously in the Army Reserve vrill be added to the XXVII Army Corps•

In addition the following units uill be included in the XVII Army Corps; - (a) From the XI Army Corps: Artillery H. Q. 783 Heavy Artillery Bn. II/60 (10cm. Guns). Heavy Artillery Bn. II/46 (Heavy Field Hons.150mm. Super Heavy Artillery Bn. 733 (21 cm. nortars) Super Hea,;,ry Artillery Bn. 736 (21 cm. I.Iortars) ttSmoke 11 Reginent 2 11Smoke 11 Bn. 1. necU.1.uu Anti-Tank Bn. 560 (b) From IV Army Gorps : Heavy Artillery Bn. 624 Hoc:.ViJ Artillery Bn. 815 f5. Army Reserves. 61 Infantry Division has been plncecl at the disposal of Army Headquarters and will concentrute c1m·ing the night 23/21:.• 5.40 in the area VELAINGES - QUARTZS - }IERQUEGIES - MAINVAULT - LA HM.TA.IDE - ST •.SAUVEUR, so as to be in a position to advance e:tther in the direc­ tion of TOURl'iAI or south of that torm. The Divisional H.Q. uill be at ANV.AING. Army Reserve Group.

The 25, Infantry Division nill move (uring the night 23 24.5.40 into a position nest of the DENDRE in tho area FLOHiCQ .... LESSAilfilS - GRArIMENT - NEDEil.BI-uJIBL under ar::.·ange­ ments made h~r XI Army Corps. The 61 Infantry Division and the artillery units rejoining XXVII Army Corps rrill hc.ve precedence on the roads.

9. Army Headquarters will remain at :Ci:m!IIEN.

(Signed) v.Reichenau. Distribution: c.in c. Full

Appendices~ Allotment of Army Troops Special Orders for Signals (Omitted) I APPENDIX III

Arm~r Hi ·h Cmmnand 6 G.H.Q. 24/5/40 Ia Ou


1. The enemy has been unable to defend the Lys position in the face of our e.ttack and is ret1·eating to the Vlest.

English and French forces are still defending the .11 stop­ gap11 positions along the ::.;'rench frontier.

On our flanl;:s the left rring of the Eighteenth Army ( 216 Inf. Div.) has crossed the Lys and in the area DEYNZE-OLSENE and is attacking to the nest. The objective for the 9th Army Corps on 25.5. is the heights of THIBLT.

The right uing of the fourth A1·my is South of VALENCIBNNES, attacking in the direction of I.U;.RCHIENNES.

2. The Army continues its douhle enveloping attack on both sides of LILLE.


The XI Corps secures the right flank of the Army by attack­ ing across the ROUL.ERS-DADIZEELE road in the direction of YPRES.

IV Army Corps will continue to e.ttack~ objective is the heights of 1."JYTSCHAETE.

The 61 Inf. Div. will be placed under its orders.

7 Inf• Div• \"!ill remain in the area of AALBEK~ESPIERPES canal at the disposal of Army H.Q. The Inf. Regiment of the 7th Inf. Div. which is holding the area South of the Espierres Canal rrill be relieved by a Regiment of 31 Inf. Div. by the 25 •5. and vrill rejoin its division.

The XXVII uill continue its attack \7ith strong concentrated forces over the line NIVELLES-ORCHIES. It will relieve units of the 7 Inf. Div. nho are holding the area South of the ESPIERRES Canal, uith units of 35 Inf. Div. by the early morning of 25/5. It r:ill concentrate units of 35 and 253 Inf. Divs. on either side of the b01.mc1ary fo. preparation for the attack to be made by X Army Corps from RUi.1ES TO SECLIN. 4. The Heavy (Gun) Regiment y:ill place hc.rassing fire on road junctions in the aroa of ROULERS-YPRES-APJ1ENTIERES-LILLE.

5. Air Corps IV will support by attacking roads, road junctions, and knmm assembly points on the XI and IV Army Corps front. A Liaison Officer from Air Co:cps IV Y:ill be attached to IV Army Corps H.Q. for 25/5.

6. Air Reece• 1.'iill ascertain, in the o.rea THOUROUT-CASSEL- B:::::THUNE DOUAI-ST.AMAND nhether the enemy is retreating before the Sixth Army nestwards or north vrestnards towards the channel ports.

Extent of Air recce.


7. The X Army Corps Hhich has just been attached to the Army takes over as from the afternoon 25/5~ command of the follm1ing areas: Hight boundary -HOUDAING (XJ - road jtmction 6 kms. North of LEUZE ( IV) - ESPIBIIT;ES ( IV) - ESPIEPJIBS Canal-HAMBRECHIES ( IV) - PETIEHCHISS ( IV).


The time at ,!hich X Army Corps ·\!ill take over vrill be given out later.

The units detailed in Appendix I nill be placed under the orders of X Army Corps on taking over.

The objective of X Army Corps uill be to break-through the fortificatim1s East of Seclin. It Ylill concentrate its principal forces on either side of the line RUMES-SECLrn.

Corps E. Q. in the area TOURNAI.

Air Reconnaissance and A.A. Defences for X Army Corps.

Air Reconnaissance for X Army Corps '.Jill be carried out by Reconnaissance Staffel 4(11)/12 of XXVII Army Corps, uhich will, hovrever, remain under the orders of XXVII Army Corps. The Staffel will send an Air Intelligence Liaison to H.Q. X Army Corps, ahd uill arrange for a messaee dropping post, and, if necessary landing grom1d in the vicinity of X Army Corps. X Army Cm~ps ,;rill arrange for signals communications to the landing v:ound of 4 (H)/12 in AUTREPPE (6 km. East of LEUZE).

- 2 - - .



Between Eighi_eonth Army and XI Army Corps•


Betv1een XI and IV Army Corps: HAil.LEBEKE ( IV) -


9. Army neserve.

In the area AALBEKE-ESPIERR~S Canal 7 Inf.Div. will hold the gap betueen the LYS and the Canal and uill reconnoitre for a possible attack, against tho line of enemy block-houses betvreen HALLUIN and TOlm.CO ING.

10, Army Reserve Group.

25/i- Inf,. Div• nill take over the area FP.ASNES-LEUZE-,ATH-LA HAM.AIDE from 6 Inf• Div.

11. Signals Conummication. See Appendix 2. (Omitted)

12. Army H. Q. remains at EHGHIEN (EDINGEN).

(Signed) V. Reichenan C. inc. Apnendices (Omitted)

1. Allotment of X Army Corps Troops 2. Special orders for Signals 3. Situation Map.

- 3 -