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Stafford on April 5., 1955;- _•, -.. .::iiiiili!i!!i•ii::ithe office has been staffed by DeputyAttorney Generals due to the .::•iii:-':...-•:....:-:•willdeadlock fill thebetween spot forthe a statefull fivelegislature year term.and SalaryGovernor for Meyner.the county Thev.•' CO•G•RATULATIONSTerryMcDermott (right) ofFair' Lawn, secutor is$10,000 per year. • .r'i: congratulatesFaye Hasenauer of MenloParlt, after sh.e was chosen Mis• New Jerseyin a contestat Palisadœ.;Amusement Park. Miss Mc•.ermott,an 18-year-oldmodel came. in third. A graduateof Fair La•VnHigh School, shehas held the titles o.fMiss Fair Lawn, Miss AGOOD NAM•_ TOREMEMBER : . t...:...!...!'•:'"iii'..•::.•:?•¾ f•'•i.• -. M .rmottlives at,14-24 Chandler Drive. for ":.:?'"":':i"- ..... ll. Fai••......_......:••a•vnVFW,MissBergenCounty VFWandMiss Passaic. Miss laving.... RoomF o •Bed • Room,r o •_•Dining Room :"?:'"":::?' 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XXX, No. 29 SHOPPINGFOR A FISHDINNER? -- l•ew York -- Junior,a three-months-oldkitten, at the Pe• Showof the Boys'Club of New Single Copy 10 Cents .....•2• $5.00 a Year By Mail York,is interestedin a bowlof tropicalfish. Chances are that part. of the latter exhibit v•11become fodder for the formerif someone doesn'tdo somethingabout it --but fast. r. -"*.-:-"•----.---?..... • ............ •,• .. ß............ .;.:.:.?,: :=.. ::•-•.,,,....,,. ....x.." '"'.,,,-::'.. '- "'•' '.:"•;•1%::.":'."'"':•"'"'•;':":."-.' .:.¾..•:¾ ::•::.:'-ß..... "'•"'ß . ..,•,:• _;.;.•-•,.,--'<',;' :-.•"• -'"'" . -.•..... ß :,.• ........:... .•: c o t,l 'r E r,4 rS i ;.½/.:•:.,,,• ........'"'"" •, ,,, -r.':::';•...... .... •'• "':"' :' • •.•-...,,,:.;,•..•.e .y . 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