V°11 AUGUST 2019


FEATURING Aileen Agopian, Steve Altan, Vasken Kalayjian, Kristine Woodward, and Thomas Kechikian INSIDER 2 brands is immersedinhigh-end, image-driven director Artistic Thomas Kechikian 20 LapofLuxury New York scene art thedowntown helped transform Kristine co-founder Woodwardgallery Powered by passion andinstinct, 16 The ofCommunity Art passionburning is the power of art Vasken Kalayjian’s businessproblems through Solving 12 Fire Brand inthepopcultureout histurf industry Altancarved Steve How graphic artist 08 Street Smarts collectors most serious oftheworld’sAgopian thetrust earned advisorHow Aileen bespoke art 04 Private Eye of Issue The Business Art The03 Editorial



20 16 of history Der Matossian’s door tothefront keys andProximity—Prof.Fluency Bedross The26 Historian’s Edge The Thinker thediaspora from with support and improving soldiers’ Armenian lives issaving Arzoumanian How Razmig 24 Active Citizen EveryIn Issue AGBU 34 AGBU: The InsideStory AGBU Programs Three 31 MakingitCount Making itCount memory Armenia’squest topreserve historical Matenadaran guideNaré Vardanyan’s 30 The Time Traveler On theHomeFront role modelfor istheultimate Abrahamian Gevorg Why 28 Turning Walls Into Doors Giving Back the future well into thrives identity Armenian outstanding leaders oftomorrow ServingArmenia’s Service Members 04 AGBU programs helpcultivate alumniensure that AGBU summer interns summerinterns




ADOBE STOCK I Contributor A version of Printed intheUnitedStates. Postmasters: address Send changes totheabove address. Tel: 212.319.6383, E-Mail: [email protected] ing freecharge tomembersanddonors of oftheorganization. Union Benevolent ismailed General of the Armenian This publication If you are nota andwishtocontinueregular contributor receiv - tion for nurturing the ofnowcareers iconic painters, nurturing tion for andinthe intrendy lower Manhattan,prestigious gallery buildingareputa- Woodward(Kazandjian) marked recently a 25years running talent.her eye thenextmeteoric for Fellow New Yorker Kristine advisor whose negotiatingprivate are as is skills asimpeccable asa collecting ofhigh-stakesglobalart circles the sophisticated bargain. the in dueremuneration love andearning what they andrecognition entrepreneurialprivilege flairthataffords ofdoing themthe ers. by isdriven Each thevisualmediumandan apassion for demands oftheiraudience, beitcollectors, clients, orconsum- product withthe oftheartistic reconcilehow they theintegrity world—New York andParis. City Onemeasure oftheirsuccessis of the and business capitals in two sionalmajor art achievement AGBU Editorial Staff DirectorArt Levi Nicholson Editor-in-Chief KathrynManuelian © Armenian General Benevolent Union, Benevolent General © Armenian August 2019. RightsReserved. All 55 East59thStreet, New York, We with New start York-based AileenAgopian as shetravels AGBU Insider , Insider pleasesendaminimum totheaddress contribution of$25.00by check above orconveniently online by credit card. AGBU complex dynamic through the fascinating stories of five offive throughcomplex thefascinating stories dynamic AGBU . Art andcommerce creativity thatisTheBusinessof experience? The answer of lies in the intersectionality expand aworldview, how dowe assignvaluetothat speaktothesoul, can f awork ofart theheart, touch or is published by the Armenian General Benevolent Union ispublishedby Benevolent General theArmenian Susan Klein,JamieThomson In thisissue, we explore themany facets ofthis From Insider Anita Anserian,Alex Basmajian,ChristinaLalama,Gevorg Mnatsakanyan, Karen Papazian, NanaShakhnazaryan alumni who have scaled theheightsofprofes alumniwhohave- scaled NY 10022-1112


by Central BoardMember Central


is an art anart as leaders intheAGBU globalnetwork. pursuit in any life Success ceeded intheirown fields ofendeavor orare their time volunteering messages, this issueof day consumer jungleofpictorial navigatingtheoversaturated resentation ofaproduct ideal. asanaspirational brands, luxury bar for valueisjudged by inwhich the flawless rep- , Thomas Kechikian’s raisingthe is firm boutique advertising commercialwhatever endeavor hetouches. Across theAtlantic, in and financial stamp on rewards by puttinghispersonal stylistic Altan has somehow managed to reapdesigner Steve both psychic intothemix.own subjectivity Incontrast, New York graphic ofabusiness’sing thecore attributes culture withoutprojecting his programs ofourtimesisamasterindefin- winning brand-identity approach todesigningsome andaward- ofthemostrecognizable’s cultural process, the cultivatingacreative thathasrevitalized community of consuming it. with a the thing business as mixing the pleasuresuch of making art Whether you’reWhether aconnoisseur ofart, investor, asavvy - oranevery For guru Vasken global branding Kalayjian, a disciplined And don’t ofother missthestories

toYou AGBU AGBU iscirculated around Insider in28 countries theworld. sets out to prove that there is sets out to prove Insider thatthere is AGBU alumniwhohave suc- { THE EDITORIAL INSIDER |




Affiliation: Location: Company: Title: Aileen Agopian THE Business of Artof ISSUE Art AdvisorArt

New York, NY, USA AGBU New York SummerInternship Program (NYSIP) |

Agopian Inc.



ADAM KANE MACCHIA tion house for herdaughter’stion housefor school ingiving atalkatChristie’ssqueezed auc- fairs. art galleries, marquee auction houses and ferry, among tiny studios, prominent shuttling themintaxis, on foot, andby tions between dealers andclients, and - transac private negotiating significant both ascending and acclaimed,artists tothework collectors ofing celebrity already logged ofmilesshepherd- dozens andcommerce,global art Agopian has eyecerning across thisannualnexusof andindefatigable.ruffled Castingherdis- A During thesesame weeks,During Agopian PRIVATE EYE PRIVATE EYE PRIVATE EYE PRIVATE EYE PRIVATE EYE Agopian remains un- advisor Aileen art rary around her, contempo- FairArt season swirls the New York Spring thatiswind ofevents - whirl s thedizzying How bespoke art advisor Aileen Agopian earned the trust of the world’s most serious collectors her accomplishments in the top echelons her accomplishments inthetopechelons town inIndiana.a small Buttheseedsof is difficultto envision her in growing up art, about contemporary and assurance it passion comes first, theprofit issecond.” tivating thatappreciation inothers. The to buyit, beingaround it, andideally, cul- it, itpersonally, collecting advising clients it, art—seeing contemporary talkingabout invigorating journey. itasan Agopianand ebullient describes ninja,practiced art-world butthewarm would testthemettleofmost intensity younger artists. purchase by works established and ofart fairsto throughferent collectors two art dif- Barnard escorted College; andavidly gavel $3 million for to raise dollars group; wieldedher persuasive auctioneer’s Listening to Agopian speak with depth about love everything intrinsically “I ofthis sprint A calendar-exploding showed us that art wasn’tshowed us that art just landscapes galleries,’”rary Agopian recounts. “They the what would now becalled ‘contempo- scene unfolded. meaway.”That blew complex andthewholeincredibly back see were dotson acanvas. Then you stepped to it,when you stepped close you all could that amazed and Iremember beingutterly InstituteofChicago, icon oftheArt prized Jatte,’”Grand Agopian recalls. was the “It ofGeorge Seurat’s atLa ‘Sunday in front weekend outings. cultural for Chicago her siblingstoneighboring ofart,world young bringing Aileenand their hometown withthesophisticated thebucolicsettingof quest ofcontrasting Hovanessian. Agopian’s parents made a Shoghag byVicki her parents and Raffy that Midwestern soil, nurtured carefully were world plantedin of theglobalart parents“My would walkusthrough of standing memory have a vivid early “I others. Composition,’ among painting ‘Expanded Profile this 2018 George Condo who she helped acquire of a collector in New York Agopian at the townhouse INSIDER |


5 INSIDER 6 genius upon aladder, of cans pouring ful paintings, and here wasthismad in, we were surrounded by gigantic, color- artists’ studiosbefore, butwhenwe walked of hisgallery, DanielaGareh. I’d beenin to visithisstudioalong withthedirector Damien Hirst.artist us arranged for She and saidshe’d seen paintingsby thisnew studio wastoprove auspicious. well-timed visittoathen-obscure artist art. inschool,and contemporary While a Sotheby’s Institute, on focusing postwar graduated withhonors atLondon’s pursued herMaster’s degree abroad and and Frenchhistory literature, Agopian cum laudefrom Tufts inart University you forward.” propel always will best—and education recalls. “You must to be your strive just to walk through life’,”survive she herpassion.for tofindanotheroutlet she wasdetermined who exemplified was possible, thatanything Genocide, oftheArmenian both survivors Sissag Varjabedian Hovanessian, andArakel artist.” Butinspired by hergrandfathers, description, likea shefelt “washed-up self, butatage 12, by herown sardonic thought shemighttakeuppaintingher- collection wasinspiring. At first, she George Condo. To young Aileen, their Basquiatand asJean-Michel such atthetime,relatively unknown artists home,way intothefamily along with made their Kooning and Jean Dubuffet Andy Warhol, de by artworks Willem magazines. Along withiconic nameslike art tocontemporary and subscribing museums, art involved withtheChicago around theworld,and galleries getting didacts, books, studying fairs visitingart ’90s, Agopian’s auto- parents became and composition.” thatenvelopecanvases you inpure color and figures. It could be these enormous cultivating that appreciation in others. The passion comes first, the profit is second. I intrinsically love everything about contemporary art—seeing it, talking about

THE “It was 1996—my mom came to visit tovisit was1996—mymom came “It degree her undergraduate earning After would grandfathers say,“My didn’t‘we inthe art collecting While ’80s and it, it, collecting it personally, advising clients to buy it, being around it, and ideally,

| Hume, and many others. artists Tracey Emin, Marc Quinn, Gary Hirst, introduced Cubeeventually White Artists).British Along with powerhouse movement known asthe years,few emerge asthepioneer ofanew time, Cubewould, White over thenext gallery.small knownThough barely atthe her andJay for Joplingattheirintern old graduatestudentandinvited herto sation, Gareh totheavid22year turned anddeepconvercourse oftheircolorful - the dealer with questions, and within the transfixed.”totally ing thework withwildabandon, andIwas Agopian. approach waslikeachild - “He nism, iteverywhere,” splattering recalls huge circular on arotating canvas - mecha ontoglossy householdpaintdirectly a d’Antibes, France. at Hôtel duCap-Eden-Roc inCap on stage attheamfARCannesGala2019 Kris JennerandAileenAgopian speak Aileen began peppering the artist and and the artist Aileen began peppering ” “ YBA (Young

small gallery like White Cube, like White gallery small Ididn’t and the cutting-edge,dog at Phillips accomplishment awoman. for neering auctioneer,as astellar pio- asingularly there, Agopian areputation alsoforged Christie’s andSotheby’s. Inher10years over themore established Phillips choose foundations, andmuseums aliketo 80s art, began to convince clients, private andpost- knowledge ofcontemporary tion ofpersuasive powers anddeep New York, Agopian’s uniquecombina- art.contemporary Inthevastarena of of department help establishtheirnew Phillips, auction thenasmall house, to outtoher.called wasinvited by She years inLondon, New York literally andlastingvalue.of legacy five After tobuildcollections guidingclients cally eye,advisor withanimpeccable - strategi hertothisday—a trustworthy serve thatvated theprofessional attributes their director ofsales. There sheculti- led toherworking there five for years as “At the time, working the under for Agopian’s Cube at internship White


