PLACES PLACES OF REMEMBRANCE OF REMEMBRANCE -WARTA ODER-WARTA European Fund for Regional Development funding program, cooperation program for With the funding project “Places of Remembrance CROSS BORDER PROJECT cross-border cooperation Oder-Warta”, the project partners City of (lead SEELOW - KOSTRZYN NAD ODRĄ - SŁO Ń S K partner), City of Kostrzyn nad Odra and Municipality of INTERREG VA BB-PL 2014-2020 Słońsk are pursuing the goal of jointly cultivating and strengthening the unique landscape of remembrance in Funding amount : 3,29 Mio. Euro - Lubuskie the Oder-Warta region. Project duration : July 2018 until probably The measures planned in the project should, among December 2021 other things, strengthen, supplement and thematically network the tourist offers of existing remembrance sites and market them nationally under a new cross-border Project partner: tourist brand. This should increases the market presence and visitor City of Seelow (lead partner) Thomas Drewing effectiveness of all sites, with economic effects for Küstriner Straße 61 those involved. 15306 Seelow Tel.: +49 (0)3346 / 802 152 Mail: [email protected]

Miunicipality of Słońsk Dominika Piotrowska-Kuipers ul. Sikorskiego 15 66-436 Słońsk Tel.: +48 505 536 306 Mail: [email protected] Space of Common History and Culture Space of Fate City of Kostrzyn nad Odrą Space for Discovery and Togetherness Agnieszka Żurawska-Tatala ul. Graniczna 2 66-470 Kostrzyn nad Odrą Tel.: +48 (95) 727 81 24 PRESERVE - LEARN - EXPERIENCE Mail: [email protected] PRESERVE - LEARN - EXPERIENCE Editorial and layout: ECCOFORT e.V., Albertinenstr. 1, 13086 Tel.: +49 (0)30 923 72 123, Mail: [email protected] REMEMBRANCE CONNECTS Oder-Warta

Three epochs of remembrance Project outputs Various outputs are realized in joint cross-border project work. FURTHER Space of Common History and Culture PROJECT OUTPUTS THREE INVESTMENT OBJECTS Living, cross-border cultural heritage of common • Analysis and categorization of memorial sites in the importance from before 1933 The investment objects complement each other and create a Oder-Warta region new quality in cross-border active experience, learning, docu- approx. 60 places of remembrance • Establishment of a common database „Places of mentation and communication on recent history. This expands Remembrance Oder-Warta“ Education and development of the settlement areas, drai- the range of experiences at the remembrance sites and crea- ning the , technical, industrial and agricultural tes a cross-border connection between documentation, com- • Concept for development and marketing achievements, expansion of traffic axes and junctions, munication and action. military history, art and culture, famous personalities, • Cross-border tourist network and brand „Remem- knightly orders Three new tourist contact points will be created for the cultural brance connects Oder-Warta“ tourism brand to be developed through which visitors can be • Togetherness and exchange informed and directed to the region. Space of Fate • Supraregional networking and cooperation Culture and • Development of multilingual marketing tools (travel Period of National Socialism from 1933 to 1945, meeting center in guides, image brochures, flyers, posters, roll ups, including the post-war period and reorganization the former culture website) approx. 85 places of remembrance house of Słońsk Injustice and arbitrariness through persecution and expro- priation, genocide, Holocaust, forced labor; resistance; Region Oder-Warta War events such as the siege and destruction of Küstrin a multi-perspective and the battle of the Seelow Heights; remembrance space Communication Post-war period and reorganization with shifting center and meeting The common concern and the content-related guideli- to the west, expulsion and forced migration, persecution, place in the Villa nes of the brand to be developed can be traced back erasure of shared memories Wagener to the statement „remembrance connects“. The goal is Kostrzyn nad Odrą a common peaceful future and a deeper mutual unders- tanding. Space for Discovery and Togetherness The knowledge of the common and individual history Rebuilding and growing together in a peaceful neig- across all three epochs of remembrance creates a basic understanding, but also the realization that cooperation hborhood, approx. 25 places of remembrance Seelow history ensures a common future. Rebuilding in a peaceful neighborhood, socialist dictator- station in the ship, cold war, political change and German reunification, former station This future is to be shaped together in cross-border foundation of the European Union and accession of Poland building cooperation. to the EU, open borders, economic ties and neighborhood in mutual respect and with mutual benefits