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8-7-1947 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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BACKWARD LOOK " The True Memorial I I HALF CENTUllY t • MRR ABTIlmt rURNER, Editor IS AN ELO 203 Colle" I:oulenw UNWRITTEN BUT TEN YEARS AGO �ERVICE • Clubs • Personal QUENT STORY OF ALL THAT 'Fro.. lIul�oeh Tim"", AUI 5, 1937 NEEDED Tobaceo brmers are all smilce thiS W,qBRE II IS BEST IN LIFE. week average on the l ..arket since (STATESBORO NEWS-8TATESBORO EAGLJ!l) opemug day has been $2447 per 100, 0..., werk to ""fleet the heiJrs pounds sold 1ft five days, 1,630,340 Moore Eatabllahed 1882 t M,.s Julia Carraichnel has returned LOVELY PARTIES SPtllt which prompss you to erect Paper earrted picture of Sam Bulloeb Timee, Couolldated .luUi7 1'1', 111'1' VOL 55-NO. 22 Statesboro Ne_ I!lIItabliabed 1901 I GA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1947 tn lifter threa weeks the stone as an act of 1 everence (colored), who won prrze for havmg STATESBOltO, Chicago spending FOR MISS GROOVER D_ber 1JIO ..ceo sold on State.boro 'liIotabll.bed 1917-Couolidated II. \\ ith relatives her e nnd devotion Out' rccelvell check for tob Eqle, 'Personal MISS MUI:\ GI 00\ OJ, attr active cx-perlenee 35 Purely Mt and Mrs Clurence W,lIllIms "Jlcnmg duy sold 3G8 pounds at 19 at returned 1." id ... elect whose man Jage to Jtm your service md dr.ughhn, Emily have cents pel pound I --- New THle \VutSOH will be un event .,...... , ... 14 f'rorn a at Yellow Bluff important Two thousand fe�t of stdc_lk to A Ie Boos M8i1;m IS vl::)ltmg (lelu stay MISS of Sth IS honos ed at a ORDER ROAD SIGNS MI and MI s Bland vlsited August being be ",thtn the next rew weeks, III New Orteans and Percy paved tlves Boguloose, t ound of pat ties FII st of the THAYER MONUMENT COMPANY last week with their son Billy Blund 10"c1y begmmng at Holland building on L3 set res was the beautiful seated tea who IS two months ut A Lscal Since 1922 South Mam street ood to �lts W S Pm-tt-ick oJ'Tampa Flu spending Camp Inoostry extendtng glv" afternoon of last 1\100 DIXie Cia) ton Wocinosda) on North Matn street to the IS \ hei sistor, Mrs A J JOHN M Proprietor Grady Makes ISltMlg week WIth Mrs };Ol gee Smith Mrs THAYER, Relail s on street Detailed MI Harold Tillman and son J"n church, West Vtne Here's ney Bnpj;tst Grocery Gt'DOVel Mrs Arnold Ander West Mam Street PHONE 439 Ga. Strong GCOtll'e 45 Statesboro, With street Imaginative, In of S ivannah Bench spent several to Interseetton Walnut T?�����,!lc B A Deal Thursdav MIS spent SOn and MI S R L Cone SI hostesses .... this with Mr and Mt'S events Mrs Everett Barron, Vldnl1il With Air and Mrs Hem y 1\1(. days week (lal" tf) Sociu! at. the Smith home where a lovely J\Ithur \Vultel Groover 1\1, unci Nt'S Sammy Johnston of of QUitman, 18 spending' the summer Sir I lngJment of ) ellow gladioli and Mrs and Fr-itz Talton Little Misses Betty and Peggy Huntingdon W Vu, announce the wtth hei patents, Judge and 1\l1ss Nons Tultou burgundy dahlius decorated the ltv WEEK AT Havana the Press I MEMBERS MONTREAT s of of Bland sever al last week b th of a Mot rrs WOMAN'S CLUB J E -Membet of Thomson are of Mtss Helen spent days daughter Emmy e MeCroan guests 100m and 111 foam the Important 109 tho Trip with their dmmg 2G MI s was dues to the Mtss Noll Lee and Mrs Bob Club were enter Report ... Bland Johnston Please 1947 8 )ltkell E:�:��:'�E£7""" Johnson grandfather, J T Jul) fcrmerly pay yeur Tuesday Bridge fot tOlArtst exquialtely teq table was are , ample stgns dtrecttng fit Columbus appointed MII�8 F'lorence of Mrs H Bt ett at the Tea newspaper people n as Ga MorrIS tailled J Georgta Cha���",�,�".��!!!�In � MI and Mrs Ben Beaver have Huntmgdon membership eommittee with M,s Ed Icft Tuesday for Montreat, N by contained full-po..e statement covered with u Hnen cut Walk cloth ... . C, chestra Dectdlllg d fAtrom a on U S Hi Mts J L Johnson and MISS Willi Pot Gnlle morning hon Savannah Frtday mormng st"Plled plRytng ghway thClr her mother, Mrs Allen of Wednesday leaving Stores which ... guuat and centered With a long low bowl MI and MIS Hillman Davison an Preetoriua chair man where they Will spend two weeks nothmg alae exettlng could happen A MIXTURE of the Colonial appea fred JORnson 1 etUt ned ia.:)t \Vednesduy Mrs H P Foxhall, of Rocky The 2�w�llS wee:gU8 N ortng for a to Cuba ' Chat lotte C pleasure trip tl FINQS - filled With CDJ nntlons white nounco the bll a 8S far as that Ittght, with the aid of steward, In t d s an d wItch t t 18 un t['Om Macon n wf..ak pink th of son, Rlch:1Td PRESS REPORTER They were uccompanIed Au­ Mount N C -Mrs Howard Dadls o.y Is.ue, Mrs