STEPHANE CARDINALE/GETTY IMAGES STEPHANE CARDINALE/GETTY IMAGES million. atSotheby’s, While a Icouldsell upto$5-10that couldrange in price putting auctions together with artwork conquest shecouldnotresist. Sotheby’s, itasanEverest-like viewing name toherresume. transitioned to She Phillips, Agopian added one more iconic Public Art.Public That summer, asan of theOffice for Hall atCity part-time Gallery, Castelli at the prestigious Leo and summer inNew York working part-time AGBU her during educationAgopian herart furthered andbeforeChicago hersuccessinLondon, math, where xplusy “Wow, ismagic!’ thisartist It’s notlike show, drawing, see a small and just think, history, butsometimes you walkintoa moves me. it’s Sometimes rooted inart make. I’ve come tounderstandwhat yourself,educate the better decisions you that Ican,” sheexplains. more you “The museum shows, fairs andfar-flungart show, gallery every studio, artist’s pounding thepavement andgoing to theeyes andmind;and educating from starlong before others.rising sherecognizes,merits spottinga often toconveyAgopian the shinesinherability requiresartists apassionate champion, and trophy-hunter toconsider collectors new Jonas Wood 2000s. in the early Persuading on,tors early asMark such Grotjahn and strove to introduce younger to collec artists as deKooning and also andLichtenstein Art, Agopian soldtheworks ofgiantssuch dolove theart vors odds, intheface ofall andmany of - haveArmenians had tobefierce survi thoughtaboutthisalot,really because inthisposition.being anArmenian I’ve reward. In away, fortunate I am really you didn’t ask, you’d reap never the or tobuyamasterpiece. thatif Iknew treasures with their contemporary part toconvince themtoing outtoclients thewordfear ‘no.’ Icouldn’t reach fear - who wasexhibitingwithus. Thanks to greeter tomeetingEdRuscha, front-desk different position atthegallery, from presence ofone ofmyidols. Iworked every world, art contemporary soIwasinthe and thepersonal sense. intern, waspivotal inboththeprofessional “When I started outatPhillips, Istarted Iwas “When Following successat herconsiderable Previous to her early exposure to art in in exposure toart Previous toherearly “For me it’s a combination of intuition As Phillip’s Director ofContemporary “Leo Castelli is considered a guru in the isconsidered inthe Castelli aguru “Leo , Iwashooked.” AGBU internship, spendinga equalssuccess. AGBU -

images ofacozy, intimate, atelier. Itbelies website as a “bespoke” advisory, conjuring today, Agopian Inc., on its isdescribed out on myown.” that transaction, Iwasready Iknew togo me,”for Agopian states modestly. “With of Chicago. wasacrescendo ofsorts “That werememories formed—The Institute Art Agopian’swhich art cherished earliest months laterin2015totheinstitution at valued atmore than$400million afew the donationfor collection of their art that Warhol’s #3”“Liz thecatalyst became world. shared withAgopian proudly They have one ofthebestcollections inthe considered collectors to art contemporary ofmajorprivate 2014 auctions toacircle inSotheby’s $31.5million for November famous Elizabeth Taylor works, #3”“Liz jaw-dropping saleofone of Warhol’s East.Middle auction takingplace inthe art temporary any con for - achieved highest totalever Qatar office, where sheestablishedthe Doha,of Sotheby’s newly-established salesteamout she alsoledaworldwide New Yorkporary auctions, andLondon workingsimultaneously on thecontem- continued to heights.reach new While Art, ofContemporary Sales Agopian enal experience.” is demandingyet exhilarating; aphenom- Agopian observed. “Working atthatlevel painting thatwasvaluedat$50million,” The firm she founded she andThe firm commands inNew Back York, shenegotiated the As senior VP of Sotheby’s International a life-altering moment.”a life-altering can have everyone means The power ofart away, just liketheday IsawtheSeurat. ofapiecethattakesyour breath front and,the corner suddenly, you’re standing in fairormuseum show, visitanart can turn to see more and expand,” she enthuses. “You There’s room tolearn, always opportunities are sovastand international. world the art fortunate, very market and the art because are you going toshow theclients?’”What say, likethisone betterthan thatone.‘I through I’m theartworks and reviewing you today?’ sell Mydaughterwantstogo asks, ‘Mom, did whatdid you see? What work, Icome home from myson “When landscape, wherever herwork takesher. children accompany heracross theart generation,husband to anew as her own by Agopian and her being passedlovingly endowed isnow toherby art for herfamily andcollector.artist behind thejoy andsatisfaction ofpairing naturerecedes of the business of art continent.on every The transactional who’sto avirtual collectors whoofprivate monoliths corporate from cadre ofclients world, art temporary assheadvises a occupies intheheady international con- the powerhouse place Agopian now auctioneer for thepasteightyears. NY charity auction.Shehasbeentheevent’s Agopian withAlecBaldwinattheARTWALK “Art oftoday loversare andcollectors The timeless, reverence near-mystical INSIDER |



Affiliation: Location: Company: Title: Steve Altan Business of Artof ISSUE Graphic Designer New York, NY, USA AGBU CampNubar OuterStuff®

ADAM KANE MACCHIA ADAM KANE MACCHIA B the far corners of the art world, of theart the farcorners asa field hasnonetheless propelled Altanto competitivemaking aname inahighly oftheunknown.”that fear with.might beuncomfortable had Inever there. It’s justshowing up to thingsthatyou has alottodowithjustputtingyourself out ness toopendoors. it, Ashetells “Success prolific bodyof work ofhis readiby virtue - aged career and to build a flourishing overdo than to overthink, Altanhasman- lead will experience me.” being spontaneous and seeingwhere the Such an uncalculated approach an uncalculated toSuch toAs auniquetalentmore inclined plan,” he insists. like“I a gonenever outwith seems tobetrue. “I’ve Altan,Steve theopposite there isaplan. isthere? Or successstory,ehind every For designer graphic How graphic artist Steve Altan carved out

his turf in the pop culture industry his refusal to compartmentalize his skills hisskills his refusal tocompartmentalize tors, co-workers, orclients. more, What’s professors,be ithisart creative- collabora tothenextdoorofopportunity,the keys keeping connections withthosewhohold rut. himselfon makingand Healsoprides intoa beingtypecast away from category his peers, whoare one product orindustry thefateofmany of enabled himtoescape and self-confidence have innate versatility to Team sports—from the sports—from &Ness,Mitchell aswell asmajorleague asUmbro, such brands Nike, and apparel company thatholdslicensesfor OuterStuff®, time for full a youth BeatsPaper® Rock called whileworking lineated hisown signature clothing not tomention fineartist. Healsocre- ing, marketing, specialist, andbranding artist,graphic fashion designer,- advertis He would bethefirsttoagree thathis U . S . A . NBA , NHL , and MLS

mass-marketable in global retail chains such mass-marketable in global retail such chains are andboldasthey designs asoriginal reputation creating for sterling stand-out polishedAltan’s Smith—has and Will Houston asJaden to filmsuperstarssuch Nelly,rapper great Allan and thebasketball Daymond John (Shark Tank),from the culturewith their own labels— celebrities andsports pop Designingfor that stronglydemographic identifies with resonate withtoday’s youth ticularly urban and multiculturality sensitivity, par which work me.’” for thing,one particular thatjustwon’t because it interesting anddon’t pigeonhole meinto them, you dowhatever want. ‘I’ll Justkeep many hats. hired they me, When I told Altan. here“Even atOuterstuff, Iwear options open. awidernet,also casts keepinghiscreative What doeswork isAltan’sWhat visualsensibil- can’t“I go withthestatusquo,” says his start as an artist. his start New Yorkof where he got in the Lower East Side store on Orchard Street Steve Altan in front of a INSIDER |


- 9

stores oratthelibrary,” Altannoted. “Or would spendlotsoftimeincomic “I book ofcomics. thefantasyworld from derived occupied histimemakingdrawings asanartist.identity child, An only he along withhisbudding life for imprinted gather asone bigfamily.” would over theworld all from Armenians apark inwhich lived across thestreet from lived inourbuilding,” Altan. recalls “We rounded by my all ‘aunts anduncles’ who immigrants. Armenian arrived wassur- “I hood ofSunnyside, newly amagnetfor first five years were spent in the neighbor- the world’s mostdiverse meltingpot. His Queens, New York—often referred toas three months old. settled in The family parents, inNew Altanarrived York atjust way oftheclothing in America life made a new father and uncle INSIDER 10 seemtobeinhis skills websites across the Internet. His sartorial as Macy’s andForever 21, aswell asapparel apparel line. in his office going over designs for anew Altan andrapper SilkktheShocker

Thus Altan’s was identity Armenian inIstanbul,Born Turkey, toArmenian THE yourself out there. “It’s just showing up to with. I never had that fear of the unknown. things that you might be uncomfortable Success has a lot to do with just putting

| DNA , asbothhis

” “ lege, on Altanhad decidedtopursuehisart withmycreativein touch side.” me.bit of a culturefor shock But it put me ofthewoods wasa and going tothemiddle changed me.really thecity Coming from life.the bestdecision Imade inmyearly It say thatCampNubar honestly was can “I outtobe, turned ence camp Altandeclared, I would helppaintthebackdrops.” there wasabanquetorperformance,When kids atnight, play music andsingsongs. do. We many the skitsfor would perform Acting wasalsosomething thatIwantedto room orsittinginnature anddrawing.crafts got, and Iwould find inthearts myself and, breakgave I melotsoffreedom every two summersthere,” herecounted. “Camp to it. worked thefirstof “I inthekitchen that Icome outthere towork.” the year prior, intervened. suggested She my cousin, whohad attendedCampNubar into alittlebitoftrouble. point, At acertain most well-behaved teenager. wasgetting “I andwasn’t granted took histalentfor the there whatIsawon screen.” anddraw I would rent videosandhitpause, thensit By the time his friends were off to col- By thetimehisfriends - experi Reflecting on thetransformative True toform, the17-year oldwasopen Altan mused over how, as ayouth, he

Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator software, andIllustrator Adobe Photoshop makingart.for Teaching himselfhow touse soared;creativity designingads but notfor changing advice—getchanging acomputer. ing more, theboy received apieceoflife- inadvertising.about acareer Opentohear- couldmeet withyoungasked ifthey Steve son wasfloundering,that hisgifted he good connections ofhisown. Recognizing Altan’s for chance fathertoestablishafew executivesmany agency totheshop—a industry, oftheadvertising capital drawing day.” wearsjeans andhestill suitsevery “It’s funny; tothisday wear Istill ripped shop on Madison Avenue. Altanquipped, ends athisfather’s andmen’s tailoring suit would helpoutinsummersandon week- him.was afamiliarbeatfor age 15, Since he and we influenced one another.” would hang out with many creative types music. Ipainted. And Iworked oddjobs. I Altan acknowledged. wrote.“I I played artist,”guess you could say I was a starving Ginsberg tradition. my20s, “Throughout I Kerouac Jack and Allen a freeform inNew York sceneoftheEast art Village in inthe his own terms, friends making new driven streetwear brands. a trend-setting designeramongcelebrity- online. Hiswork hasraised hisprofile as clothing lineRock BeatsPaper, available as aone-of-kind items underhissignature sews on patches, adds studs, and sells them sleeves, distresses andbleachesthem,then Altan findsolddenimjackets, cutsoffthe With adesktopofhisown,With Altan’s At thetime, Madison Avenue wasthe Manhattan, justacross theEastRiver,

