APRIL 23, 1971 16 PAGES 15C PER COPY Tours of Countless Displays and VOLUME LV, NUMBER 8 E Xhl B"! Ti on S of Israeli Arts, Craftsmanship, Food, Etc
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R . 1 . JE:· I '· ··1 -1 ., - ! ':A L •. ,'.''}': . 11 ~- ·r:r1 L J T . P?0'J . b , :I . I • Q2 r:·)b To Celebrate Israel Anniversary With Family Fair At Beth Torah Rhode Island's Jewish community will celebrate the 23rd anniversary of Israel Independence on Sunday, May 2, with an afternoon-long family fair at Temple Beth Torah. THE ONLY EN GLISH -JE WISH W EEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . 'The afternoon's activities will start at 2 p.m. with Informal FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1971 16 PAGES 15c PER COPY tours of countless displays and VOLUME LV, NUMBER 8 e xhl b"! ti on s of Israeli arts, craftsmanship, food, etc. niere will be a continuous sllde show of lsraells scenes Including the Israel's New Canal Proposals narrative to explain. Following a moment of silence, there wlll be an almost hour-long stage show which wUI Clears Way For Negotiations feature the HIiiel Dance Group In WASHINGTON - 'The State Deputy Premier, Ylgal Allon, eastern bank of the canal will not Israeli dances, local temple youth Department said this week that during a two-and-a-half-hour be occupied by "either Egyptian groups In mu•lcal performances, Israel'• new proposals on lunch at the State Department. or Soviet forces" following the and Rachel Gusman, reopening the Suez Canal had Offldals said later that the Israeli pullbaclc. Internationally known singer. cleared the way for further Israeli po siti on would be •An agreement to continue the Charles Swartz, chairman of negotiations on an Interim peace forwarded to Cairo by the United negotiations under the United the celebration, said that settlement In the Mldcfie East. States In an effort to get Indirect Nations mediator, Dr. Gunnar V. representatives of more than 50 RACHEL GUSMAN 'The Israel! proposal•, which negotiations started. Jarring, toward an overall Jewish organizations In the area were received In . Washington President Anwar el-Sadat of settlement In the Middle East. have cooperated In the program. part of the building for children earlier this week were diacussed Egypt, In Interviews during the While American officials have During the stage show, there Including a magic show, an art In detail by Secretary ~ State last two months, has attached a welcomed the long-delayed wlll be a special show In another exhibit, games and refreslunents. WIiiiam P. Roger• and the Iaraell number of demands to bis offer to presentation of an Israell offer on reopen the canal to International the canal, they do not minimize •hipping, which he first put the problems that remain In Egypt Says Israel Seeks To Divert forward In February. Chief reconciling the Egyptian and ~ong them was the demand that Israeli positions. Egyptian forces be pennltted to In addition to Mr. Sadat's cross the canal Into the Sinai demand that Egyptian forces be U.~. Attention From Political Spot Peninsula after the partial Israeli allowed ro cross the canal, there CAmo - A remark last week Abram said that Israel could end watching the Soviet weapons withdrawal. Is the anticipated problem of by Secretary of Defense Melvin the crisis with a mere d eliveries. The Egyptian This Issue Is expected by off. whether the partial Israeli R. Laird that Washington was declaration. leadership, In turn, Is carefully lcial• here to be one of the main withdrawal would be de•crlbed In determined to maintain a military "All that Israel needs to do Is watching Washington's reaction. stlcldng points In negotiations the agreement as the first step In balance between Israel and the to declare to the world her Moussa Sabry, the chief editor over an agreement on the canal . a process of total withdrawal. Arabs has stirred concern here re ad! ne s s to withdraw, as o f the Cairo dally Al Althbar, Talking to reporters after the This Is an Egyptian precondition that more United States fighter evidence that her concern for expressed concern that the United luncheon, Mr. Allon called on the that Israeli sources here say ts bombers and electronic warfare peace Is greater than her desire States would seize upon the Issue Egyptians to "seize the completely unacceptable. equipment will be sent to Israel. to hold on to the Arab territories as a means to justify lack of opportunity for peace" contained "I suspect we have a long In a front page article, the she seized by force," the paper pressure upon Israel to withdraw In the Iaraell offer tr, allow a - summer of negotiations In front authoritative Cairo dally Al said. from the occupied areas. reopening ~ the canal. of. us," one ranldng American Abram accused Israel of having The Soviet deliveries t>ecan official •aid. "But at least the disseminated Information about In a Commentary headlined He maintained that the offer logjam Is broken and we have the shortly after the expiration on "Eureka, the u. s. has Found Itl" new Soviet weapons shipments to March 7 of the formal cease-fire wu "a positive one that could baals for some dlscussl!'