The Biogeomorphological Life Cycle of Poplars During the Fluvial Biogeomorphological Succession: a Special Focus on Populus Nigra L
Open Archive TOULOUSE Archive Ouverte ( OATAO ) OATAO is an open access repository that collects the work of Toulouse researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible. This is an author-deposited version published in : http://oatao.univ- Eprints ID : 11091 To link to this article : doi:10.1002/esp.3515 URL : To cite this version : Corenblit, Dov and Steiger, Johannes and González, Eduardo and Gurnell, Angela M. and Charrier, Gaspard and Darrozes, José and Dousseau, Julien and Julien, Frédéric and Lambs, Luc and Larrue, Sébastien and Roussel, Erwan and Vautier, Franck and Voldoire, Olivier The biogeomorphological life cycle of poplars during the fluvial biogeomorphological succession: a special focus on Populus nigra L. (2014) Earth Surface Processes and Landforms . ISSN 0197- 9337 Any correspondance concerning this service should be sent to the repository administrator: DOI: 10.1002/esp.3515 The biogeomorphological life cycle of poplars during the fluvial biogeomorphological succession: a special focus on Populus nigra L. D. Corenblit, 1,2 * J. Steiger, 1,2 E. González, 3 A. M. Gurnell, 4 G. Charrier, 1,2 J. Darrozes, 5 J. Dousseau, 1,2 F. Julien, 6 L. Lambs, 6 S. Larrue, 1,2 E. Roussel, 7 F. Vautier 7 and O. Voldoire 1,2 1 Clermont Université, Maison des Sciences de l ’Homme, 4 rue Ledru, 63057, Clermont-Ferrand Cedex 1, France 2 CNRS, UMR 6042, GEOLAB – Laboratoire de géographie physique et environnementale, 63057, Clermont-Ferrand,
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