STEVE ALTAN; SILKK THE SHOCKER STEVE ALTAN; SILKK THE SHOCKER became collaborators.became Iappliedto mentors. and “We friendships formed who,instructors justasbefore, his became design, butalsotheadmiration ofhis creditsThere earned ingraphic henot only FIT the Fashion Instituteof Technology ( plan that, ironically, backfired. Heappliedto made a and actually began to get practical compared else.” toanybody admirereally Picasso, but I don’t want to be direction,” Altanrecalled, adding, quickly “I as hesaid ‘Picasso’, togo in a different I tried mine. uniquely but very Ofcourse, assoon similartoPicasso’s, toldmeIhad astyle “He Basquiat. andJean-Michel Lichtenstein some ofthebiggest asRoy namessuch many famousartists, interviewed Schinkel New Art York. called series documentary a professor who also produced a television withPaulHe took apaintingclass Schinkel, findinmylife.” thatIcouldever teachers working with “some ofthegreatest art tostudyfine College arts,Queensboro and hip-hopmusic. love ofpunk rock influenced by hisearly what wastobecome hissignature style, icons, starsandsports famous rock shaping and techniques. of Hecreated portraits withmultiple styles he begantoexperiment looking for.” histhird year Itwasduring at recommendationsand teacher itwas again, and thistime, Ihad theportfolio route—the were they looking for.”portfolio Altan. didn’t“I have the graphic design rejected. for was a first me,” “That admitted to study graphic design, but was roundly clothing for theU.S.OlympicTeam. the development ofanentire lineof Altan’s mostrecent work atOuterStuff— On thecuspofhis30thbirthday, Altan Ready thenextstep, for Altanenrolled at Ever the optimist, analternate hefound whenanotherdoor opened. FIT continuing track. education FIT FIT )

ness ofart.’” the‘busi- call my firstexposure towhatthey interview, hired they me on the spot. Itwas one course,” Altanpointsout. “But, the after saidsure,“I taken thoughIhad even only design. package customer askedifheknew design. graphic replied hewasstudying The had otheraspirations, Altan towhich who owned atoy company askedhimifhe Island. on Long cars Oneday acustomer Apple Bottoms. director a popular fashion for company called ledtohislong-time rolemately asanart theropes offashion designulti- Learning pany, kids. designingboxer for shorts wasaposition ata loungewearwhich com- hisway, came of opportunities thefirstof withit, toterms came he slowly cycle anew sake.accustomed art’s for tocreating art As be abigadjustmentAltan, for whowas wearing designedfor himby ashirt Altan. icons. JadenSmith,shown above, is Altan hasdonework for numerous pop Walking through outto thatdoor turned One of Altan’s side jobs was inspecting comes next. And thatsuitshimjustfine. career.trious Yet hehas noideawhatdoor Altanthroughout- hisillus opened toSteve plain good fortune, many doors have originality, agility, technical and, admittedly, become abusiness. That’s agrowing point.” is your passion, lifelong hasto iteventually capitalism. serving art look atitas art When business reality. Altansumsitup, saying, “I and purity contradiction between artistic and father, Altan has made peace with the ashusband his talentwithpersonal life ule andjugglingtheconstant demandfor withsatisfaction.reported inacouple ofyears,”lion brand Altan Apple Bottoms into an almost $100 mil- ,The Source and Seventeen. “Weturned asVibe topmagazinessuch design ads for ofPhotoshop,mastery hewasalsoableto while designingapparel.” Altan’s With into play, working on themarketing side genres.rock brought thoseelements all “I forhip-hop,sonal affinity punk, classic and unique aesthetic, influenced by his per was abletowow teamwithhis theNelly entrepreneur fashion turned icon, Altan rapper,the American songwriter, and opened doorsin streetwear. Through Nelly, niche,ling ofthecelebrity-label which within images,” herecalls. always pickouthiddenfaces andimages on awall, oracrack inatile.AndIwould “Even asakid,Iwould seepatterns inasofa, abstract images withhiddensurprises. amorphous shapesandvibrant colors form Altan’s paintingsinterlocking fineart Thanks tohisopenpersonality, boundless Today, working on- a high-octane sched thedar- It wasthere thatAltanbecame INSIDER |


11 - , INSIDER 12 studio. office adjoining his art Vasken Kalayjian in his


| Solving business problems through the power of art is Vasken Kalayjian’s burning passion

ANDREW HENDERSON ANDREW HENDERSON AGBU Mardiros Sarian Academy ofFine Arts Affiliations: Location: Company: Title: Vasken Kalayjian CEO/Brand Architect East Coast, USA GK Brand AGBU Lazar Najarian-Calouste GulbenkianSchool;

Business of Artof ISSUE

“ W INSIDER 14 NBC graphic design, andpublicrelations diving into advertising, marketing, he recalled. “For thefirst time, Iwas the emergingfieldofcommunications,” design when, ofasudden, all Idiscovered color theory, architecture, andinterior withcoursescovering of myeducation the country. thefoundation waslaying “I in among schools themostrespected art degreenications atPratt Institute, had justcompleted acommuKalayjian - Vasken Kalayjian. identity.rethinking its corporate Enter years earlier,a few management was just ridiculed with and industry-insiders connected viewers duced a logo thatfew crisis.midst ofabranding Havingintro- television history television identitiesinAmerican and iconic brand ofonelaunch ofthemostlong-lived humble suggestion triggered the and mindsofAmerica. Yet Kalayjian’s thehearts thatmonopolized era cable of thethree majornetworks ofthepre- ayearbarely behind him at the oldest member of the marketing team, with his entire career. andmediaindustryspans entertainment Kalayjian’s branding inthe expertise

Recruited for hisdesignexpertise, for Recruited The year was1979and THE . Heads tothenewest turned

| . his superiors athis superiors askedearnestly Vasken Kalayjian faced 21-year old cock?,” the fresh sider the pea- hy don’t we con NBC was in the wasinthe -

was originally designed to sell color designedtosell was originally programming. hued, Vibrantly thebird as afunctional element ofthecompany’s by the time hejoined the by identity ofcorporate cient intheintricacies store,department hewasreasonably profi- thewell-established Bloomingdale’sfor withmessaging toexperimenting desert from the Dubai thatwasbuildingup firm concepts. From working atanarchitectural and marketingbranding were popularized and proficiency versatility, in atime before to his develop marketingopportunity of art, psychology, andbusiness.” —and Iwasfascinatedby thismarriage NBC bird and, was thebrand soon enough, public already identifiedthesolution.” The explains,Kalayjian thatthe realized “I this problem weresolve they having,” market research commissioned by and-white screens. Iread the “When sets, black- from emphasizing theshift The iconic As he studied, Kalayjian seized every As hestudied, every seized Kalayjian embraced this, embraced asitdidKalayjian. NBC peacock was developed wasdeveloped peacock NBC . NBC TV to to

across Los Angeles.across Los studios, inNew 30Rock York from to NBC applied tohundreds of facilities and operations, were which ofbranding part he wasanintegral he work content, ontelevised packaging of strategy Not did only thelook,hand indeveloping feel, and NightLive to Shōgun,Saturday he had a Tonight Johnny Carson, Starring Show the both domestic and international. From most beloved andrenowned programs, the of some ofbranding was attheheart department, promotion Kalayjian and ing Connecticut studio. talents inas his a fine artist his pursue companies and brands, Kalayjian is free to marketing disciplines to solutions for When not applying design principles and For thefive years thathe workedfor Few would imagine defining All- Olympics to asmanager initsnetwork- advertis Live, Aid NBC to Cheers ’s officesand The

JACQUELINE KARAASLANIAN JACQUELINE KARAASLANIAN sion in painting, remember he cannot a among hispeers. him makefriends reputation hisart—a thatwouldfor help known inhigh school became Kalayjian English wasdifficult atfirst, butsoon, easy.were not always Not knowing any through any transition. couldkeephimgrounded art aptitude for understood that his ownKalayjian any profession. Syria, Bythetimeheleft to bemarried can him how art showed and also anaccomplished painterwho a renowned ophthalmologic surgeon inhiswork.spirit Jebedjianwas liberated theyoungnurtured rebellious, artist’s artist, aself-made working woman, who wasanindependentavant-garde Zorian me,” for andartists art says. Kalayjian the and both academy of them defined theAGBUJebedjian ran ateliersof art in1971.he emigrated with him to Fort Lee, Jersey,New when perspectives hewould takeimparting ofhislife, thetrajectory that would shift he would alsomeet two more mentors discovered talent. his own artistic There, Academy ofFineSarian Arts, he inwhich Kalayjian access tothe Kalayjian self. Attending the more interested it- and invested in art tion toheart, ashebecame especially Growing upinAleppo, hetook thedirec- my father would say,” recalls. Kalayjian you doitsowell, form,’ it becomes anart children. theKalayjian from endeavors,In all excellencewasexpected age 10; andsettingdiamonds by histeens. shoemaking atage eight; goldsmithing at ticeships withmastercraftsmen: learning was14,Kalayjian hehad had three appren- work more thanmostandby thetime Genocide,Armenian hisfathervaluedhard explains.Kalayjian ofthe Asurvivor master any hard ifwe trade enough,” tried inlabor,skilled convincing usthatwe could development, myfatherwantedustobe on andspiritual ourhighereducation us ourvaluesandethics, placing importance role models. in mymotherinstilled “While of withnolack family in alarge Armenian mother,father andaspiritual hewasraised in Aleppo, Syria. The son ofapragmatic lessthanadecade. for United States bydriven someone whohad lived inthe Three networks national television was one oftheBig for branding American Today, finding solace still and expres - His first years in the United States andDr. ArsineZorian “Miss Robert “‘Whatever you decidetodo,“‘Whatever makesure theyoungest wasborn offive Kalayjian AGBU AGBU School gave School Mardiros

Syria, his new American art teacher,Syria, art American hisnew Miss invest inmyprofessional work.” metofindthejoyand allows thatIthen explains. any constraints mefrom frees “It creative andimpactful pathahead,” he themost metoforge painting allows time when he was not making art. “My in theface ofuncertainty. Since projectshim totakeon andbefearless new when reflecting on what has motivated in search ofthemiraculous,” he admits, tracts, companies, and clients. am always “I Kalayjian’s successthrough countlesscon- thathave remainedspirit thehallmarks of pigeonholed.” so versatile, we were ofbeing incapable explains. standingstill, never “By by being corporations, giants,” andtechnology he financialinstitutions, toinclude folio retail try. “We- expanded our port coun- as thoughitwasanew through industry eachnew companies and navigated realm ofentertainment the ventured from Kalayjian creativeAs thechief director, Coca-Cola, Visa, andPfizer. Unilever, Shell, ChaseBank, likePanasonic,rations - working withglobalcorpo morefor thantwo decades, designcompanynications robust, commu - full-service Launched in 1980,Launched agency, branding strategic Glazer+Kalayjian. toestablish theirown global a colleague and beginbuildinghiscareer. interests he couldpursuehismany artistic fiveto all but decided on Institute,Pratt so atthetime.the country Hewasaccepted process, in schools isolatingthetopfive art through application thecollege Kalayjian Joan DiTieri, up. picked shepherded She Kalayjian has co-founded four more four hasco-founded Kalayjian Whatever you decide Where Zorian and Jebedjian left off in offin andJebedjianleft Zorian Where becomes an art form. It is this flexibility andadventurousIt isthisflexibility While at While you do it so well, it to do, make sure NBC , connected with Kalayjian ” “ G + K prevailed as a


+ K


urging othersto do thesame. forward, welcoming theunknown and taking industries, on new looks Kalayjian tunities tolearn.” welcome istocontinuously oppor- tant skill and besuccessful,relevant themostimpor- to create it. in our capacity believe To remain confidence toimagine thatfuture and world, anever-changing “In we need the a future we donotunderstand,” heexplains. tion of entrepreneurs, of the fear to eradicate hoping toprovide- toolstothenextgenera yourstanding for values. thisbook wrote “I decided to share his professional success in creative challenge. ishing his creative to meet the next spirit andexpressto nurture hisinnerlife, replen- hasallowed him asafineartist track parallel masses. Yet finding thetimetopursuea harmony toimpact the conjoin inperfect are andbusinesscan atestamenttohow art and extensive roster ofmajorglobalbrands integrity. Hisdiverse professional portfolio yet enoughtomaintainpersonal principled switch; tobeflexibleenougheffective unto him: how tobemutable; tocode- the wisdom thathisnative Aleppoimparted withothers.”bridges left Before Kalayjian many cultures withinandlove tobuild meanstome,”Armenian headds. hold “I stances ofhisbirth. iswhatbeing “This and emotional tothecircum intelligence - open tothemall.” possibilitiesoutthere andIam endless and efficiently,” hemarvels. are “There travel insomany dimensions soquickly that are usto andallow atourfingertips technologies thankstothenew smaller pect of progress. is the world “Suddenly by novelty, impermanence, andthepros- pany projects, isforever intrigued Kalayjian himself inthedifferent cultures com each - age,advancing technological immersing companies.startup Ashewelcomes the Forever embarking projects on and new In 2018, theaward-winning Kalayjian thissocialflexibility attributes Kalayjian tional intelligence and emo- principles: nurturing histwo guiding emphasize Kalayjian’s to experience tools, thehandbook distills with insights and practical .Organizations Brimming Building Values-Basedand to Guide Effective Branding The Startup Entrepreneurs’ and publishedBrand Real: his accumulated knowledge of worth decades piled four a definitive way. Hecom- INSIDER |



Kristine Woodward inside her newest gallery location on Pine Street in New York.