!!l," _ the United Arab Republic as. part Mr. Sabry wrote: create the conditions that could A• he left the State 1llong the Suez Canal. The ''We will not attempt herif to of "a feverish campaign" to emphasis has-been on bulldlllg up lead to an crier-all settlement." Department, Mr. Allori told obtain more American weapons. conffrm or deny the news, "h would be a great pity If newsmen that he and Mr. Rogers air defenses to deter the Israeli frontpaged by Israeli papers, of Al Abram, also said that Israel Air Force from strikes against Egypt rejected It," he said. had discussed the new lsraell was seeldng to divert attention the •new Soviet arms delivered to 1be Israeli official declined to offer In great detail. "We agreed strategic faclllUes In retallahon Egypt In recent weeks,' which from the political stalemate for any resumption of fighting dbcuss the details of the new on some things and disagreed on arising from her refusal to Western news agencies deacrlbed offer, but he listed these major others," he said. "I am going along the canal. protusely as If their reporters abandon Arab lands occupied In The Cairo press has played· up conditions that would have to be back wiser than I was before." 1967. had actually participated In these fulftlled before Israel would Asked about the state of the foreign reports that the arms deliveries lo Ecypt. The newsj)ape·r noted, shipments Included supersonic Jet agree to withdraw · her forces military balance between Israel however, that there appeared to Interceptors superior to anything "The same silly tune Is being from the eastern banlc of the and Egypt, Mr. Allon said that his be caution In W ashlngton ·against put Into service by the United played over again. America must canal: country required an ''ongoing ari overexcited reaction · to the States. help Israel with more arms from •A "termination of the state tlow of military supplles" from new Soviet deliveries. It charged In Its report last week, Al Its arsenal. Otherwise, how could of belligerency" between Egypt the United Ststes, but that he saw that Israel hoped to stir alarm In Ahr am emphasized the Israel protect herself durtng this IDd Israel. - no reason why Israel'• needs the United States over the air- Impossibility of concealing 'hot' period? •An agreement that the , would not he fulfilled. defense · build-up and thereby Important weapons deliveries In "The Israeli leaders have decrease pressure on Israel for a an age when "satellites are forgotten the dally statements response to recent Egyptian photographing every Inch of the they made all last month In which To Present Yiddish-American peace Initiatives. globe." they threatened a total war, from Stressing the military dangers Secretary Laird and a State which they would emerge Review At _Emanu-EI On May 9 of the "explosive situation" .D2partment Dpokesman said that victorious even If they took on the between Egypt and Israel, Al Washington was carefully entire Soviet Army. A Yiddish Tiieater Ensemble ensemble Is Glnetta La Blanca, "To the American politicians, of ftve stars of the New York coloratura opera star. we simply say: . 'There Is no Yiddish-American musical stage Accompanist will be Edith reason for this -hulabaloo. There will be pre!letlted In Providence Kesselman. Hillel At Purdue Charges Is no need for excuses or on Sunday, May 9, at 8 p.m. at The appearance of the Justification to give additional Temple Eml!IIU-Ei auditorium, ensemble Is part of a nationwide Failure To Follow Decision arms or money to IsraeL" under the sponsorship of the tour under the auspices of the Mr. Sabry charged that the Farband Labor Zionist Order and two organizations. Proceeds of W. LAFAYETTE The stated. He also sent letters · to objective of any new sizable the Worlcmen's Circle. Harry the show will go to the Jewish director of the Hillel Foundation Purdue alumni charging that United States weapons dellvetles Finkel stein and Jacob a. Community Center Building Fund. at Purdue University has charged White took advantage of the would be "lo push us Into another Rothenberg are co-chairmen for ·Helping the co-chairmen are Its admissions director with "vague" language of the Board _war.'' the affair. Louis Rottenberg, treasurer: Abe failure to Implement a March 3 decision and was still. returning Grebsteln, secretary, Robert decision by the university's board the applications and deposits of It was the delivery of the F-4 Included In the ensemble are Fine and Or. Bernard Carp, of trustees that seemed to New York-New Jersey area Phantoms fighter-bombers to Chayele Ash, an artist from exec:!utlve director of.