Outda PutVt. of Atlanta tS \\helc they spent to t The JUtllOr Chaml'ler of Commer.., and Anne s lace flank Hillman at At­ Bulloch Tunes I. be represented we found our state I ooms-llnd did \I Ith Lt Col gladloh Queen Piedmont Hospital, •••• man two Carol and Dean de18tood I. "",de hzf' SlstCI S MI S Rufus Blown and Mrs B A Daugh gusta by D G Lee, MISS Rubte Lee and 80ns, botng almultaneousl, vlsltmg ed white ...s m com- feel to shoe. olll II og...m that should dt hy tup three bn.nched lonta on July 21 MI s DaVison IS Y to Jellerson oy the four who good get plepared pi CONTROL WORMS• tty SUNDA SCHOOL PICNIC Will return tomorrow youngstlll''' m� ln h �r ... thr hout the and Mrs D R Dekle and MISS Dorothy Wtlson aroSe eal ot new.pape oog holders Stiver compotes filled wtth the former Mtss Mat Lou the Saburday morntng we Y vert Iota of tourllt travel over the I MI and J B Mt and y Denmu.k, The cht Idren of Pt after ft vlatt wtth her parents, Judge the thIrd of Mts R Y Lane of Conwa) N Mtl' Avctltt, the esbytellao I Prtse generatton Ii t IVes Colon1-"•• C, party mtnts and Silver trays holdlttg of Staoosboro I for breakf t 80 we could be on de Proper App Cfllon G terrttot Y serve4 by the Mt. Devllne Watson Dr and Mrs D school a Ad Mr� S.--L. Moore, &lId hel slster J Laura Mar .... U S 26 to Koftuliklt, wllere"t 1s vIsiting her niece, �Irs r A Bran Sundtly enjoyed d'i!itghtful FOR SALJ-Large marble top table, famtly (Julte Turber, ha -" J'"oI1)& assorted s,tndwtches add-ad to re when the shtp entered Havana Store. L DaVIS and �It s re fancy at home MI.S Sadie Maude Moore, who is DesIred Results In nen and 1\[) Bl'dnrr�n Edna Nevtlle ptcmc Tuesday aftenloon the sUltable for commercial use or out· I and Remer of St..tes t. wtth U S 80 IOtO State.borll, thence F,lght the lovehnes. of the decorations garet Brady, to be the most beno t,ble W S C.S. WILL NOT MEE1I!- sonn Korea - Mr and Mrs bor-proclatmed A Wee..a of Ft turned Sunday from a of sevel a.1 of June und Cectl Jr Dur door onc turntng to B S LItt1 S\ Pe0der .... Mr and Mts L stay h Kennedy kttchen, square break(ast of tn all not on the and 0n VeIvet Betean a erpl 11 ar Ig tur, ear, PUll and Indy fingers were served Thet e Will tn bOM, and ll'homlllI Denmark, ttful the world (thst's my Claxton, Glennvdle, Jesup of Mrs days at Suvunnah Beach be no llteettngs of the Ing the afternoon tnteresttng gam.... table wtth four Al'thur Turner spent Sunday 1 Loudetdale Fla \lere guests wtth the sandWIches Mrs Ihw challs, patnted green I read that) be Roger� sell,.eM� lloire., Mr and Mr. J damty WSCS Savannah and we'tc accompamed Martanna, Fla Energettc, ""soure.- Imagination actually to Folkston SIgna are to prepar grol"'ry J N Thom ... Thut sday 0 Johnston spent dut II1g the month of we'e played MRS GROVER BRANNEN (Z4Jllt DDr mllltUIle. arc recolnmended Groovel lecelved the guests With he.r Augul!t who We docked at 9 a m went throug1t all the ••_ --w Mary deltaket wtth a In peanuts sulphur nathy BIRTHDAY PARTY eluded.MIS W,lket HIli M,s W R afternoon WhY The PrevIew 'Itngertng gleam of tts stores through one name and three table. of tool, Frtday on the MI und Mts I i\ McLendon had Lovett Mrs hts eye was finnlly convtnced aftet a to conttol leuf s)lot peanuts Robet t Morlls Mts EI M,ss ElSie DeLoach, wasn't He knew what he Ul vtew of the fact Mt Peat! DavIS entet tailled Wed comphmentmg Now the scheduled teturn IS fixed wtth Mts BaMte. dtd klddmg a label, espeCIally as spend the day guests Monday Mt s low lY 1"01 bes MISS few words (who Talc ba8ed DDT tS also uset! but KurlYI:J. Watson, Sale Continues with .nore those of Savannah -Mrs C E Cone en and T but 'lOt WtlS oC nesduy ftftel nOOn of last week WIth a may get back, may talkmg about) that end dtstrtbatton MeT end on S nJece MI S \V E Vann MISS Bit d I!f SU/Jer­ most of the talktng) that everybody The puckagtllg Bett) Foy MISS Julte TUI tettamed membets of her club at a to In Havana tS a magnet Itttle hamer to put on stronger delightful pat '" honor of the be able hold up my head after the was he was de evety spot ex- ()f S\I all1sbot 0 and Mrs J C Rich, ty ',ghth net Mrs Bct nard I else leuvm(l' and that pnllate label menchand.lse are MorllS, MIS G C after the PlIns cafes where mixtures that a wetttng of McRae hit thday of het !:I Shtr watermelon cuttmg Thursday sea voyage So It has seemed the bet the enttre IIIc1udmg sbyle DDT carry anddallghtel Colemun Jr Mrs Robett Ttllman la,.,ng pat ty In the announce- Joe Which You noon at Lake V,ew-M,s Catl An ter to take ttme We Itstened to Cuban muste played on local pandlng making l\1l ley Ann DaVIS of Pet Fill who has poltey the d""ttled At Havana wc looked ate also avutlable