Year Items Donor

77.1 1 Trubey, Bertha, Miss 77.2 7 Norton, Edward, Mrs. 77.3 4 Varnum, Mary, Miss 77.4 6 Stevens, Hazel, Miss 77.5 96 Estate of Stewart, Jessie 77.6 14 Lahue, Richard, O. 77.7 45 Foucar, Bruce 77.8 7 Parkhurst, George, A. 77.9 1 Hoyt, Edward 77.10 1 Ward, Chadbourne, H. 77.11 34 Whitcomb, George 77.12 4 Davis, Harold, J. 77.13 39 Estate of Jessie A. Stewart 77.14 1 Adams, Lincoln, Dirs. 77.15 7 Norton, Edward, Mrs. 77.16 3 Estate of Stewart, Jessie 77.17 2 Shedd, Harry 77.18 1 Lahue, Richard, Mr.&Mrs. 77.19 5 Warren, Miriam, Miss 77.20 9 Hamilton, John, Mr.& Mrs. 77.21 12 Emmons, Henry, Mrs. 77.22 3 Wilder, Donald, Mrs. 77.23 1 , Edward, Mrs. 77.24 7 Foster, Herbert, Mrs. 77.25 2 By purchasetHarold J.Hayes 77.26 1 Beall, Charles, Mrs. 77.27 1 Mass. Historical Society --- 77.28 1 Lapham, Donald, A. 77.29 4 Berg, Ralph, Mrs. 77.30 2 unknown donor 77.31 6 Warren, Miriam, Miss, Fogg,Dpnald,Mrs 77.32 2 Buckus, Andrew, J. 77.33 3 Doyle, Philip, Mrs. 77.34 22 Lahue, Richard, C. 77.35 7 Norton, Edward, Yrs. 77.36 2 Poland, Helen, R. 77.37 48 Tebeau, Edward, Mrs.

mab 1979 77.1

Miss Bertha Trubey 200 Dunstable Rd., North Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 1-18-1977 R.O.L. acknowledged: 2-13-1977 J.F. registered: 1-22-1977 J.F. labeled: 1-22-1977 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

/51 photograph: North Chelmsford Brass Band - 22 members in ; circa 1894 - location ? - picture faded; size 7i x 4 3/4"; mounted on cardboard, overall size, 10 x 8" Identification Rear: 1 2 3 4 Myron Queen (?) 5 Amos Adams (?) 6 . drum major 7 Arthur M. Warren, trumpet 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Front: 1 2 3 4 Carll (?) 6 7 8 77.2

Mrs. Edward W. Norton (nee, Lucia Wilma Perkins) 115 Robin Hill Rd., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 1-18-1977 J.P.R. 2-1-1977 J.F. and 2-10-1977 J.F. acknowledged: 2-14-1977 J.F. registered: 1-22-1977 J.F. labeled: 1-22-1977 J.F. donor card: ".b 2979 object card: mab 1979

song book: Legion Airs; songs of "Over There" and "Over Here"; compiled by Frank E. Peat; edited by Lee Orean Snith; copyrihted 1932, Leo Feist, Inc., N.Y. - paper covered; blue with gilt lettering at top and sketch of hel- meted soldier; red star at left of lettering; - size of book 6 3/4 x 10 3/8" 2 teacher's Guidebook for the new"Singing Wheels", the "Alice and Jerry Basic Readers" -- 4th year program - 1954 edition; copyright 1954, 1950; - 1940, by Row Peterson and Co. - registered in U.S. Patent Office; - printed in U.S.A. - paper cover; red with white lettering; stage coach and 4 horses in red on a 1 1/8" x 4" background on front cover; - size of book: 5 3/8 x 7 3/8" 3 newspaper clipping: A Card Game with History; - the collecting of postcards, particularly those made by Raphael Tucke; - from Boston Globe, Jan. 23, 1977 4 Town Report: 1974; printed at Nashoba Valley Technical High School - cover design, 1st prize, by Dave Acheson; - sketch of Town 11;011 with fire whistle on top; street lamp in front left, with lighted candle; windows and lights in double doors, bright yellow; - colors: black and yellow on white - size, 8 x 11 3/4"; paper covered 77.2

Norton - 2

5 3 pp. from"Chelmsford Newsweekly", 6-22-1961; a,b,c . 06kAict---1 (4 4, - articles on Dedication and Open House of New Addition at All Saints' Church - pictures of interior and exterior; nlso noted:- picture of participants in Service of Ordination into the Unitarian Universalist Ministry of Philip H. Silk of Chelmsford, Sunday, June 18, 1961. 6 newspaper clipping: from "Boston Sunday (-lobe", Nov. 6, 1966; - article on Attic Treasures by Catherine Milton - revealing guide to New England's Past ,7 newspaper clipping: from "The Lowell Sun"; V6PAP y rig - article on Chelmsford, One of Growing; Towns - pictured: The New All Saints' Episcopal Church 77.3

Miss Mary 11.... Varnum (Molly) 495 Varnum Ave., Lowell, Mass. received: 1-25-1977 L.W.N. acknowledged: 2-13-1977 J.F. registered: 1-26-1977 J.F. labeled: 3-22-1977 J-F- donor card: mat) 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 afghan: belonged to Ruth Howe; origin not known; - Victorian period - made in alternate panels of striped shades of red and dark brown , knit in popcorn stitch. The dark brown panels are decorated in colorful wool floral patterns done in needle- point: calla lilies, roses, rosebuds, and a blue blossom; - patterns are taken from the 3 German designs listed below (in Nos. 2 and 3).. - afghan is fringed - size

2 floral transfer pattern: red, pink rosebuds and blue penstamon or monkey flower (?); - size 3i x

3 floral transfer pattern: calla lilies and rosebuds; # 13240; size 7i x 4 3/8" 4 floral transfer pattern: pink and yellow roses, red rose- buds on black background; # 13550; size 8 1/8 x 4i" 77.4

Miss Hazel Stevens 44 High St., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 1-25-1977 J.F. acknowledged: same registered: 5-8-1977 J.F. labeled: 5-8-1977 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 12 slides of Williamsburg, Va.: additional to those given previously a. cupola or "lanthorn" on Governor's House b. main bedroom, with carved 4-poster c. palace supper room: wall paper hand painted in China d. rear of Palace e. Revolutionary soldiers buried in part of Palace gardens f. marl or shell garden walks in Topiary Gardens (shrabs trimmed geometrically) g. Haley maze in formal Palace gardens h. Palace Garden with privy (or "necessary") i hedge and garden: boxwood j. rear of Palace and 1 green garden k. Palace mounting steps (for carriages)

1. Palace carriage house

2 lecture folder: to accompany and explain Williamsburg slides

3 reference material: from "Yankee Magazine" 77.4 Stevens - 2 -

4 catalogue: Sears, Roebuck & Co., Inc.; miniature reproduc- tion of CaIalogue of 19nn; "chennest supply house on earth -- our trade reaches around the world's ; - consumers' guide; published by DBI Books, Inc., Northfield, Illinois - inside front cover: photo of Richard Warren Sears, Founder, 1886-1908 - paper back in brilliant colors and lettering; blue background; farm scene, horn-of-plenty, and figure of woman in green holding letter addressed to Sears, Roebuck & Co. - size of catalogue: 5i x 7" 5 tin box: 4; x 3 x 1 3/8"; label on cover: "Genuine Seidlitz Powders"; - directions: "Dissolve the contents of a white and a blue paper separately in a quarter of a tumbler of water. Mix and drink immediately." - prepared for Page's Drug Store, prescription specialists, Westford and Pine Streets, Lowell, Mass. and Chelmsford Centre, Mass. - for use as store exhibit by Chelmsford Historical Society 6 handkerchief: fine white linen; hand hemmed; hand stenciled with antique wall stencils from Blue Hills, Maine, circa 1830; - 3 border prints - 2 block designs in opposite quarters; dark green leaf designs and basket of red poppy motif; size of handkerchief: 12k" square 77.5

Estate of Mrs. Jessie Stewart

High St., Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 1-25-1976 H.S. acknowledged: registered: 2-16 and 24-1976 Workshop labeled: TF, rAr-I donor. card: Mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

SCHOOL PICTURES vvl Primary Grade, Chel'isford Center School: taken on steps in June, 1898; size: 4* x 7 3/8"; mounted, 10 x 8" Identification: Top Row: 1 Doris Byfield 6 Nellie Hills 2 Jessie Chamberlain 7 Paul 3 Ernest 8 Jones 4 Mary Higgins 9 Esther Hills 5 John Johnson 10 Louise Robbins 2nd Row (down): 1 Hosmer Sweetser 6 Ada Kettlety 2 Raymond Dutton 7 Laura Richardson 3 Alfred Douglass 8 Royal Dutton 4 Leroy Bliss 9 Katie Paul 5 John Higgins 3rd Row (down): 1 Paul 2 Elizabeth Warren 3 Abbott Russell 4 Charles Douglas 4th Row (down): 1 Jessie Atwood 5 Genet Byfield 2 Irene Worthen 6 3 Edwin Eriksen 7 Ida Lovering 4 Charles Parkhurst Front Row: 1 Edward Russell 4 Reuberta Parkhurst 2 Fred Russell 5 Margaret Knowlton 3 Hazel Knowlton 6 Ethel Wright

2 Second Primary, Chelmsford, 1899: interior; children seated at desks; Miss Litchfield, teacher; Arthur I. Emerson, photographer; size, 74 x 4.i"; mounted, 10 x 8" on heavy cardboard 77.5 Stewaft - 2 -

2 Second Primary, 1899 (cont.) Identification: Front Row: 1 Laura Richardson 2 Hosmer Sweetser 3 4 5 6 Elizabeth Warren 7 Edwin Eriksen 4th Row (front to back): at end, next to blackboard, across Jessie Atwood

8th Grade, circa 1905: on steps of Chelmsford Center Grammar School; girls tam-o'-shanters () and light weight coats; - size, 8 1/16 x 6"; mounted on heavy black cardboard, 9 3/4 x 71" Identification: Back Row: 1 Miss Susan S. McFarlin, teacher 2 Ada Ross 3 Cora Stevens 4 Mary Kelly 5 Grace Smith Just below: 6 Alice Merrill 8 Louise Robbins 7 Nellie Hills 9 Elizabeth Warren 2nd Row (down) 1 Samuel Houston 5 Mary Higgins 2 6 Alice Smith 3 Walter Fletcher 7 Katie Kelly 4 Reuberta Parkhurst 8 Ervin Williams 3rd Row (down) 1 Irving Hunt 2 Edward Russell 6 Lena Voter 3 Ethel Wright 7 Harry Bogdonoff 4 Roy X.ittredge 8 Howard Whitman 5 Edgar Sweet 9 4th Row (down) 1 Johnny Farr 2 Thomas Sheehan 3 Vattu Nobel (?) 4 Mabel McManus Front Row: 1 Pearl Simpson 5 Jessie Stewart 2 6 Bernice Gould 3 Laura Richardson 7 Ida Lovering 4 Estella Feindel


Stewart - 3 -

4 Pupils in Chelmsford High School, 1908: taken on steps of the Center School (housed both Grammar and High); the "Yellow Schoolhouse" across the Common -- now the site of the Center Fire Dept. - size, 8 1/8" x 6"; mounted on dark grey heavy cardboard, 9 3/4 x 7 3/4" Identification: Standing in Back: 1 Roy Kittredge 2 Hosmer Sweetser 3 Raymond Brown Next Row (down): 1 Raymond Dutton 5 William Kittredge 2 Guy Files 6 Mark Reed 3 Bridgam Brown 7 Edward Russell 4 Irving Hunt 8 Charles Perham 3rd Row (down): 1 Fred Carll 6 Jessie Atwood 2 Walter Fletcher 7 10.izabeth Warren 3 Mona Gove 8 Bernice Knowlton 4 9 A. Marion Adams 5 Stella Feindel 10 Carrie Knowlton 4th Row (behind Principal): 1 Catherine Dunn 2 Augusta Paasche Front Row:1 Mr. Rice, Principal 2 Helen Knowlton 5 Ruth Adams 3 Ethel Parker 6 Jennie Chamberlain 4 Georgia Blaisdell 7 Della Baker 8 Miss Potter, teacher

, SL., 5 Grade I or II, 1927 or 1928: McFarlin School, Chelmsford Center on Wilson St. - glossy finish photo; size 9 3/8 x 7 7/8" - black and white Identification: Rear: 1 2 Carolyn Dutton 3 4 Dorothy Stewart Next step down: 1 2 3 4 Mae Swanson 5 3rd step down: 1 4 2 5 3 6 4th step down: 1 4 Eleanor Pearson 2 5 3 Front: 1 2 3 4 5 Teacher,


Stewart - 4 -

6 Grade III McFarlin School, Wilson St., Chelmsford: - size of picture, 12 x 5"; mounted, 14 x 6 7/8" on heavy eggshell cardboard - faded and warped Identification: Back Row: 1 7 Rachel Dutton 2 8 3 9 10 5 11 Dorothy Stewart 6 Middle Row: 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 Marjorie Russell 5 10 Front Row: 1 7 2 8 Eleanor Pearson 3 9 4 10 5 11 6 7 Grade V McFarlin School, Chelmsford: black and white photo; - size 12 1/8 x 4 7/8"; mounted on heavy eggshell cardboard; 14 x 7" Identification: Back Row: 1 Robert Spaulding 5 2 6 Morse Haithwaite 3 4 8 Middle Row: 1 8 Eleanor Pearson 2 9 Dorothy Stewart 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 , Teacher 14 Front Row: 1 8 2 9 Rachel Dutton 3 10 Marjorie Russell 4 Dorothy Flagg 11 5 12 6 13 7 Carolyn Dutton 14 Mae Swanson 77.5

Stewart - 5 -

Grade VIII McFarlin School, Chelmsford Center, Wilson St.; Louis 0. Forrest, Principal - size of picture, 12 x 5"; black and white; mounted on heavy white cardboard, 14 x 6 7/8" Identification: Mr. Forrest standing in center back Back Row: 1 Norman Silverman 7 Albert Simpson 2 Charles Hazeltine 8 Morse Haithwaite 3 David McAndrew 9 James Emanouil 4 Frank Visniewski 10 John Smith 5 William Calder 11 Eugene Hyde 6 Walter Powers 12 Angus Hulslander 2nd Row: 1 Albert Tainter 10 Palmer Kelly 2 Ralph Pierro 11 Dennis Sheehan 3 Alfred Angus 12 Chester Mosher 4 Leo Hartwell 13 Richard Hayden 5 Erwin Fletcher 14 James Lear 6 Robert Spaulding 15 Melvin Rosendale 7 Emery Loiselle 16 Rae Marchildon 8 Gordon Welch 17 Lucien Rondeau 9 William Harvey 18 John Lappin Front Row 1 Pearl Koulas 11 Margaret Morrill 2 Mary Rooney 12 Marjorie Russell 3 Carolyn Dutton 13 Effie Zaher 4 Eleanor Pearson 14 Barbara Secord 5 Grace Stott 15 Evelyn Murphy 6 Frances Foye 16 Helen Becker 7 Mae Swanson 17 Dorothy Flagg 8 Elma Carll 18 Mary Burns 9 Annie Clough 19 Rachel Dutton 10 ffb,rg,-x,t My.1.1.111 20 Stella Secord 10 Ruth House

9 Class of 1939, Chelmsford High School: Lucian H. Burns, Prin- cipal; C. Edith McCarthy, Vice Principal; - inset photo of Chelmsford High School on Billerica Rd. top,center; - Class officers, lower, center: Priscilla Trubey, Henrick Johnson, Alyce Byron, Dorothy Tisdale - "Cameo" portraits; - photograohed by Purdy Co., Boston - size of picture: 14 x 11"; in dark brown folder

040 Envelope containing excerpts from writings of Arnold Perham a Amos Francis Ndams - Adams Library yoefp.v e..-, el e-lui, - , i., i b Alonzo G. Green - Center Liberty poles 4/G4L,re.JkAhris _ ,I.,i f 1911 - electricity 4..) Oa hd Stanci fAr/iS* 7"4 4 by g Chelms. Spring Co. plant burned, 1912 e.lectrietty h notes from reports of Women's Assn. Central Cong. Church 77.5

