Contact Information for the Core Organization
●Knowledge Cluster Initiative Contact Information for the Core Organization Knowledge Clusters: The Second Stage (Active) Knowledge Clusters: Innovative Stage (Active) Northem Advancement Center for Science & Technology(NOASTEC FOUNDATION) Hakodate Regional Industry Promotion Organization Hokkaido University, Northern Campus Research Building Ⅲ 3F Hokkaido Area Adress: 379 Kikyocho, Hakodate City, Hokkaido 041-0801, JAPAN North 21 West 11 Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 001-0021, JAPAN Hakodate Area (with Sapporo as the core) TEL:+81-11-757-2288 FAX:+81-11-757-2289 URL: TEL:+81-138-34-2600 FAX:+81-138-34-2601 URL: Knowledge Cluster Initiative Promotion Section, Intelligent Cosmos Research Institute Co., Ltd. Yamaguchi prefectural Industrial technology Institute Greater Sendai Area 7F, 1-3-1, Chuo, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi 980-6107, JAPAN Yamaguchi 4-1-1 ASUTOPIA, Ube City, Yamaguchi 755-0195, JAPAN TEL:+81-22-346-9237 FAX:+81-22-346-9238 URL: TEL:+81-836-53-5061 FAX:+81-836-53-5072 URL: Knowledge Cluster Promotion Office, The Hokuriku Industrial Advancement Center Industry and Academia Collaboration Department, Tokushima Industrial Promotion Organization Toyama/Ishikawa 2-2-15, Katamachi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, 920-0981, JAPAN Tokushima 11-2 Nishigai, Saika-cho, Tokushima 770-8021, JAPAN TEL:+81-76-210-7400 FAX:+81-76-210-7450 URL: TEL:+81-88-669-4757 FAX:+81-88-669-4759 URL: Nagano Techno Foundation Biotechnology Division, Kurume Research Park, Co., Ltd.
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