the and Mrs Johnny 1)00,,1 spent ry M,s. Helen Mts Burgains Came, Saw, Bought! I UOIverslty agent Harold 'I11I the been Rowse, derson was hostess Thursday aftet table of the and druw on a fer by chat mmg senorttas In fact ment, Colonial Stores offlcmls em­ \\ 1Il hel for ... vel ul wceks I tTlp fOI our old Durden of ln�t eek I\u�ustn MI s Denl And vl5utmg man Savannali M,s Irtend, Bobby murkct and can be reduced to the de Flank Olliff Jt noon to the membet s of her brtdge ttle senorttlts to be I!O I little Seven ltttlo rls assembled at the Imugmatton for the thnlls of the who IS tn sum met school proved cbrmtng the fact that mtroductlon of daug-htel Bal bUl a a, ay al c \ IS g MIII"'1 MISS Graymont or phast.ed M�xnRn Foy Mts Gel Ernest Brannan was nlmost needed u of handcuffs to Sired With watel: f apray of Mrs on cilib -Mrs Journey palr strength ltmg 111 "'uynesbolo "lth hel home Davts South Mo", aid there, anl was thl died to see so many the new name Md emblem entalls no palents Groovet Mrs W P Blown MISS escolt Side H Mrs mtxture Stl eet whel e e hostess ThUtsday mortltng compll Aftel two calls to the clerk keep my by my The sulphur Bnd DDT MI and MIS GUIY they wei SCI veel bll th Fll1ndet� I ",ght people ftom hts second home (States mg rmogene Mrs Bob Niver>, New Mr'S W B Hat IIson of Mtl I III had seen hts chances day cuke md ICe CI eam mentmg the DeSoto Hotel In Savannah Hagnn Logan, the 1vh s Tom DaVIS has returned home aft�r which MISS J�an Cone Shipment boro) does not generally carry wetting Mts Buddy BUtnes and Mtss II rna Flandels of Ma of another wtthout her would be aftet they nttended the movie Shu len, Thursday ntght and cxactmg hts Later that trlJl spendmg Clght weeks of sum ley Mrs ClU"" Lane Mts Cobb of agent and h..a to be du.ted Ann's Billy con -MISS Loille Cobb has ,eturned t<> rlllg OUt t ooms at stX am" mighty SIUll mOl school at Southel n Ba guests Included her t(vo eat pledge ueste of Ro the ptlSt gl No,th CUlollna M,s. GIRce llnd gl1 ndmothms MIS Dan G,ay Theological Semmal V at Semlll11I"Y DaVIS and Mt s Phil Humilton week to OJlnounee li'Ire en at' 0 ... 1-1111 FOlt Mr� Bnrtow Pall Ish nnd the follow = , e" ed unttl 5 0, falls me-I WOlth Texas ••• • : e • • tmaglnatlOn completely for Colo01al Store. The flr.t ]'Iliss Beth 109 I,ttl. ft tends then decided tt wise to get dressed can't dectde whether Ron tS It was tathe, late Monday mot·rung change. Lune BllIlson, of GI uy Jetty Reglstel JlIne BETA PHI AGO Capanft SIGMA THIRTY YEARS so as not to we m stOt thiS was mont Brunnen BI U Ie ml.s our train Ptompt name of a a or club !before finully succeeded e of organization opened IS the of ker cousin MISS loy a.nnell, MYI Ahce the ctgar man, get�mg guest The new of Beta Pht held NYLONS From R�lloeh 1917 charte" Times, Aug 9, at 6 o'clock when our Laura to With her soft Annu Suln Brannen Plossel Bevelly Bl"11.nnen Pat! Icm Iy telephone of some kmd As for the "surpnse Matgaret palt five yean ago and the company MISS Blmson un fifty lts that busmess meetIng Tuesday Jencks sttuatton stili we were bed have hard us a Elder F H Stlls of Metter, pastor h IS been HI unnen and Noel Benson blld�e rang, packed and ready to It promtses an enjoyable It could been cie!tghtfully eotet tamed In at Bt event," PrtmtttVe Bap waft among the ptoneerBs of a low­ • • • • evenutg the home of Mrs CulttS settled offlcmls of Bulloch and y- check out btlck and we sttll would have had of Upper Black Creek fOllllully het VIStt time wtth 8 Cuban rhumba band and durmg Lane who IS of fall to on ..,ven mtles south of cllsh and carry MUl RETURNS NEW YORK plesldent the sorortty an countlCs agree proposal entertainers' trouble kccpUlg her from spendmg the tlst ehullfI, price, operation y Weldon HendriX and Martan TO B • Oommtttees were and cost of the egIn To Eat ooklet announce. that the deacon" Alcxunder appomted plans to open free bttdge, pro whole da� ''\')elf'ng It was the last Bt COIOO1UI Stores entered the supe� of Suvannah who has been a WIth After two months VIStt hts for the futUle were dtseussed The new IS We boarded the tratn, which, Back At The Table B J Futch OttS Howard and Ollte posed bttdge $4000 speCial DInIng day we were tn Cuba You know huw market field m 1987 a.nd now spending sometime With her moth. I Mts J R Pllchet I the church operate. grand Kemp, members to be s war forces on for apucur qUite enthused Bulloch county grow unltke most whtch we've traveled, Saturday mght we attended the a woman IS wtth that last mtnute Aktns have arranged parents, Mt and Mrs G W Clark of almost 200 of bltese food cea­ Kemp has returned to New York and to mnke thts a acttve 79c under selected left on schedule After