IGNEOUS PETROLOGY PRESENTED BY Dr.A.BALUKKARASU Associate Professor Centre for Remote Sensing Bharathidasan University Thiruchirappalli-620 023 India. mail id:
[email protected] MTIGT0403: IGNEOUS & METAMORPHIC PETROLOGY 1. Forms and Structures of Igneous rocks - Intrusives and their relation to Geological Structures (Concordant and Discordant forms - Multiple Intrusions – Composite Intrusions) - Composition and Constitution of Magmas - Structure and Texture of Igneous Rocks- Formation of Igneous rocks: Crystallization of Unicomponent Magma -Phase Equilibria studies of Binary and Ternary Silicate system - Crystallisation of Basaltic magma. 12 Hrs. 2. Classification of Igneous rocks – Microtextures and Structures of Igneous rocks and their Petrogenetic Significance - Petrography of Igneous rocks – Tabular Classification - Petrography of Acid-Intermediate - Basic and Ultrabasic rocks - Diversity of Igneous rocks - Reaction Principle - Magmatic Crystallization – Assimilation – Petrographic province and various diagrams - Plate Tectonics and Magmatic Evolution – Fluid Inclusion studies of Igneous rocks. Evolution of Basalts -Petrogenesis of Granites, Pegmatities, Alkaline rocks, Monomineralic rocks, Charnockites and Ultramafics. 14 Hrs. 3. Definition of Metamorphism - Scope of Metamorphism – Controlling factors of Metamorphism - Kinds of Metamorphism and its Products - Classification and Nomenclature - Petrography of Metamorphic rocks (Schists – Gneisses – Granulites) - Metamorphic textures and Microstructures and their relation to Metamorphic