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TO MAKE YOUR OWN EASTER AUGUSTA PRESCOTT TELLS WHAT JO BUY IF YOU CAN BUY ONLY ONE tfT EASTER, COLORS. , Should Write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, mf top Mdvioo it is Absoiafeiy Fpoo Restorod Thousands of Women to All Letters Are Sacredly Confidential and No Names Are "WitHout Special Per- mission of tKe "Writer All Letters Are Received, Opened and Answered hy Women Only During tKe Last 20 Years Mrs. PinKliam Has Gained a Greater Knowledge Regarding Female Ills Than Any Otrier Person, and is Consequently Better Qualified ft 1 to Advise and Guide SicK Women. I w

LYDIA E. PINKHAAT, Discoverer of Lydia E. Pinkliatrfs Vegetable Compound. (1). An hnt In ml)roJdercd chiffon, plumes anfi pearls. (2). Grey walking with redblrd'e wings. (3). A rose w reath hat. Showing the Resisii of Mrs (J). An Easter suggestion in preen with a mass of scarlet geraniums at one side. Pmklfe&m!'& Four Letters Mrs Pinkham's Advicea Thousands rflore of will neod this 3 ear three Easter that conceal tho top; but a boat-shap- a "trotting" hat and one that Is to be tho Same Hind Are on File in Her Office YOU a small, round straw turban, turban. worn on all commonplace occasions. The 'ssion Lyssnp trimmed: a neat trimmed The brim sets out a little and the hat. turban and Its cousins, tho neat little si affisss 1 hat, when laid upon the table. Is perfectly round straw , are charming in their In addressing Mrs. Pinkham you are confiding your with flowery, for calling; a very effective round in shape. But when you have untrlmmed simplicity, and many of them " Dear Mrs. Pixkhaji : I have "been, for some years a great sufferer fluffy, floppy picture hat. With these trimmed it there is more diversity At each are completo. with their bows of velvet private ills to a woman a woman whose experience in and thought. I would write and explain my case to you as u had helped threo you can get along through the side you ha e probably caught it up witn without other decoration. treating woman's diseases is than so many others. Menstruation s irregular and very painful. I have suf Easter month. But the day has gone by, a group of bird wing3 and under the wings The ery easily crushed flowers, the greater that of any living fered with painful periods for ten years but the pains grow worse as I faded into ancient history, when a you have placed a bunch of velvet. soft malines and chiffon, the striped grow and gauzes and the tulles, and the soft stuffs physician male or female. older. woman could buy one hat and wear it as Tlie Enater Turlian. some "I suffer most with my back, lower part of abdomen and left side. I of all kinds, nro best used .upon You is a of August not constantly, en Easter hat, and later appear in it duri- The color, if you arc out for Spring ef- other stle of hat rather than upon these can talk freely to a woman when it revolting have been flowing all the month and part but ng1 all the Spring and Summer. fect, is green with scarlet In It. More utility : for they are for wear will stop for two or three days and then begin again. to relate your private troubles to a man besides a man bearing-dow- n Consolations there are in the matter of like Autumn would seem, to use and tear, and are of tho " The doctor says I have misplacement of the womb. I have it scarlet is very later adapth eness. You can raako your in the trimming, but though is sort that will go you through the understand is pains when passing urine, and my abdomen badly swollen hat it vicissitudes of Spring. does not simply because he a man. your convenience." A. V. Easter picture hat do for garden parties In Spring, you will find that there is many and sore. Please advise me at earliest lira. touch of he flamingo. The Easter church hat Is also the call- women suffer in silence Scott, 21 Page St., Kingston, Pa. (Sept. 30, 1900.) August. And, If you are clever, you will a ing hat, for one can be very gaudy In Many and drift along from Let the hat be caught high at each side wrote to you asking advice no one eeo how jour little straw turban will I flaming wings, ono's devotion to Easter. And hero one full well "Dear Mrs. PhikiIam: When I with the red in which there comes to bad to worse, knowing that they ought to have said could be relieved un- answer as a traveling hat and an outing Is some black, and let the ribbon be. say, a much more Intricate treat- could describe my suffering. The doctors I not hat. As for the neat flower-trimm- green, ment. immediate assistance, but a natural less I had an operation performed, but thanks to you and your medicine hat a leaf in two shades, a dark leaf Is rose modesty impels them , will and light There an Easter hat that is a I got along 'without having the dreaded operation. I have taken ten or it do for matinees all the leaf. hat. It Is supplied with a round crown, Spring and for a calling In June when Around the crown let there be some vel- to shrink from exposing themselves to the questions and bottles of your medicine and am once more well and happy. Iiydia E. hat covered with rotes, a spot of God-sen- vet laid in a double roll, and back not the hat Vegetable Compound is a fine medicine and a d you go out for the P. P. C. calls to tell at the showing, except tho roses; then there