SECTION II r FOURTH SECTION 1 e toa aingtun fCtmcsf WOMANS

fl YASHINGTON SUNDAY MAUCH 12 1905j I 1atest S ftd 9 JL f ngs of the aster iiat Ana sprtng downs I Small English Easter Quiet But Ex¬ pensive Are Correct

The ReadY to Wear Hats Are Now Considered Quite Prpper

A Local Woman Wears Lovely Spring Green Street Dress

It is no uncommon thing to see a really elegant buckle upon a The conspicuous position in which the hat is morn makes one loath to use a cheap buckle and so a handsome gold or sterling silver ornament is used set with semigems whichare how over as as gems almost dear the real° I In this way one can pay very well for

I ones hat buckle without intending to be extravagant Feathers are to be used this spring again And in this connection it can be said that there is no trimming that pays better I invested 40 in a feather three years ago said a hats that they may supply every need The French Easter hats by the way of cross between drab and lavender add woman who dresses very well and of ones wardrobe They aro made of partake a little of the nature of the pink yet it is undeniably pink It I have worn It winter apd summer various materials and they are trimmed bizarre In order to wear them one comes in lavender cashmere in ladies ever since The first year It was a in smart ways It comes in the elegant must have three things a long purse a cloth in broadcloth in the taffetas and white feather I had it dyed a blue little English styles as well as In the large wardrobe and the courage of in the new taffeta poplin and now it is a golden brown This medium sizes and Is even to be found ones taste Of course one must pause to say So Easter I shall have it arranged as a in the picture hats They are large and their price Is in word for the poplins They are so ad¬ lyre plume around the brim of a rough The only drawback to the readyto exact proportion to their size One mirable in every way They make the z of moderate size wear hat Is that it Is made by the qual ¬ shows a perfectly immense smartest and most durable dresses and The rough straw hats seem to cry out ity for all to wear It Is a hat of which with a great flaring front wide enough they are in good taste no matter how for a trimming of ostrich feathers and one is never sure of securing an ex ¬ to shelter three faces Instead of one worn or when elusive shape On the contrary one fg which looks quite diminutive un ¬ A lovely deep pink poplin for Easter particularly are they pretty early in can upon very ev the season when the cold weather gets a hat which be seen der so big a hat It is faced with hand wear has a hat of black chip trimmed makes thorn more appropriate than corner And to many persons this is embroidered tulle which Is shirred with pink roses Black gloves and black flowers not a pleasant thought One wants while in the shirring are set rows and boots complete the very neat dress And If the feather be a heavy one exclusively ones own pansy color well dressed and of expensive make something more rows of small roses another poplin is in made style The top of is flower garden to wear with a all pansies and a It will keep its shape all through the ¬ the hat a mists of summer comp To obviate the very disagreeable com running down to a point at the back parasol of pansy colored silk with a and will out very a mil ¬ like well in the fall It is the cheaply dyed monness of the readytowear hat where it is met by a great crushed pink pansy handle made to look the feather grows an liner makes this suggestion ribbon JKJW which forms streamers natural flower With this there is a which lanky in hour trimmed of rough to smart Very many Easter hats are conspicu ¬ Take a large hat which come forward and are looped un¬ silk petticoat match and the ous by straw which Ies upon the readytowear the left ear est little handpainted fan which hangs their trimming of feathers In faced with der are under the brim Feathers are arranged counter You will find it from a silver chain ill which set straw of another kind while around the little metal pansies in groups and are caught in under the arrangement of brim in place of flowers They make top there Is a neat The French Picture Hats It would be an excellent thing if all a trimming some maline and straw with a handsome picture h women had the time and the attention dressier claim and buckle And there are French ¬ certainly they have the approval of the straw bow perhaps or a straw which are called Louis XIV hats and to attend to the details of their ward millinery cost of a surety a cool many small green leaves and three fashionable world or perhaps a feather ornament women who want the im ¬ robes It is certainly the little things By AUGUSTA PRESCOTT It of this description and fin ¬ which for season and 40 and might have beer more It was bunches of grapes A lovely little bunch of soft short Take a hat mense picture hat are ideal There is that make the dress this responsible I side of the are pro LONDON paper Is shaped like a with a rather I white tips trimmed the underbrim 6T ish it yourself On the under one in particular which is lovely Just the number of Tittles which statement that the three 4 brim at the right place a big satin I vided