Stewart - 6 -

KITCHEN TOOLS 11 reamer: tin; stand has 3 straight legs, 9 x 7/8", riveted a at base with 1 rivet to a circular tin band, 7/8" wide and *" up from foot of legs; 2 rivets hold legs at top to another circular 7/8" tin band; - 3/4" rim at top extends inward above the perforated 8" long tin cone; - overall dimension at top: 8" diameter S%t b wooden pestle: cone shaped; 7i" long, with 3" knob handle; 5 3/4" in circumference - Used for straining grapes, cranberries, etc. c extra pestle: wooden; 10 3/4" long, overall; masher, 6 3/4" with 4" handle having a 5/8" knob

= 12 egg beater: heavy tin frame supporting light, single disc tin wheel, perforated with 1/8" holes in circle around outer rim; 3/4" wooden handle welded to outer edge of disc; - 5" center shaft is turned by cog wheel con- necting into holes in turning disc; - a 2" concave disc is attached to bottom of center shaft and turns with the motion of the hand disc; lower disc is slashed in 5/8" slits for more proficient beating; - 3" hand grip at top of beater is attached by 2 shafts upon which the hand disc is riveted; - overall length: 101" 13 chopping knife: wooden hand grip 5 3/4" long x 1i" wide at top; curved heavy steel blade is 6" long x 1 3/4" wide; cOP - shafts of blade extend up into ends of handle and are fastened by a screw at each end. 14 codfish box: wooden; size 6 x 4"x 2"; "Faneuil Hall Brand"; - packed in Canada for J.R.Poole Co., Boston; 1 lb. MEN'S ITEMS 15 clay pipe: stem, 9" long x i" diam. at end; hollow bowl 1k" deep x 3/4" diam.; in knob or rest at base of bowl; marking on stem: 17 quarter inch slanted lines on each side of stem at center; . 16 barrell: container for gunpowder; made of oak staves; rimmed at top with 4 rows of bentwood; rimmed at bottom with 5 rows bentwood; - size: 81" deep x 61" diameter, top and bottom; slightly more curved in center; - trade mark on bottom: "Dead Shot" gunpowder; explosion pictured in center of label; below this: "Mass. Powder Works -- Addison G. Fay, Treasurer -- 233 State St., Boston." 77.5 Stewart - 7 - yo 17 razor: man's straight shaving razor; blade 54" long; ivory handle e) , 18 nightshirt: firm, fine weave white cotton; "Custom Craft", size 17; 3 button opening at neck; on; yoke, 16"; sleeve, 19" -19 suspenders: "Big Chief"; adjustable; leather fastenings 9" long; 1 3/4" webbing CHILDREN'S TOYS AND GAMES ( 20a blown egg: decorated (for Easter) b box: small, handled, rectangular; also decorated; to contain Easter egg 21 ornament: blue and white p.pier mache egg (for either Easter or to hang on Christmas Tree) 22 doll's Shaker box with cover: round, 21"; black

'23 squeeze post card: picture of a oat; size, 3i x 54" J-6 24 parquetry blocks: contained in own wooden box, size 10 x 8 3/4"; for making designs; diamond shapes, 2 3/4 x 1 1/8" half diamonds: 2 7/8 x *"; triangles: 2 3/16 x 1 1/8" rectangles: 1 7/16 x 4"; all 3/16" thick • 25 box of stencil designs; fox and cat in costume on cover; 7i x 54"; (Parker Bues. Inc., Salem, MRs.) • 26 Book of Alphabets: for use in school; contains examples of various scripts; size, 6i x 8; papercover • 27 The Shadow Cut-Out Book: by G.F.Scotson-Clark; published by Frederick A. Stokes Co., N.Y. 1906; 24 silhouette illustrations for cutting and reflecting on the wall; - hard cover; black illustration on manilla background; size, 10 x 7*" ( 5 stencils cut out) t 28 learning game: for spelling, arithmetic and sentolaces; made by Foxy Toys, Berea, Ohio; pat. 1917; - a metal plate 134" diam., grooved to hold small wooden squares which slide into a center groove; (1.0—. - front side manuNtaixtalphabet, numbers and math symbols - back side: pictures and words 29, Ring Toss game: contained in its origingal wooden box, 10" square with decorated top; - hole in center of decoration to hold a eu 2-piece stake ; disasembled for packing; 16 3/4" assembled; C. - reed rings covered with woven tape; one 9i" diam.; two 7" diam; two 4 3/4" diam. (1, - extra base, 5 x 5", with cut corners 77.5

Stewart - 8 -

, 30 marbles: clay "agRies"; contained in faded pink bag 31 marbles: old fashioned "glassies"; contained in teal blue bag. 32 child's play telephone: upright stand with mouthpiece at top; bell in back rings when receiver lever is pressed down; - receiver, 3" long made of black painted wood is attached to base of phone by a 14" chord; - receiver hook is attached on left to bell; - mouthpiece may be adjusted to proper position by means of a movable bar at top of standard; - base, 3 5/8" diam.; overall height, 7" - 33 iron gig: collapsible and folding;

, 34 sled:


35 ..taavie4-: hand embroidered; i ∎ Nnt jaelawvt. "41-owid- 4 0.1stT - eNIA b ro c 44.11 1. 36 blanket: wool flannel with silk ; 42 x 42"; matches petticoat, no. 37

gri 37 petticoat: wool flannel with silk embroidery, 4'0440444;g 4114Qqa.906=4millomm;), - 27" long with a 6i" band; 20" around waist. g) d 38 summer coat: dimity; for small child; - Peter Pan collar; 3 white pearl buttons; - circular yoke; China silk or mull lining; - cuffed sleeves; 11" underarm length - 34" around chest; 22'" long

HATS , 39 sunbonnet: white cotton back; white cotton ruffle trim; turquoise end black trim; "Madras" 77.5

Stewart - 9 -

T 40 child's hat: tan Mikan straw; -type, with blue velvet brim; ivory lining of sateen; - size; 8 3/4 x 9"; crown, 5* x 4i" and 2"high. • 41 Red. Cross folding : blue and white seersucker with Red Cross emblem in front

0 42 Navy blue velvet hat: 7? x 6* with a 4" brim / • 43 beige ribbon cloche: 6" deep and 5* x 8*" with a 1k" brim tapering to *"; - trimmed with straw and beads • 44 natural : 3 3/4" wide brim; 4* x 4 3/4" crown, 3 3/4" tapered; - trimmed with white net ruching; - yellow straw trim on brim edge 45 pink straw: "picture" hat of pink Milan straw; - pink grosgrain ribbon around base of crown; - 14" brim; crown, 7i" front to back and 144" high.

.46 : black; 74" deep 47 hat box: white; 14" x 9"


(3, 48 petticoat: unbleached cotton; waist, 34"; length, 25+"

(71 49 petticoat: black sateen with lined and cotded satin ruffle; - 48" with string tie; - overall length, 38"; - ruffle, 12 3/4" cf, 50 petticoat: black cambric with string tie waist, 36"; - 2 ruffles; one 10", the other 3" - 23" down from top to first ruffle 51 skirt: taupe (ashes-of-roses) taffeta with ruffle at bottom; - 28" waist; 44" long 52 blouse: turquoise and black check print; boned; - large leg-o-mutton sleeves, fitting tight to lower arm and wrist 2 53 apron: fine, white linen with 3" ecru handmade inser- tion; 33" long, 32" wide; with ties 54 bloomers: black sateen; "Bonnie Briar"; - waist band, 32" with one button closing; - overall length, 27" 77.5

Stewart 10 -

,. 5 . 5 stockings: white silk with narrow red band at top; 94" foot 56 stockings: bronze/brownish green; real silk; 10" foot; leg 31" long

57 water wings: unbleached. cotton; 2 oval, 9" "wings" connected by a 16 x 2" center strip in the middle of which is a 3/4" wooden tube inserted in the double material end held in place by a id metal clamp. Material must be wet before blowing up. As air is blown in, water wings fill out and are ready to use when "bubbles appear all over". - guaranteed to support 50 to 250 lbs in the water; - "Ayvad's Water-Wings", Ayvad Mfg. Co., Hoboken, N.J.; made in U.S.A. - pictured is one swimming with water wings

WRAPS 58 shawl: black embossed silk crepe; with 5" silk fringe; size, 51 x 54" • 59 shawl: brown silk; with 9" silk fringe; size, 61 x 62" , 60 capelet: black taffeta, made with stole front and trimmed with black lace and jet beads, and having a beaded fringe S, 61 cape: black cut velvet, lined with rose colored striped lining; 17" deep, with a 3" collar mink 62 fur cape: brown sealskin with 4plati4,* fur trim; a double collared cape with a 6" small collar at neck and a 12" capelet over shoulders ru,-Trle sills b.rota_ie e( 63 muff: black velvet trimmed with maribou; black satin lining with pocket; size, 19 x 14" ACCESSORIES, ORNAMENTS, BEADS, ETC. 64 gloves: medium brown French kid; long, over-elbow length, 234" overall; 3-snap closing at wrist; "Systerae"; size 7M i's 65 gloves: white kid; elbow length, 19" overall; size 6 3/4; 3 button closing with k" pearl buttons 66 gloves: white kid; wrist length, 9"; made in France; 77Pleinavt(4-4-Cie, 2 snap closing; size 6t 67 gloves: white cotton/lisle; elbow length, 214" with 3 pearl button closeing at wrist 77.5 Stewart - 11 -

68 gloves: white cotton; wrist length, 9"; 1" petal trim at back wrist with bias binding edge; three 3/16" pearl button trim at base of a 3 3/4" embroidered on back of glove; "Nylo"; size 7 69a Venetian lace edging: 1 3/4" wide, 73" long lace insertion: 14" wide, 72" long; matching pieces , 70 ribbon: roll of black velvet, 2" ribbon 71 ribbon belt: Burgundy satin; 2" wide, 50" long

72 ribbon: rose velvet; 7/8" x 274"

• 73 ribbon: 2 - tone rose and blue satin; hemstitching on sides; 7/8" x 303" , 74 ribbon: 2-tone rose and Burgundy satin with picot edge; 5/8" x 36i"

1 75 pr. silk flowers: pink and white peonies; for trimming hat; a,b open flower and bud.; overall size, 6"

76 writing pen: pearl feather 77 Gainsborough oval brooch: picture of lady in light blue gown with chiffon scarf and large straw hat tied under chin; - hat decorated with blue ribbon and pink roses - size of pin: 2" x 1 5/8" 78 ornament: tiny gold chain handbag; 3/4" x 5/8" with twisted chain handle; 5-petal gold flower in center.

79 side comb: small, decorative tortoise shell; 1 3/4" x 2" 7t 80 coin purse: dark brown leather; 2* x 2k" 031 rug hooking tool: 6" long, with wooden handle 82 necklace: rope of cut copper beads; 44" long, knotted at ends; 3" looped fringe .83 bead ornament: handnade of jet bead trimming - (contained in box No. 84, jet ornaments)

84 box of let ornaments and trimmings: a vestee: jet bead lace over rose sateen; petal design; overall size, 11 x 9" b 3 jet bead "pendants", 6" x 34", with 5" fringe; (one without fringe) G 4-section, 2-section, and 3 single sections jet bead ornaments in leaf pattern 77.5 STEWART - 12 -

'84 d 6-section jet bead ornament in rose ?nd leaf pattern e two circular jet bead ornaments with button center and solid pointed jet ovals (not exactly alike) f small jet ornament, 4" long g belt: 1i" wide; rows of tiny jet beads woven on elastic band; 2 diamond shaped buckles made of 16 Jet beads; 30i-" overall length h 2 sections of jet bead fringe: 54" long, with 2" fringe i silk fringe: 72" long x 3" wide j jet sequin and tiny bead nedalions on fine black lace net: to trim neck of gown; 15" long BUTTONS

. 85 , a brass buttons: 5 U.S.Navy with anchor; 6/8" 3 U.S.Navy " " ; 5/8" 4 U.S.Navy " " in diamond; 5/8", flat 5 U.S.Navy w " ; 9/16" 6 raised elk's head; 1" diam. b partial card containing hand made needle and, thread covered buttons: 10 - 5/16" buttons •0 12 cut steel: flower design; 7/16"

, d 11 metal shank buttons; 3/8"; with raised center e 5 suttburst buttons in cut steel; 7/16" f 11 black satin covered button molds with star embroidered top and sides; 3/4" g 10 black silk, two-part mold buttons;

• I 5 white, 44hole mother-of-pearl baby buttons; 3/8" j 1 imitation watered silk coat button; 3/4" (u....ZIL"0... k 10 flat top, cut steel, barred pattern buttons; 7/16" • 1 5 fleur-de-lis raised cut steel buttons; 5/8" . m 2 metal shank brass top buttons; 3/8" (,.;.1:4°c../) 6 5 smoke pearl buttons; 2 holes; 5/8" o 14 brown satin and crocheted covered buttons

jet buttons: two 11; two 5/8"; seven i" 77.5 Stewart - 13 -

86 cotton material with comic strip print: taken from the Boston 2xiix Globe , April 23, 1933 Sunday - size, 24 x 21"; double . 87 grain bag: 100 lbs.; Hominy Feeds; Baltimore, Maryland;S r ry,z, - sing, 344 x 294" en • 88 grainbag: 100 lbs.; Coarse Salt; N H A emblem; — - size, 34 x 18" 89 grain bag: 50 lbs.; Arco Brand Lawn Seed; size, 19 x 33k" PROGRAMS . 90 graduation exercises: Class of 1934; McFarlin, Westlands Schools; single fold program; - Town Seal on front cover; black lettering on white background; size, 71 x 4" 91 graduation exercises: Class of 1935; McFarlin and Westlands Schools; single fold; Town Seal on front; blue lettering on cream back- ground; size, 74 x 4" 92 graduation exercises: Class of 1938, Chelmsford High School; black lettering on white background; single fold, size 74 x 5" . 93 graduation exercises: Class of 1939, Chelmsford High School; black lettering on white background; single fold, 9 x 6"

4 Christmas card: child's; picture of little dog with poem inside about Spot's Christmas job; - size, 6 x 3 4" ,95 pansy card: handmade and painted (probably by Jessie Stewart) for Children's Day, June 1897; Bible verse, Psalms 141:3 -96 newspaper clipping: "Chelmsford Ragweed. Party"; picture of members of the Chelmsford Garden Club at the hone of Mrs. Harry Pascall on Bridge St. Identification: Back Row: 1 Mrs. Garfield Davis 5 Mrs. Ralph Emerson 2 Mrs. Charles Parkhurst 6 Mrs. William Northrop 3 Mrs. Howard Smith 7 Mrs. Josiah Marshall 4 Miss Josephine Ockington 8 Mrs. Daniel Haley Seated: 1 Mrs. Harold Stewart 4 Mrs. Edward Russell 2 5 Mrs. Charles Wells 3 6 Miss Frances Clark 7 Mrs. Harry Pascall, on lawn • 77 .6

Richard O. Lahue, Sr. 9 Clear St., Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 1-25-1977 J.F. acknowledged: 2-14-1977 J.F. registered: 2-16-1977 workshop labeled: 4-22-1977 F. deJ. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

TOOLS 1 wooden clamp: (darkened); two 6" x 1" bars attached by two 8" long wooden screws having 2" handles 2 wooden clamp: lighter wood - more recent; description and dimensions same as #1 (above) 3 draw shave or spoke shave: wood handled, with steel blade in center; - markings: "J. Fegan, maker" (John Doutt and Son)

iron spoke shave: rounded handles, 3" long x 1" wide; 2" iron blade attached in center by a screw; iron bar below blade is 2:1 x 3/8" 5 marking gauge: for marking wood; yo 6 gas light fixture: 6" brass twisted rod with 4" burner end and 2 3/8" attachment at opposite end with thumb screw a. i" wide ring to support globe or chimney V) 7 cast iron hook: 5" iron back is 2" at top with 2 screw holes; " : 1+" at base with 1 screw hole; Cte - hooks are 10" x ;", curving up at end in a knob; - curved bar welded above lower screw hole supports straight piece 2" from back piece. stove shaker and cover lifter: dual purpose iron bar with shaker at one end and lifter at other; - 6i" x 1 5/8" overall; - lifter end has 3" curve with square hole, 1 7/8" in from end; - shaker end is indented 3/4" 77.6

Lahue - 2

(;/) 10 cobbler's pliers: iron; 7" long overall, with 5" curved handles; 1i* curved and serrated end grips lower curved 1" section, also serrated; 5/8" x 3/8" iron section juts out at right angles below lower curved piece. 11 iron wrench: small; to hold stove nuts; size, 12 wagon jack:

13 wooden box: Burnett's vanilla; (for store exhibit)

14 wooden box: Revere Sugar; (for store exhibit) 77.7

NI Bruce Foucar 6 Bourne St., Lowell, Mass. 01852 received: 1-25-1977 R.O.L. acknowledged: 2-10-1977 and 4-23-1977 J.F. registered: 2-16-1977 workshop; 7-11-1977 J.F. labeled: 4-22-1977 F.deJ.; 7-11-1977 J.F. donor card: mat' 1°7 9 object cPrd:mab 1979

le,yA 0110-\ All items listed are given in memory of donor's father and mother, Clifford and Dorothy Foucar, and donor's grandmother, Gertrude Foucar.