Powered by passion and instinct, gallery co-founder Kristine Woodward helped transform the downtown New York art scene

eep into the planning of the greater art scene. raw space at 476 Broome St., in the bustling of the 25th anniversary But true to the Woodwards’ non-tradi- heart of the area, nestled among working of the fabled down- tional style, the celebration was also the artists’ studios and large galleries. But after town New York art gal- opening of yet another Woodward 13 successful years there, it was impossible lery she founded with Gallery location, further downtown in not to notice the area’s artistic soul had been her husband John, New York’s southernmost neighborhood, somewhat dulled, covered over by the shiny Kristine Woodward Tribeca. Woodward, who laughs easily, veneer of the commercial success that had D(nee Kazandjian) had much to celebrate. was amused by the notion that the transformed it. Along with selling the works of such con- Woodwards might have an aversion to “Major fashion retailers had opened temporary luminaries as Robert Indiana anything above 14th Street, but as she flagship stores there. People were no and Andy Warhol, reviving the career of traced the couple’s unconventional for- longer coming to Soho to discover art, but prolific painter Roy Newell, and nurturing tunes as gallerists in the contemporary art to sightsee, shop, and furnish their life- the raw genius of Richard Hambleton, world, she acknowledged how easily one styles. Decorators would come in to the the Woodwards can be credited with might get that idea. gallery, saying ‘I need a large horizontal promoting dozens of emerging new art- “By the early 1990s, John and I had out- painting with red tones for a wall behind ists, including Cristina Vergano, Brad grown our starter gallery, selling paintings a sofa, and three drawings with muted Robson, Margaret Morrison, Susan out of my tiny apartment,” she says, explain- blues and greys for an entry foyer,” recalls Breen, and many others. Reason enough ing the need for their first official outpost. Woodward. “We knew it was time to go why Woodward Gallery is synonymous “It was natural to look downtown to Soho, elsewhere.” with the community-centric, mission- the neighborhood synonymous with adven- Their neighboring galleries were also driven public art that defines their turous art.” After a brief stint just to the east decamping, many heading uptown to neighborhood and adds to the vibrancy on Lafayette Street, the Woodwards found Chelsea. But the Woodwards felt the MACCHIA KANE ADAM

16 THE INSIDER | Business of Art ISSUE

Kristine Woodward Title: Co-Owner Company: Woodward Gallery Location: New York, NY, USA Affiliation: AGBU Camp Nubar ADAM KANE MACCHIA KANE ADAM and dialogue, the Woodwards didnotstop itintoagallery.” totransform determined we rolled up our sleeves, But mildly. it put St.Eldridge rough,The area to was still very down buildingon move, we arun- found we considered ournext of it, ” says Woodward. “As dance, music, fashion, all sion forms—arts, in all expresbecome ahubfor - had EastSide the Lower with street culture. rugged, waspercolating the area, whilestill had been inthe 1970s, Very much likeSoho theLower their search southeast, Woodwards turned explore ideas.” place and tointeract salon,dition ofanart a arts. We- almostinthetra seeourgallery questions andtalkingtousaboutthe asking us comfortable patrons very to feel warmth.acteristic “We wantour always our livingroom,”- sheexplainedwithchar asanextension of ourgallery experience INSIDER 18 not, putsit, asKristine “our cupoftea.” large, austere spaces intony Chelseawere

a GourmetGargage pop-upshow. Woodward Galleryartworks displayed at on Eldridge Street inNew York. Right: Left: Woodward Gallery’s flagshiplocation And, their desire to fulfill to invite inquiry inthe “Beginning ‘80s, The ever-intrepid “John and I really wanted folks to wantedfolks andIreally “John THE

| Shadow (3Red-Lined Boxes).’ Hambleton’s painting‘Jumping Canadian street Richard artist

GHOST somed into a neighborhood haven; an the second withthemoniker outpost murals walls.” onscale theexterior Soon, space permitted onto paint large- which “an street barfor artists, art whowere given and invented what Woodward as describes the gallery,street from got a liquor license, there. alsotookThey thespace across the dards oftheNew York oftaste. arbiters in New York, totheexacting stan- catering saucier attheposhFour restaurant Seasons who rose chef was a former to be chief both husbandandwife. John Woodward values shared by community stems from week.” beacon. We had 1,000visitorsa literally in Woodward’s words, “a East Side Lower Kristine grew up in a busy household in upinabusyhousehold grew Kristine those to nurture in their This inclination Art Bar and Lounge had blos- BarandLounge Art out.” loungeThe art baby carriages, andhang stroll in, motherswith soon peoplewould just museum-like space and large, bright-and-clean, tor. was aThe gallery evening, abarproprie- dealer by day, andinthe stantly. Iwould beanart con- wasentertaining “I Woodward remembers, the city. into thefarreaches of colony deep art urban GHOST Eldridge Street became, Street Eldridge cocktail. enjoy acraft relax, reflect on art, and “It was crazy,”“It Together, thespaces on was the place to was the place to

ing, inpassion.” Imade upfor to express ityet,- intrain butwhatIlacked whatwefor saw. Ididn’t have thelanguage the arts, deepened my enthusiasm which conferencewith himtoaninternational in the street,” recalls Woodward. traveled “I doingwork on pointouttheartists erally hopped around town, andJohn would lit- visual appreciation ofthearts. helped direct his future toward wife a young;very John eye had atrained and Intensive Care Unitthere.Surgical care nurseatthe critical board-certified a Hospitalandbecame at BethIsrael matter-of-factly.says studied nursing She wastomakepeoplehappy,”goal inlife she age, thatshewantedtohelpothers. “My Art, Sotheby’s, andPaddle 8in2014. theMetropolitan Museumof ers from Business” discussion withfeatured speak- of Art and panelist onmoderator “The outlet. later, Decades heraffiliation with activities thatgave an herenergetic spirit ster, loved thephysical sheespecially door setting.” noted how, She as a young- Iwantedinthisout- able todowhatever Nubar presented “the joy injustbeing explorations. As Woodward putit, Camp ban life, unrestrained physical offering mundane subur- gave her arespite from AGBU the local community hotline. community the local voiceEnglish to becoming of the calming high-school ofteaching decades from tant father, andamotherwhotransitioned Islip, Island, Long daughter of an accoun- Inspired by that conference, anddespite we met, thetwo ofusjust“When The Woodwards met when they were Woodward alsoknew, anearly from Her summersat led to her being invited to serve as as ledtoherbeinginvited toserve AGBU CampNubar

WOODWARD GALLERY WOODWARD GALLERY known publicartists, Banksy. mostnotably public locations, today’s inspiring best- figures painted in unexpected human size “Shadowman” series, with ominous life- influential and highly his storied other cities. bestknown for Hebecame the streets of lower Manhattan, andin lines splashedwithred blood throughout realistic- painted chalk-out disconcertingly the “Murder” series, hestaged inwhich what’s knownwork asand includes enigmaticstreetis known hisdarkly for Richard Hambleton.artist Hambleton ofCanadian thecareer street and fostering Woodwards reviving known for became BasquiatandKeithHaring.Michel The ismarked byart familiarnameslikeJean- New York oflate20thcentury story public people aspossible: publicstreet art. The on themandthatcould beseenby asmany that had onfocused the the most art impact asgallerists.” throughout ourhistory Woodward explains. “We tothat stuck business,” of the art involved in the fray andnotget theartist wanted tosupport toconsumers,wanted toshow art butwe holisticway. inavery resent artists We ground. We justhad desire amoral torep- propelled byfelt adeeperpurpose. a gallery. risky, itwas knew They butalso being totalnovices, decidedtoopen they to us about art. We see our gallery in the tradition From theoutset, the Woodwards “Neither of us had- a business back of an art salon, a welcoming forum in which very comfortable asking questions and talking We always want our patrons to feel to interact and explore new ideas. ” “

graphic technology.graphic on the Itfocused meetshistory,was art statistics, andinfo- Ground exhibition. Zero Charting It of Hunter College. We the developed of New City York and Dr. Ahearn Sean down, we withthe worked inpartnership shuttingInstead ofjusttemporarily totourism,closed traffic. motorand foot their community. responded in a way that resonated for the Sept. 11attacks, the Woodwards shuttered lower Manhattanfollowing downtown thateffectively devastation to public schools,ing arts and in the - are of bring They longtime supporters marketsGarage throughout thecity. spaces orpop-up shows inGourmet public places, whether in their own in ofart promotedactively thevisibility tions. For decades, the Woodwards - tounexpectedloca art desire tobring ingalleries,showcasing artists wastheir way totheendofhislife. through hismanyartist illnesses, the all nursing the meals and Kristine favorite decades, withJohn known tocook his Hambleton over the course of many relationshipstewardship-level with actional. apersonal, developed They extendedbeyond- the trans ists has always “Downtown “Downtown to the important WoodwardsEqually The Woodwards’ - relationship withart NYC wasessentially

makes ushappy.” find thosekindredalways spirits, andit of the norm, but this is what we do. We opening, justaweek away, may beout “It attention to the back Tribeca location bors,” muses Woodward her assheturns our extendedfamily, and sodidourneigh- sake.for art’s offered art became Our artists welcome,doors so people could feel and thing.” right bend over backwardsalways to do the into whatwasexpected. ButJohn andI Kristine. guesswe didn’t“I buy always that wasn’t yet burgeoning,” reflects example,for inanarea buildingagallery questioned why we didwhatwe did— over commerce.shared valuesofheart instincts, and most importantly, their intheir have builttheircareers trusting galleries, andJohn Kristine Woodward of change.” been afraid world, totheart change andwe’ve never or Uruguay.” Woodward adds, ahuge “It’s talk to people from Switzerland orthe Switzerland talk topeoplefrom EastSide.strolling on theLower Now we don’t New York justtalktopeoplefrom to collectors.” with, itopensamuch larger world nance and know whom they’re dealing careful aboutprove- provided they’re very larger exposure,” says Woodward. “And, benefits artists,technology givingthem anywhere intheworld. from art chase “This andpur- toview enablecollectors which and social media platforms, as Artsy such auction andsaleplatforms ofart eration by appointment, tothe prolif- dueinpart to be have access totheirgallery switched has long been embraced by the couple. They amplify messages andbroaden audiences collection. theirpermanent for the 9/11 National Museum Memorial the country, the Woodwards donated itto impact.” theexhibition had traveled After the event, anditretained itsvisceral of 2011 tomark theten-year anniversary Woodward. “We updatedtheexhibitin ofthearea,“ explains footprint and-after computer-illustrations of the before- canvas, of Ground holograms Zero, and on withmapsprinted rescue efforts such asRobert IndianaandRoy Lictenstein. Collide’ exhibition featured theworks ofartists Woodward Gallery’s Worlds ‘WhenArt “Wherever we went,“Wherever we opened our wasn’t“It easy; people always always From tospacious apartment thatsmall “It’s definitely aglobalmarket now. definitely “It’s We Technology and its power to both INSIDER |



