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BLBS127-IND BLBS127-Singh Printer: Yet to Come April 29, 2013 19:45 Trim: 244mm×170mm Index Note: Page number followed by f and t indicates figure and table respectively. Advanced biofuels, 337–338, 408–409 Biodiesel, 12, 399t. See also Biofuels African sugarcane rust, 66 global production of, 336–337 Agave species, 375 major producers of, 337 Agricultural Drainage Management Systems production costs, 344–345 Task Force (ADMS), 252 Biodiversity, 366 Agriculture, 4. See also Sustainable agriculture biofuel crops, impact of, 367–368 and environment, interaction between, 6–7 grasses, 370 Alcohol distillation, waste waters from, maize and woody biomass crops, 371 144–145 plantation cops, 368–370 Algae oil, 338 row crops, 368 Alternaria brassicae, 179 and carbon sequestration, 367 American Society for Testing and Materials ecosystem productivity and, 366 (ASTM), 339–340 hotspots, 366 Annual crops, 262–263 in land community, 367 Aphis sacchari, 127 loss of, drivers for, 367 Arab Oil embargo, 11 Bioenergy, 70, 325, 332. See also Biofuels; ArcGIS ModelBuilder, 432, 435–436 Grain crops, for biofuel production Arundo donax L. See Giant reed from biomass, 54 Association mapping, 83 and food insecurity issue, 33 Athalia proxima, 179 impact on job creation, 352 Attributional LCA (ALCA), 190 rising demand for, 31 Australia, sugar industry in, 69 Biofeedstock and biofuel production, economics Automated Environmental Monitoring Network of, 414 (AEMN), Georgia, 433 advanced biofuel feedstock production, Aviation biofuels, 339–340 414–418 biomass pricing and standards, 423 Backpropagation neuralCOPYRIGHTED network (BPNN), cellulosicMATERIAL biofeedstock production, 418–420, 440–442 419f, 420f, 456 Bagasse, 54, 69–70. See also Sugarcane harvest field time, impact of, 420–423 Baling systems, 137 uncertain policy, 424 Banana streak virus, 66 carbon policy, 425 Beet yellows virus, 66 renewable fuel standard mandate waivers, Biochar, 37, 145, 253, 283 424–425 Biocontrol services index (BSI), 364–365 transitory biofuel tax credit policy, 424 Biofuel Crop Sustainability, First Edition.
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