probably examinations of even their family physician. Pinkbams people going away. let there be a velvet bow, with the loops are rolling sidet, also roses, It to suffering women. I trust my letter may be the means of bringing that sou are pointing both ways to make finish. covered with suffering accept your kind aid." Mrs. A. V. yourself a neat and the front and the back are all of is many of my sisters to Scott, But It is well to reconcile to the If the turban be cut down at the back unnecessary. Without money or price you can consult 30, 1901.) you roses. A rote hat It Is, with the only 21 Page St., Kingston, Pa. (Jan. fact that t ill need three hats and to tho ends of the velvet can lie upon the trimming consisting of a small aigrette a woman whose knowledge from actual experience is " : Some time ago wrote yon my regular phy- make suitable appropriation In the purse hair. Otherwise a ribbon bow can be set in front, with tho rhinestone at the foot Dear Mrs.Pinkiiam I that line, for you must spend tho money for underneath the back of the brim. of tho aigrette. sician had made an examination and told, me I was aCaictcd with a tumor in greater than any local physician. The following invitation n them and think ahead as carefully for There la another turban color combina- my womb. I had backache, headache, bearing-dow- pains, and very pro- Is gray Easter Church, your Easter as for your dinner tion. This and violet, with a touch Hat. is freely offered ; accept it in the same spirit. fuse menstruation. My limbs would ache so I could not sleep, and I was gowns. Three Easter hats you must have of green, and lovely it is. The hat. which Velvet and chiffon will bo much used very weak and nervous. was bloated from my head to my feet. After is in gray, trimmed I if ou have to go without a shirtwaist or is with black wings, together. from form female receiving your - Com- Is Chiffon, which has been called Women suffering any of weakness letter I took Idlo- E. Pinlcham's Vegetable two, and they must be in the new shapes while violet elvet twisted around the tho connecting "Winter the of your as crown, off link between and pound and Blood Purifier, and followed all rest advice and colors. and violet velvet sets the Summer, holds its own, while velvet slips are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham as tumor was expelled in pieces, and 1 regained my Colors. wings. , near I could, and the Easier In as a companion. Velvet Is good every- natural size. continued taking your Vegetable Compound for a while The Easter colors in different parts of A startling style of hat is the trlcorne. where and. with vehet and chiffon, one at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and I but ou must be stylish to wear It. Like longer and felt like a new woman. I cannot thank you enough for your the world are these: cannot gD far astray. Easter church hats me. In Paris, white trimmed with flowers the new , it requires some peculiar are largely of velvet. answered by women only. A woman can freely talk of kind advice, and what your medicine did for It certainly saved my and lace. charm of manner and carriage of the head A Gainsborough, not a picturo hat, but life." Mrs. Perlet S. Willis, Vershire, Vt, In Vienna, the black hat with brilliant to take it oft well. The latest veil is one a modified Gainsborough, has a wide her private illness to a woman ; thus has been established that is fastened in the back with a great " Dear Mrs. PcncrAM : One year ago I read a letter in a paper telling trimmings. brim faced with alternate folds of chif- how much woman had" derived from Lydia In London, the conscrvatI e tones, splashing bow, whilo ends and loops set fon and velvet, the chiffon lying over the the eternal confidence between Mrs. Pinkham and the good one E. PinMiam's trimmed with purple and gray. each way. Upon one woman it will look velvet. The top of the hat, the plateau Vegetable Compound. I had been sick all winter and was nearly dis- In this country there are daring color very nice, but upon another it will be part, Ls covered with little velvet cords, women of America which has never been broken. Out of couraged, as the medicine the doctor gave me did me no good. I had kidney combinations that e oke the admiration of positively grotesque. So with tho trl- wound round and round like chenille. complaint, leucorrhcea, itching, bearing-dow- n feeling, and painful men- milllrtrs all over the earth. corne hat. It does not become all people. Caught at the front Is a very long, very the vast volume of experience which she has to draw from, struation. I wrote to you describing my trouble and soon received an There Is a three-corner- or trlcorne For the first time in the history of Amer- thick plume, and this extends over the is than she has know- answer telling me what to do. I followed your instructions, and have ican millinery there is a demand for the hat which looks very well, and Is peculi- top of the hat and falls at the back, un- it more possible that gained the very taken nine bottles of Vegetable Compound, and used, one packrge of Sanative American Easter hat abroad, and the "im- arly adapted to traveling use later on. til It touches tho hair and sweeps It a do not very trimming, ledge that will help your case. She asks nothing in return