THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW March 1, 1957 Willing Hands of Volunteers Balboa Heights Office Built New Little League Park Moves Will Begin Soon
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Gift ofthe Panama Canal Museum Vol. 7, No. 8 BALBOA HEIGHTS, CANAL ZONE, MARCH 1, 1957 5 cents 9 Renamed N. Y. Office Carnival s Coming Now Has Three Major Operating Divisions A reorganization of the Panama Canal Company's New York Office, dividing its functions among three major units, be- comes effective today. The reorganized office will be known henceforth as the New York Operations. It will comprise three units: The Pro- curement Division, which was formerly part of th"? Supply and Employee Service Bureau; the Steamship Division, which is concerned wr ith the operation of the Panama Line; and the New York Ac- counting Division, which will handle the fiscal aspects of the New York Office. Lester A. Ferguson, until recently Chief Procurement Officer, has been appointed General Manager of the New York Oper- is personified this from Balboa High School. sang ations. He is succeeded as Chief of the CARNIVAL SPIRIT by murga They and played at the Carnival flag-raising in Balboa last week and will take part in other carnival festivities. In the usual Procurement Division by John J. Barton. order, they are: Orlando Xufiez, Edgar Ameglio, Chipi Azcarraga, Victor Herr, B. H. S. Director of Music, Chief of the Steam- E. H. Harms remains Rolando Chanis, Don Randel, Antonio Revilla, Sonia Caiias, and Joline Clare. (For a story on the w-hy's ship Division, and Peter DeStefano heads and wherefores of Carnival, see page 8.) the newly-independent Accounting Divi- sion, with the title of Assistant Comp- troller-New York. Health Bureau Wins Annual Independent Action The change has been made to coordi- Safety Cup For Third Time nate the operations more closely and to In a ceremony scheduled for today as well as safety representatives from the strengthen management controls. The the Health Bureau will be presented with various Canal units have been invited. new organization will permit the inde- the Safety Trophy offered annually by Employees in the immediate vicinity who pendence of action so necessary to distant the Governor-President to the Company- can leave their work for the brief program operations, and should reduce the difficul- Government Bureau achieving the highest also are invited to attend. ties of administering accounting and pro- percentage improvement in accident curement operations from the Isthmus. In the competition for the Governor's frequency rate over its own previous Mr. Ferguson has been with the Pan- Safety Trophy for the calendar year 1956, three-year average. out ama Canal Company since May 1953. the Health Bureau barely nosed the This will be the third time since the Employee Service Bureau Following his graduation from Western Supply and big silver cup was offered in 1953 that it with 93 improvement over its Reserve University in Cleveland, he spent a percent has been won by the Health Bureau. previous three-year record, as compared 16 years in merchandising, all in the The trophy was won in the calendar year Washington area. Among his positions with 88 percent achieved by the Supply 1954 by the Community Services Bureau. Service were those of Assistant General Manager and Employee Bureau. The cup will be presented personally of the E. A. Filene Department Store in The past year's figures on safety im- by Governor Potter to Col. Charles 0. Arlington, Va., Sales Manager of the provement were high for all bureaus. Bruce, Health Director, during today's Hecht Company in Washington, and The improvement percentage records for ceremony. Manager of the P. J. Nee Furniture Com- other units were: Transportation and All bureau heads and staff members, pany in Washington. Terminals, 74 percent; Marine, 69 per- During World War II, he was a Lieu- cent; Civil Affairs, 68 percent; and Engi- Pope & Talbot Steamship Lines. tenant in the U. S. Coast Guard, and neering and Construction, 32 percent. Mr. Barton, like Mr. Ferguson, has from 1951, until he joined the Pan- With such high improvement percentages May behind him a long history of merchandis- ama Canal Company, he was Director of by the various bureaus, the Company- ing. He attended Girard College in Phil- the Consumers Goods Program for the Government showing on an overall basis adelphia and then joined Shrafft's Stores Office of Price Stabilization. was 70 percent improvement over the pre- in New York where he served as chief vious three-year average in its accident- Division Chiefs food buyer from 1928 until he entered frequency rate, dropping from a 10.74 Mr. Harms is well known to the Pan- the military' service in 1942 as a Major average to 3.22 last year. ama Canal