PURE-BRED89 to 97 in from II to 12 Per 111 73 Belfers
JANUARY 1896. .. �4 THURSDAY, ' 16, TOPEKA, KANSAS, .. , TABLE Or·CONTENTS. BLOODED caw., Sheep, HOWBY DOl: lOll, TOpeka; KM. breed.r and FAR.- Poland-Oiilna and lIIn FINE.Hogs,PQultry,8portlDaDop. Bend S-qmtY· SLOPE • of VB.shipper thoro1lllhbred 160 84-AGRIOULTURAL MATT.Ds. and 8Ul'tr-Laoecl W:randotte stamp. foroatalolre. engraTlnp. PAGE =�Ire�. 'N.-P. BQYlIIR � CO., Co.teBTI}le, P&. C. S. Emporia, Ku. Sorghum Hay. Sorghum Forage-How CROSS, - Far Apart Will Corn Mixt Corn-Corn HlIIRD o. POLAND-CHINA SW1NlII We haTe one of the large.t the most noted atralns and ped· herdl of registered ' PRINClIITONoontelns popular _ Duroc-JerseyHogs Smut D.ls6ase. animal. for eate. Addreas Thoroughbred lirreel In the U. S. ChOice, Regllte... 8tock. dend for «-page catal0Il!l"lPrice. PAGE 85-TDB INTBBBST.-Slzth FranJdIn Kas. STQOX n. DaTlson '" Son, PrInceton; Oo., and hlator:r, containing much other uaeful lfu:orma ® of the Kansas Swine HEREFORD CATTLE Annual Meeting tlon to :roull&breeders. Will be IOnt on recelp' of NlIIB.- Breeders' Association. L. BLODGlIITT '" SONS, BlIIATRICE, ,tamp and addrela. J. M. 8TONmlJLAJaB, Panola,'D1. In &he United .S.ta�e.. Write for anything :rou,want. • of Chester White and' Annual of the R Breeders Poland·Chlna, ' PA.GE 36-Sixth Meeting ' , Stook Breeders' ABso- T. LAWTON, North To- Kansas�Improved' :�!1::nr:a�&I::n�;:J':':::����}"airi;���J� �. J ;-, IU:p:��:e�e�lf! SDOB HILL 'STOCK FABl of - -'llhe Science .wlne. Oholce ...s, PX��oS7-IRRIGAT�ON. .10ling � . G. W. GLICK, A:TCHI80N, KA8. OHIOIMPROVlllDCBJlJSTlIIRSWINlII-Pure.bredand registered. One hundreclsprlng pip at.hard Brab- Jrrilration.
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