THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW November 4, 1955 Commendations Outnumber Recommendations in Evaluation of Cristobal High School
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cjCj^j-:i]L^'(3) Panama Canal Museum Gift ofthe ^^ PANAMA /T^^McB CANAL, VoL 6, No. 4 BALBOA HEIGHTS, CANAL ZONE, NOVEMBER 4, 1955 5 cents Five Members Of Canal Subcommittee CANAL PAYROLL Scheduled To Arrive Here December 1 TO BE UNIFIED Five members of the House Merchant NEXT JANUARY Marine and Fisheries Committee are scheduled to arrive in the Canal Zone unified payroll for December 1 for a 10-day visit during A system which hearings will be held on various the Canal organization, as an- Canal matters. nounced last month by Gov- The five Congressmen are members of ernor Seybold, will become fully the Subcommittee on Panama Canal effective at the end of next Affairs of the Merchant Marine and first Fisheries Committee. The group will be January. The pay checks headed by Rep. Edward A. Garmatz, under the new system will be Democrat, of Maryland, Chairman of delivered in February. the Subcommittee. With the adoption of a unified payroll, are Repre- The other four members salary checks will be delivered to all sentatives T. James Tumulty, Democrat employees the same day by units of the of New Jersey; Francis E. Dom, Repub- organization. The present U. S.-rate William K. Pelt, lican of New York; Van pay period will be used as the basis for of Wisconsin; and James A. Republican all employees and timekeeping procedures Pennsylvania. All Byrne, Democrat of will be adapted to that schedule. will five members of the House be accom- Because of the size of the organization their wives. panied by and the workload involved, it will be Also accompanying the group will be necessary to stagger the paydays. The Bernard Zineke, Counsel of the Merchant exact schedule for the paydays will be Marine and Fisheries Committee, and announced later. Mrs. Zineke, and Mrs. Frances Still, Chief The unification of the two payrolls will Clerk of the Committee. require a change for hourly employees The visit of the House group was an- (mostly employees on the piers) who are U. S. REPRESENTATIVE Edward A. Garmatz the last session nounced near the close of Chairman of the Panama Canal Subcommittee of the now paid weekly. The change for this of Congress by Mr. Garmatz. Merchant Marine and P'isheries Committee, will group to a two-week pay period, coincid- The Committee will consider legisla- head a group of Congressmen due here in December. ing with the present U. S.-rate pay tion pending in Congress during their periods, will be made in December. visit to the Canal Zone. Administration Two Civic Councils Hold Policy Sailing November 25 The consolidation of the payrolls into The legislative group is scheduled to Elections November 8 a single system is a part of the Canal sail from New York November 25 aboard administration policy of eliminating any the Panama liner Ancan, arriving here The first step toward an overall election practice which may seem to differentiate December I. They will return 10 days day in the Canal Zone to coincide with conditions of employment opportunity, later, sailing December 10 on the Panama. election day in the United States—will enunciated last month by Governor Sey- The Subcommittee Chairman has an- take place next Tuesday when Zonians bold in an address at the dedicatory cere- nounced that formal hearings have been go to polling places in their respective monies of the new Paraiso Civic Center. tentatively scheduled on Monday and communities to elect representatives to An important phase of this policy, Tuesday after the Committee's arrival. the Civic Councils representing Cristo- he said, is the centralization of employ- These will be held in the Board Room of bal-Margarita and Gatun. ments and the standardization of em- the Administration Building. The first Provisions of the constitutions of the ployment conditions for both U. S.- day will be devoted to hearings on the Pacific and Garaboa Civic Councils prevent citizen and non-U. S. citizen groups. Railroad and the group will spend its the residents of the communities repre- Most of the units of the Employment second day on legislative problems. sented by those groups from participating and Utilization Division of the Personnel The remainder of the stay in the Canal in the November 8 elections. Bureau have now been moved to the Zone will be devoted to making a study Council members said, however, that Central Labor Office on Roosevelt Avenue of Canal installations and operations. an amendment to the constitutions to in Balboa. This move permits the con- Four members of the subcommittee provide for November elections will be solidation of all work pertaining to em- have made previous visits to the Canal presented to Civic Council constituents ployments, processing, placement, trans- Zone; Representative Tumulty is the only at their next election. fers and promotions, record keeping, and