to celebrate the 145th anotversary popular plan very 109 slowly recently exactly get Welcome Banquet at the Plaza Hotel, and Esthet Lee t. "pent last week m Metter as ahoppmg Mulhng guests where he wtll enter Columbl" Um for m our we on the thted have sur­ ort"amzatlOll Atter tile busmess ses dt aft law 140 draftees called eX tmg settled ca" teahzed which Included a dtnner no She t"ed to see how ItS foundIng Sunday (the ters Theae super markets of Mt and Mts Harold Hall deltghtf"l exceptlOn verSlty for tl on the SlOn the membels wele to noon m m The cburch was or­ specIal alntng served leflesh amtnatton and up today only that, our haste, We had fotgotten and entertamment ,ffetlng much she could to fill In extra 17th) August vtved on of added Misses i\nna Sula sheer. of usual danCing buy publtc acceptance Brannen Mary !tbrar y of sctence fer a Ph D He ments Very Irregulars $1.50 ql:1ahty wtthout breakfust so we headed for the 1802 10 had passed exemptIOn to ettt outstandIng Cuban dancers and tnter Sutt case she had carrted along gaOlzed April 2, low Brennen and Lane Brmson and • • • • vartety of merchandl.e, every day Betty WIll be employed there after com cur othel s we a wtll at 11 a m and Slzes 8V2 to 101/2 claims I dmmg where among 'national entertainers Altai such Too 800n It was WUR mid afternoon Services begto IIVll1 Brannen Jr, Remer Y Blm hiS course LEAVE FOR IRAN the be served at the church prIces and stuct adherence to high pletmg Georgln State All'llcultulUl SOCiety found from Statesboro havtng show we were at first reluctant to get and ttme to We left the hotel dmner Will son unci ••• • I pack Jllnmy Morll! fOlmed u par Lt odd and vlfutors are re sel "om­ Col nto the Savannah proprtet< and screens, condltlon, killed Mtke With of candy Jane Morns Hungry Again was belts good J(amlnsky Kaptu�h soon we were at home The deSCribed last week III Armando's we had o'clock and , ladv ... With Wlscon­ Cash a kmfe thtust to hiS heart sy Hagan wh.:lew capturean: fat Sunday tl1ght who $350, Turn hay pre8S Shuman'G (Kamm- had a marvel George eallr,d 11 Spalllsh dtnner of de- ,We, havmg perfe.ctJ;y Ml& Jo!;nston, mobor one new Grocery s, In ter appeared msane In Jat1 fol' presente0Jelrou\',va..,. arpe pens anrs� conststlng aln $400, prttcl1<;lllly wer� how we at the oj flce af�er- vellow rtoe and nnd ous journey, ""altze� lucky early Thursday truck one tz a season then to 1 s I\ctous chtcken Granite t;aller, one Dodge M s :returned penct & repooter had H. inkovi suddenly some male ""ader Son a 'p,," noon Satd Rhone 248 Free Phone all the trtmmlngs We then strolled ,ne to have such wonderful finder plea.e notify Delillery 248 normalcy was convtcted of murder aile _a pick-up tJ;Uek, Store Thlrd\Table Round the who u. sueh a lovely h�p We're phoned her that �eBCribed­ Statesboro'a Largest Department and sentenced to hie J.7along the fAmous Prado, termed gave IlIl'ON, W.6 North College street, ImprlsWlmentJ .�} of he's our lIIuatra.tea that eve" men In Ltvehe.t The sometimes sort gJad which and same afternoon Duwer Willi ,the' "World's HaII-MHe" ( 1188. • ('1aqltp) the hung htmself ,s��ed �Imng read the Tim... Thaaka. pboae we "danced unttl Ute or person first thIs expression Grandd.ddy III the lOll cell wltk a Window eord) root'1, wltere USUlg

• THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1947 BULL(ICn TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS TWO - remained on 'his .feet moii'of tne time und • in SU"h 111 norn had bees on the streeta on., a n�ssily "�nts) Men Davis Again Named ", , HONOREl>c Young few TIMES him � ill. When lInd iLocal days before hi. sudden collapse. BULLOCH �cnt h.e n r Service Head Ivanhoe Club nd tit her nccesso-fi�lls�,ed E te Military S"eclall Special' W.thin a few minutes after hi. In lothcs Special' ludmg' NOT ICE I· ARD John 'V. Davis was renamed leader GOES TO REW at lies as no" 1)('11('\n� to n 11(,'" bnby, Tho Snvallnu'h Navy .recruiting sta- If passing the hospital, his nephew, ATTENTION! club at and hlld paid h�� phvshiau und pri- tion has announced that the following fOr' the Jvanhoe comrnupjty Former Mayor CI-ouch Bad Sam J. Crouch Jr., of Quincy, F'la., 1\11' '+Rl(' nurs.c s .md 1"00111 fees, men have been enlisted in its annual meeting Friday, Dr. L. N. speciallist iIl Eye -IIrrive�, left that af­ l'l't'l�!\ling recentty Huff, Atlanta, 'Sta.r Food Store Been In Fe'eble Health But huviJlg Quincy knees Havis has served two RS lend­ temoon 11 was nt ccssarv ttl get on his the regular Navy for three years: yenrs is returning to Statesboro in after lClU'Iling of his unele's 'V. A. Refractions, 26 EAST MAIN ST. GEO. W. LIGHTFOOT Not Considered Serious EAR H� banker, That is 'where we SAW Frn ncis L. 509 Cleland 8VC- CI'. He followed Groover, serious condition, tht� Tyree, for three 'and .Hid-Summer served us the leader- for person Tuesday him. He h. d 11('1t rue overvthing flue, Savannah, enlisted us apprentice who hud days-Monday, Dr. Samuel Julius Crouch, long. 