Business of Art ISSUE Artistic director Thomas Kechikian is immersed in high-end, image-driven brands

Thomas Kechikian Title: Artistic Director Company: Les Gauchers Studios Location: Paris, France Affiliations: Saturday School at AGBU Alex Manoogian Cultural Center; AGBU Colonie de Vacances; AGBU New York Summer Internship Program and AGBU Camp Nubar T INSIDER 22 how heenjoyed asachild and drawing senseby birth.with an artistic He explains unblemished form, thanviceversa. rather initsmost imitateart can hopes thatlife the extremes ofaesthetic sensibilities, in to interpreted must beimpeccably and style over function, andideals of beauty, quality, ing customer - mandate istoappealthemostdiscern prestige products andservices, Kechikian’s cosmetics, accessories, fashion, andother aspirations. ing isasmuch aboutmanag- brands luxury Gauchers, ofselling world therarified designstudioLestising andgraphic director oftheParis-basedartistic adver- for Thomas Kechikian, and co-founder

Fortunately, wasendowed Kechikian In thisrealm, reigns supreme image often THE require meticulous attention to the last detail, while time and budget are often restricted. But client expectations asitisfulfilling client it teaches you about rigor and perseverance. Luxury brands leave nothing to chance and

| B . e it high-end fragrances, your last campaign. But good astheresults of given, yet you’re as only isearned,loyalty not client business inwhich tough. It’s thekindof is ofadvertising he world ” “ trust inmeandtoinvest inme,”trust henotes. tomyparents were thatthey myself to right disappoint them. Ihad toprove knew “I himnotto for admits thatitwasimportant culture.”in love andArmenian Kechikian parents, him as whohedescribes “bathing relationshipfactored withhis intohisclose to photography andmore. thing” graphics and academic drawing from It - allowed him to on“touch a bit of every direction design. art andinterior for school Penninghen, a high-end Parisian private enrolled at ESAG eventually Kechikian but toenticeconsumers todream bigger.” masses. nottohelppatientsseebetter Only aprofessionchose thatwould reach the people aspossible,” hesays. I “Ultimately oradvance benefit the world as many kid, Iwantedajobthatwould eitherhelp relating to vision—ophthalmology. “As a byintrigued anotherexacting profession of hisidentity, ashematured hebecame point outtheirony that, waspart whileart working withhishands. Buthegoes on to So upon graduation from upon graduationSo from reflectsKechikian on how thisdecision fieldtopursue,Ambivalent aboutwhich ESAG

social life,” Kechikian, says butgoes on to At thatpoint, butgiven Ihad all upon my wasconsideredat eightintheevening early. sleepless nights. “At AirParis, leavingwork demandsalsomeantcountless under such thing goes according toplan.” prep workcampaign toensure that - “every photography, hairandmakeup, aswell as of execution—product composition and aspect every himself managing nearly found many oftheirad campaigns, Kechikian and Longchamp. director As artistic of globalnamesasBioderma,such Lancôme, business partner. Together, took they on Benedicto,Annabelle included his future worked on acreative that teamoffour casual shrug.he reflects witha Jenner.shoot withKendall That wasfun,” and beyond. wound even up at an ad“I fashion, inFrance industries andjewelry the mostrenowned inthebeauty, brands half years immersedinsome ofhiscareer of where hewould anda spendthenextseven wit.aesthetic appealandsophisticated hadKechikian long admired their for giantthatproduced campaigns industry aspired towork for software. However, thewhile, all hesecretly on theiradvancedtrained design graphic French channel, television where hewas M6,for national themostprofitable private ofhisown clients.and afew Healsoworked agencies small for months freelancing four Penninghen, spentthenext theyoung artist to beonset withKendall Jenner. Longchamp, Kechikian hadtheopportunity While working onanadcampaignfor Though a rewarding experience, working At “Air,” it, ashelikestocall Kechikian That wasuntilhehired by Air Paris DDB , theadvertising

PREVIOUS PAGE: ANTOINE DOYEN PREVIOUS PAGE: ANTOINE DOYEN Duzian,” to [Herminé] emblematic “Madame all—from Saturday school atthe Saturday school all—from in the cradle ofthe in thecradle Kechikian’s “Armenianness” wasfostered ofhisparents,upbringing much of andclients. with hiscolleagues hisgood relations heattributes to which behaved” upbringing, duetohisArmenian Kechikian, adding thatheisalways “well oftoomuch work,” because clients says any clients, butgrew enoughtorefuse the creative production values. thebigidea,selling addressing whilestill all and asnegotiating withclients such fees more on thebusinesssideofadvertising sibilities expanded, focus withanew clearly ofmylaboranymore,”fruits heexplains. someonefor else. Iwasn’t enjoying the really Although I worked a lot, like it was all I felt itwasIdoing.I wasdoingwhatever time at Air Paris when I just wasn’t sure why cerebral hemisphere.right a came “There the for oftheirowncelebration propensity Gauchers,Les Lefties” or “The in French, in AirParis and Benedictoleft toco-found build something of their own, Kechikian training,”university Kechikian. says atAirParis rience wasanextension ofmy and perseverance. In many ways, my expe- restricted. you Butitteaches aboutrigor detail, whiletimeandbudget are often and require meticulousattention tothelast leave brands nothingtochance “Luxury it. wasworth say thattheexperience “ to Center inParisAlex ManoogianCultural UGAB In addition totheArmenian-centric from nothing,“We off started without Gauchers, Les With Kechikian’s respon- 2017andthedesire to Come September UGAB tsi,” it experienced Kechikian Colonie de Vacances andthe AGBU Camp Nubar in New CampNubar inNew AGBU . Aveteran AGBU

at the Galstian,finds dancingwithChristina first oftheseexposures,up thetotality Kechikian Armenian,” hejokes. Yet whensumming parents—no whenyou’re easyfeat cutthecordme somewhat withmy how to be more independent and helped ence,” Kechikian. says taughtmeto “They summer andhelpingthemskistay younger in the campers supervising participated inthe participated formation.well ashisidentity In2007, he impact on hisprofessional development as ment, ithasbecome “part ofhis justunder30years ofinvolve- that after express identity, hisArmenian claiming throughthe channel hecouldbest which Yeraz dancecompany Galstianfounded, professionals the20years tocelebrate of together more than 700 young Armenian AGBU NYSIP tions of volunteer asgroup bothedi- leader for York. ofage, Ashecame hewould with the remainder ofhis eight-week internship studio,based packaging spent Kechikian ImagingInc.,Kaleidoscope aNew-York three ashort-lived weeks withAfter This made finding a placement challenge. a world. thearts from one of35interns only Summer Internship Program Internship Summer ( mote rience,” Kechikian, says adding that he was bicycle company. for Fabrik Cycles (right),aGeneva-based Les Gauchers created thevisualidentiy The camps were- The camps awonderful experi He also notesthat AGBU AGBU FOCUS AGBU UGAB New New York, helpingthempro- Saturday school and later the andlaterthe school Saturday . wasanincredible expe - “It Colonie de Vacances, 2007, brought which AGBU AGBU New YorkNew NYSIP made an DNA .” .”

) as ) as

perhaps the greatest luxury ofall. thegreatestperhaps luxury society, toone’s true staying roots is it.that informs And intoday’s globalized worthy ofthehistory withapride identity his carries still Kechikian friends, sity myFrenchsurprise friends,” hesays. of anyone Imet, failedto never which among thefirstIasked wasalways origins arose. “At school, thequestion ofethnic theoccasion whenever identity Armenian respective communities. youth Armenian wasintheirthe local impressed toseejusthow engaged very Elizabeth Arden, andLenôtre Paris. brands suchasFolli Follie, Longchamp, Les Gauchers hasdonework withluxury Dubbed “the Armenian”Dubbed by his univer Not that he wasn’t one to parade his INSIDER |


23 -

INSIDER 24 Fund. The received Fund quickly establish theArmenian Wounded Heroes to the aerospace industry anddefense PetrossianChris in to use their expertise and business partner his longtime friend himand for reminder; itwas thecatalyst the Four-Day War wasmuch more thana is,security despite the1994ceasefire. ofjusthow tenuousArtsakh’sworld Four-Day War would remind theArmenian asiterupted,cease almostassuddenly the Armenia, and, thoughtheviolencewould line. Weapons and money poured into - wide directed theirattention tothefront border broke,Artsakh - world Armenians protecting, saving, and rehabilitating non-profit status, withthemission of IN IN ACTIVE CITIZEN

For Arzoumanian, Razmig Beirut-born THE 2016 , AS NEWS

| Serving Armenia’s of the clashes on the oftheclashes Service Members How Razmig Arzoumanian is saving and improving Armenian soldiers’ lives with support from the diaspora U . S . IRS

In itsthree years ofoperation, and Armenia. in Artsakh service-members and offthebattlefield. go along way toimprove outcomes—on butcan overlooked of warthatare typically on reality theground involves many facets at Lincoln International. In his view, the Acquisitions Aerospace for andDefense as managingdirector ofMergers and 15yearsplex for andinhiscurrent position ment withtheU.S. com- industrial military knows betterthrough hisfirsthandengage- soldiers with weapons. Arzoumanian on thebattlefield, ofarming think only they thewar.from wounded incombat orby minesleftover of those improving the odds of survival already saved over 15soldiers’ lives by Often, when civilians think about success AWHF has has

them,” heexplains. The and otherequipment, andprotecting them, them, training them transporting yourcosts involve feeding soldiers, housing with weapons—most and ofthechallenges the challenges ofwarandsurvival. the challenges his parents attheage of15, already aware of War, with intheUnitedStates hearrived Civil theLebanese Coming ofage during thosewhoareaffects taskedwithwagingit. he makes, how war knowing intimately the decisions to inform experience his life industry,defense also allows Arzoumanian first-aidkits. quality through superior measures inactive combat situations veterans andintroduce for care life-saving donated toprovidedollar rehabilitative “Sustaining a defense force isn’t adefense “Sustaining justonly To inthe complement hisexpertise

AWHF uses every usesevery V°11



ARMENIAN WOUNDED HEREOS FUND; FOLLOWING PAGE: KATHY PLUNKETT he would visit Armenia with family and and he would with family visit Armenia and, industry inthedefense career though he would on focus buildingasuccessful government.” thenexttwo decades, Over homeland, ifitinvolved dealingwith the any project large-scale intheorganize of myhope, to andIalmostdecidednever me andincompetence drained corruption a year for Armenia was disillusioning. The he admits, of living in experience “The its firstbreaths ofindependence. Though, stationed in Yerevan gasped asthecountry to the World Bank, was Arzoumanian would come tohimin1996. Asanadvisor Armenia. tosupport ways City, hewould notabandon searching for ofNew financial industries varied York navigating theand beginsuccessfully within the year return to the United States battlefield,” he reflects. Thoughhe would training,military Iwould beaburden on a land. that, realized “I Ididn’t because have thought hewould have withthehome- therelationship Arzoumanian shifted tally Armenia,name ofdefending fundamen - that and thesacrifices were made inthe reality. wasadaily defense frontline thefirsttime, for headed toArmenia when Liberation Artsakh War, Arzoumanian upon graduation in1991, intheheatof contribute,”could actively herecalls. So, place me, for aplace Ithought towhich become didArmenia arealearthquake revelation inArzoumanian. the after “Only andArmenians provoked a moment of on non-putting Armenia themapfor theworld, shocked Earthquake Spitak the the summerof1988, in heparticipated cause.about theArmenian Then, during active clubs, inArmenian awareness raising where,sylvania as an undergrad, he was ofPenn-this idealismtotheUniversity liberation, justice, andpeace. Hebrought by an idealistic conception of Armenian admitted thathewasguided Arzoumanian Program [ his own children in himthat,for later, decades hewould enroll anempowering experience head wassuch were Armenia coming toa ments inSoviet move atatimewhenliberation - world ofthe different parts youthArmenian from V°11 As fatewould have it, anopportunity This exposure forliberation, tothefight his own internship,Just months after the Fiercely proud heritage, ofhisArmenian AGBU New New York Internship Summer NYSIP NYSIP ]. Connecting with .