organization and also to the in charge of the Army Quartermaster entire shipping industry. As head of the Market Center in New York. Panama Line, he will continue to handle After the end of the war, he served for the operation of the two ships and the three years as president of the Westland ARMED FORCES DAY Line's pier operations. Foods Products Company in New York He has been with the Panama Canal and California. He has been with the OPEN HOUSE— March 16 Company since December 1951. Before Canal organization since 1949 as chief of joining the Company, he was operating the Food Branch of the Procurement Fort Gulick Albrook AFB manager on the Pacific Coast for the Division. THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW March 1, 1957 Willing Hands Of Volunteers Balboa Heights Office Built New Little League Park Moves Will Begin Soon, Take About Two Years A round of moves and changes in office assignments which sooner or later will affect most of the units with offices in the Administration Building at Balboa Heights will be started within the rext few weeks and continue for two years. The revision of space assignments in the Administration Building will be re- quired partly by the move of the units of the Personnel Bureau to the old A neon Commissary Building which is to be reno- vated and remodeled. All units of this bureau, with the exception of the office of the Personnel Director, will be consoli- dated in the Ancon building. Work is to be started soon on the re- arrangement of the Balboa Heights Pest Office lobby and the preparation of office space for members of the Comptroller's Staff. After Personnel Bureau units in the Administration Building are moved, the FATHERS AND FRIENDS helped build the Little League Turk at Pedr space they are using on the first floor will be assigned to Staff units of the Comp- long-standing true last board headed A. of A dream came by Claude Smith troller's Office and units of the Executive for in Paraiso. Arnold Dorville is vice presi- month between 450 and 500 boys Planning Staff. the Canal Zone's Latin American towns, dent, Dudley Farrell, treasurer, and Ham- Work is to be started at an early date their ilton Lavalas, secretary. and for the grownups who sponsor Rudolph Prince on the renovations necessary to the base- activities. in the is chairman and vice Little League Late Joseph French, ment on the west wing for use as a Civil the youngsters and their adult chairman of a committee on sponsors and month Defense Control Center, described in the helped to dedicate their own Isth- screening. Gilbert Burton of Santa friends Cruz December issue of The Review. park, entirely has been helping the in its mian Little League built league pub- Most of the other space assignment volunteer efforts of from La licity. by the men changes scheduled in the Administration Paraiso, Santa Cruz. Boca, and Building will not be made for about a miniature ball park is located The new year and will follow the completion of air next to the Pedro Miguel fire station, on Few Knew Canal Better conditioning for which funds have been site where and boys of the vanish- the men included in the budget for the coming ing of Pedro Miguel once played town fiscal year. is specifi- Than Gen. ball. It built to Little League Hans Kramer The transfer of the Printing Plant from dimensions will eventu- cations and and Mount Hope to the Pacific side, originally ally almost identical in appearance be scheduled for early this year, will be de- with the Little park on Gaillard League layed until sometime in 1958. Highway. The idea for a ball park for the Latin American youngsters was conceived 1: st fall by a group of men interested in base- interest in its problems and future as ball. They approached the Paraiso Civic Brigadier General Hans Kramer who died Council on their plan, obtained Gover- late last month in San Mateo, Calif. nor Potter's permission for use of the His background knowledge of problems Pedro Miguel site -for which they now relating to the capacity of the Canal was. hold a license raised funds for building an invaluable asset during the Isthmian matsrhls by three bazaars at which they Canal Studies of 1947. He came to the used equipment loaned by Charles Wil- Isthmus in January 1945 with Brig. Gen. liams, and lined up sponsors for their six James H. Stratton when they were em- teams. ployed as consultants on advance plans On -January 2 they received a franchiss for the 1947 Studies. Later, General from Little League Baseball, Inc., in Stratton returned to head the Special Williamsport, Pa., and within a few clays Engineering Division which conducted were at work readying the site and be- the studies, and General Kramer was ginning construction of the four-fool c >n- appointed a member of the Hoard of crete block wall which surrounds it.