'Interment was in �nst Side ceme­ Armour's Corn Beef Sunbeam Beans but had , Snap of through his :ldrling- mnchines, SCHmall. S0I119' .twelvo years. Wed·nesda.y, August 11, 12, 13. Office. at time citizen and former mayer tery S u tuduy afternoon following i- in 1 lb. can 25c No. 2 can 15c cone tn r to us n n cst Luther E. Sandel'S Her-man J, Tile club \VUS organized 1932, Hash, died last 'I'hursday services at the Methodist church enough give and Jaeckel H�tel. Statesboro, late co"-1 infu nt John \V. Davis j 'Reductions t his six-months-old with the lute . Hos­ ducted ;\1. e t hat Grooms, bot.h of Route r, Stilson, Ga., July 4, Lunch L, & B. Relish evening at the Bulloch County by the �usto!", Rev. C. A. , Tongue more leadcr. He RS head at t he moment had cost him enlisted as npju-entice senmcn.« These SI'. as the served IL.. pital only a few minutes .it.... his Jackson Jr. 6 ounce can 23c 16 ounce 15c --- jar sociulclub thu.t orders ------�----- thnn 11 hn lf t hou und dollars. men have been trunsf'errcd to the of this groups transfe,: there from his home follow­ Bern M.aJ 7, 1861, in Richmond and until his nuva l training enter, Sun Diego, 1'01' buying selling Castleberry Relish ing a sudden ainkiag spell. For sev­ county, North Carolina, 01'. Crouch '1\ JL' 'T Gt: 'I'his friend explnined thut the lapse will lIC- death in 1934. had known of in answer Calif,. where they undergo PORTAL THEATRE Gallon can 17 ounce jar 15c eral weeks his friends early .young manhood moved SHOP all-in lusive MOVIE CLOCK, BEAUTY snd tOI -nitt: __ PENNY'S B de of so muny yours between this young­ , _P_E_A_N_U_T O_IL ���69 The club meets each first he this erult Friday -, his impai.red condition, however W.ushingtoo, Gu., where he was in te the ionr words whi h head had training. ter and those who gone before, Shows at 7,1.5 m, Glen Peas Hunt's Tomato Pickle INTRODUCES TO S1'ATESBORO mcn were enlisted in evening at a club house it built some Weekly Begin p. Valley business and wJlel'e he' ··mul'ried Miss But the question suddenly ward- Thirty-nine GEORGIA THEATRE ...-rlting. had railed Jor an entire new Saturday and Sunday Shows at 3:16 No.2 can 16c 15c 'fifteen The lifteen f'am­ __ GROVE M. U. Nnvy through the Sa- yeurs ago. __1_lb_._13_o_z.�ja_r EMIT W. Agnes. Cook of that To tRem ur mind in R recent Sundny the regular OUR COOLING PLANT NOW city. HELEN "PARK VENUE" broke in robo=-aud �IOU know what a wae-drobe CURTIS' A offico the ilies thnt arc members of the club were born n model vannns recruiting during IN OPERATION of Emit Grove two sons, both of whom wh n we observed in Not Friday, 7-8 Argo Peas Can The regula,' meeti.ng morning amounts to high-brow society. Thursday. and, Aug. month of bring, basket lunches that arc served met lit the home of Mrs. Floyd Hul­ died in childhood. to Stutes. ,Oil Teet remnant of an auto­ had July. NOW SHOWING "Notorious" 16c Coming Machineless Permanent 1933 rnmshockle a of any of his former $12.50�� _ rag bnbies ______L�A�R�D� afternoon 'at 3:30: The upon arr-ival. Their' programs con. "Dead N_o_. 2_�n______sey Monday boro in Dr. Orouch was at the stoplight in Reckoning" Cary Grant, Ingred Bergman, the late 'DO's, mobile !!rembling discarded could be found to hand NEWCASTLE CLUB president, Mrs. Drtn R. Groover, pre­ priced from $-12.50 up sist o.f discussions of \oheir agricul Elizabeth Seott COMEDY Mission Peas Geocgia Pineapple in the Humphrey Bogart, sided and led the devotional. Mrs. engnged for many years drug the center of the city. down. It was as if things had start- The NewcasUle Club met at the of Starts 3:22, 5:24, 7:26, 9:28 can No. 2 can 29c tural problems and the grouping No.2 16C Pears, Vz Wilson Meeks had an inter­ buainess. After the death of his first FOR HALF l arranged PRICE to the ed from tnw community house Thursday, July 31. Plus Pathe News Saturday, Aug. 9 Instantly memory went back orders for vnrious f�m "leeds, esting program on "South Amertca." wi.fe he married Miss Catherine The meeting wus called to order by "Border Feud" recommended for hair and for children of sound Those taking part in the program Especiany problem involved scientific analysis And this was in contrast the group, 9th Louise Hughes, of this who died grea.t1y the president. Songs by Saturday, Aug. HLosh" St. John .... city, NINETY-FIRST AI. LaRue, "Fuzzy" were Mesdames A. G. Rock , R. M. Plumb