'Pointes Prepare Telllawyer
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Home of the News All the ~':, "S of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Vol. 33-No, 6 Entered as Second Class Matter at the 15c Per Copy Post Office at Detroit, Mlchlian GROSSE POINTE MICHIGAN, FEBRUARY 10, 1972 $6.00Per Yer,r 36 Pages-Three Sections-Section One HEADLINES Pointer Named 'Racing Man of the Year' 'Pointes Prepare TellLawyer ot the To Intervene WEEK To Renew Battle In Roth Case As Compiled by the Grosse Pointe News Board of Educatio n To Protect Elms I Grants Authority to Thursday, February 3 I AttorneyD' to, Eder . :\IORE THAN 25,000 IRISH .vlunlClpa\J •• "t'I res Gett' '"g Rea d y for A nnua I A pp I'ICCl-. ISCUSSlons__ CATHOLICTORS stormedDEMONSTHA.through the tion of Dormant h Spray;hi All Will Use By Pepper Whitelaw streets of Dublin Wednesday Met oxyc or Trustees of the Board and burned the British em. By Roger A, Waha of Education on Monday, bassy to the ground in a A h' h . b h February 7, gave Board shower of molotov cocktails mt t at sprmg may e around t e corner, attorney Douglas West, and flares. As the building (or at least a few blocks away), is the fact that (the law firm of Hill, collapsed, the crowd shouted Grosse Pointe city governments are now preparing Lewis, Adams, Goodrich hurled"Down brickswith theandBritish,"bottles andto Elmfor theirdisease,annual spraying of trees to prevent Dutch_ and Tait), the authority hinder the firemen from All of the communities will to intervene in the pro- reaching the scene. The use melhoxychlor and the Lake Claims ceedings before J u d g e Irish Republic was marking ground spray method, al. Stephen Roth regarding Cal'vdila'IYanOsf~~I~~ni~~;~~}hi~ 1: though The Park hasn't Anotl"er Boy I the Detroit Desegrega- , reached a final deci:ion be. " , tion Case. clash with British para. Iween the ground spray and, _I I With this right, West said, troopers in Londonderry, the aerial spray methods,' On Thln lee the system will be able to Northern Ireland. However, the city is leaninJ enter inlo discussions regard. ..... • I towards the former method. ing the formulation of deseg- Friday. February 4 I For the past three years John T uros of Harper regation plans, raise legal THE VIETNAMESE COM. The Park has used the aerial Woods Drowns After questions as to whether the MUNISTS, stating that they spray method via a helicop. pI • I t W t Illan can be implemented with could not accept Presi dent ter. While this method is lunging n 0 a er respect to the Grosse Pointe Nixon's latest peace pro- much faster t hi'than the ground'd I Off Farms P'ler Public School System and posal presented a reVise. d spray me 0 {, (Inh' I ea generally be activel" involved Peac~ plan at the Paris talks weather conditions a eHcop. A 14.year-old Harper in the action. That is, if Thursday. The Vietcong 0f- ler can do the job in around Woods youth John Tu Judge Roth granls the sys- fered to hold direct politica I h ' b f h' t' t eight hours). there are some d d', th ' - tenl the r'l!!ht~ to I'ntervene. talks with the Saigon gov. OSCAR L. (OZZIE) OLSON, left, of Renaud wit drivers Dan Gurney, e ore IS re Iremen disadl'antages. ros,t rownet .d mth Fe ICY Some Groups Formed ernment if President Nguyen road, industrialist and sportsman, has been in 1970, Swede Savage, and finally with Bobby Choppers Are Scarce pw.aers oU SI e e adrms Mr. West said that many Van Thieu resigns and prom. named Michigan's "Racing Man of the Year" by Unser, Olson's car participated in 27 USAC City Manager Robert A, ler har bor on Sun ay, schools were intervening on ised to have all U.S. prison. the Michigan Auto Racing Fan Club. Olson is championship races, winning 10, finishing sec- Slone noles that it's extreme- February 6, when the ice a collective basis, represent. ers of war released by the president and sole owner of Swedish Crucible ond in four, (twice in the Indianapolis 500 with I)' difficult to get contractors gave away as he attempt. ed by one law firm, and that day all U.S, forces have been Steel Co., whoseOlsonite Division sponsors the Gurney driving), third in three, (once at India- with helicopters to do this ed to retrieve