Wash, and one box of Liver Pills. I am well now, have those sick ported ' hat is a feature of the best estab- It Is a hat with little but llttls. spells at monthly period, but can work all day, and never could is so cut in the straw, or so bent, that Tho ostrich Instead going the that I lishments of London and Paris. The it feather. of your good-wil- l, and her advice has relieved thousands. do until began taking the Compound. I cannot praise the Compound too American sailor has long been known on the front comes down to a peak right over out. Is coming in. and jou will see many except I the nose, w hilc the sides flare and turn up a feather-swe- pt hat. Great, long, curling highly. I do hope every suffering woman will learn of remedies and the other side, but the Easter hat not Surely any woman, rich, or poor, is very foolish if she does be success to the Compound ; until this year. a little and are caught with a bunch of ostrich plumes are fastened at one side cured, as I have been. I wish all it has done The of Easter is certainly odd. velet loops. of a round hat, and tne plume Is al- wonders for me and I am eo thankful." Mrs. Gexie Kellogg, Berlin to come not take advantage of this generous offer. It Is chic and very becoming. An. Enster Matinee Hat. lowed across the front and to Heights, Ohio. many fall off at the fldo In very pretty style, There arc varieties of It, and you An Easter that was no hat at all, giving can take pick and choice. But in hat width to the front of the hat. jour but a bow, was sold a few days ago for The plume may curl thickly and cover the them all, and through them all, there is quite a sum. was called a matinee WEBETMELE GOMPt note of oddity. It hat with its closo tendrils. the toque. It was made out of pink satin The flat-topp- of restored more women to health medicine Take the little straw turban which Is to little hat shirred tm Has than any other the druggists have ever sold It outsells all other medicines for female ills two to ribbon of the color of a tea rose. The tullo is another medium for the ostrich one must be so much worn. It is made of satin ribbon was four inches wide. Over it was feather. may be large, ihereiore it be unequalled. Accept no substitute. f curiously mingled in a. It without being straw, sort of stretched black velvet two Inches wide, large enough to be a picture while hat. fa&gsflga4aAAflWa... - braiding, until it is close and secure. Or leaving a margin of pink at each side. right in the middle of the top Is a circle ias.aP!gBK& ""'' .m r ,, f tmJJi. jsr.iMm miMIHn.'aC BPrjfXUBHH it Is made of colored cloth and straw Tho whole was tied In a big double bow, of lace. Around the brim there curls a Lraldcd together. Or it may be of chenille with two loops at each side and no ends. plumu. which is carried all the way suspicion and straw intertwined with a of It resembled an Alsatian, except that around from the left side across the front, very littlo to be seen from the baak one upon chiffon, until tho crown and der tho lifted side there were crocheted stitch. Any and many way loops each the folds of It is quite impossible to think out a a a there were double sets of at over the right side and down the back except an open-wor- k crown, very low brim arc all covered. whlto velvet, edged velvet, put together, it makes a hand- with black hat this Easter. One must look at tho it is until side and a tight knot in the middle. This until it gracefully caroses the neck. The and very flat. t A long, brown stem finds way across and these were arranged like leaves, so pictures and study them and learn from some, firm material from xhich a. Is was upon hair, in o hat to be set right the manner in which this is applied sug- Among the smart calling hats, or the- the top of the hat. At one side there is that their edges lay as though they were them and from the shop windows how-t- built. the middle of the pompadour, which was gests the way In which a bca Is worn ater hats, may be mentioned the acorn a mass of acorns, with brown cups, shad- tho leaves of a book. make a hat. shape circu- part- " The of the straw turban is a low one, with a suggestion of a around tho throat tossed carelessly This la a round affair of white tulle ing Into green. Another had a top of gray poor and turned up all the way around, ing one side and with a full set of around. hat. hat velvet The woman who feels this Easter, lar at with softly draped brim, tho whole lying A hat of light tan chiffon was lifted at I The front was covered with a mass of we our poverty the brim nearly as high as the waves each side of the part. There aro almost of nothing and all have spells, can with at hats but In many folds. Over the whito chiffon one side, while tho whole top and brim tulle and,, right in the middle of the front, banish the blue and come out Quito crown. et not quite as high. It is not The straw turban Is an outing hat, and one curling feather, which conceals every thcro are laid large green velvet oak was a mass of tho chiffon. Big dots of I thero were two big Beauty shape high a walking is thing American the distinct boat with sides hat, and a street hat. It else from a front view and leaves leaves, cut out and appliqued, one by black velvet trimmed the chiffon. Un rosea with their leaves. Concluded on Page 3L)