1 side chair: walnut, with cane seat 16.- x 16", slightly oval;

/..5 - caning 13 x 13"; 141 DPv - overall height 33"; 0-0 a' " - curved back, 17w" high at center x 14i" wide; 3 turned rods, 9 3/4" long at center supported by a 101" curved splat; 3" top rail decorated with 2 rectangular bars with shield type carving in center; - 17" high front legs are turned and supported by a turned rung; - back legs are plain and curved out blightly at bottom; 2 rungs connect legs at sides with 1 rung in back 2 wicker chair: Victorian; 41" high overall; finely woven cane seat; varnished; 16" from floor; 18" across front, 12" at back; 13" on sides which curve in center; - back: Victorian reed work; curved scrolls at top; hided reed cross bar below scrolls; 5- post center section has two 10" rods capped with *" wooden balls on each side of the 3 center posts; braided reeds below center section, 2" above seat; outside posts are all wound with triple strands of reeds, and upper 6" are latticed for extra firmness. - front legs of chair are latticed for 6", then t1ght1y wound, with a 2i" round ball 5" up from floor; legs are also secured by a scroll trim of reeds in corners below seat; - back legs are narrow and curve out slightly and are also tightly bound; a 4" cross section with loop and diamond design reinforces the legs in back - cross pieces, tightly bound with reed trim 77.7

Foucar - 2

2 wicker Air (continued) connect the 4 legs diagonally under- neath, with curved reeds making a center square. 3 carpenter's rabbeting plane: wooden; ”- x 3 5/16 x 1i" with a 7i" iron blade attached at top to wooden hand grip 3" long; blade itself is 2"long x 14" wide 4 candle sticks: brass; 5 3/4 " tall; 2 3/4" base, square; 6 a,b 1 3/4" across top

5 candle sticks: brass; 5" tall; 2 3/4" square base; Eof a,b 1k" across top

6 glass perfume bottle: 2-part mold pressed glass; tall; a 4 sided; 2 5/8" wider b stopper: prism cut; 2" 7a lamp: glass, whale oil; electrified at later date; (needs to be rewired) 10" lamp, 6 sided base and font; - design on font sections: horizontal oval above a vertical oval; - Sandwich "wafer" between base and font - overall height, with fixture: 13" b shade: modern, with pansies; 10" at bottom; 6" across top; 7" deep

fen: sandalwood; sticks, 5i" linen dyed to match

9 fan: white wood sticks; lavender and silver design on shaded green, 52t" paper; cord and tassel

10 picture frame: oval, walnut; outside: 13i x 11i"; deep; inside: 8 3/4 x 6 3/4" - picture of boy and girl 11 gold frame: oval; raised design with beaded outer edge; inner edge in lace design; - written on back: "1868 - March 3 - 1868" - beaded letters in German and design on paper; - length, 15" width, 13" - writing in German on back - picture of angel and child (possibly a memorial to a child's death) 77.7


12 (omitted by error) 13 mirror: Fold frame; oval; overall size, 1Ij x 9;"; raised outer border, decorated in grapes and leaves; inner border: tiny raised design; 8050 - mirror itself measures 8 x 6,'; "

14 reed basket: two hand grips on opposite sides at top; height, ; across top, ; base, 15 reed basket: two hand grips on opposite sides at top; height, ; across top, ; base,

16 Paisley wool scarf: 10 ft. long x 25" wide, with 3" fringe; - India print; center rectangle is dark green, 10 x 32"; dragon design in 2 large 22 11" circles, 11," from bottom on each end. :/ 17 Paisley wool scarf: 54" long x 8" wide; 2*" fringe; 30" Turkey red,with 12" floral design having green background at both ends 18 India print bed spread: multicolored Paisley pattern on natural background; fine wool; - size 5 x 10', with 3*" white wool fringe 19 bed spread: very heavy linen; white; "Patent Satin"; - a "Lawrence Feston" cut corner quilt ; - chrysanthemum pattern; - scalloped and embroidered; - size 90" wide x 7' long (84") 20 table cloth: heavy German damask linen; white; size 71 x 148"; - pattern: 28" diameter center circle with snowflake design, rimmed by beading and a 3" wide border circle in leaf design, also beaded; - chrysanthemum design outer border, 8" side in leaf and scroll pattern in end corners; ( needs to be hemmed ) 21 bolt of German linen napkins, 24" square: ready to be out and hemmed; matching table cloth above, (#20); size of bolt: 112" x 24" linen piece with 2 napkins: same as bolt "20, above 77.7

Foucar - 4 -

linen table cloth: white with 5i" peach border; 3" fringed edges; Italian hemstitching with "cob- web" at places of intersection; - size 80" x 63"

ASSORTED LINENS 0 24 doily: 22" round embroidered eggshell linen; cut work and ; 1 3/4" lace edge in pine- apple design 4A• 2de 25 - 30 white linen napkins: 28" square; initialed in "F" script Si) 31 - 34 white linen napkins: 24" square; scroll design with fleur-de-lis pattern in border 35 linen towel (or pillow cover): white; large size, 41 x 22"; - diamond and dot design; 14" hem at top; 2i" crocheted border at bottom, with 5i x 4" crocheted inset in center, with crocheted "F" monogram 36 - 39 white linen guest towels: initialed with "F"; - leaf border design - size 23 x 140' Ct 40 white linen guest towel: initialed with "F"; - poppy border design; - size 25 x ICJ:" 0 41 - 43 white linen guest towels: initialed with "F"; - coarse weave; leaf border; - size 33 x 19i"

Si 44a,b,c,d set of four likntless dust cloths; made of first quality cheesecloth; feather stitched mai - a and b feather stitched in blue and labeled "Parlor" - c edged in blue feather stitching - d edged in pink feather stitching with "F" in one corner

0 45 cedar chest: 77.8

George A. Parkhurst 7 Overlook Drive Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 1-25-1977 R.O.L. acknowledged: 2-13-1977 J.F. registered: 1-26-1977 J.F. labeled: 1-26-1977 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979


1 taken in the 1802 School House: committee from the Historida.l Commission to restore the school house in the corner of Forefathers' Burying Ground -- opposite the Common; - left to right: John P. Richardson, Audrey Carragher (Mrs. John C.), and Richard O. Lahue, Sr. - black and white print, glossy; - size 44 x 3 3/8" Q I15:., committee to restore the 1802 School House: taken inside in front of coat pegs; - left to right: John P. Richardson, Audrey Carragher, Richard O. Lahue, Sr. - black and white print, glossy; - size 4i x 3 3/8" color print: view of audience at outdoor exercizes for the Dedication of the Donald H. Fogg Memorial Room at the Barrett-Byam Homestead; May 30, 1976 - front row: George W. Fogg, U.S.Navy Commander, retired; older brother of Captain Donald H. Fogg; Mrs. D.R.Fogg, his widow; Mr. and Mrs. Franklin E. Warren; members of the American Legion Women's Auxiliary color print: selection played by Chelmsford Colonial Minutemen Fife and Drum Corps color print: Chelmsford Colonial Minutemen as Honor Guard at entrance to the Barrett-Byam Homestead; May 30, 1976; Dedication of Fogg Memorial Room Guests of Honor filing into the Barrett-Byam House: color print; Mrs. Fogg and Commander George W. Fogg entering, President of Chelmsford Historical Society Richard O. Lahue, Sr. 2nd from right; and Rev. Roland E. Morin on right 77.8

Parkhurst - 2 -

7 color print: The audience is escorted in pest the Colonial Minutemen; - standing in foreground: Edwin H. Warren , rid A. Carlton Warren, brothers of Mrs. D.H.Fogg, and Mrs. A.C.Warren, the former Alice B. Harmon of Chelnsford; Miriam E. Warren, older sister of Mrs. Fogg, is just beyond Alice.

(All color prints in glossy finish; size 5 x 3") 77.9

Edward Hoyt 17 Rainbow Ave Chelmsford, Mass. received: 2-15-1977 H.P. acknowledged: 4-23-1977 J.F. registered: 2-25-1977 J.F. labeled: 2-25-1977 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 program: Fourth Annual Ball - Chelmsford Fireman's Relief Association, District No. 1 - March 31, 1951; Town Hall; Admission 620, Tax 12¢ Total 74e - the Simp Phony Orchestra - printing of program financed by local advertisements The Relief Assoc. was organized in May 1947 by firemen and other townsmen interested in the fire depart- ment. - Purpose and Aims: 1) to establish a and maintain a fund to assist the firemen of District 1 and their families in cases of death or disability in line of duty. 2) to sponsor civic projects for benefit of the fire department, and the town as a. whole, that would not otherwise be provided. - Projects: 1) fund drive toward purchase of combination Resuscitator - Inhalator - Aspirator available in emergencies 2) maintenance of Town's Honor Roll 3) establishment of a Red Cross Highway First Aid. Station at the Center Fire Station 4) establishment of a safe skating rink for children 5) equiping of District 1 fire trucks with folding stretchers; and providing the town with fully equipped steel rescue boat and trailer 6) poster contest coinciding with Fire Preven- tion Week 7) illuminated Christmas Tree on Common in Central Square - List of Board of Fire Engineers and permanent firemen - Officers of Relief Association: President, H.Edward Hoyt; Vice Pres., Harold A. Linstad 77.9

Hoyt - 2

Treasurer: Ernest G. Byam Secretary: Robert C. Spaulding Chaplain: Ralph P. Adams - List of Regular Call Firemen - List of Life Members and Members - inside_back cover: Phone No. of Chelmsford Dept. and Box No. and location of Whistle Calls

Book is paper covered in heavy blue construction paper with black lettering and sketchms in yellow of fireman's hat. - size of book: 8 7/8 x 12" 77.1 0

H. Chadbourne Ward 270 Littleton Rd., Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 3-1-1977 J.F. acknowledged: 4-23-1977 J.F. registered: 3-2-1977 J.F. labeled: 3-2-1977 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 newspaper: The Lowell Weekly Journal; vol. xxxvi, No. 14; Friday morning, March 15, 1861; - published in Lowell, Mass. size: 20 x 24"; single fold (torn and brittle) - local item about Deacon Foster of "Old Chelmsford", a colored man


77.11 George Whitcomb 5 Colonial Terrace Chelmsford, Mass. received: 3-15-1977 R.O.L. acknowledged: 4-24-1977 J.F. registered: a 6 - /i79 ✓ labeled: 1-1-1171 donor card: mab 1979 object card. mab 1979

DOCUMENTS These papers and documents belonged to Mr. Whitcomb's late wife, Dorothy (Johnston) Whitcomb. It was her wish that they be given to the Chelmsford Historical Society. Mrs. Whitcomb was the daughter of Susan (Little) Johnston, whose parents, Emma and Thomas Little, bought the old Hunt Farm in Chelmsford. Mrs. *hitcomb's father, William Johnston, was a partner in the Thurston and Johnston candy manufacturing company. He is still living at this date. The papers were formerly in the possession of Dorothy's uncle, Mr. George T. Little of 346 Noth Main St., Sharon, Mass. (An acknowledgement has also been sent to him.)

1 vital statistics: birth of Benjamin Chamberlin, Oct. 23, 1733; son of Joseph and Elizabeth Chamberlin of Chelmsford; died Dec. 26, 1812; signed, Benjamin Spaulding, Town Clerk 2 vital statistics: died, Mrs. Susanna Chamberlin, consort of Benjamin Chamberlin; departed this life R k `f Oct. 7, 1800, age 63 - date of death given in Waters' History, 1801 of 3 receipts for rent: all signed by Andrew Calhoun vigV . a " for '455 for one year's house rent ending July 20, 1836 1.- .b " " 4110 from Samuel C. Hunt for rent of house occupied by Mr. Samuel Bartlett, Charlestown .e, " " 55 for one quarter's rent of house in Turnpike St. occupied by Samuel Bartlett, Charlestown, 1841 •d " " 455 from Samuel C. Hunt for k's house rent, 1838 e " " 455 " • 0 0 1838 .f " " 455 " " " 0 , 1839 g " " 427 by check for 1 month's and 14 days' rent of house on Turnpike St., Charlestown, 1840 •h " " ,.4,'55 for full year's rent of Turnpike St. house, 1836 , 1, j, k: receipts for,rent on Turnpike propertyduring 1837 & ke-Gt-tr,fon... lis‘4.11 .Jts ,Folki/ti , 1-utise. ak 1, 3 hc%...3,•t rw'vJ , ifr 31 m Y "-'- '131 1.- ‘ ` ."11 ', P.3 3 tel. it .s" ,- ‘t,. „ - , is-({c -14, '' 77.1 1 Whitcomb - 2 -

'4 letter: dated Concord, Jan. 19, 1j_33.04 to ,irs. Samuel C. Hunt requesting that Mr. John F. Brown be allowed to collect rent of 455.00; signed, Andrew Calhoun

5 bill: to Samuel C. Hunt for rent of stables between Nos. 86 and 94 Healy St. (Charlestown) from Oct.1, 1877 to Jan. 1, 1878 4 410.00 per month: $30.00 allowance for shingles 2.00 ---- 4, 28.00 6 bill: to Samuel C. Hunt heirs; Real Estate tax 6132.60 1884

ti 7 inventory of the goods and estate of George Brown, late of Charlestown; dated Dec. 20, 1826 House furniture 4 296.25 other personal property 4079.21 Real estate 7315.00 --- .:i;11,690.42 signed: Isaac Warren Elisha L. Phelps Gilman Stanley / Appraisers

DEEDS -8 deed of sale: Nathaniel Foster of Chelmsford, yeoman, to Joseph Chamberling of Chelmsford, taylor; 0112 for sum of 3 pounds "currant mony of Newengland": 3 A more or less "cituate" in Chelmsford, bounded at south corner on a white oak marked, then going north to a white oak marked, then easterly to a white oak marked, then south to a black oak marked, returning to bounds first mentioned. - signed: nathaniel Foster April 3, 1716 witnessed by Ebenizer (X) nildreth Ebenezer Wright signed by Jonathan Prescott, Justice of Peage recorded at Cambridge, Oct. 29, 1718 Samuel Phipps, Registrilx deed of sale: Thomas Chamberling, yeoman, to Joseph Chamber- ling, taylor; for 48 pounds 10 shillings C./ currant mange of Newengland: - first parcel: 1i; Aof meadow at little Tadmuck more or less, bounded at the west corner on a stake and at the south corner on a stake; and on all other points on the upland - Rlso A of meadow in mowing meadow which is one half of the said mowing both for quantity and for quality - also a parcel of land and meadow in a lining, called Whitteg's lining, with a dwelling house, 12 Acres more or less; bounded westerly by the house 77.11 Whitcomb - 3 -

and by the highway; n.w. on a white oak, and on the most easterly corner on a dead oak and a heap of stones; at the most southwardly corner on a stake; - also: A of land at Chestnut Hill which is one half of 11 Acres laid out in the 1st division of Commons. dated Aaron 7, Ill/ signed: Thomas Chamberlin Witnesses: Ebenezer Wright, Thomas Robins, Benjamin Chamberlin Recorded: Oct. 29, 1718 in Cambridge Samuel Phipps, Registrar ' 10 deed of sale: tm Benjamin Robins of Chelmsford, yeoman, ci t& \ for the sum of 2 pounds and 10 shillings of currant manye of Newengland paid by Joseph Chamberling, taylor, for: - A meadow in said Chelmsford in a meadow called Molehill meadow, lying near Beaver Brook dated June 4, 1718 signed: Benjamin (his mark) Robins witnessed by ---- Richardson, Ebenezer Wright, and M. Wright recorded uct. 22, 1713 • 11 deed: Thomas Chamberlin of Littleton, yeoman, to Joseph ". Chamberlin of Chelmsford, taylor; for the sum of V\It'R.-' 37 pounds paid for several parcels of land in Chelmsford: - 1st: one half of 2 parcels of meadow in little Tadmuck, bounded at the upper side of said meadow given to Joseph Hildreth, deceased; - 2nd: one half of a parsel of land and meadow lying in a lining called Whiting's lining; bounded west by a stake, northwardly on a red oak, eastwardly by a birch tree, southwardly on a heap of stones - 3rd: I of 6 Acres at Robin's Hill bounded as may appearby the Record of Chelmsford. - 4th: an A and a half of land at Tadmuck hill bounded as appears by Records for Chelmsord. - also: li A of Town Rights with all after draughts of Common land in Chelmsford Acknowledgement in deed by Abigail Chamberlin, wife of Thomas Chamberlin, as token of giving up her whole right of interest in the premises.