a wooden others will, or have filed as wl 'thdrawn fl'()(:n Vietnam. OIsonite Eag Ie on teeh USAC h amplOns. h'Ip clr-. napolis WIth. Gurney at th e wh ee).I work. t "Andt I everythin,~h fl. i3 , stick a friend had thrown . individual intervenors, b. He U,S. officials said that they concen ra e( on t eYIng I The body of the youth Sl1n said that with a com Ined would give the new proposals cuit. In four years of campaigning the circuit, a~d spraying ability o~ .the :Iof Mr. and Mrs. Joh~ F. action some real conflicts: of. "careful study!' I pilot who must b.e\profiCIent Turos, 21159 Beaufait. Har- interest could arise when de.' ,) q » S 1 H 0 1 ! S I I Ad - - !! I CSt because of a hlg l dellslty I per Woods was recovered at segregation plans were dis. out t 19 1 i C100 n1111lstrators 'I enter e s area," he added. .:. 1~:21 p.m.: less than 15 min- cussed and '.hat he felt '.his, Saturday, February 5 I Herbert L. Heger, dlre(. I utes after he had either woutd not be to the Pointe',s: FHA.INSURED M 0 R T. R to I P R - t B B d' E gency tor of pubt.ic, serl'!c~, is cur. fallen off or jumped of( the best interest. , GAGES on new homes in enova lOn ! ay alses 0 ease "ner rentI.l' obtamlng ?Ids for both far harbor wa I I. Farms He said the intervention two metropOlitan De t r 0 it G 0 TYI' II On Pe.~onalPe..,.fOl"manCe ;Blood Drive spray methods 101' p~~senla. policemen Otto Glanert and request is set for a hearin:g: areas plagued ..by e~cessive Otn 0" "" e ' ...0... " ~lon at a future cr,uncl. meet. John Kraiza manned the res. on Monday, February 28,' noise from Jet airplanes ~ mg. cue attempt. during which time the board: will no longer be approved I -- -------- Met~oxychlor cos!.s a bout At SI. John Hospital, Ihe and the attorneys will study: by the federal g~vernment Underground and Basic Trustees Vote Six to One for Adoption of Salary Collection Will be Taken four limes as mll~h as the Turos youth was pronounced all seven plans currently be'. under new regulatIons. The F d' P f I Ob' t' v' d b S 1M' I f now outlawed DDl aecord . 'd d U..S. Department of Housing I oun at,on art 0 ncreases; lee Ions Olce y emm er at War emorra rom '" . - dead by a staff physician. Ing Cl1i1SIere. , and U r ban Developrru)nt Pro,'eet Called Ahead Draw Retort 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. :~~ :~s;'f;~Xi~IO(~~~IJH~~~v~r~ Th BOYftiShAdvchnldure t d A queslion was raised from f S h d I ------- F b , 7 f h t d . t f e a ernoon a s art e the floor by former trustee (HUD), of which the Federal 0 c e u e By Pepper Whitelaw e ruary ~~JI1 I e s .a,n POIn, a ~l~. out as a boyish adventure Arnold Fuchs as to who w.ill (FHA)H 0 U sinis ga part,Administrationis &.lsocon. B P -- "'h't I "Them that works gets .... them that don't. G ---.Po te Com aVlbloenmtoenut.se It s mor" desu. when three friends, Blair instruct the attorneys it'it y epper I e aw 1 don't." That's what the trustees of the Board of. rosse - In " -) i\I 51 . 'd h Marlin, 1660 FOl'd court. becomes necessary for them :~de~~n~eb~no~it~~e~~~.i~:hu:; T.h~ South High Sch.ool Education approverl by a vote of 6 to 1 (with Trus- i mu~ity Blood CouncIl IS Par~' lost71B s~;eest i~t I~~~ John Shor~, ~I9 ~loran road, 10 act "o,n the spot" He urban areas alongside eX' addItIOns and renovatIOn, tee Donald Semmler voting no) last Monday, Feb- : stagmg an. e~lergency mainly to Dutch F.lm db, and the vlclIm. had set .out I added hOIlever that he was pressways or near factories, program is generall'r ruary 7 at the'Ir regular meet'lng by approving blood collectlOn m Grosse ease although the factors of o~ foot fr~m the Farms Pier. pl~ased ~o see the board take due to noise pollution, The ahea.d of schedule, a,:-,. performance, raIses. for' admInIstrators...' p Olnte. W ar Memona . I's ..'"old age and wllldsto~m. signs,DIsregardingthey werethe'walking"Danger"over thiS' In~f.ructionactIOn. Limited noise pollution blacklist ex cordmg to Ben Zenn dl- The gross amount of each .----------- Ballroom Thursday, Feb- damage must also be consld- th f f f th P.d t W.II' Ad tends to areas surrounding rector of adnunJstratlOn" ' , administrator's 1970-71salary, , a eosl of livin" percentage ruary 17 ,romf 9 a.m.