receiving first-aid American-standard memberswere already service Armenian Defense, that learned Arzoumanian what happenednextasfate.” nate,” herecalls. describe couldonly “I expensive andtoodifficult tocoordi- kits, would but that the training be too that we got thisfar, thatwe couldget the use them. was losing sleepthinking“I neededtoviding access tothetraining more difficultaspectofthis project: pro- neededto figure outthe Arzoumanian soldier andacross generations. soldierto could bepasseddown from injuries. 15-20years, for Viable thekits combat-related impact oncant surviving kitshad themostsignifi- American-grade ings, thathavingaccess to herealized train- and most effective first-aidmaterials kits,” herecalled. the for theworld Scouring forces was by providing advanced first-aid defense Armenian couldsupport diaspora that one ofthemostimpactful the ways care.combat casualty Armenia’s forces: defense of adequate lack in that hecouldidentifyafatalvulnerability had grown tothepoint industry defense of—and network in—theinternational working outside ofArmenia, his knowledge hehad toact.knew Inthetimehespent the ceasefire was restored, Arzoumanian Day War everything. changed Then,two laterin2016, decades the Four would maintainadistance.Arzoumanian andsocially,remain connected culturally first-aid kits. soldiers whileproviding themwith Arzoumanian surrounded by Armenian In meetingwithArmenia’s Ministerof ofkitsathand, thesupply With warbroke out, obvious “When itbecame after casualties oftheArmenian Hearing

Armenia’s forces.” defense thehomeland bestbydefend empowering movement we started, helps theDiaspora volunteers intothebattlefield. Through the more valuable than sending untrained ofone soldier is100times well-trained life the heroes.abled Armenian facedon by challenges thelong-term dis- these recovering veterans, sheddinglight ofshares on socialmediathejourneys Furthermore, regularly theorganization rehabilitation.mental andphysical expenses andproviding access totargeted injured veterans by medical port covering Beyond the kits, 100% oftheactive forces inArtsakh. the deployment of kits to and training than $1million, allowing ittocomplete edge prepared himfor try, realizing how hisaccumulated knowl- indus- inthedefense and pursuehiscareer in1991 sion toreturn totheUnitedStates reflects on his pivotal deci- Arzoumanian its capacity. continues togainmomentum andexpand transportation,cargo the organization water, solarpower, communications, and projects, providing running including infrastructure strategic front-line of new Armenia’s secret weapon. a number With istruly testament tohow thediaspora limb-saving tourniquets. grade first-aid kits, and equipped with life soldierincombat withtop- Armenian of providingthe explicit every purpose Heroes Fund with launched wasofficially Four-Day War, WoundedArmenian the these kits. justtwo months ofthe Within ofunable toputituseduealack training bytraining the Arzoumanian sees diaspora support of of support seesdiaspora Arzoumanian Looking back on back his personal journey,Looking Since 2016,Since AWHF as a monumental success and asamonumental successand AWHF AWHF U AWHF . S has raised more has raised continues to sup- . Army, butwere

ACTIVE CITIZEN INSIDER . “Saving the .the “Saving |



( andResearch Studies of Armenian Institute,Zoryan theNational Association on boards such ofdirectors asthe serve tothepresent.uity How healsomanages to antiq- sure from toissuesfacing minorities his multilingual setandfirsthandexpo- skill unique perspective on oftopicsto anarray blogs, series. andapodcast his Heattributes articles,as countlessacademic regular online intheLate OttomanViolence ,* as well Empire Revolution: of Dreams From to Liberty theaward-winning Shattered including is theauthorandco-editorofthree books, ofhistory,department Prof. DerMatossian Lincoln. oftheuniversity’s The vice-chair ofNebraska- atthe University east history is associate professormiddle of modern affairs that is Jerusalem— Eastern Middle of intothevortex Der Matossian—born asresearchGerman languages, Bedross English, along withOttoman, French, and Hebrew, Judeo-Spanish), and ( Ladino Armenian,and Classical Turkish, Arabic, prepared you career? anacademic for East studies. From there, andwiththe scienceandIslamic andMiddle political with adegree Igraduated which in from ofJerusalem University me toHebrew toIslamicHistory,was drawn led which interestedreally inEuropean history, I French; andEnglish. Though Iwasn’t Armenian; Arabic;classical Hebrew, five languages: Armenian, including Quarter.Armenian taught us The school School,Armenian situatedinJerusalem’s attheSts.studying Tarkmanchatz INSIDER 26 A Q forwork. his Studies, to a passion be ascribed only can Armenian for as president oftheSociety in Yerevan, whilefulfilling his role all Genocide Museum-Institute Armenian WITH ADVANCEDWITH PROFICIENCY NAASR


First of all, Ihad the great of privilege How has your educational background How background hasyour educational THE The Historian’s Edge ) and the scientific board of the ) andthescientificboard ofthe

| Fluency and Proximity—Prof. Bedross Der Matossian’s in Western

keys to the front door of history one from one from including scholarships help of various Technology ( lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of studies.Eastern measpot as This earned inMiddle ColumbiaUniversity from aPhD andearn to come toAmerica my family from Marash, of from my family atypical stories.of eyewitness bothsidesof With Genocide,the Armenian she was afont Victoria, wholived toage 103. Surviving family. up withmygrandmother Igrew resource atmydisposal—myown But there wasanothereducational Easthistory.impetus tostudyMiddle these consequential gave events methe the Palestinian people. Witnessing of midst ofthefirstIntifada oruprising when, atthe age of10, Iwasinthe row seattolivinghistory,was myfront education almost as much as the formal anassociateprofessor.I amcurrently of Nebraska-Lincoln,University where atthe before joiningthefaculty tory Quite frankly,Quite whatprepared me AGBU MIT , Ihad theopportunity ) in Middle Easthis- ) inMiddle main language of the of Sephardim the Empire, Hebrew wasnotenough. The oftheOttomanto studytheJews advised methat University the Hebrew EyalGiniofrom agood colleague after tion. Ladino, Asfor Itaughtmyself euphoria, whileinthethroes ofrevolu- to highanxiety tional nuances—from hear theirvoices anddetecttheiremo- thesesourceswas abletocombine all to Turkish, Hebrew, Ladino, andFrench, I my knowledge ofArabic, Ottoman power.did nothave thepolitical With Jews, Greeks, Arabs, and the Albanians, non-dominants, asArmenians, such book abouttherevolution in1908, the theearly my Inwriting we minority which beganusingtheterm ment andthenon-dominant group, for inant group, boththecenterofgovern- theperspective ofthedom- from events primary language inform your language inform insights? primary A Q modern Middle East, Middle modern among others. Israeli conflict, of the and the history againsthumanity,as crimes theArab- issues contemporary of courseson such Palestinian history. avariety Ialsoteach tory, Genocide, the Armenian and Empire, Ottoman Late his- Armenian East,Middle ethnicrelations inthe ethnic politics and conflict in the areas of interest to me concern inter- study ofminorities, iswhy which many these exposures predisposed metothe the second language in the house. All that,only Turkish dialect)was (Marash detailed accounts ofabygone life. Not Cilicia, from mainly we upwith grew Jerusalemites,most Armenian whoare

Library, attheUniversity ofNebraska-Lincoln. Der Matossian sittingintheSchmidLaw It allows me to understand historical metounderstandhistorical It allows How does researchingHow does sources intheir V°11

KATHY PLUNKETT KATHY PLUNKETT V°11 on historical research andthought? on historical sions rather thanonsions acomputer rather screen. the history, seeingitinthree dimen- ronment. It’s aboutseeingandtouching It’s aboutthesmell, theaura, theenvi- inabuilding;only are they apresence. documents.primary Archives are not of engaging experience withsensory hand, digitalaccess the obliterates book aflightabroad. Onthe other thanaccess themwithinminutesrather dispersed around theworld, you can you’re going toexaminefive newspapers pers. There’s alsothefinancialaspect. If - newspa historical digitized for Library websites National like theArmenian different periods.from Now,can use I and archival material clippings news I have of atleast100,000pages worth who takesimages ofthousandspages. painofaphotographerup withtheback to be a successful historian likeyourself? asuccessfulhistorian to be A Q theInquisition.brought withthemafter they was the Spanish period Ottoman *Published in2014 by Stanford University Press. A Q A Q academic success. academic and patienceare thepre-requisites to many years. passion, So persistence, takeent andaccessible narrative can and weaving your research intoacoher- time andeffort.Synthesizing, analyzing research, inthedigitalage, even takes researched addressed? andneedtobe translated. thatshouldbe Armenia coming from scholarship. There are excellent works accessible to ship inArmenia Western have is how to scholar make Armenian society, religion. we Another challenge the culture, thelanguage, economy, we needtoknow moresociety; about ofOttoman on aspart theArmenians genocide. We slimresearch have very Empirein the Ottoman before the more research done on theArmenians Genocide. Ithinkthere needstobe on theArmeniantion hasbeenmostly

- theconcentra In thelasttwo decades I come from ageneration thatwound I come from What qualities must someone possess must qualities someone possess What What istheimpact ofthedigitalage What First, love whatyou do. Historical What topics do you are feel under- What INSIDER | THE THINKER


27 -

Turning Walls IntoDoors INSIDER 28 Gevorg Abrahamian,Gevorg Babson series ofmoments likethat,”series Abrahamian intention. hasbeena whole life “My set inmotion by hisown pluck, drive, and overcame through serendipitous events success story, he thehurdles considering more even perhaps thanhis compelling America. Yet Abrahamian’s is story back and universitieshigh schools across at path asmillions ofstudentseducated reasonably thesame assumehe followed Corporation,giant Oracle one could of product management attheglobaltech Program graduate, andaseniordirector Analytics BusinessSchool Harvard LOOKINGAT THE GIVING BACK


| impressive resume of Why Gevorg Abrahamian is the ultimate role MBA ,

model for shadow over theteen’s outlook. But, in dent republic along couldhave cast indepen- conditions facing thenewborn mother,mer fatherandeducator thebleak livelihood hisastrono for and uncertain - light, orelectricity, economy, acollapsed survival. for noheat, struggle a daily With Gevorg, hisparents, andolderbrother was ade againstArmenia. 16year-old for Life the heightofAzerbaijan’s- economic block of Yerevan, oldcity then thedusty during in what was apartment dark Soviet-style miles away and26years ago inacoldand trajectory observes, oftheimprob- ashetakesstock The first began6,000 oftheseevents AGBU summer interns test for a chance to come to America for tocome achance toAmerica test for lose by thinkingbig. young Gevorg’s mind, hehad nothingto taught Armenianliterature, instilledinhim. Armenian identity thathismother, who intent onsharingwithhisfamily thestrong same time,asahusbandandfather, heis forecasting andpredictive planning.At the as analyticsandmachinelearningwith management thatintegrate suchdisciplines systems for enterprise performance 1998, isfocused oncorporate financial who hasbeenwithOracle Corporation since Now intheprimeofhiscareer, Abrahamian, When heheard aboutanessay con- When