dated 3 June, 1719 signed: Thomas Chamberlin Witnessed by Ebenezer Wright, Jona. Fletcher, Benjamin Parker 77.1 1

Whitcomb _ 4 _

12 deed of sale: (torn and in small pieces -- sections missing) Nathaniel Foster to Joseph Chamberlin; for the sum of 5 shillings currant many of Newengland ---- bounded by the dwelling house of said Chamberlin, --- "to a stake and heape of stones" at the most southerly side of the highway to the bounds first mentioned. dated 4th day of --- 1721 signatures of Samuel Chamberlin, William (his mark) Read, Ebenezer Wright, Witnesses 13 deed: John Chamberling of Chelmsford, yeoman, to Joseph Chamberling of Chelmsford, Yeoman; - for the sum of 130 pounds in "Publick Bills of Creditt", a "certain tract of upland medow and swampy land in the Township of Chelmsford on ye s.e. part of Flaggee medow", containing by estimation 25A., more or less, butted and bounded at the southwest corner on a swamp white oak tree, marked; thence east by land of Abraham Byam to a stake and heap of stones, adjoining the land formerly of Robert Richardson; from thence south to a black oak tree and thence north to an old oak stump, there being a stake and heap of stones near the pasture formerly of John Bates; thence northerly to a stake and stones by Bates' stone wall, and n.e. to a rock and heap of stones on it; thence w. to a whdate oak tree, marked; southwest to a stake and stones to a white oak, marked; then on a line bowing out westerly declared by stake and stones to the white oak first mentioned. dated 14 Aug. 1733 signed, John Chamberlin witnesses: Edward Foster Edward Foster, Junr. recorded in Dunstable, Feb. 18, 1747 Province of New Hampshire signed: Joseph Blanchard, J.P. 14 deed: Thomas Chamberlin and Simeon Chamberlin, sadlers both of Sutton in the County of Worcester, Masst .cs. to Joseph Chamberlin of Chelmsford; for the sum of 37 pounds, several parcels of land and meadowland and Town Rights in Chelmsford and Westford; - lstly: * of two parcels lying in Little Tadmuck bounded as they appear by deeds given to Joseph Rildreth, deceased; - 2ndly: * of a parcel of land and meadow called Whiting's lining; bounded west by a stake, northerly on a Red Oak, easterly by a birch tree, s.wardly on a heap of stones. - 3rdly: i of 6 Acres at Robin's Kill bounded as may appear by the Records of Chelmsford. 77.11 Whitcomb - 5 -

14 deed (continued) - 4thly: 1 A of land at Tadmuck Hill bounded as appears by Records of Chelmsford; - also: 1 A of Town Hight with all after Drafts of Common land in Chelmsford; dated: July 10, 1741 •15 deed: Joseph Chamberlin of Chelmsford, taylor, to his son 0 x x:7 Benjamin Chamberlin, husbandman; for the sum of N ' 100 pounds lawful maney received: - sale of "all my land, meadows and buildings in Chelmsford and Westford with all appurtenances", with the provision that Joseph, the father, shall have the free use and improvement of half the land and premises, and half of all the buildings on the sine land during his natural life. dated April 22, 10 signed: Benjamin Chamberlin Joseph Chamberlin Elizabeth )X) Chamberlin witnessed: Oliver Fletcher, J.P. 16 bond/obligation: dated April 22, 1750; el Qj Benjamin Chamberlin III to his father, I') Joseph Chamberlin and wife, Elizabeth; - the sum of 133 pounds paid for their comfortable maintenance as long as they shall live. - deed of sale of all land and property of sd. Joseph to be turned over to Benjamin, his son, with the pro- vision that the elder Chamberlin have the use of the house and premises as long as they live. - one half part of all produce to be reserved for their well-being; also sufficient firewood; - care of their cattle, sheep and swine; - carry their corn to mill as needed and bring it back ground as meal for their use; - keep a good horse to ride and a cow for milk; - Pay and discharge all debts now owed. signed: Benjamin Chamberlin, Jun. signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Benjamin Chamberlin Oliver Fletcher 17 Obligation: Samuel Barron to Benjamin Chamberlin, III; for the full sun of 40 pounds lawful money of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, paid; - assuming the debt of Samuel Barron to Jacob Howard and freeing himself, the sd. Benjamin Chamberlin 3rd, from any action or suits made by Elizabeth, Olive, Rhoda, Isaac, Joanna and Lydia Barron, minor children of sd. Samuel Barron against the sd. Jacob Howard for the 77.11 Whitcomb - 6 -

17 Obligation (cont.) recovery of all or any part of the sun of 13 pounds 6 shillings and 8 pence or any part of the personal estate of Jonathan Howard late of Chelmsford, yeoman, deceased, as given by the last Will and Testament of sd. Jonathan Howard to the said Sarah Barron, his daughter. dated. Feb. 23, 1759 signed: Samuel Barron witnessed: David Burg Burg

18 Quitclaim deed: Benjamin Robbins of Westford, husbandman, to Benjamin Chamberlin of Chelmsford, husbandman: - i of a certain tract of meadow or swamp and upland in Westford in the easterly side of sd. Town in the place called Little Tadmuck, it being the one half of the lot that was Joseph Hildreth's, deceased; bounded: beginning at a rock with stones upon it, thence easterly by our road to a white oak tree, narked; thence south about 100 rods to a marked tree, then running west northwest through the swamp to the upland, to the old white oak which was the Original Bounds; and from thence about northeast to the bounds first mentioned. dated 7th of Feb. 1761 signed: Benjamin (X) Robbins witnessed: Mark White Benjamin Farmer

19 deed: John Mansfield to Joshua Hunt for the sum of :16.00 paid, for land in Chelmsford near Benjamin Ohamber- lin's house "containing by estamation" 20 sq. rods; - bounded at s.w. corner by a Town Way at the corner of B. Chamberlin's orchard; then runs on the wall by said orchard to a large rock; then turns and runs south to another large rock; then south- east to a pile of stones; east across a rock to the road; then north by the road to the bounds first mentioned. - "The said Hump is to make all the fence to inclose the aforegoing peace of land at his own expence". dated: April 1, 1801 signed: John Mansfield witnesses: John Bettey, Samuel Wesson Zacheus Wright, Justice of Peace 77.11

Whitcomb - 7 -

20 deed: John Mansfield to Joshua Hunt, traidor, for •490 paid: about 3Acres land in southwest part of Chelnsford, bounding at the s.w. corner by the .Cown Road; running north to a stake and stones by sd. Hunt la. nd, then along the wall by sd. Hunt land and land of Benjamin Chamberlin to a stake and stones by another Town road; then westerly by sd. road to a white oak, marked, standing in the wall; then running south on the wall by land of William Laws to a stake and stones; then east to a stake and stones by the road to the beginning. dated: ilov. 19, W23 signed: John Mansfield Lucy Mansfield witnessed: Eunice Dutton Zaccheus Wright, Justice of Peace 21 plan: Mr. Wheeler's plan of Mr. Wetherbee's pasture; -"a plan of the Beene Paster" containing 10i Acres and 8 rods, laid down by a scale of 21 rods to an inch. - surveyed by Augustus Tower, April 22, 1806 22 mortgage deed: Olive Hunt and Joshua .runt to Benjamin Chamberlin; dated Sept. 12, 18.12 - in consideration of 02000 paid by sd. Chamberlin, grant, sell and convey the fol- lowing lands: 1) i Acre with dwelling house 2) 2 mowing land and orchard 3) several lots of nowing, orcharding and tillage land with a barn -- about 50 A. 4) 3 Acres woodlot on Chestnut Hill All above premises situated in the southern part of Chelnsford; 5) 30 Acres of swamp woodland in the easterly part of Westford, bounded: - n. by land of heirs of Joseph Howard - w. " " " James Robbins, to the Brook - N.W. by " " Isaac Adams and lend of Levi snow to the corner - s.w. by Snow's land and land of Asa Mansfield - s.w. by land of Joshua. Davis - e. by land of James Robbins to the Brook and land of John Adams to bound first mentioned Provision: that if Joshua and Olive Hunt or heirs pay $2000 to Benjamin Chamberlin for failure in the per- formances of the conditions of a bond of covenant obliging Joshua and Olive to maintain and support said Chamberlin, pay all debts and the sum of 0600 to his daughters, Sarah, Martha. and Lucy, then this instrument and bond shall be void. signed: Jushua Hunt, Olive Hunt witnessed: Benjamin Fletcher. Aaron Chamberlin, Jr. Rufus Wyman, Justice of Peace 77.11 Whitcomb - 8 -

23 bond: Joshua Hunt and Olive 'Hint, his wife, to Benjamin Chamberlin; dated sept. 25. 1812 for sum of 420OO to be paid; conditions of obligation:i) to provide and care for Benjamin Chamberlin in sickness and in health during his natural life, paying all just debts and providing a decent burial when he shall die. 2) shall pay the sum of 4600 plus interest after the expiration of 1 year from day of decease to his daughter Sarah, wife of Benjamin Barrett; 4200 with interest in 4 annual and equal pay- ments to his daughter Martha, wife of Andrew Calhoun, $200 with interest to his daughter Lucy, wife of Edward Stevens. signed: Joshua Hunt Olive Hunt witness: Benjamin Fletcher Aaron Chamberlin Receipts of monies paid signed by Lucy and Edward Stevens, Samuel C. Hunt, Andrew and Martha Calhoun, and Benjamin Barritt. 24 deed: Nathaniel Cummings of Thetford, Vt. to Joshua Hunt of Chelmsford, Mass. for the sum of 4,500, a tract of land in Thetford containing 48 Acres, bounded as follows: - beginning at a stake and stones at the east corner of Oliver Taylor's river lot running west 45 and north 179 rods to the east line of the town plot; then south 10 and west 64 rods to a stake and stones; 4 rods south of s.e. corner of Lot Jo. 66 in Town Plat; then e. 45 and s. to the river road, then up sd. road 16 rods to the n.w.corner of land deeded to Jonathan eletcher; then e. 45 and south to the bank of the river; Then up sd. river to the 1st bounds as it is laid out as second division to the original Hight of Daniel Horsford,Jr.

dated: July 2, 1812 signed: Nathaniel Cumings witnessed: Silvanus Sayre Anne Sayre William Abbott, J.P. 25 deed: Benjamin Chamberlin to Joshua Hunt and Olive Hunt; dated Feb. 10, 1813 In consideration of the love and affection for my daughter Olive, wife of sd. Joshua Hunt, and the payment of $600 by sd. Joshua, I do grant and convey to them the following lands with buildings and all things thereto belonging: 77.1 1 Whitcomb - 9 -

1) 'tA land whereon the house stands 2) 2 Acres mowing land and orchard; bounded s. by the road and n. by land of Cspt. Benjamin Fletcher 3) several lots of mowing, orcharding and tillage land with a barn, containing 50 A., bounded at s.w. corner by a white oak tree; w. by the road, then n. by the road crossing Beaver Brook to the corner of the wall. East by land of Mary Freeland; s.e. by land of Samuel Parkhurst; s. by land of the heirs of Joshua Davis to the bound first mentioned. 4) woodlot on Chestnut Hill containing 3 Acres, bounded on s. by land of Deacon Aaron Chamberlin, w. by land of Capt. Benjamin iletcher, n. by land of heirs of Joshua Davis, e. by a cartway or oath leading through sd Chestnut Hill. 5) a parcel of swamp woodland -- 30 A. in the east part of Westford, bounded by land of the heirs of Joseph Howard and by land of James Robbins to the brook; n.w. by land of Isaac Adams and of Levi Snow; still n.w. bT land of Asa 4ansfield; s. by land of Joshua Davis: e. by land of James Robbins to the brook; still e. by land of John Adams to the first bound. Furthermore: all other estate both real and personal. Furthermore: appointment of Joshua Hunt my lawful attorney. dated: Sept. 24, 1812 signed: Benj. Chamberlin witnessed: Benj. Fletcher Aaron Chamberlin Rufus Wyman, J.P. Samuel Bartlett, Registrar 26 deed: from Abraham Waters, mariner, of Charlestown to Lieorge Brown of Charlestown, trader; for the sum of 41500 paid by sd. Brown, a lot of land with buildings in Charlestown bounded by Wapping St. and land of John Lowell, and running along street leading to the Navy Yard, turning s.w. by land of Jonas Barker. One Provision: "that one chamber window and one lower window in the northwest end of sd. Barker's house adjoining the premises shall remain enobstructed." dated: June 24, 11k3 signed: Abraham Waters Sukey Waters Witnessed: Martha Edmands John Soby, J.P. 77.11 Whitcomb - 10 -

27 mortgage deed: Asa Brooks to Jonathan brooks of Charles- town, Mass. for the sun of 4)300 pad; - a piece of land in Charlestown bounded by Asa Erookb' land to Sullivan's corner, being Sullivan's land; turning west on a street leading to the State House, then north to the 1st bound.. Provided that if Asa Brooks or heirs pay to sd. Jonathan the sum of y250 in 2 years, with interest, then this deed shall be void. dated: ieb. 6, 1818 signed: Asa brooks Henry Adams, J.P. 28 nortgage deed: Asa Brooks of Charlestown in consideration of 4200 paid to Ilbenezer Baker of Charlestown; - a certain piece of land with dwelling, bounded by land of Gershom Teel and llnd of John C. Sullivan, and west on a street leading from the Meeting House. Provided that is Asa Brooks or his heirs pay to Ebenezer Baker the sum of 4200, with interest, in one year, the deed shall be void. Dated: Nov. 20, 1818 signed: Asa Brooks 29 deed: Gershom Teel of Charlestown to George Brown, Charles- town, trader; for q850 pd. by sd. Brown; - - a tract of land near the Navy Yard in Charlestown: bounded south on Wapping St., east 52 ft. on land of Richard Sullivan; 79 ft. north on n new street knading from Meeting House hill to the Navy Yard; 47 ft. west on land of the late wife of John Austin -- the same purchased in 1815 of Thomas Harris. dated: Aar. 20, 1819 signed: Gershom feel zlizabeth Teel Note: No. 4 Stable and land 30 Account of Susanna Brown, administratrix of the goods and estate of George brown; - personal property in anount of 43540.42 - accounts and payments and allowances for settling the estate : 42 weeks, from Oct. 20, 1826 to Aug. 21, 1827 31 quitclaim deed: Joshua Hunt to Lliphalet Hunt, son, in consideration of 4i)10 and the natural love and affection held: - woodland and swampland known as Habbitt Pasture, bounded by land of James Robbins and Beaver Brook. pa dated: Nov. 16, 032 signed: Joshua Hunt A.B. Nelson, J.P. 77.11 Whitcomb - 11 -

32 warrantee deed: zliphalet Hunt to Joshua Hunt; for the sum of v600 paid by Joshua Hunt: Pi - land in southwest part of Chelmsford t_\B11. containing 4 A. and 110 rods with a barn, bounded: beginning at the northern corner at a corner of the wall and on the road, and on _ Byam's land; then s. on the wall by sd. Byam's land to a corner of the wall on the old orchard; then e. on byam's land on the wall to a corner thereof; then s. on the wall by sd Byam's land to land of Sewall Parkhurst, then w. on the wall bv sd. Parkhurst's land to a corner of the wall; then n.w., and n. again on the wall by sd. Hunt's land to the bound aforesaid; then e. on said road to the bound first men- tioned, it being the estate deeded to me by Jepthah Parker, July 30, 1836. dated: Mar. 26, 1840 signed: Eliphalet Hunt Persia W. Hunt witnessed: Daniel H. Dean W. G. Abbott, J.P. 33 warrantee deed: Thomas Spalding of Carlisle to Samuel C. Hunt of Charlestown for $600 paid by Hunt; O - land in w. part of Chelmsford bounded: from s.e.corner at the brook, at land of sd. Hunt and running w. by the brook to the wall and land of Otis Byam; then n. on =ad sd. Byam's land to land of Joseph Chamberlin; then e. on Chamberlin's land to the corner of the wall; s.w. by the wall to the end; then on a straight line to the most easterly part of the barn at the Westford Rd.; e. and s.e. by the road to the land of Sewall Parkhurst; s. by Parkhurst's land to the point of beginning. -- 34 A. by estimation. dated: Jan 26, 1846 signed: Thomas Spaulding witnessed: E. F. Webster Benj. Parker E. F. Webster, J.?. 34 Appointment by Probate Court of Olive Hunt of Chelmsford cl administratrix of estate of Joshua. Hunt, de- ceased, intestate. dated: Sept. 5, 1843 signed: Samuel P.P. Fay Judge of Probate Court Isaac Fiske, Registrar