for feminine adornment is very for the high crown One side was draped in rough satin Hand chenille straw whic h picture to yourself Gainsborough hat I How to Trim Your Hat bow be large and well made a great best dressed women on the goldspangled cream tulle which was was trimmed t on top with a wreath of Let it But it is different from the Galnsbor A > considerably out ow speaking Why American stage are Edna May The seasons millinery has a great roses y Ig and flattened c up higher While joi the Tittles laid on in a very thick and very heavy > and ma lift black velvet bows ough ferrtheslde is turned De Wolfe acid Maxlne El ¬ TJesT In and a jjreatr deal Ahpther hjii if you p case s TaTBande Su uric erneath7 not mention the bracelet which must Elsie fold trimmed w Its5 favor Which had its trimming n muc h more sharply And instead The other side was can ¬ and every made of bronzy liott These three women says the finger long against it In the latter category of ostrich feathers teas in roughs tra w the hat And Upon this bandeau ar roses This hat adorn arm It is upon gold fringe with paillettes a is more range of tiny pink roses of a feather theis are green g and it is in little links with London dally can be relied to be mentioned the fact that it with the feathers as short as tips They a little wreath > with a great deal of There was the very tiniest facing of last ones or even of black which s trimmed a colored stone set every so far And furnish the best examples of dress a la difficult to trim ones hats than were massed to foil upon the back halt or small white velvet ribbon cahonly be worn by a should be dressed gold lace year years hats were easily you find them more becom ¬ there is the Countess Cassini bracelet mode and dress as it which cost a great deal List iiibbon loops were mixed thropgh them flowers if woman of some style It takes style I any women now before public In Another hat trimmed home But this year the s ing As for the top of the hat it needs a Russian bracelet with three jeweled of the very big l it with a kill which bespoke the profes to is turned up sharply any country but was not was in turban hand of professional is almost sional nothing except a very tiny wreath of wear a hat that bands of gold set an Inch apart and whatsoever draped t one side and taught with a great I se ¬ shape This turban was with necessary put in at held In place by gold bars The Acting upon this hint your correspond I flowers around the brim around with nothing real lace over gray satin At one side And hats are dear too This year t way the vine falls off the rcse and its leaves and triple bracelets are beautiful with the ent made a study of their clothing and was large blush pink rose with The ReadytoWear Hat such a that else to soften its outlines I spring sum particularly of the hats which they have there a you must pay agood price where last back of the hat ap rural sleeves of the and a wonderful pink center while in the year you toald get along on 5 and The readytowear hat has been pro improvements can be easily And still other picture hats have er had made for the spring and summer Little ° this galaxy therti is ¬ very heart of the rose there was a glit is from its lowly position in the pEared and of for neck chains are also pretty and tours The modistes to whom one al less The reason that the hats emoted made in the readytowear hats and a array there is nothing quite as The I pin wardrobe to one of high dignity is ¬ real variety Every ways owes so much in the way of kind ¬ tering more elaborate The trimmings cost It they transform them from the every decorative as the garden hat It is large they are of great And still another turban remarkable more The articles used upon them now a hat which is elegantly selected into handsome of Hat and beautifully trimmed and woman must wear two chains One Is ness for hints bestowed assisted also and millinery exclusive and the result Is thatthe readers of this page for its elegance was all black being a are more extensive and the result Is a and tastefully trimmed Indeed it is that rival the French Maud herself could not have come into the very long slender one made of ful display of lace and jets and consequent higher figure possible to so select ones readytowear models the garden in a fiat more suggestive of upon hangs her fan or can have some very good hints about wonder summer links which fashioning of spring and black tulle and black pail ettes with to small vanity case And the other is the their hats The garden picture hat appeals a wfcich gowns from the wardrobes of those who hundreds of spangles glittering all over I large mimber of women for It the short necklace of beads ties l are said to be the best dressed women the hat This was one of the allthe nothing mote than a pretty face And around her throat like a dog collar ¬ in days all women are retty It matter of the news Is par yearround hats And a very pretty and I these In the hats Is built on the order of the oldtime gar ¬ ticularly interesting Edna Mays best becoming one at that den hats Thereis a low crown around Beautiful Little Things of Dress hat according to an Informant is a There is undoubtedly a tendency to get which