Congressional newcomer of the group. Local-rate Civic Councils will continue Civil Service procediu-es. Representative Garmatz, subcommit- with their prescribed election dates this The Cristobal office of the Personnel tee chairman, and Mr. Zineke, its Counsel, year but are expected to take the neces- Bureau has handled all emplojonents were here together last November. At sary action so that next fall their repre- through the single office since it was the time the Congressman was making sentatives will also be chosen at a general opened, although further consolidation of studies of Canal operations in his capacity election day. records and procedures will be accom- as a committee member. The idea of a single date for a Canal plished coincidental with the changes A native of Baltimore, he represents Zone Election Day has been considered made on the Pacific side. Maryland's Third Congressional District, for some time. It was suggested some The adoption of the unified payroll one of two covering the city of Baltimore. months ago to Council Representatives system early next year will necessitate He has been a member of Congress by Governor J. S. Seybold at one of his several transitional changes which wOl since 1947. Shirtsleeve Conferences. affect principally the pay {See page is) _ THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW November 4, 1955 Commendations Outnumber Recommendations In Evaluation Of Cristobal High School (Following is the second in a series of school in attempting to meet the educa- is given to the need for more extensive four articles reviewing reports on Balboa tional needs of youth. audio-visual aids and for facilities for and Cristobal High Schools and the Canal Getting dowTi to specifics, the report wider use of such materials. In prac- Zone Junior College as prepared by Visit- provides these insights, among others, tically every one of 17 divisions of the ing Committees representing the Middle into the school's operation as seen from a report which give consideration to indi- States Association of Colleges and Second- professional and objective viewpoint: vidual subjects of study, ranging from ary Schools which were here in February Staff and Administration—A well qual- mathematics to physical education, there and March 1Q54 for the purpose of evalu- ified and competent staff with high mor- is set forth a strong recommendation that ating the three schools for accreditation.) ale, excellent community relations and additional attention be given to the an excellent pupil-teacher relationship. utilization of audio-visual aids. Although the citizens in the Zone have The most emphatically presented rec- Commendations literally outnumber less direct connection with the operation ommendation is in behalf of art, a course recommendations for the Cristobal High of the school than is commonly found in not included in the curriculum this year. written report from the School in the the States, the Government of the Zone The lengthy statement on this subject Visiting Committee of the Middle States has succeeded in analyzing the needs of advises "it is evident that it is necessary of Colleges and Secondary Association youth in the Zone quite well and has a to justify art in the Cristobal High emphasizes that "the basic Schools which lively and intelligent interest in the wel- School's curriculum. Take art out of the preparation given in this high school is fare of the pupils in the school. luxury category ... it contributes as students in college preparatory sound for High Mental Ability much to the needs of the adolescent in and vocational work." Student Body—The mental ability of preparation for adulthood as, for example, In reference to the overall curriculum, the students of the Cristobal High School music." exhaustive examination conducted at the is higher than that found in the average The only division of the school curricu- forth conclusion that Cristobal brings the high school in the United States, probably lum to bear the scrutiny of the Commit- "the members of the evaluating commit- due to the careful screening which parents tee and to come through without a single the varied tee would like to commend and receive before they come to live in the recommendation for improvement is the studies, extensive program of especially Zone. Approximately 46 percent of the Reserve Officers Training Corps. One of noticeable for a school of rather lunited graduates of Cristobal High School attend the commendations for this activity enrollment." The report adds that "there institutions of higher learning. states that "the Army R. 0. T. C. staff at is participation in many extra- a wide School Plant—The school is designed this school is excellent; well qualified in curricular activities with a larger per- for a tropical climate and the aesthetic the work in which they are instructing, of the students taking part than centage quality of the setting is an inspiration to they have had not only educational prep- is often the case." good study.