77.1 1 Whitcomb - 12 -

35 Probate allowance: to Olive Hint of Chelmsford, widow of Joshua Hunt; in the amount of 300 out of the personal estate of deceased, in addition to artigles which by law she is allowed to retain. dated: Dec. 5, 1843 signed: S.P.P. Fay Judge of Probate 36 Obligation: Samuel E. Hunt to Olive Hunt, his mother, widow

\ya,pAe - f of Joshua Hunt; in the amount of 42000, assuring her of her dower or third part of the income thereof for the rest of her life. signed: Samuel C. Hunt dated: Oct. 24, 1844 37 Power of Attorney: (copy) S.C. Hunt to Olive Hunt, his mother, to settle all matters in relation i112-A1"-'" to the estate of Joshua Hunt, his father. dated: 1844 38 Quitclaim deed: Joshua Hunt and others to Samuel C. Hunt of Charlestown, paid by sd. Samuel Hunt: - all rights, titles and interest in certain lots of land with buildings and appurten- ances situated in Chelmsford, being the same lots conveyed to Joshua Hunt, now deceased, and his wife Olive, by Eliphalet Hunt in deed dated March 26, 1840. dated: Oct. 22, 1844 signed: Joshua Hunt Lucia Hunt Olive Hunt Eli Parker, Mary Anne Parker, his wife Lliphalet Hunt, Persia Hunt, his wife Benjamin Barrett, Susan Barrett, his wife Martha P. Hunt Benjamin P. Hunt Seth Ames, J.P. 39 quitclaim deed: (copy) Joshua Hunt and others to Samuel C. Hunt; bounds given for lots, as follows: - I A. of land with mansion house, bounded on west by land of William Byam - 2 A. mowing land and orcharding by land of Benjamin Fletcher - 50 A. mowing land, orcharding and tillage land with a barn; bounded on west by the road Rnd north by land of Mary Freeland; south by land of Samuel Parkhurst and s. by land of heirs of Joshua Davis 77.11 Whitcomb - 13 -

39 quitclaim (cont.) - 3 A, woodlot on Chestnut Hill, bounded on south by land of Aaron Chamberlin and west by land of Benjamin Fletcher; on north by land of heirs of Joshua Davis - 40 A. swampland in Westford, bounded by lands of Joseph Heywood and James Hobbins to the Brook; then n.w. by lands of Isaac Adams and Levi Snow and John Adams - 4 A. and 110 rods of land called the Freeland Place in Chelmsford, with a. barn; bounded on the road by land. of Simeon Byam 40 warrantee deed: Joseph Warren, Jr., executor of the Last Will and Testament of Thomas Spalding of Carlisle, to Samuel C. Hunt of Charles- Town in consideration of 1500 paid by sd. Hunt for the following parcels of land: - 1) 20 A. land in west part of Chelms- ford on the southerly side of Littleton Rd., bounded: from the corner of the wall on s. side of Littleton Hd., opposite the barn of Amos Byam, running w. along the road leading by the school house to Westford. Then south and southeast on the Westford Ad. to land of S.C. Hunt; then e. on Hunt land to the road; then s.e., e., and n. on road to point of beginning. - 2) 30 A. land on north side of Little- ton Rd. Beginning at the n.e. corner of the road leading by the house of Amos Byam and at the land of sd. Byam, running n.w. by sd. Byam's land and and land of Otis Adams to a corner of the wall; then n. by Adams' land to land of Darius G. Merriam, then s.w. by Merriam's land to a corner of the wall; then more southerly by Merriam's land to the Westford Hd.; then southerly by sd. road and by land belonging to School District No. 5, to the Littleton Ad.; then east by Little- ton Rd. to the bound first mentioned. dated: April 1, 1853 signed: Joseph E. Warren,Jr. 41 mortgage deed: Samuel C. Hunt of Boston, Anna bLiza Hunt, Olive C. Hunt, both of Chelmsford, executors of the Will of Samuel C. Hunt late of Chelmsford; - to mortgage the real estate formerly owned by the late Samuel C. Hunt on Chelsea and Henley streets in Charlestown, for the sum of 2600 paid by Willard Dalrymple for the payment of sd. Hunt's debts, legacies and charges of administration. 77.1 1 Whitcomb - 14 -

41 mortgage deed (cont.) dated: Nov. 5, 1872 signed: Samuel C. Hunt Anna Eliza Hunt Olive C. Hunt Executors for Samuel C. Hunt George A. Parkhurst, J.P. 42 petition: to Judge of Probate Court to mortgage land with buildings at 88 Henley Place, including No. 85 and 87 Chelsea St. property for the sum of 42600, the amount necessary to be raised to pay debts due in the amount of 01900; charges of adminis- tration, 4100; legacies to be paid, $600: dated: Oct. 14, 029 signed: Samuel C. Hunt Anna Eliza Hunt Olive C. Hunt Executors

43 executors' inventory (a copy): of estate of Samuel C. Hunt, late of Chelmsford, farmer: by appraisers George A. Byam, Joseph Reed, Josiah P. Fletcher, all of Chelmsford; - to be delivered to Samuel C., Anna E., and Olive C. Hunt, executors of the Last Will and Testament of sd. deceased. dated: Dec. 27, 1908 signed: George A. Byam Joseph heed Josiah P. Fletcher George A. Parkhurst, J.P. 44 general power of attorney: given by John H. Hunt and Fannie Hunt, his wife, in the city and county of San Francisco, Calif., to Eliza. Hunt of Chelmsford, Mass. to be their lawful attorney. dated: Dec. 22 1882 signed: John H. Hunt Fannie Hunt witnessed: William Harney Notary Public 45 quitclaim deed: Samuel C. Hunt, Sarah K. Hunt, his wife, George W. Hunt, Ellen C. Hunt, his wife, Olive C., William B., Hannah C. Hunt, John H. Hunt, Fannie H. Hunt, his wife, Sarah J. Loring, John H. Loring, her husband, Susan B. Hunt, Henry B. Hunt, Susan A. Hunt, his wife, Elizabeth A. Hunt, widow of Samuel C. Hunt, Sr. - in consideration of ,1.00 paid by Charles 77.1 1 Whitcomb - 15 -

4 quitclaim deed (cont.) Robinson, Jr. of Newton, Mass. as trustee granting him the right and title to real estate formerly of the late Samuel C. Hunt, and giving him power to sell such real estate with the exception of certain parcels: 1) the Homestead Farm in Chelmsford 2) parcel of woodland in Westford 3) that portion of property in Boston already conveyed to Kate E. Crogan 4) that portion of land in Boxborough already conveyed to William J. Hayden - Provisions: 1) to sell and convey as soon as advisable and for such sum as he may see fit, 2) out of first proceeds of any sales to pay 200 to the widow, Elizabeth A. Hunt; 3) when all sd. real estate has been sold, to distribute the net proceeds after deducting all ex- pensesand proper compensation for services as trustee; - to pay Sarah B. Hunt, wife of Samuel C. Hunt, 1)75. - to pay the rest of proceeds in equal portion to Samuel C., George W., Anna Eliza, Olive C, William B., Hannah C., John H. Hunt, Sarah J. Loring, Susan B., and Henry B. Hunt, or to his or her legal representative. dated: Feb. 14, 12885 signed and witnessed 46 bond for a deed: Enoch Perkins of Harvard, Mass. as agent and attorney for heirs of Benjamin J. Dwinnell, late of Harvard; - bound and obliged to Samuel C. Hunt of Chelmsford in sum of 01500 to be paid to sd. Hunt for 2 lots of land in Boxborough: the Bird lot" and part of the home formerly of Peter Wheeler, deceased. dated: 1868 signed and sealed: Enoch Perkins Samuel Hunt

47 release/quitclaim: notarized; Charles A. Dwinells, George W. and William E. Dwinells, all ofLansing, Michigan, in consideration of $1.00 and other considerations paid by Samuel C. Hunt of Chelmsford, convey to sd. Hunt two lots of land in the southeast part of Boxborough, Mass.: - 1 lot on west side of road leading from Littleton to Stow, and near the dwell- ing house of one Hayden; - the other, on the south side of the 77.11 Whitcomb - 16 -

47 release (cont.) Town road leading towards Harvard, near the dwelling house of James Chester. dated: April 15, 1869 signed: Charles, George, and William Dwtnells and their respect- ive wives, Roxana, Helen M., Alice D. 48 appraisal bill: for estate of Samuel C. Hunt; paid to George A. Byam $8.00 " " Joseph Reed -- 11.75 " " Josiah R. Fletcher 14.00 a total of $33.75 paid Dec. 3, 1879 49 letter of correspondence: Blaney & Robinson, Councillors ■ 112.1N )2.-f at Law to Mrs. John H. Loring, one oh heirs to estate of S.C.Hunt; dated Aay 2, 1888 (last page missing) 50 letter of correspondence: Laaney & Robinson to Mrs John H. Loring; 3 pages; dated: May 24, 1897 signed: George A. Blaney 51 petition: to Probate Court by Blaney & Robinson, councillors at Law for Anna Eliza Hunt, Olive C. and Hannah C. Hunt, all of Chelmsford, George W. Hunt, Julia Sarah Loring, wife of John H. Loring, all of Concord; To appoint a trustee to sell standing timber which has ceased to improve by growth; any income from sales, after payment of taxes and expenses, to be paid to the persons entitled to its receipt. 52 letter of correspondence: George A. Blandy to Miss Anna Eliza Hunt; acknowledges receipt of deed of Eliphalet Hunt to Joseph and Olive Hunt; inquires about a plan or nap showing location of land. dated: Nov. 20, 1895 53 executor's account: in settlement of Will of Samuel C. Hunt, late of Chelmsford: - Schedule A -- amount received from rents - Schedule B -- (below) Article A -- Debts of Deceased B -- Funeral Expenses • C -- Charges of Administration * D -- to Ars. Samuel C. Hunt • E Aepairs of Buildings 77.11

Whitcomb - 17 --

54 bond: (copy) Account of settlement of estate of Samuel C, Hunt; sale of properties, rents received; Alt`, bills paid; payment of legacies to the follow- ing: Samuel C. Hunt 4$200 George Warren Hunt 200 Anna Eliza Hunt 200 William B. Aunt 200 Olive C. Hunt 200 Hannah C. Hunt 200 John Hunt 200 Eugenia Hunt and Richard Hunt, children of John, deceased Susan B. Hunt 200 Sarah Julia Loring 200 Henry B. Hunt 200

Total accounting of estate -- 44004.11 55 plan of land: in Chelnsford; surveyed for Samuel Hunt, containing 38 A and 40 rods, by John Taylor dated: May 21 1846 56 quitclaim deed: 10.iphalet Hunt to Joshua Hunt, his father, for payment of 4010.00; - release from all covenants in a certain deed from Joshua to the sd. Eliphalet of the farm then occupied by him, and since that time by the sd. Eliphalet, so far as his land covenants concern any boundary line or any disputed ground at Rabbit Swamp. dated: Nov. 15, 1839 signed: Eliphalet Hunt A.H. Nelson, J.P. 57 grant of privilege: to Amos Byam to lay an acqueduct through land of Samuel C. Hunt; - conveying water from a well in Hunt's pasture lat near land of J.C. Mansfield, through the pasture and mowing and tillage lots. dated: 1846 signed: Samuel C. Hunt 58 insurance policy: with Westford Mutual Fire Insurance C.; for Samuel C. Hunt in the amount of 41600 for the term of 7 years: 4600 on his dwelling house 150 on Household furniture 700 on barn and shed adjoining 150 on stock, hay and sd. barn dated: March 23, 1863 signed: Zaccheus Read, president Asa dildreth, secretary 77.1 1

Whitcomb - 18 -

59 insurance policy: Westford Mutual Fire Insurance Co. to Samuel C. Hunt on Payment of !?16.00 as premium, and fiven his promisory note for the sum of 02.00 as deposit, insuring the property for 0;1600 for a 5-year term begin- ning April 1 1870. - 4600 on dwelling house and shed 150 on household furniture therein 700 on barn and shed adjoining 150 on stock, hay and grain in adjoining building dated: April 1 1870 signed: J.N.P. Abbot, ores. Asa Hildreth, sec. 77.12

Harold J. Davis 6 Pine Hill Ave., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 3-28-2977 J.F. acknowledged: 4-25-1977 J.?. registered: 8 - 7 - 1979 E.W. labeled: donor cards mab 1979 donor card: mab 1979

WORLD WAR II UNIFORM - worn by Harold J. Davis, Captain U.S. Army Signal Corps - 1 Eisenhower jacket: size 38; 4-button front; 2 patch pockets; 2 snaps on waistband; sleeves 24" long; plain back

2 shirt: regulation Army officer's; size 33 - 15; light khaki cotton; 2 patch pockets; 7 button front 3 trousers: light beige/gray; size 34 - 29

4 sleeve patch insignia: Army Air Force signal corps; - blue star on white ground with red border 5a,b silver bars: Captain's double bars 6a,b U.S. studs 7z,b signal corps insignia; crossed flags with torch between; - white flag with red center - red flag with white center 77.13

Estate of Mrs. Jessie Stewart High St., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 3-28-1977 J.F. acknowledged: registered: V j- C' labeled: ✓ r-; „le i.

donor card: M ah 01, object card: mab 197

TOYS toy clothes pins: wooden; box of eight; size 2i" 2 toy clothes dryer: about 4""111;01;1; (needs dowel) 3 wash tub: tin; painted blue; 7" diameter at top, 5i" base, x 3 3/4" high; painted white inside ..3a scrub board: wooden frame, 4" x 6 5/8"; with fluted tin scrubbing section; tin insert 2 3/4" x 3 1/8" 4 and 5 niniature : metal alloy; size, about 1"

6 tea set* tin; orange with black Holland motif design and conventional border trim 90 a tray: size 13 x 9" spout gil , b teapot: overall size, 3" diameter x 2.4" sigh, with 7/8" kmutile on one side; curved handle, 1" out from pot b-1 cover: 1 3/4" diam. with black knob c sugar bowl: 2" diam. x 1i" high, with 1 3/8" base; - a bowl on a stand, no handles d creamer: 2" high x 1i" at top, 1 5/8" base; handle on one side is 1 5/8" long e saucers: 3" diameter; curved 1-5 f 1-5 cups: 2 1/8" across top, 1" high; base, 7/8"; curved handle, 3/4" g 1-5 plates: 4 1/8" dian.; curved r- 7 set of building blocks go 8 set of alphabet blocks: 1i" square, wooden blocks with capitol letters on 2 sides; a numeral and stamped picture of birds, animals or objects on other sides; red and blue. 77.13

Stewart - 2

slate: framed in 3/4" wood; notched at corners and re-inforced with double strands of brass wire; overall size, 121 x 8 3/4"; an "H" carved in center of one side of frame. GAMES 10 card game: Flinch; 5/8" black numerals on white card with red and white conventional design back; circle with Spinning wheel in center; - size of card: 2* x 3i" - contained in red cardboard box (no cover) 11 card game: Old. Maid; pairs of circus characters, animals; single "old maid" card shows spinster in blue "leg-o-rnutton" sleeved blouse, black mitts, eye glasses, straw hat with flowers; - size of card: 21 x 3i" - conventional light and dark red diamond design on back with "Whitman" trademark in center oval 12 card game: alphabet cards; (N and X missing); 3/4" large black letter in center of card; small black capitals of same letter in opposite corners; red numerals in opposite corners; smaller black numerals of same number below small black lettet; - back of card is white with silver dotted design; circle in center with boy blowing trumpet; lettering on bag: "Russell Games"; - size of card: x 2" 13 card game: Hearts; a "Peter Pan" card game -- trade mark on end. of slip case; hearts and elves on cover of box; blue lettering on pink-red back- ground; cards feature hearts, hors010 shoes, 4-leaf clovers, stars; 911 have elves in various poses; small red/black numerals in opposite corners; - back of card in blue and white "square knot" design; size, 1 5/8 x 22t" - card of rules: black lettering on pink - box size, 1 13/16" x 2 5/8 x 7/8" 14 card game: Authors; in original box; directions on cover; design: lady's hand holding card with pic- ture of Wm. Shakespeare; - manufactured by J.H.Singer, New York,USA: - "Play Cuckoo for Fun" printed below name of manufacturer. size of box, 4 x 3 1/8 x 5/8" - cards have pictures of Shakespeare, Scott, Macauley, Dickens, Thackery, Tennyson, Longfellow, Lowell, Holmes and Burns; 77.13

Stewart - 3

14 card game: Authors (continued) - each card lists works by each Author - back of card in fine brown leaf and fruit design - card size: 24 x 3-z" 15 card game: Authors; historic army and navy encAounters during the President Mc4inley era; no illus- trations; - white cards with black stars within small circles in each of 4 corners; size, 34 x 24"; - U.S. 45-star Flag on back of cards; - advertisement below flag for"Hood's Sarsparilla" ?16 card game: Pit; a Parker Brothers game, Salem, Mass., U.S.A.; - cards with numbers in center rectangle -- 50, 60, 70, 75, 85, 100, corresponding with cereal grains: hops, oats, rye, corn, barley and wheat; - numbers are superimposed over a scene in shades of blue in the stock market; one card with head of bull, and one card with head of bear, illustrative of the stock exchange - back of card, red and white star and dot design; size, 2 7/16 x 3 1 " , 17 card game: Peter Coddle's Visit to New York; contains a narrative with blanks to be filled in by reading what is printed on a series of cards drawn by members playing; hilarious! - size of booklet, 3 3/4 x 5" - size of box, 54 x 6 3/4" - picture on box cover: Peter in silhouette with goatee, umbrella and bag, against crowds and bright lamp light; - made in U.S.A.; Milton Bradley Co., Springfield, Mass.