a wreath of leaves may be twined very large pale blue hat of scoop shape hack to the little with strings I or a wreath of roses At one side t re One very smart Washington woman l ribbon tow It has a wide brim which flares in But it is only the very young woman is a and it and velvet ° wears a handsome street dress of Is Immensely be ¬ and In tht buck there is an in Trieri spring green is a broadclotV suit front and Is slightly depressed at each who dares wear it It bunch of loops with two ends which It though sufficiently so to be coming to the rosy cheeked fresh or with threequarter tight fitting coat side not come down and are brought front flare cuffs called a genuine It is in young face But It is not so becoming can hang right down the back in stream ¬ with Louis XIV front and is of style to woman who has passed beyond er fashion Around her throat there is a string of the very best taste and a the garden would be exceedingly becoming to the age of natural roses Pretty variations of the hats green jade beads of graded size the which are seen there is one which is round biggest the size of the tip of your any blonde young woman it Q and Hat with a low crown It is trimi d size pretty feature of the hat is found with a thatch of leaves which lire it little finger the smallest the of a The I pea neck there In bunch of loops which trim the Bonnets With Strings Around the v rv edge of the brim there while around her is the Is a wreath of the littlest roses A simi ¬ thrown a very fine gold chain from side Two whole pieces of narrow blue Duchess of Mcfcnchester pop ¬ goes arranged in loops hang The that lar wreath around the crown One which hangs a vanity case of shining velvet ribbon ular Western girl who has set the ex ¬ side of this hat is lifted and curved and flllgrea side of the hat The long ¬ in place by a stiff hidden In silver It is a silver ball from the left ample of domestic felicity to the titled held wire and there is a powder puff and est loop reaches almost to the knees Europe wears early the roses And right in this curve there inside grow Americans of this is set a pink rose of large size This hat a tiny comb and a little mirror The other loops gradually shorter spring a little black jet bonnet shaped spring coat one dainty set of is one of the dressiest of the garden As one examines the until there is just little like a toque She went driving in it the hats tumes closely and particularly the loops right back of the left ear A hat other day with Lady Mary Montague by Although roses play a large part in one is struck by the ten¬ is called a casino hat or a the Easter millinery let nobody suppose spring hats of this kind her side At the left side there were they are den cy toward quiet elegance There drawing room hat pink roses buds and right under that its exclusive trimmings which Is and All sorts of flowers real and imn inary is less of glittering show and more of Maxine Elliott wears a hat the chin there was tied a smart pink flowers that grow in the fields and the substantial Indeed it would not a basket hat It is flat on the top wide ends spread in flowers that never grow save called ¬ velvet bow with out under the be surprising if one were to get back with the edges slightly raised some prim which was once nimble fingers of the flowermakers are tray the fashion the seen year upon shapes to the severely tailormade costumes thing like a great straw and into style but which one never sees nowa ¬ this th Easter years ago are piled flowers of all While following the flower thought on of a few the top there days except on prim old women from must mention the fact that the flower Of course taffeta plays an important kinds Is like a little flower garden Philadelphia s once more very Is It top or turban popular and part in dress and wherever taffeta growing upon the of the head Another pretty bonnet worn by the is seen very much as it was some yea rs seen is a dressy frock There Is ago ¬ there like a tray of flowers which one might duchess Is slightly on the poke order round and compact and made al something about Its luster its softness one were supporting upon most exclusively of little flowers Imagine that It is in golden brown wide in the brim There is a flower toque which is very its general style and delicacy which ap¬ the coiffure The under side Is faced pink roses and tied popular dressy set numerous trimmed with under and which has for its basis peals to the beholder It is a with pink into which are the chin with three sets of black velvet tilt bcautlful purpl violet It is made material Just as pongee is dressy and little pink button roses with pointed front and rounding hack glossy are dressy The ¬ ribbons Its style is called though as all fabrics Miss Elsie do Wolfe has a large ward Mary Montagues Easter hat is the shape silks flowered though they ¬ Lady some call it the You will rec spring wash most of them of the Eng ¬ robe of hats In blue and it is very lame It is ar ognize it Its front or bow comes al ¬ be and the foulards no matter how lish order small and much trimmed simply as befits her threeyear most to i sharp point while its sides quite place of upon ranged high showy never take the with the