CAITLIN CUNNINGHAM PHOTOGRAPHY CAITLIN CUNNINGHAM PHOTOGRAPHY of a program sponsored by the one year as an exchange student aspart Apparently, theexchange program. from friends another tip, one ofhis thistimefrom chance hedeserved.son thefighting muster tohelpgive theirhardworking meagerever fundshisparents could andwhat- friends American Armenian withthehelpofhis hiseducation for workedAbrahamian part-time, andpaid saving money on room andboard. helped himinsomany ways, including wholiving withthesamehostfamily he wasenrolled atSt. Petersburg College, return toAmerica. semester, Bythefall papers toable to secure the necessary community,American was Abrahamian hiseducation. the fundingfor astudentvisaproving hehad for re-apply andment thathereturn toArmenia wasaprogram hitch The requireonly - enrolling inanAmerican now included hislife. topaintavision for which This canvasafford himandenlargingthe on could outsideArmenia tials thatlife byinformed thepossibilitiesandpoten- thefirsttime. for self asanethnicminority hewasraised,which forced himtosee- and, given in thehomogeneous society once expandedhisperception ofAmerica, Alabama.hailing from at The experience andlivingwithahostfamily public school area of Florida, attending aClearwater a field of1,300. Hewound upinthe 1990s. sincethe early and personal journey miles hehastraveled over hisprofessional across themany brightly continue toburn would flame of ambition and opportunity couldhavenever imaginedthatthetwin English.written proficient in hard wintertobecome somewhat all in thering. all, After hehad worked Congress, hedecidedtothrow hishat barrier loomed ahead: barrier lodgings for paying wasintrigued.Abrahamian But another inaccounting,finance withaspecialty Yorkworld—New City. in Majoring oftheother thanthebusinesscapital work innone ised real-world experience Program Internship Summer thatprom - V°11 It was during this time that he received thistimethathe received It wasduring thehelpofArmenianWith A year later, in hewasback Yerevan, He wasamong the32contest winnersin Writing hisessay by candlelight, he AGBU offered a special U . S .

and an did. whatAbrahamian this wasexactly But thinkofapplying? even Armenia from How couldanundergrad oflittlemeans of thehighestcostslivinginAmerica. with one and other living expenses in acity independently and returned to the same andreturned tothesame independently year asecond he appliedfor internship inclass,he was learning the following exposureof gainingreal-world tosubjects Abrahamian.for Recognizing thevalue month wasalsoan eyeopener internship by thetimeprogram wasover.” were not. changed That notion completely wereof whoArmenians andwhothey perception with a certain Armenia from Icame component mebecause wasfor can’t stress enoughhow theArmenian key much thesame,”also very hereflects. “I diverse we are asapeoplebuthow we are goals andambitions. justhow Irealized ferent backgrounds who had the same dif- the company ofyoung peoplefrom Australia.even Itwasarevelation tobein West Coast, Lebanon, East, the Middle France, from izing withotherinterns the world. Armenia, Iwasfrom “Here social- across the from Armenians with fellow activity—bonding another life-changing help Vahe andhisteam” doto Icouldpossibly and doeverything learn Icouldpossibly everything just learn humbled togo to work and inthemorning andasset in I felt withsome ofthebestminds experience Abrahamian. was gaining firsthand“I Personal AssetManagement department. Vahe Balouzian, the International who ran York, of underthesupervision interning finance attheprestigious BankofNew fundamentally. pointthatwouldturning change hislife his two-month stay inNew York. Itwasa Once again, wasaccepted hisapplication The professional ofthetwo- track work,After engaged Abrahamian in wasagreat“It opportunity,” recalls By day, of hewasimmersedintheworld “ PEOPLE WHO APPEARED AT THE RIGHT TIME AGBU FOR ALL THE CHANCES I TOOK TO MOVE MY AND PLACE TO TAKE A CHANCE ON ME.” LIFE FORWARD, THERE WERE AMAZING scholarship helpedfund scholarship

children to support Armenian causes. Armenian children to support The their tosetan examplefor also strive success. for need withopportunities They hope tohelpprovide in otherArmenians the chance togive tothe the chance back times over, thegreatest is perhaps ofwhich actionsrewards many of his enterprising hasreaped Abrahamian Gevorg the events, offortunate Based on theseries asit did. unfolding the odds of his life over theworld.all from getting Armenians toknow fellow togrowof Armenians while professionally waythe youngerexcellent for generation warm and caring peopleat andcaring warm program like Vahe Balouzianandthe of the people Ibecause met through the oftheprogram butalso not justbecause York. to him or her, grateful I am eternally mystaystepped upandpaidfor inNew had nothing. Butsomeone Idon’t know receiving end. supporting Byconsistently a position than tobeon thegivingrather ambition inAbrahamian, toone day be in AGBU AGBU AGBU the ultimatesuccess.” someone’stransform the betteris for life York Program. Internship Summer Armenian community inthe community Armenian close, the from andhissupporters inFlorida,back withwhom heremains insists,Abrahamian citinghishostfamily time andplace on totakeachance me,” amazing peoplewhoappeared attheright I took forward, tomove mylife there were and resources ofothers. “For thechances all and guidance,port ofspirit thegenerosity withoutthesup- nobody succeedsinlife thisday.lasted till withco-workers thathave friendships Bank ofNew York team, cementing Upon reflection, ponders Abrahamian in1995,“Back whenIappliedtothe The experience plantedanotherThe experience “For me,” Abrahamian,” says helping Perhaps hisgreatest lesson wasthat Summer Internship program is an program isan Internship Summer New New York Program, Internship I , Seta, andhiswife Abrahamian


THE . S . .”

New New



first place. Unbeknownst toher, would be thisexperience one theprogram for inthe despite herskepticism aboutqualifying Museum in Paris,the Louvre France, was almost predestined, people,”explains Vardanyan. job, myself, notonly Iserve andits butalsomycountry Armenia’s heritage. andcultural historical rich doing my “In above all, Vardanyan of ofthememory isadefender Sciences, where shestudiedtobecome a French teacher. But Yerevan andSocial ofLanguages University State Brusov years well intoheruniversity at andwouldschool survive alive alove affairwiththe French language thatbeganin hergrandmother. from inherited storytelling alsokeeps She that sitsatopone of the capital’s many hills. andresearch ancientmanuscripts centerfor mental repository books andscrolls on display monu attheMatenadaran—that - Armenia’s ancientpast, decorated through thebeautifully hand, she guides and Armenian French-speaking visitors to through timeandspace. herwooden in pointerfirm With BORN AND RAISED THE Matenadaran guide Naré Vardanyan’s quest to preserve Armenia’s historical memory Looking back,Looking hersix-week, In so doing, Vardanyan tradition of a family perpetuates

| The TimeTraveler in Yerevan, Naré Vardanyan isanavigator AGBU -sponsored internship at -sponsored at internship

sive showcases. humanity.all isamongThe Matenadaran itsmostimpres- Nation’s intheArmenian ening herpride to contribution of foreign cultures on traditions, Armenian while also deep history, andstoried rich Vardanyan theinfluence recognized that ofherown people. Peeling away thelayers ofArmenian Paris anditsmuseums perspective alsooffered heranew on independent ornot,” says Vardanyan. “Turned outIcould.” exercise in self-discovery. needed to find out if I could be “I by an herselfat19alsobecame stay inaforeign country museums aswindows tohistory, art, andculture,” she says. in Egyptian, Arabian, andotherancientcivilizations. lessons strolls across became short themuseum inbetween shifts topolishupon herFrench,were awonderful opportunity her navigate themuseum’s andfloors. many halls While thecenters centerswhereor information shehelpedthousandsofvisitors the Louvre, Vardanyan at one interned of its banque d’information more steppingstone toherfuture asamuseum career guide. At Vardanyan’s exposure tothemany cultures thatpopulate theprofessional advantages,Aside from Vardanyan’s first “At theLouvre, toappreciate I learned thevaluenational

V°11 -



ILLUSTRATION BY LUIS TINOCO separate separate father, an East.Middle It continued with my Keshishian wasthepresident of mymother’s sideZarmairfrom tree.genealogical Mygreat-grandfather Lebanon since 2009,Lebanon then with myself. AGBU and how hasitimpacted your current role? Q Where didyour journey with AGBU begin globally. groups up oneofthemost active YP livinginLondon andheading is now onthenext legofherjourney, as AGBU FOCUS 2017 inBeirut.She global fundraising events such enables her to successfully organize member. Herinternational experience committee YP later becamea Program (NYSIP)Internship and in the AGBU New York Summer that. Shespentasummeroverseas years, andacampinstructor after was anAGBU summercamperfor 10 Growing upinLebanon, she AGBU. when she wasn’t involved with (YPs), cannotremember atime of AGBU Young Professionals Nathalie Piranian, thecurrent chair for me,for are they synonymous. ously as ously simultanein Egypt,- andlaterserved My association with Nathalie Piranian V°11 is ingrained inmyidentity. isingrained Ican’t AGBU AGBU AGBU from beingArmenian; from ’s vice president in the board member in AGBU isinmy


“ every every to London andnow astheLondon YPChair? Q Whatare your goals since you’ve moved FOCUS accomplishments are you most proud of? Q As aleader in the organization, what and values? Q How would you describeAGBU’s culture even better.even motivates ustocompete sowe perform raised for for raised we receivedfeedback orthe $100,000we we accomplished, whetheritwasthe ees. We proud really ofeverything felt witness the satisfaction the attend- of all and were to grateful incredibly energy ment. We invested somuch timeand in a new Armenian community thatis community Armenian in anew work meetups. happy Imreally working after- tomore casual quarter every event one big perevents year—ranging from community, iswhy 12 which we organize and engaged. We the wantto energize strong,The committee is very passionate, summer. tovisitingagainthis and Ilook forward reinforcesto Armenia one’s identity Armenian.very This beingsaid, going once butIfeel beentoArmenia only Armenian. tofeel or visitArmenia I’ve tity. You don’t have tolive in necessarily the history, theheritage, and the iden- language, beingArmenian—the rience toexpe- diaspora enables theArmenian FOCUS 2017wasahuge accomplish- or visit Armenia to feel Armenian. You don’t necessarily have to live in history, the heritage, and the identity. being Armenian—the language, the Armenian diaspora to experience I strongly believe AGBU I strongly believe Istrongly believe raises thebarhigher, raises and . We are hopingthat AGBU

AGBU influence on Armenia’s youth. women are role modelswithtremendous for YPs andthe world. Empowered topic arelevant issuch which in Armenia AGBU FOCUS 2019 through theLondon YPs. Q Talk about your fundraising for effort definition ofbeingArmenianatall? Q Hasmoving to London changed your support ofthe support sharing the same drive andengagement. thesamedrive sharing working together toward one goal, and over theworld all so many peoplefrom Even atglobalevents, tosee it’s soinspiring astounding how different butsimilar we are. and yet sofamiliar. quite It’s actually ofsomething diverse thatisincredibly part towelcomemunity me. It’s great a tofeel know there will always bean know there always will orIamjustvisiting, city move toanew I ahome away from I Whether contrary. Because a global We are in excited tohave participated button. This year, for the raised funds we ofa able toconnect withjusttheclick one umbrella campaign, was everyone under activity making itone fundraising while having fun. globally efforts By This allowed ustocoordinate fundraising upwiththe#Cycle4Womencame project. tojoinforces and ways ership brainstormed in. experience. isanenriching Ittruly different than the vastly one I grew up

Women Entrepreneurs program YP London, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom enables the fundraising campaign in campaign fundraising

FOCUS AGBU 2019cause. isworldwide, it’s




YP On the Onthe

com lead-

31 -

an impact on youth as hasmade such intheworld organization INSIDER 32 have guided your life? What are someoftheAGBU values that his own strong identity. and activities,many ofwhichshaped volunteer for numerous AGBU programs business. Yet hestill findsthetime to Hratch runsaprintingindustry supplies A resident ofDubaisince his20s, and students’ association committees. later served ontheschoolassociation Armenian Youth Association (AYA), and Scouts, thebasketball team ofthe toddler andprogressed through AGBU Calouste GulbenkianSchoolwhenjust a Hewasbirth. enrolled atLazar Najarian- of theAGBU values instilled inhimsince community ofUAE asacontinuation current leadership role intheArmenian Syria, Hratch Borghosizianseeshis during hisformative years inAleppo, An alumnusofmultipleAGBU programs Hratch Borghosizian Everything Everything globally, above andbeyond ourselves. work toward Armenians the benefitofall part ofthe part are everywhere nizing thatArmenians perspective,a globalandinclusive recog- life.cultural At thesametime, we shared also we had community and avibrant were we immersedinoureducation, but been asked to work only for been askedtowork for only andpro-Armenia.Armenians Had we MAKING IT COUNT