us early in Mrs. Hu­ BIRTHDAY ALL OTHER ,__ MachineJess which Mrs. gave with friend who recently and devotional was led by" "Little Iodine" SERIAL I in 1940. J n recent yenrs he has con­ PERMANENTS, Machine, qnother In honor of the birth­ COMEDY .Bragg, Floyd Hulsey, Wilson .Neeks, when she told u. that bert Waters. Following the treasurer's ninety-first 10:30 cur school dnys, smiled as he recouDted to ps that the Starts ·1:55, 4':06, 6:17, '8:28, W. W. JOl\e. and .Duulish­ aomebody on the other side. The a few rlays with Mr. B,nd FOR-SAL'-E---1-0-0-a-ru-'-e-s,-8-3-c-ul�t-iv-a-te"""d, spending e.rs of school text books. Hi. books moment had und the clutch Mrs. F. C. Rozier. Geor. . . than arrivcd, new house, near Ogeechec school; UI'C used in other stutes Mr. and Minick, went ift place while the old machine JOSIAH ZETTEROW­ �I:S. \Voodl',ow o,r gin, Funeral services were held in price $10,000. VISited relatives here dUl- ER. Savannah, Allunta Monday. Mrs. Georgin Bunoe was still snorting and rca ring to go. (7augltp) Of our Newly Remodeled and ing the week end. nnd Paul Bunce left Satur'day to be it it let out a WANTED-Furnished apartmentfor of Did jump? Instead, Jean, En\"} und June Edenfield, with Mrs. Smith nnd attend the fu. avnilnble Statesboro faculty membel·s,. Sept. Ginner:y last I feeble .niffle and was dead in its Statesb�ro, spent � few days nera!. 10th. Apply GEORGIA TEACHERS week With Ann AkinS. tracks. All that noise-all that . . I Mr. Smith was born in Huntsville, COLLEGE. (7augltc­ Friends of Mrs. J. W. wlll Redecorated For?es Ala., and was a grnduate of Emory Showroom, proclama.tion of energy ann might­ FOR SALE-10-room 2 to that she 's rmprov- house, baths, Modern and Efficient be glad k�ow University. In his cady yea,'s h'e a waste. The now a had been boastful old suitable two families, Tented, ing after srege of fever. in and also was . taught Oklahoma, JOSIAH ZET­ Dr. Huntel' cal' was unable to move from its close in; price $6,500. �I\d Ml'�.. �. R�beltson principal und superintendent of m Wad- TEROWER. 7augltp) t for and VISited l'elatlVes in in tracks. That was why the thing was Equipmen chll.dt'en schools GeOl·gill. Acquaintances Parts and Service durIng week end. a used . him �'OR SALE-One International Icy the. . the publishing field considered making so much noise. Its very weak­ Mrs. Kenneth of Bellaire, 2-disk plow on steel wheels, $J25. Brooks, brilliant scholal'. A Mr. ness was the soul'ce of its noise. SAM J. FRANKLIN CO" 55 East Texas, is visiting her pUl'ents, He is survived by his wife, two sia- and Mrs. W. C. strong ca,' \\Iould not have sputtered Main street. (7augltc) Cro.mley. ters, Mrs. Lloyd Hodges a.n� Miss on Mrs. C. has two and boasted like that. When given FOR SALE - 19392 one - ton Ford E: y.'atklns re�urned Sannie Smith .. of Birmingham; Department f["Om a VISIt wrth her daughte" Mrs. tl'uck in A-l condition with gooe! brothers, Rev. Frank Smith, of Abac, the Ilgo" sign, a fit CDI' would have Cotton J. A. Powell, of Atlanta. stock C. B. 12 East and J. R. Smith' of Birmingham. body. GRIFFiN, Anderson and into action. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Derel _ gone silently Olliff Ginning stl·eet.· (24ju'ltfc) and 80n,' of Suvannah, visited Mr. I FOR SALE-215 acres, 50 cultivated, SIMMONS And as we walked down the street, Mrs. E. M. Usher last week. LOYD river to condition' smooth good land, Ogeechee frontage, up for Mr. and Mrs. John Shearouse, of Simmons, age 57, of States- know mCn ex­ tip-top Lloyd we r�called that w� Tun�d good house; price $6,500. JOSIAH Mrs. J. N. in the Bul­ �8th JacksonvWle, Fla., visited bora, died Sunday night that-men who make , 'Friday, like actly great ZE'l'TEROWER. (7augltp) Shearouse the week end. "fter a short August now in du.l"ing loch County Hospital able of - is of late boastful noises, but arc not FOR SALE New building suitable ginning, operation Mr. and M,·s. Pnul Robertson, illness. He was the son of the .I for shoe are teM with Ann of their own power to move from their shop, dry c.leaning, store, Aleany, spending days C. C. and Mary Simrnons, etc., Brooklet; price $2,000. JOSIAH Mr. and M,·s. J. W. Robertson Sr. Statesboro. trocks when responsibility to move ...... ZETTEROWER. (7uugltp Miss Carolyn Brannen, of Jnckson- SUl'viving him At which time we 'will have on display all ha2 to them. come FOR SALE-Used four wheel trriiler, ville, Fla" is spending' a few du,ys W. M. Simmons, of Savannah, nod L. thl'ee rubbcl· tires, first-class condition; HEATED SEED COTTON DRYERS with hel' pArents, Mr. und Mrs. O. Foster Simmons, of Moultrie; is it that the lenst important OUR STEAM of new Fords, the Why $],00. SAM J. FRANKLIN CO., 55 Bl·annen. 