18 building blocks: natural wood in diamond square and triangle shapes, and rectangles; - wooden box with sliding top set in grooves; size 9 3/4 x 8 x 1" - blocks may be made into various designs and patterns; illustrated on cover 19 numbers puzzle: imported; 24" square, shallow metal box contains 15 half inch squares of numbers, from 1 - 15, with 1 space empty; these number squares slide up, down, and across to play the game; - 8 silver nunbers on black squares; 7 silver numbers on white squares; - booklet with puzzle pictures various problems 3. - Puzzle in red leather case with snap lock ' / 77.13

Stewart - 4 -

20 game: Tiddiedy Winks / Ten Pins; 1 3/4" glass cup into which colored counters are snapped by players; larger counters used as snappers by press- ing rim of smaller counter; - 10 bottle-shaped, red tenpins are placed in triangular formation and knocked down by snapping the counters. 21 game: Backgammon / Checkers: contained in heavy cardboard folding box which, when closed, resembles set of two books with the titles " Evening at dome" on each end; - outside of box, when open, presents the checkerboard; used also for game of Chess; - inside of box, when open, presents the board for backgammon - counters for backgammon, checkers and chess are contained inside _instruction book: "Lee's Guide to the Game of Draughts"; 9th edition, improved; 1907; - instruction to students and learners on most scientific methods of playing; - published by Frederick Warne & Co., N.Y.; hard bound in red with black lettering and checkerboard pictured in center of cover; - size of book: 44 x 6i" 22 game: Halma; a board game with counters; 1888; a) board: 16" square, folded in middle; green )4X and white squares in checkerboard pattern; corners, white and green dots; b) box of counters: black, red, blue and yellow; 5/8" high c) directions for playing 23 game: Dominoes; plain wood with red painted dots; "American" impressed on backs with script lettering; (new box needed) - size of dominoes: 1 5/8 x 7/8" 24 game: Dominoes; ivory and ebony, riveted together in center; black depressed dots on the ivory; - size of dominoes: 1 5/8 x 3/4" 25 gave: Chess; one set of chessmen in black ,.nd plain ash(?) wood; contained in original box of tan card- board, size 4 x 5 x 2"; put out by William F. Drucke & Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan, U.S.A.; No. 0 77.13 Stewart - 5 -

26 game: Meteor Game; by A.C. Gilbert; designing outfit; box contains center section of punched-out holes in an octagonal design; 4 side compartments hold red, blue, cream, and green balls to insert in holes and form designs; - box is 94 x 6 5/8" - cover picture: 3 children with game; border of designs

27 tenpins / bowling pins: used in game of "Cue-Alley"; made of unpolished wood; size 2t" 28 carrom rings: used in board game of Carroms / Crokinole; 5 black rings, 1" diam. 4 white rings, 1" 3 red rings, 1 et it 29 toy: oeg top; red painted; 3/4" acorn shape, with t" dowel at top x 30 card game: Gypsy Queen Fortune Telling Cards; made by E.t,. Fairchild Corp., iiochester, r,1.Y., U.S.A. - cards are white with blue figures depicting wealth, opportunity, romance and adventure, travel, tears and sorrow, etc.; - cards also have numerals in opposite corners, below which are red diamonds, squares, circles or stars; - back of card is red and white checked diamond pattern; - size of card: 21 x 3i" - contained in bright yellow box with picture of Gypsy Queen at top on cover, and red and green lettering; - size of box: 2 5/8 x 3 7/8" 31 paint dish; porcelain 3-cup tray for mixing water colors; trays are 1" diam., set in a row; - overall size, 3 3/4 x 1 3/8 x - impressed in base: "Ullman Mfg. C., ivew York; W-1"

puzzle: The Robber Kitten / Hickory Dickory Dock; scene in living room of the cats; - made in Salem, Mass., U.S...; - cover of box pictures stage coach and pair of white horses driven by 2 cats; passenger out of coach is held up by 2 masked cat ban- dits. (box broken -- no sides) - size of cover: 10i x 7 3/4" - puzzle pieces made of heavy cardboard; large 77.13 Stewart - 6 -

33 puzzle: United States Puzzle Map; by Parker Brothers, Inc., Salem, M,ss., N.Y. and London - large pieces of heavy cardboard cut in shape of the various states - size of box: 13 x 8 x 1" - cover shows U.S. Capitol in yellow circle in center with green wreath and red ribbon surrounding a pillar with halberd above; white stars on light blue field form background; yellow, red and green lettering

BOOKS 34 rag book: "Rock-a-Bye Rhymes"; No. 203, Dean's Rag Book Co., Ltd.. London; - nursery rhymes beautifully illustrated with bright colors; - coffee brown covers; front: little g girl in checked dress with striped pina- fore and large cap, holding baby doll; canopied bassinet; - size of book: 5 7/8 x 8" 35 "Mother Goose": Father Tuck's "Little Pet" series; published by Raphael Tuck and Sons, co., Ltd., London, Paris and New York; designed at the studios in England; No. 1460; - Mother Goose Rhymes, illustrated - cardboard covers, size 7t x 8 3/4" - picture on cover: Mother Goose in red cape and tall pointed black hat, riding on a flying white goose 36 "Three Little Pigs": Father Tuck's "Little Pet" series; No. 2025; pub. by Raphael Tuck & Sons, Co., Ltd., N.Y., London and Paris; - tale told by Grace C. Floyd - cover illustration: little pig in wooden shoes ready to clamp cover on boil- ing pot as wolf falls down chimney; (cover and pages in poor condition) - size of book: 74 x 8 5/8"

37 "Goldilocks": illustrated by Frances Brundage; published, 1919 by the Saalfield Publishing Co.; - paper covers; 5/8" red borders with name of book in red letters on white at top; - colored illustrations of the 3 bears dis- covering Goldilocks in little bear's bed - size of book: 7 3/4 x 13 3/4" 77.13 Stewart - 7 -

38 "The Angora Twinnies": copyright 1919 by Stdcher Lithograph Co., Rochester, N.Y.; "Made in U.S.A."; illustrated by Margaret Evans Price; - paper covered; pictured on front and back: one twin in white furry snow outfit; the other twin in red furry snow outfit; white angora cat at right; twin i'(1 white holds snow shovel; - upper 3rd of book cut out around neck and heads - size, 7 3/8 x 13 k " 39 "Little Prudy's Cousin Grace": by Sophie May; "Little krudy" series; illustrated on fly leaf only: group of girls around fortune teller beneath a tree; - pub. in :1.Y. by Cuppler & Leon Co.; - hard bound in grey vellum; picture of little firl in red picking red blossoms from ground; - black lettering; - size 4 3/4 x 6 3/8" 77.14

Mrs. Lincoln Adams 44 Pine Hill Rd., Chelmsford. Mass.

received: 4-7-1977 L.W.N. acknowledged: 4-25-1977 J.F. registered: 4-7-1977 J.F. labeled: 4-7-1977 J.F. donor card: Tab 197° object card: mab 1979

1 apron: white organdy with 5" openwork lace edge -- fine thread work! - gathered on 15 * waist band; ties 31 * long with 2 * hem; - length of apron. 32*" overall Note: This apron belonged to Miss Tucke who died at a Nursing Home in 1950 at the age of 90 years. 77.15

Mrs. Edward W. Norton 115 Robin Hill Rd., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 4-7-1977 and 6-21-1977 J.F. acknowledged: 7- 13- 1977 J.F. registered: 4-7-1977 J.F., 7-4-1977 J.F. labeled: 4-7-1977 and 7-4-1977 J.F.

donor card: Tab 1 9 7 9 object card: mab 1979

1 booklet: Life, vol. 1, No. 1; Jan. 4. 1883; - contains essays and timely topics, poetry, cartoons; - paper covers: white with black lettering and illustrations; - size, 2 3/8 x 3i" 2 children's booklet: Mother Goose; nursery rhymes illustrated by Erika Weihs; - copyright 1944 by Whitman Publishing Co., Racine, Wisconsin; - paper covered; size 4 3/4 x 6 3/8" - front cover illustrated with white goose beneath 2 trees with many birds; - back cover: lamb under same trees; yellow flowers in grass 3 reference material: a Time for Clocks r b The 1920's . c Fun in the Old Days d When Radio Was a Miracle e Dictionary of Pottery and Porcelain (from Woman's Day) f Pomander Balls g To Hook a Rug h (Rose Wilder Lane) i Embroidery (Rose Wilder Lane) j Deerfield Embroidery -- Blue and White k Candlewicking (Rose Wilder Lane) 1 Currier and Ives' America m Old Fashioned French Bouquet n Violets 0 Brooms -- The Idea that Swept America p Passing America. q Decor Today: Classic Colonial r Women of the Revolution s Easter Eggs The Box Lunch: advertisement for Morton's Salt r . t u The Moment of Truth: cartoon 77.15 Norton - 2 -

4 photograph: in color, silk finish, size 3 3/8 x 3*"; Mrs. Helen Howe, Councilor of Chelmsford, England; - Taken on her visit to Chelmsford, Mass. on July 4, 1976 in celebration of America's Bicentennial 5 line drawings of the Barrett-Byam Homestead: made for the Bicentennial Quilt - 1976 - rolled on paper tube; covered with paper towel; 14" wide

6 additional reference articles: for use with special exhibits a bread recipe -- sourdough b bread dolls c butter workers d cornhusk coils e the cooper's job -- barrels f hats and bags of braided straw g irons h locomotives of the 1800's McGuffey's Readers j nutting k patent medicines 1 pomander balls m Sheffield plate n George Washington's early symbol mark: CXIII: signifying the original 13 colonies o coil of taper winder p yesterday's valentines newspaper special feature of The Lowell Sun, July 26, 1977: Lowell ,BAbuilding on its Past; $300,000,000 construction in the City of Lowell; - size 11* x 14 3/4" - black lettering on white newsprint with red border; old Lowell seal in circle at top in red; mills and early railroad train; - at bottom: sketch of modern Lowell 77.16

Estate of Mrs. Jessie Stewart High St. Chelmsford, Mass. received: 4-26-1977 J.F. acknowledged: registered: labeled: 4-28-1977 F.deJ. and 10-27-1977 F.deJ. donor card: mat 19 79 object card: mab 1979

6g-40 1 glees goblet: honeycomb pattern; 2 -mold; 1900 period

,D wiry& P-Oom L----•( qb 2 glass goblet: honeycomb pattern I I\J iv (f iv■ ;\ a '- 3 Mason jar and top: cOp4a,b book ends: bronze 5 book: "Liberty's Victorious Conflict"

6 fan: red; wood handles; opens to form a circle ge) 7 fan: black funeral or mourninr fan with sequins clelD 8 salt bag: 77. 17

Harry Shedd 80 Boston Rd., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 4-26-1977 R.O.L. acknowledged: 7- 13- 1977 J.F. registered: labeled: donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 saw stit: iron and steel;

2 saw set: iron and steel 77.18

Mr./Mrs. Richard 0. Lahue 9 Clear St., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 3-28-1977 and 4-16-1977 J.F. acknowledged: 7-13-1977 J.F. registered: labeled: 4-28-1977 F.deJ. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 doorstop: iron; rabbit mold;

a 9Vtaede,t4, a. /'Lit-6-i-;-L.i4 %/rw-t 02a-trk- iq /rna-ed, 4A4c4Jcz.. 77.19

Miss Miriam E. Warren Mrs. Donald H. Fogg 91 Boston Rd., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 3-22-1977 acknowledged: same registered: 7-4-1977 J.F. labeled: 4-23-1977 F.deJ. 7-4-1977 J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 iron rest: for gas iron; eco f

2 iron kettle:

3 reference book: New England Militia and Accoutrements; - published by Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, Mass.; - a pictorial survey mf by John Obed Curtis and William H. Guthman - paper covered in blue with white lettering on upper third; sketch of marching militia with 3 officers on horseback in lower section; - size 7 x 8*" 4 reference book: Tool Collentors' Handbook; compiled and illustrated by Alexander Farnham; - prices paid at auction for early American tools; - Bicentennial 3rd edition - paper covered in cream with blue lettering and red line sketches - size 6 x 9" 5 reference leaflet: Framing and Preservation of Works of Art on Paper; published by Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc. as a public service; - prepared by Mary Todd Glaser, conserv- ator of Art on Paper - black lettering on cream paper; - size 7 x 8*" 77.20

Mr./Mrs. John Hamilton 15 Bartlett St., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 5-25-1977 J.F. acknowledged: 7-13-1977 J.F.

registered: 5 - 30 - 1977 J.F. labeled: 10-27-1977 F.deJ. donor card: mab 197 9 object card:mab 1979

1 foot warmer: soapstone; octagonal; 2 3/4" high x 4 3/4" wide; gray foot warmer: gray soapstone; uneven size, broken; originally octagonal; 1 3/4" high x 6" wide; - hand marked with "G" for Gibson Note: These stones came from the Charles E. Bartlett House, built by Ichabod Gibson, ancestor of Phyllis Gibson Scoboria. Note: The Gibson School for Young Women was held for a short period in this house.

WINDOW GLASS - probably made at the Chelmsford Glass Manufactory

3 window pane: 5 1/8 x 5 15/16" x 3/16" thick;

- clear; slightly greenish tinge

4 0 clear, with greenish tinge; flaky imperfections; - size 6 7/8 x 9"; - 2 corners broken

5 " 0 : clear glass; 6 7/8 x 8" x 3/16" thick 6 " : clear glass; 6 x 7 5/8"

7 • : clear, with greenish tinge; size 7 x 9"

- *" bubble 5" down from top and a 1/8 0 in from side 8 : clear, with greenish tint; size 7 x 9"; - four imperfections: at top, 2i" in from right and *" down from top; one in center; one at left corner at bottom; one on right side 2 1/8" up from bottom • O : clear with greenish tint; size 8 x 10"; - imperfection on right, 3i" down from top, i" in from side; one also on right side 1 5/8" in and 4" up from bottom; lines extend on each side of central bubble, 1" up and 4" down , slanting 7 7.21

Mrs. Henry Emmons (nee, Natalie Brabau) 20 Worthen St., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 7-10-1977 acknowledged: L 071- )( registered: 7-10-1977 J.F. labeled: 10-27-1977 J.F. donor card: "-I' 197 9 object card:mab 1979

.111M 11 •••

(7-1 brass buckle: Japanese design carved with Japanese lantern, fan, flowers; initials, I, 0, F, L - size: 2; x 2"; 1i" hook fastener

POSTCARDS 2 patriotic: flag background; Washington as Surveyor; Washington at Ft. Duquesne, 1758; - a Raphael Tuck & Sons card 3 patriotic: Washington's Birthday; flag-draped picture of George Washington; lady in yellow gown "toasting" Washington at punch bowl; cherries and hatchet trim corners. 4 Chamber of House of Burgesses 5 Odd Fellows Hall, Concord, N.H. 6 The Old Bakery, Salem, Mass.: oldest in America 7 Longfellow School, Sanford, Maine 8 Town House, Marblehead, Mass.