mark of elegance them lifted sharp ¬ rise and its back is prettily shaped was old dignity It is a flat hat I tc fit head taffeta in general popularity It a They are neat little turbanshaped hats ly one side where it Is caught with a the happy day for when taffeta very at itf womankin very compact very elegant and big soft blue ribbon bow There arc II was revived are on the or ¬ ¬ expensive Most of them wide ribbons that tie under the chin The Flower Turban Is In Again The spring colors are pink and laven der of what is called alltheyearround She is to wear this with a white china der and the medium tones And there slats lined blue The coat is For the flower turban one harks back Brown is not silk coat with to days when every is a fondness for blue j i it down the front with big white the woman had a vogue was is suc ¬ buttoned violet turban This is quite the it but it Novelties in Easter Hats crystal buttons each one painted with turban rather ceeded by Its near relative a golden I large this season It is pointed in front Her shoes and leggings r which quite eclipsed it in No matter how backward the spring a blue flower and s covered as to the top with brown has comes and are white favor the Easter hat out brave Napoleons are becoming to nearly violets white the sides arc thatched forget to mention red The ¬ One must not sure landmark by which ¬ with leaves This violet and green to gay It is the all faces and can be worn even by wom which this year is particularly glorious may know fashion has put ¬ gether form very pretty combination one that en of advanced age They are positive a in its light shades The most fashion ¬ aside her winter garb for the prettier bewitching upon a young woman with which can be made dressier by the ad ¬ brilliant tomato red merrier season ly dition of a pink velvet bow or a series able color is the clothing of a a tall graceful figure and a pretty face which is becoming to both blondes and The Easter hats this year show many of to be claimed in of little pink velvet bows arranged In point And what is best all crown a brunettes And the next red novel points And one of the most they are not ex ¬ around the in such manner These two reds their favor is that bows touch of favor is cherry red novel is seen In their diminished size expensive and can be easily that the little the hair I all other big ana tremely gown to wear the have crowded out cardinal and True there are hats there are trimmed by ones self at home or The with flower tones r toque unquestionably a gown red picture hats and there are hats that are trimmed small cost by a milliner is of the If you are selecting a wardrobe for of romanticism at same color A pretty purple a pansy to Include one cherry big to the point But the This is my last years Easter hat I summer be sure r will bloom Is quite colored or a lavender gown goes beau ¬ red hat You can wear it with a black Easter hat as it forth bragged a very well dressed young I or with a white muslin It as to size and very much modi brim tifully with a violet trimmed hat And lace dress golden limited woman It had a wide straw even essay to wear pink goes particularly well with fled as to many other points flexible and made of good straw I one can if one brown with almost any But do not think that just because up irregularly around the cares to do so color one can select It is not a hat to turned it A pink cloth street dress is not such bo worn constantly but for a piazza hats are small they are also cheap On crown very high in some places and a hat there is noth ¬ ¬ great extravagance If one looks it hat or for the contrary the smaller they grow the low in others and trimmed K in mili a at ing is quite as becoming as a shade price really rightly and selects the shade of pink as tha cherry higher they soar in and It tary fashion and behold I have u It be selected There are many of brilliant year more looks as though the tiny hat had cOm spring Napoleon hat colors al called pink and one can The Easter hats this are ¬ the Easter hats of last pressed within its crown and brim all One of the most becoming Napoleons have something fashionable or some dependable than sea e thing as one elects year can wear them all the the expensiveness which characterized was turned up at the back and under calling c I sot They are not quite as gaudy and Its flaring set For street wear or for for f endure the test of time the great high wide hat with the brim was three bunches of course t pink broadcloth dress is not a so they neatly elegant feathers white grapes Above the grapes there shopping gown one should pick out the much better They arc deeper tones is pink which And more than this one cannot ask of A hat which was small and could were clusters of pink roses large and There a unless one would enumerate the box was d together This trlm looks a great deal like the lavender and a hat becomingness And Bas have been put into a cheese closely masse 2 which is chosen as a gradual way of quality of the built for a woman who makes it ono of ming which was the feature of the I getting out of mourning It Is a sort ter hat is certainly all of this her religious maxims not to wear cheap hat consisted of pink roses a great