All membersof All THE

| AGBU AGBU didsince1906was pro- family. AGBU No otherArmenian AGBU are taughtto AGBU . Not only , we , we

“ and support Armenians andArmenia. Armenians and support Armenian youthArmenian tovisit Yerevan eitherin nities. Inthediaspora, we encourage the throughout ourstudentandyouth commu- program, should be encouraged which favor of name. We in technology shouldleverage andhasanArmenian speaks Armenian then. let’s have So ourown robot that robots by the world could be running now; bein30-40years will from world 16. soonturned asshe Discover Armenia. Isentmydaughter as in myday, thankstotechnology. daughters whoare more even creative than strongsee such motivation inmytwo passed down to our children. That’sI why tion. hasbeen ofinclusivity And thisspirit would not have become a leading organiza Armenian community in the diaspora? What do you see asyour role as aleaderin the AGBU Armenian youth? doyouWhat opportunities seefor today’s wife and I speak only Armenian tothem. Armenian andIspeak only wife my My children tospeakbecause learned youth identity. tomaintain anArmenian for the Armenia could be difficult outside ( reach, College liketheArmenian Virtual withglobal should enhanceopportunities updating ourcore youth programs, we appreciate the closer. even help connectArmenians all I that technologies advantage ofnew AVC Moreover, we don’t know where the ). Asthetimeschange, we shouldtake Scouts camping trips orthrough trips camping Scouts AGBU beyond ourselves. Armenians globally, above and to work toward the benefit of all All members of AGBU In addition to refining and programs tostrengthen Discover Armenia Discover Armenia It It AGBU -

” cally and flourish in all spheres inall andflourish ofsociety.cally that itmust tostay competitive economi - wouldArmenia notadvance totheextent assimilate, andwithout the diaspora, Armenia, would thediaspora continue to thoselivingthere. for but equally Without outsidethehomeland, Armenians for only AGBU Armenians inoneword? How would you sum upyour visionfor schools on Fridays.schools Dhabi) one-day andourtwo Armenian andAbu churches hereArmenian (Sharjah thankful that we have not one, but two language istaughttoyouth. Butwe are Armenian inwhich school have aSunday andculture. thehistory and learn we So Yet teaching themtoread itwasachallenge arranged, hostedby and gathering program launched,with every meeting building astrong nation Armenian and independence ofArmenia, when strengthenednection has only sincethe homeland to our is identity. key The con intoourhearts.the country Having a visitedArmenia,never putthe love of they homeland. Though my own grandparents generations is a love of to new transmit grandparents, parents, andchildren must Armenian. tofeel country Yes! our What nation seeingtheArmenian we are proving oursteadfast commitment through intheworldincreased our footprint andhavewe engage on many fronts established astrong presence there. Today, Some ask if one needs a connection to a askifone needsaconnectionSome toa are taught has an important role toplay hasanimportant in AGBU -Armenia.

Prosperity! Not Dubai, UAE

AGBU AGBU V°11 - ,

ILLUSTRATIONS BY LUIS TINOCO ILLUSTRATIONS BY LUIS TINOCO now, but, thanksto Camp Kessabback roommates. I may belivinginCanada nect withsomeone’s relatives, even ones—conhave- tomakenew achance munity. of that connection, Because we involve-ment insomany AGBU programs? Q How would you best describe your extend far andwide. AGBU connections runasdeepthey co-chair ofAGBU Toronto, Egavian’s camper, chairofYPToronto, ornow AYA-AGBU scout, aCampKessab Alex ManoogianinMontreal, asan Najarian SchoolinAleppoandÉcole student ofboththeAGBU Lazar association withAGBU. Whetherasa a senseofbelongingthrough his out histravels, hehasalways found andLatinAmerica.Through- company, overseeing markets in sales director ofamanufacturing he currently works astheinternational Germany, andsettledinToronto where university inOttawa, interned in and Montreal. Then heattended America, traveling between Aleppo both theMiddleEast and North childhood. Growing up, helived in been amover andshaker ever since Syria-born Mihran “Miro” Egavian has find our and I travel,my family to try we always try, there isan experience with experience I would say “global” my best describes Mihran ‘Miro’ Egavian V°11 AGBU AGBU peers in the local com- peersinthelocal AGBU base. Whenever . coun- Inevery

“ them engaged. formula tokeepright want tofindthe grow, we don’t wanttolosethem. We what we’re doing. As young people us.tant for those connections. impor- That is very the next generationtunities for to make people together and openoppor- bring something for everyone.something for opportunities. such shop for There’s AGBU ing withAGBU? Q What fulfills you most about volunteer- my classmates from from my classmates couple ofweeks back. forThe same goes levels. We a were justwithfriends on somany campers nected tofellow in Syria, keepmecon- thememories bonds are everlasting. And the other, attend each other’s weddings. The days. We’re we seeeach friends; still when they come back andgive to come back back when they tain height. But the big moments are recipient gets topursueandattain acer- have orascholarship asuccessfulevent It’s things, thesmaller aswhenyou such beyond any satisfaction. It’s away oflife. emotional high, basically. you can’t putintowords. You’re on an making memories. Those are the things but it’s the connecting, making friends, results were campaign fundraising great, Toronto us. and itwasa big thing for The YP moments are huge. We wantthefuture generation tosee Back in2015,Back s provide the biggest platform tos provide thebiggest platform andthecommunity. Those opportunities. AGBU right formula to keep them engaged. to lose them. We want to find the As young people grow, we don’t want It’s above and really AGBU AGBU is a one-stop shop for such

AGBU isaone-stop FOCUS school wasin AGBU ”

shows you justhow much impact while theparents were havingdinner. It when the kids were basketball playing inAleppo,there likeIwasback felt werechapter sowelcoming. Going the secret to that unity,“in isstrength.” That hasbeen puts front andcenterthe puts front for thechapter going forward? move to anew location.Whatisyour vision new thedecisionto chapter ahead,after Q Today, AGBU Toronto faces anexciting adapt to changing times adapt tochanging global as must adapt, aswell. change, our means of addressing them that astheneedsofourcommunity The move reflects ourunderstanding interests ofthe Toronto community. venient ustomeettheneedsand for even more makeit officeswill con- new professionals. generation ofyouth anew for andyoung programsinterested new indeveloping existing programs, we are especially Even aswe maintainandstrengthen our ing ourcore initiatives andglobalvision. whilemaintain- community Armenian programs to add value to the Toronto continue on focusing creatingcan new Aires and the for for withthepotentialthatliesahead thrilled has on achild’s life. With an organization asvast and anorganization With ofour location This more centralized Just last year, I was down in Buenos AGBU AGBU Toronto. thismove, With we AGBU AGBU YP , our Toronto chapter Toronto, Canada ’s how we longevity: MAKING ITCOUNT


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AGBU PROGRAMS V°11 AGBU: The Inside Story Established in 1906, AGBU is the largest Armenian non-profit organization in the world, offering an array of programs designed to help Armenians excel in life, personally, professionally, and as global citizens. Our program alums carry with them the life lessons, values, and experiences to become role models for the next generation, creating a vast network of proud Armenians ready to make a mark in their communities and in the world. Each of our programs work together or apart to help cultivate outstanding leaders of tomorrow

Arts and Culture Education Mentorship From choral groups to theater troupes, art acad- For over a century, AGBU has provided educational AGBU encourages networks building networks emies to dance ensembles, AGBU has promoted programs and scholarships to ensure quality of support by providing opportunities to give Armenian arts and culture for over a century. With learning, cultural enrichment, and opportunities to back to one another through community programs. a newly established Performing Arts Department, pursue higher education. AGBU also provides AGBU Young Professionals (YP) nurture and guide Armenian artists have more opportunities to students with formal classroom education through college-age interns and high school students. The expand their networks and enhance their craft its 15 day and 9 Saturday schools and partner- Generation Next Mentorship Program in Southern through performances, competitions, and intern- ships with other institutions, such as the American California matches at-risk Armenian youth with ships, such as the Yerevan-based Musical Armenia University of Armenia. strong, caring mentors who help them success- Program. fully navigate the challenges of adolescence, excel Internships in school, and become responsible, self-sufficient Athletics The AGBU Summer Internship Program has shaped adults. The AGBU Women’s Empowerment Program Through AGBU sports leagues and athletic the careers of Armenian college students for in Armenia provides a cycle of support and small competitions, Armenian youth around the world almost three decades. With incarnations in Buenos business grants to female entrepreneurs. learn the fundamentals of fitness and sports- Aires, London, Los Angeles, Moscow, New York, manship, instilling values that will serve them on Paris, and Yerevan, the program’s reach has been Scholarships and off the field. Teams from South America truly international. Current host cities in Buenos AGBU scholarships have provided millions of to Canada, Europe, and beyond regularly come Aires, Boston, London, New York, Paris, and Yerevan dollars to thousands of Armenians, leading both together for competitive and recreational events, give university students the chance to kick-start undergraduate and graduate students with forming strong networks and taking athletic their careers with valuable work experience, profes- great potential, but limited resources, to success- programming to a global level. sional development seminars, international travel, ful careers in their chosen fields. Empowering and a new network of connections in myriad fields. students means impacting the future. Scholarship Camps recipients are giving back in tremendous ways Every summer, AGBU holds 12-day and over- Leadership throughout the world. night camps where hundreds of young Armenians AGBU provides ample opportunities for profes- develop new skills, form lasting friendships and sional development—in Europe, the GORIZ Leader- Scouts deepen their understanding of their heritage. ship Program trains young Armenians with Since the 1940s, AGBU scout troops have taught Through these experiences, campers and coun- exceptional educational and professional back- young Armenians the values of leadership, selors begin to engage in their communities from grounds to become leaders in their fields, while community service, and mutual respect. Dedicated a young age, fostering their active involvement for across the diaspora, AGBU Young Professionals to making a difference in their local communities, years to come. promote network-building and host a diverse the troops also engage in annual retreats to the array of events, lectures, and symposia, to support Antranik Scout Camp in Dilijan, Armenia. The Community Service and encourage emerging leaders in every industry. camp is an ideal venue for the global scouts to The core of AGBU’s philosophy is to encourage enhance their skills and forge relationships with participants to give back to their communities. their Yerevan-based counterparts, who look for- Through programs like Discover Armenia and ward to their visit each year. Arménie, Terre de Vie, diasporan youth have the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution To learn more about AGBU programs to their homeland while learning about Armenia and upcoming application deadlines, and exploring the country’s historic sites. go to


CALLING ALL AGBU ALUMNI Remember to Reconnect

Whether you’ve been an AGBU scholarship recipient, a summer intern, day school student, camper, scout, member of a sports team, or cultural group, you’re part of a special network of AGBU Insiders.

A new initiative designed just for you AGBU Alumni Relations is a special opportunity for you to share your past AGBU experiences, engage in new adventures, and expand your personal and professional horizons with likeminded alums from around the world. And to give you more reasons to be proud of your affiliation with AGBU, we’ll help you find meaningful ways to give back in your community or globally.

UPDATE YOUR INFORMATION TODAY It all starts with letting us know what you’ve been up to lately, what issues you care about, and what inspires you to reach higher in your own life. To help us reach out to you, please update your contact information at www.agbu/org/stay-connected.

For more information, contact: Christina Lalama AGBU Alumni Relations [email protected] 212-319-6383 Ext. 131

Stay Connected Here are all the ways you can stay in the loop about all things AGBU @agbu | THE INSIDER 35