9 sketch in sepia of Home of Edgar Allen Poe, 1852; Fordham, N.Y. 10 children's card: child in white with red tie, writing on slate; books on ground; seated on marble step beside pillar. 11 children's card: 3 Norwegian girls in native costume; playing "Blind Man's Buff" (card cut)

, 12 miniature trowel: diamond pointed blade, 2k" long; 1i" across widest part; wooden handle 1 long capped with nickel. 77.2 2

Mrs. Donald E. Wilder (nee Ethel Timmins) 50 Parkerville Rd., South Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 7 - 19 - 1977 J.F. acknowledged: 2 - S o -/ 7 k- J,t. registered: 7-20-1977 J.F. labeled: same J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 book: Cotton Was King -- a History of Lowell, Mass.; edited by Arthur L. Eno, Jr.; - New Hampshire Publishing Co. in collaboration with the Lowell Histori- cal Society; 1976 - Contents: Preface and Introduction Part I - Early History of Chelmsford Part II - The Founding of Lowell The Golden Age The Female Mill Operatives and the Beginning of the Labor Movement The Civil War: Patriotism vs. King Cotton Decline and Fall Part III - The Mills and the Multi- tudes; a Politcal History Ethnic History Cultural History Visitors to the "Industrial Showcase" Appendices - Articles by the following writers: J. Frederic Burtt Nancy Zaroulis Charles F. Carroll Arthur L. Eno, Jr. John A Goodwin Fidelia O. Brown Harry C. Dinmore Mary H. Blewett Joseph W. Lipchitz Peter F. Blewett and Robert Dugan - book is paper bound with red lettering superimposed over early sketch of the Lowell Mills along the Merrimack River; view of canals - size, 6 x 94" 77. 22

Wilder - 2 -

2 )1t box: dark red; oval; size,

n -Inn -prq, -;1h needles: 77.23

Mrs. Edward H. Hood nee Mildred Johnson 37 Montview Rd., Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 7 - 19 - 1977 E.W. acknowledged: 12-4-1977 J.F. registered: 7-20-1977 J.F. labeled: same J.F. ma donor card: _ b 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 photograph: members of North Chelmsford High School, 1892; - names of those in graduating class: Holt Sleeper Marinel Sampson Spalding (standing, 2nd from right) Merrill Hyde - presented by Mildred Johnson Hood whose mother was the Spalding in photo.) 7 7. 24

Mrs. Herbert L. Foster nee Ida R. Lovering formerly of 6 Westland Ave., Chelmsford received: 8-10-1977 J.F. new address; acknowledged: 12-3-1977 J.F. c/o Charles Kudolis Rte. 1, Bos 83-L registered: 8-10-1977 J.F. Benton, La. 71006 labeled: 10-27-1977 F.deJ. donor card: mab 19 79 object card: mab 1979

1 teapot: Sheffield plate; dated March 17, 1868; "M. Simons, Patent" - overall height: 84"; ovoid shape; - circumference: 154" at widest section; - hinged cover at top, 3" in diameter; with 1 1/8" knob finial - a * 0 scroll design band decorates the upper rim of teapot; - spout: 44" long in graceful curve 2" up from base; - 1/8" band below spout around circumference of pot; - 5" long handle with 3" straight side extends out from side of teapot 1*"; curved thumb rest, 1° long at top of handle; lower section of handle curves down 2° and is welded to the 1/8" band - base diameter is 34" CHILD'S TEASET Given to Ida Lovering at age 5 by her mother. - white English porcelain with gold trim. 2a teapot: white with 2" band of fluting and raised trailing vine design; fluting around 3 0 spout with vine; - fine gold line around top, I" from rim; 1 3/4" diem. opening at top; - handle, 2 3/4" , curved and gilded - circumference of teapot: 12", with 2*" base; - height: 4" 2a-1 cover: 2" overall diam. with 1*" diam. inset; - gold ring finial; fine gold line around outer edge 2b sugar bowl: white, with 14° band of fluting and vine design; - unusual oval shape with scalloped edge at top; each scallop decorated on inner side with gold flecks and fine gold line along edges; - two 3/4" gold handles on each side; - bowl is 4" x 3" x 2" high, with a base 2" x 1*" 77.24 Foster - 2 -

20 cream pitcher: white, with 1" wide band of eluting and vine design; - 3* tall; 6" circumference at middle; - 1*" wide mouth at top, with wide puring lip, 3/4" deep x 1 3/4" wide; - fine gold line around rim; - gold handle, 2i" long - base, 1i" diameter 2d tea cup: white with fine gold line at rim; - 1 3/4" gold handle; 3/4" band of fluting and vine design i* down from top; - height, 2 1/8"; diem. at top, 2i" - base, 11" 2e saucer: white with fine gold line around brim and center 1i" circle; fluting and trailing vine design on inside of saucer; - 4 3/8" diameter, with 2 3/8" base

3 fan: ivory and white organdy edged with lace and decorated with white painted flowerets dotted with tiny sequins in center and outlined in silver; - fan is 8" long, opening to 15" wide; - 16 carved ivory sticks 4 fan: white paper background with Japanese flower design in silver and gold, with i" green flower centers having 6 black dots; - 25 white painted wooden sticks cecorated with gold and silver flower designs - fan, 81" long, opens to 16" wide 5 parasol: brought from Thailand as gift (probably by donor's nephew, Asa Louis Lovering) - yellow silk with very narrow painted bamboo ribs; scenic design of cottage, water, trees and moun- tain painted on outside; - variegated floral sptray in pinks, red, and yellow, with dark green leaves; - greinge in yellow silk fastened to ends of each rib; - 3" yellow silk tassel at end of 2" black finial; - wooden handle is 24" long; Inside: ribs, 5" long, attach to grooves in upper part of long ribs and are laced together for support. The 5" ribs are fastened at lower end in a slotted wooden "spool" which slides up or down the handle, opening or closing the parasol. - the rib cage inside is decorated with crossed threads of red, blue, yellow and white embroidery strands; - a i" elastic band fastens around closed parasol with a metal ring and pearl button; - overall length: 26" 77.24

Foster - 3 -

6 daguerreotype case: black, carved "gutty percha" with brown cameo; Note: Gutta percha a hard rubber used on photo cases before Bakelite plastic. - cameo: figure of woman with long, wavy hair in center oval; - riveted hinges; patented 1836, 1837 by Littlefield, Parsons & Co. - gold leaf frame on rightside of case; - red velvet cushion lining with embosse d diamond design; - size, closed: 3i x 3 3/4 x 7/8" 7 Bible: New Testament of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; - published in New York for the American Bible Society, 1844; - size 3" x 4 5/8" x 3/4"; - extremely fine print 77.25

Chelmsford Historical Society By Purchase from Harold J. Hayes High St., East Pepperell, Mass. 01463 received: 8-23-1977 J.F. purchase price: $15.00 L.W.N.; paid 8-23-1977 acknowledged: 8-25-1977 J.F. registered: 8-24-1977 J.F. labeled: same J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 1979 4) broadside: 4th Exhibition of the Chelmsford Traders and Mechanics -- to be held in the centre of Town Wednesday, Sept. 28th, 1853 - address by John Call Bartlett, M.D. to honor the 200th Anniversary of the Settlement of the Town of Chelmsford; - lists Premiums and Gratuities on the following: corn farm stock (oxen) - a trial of strength bulls, milch cows, heifers swine and poultry agricultural and mechanical implements and domestic manufacture bread, butter, fruit, flowers and vegetables a ploughing match - officers and committees listed William Fletcher, Secretary - social gathering in the evening at the Town Hall for benefit of the Association - printed at the Lowell Daily Journal and Courier Citizen Office, 27 Central St., Lowell size: 20 3/8" x 24"; black lettering on white background, with scroll filligree border

2 brass plaques: for identification of oil paintings displayed at the Barrett-Byam Homestead Daniel Drew Pamela Drew The Reed Boy "Empress of China" Capt. Billy Fletcher House The Wood Homestead 77.26

Mrs. Charles Beall 64 Acton Rd., Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 8-23-1977 J.F. acknowledged: 1- ic 1 ,c1)- registered: 7-17-1977 J.F. labeled: 10-27-1977 F.deJ. donor card: 7'al' 2979 mab 1979 object card:

!; 1.1 glove case (or map case): leather covered, with keys and lock; lined with tan silk moire; hinged cover opens from front to back; - size. 15 3/4 x 4i x 3 1/8" deep 77.27

Mass. Historical Society Boston, Mass. received: by mail 8-23-1977 acknowledged: registered: 8-26-1977 J.F. labeled: same J.P. donor card: mab 1979 1979 object card:mab

1 book: bound volume; reprint of The JP111Dals of the Souse DI Representatives; vol._ 46; 1770 - hard covers; black

- size 6* x 9 5/8"

- contents: introduction General Court, 1769 - 1770 - 2nd session: March 15 to April 26, 1770 Appendix: Letters to the Right Honorable The Earl of Hillsborough from Governor Bernard, Gen. Gage, and the Hon. His Majesty's Council for the Province of Massachusetts Bay Index 77.28

Donald A. Lapham Wolfeboro, N.H. received: 9-13-1977 M.B.P. acknowledged: registered: 9-17-1977 J.F. labeled: 9-17-1977 J.F. LI donor card: " b 1°7(' object card: mab 1979 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ------

framed photograph: Charles W. Byam, Jennie Proctor Byam, and her brother, Thomas Proctor - typed information below photo: "Mr. Byam and his wife and two daughters were the last Byams to reside in this house (the Barrett- Byam Homestead, 40 Byam Hd., Chelmsford, Mass.). Mr. Byam was a farmer. "Thomas Proctor, brother of Jennie, was a well-known Boston lawyer. He left funds to the Town of Chelmsford for the erection of its Library. A large oil por- trait of Mr. l'roctor now hangs in said Library. He was a frequent visitor at his sister's home, and had his nephew, Edward E. Lapham, Jr., erect a small house nearby for his personal use." (This house is situated to the rear of the Falgren House on Byam Rd.) - frame: 5/8" wide with 1/8" gold band 1/8" from inner edge; overall size, 9i x 12 1/8" - photos mounted on white mat, each 2 7/8 x 2 5/8"

Note: Donald A. Lapham is the grand-nephew of Charles W. and Jennie Proctor Byam. He is also the author of a history of the Town of Carlisle, Mass.: "Carlisle, A Composite Community" 77.29

Ars. Ralph A. Berg nee Muriel Elam 32 Bartlett St. Chelmsford, Mass.

received: 9-13-1977 H•P• acknowledged: ze registered: 9-17-1977 J.F. labeled: same J.F.

donor car d: 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 shoes: pair of gentleman's dress shoes: black leather with pointed toes; felt uppers with 7 black 5/16" shoe buttons and corresponding buttonholes; 3/4" flat heels; "Walk Over" trade mark; - size 12 "2 scarf: man's; black and white silk in Paisley design; - 12" wide x 44" long with 2i" fringe

3 book: The Lowell Suburban Directory - for Billerica, Chelms- ford, Dracut, Tewksbury, Tyngsboro and Westford; - contains an alphabetical list of the inhabitants and business firms, streets, Town Officials, Societies, Churches, etc.; also a Buyers' Guide; - Vol. 10, 1921 - published by Henry M. Meek Publishing Co., Salem, Mass. 4 booklet: Chelmsford's 250th Anniversary; - paper covered in medium brown

- size 6 3/4 x 9 7/8" 4.77.30

Donor unknown received for *flea market * and transferred to museum collections registered: 9-17-1977 J.F. labeled: 10-27-1977 F.deJ. donor card: mab 1979 object card: mab 197 9

1 pewter plate: old pewter; size, 8 1/8° diameter with a 1 ° rim; base, 5 ° diam.

2 pewter bowl: 4i ° diameter with 2 3/4° base; 2 3/4 ° high; markings: center, L H V below: L.H.Vaughan, Taunton, Mass. Pewter above: eagle with shield and arrows; L.H.Vaughan above and. Taunton below eagle # 490 77.31

Miss Miriam E. Warren and Mrs. Donald H. Fogg nee Julia P. Warren 91 Boston Rd., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 9-19-1977 acknowledged: registered: 9-23-1977 J.F. labeled: 10.27.1977 F.deJ. and J.F. donor card: mab 1979 object card:mab 1979

1 band box: wooden; wall paper covered; circa 1825 - faded and brittle, water stained and patched - oval; size 22 x 16 x 121" deep (section broken out a little to left of top of box) note: box has been carefully mended by Natalie Emmons - cover is 2i" deep and sets over top of box


3 brown felt: with two i" brown velvet bands trimming underside of brim; light brown grosgrain ribbon binds edge of brim; brown satin covered wire trim around inner edge of brim on upper side; - brown velvet ribbon around low crown ending in brown velvet bow at back - large brown satin bow trims left side and extends across top of crown; brown feather inserted; - double rosette in green satin ribbon on right side; - brown and orange cut velvet flowers under brim on left; - overall size of hat: 12" x 10*" with a 1i" high crown Note: This hat was worn by donors' mother, Mabel P. Warren (Mrs. Arthur M. Warren) 77.31

Warren/Fogg 2

/'4 black straw: 1 3/4" black velvet band over dark green silk ribbon, with green silk showings" above and below black band; - bright flower wreath in shaded orange cut velvet flowers, 2 pale yellow silk roses, and one light orange rose and buds; - cluster of tiny red and pink rose buds surrounds the crown on front and sides; - 3" wide brim is turned up in back and trimmed with 7/8" black velvet ribbon bow; - 6" tall crown is flattened to 3"; - overall size: 131 x 111"; - crown size, 8 3/4 x 6i" Note: This hat worn by donors' aunt, Mrs. Joseph E. Warren (Lillie Fiske Warren)

( 5 black straw: stiff; 3" wide turned up brim on left side; - trimmed around crown with "changeable" blue-green taffeta ribbon; - bow just off center front, on right; - brim on right is 2 1/8" - crown is 8i x 7i" and 4" high Note: This hat worn by donors' aunt, Mrs. Warner B. Sargent of Chelmsford and Dracut. She was a sister of Mabel P. Warren, and familiarly known as "Aunt Mamie" black horsehair: with light brown braided straw trim; hat is made in spirals, starting in the center of crown and expanding out in 4 circles


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4\iowt."00-1-4 77.32

Andrew J. Buckus 337 Billerica Rd., East Chelmsford, Mass. received: 9-22-1977 J.F. acknowledged:

registefed: 9 - 23 - 1977 J.F. labeled: 10-27-1977 F.deJ. donor card: "11 197 9 object card:mab 1979

1 chair: small kitchen rocker with rush seat 16" in front x 13* x 1412 at back; 24" rockers; f,,11>I rSl"T two 14" rungs in front and two 12i" fungs on each O e'e-- a"" side; one 12" rung in back; - chair is 29k" high, with a 16* x 5" back rest having 5 "cathedral" indents and four 8i" turned supporting rods set between the indents above, and those in the 2" wide splat below; - chair is painted black with gilt stencil design in grape vines and leaves, with red grapes in center. Note: This chair belonged to donor's wife, Eliza Spaulding Buckus. It may have been restored by her.