5ist·ers, Mrs. M. F. Jones, of Metter; types 1947 including in their boast­ and men are the loudest East Main street. (7augltc) THE BEST Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Clifton have Mrs. Maude Smith, SnvaJUlah, Do fool themselves while retul'ned from their wedding trip in Mrs. Joe Brunnel1, Statesboro, and Convertible and Convertible ing? they FOR SALE-One used Liverman pea­ the mountuins of North Geol'gia and scvcl'ul nieces and nephews. Sportsman's to c"eate an atmosphere of nut needs ·somc small l'C­ trying picker, Tennessee. When puirs; $250. SAM J. FRANKLIN OUR SYSTEM OF DOUBLE CLEANING REMOVES importance and strength? Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Leslie rl.lld fam­ East Muin street. Coupe. CO., 5. (7augltc) wed­ docs a man l'ouHy make a. big nOise, : DIRT AND TRASH WITH LEAST NAPPING ily, of Folkston; attended the FOR SALE-Ford tructOI." in first of M'l:" and Mrs. T. PORTAL if not only when he contacts with an i di.ng llfmivCl'SUl'Y class shape with nil equipments; OF LINT. R. Br'yan lust week. inside something which responds to Dr. and Mrs. Gunn aiso farm for rlCnt for year 1948. Mrs. H. G.' Forbes and da"ghters, see which float tives at Millen 1Je with us on 8th and the waves of opportunity JONES ALLEN, Rt. 4, Stutesboro. Kathel'ine and Isabelle, have return­ Monday. August Rev. and Mrs. J. E. C. Tilllman silently about him? (31juI2tp) OUR ONLY GIN OPERA� ed to Juck�()nville, Pia., after a visit PERSONNEL INCLUDES are in Tomsom. rr FOR �ALE-Orie used Lilliston hay of .everal weeks with Mrs. J. W. visiting . Betty Johnson spont the week in Your 'Future" And we still wonder why baler, 9 h.p. Wisconsin engine, OF MANY YEARS' AND FO.l·bes. That 'Ford TIVES EXPERIENCE, WILL with relatives at Aal'on. noiBe! steel wheels, Timken b urings; price The first quarterly conference of Miss LOI"etta of Statesboro, $475. SAM J. FRANKLIN CO., 55 GIVE YOU THE HIGHEST COTION GIN­ the Brooklet-New Hope charge, was Roachl QUALITY several with Mr. and Mrs. E;nst Main street. (7augltc) held at New Hope church Wednesday spent day. A. D. Nilford. FOR SALE-New NING ON A PROVEN TYPE GIN SYSTEM-NO UN­ Rev. H. T. FI'eeman, of Sa­ 28-foot extensiOIi night. Paul re­ district Mr. and /lfrs. �owen have Infant Economy ladder with rope; also used combi­ vUfNlah, supel'intendent, pre­ TO WHIP AND ROPE UP turned ft'om' a two months' stay at nation wood-coal heatcl', siZe 24x48 NECESSARY GADGETS sided. • • •• Long Beach, California. A PHILOSOPHY which has gradual- in fair condition. STATESBORO YOUR Mr. and Mr•. F. N. Carter and Mrs. been in our mind is TELEPHONE CO. COTTON. McELVEEN-CARTHELL ly gl'owing (7aug2tp) HA�D�PICKED M. C. Hulsey last week 1ft the WiHillm Linton MC'Elveen un- spent that ther.. is no real wisdom except FOR SALE-Goolater ]'efrigerator, mountains of NOI·th Georgia. nOWlces the engagement o.E his young­ that which comes from 75-pound capacity, in good shape; Nr. and Mrs. John Struthers and experience-­ HERE YOU WILL GET COURTEOUS AND to Richard El­ ca� be seen at Hoke S. est daughter, Grace, are Inc. which price $30; children, of Atlantic, Iowa, spend­ W. .and remembering. The things Ashland nnd Corn­ s. Lewis, of Bruson service depar�ment. W. H: don Carthell, two weeks with hee.· metheL', Mra. cannot be said to ha.ve been FRIENDLY SERVICE. The wedding ",ill one hears, OLIVER, phone 235-M. 7augJtp) wnlHs', Or"Cgon. Joe 3ms. which one take i" Septembe,·. learned; those things . pln.c. Mrs. Mad, Wilson is spen4ing this FOR SALE-Portable saw mill pulled • * • * learns and forgets, We week in Athens with her husband by 15-30 Farmall tractor; one grits deliver cotton to either Statesboro warehouse. Plenty of trucks GEO. W. LESTER who is attending summer school at atony ground. mill, round rock; also one 1928 Model to 'haul your cotton. GeO!'ge WilliJam Lester, age 86, the Univeusity. A Ford in good condition. WIL­ W. E. died at the home of his soo, Lt. a..d Mrs. a·nd in memory are·l LIAM F. Clyde Daughtry Experiences kept SOUTHWELL, Box 164, Mrs. Saturdwy Dester, un& L08ter, little son, Ebb, visited fi'iends here storehouse of wisdom which are Brooklet,· Ga., phon. 10-M. (7aug3tp) We have a one-price-to-all for gill services and seed the policy buying. night. 