2 quilt: belonged to Eliza Spaulding Buckus, donor's wife. - pink and white weathervane pattern -- a reverse star design; - detail of star: 4 x 4*" center rectangle; two 1 3/4" diamonds at each of four corners; 2k" diamonds at center sides of rectangle; - white material has tiny 1" dot and dash diamond figures; - pink material,- very fine all-ever leafy design; - quilt is tacked, filled, and has a backing of pink and red is floral design with fine blue lines in angular pattern - size: 85 x 138" 77.33

Mrs. Philip G. Doyle 10 State St. Chelmsford, Mass. received: 10-4-1977 J.F. acknowledged: 11-8-1977 J.F. registered: 10-19-1977 J.F. labeled: same J.F. donor card: Mat 1979 object card: mab 1979

1 pair shoe : dark brown, to fit lady's pointed toed shoes with French heels - in C.H.S. museum collection pair shoe laces: 72 1 long; tan; mercerized shoe laces with beaded tip; - trade mark: "Beaded" - registered, U.S. Patent Office - tip attached March 17, 1893 (?) 3 heal repaired on lady's high, pointed-toed brown shoe 77.34

Richard 0. Lahue 9 Clear St., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 10-18-1977 J.F. acknowledged: ;4.--..1c,_/ ,iyi-s:F registered: 10-27-1977 J.F. labeled: same J.F. donor card: m'al' 1979 object card: mab 1979

PHOTO PRINTS - black and white -- glossy 1 The Gardner C. Turner collection of Chelmsford Glass and on exhibit at the Barrett-Byam Homestead 2 - size of print: 10 x 8178"

3 the Barrett-Byam Homestead; front view with 44ii•ept side and spruce tree - size of print: 5 x 3 3/8"

4 duplicate of #3 5 the Barrett-Byam Homestead: front view with east side and spruce tree; - size, 5 x 3 3/8" 6 Chelmsford Historical Society meeting: Patrick Mogan, speaker; Mrs. DeMerritte Hiscoe, Mrs. John Goodwin and Harold J. Davis; - size of print: 5 x 4" 7 Christmas Tree in parlor of Barrett-Byam House: with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Duncanson, host and hostess for the Christmas Open Nouse - size of print: 7 x 5"

Pictures of Chelmsforc6Bicentennial Ball, held at the Elks' Hall on Littleton Rd.; 1976- 8 Mr. and Mrs. John Smith calling all to the Ball 9 duplicate copy; size: 4i x 3i" 10 Dancers at the Bicentennial Ball: Mr./Mrs. John P. Richardson and Mr. and Mrs. John Balcom 11 ; Mr./Mrs. Paul Hart ; Mr./Mrs. - size of print: 5x4" 77.34

Lahue - 2

12 - size of print: 5 x 4" 13 Col. Vincent R. Kehoe, 10th Regiment of Foot, and - size of print: 4 x 5" 14 John Perry Richardson in buckskin, with musket - size of print: 4 x 5" 15 Donald Hurt in fringed vest - size of print: 3 3/8 x 3 3/8" 16 The Grand March: costumed ladies and gentlemen led by Minuteman Raymond Day - size of print: 7 x 5"

Polaroid Prints of Marker on Robin Hill Road of the First Lucifer Match Factory in America, established by Ezekiel Byam in 1835

jt 17 black and white glossy print tel18 tinted, glossy print %-v19 20 close-up of lettering on marker; tinted, glossy print - size of prints, #17 - 20, ki x 3 5/16 0

F 21a cachet cover: original; advertising the Barrett-Byam House; cut-out of Barrett-Byam House and the Town Seal; b inside sheet: wording for information on seal and historic house

22 Town of Chelmsford Annual Report for 972: paper covered; Revolutionary Monument and Town Seal in green on white background - size 9 x 6"

Lar 77.36

Mrs. Helen R. Poland 18 Rainbow Ave., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 10-18-1977 J.F. acknowledged: 11-8-1977 J•F• registered: 10-19-1977 J.F. labeled: same donor card: mat 3 079 object card: mab 1979

1 hat: black beaver tall hat; - crown, 54 * high; top is 7 3/8 x 61"; 11 * black wool band around base of crown; - brim: 12 x 10", curved in on sides i" in center; edged in black grosgrain ribbon; - trade mark inside: "U.S. American Manufacture, U.S.A.; made especially for Dickerman and McQuade of Lowell, Mass.; - dates: 1876, 1893, 1900. 1915 - size 7 1/8 - leather sweat band

Note: This hat was worn by donor's father, Everett T. Reed, Master of Pentucket Lodge of Lowell, 19

2 hat box: black cardboard; size 13i x 10 1/8 x 7 1/8" high overall - cover overlaps 11" 77.37

Mrs. Edward C. Tebeau nee Hilda eatterson 44 Sylvan Ave., Chelmsford, Mass. received: 10-25-1977 N.E. acknowledged: 11-7-1977 J.F. registered: 10-26-77, 11-2-1977 J.F. labeled: 10-26-1977,11-6-1977 J.F. 10-27-1977 F.deJ. donor card: mab 1 979 object card: mab 1979

1 quilt: 5 stripes, 3 3/4" wide of plaid silk in light red, black and white; and 6 stripes, 3" wide of blue and white checked silk; with a border on 2 sides of 8i x 3 3/4" rectangles made of large central blue and white check triangleA and 2 triangles of the red. plaid; - a 4" scalloped ruffle of the plaid silk trims the quilt on all 4 sides; - Backing is a dainty, small fruit and berry pattern in red and black on cream background -- also silk; - quilt is tacked; all handmade - size: 60 x 67" 2 pr. towels: white linen damask in rose pattern; and - distinctive 5" border on each end in red 3 "peacock feather" design 1 5/8" wide, edged in 1/16" of blue; - above and below feather strip is a conventional diamond design in blue edged with 1/16" of red; - a red and blue stripe tops the border and is also at lower edge above a 3* red, white and blue fringe, having the red and blue threads braided into the white linen threads! - there is a 3/8" narrow blue border edged in red on sides of towel - size: 19 x 37" overall 4 towel: white linen damask in diamond and trailing vine design, with 2i" wide faded red stripe in diamond and star pattern surrounded by 5/8" light blue conventional border stripes; - 5/16" narrow red stripe on sides of towel - 2i" tied fringe - overall size: 17 x 37i" man's vest: black satin brocade with 6 black crochet-covered buttons and 6 buttonholes; - black cambric in back with adjustable black cambric belt; black metal buckles; - vest is lined with ecru cotton lining; - 3 pockets in front - size: 19" long, center back; 20" wide at under armholes 77.37

Tebeau - 2

6 carpet bag: leather lining with one inner pocket; original carpet covering replaced by multicolored diamond design in needlepoint on one side; on other, bright green needlepoint with initial "W" worked in black beads; - leather handles and metal clasp lock at top;

- size: i : '3 /;' 'L, id c 7 hand bag: brown leather, with nickel trim; metal clasp at top and leather handle;

- size: -; tLp ; .5-- -?7,"),- atty. Gs be rt...

.8a band box: heavy cardboard lined with newspaper, "The N.H. Telegraph" for Feb. 9, 1856; - outside covered with wall paper in grey, green and rose; - round box, 12" in diameter and 12" deep covdr: decorated with same wallpaper and lined with 1855 newspaper advertisements - size, 124" diam.; 2" on sides Note: This bandbox belonged to Mrs. Tebeau's aunt, Lida Patterson Moseley, who brought up Hilda from the time she was a little girl. bead loom: wooden; "Apache Beadwork Loom" in red lettering in center of base; - base board is 11 3/4 x 44° and 3/8" thick; - black threads are strung over 4" frets supported by 2i" posts on each end; - threads on right are fastened around eater peg at end of base board; threads on opposite side pass through fret, and are fastened to a 2 5/8" roller supported by two 1 7/8" posts; - unfinished beadwork is worked in black beads on a cut steel bead background 10 chart: graph design for beadwork started on loom 11 chart: 0 for colored beadwork 12 instruction booklet: Designs for Indian Beadwork; Apache Beadwork Loom Series A; miscellaneous designs - size of booklet: 4 3/8 x 64"; - paper, doublefold

1. 3 card of selected colors of Indian seed beads: Walco Bead Co. - size of card: 3i x 7i" 14a black Indian seed beads: contained in tin box (for "Sucrets " ) b small spool of black linen thread from Belding Heminway Co. 15 envelope of red Indian seed beads 16 enveloped of cut steel beads 77.37

Teheau - 3 -

17 wooden vase: hand carved; turned on a lathe; walnut; - 3*" high with a 13" diam. base - scalloped rim at top curves in - 1 3/4" diam. at top 18 wooden box: handmade; size 41.- x 3 3/8 x 2 5/8"; - sliding cover, beteled slightly on sides, is 4i x 2 3/4" with thumb inset 5/8" in from one end; - stained and varnished; 19 set of dominoes: handmade , wooden; size li x 7/8" - contained in wooden box #18 above 20 game of jackstraws: two 5i" sticks with wire hooks; ten 4* spears; ten 4* tamps ten 4* hockey sticks 9 double pointed, 4" sticks - contained in box rof for J. & P. Coats' Best Six-Cord Spool Cotton; - size 5 7/8 x 23 x 1"

SCHOOL BOOKS -21 North American Arithmetic: Part First, containing elementary lessons; by Frederick Emerson, Principal of Department of Writing and Arithmetic; Boylston School, Boston; - published by Lincoln & Edwards, 18,29 - faded brown cardboard covers with an abacus pictured on cover; - size 4i x 7 1/8" 22 multiplication table: printed on cardboard. 5 3/4 x 6", by Albin Beard; (no date) - sold by C.T. Gill, bookseller, publisher and binder; No.4 Exchange Buiding, Nashua, N.H.; - office of N.H.Telegraph 23 multiplication table: printed on orange introttimmt paper, framed by conventional border design; - no date 24 tionrsiels_ Chart Primer, or First Steps in Reading: pub. in Philadelphia by Cowperthwait & Co.; - copyright 1877 by Lewis B. Monroe, Dean of B.U. School of Oratory; - hard covers in brown with black lettering; size 5 3/4 x 4 3/4" on back: Mother reading to small boy 77.37

Tebeau - 4 -

25 North American Spelling Book: conformed to"Worcester's Dductionary"; progressive series of easy reading lessons by L.W.Leonard; - published in Keene, N.H. by George Tilden; in Boston by Bould, Kendall and Lincoln; 1841 - hard cover in brown with black lettering Swinton's Word-Book of English Spelling: oral and written; introduction to word-analysis; by William Swinton, A.M. - copyright 1872, revised edition - hard covers in grey-green with black lettering - size 4} x 6 3/4* 27 A Practical System of Modern Geography, or a View of the Present State of the World: simplified and adapted to the capacity of youth; - embellished with numerous steel en- gravings of manners, customs, etc.; accompanied by a new and improved Atlas; by J. Olney, A.A. - published in N.Y., 1,817 - hard covers in brown; size 4 x 6i x 7/8" 28 Warren's New Primary Geography: illustrated by maps and engravings; by D.M. Warren; - published in 1872 by Cowperthwait & Co., Philadelphia; - hard covers in grey-green; black lettering; size 7 1/8 x 8 5/8" 29 New and Improved School Atlas: to accompany the "Practical System of Modern Geography" by J. Olney, A.M.; containing 13 maps and charts, hand tinted; - published circa A828 by Robinson, Pratt and Co., N.Y. - paper covers in yellow; - size 7i x 11i" 30 Morse's School Geography: illustrated with more than 50 cerographic maps and wood-cut engravings; by Sidney E. Morse, A.M. - published by Harper & Brothers, N.Y., 1848 READERS The Little Learner's First Lesson in Reading: - published by the Religious Tract Society in London, England; - price: sixpence; beautifully illustrated; 77.37

Tebeau - 5 -

32 Sargent's School Reader: Part Two, by Epes Sargent; - 20 original designs by Billings engraved by Tarbell; - published in ioston, 1869 by John L. Shorey; - hard covers in green-grey with black lettering; picture of a mother reading to her daughter; - size: 6 3/4 x 4*"

33 The Franklin Third Reader: by &.S. Ri1P - and L.J. Campbell; illustrated; - published in N.Y. and Boston, 1873 by William Ware & Co. - belonged to Charles Franklin Moseley in 1883 - blue-grey hard covers with scene of children gathering nuts - size: 7 x 4 5/8" 34 The Franklin Fourth Reader: by G.S. Hillard; published in N.Y. by Taintor Bros., Merrill and Co.; and in Boston by Wm. Ware & Co.; 1873

- belonged to E.F. Moseley, Concord, N.B. in 1886 - light grey-blue color on hard covers, with black lettering and sleighing scene in winter; - size: 7 3/8 x 5" 35 The American Common School Reader and Speaker: by John Golds- bury, A.M. and William Russell; - published in Boston by Tappan, Whittemore and Mason, 1844; * - dedicated respectfully, with his per- mission, to John Quincy Adams. - leather bound in brown; - size: 71 x 44 x li" • 36 Appleton's School Readers; Fifth Reader: by Harris, Rickoff and Bailey; - published in N.Y., Boston and Chicago by D. Appleton & Co., 1880 - hard bound in dark red covers, stipled, and with lettering imprinted (pressed in); - size: 7* x 5 x 1" 37 Hillard's Sixth Reader: new series; extracts in prose and verse for use of advanced ciadses in public speaking and private schools; - published in Boston and New York, 1871 - size: 77.07 Tebeau - 6 -

CHILDREN'S STORY BOOKS 38 Sunbeams for the Little Ones at Home: stories in picture, poetry and prose merrily mingled; from sources old and new - published in Providance, R.I. by J.A. and R.A. Reid, 1889 - hard bound with colored picture of little girl with light brown hair, blue eyes, ruffled collar on light blue dress; blue locket on fine gold chain around her neck; - lettering in red, black and yellow on shaded green background - illustrations inside in black and 0 white; - size of book: 10 5/8 x 13 3/8"

39 lazy Lawrence: Nettie Lightfoot Series; published in Boston by Charles E. Brown; No.8 in series; no date; - written on fly leaf: "A Birthday Present from Alice J. Humphrey, 1879" - red binding with black imprint design surrounding colored picture of child in blue holding a black dog (7); title above in red lettering on gold background; - size: 4 x 5 1/8" 46 \ Little Poems: Nettie Lightfoot Series, NO. 10; - green binding with black imprint design and same colored picture as in No. 8 (above); - title in green lettering on gold background; - written on fly leaf: "A Birthday Present from Hattie S. Humphrey, 1879" - size, 4 x 5 1/8" `',,`) 14.1. The Roberts Family: "Swear Not at All"; written for the American Sunday School Union, 1850 - hard bound in dark green with gilt lettering and design on end binding; - size 6 1/8 x 4" 42 The Apple Gathering: No. 1 of "The Rollo Story Books", by Jacob Abbott, 1851 - hard bound in dark blue with gilt lettering on end binding; - size 4 1/8 x 6f" - written on fly leaf: "Present to Carrie Patterson for Good Deportment by N.M. Woods" r 43 Made-Up Stories: No. 2 in Mrs. Follen's Twilight Series; Illustrations by Billings; - published in Boston by Nichols and mall, 1868 - hard bound in dark blue with gilt letter- ing on end binding; - size 4 3/4 x 6 1/8" 77.37

Tebeau - 7 -

4 t'j44 Our Helen by Sophie May; "The Maidenhood Series"; - published in Boston by Lee and Shepherd, 1874 - hard bound in dark green with black lettering and family scene before the fireplace, in gilt with black background, done in a 3" circle; - size of book: 5 1/8 x 7 x 1"

45 The Bow of Orange Ribbon: by Amelia E. Barr; - a romance of New York; - "by permission this book is dedi- cated to the Holland Society of New York; copyright 1„886 - hard bound in gray with design of crossed swords tied with orange ribbons, against a 1" wide con'entional pattern border design; - size: 44 x 5 7/8 x 3/4"

46 booklet: Games and Toys; "The Nursery Library? by G. Rout- ledge and Sons - illustrated in color; - paper covers with picture of toy horse on low cart with rollers; a pull toy as well as a riding toy; - size: 2 1/8 x 2 5/8" 47 booklet: The Tongue Cut Sparrow; Japanese Fairy Tale Series" No. 2, 2nd edition; published by Ko- bunsha, Minami Saegicho, Tokyo; - beautifully illustrated by hand tinting on cover and inside pages - size 7 1/8 x 4 7/8"; tied with silk threads crossed in back 47 booklet: The Matsuyama Mirror; JapaneseA Fairy Tale Series" No. 10; - told to children by Mrs. T.H. Jones; - published by the Kobunsha, Tokyo; - hand tinted illustrations; a lovely story ! - paper covers tied with silk threads - size 4 7/8 x 7 1/8" 77.38

Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Hamilton 18 Fuller Rd., Chelmsford, Maass.

received: 11-1-1977 J.P.F. acknowledged: 11-7-1977 J.F. registered: 3-2-1988 H.P. labeled: donor card: object card:

1 doll: 18"; china head, with black hair, blue eyes; cloth stuffed body. arms and hands; Note: This doll belonged to Creighton's mother, hachel (Marshall) Hamilton when she was a little girl. It is of the 1865 period. a. dress: 4 ° brown taffeta basque; 9" long brown and white plaid taffeta skirt b. under drawers: white cotton, 5P1 long; trimmed with 3 rows of fine tucks and edged with red and white cotton lace. c. petticoat: white cotton hamburg lace; 3 ° long d.1.2, stockings: blue; 5 ° long e-1.2, kid boots with blue laces