'He is !5Qrvived by tW9 sens, Sunday. They have been at Banana FOR SALE-320 125 and William D. I' more valued than a banking account acres, cultivated; ,We believe in and subscribe to National Cotton Co.uncil 10 -cents­ Walter Eugene Lester River Air Bas� in Florida fer two I good iiix-room house in two most fantastic Jund, good Lester, both qf Brooklet; daligh­ years-and are' being transferred tG or the scholarships. • condition, electricity, pressure pump, a-bale plan for developing greater demand for lint and seed. ters, Mrs. W. J. Griffin, Tampa., Fla., Narfolk, Va. balance �f land Statesboro We talked a few days ago with a .imbered, approxi­ and MIlS. Grady Melton, Mrs. Edna Bralllle" ha.r as dim.,.. mately 7,000 turpentine available; and twenty-twa M. Front" sixteen Mr. aRd Mrs. C. Out grafldchildren "fords friend who stood between us and a ...... guests Sunday price $12,000. JOSIi'.H ZETTER­ groot t.rnndchildrerr. Funeral serv­ Usher and daugltter, Carolyn, oi Sa­ friend as he told of a sort of OWER. banker (7augltp) kes were held at the Brooklet Bap­ vonna.h; Mr. aat M·re. Edwin :irannen, recent birth in his family. Before I REPRESENT the Western Venitian ,We rSo"cH :Vour ti&t cburch Monday morning at 11 of' VidalIa, and Mr. and Mns. John Patronage Rev. E. L. Rarri·son and that coming, his YOWlgest children Blind Co., the leading manfacturers o'dock wi� Shearouse, of Jack8nnvHle, Fla. Ghee's Studio) of Venitian for blind" and Elder C. E. Sandors offici•.ting. advanced in the (Photo by blinds; were well graJl'l�ar church cemQ­ - -Fu"lllished four-room M,ISS GWEN WEST,' awnings call Or see me at my home, Burial was ill Corjnth. FOR RENT home life was a sort Tb,e ' IIChool and, his Statesboro cont'estant who 9 East Olliff street, telephone 312-R. Sitatesrb'oro �Sjn,ner� equipped with gas range, beauty tery.. ootta�e, were E. tub and shower; IIalf WlI-Y of. quiet existenfiolJ, not to say entire­ rated among the three top;notchers I wi'o1 gl&dly go to y,our homes ana John H. Brannen Phone Fred H. Active pallbearers Dan, locate", and '-151 Smith J. W. Griffin, Earl IMUl. Harry from town to college, 341 South·Main desolate. Then, the baby came, in .:the Istate'Wide �Miss. G�ia·,; rr;ake m�asurements give you C. and ly ne� es-,' Sanders. street. MRS. beauty revue in Columbus last week t'i",�tes free of'charge. MRS. W. G. Lester and L. ·D. Honorary I.E�:rE� BRIN�qN; and, a h08pital (ojNhich had come �o be ., . .,_. end. 1': .....,. (7augltp) pallbeafi.l.�8 w""e (N. L. �CEllveeol '1': phone 159-.1. (31jttllfp'),

.. "


GUARD YOUR EYESIGHT - With Correctly Fitted Glasses And Professional Treatment • Have yeur Eyes Examined at least every two years. DR. E. II. SMART JR., Optometrist morning was given iy Mrs. J. C. BIRTHDAY DINNER was attract- Hines. Her apartment A birthday party W88 given Sunday s. W. SMART, Optician r.'.' htD'.,. � summer ively decorated with mixed for W. W. Olliff at his home near In Statesboro ..,... cookies and A '" flowers und sandwiches, Register when a delicloua dinner was .. coca .. colas were served. Miss Groover were Mr. nnd . served. Those present __ =- _O_f_fI_ce_s_:_R_U_s_h_in_Il_H_o_te_I,__St_B_te_lIbo_ro_,_G_a_. .. •. II p_er_m_R_n_e_lI_t was, the of silver. Cards for . - nil' Mrs.· run' s MORPHINE recipient M WW . Oll'ffI. Mr. � F k Churche high score went to Mrs. Walker Hill; Mr. and Around a century ago. after years 011�;'.,.... Billy Olliff. Mr"1J·.C. RpbePt; . sta"onerv." for 10w.to,Mu."Joe of Mr. and·Ml's. W of 'URANCE buil, into Cue trac:ton md implemeDtI. Mrs. Elloway Forbes. Miss Julie and del. er Hill reee.ived ashtrays for cut Elder V. F. in of the Mrs. LOST-Wednesday morning -between Agan chaJ'ge Turner. MTs. Joe Robert Tillman. ColemRn WRS 10" low Mrs. G. C. given the school and service. ..Burial was in East Side SAM J. FRANKLIN COMPANY Bernard Mrs. Gerald Groo- Ogeechee community Morris. coasters. Others playing were Mrs. Smith-Tillmon Mortuary Mra. Statesboro. wheel and· tire for Dodge cemetery. 55 Eaot IIlain ilt. STATESBORO. GA. Phone 284 vel,·. Mrs. Albert Gr",en. Emory W. R. Mrs. CuTtis Miss Lovett. Lane. plclmp truck; !Hnder "'lease notify wns in charge of funeral. arrange. Allen, Mrs. Robert Morris, Mrs. Cur- Julie Turner, Miss Helen Rowse"Mrs. RUFUS 4104. ments. Mrs. Dew Mrs. SIMMONS. phone (It) tis Lane. Groover. Hugh Arulldel. Mrs. Buddy Barnes. Waters Sr Mrs. Jim Donald- Cecil .• Mrs. Elloway Forbes, Mrs. Bernard Anders",". Mrs. B. son. M,·s. Arnold MOITi,.. Mrs. Joe Robert Tillman, Mrs. Bud Tillman, Mrs. .Robert MOI'ns, de- B·l\ffso:J��.o���j:t!�sW'!��o�,��,v�ntg� Groover nnd Miss Jun.i�e Jightfll! bridge party on Fdduy after- �::��(?c��'ald hostess ...... O� A noon with M 1'5. CUl'tis Lane DAWN street. THE at her hOllle on North Main ARRIVE FROM MIAMI Quantities of lovely marigold decor- . Mr. and Ml's. B. A. T1'apnell will llted Hel' 1'OOI11S und a sweet course lll'l'ive this week fruIn Miami to vlait and coca-coins were sCI''Ved. Chinn his br'other, Algie, tUlCl family and wus the to Miss. Groover. For gift other relatives hm'c and in Metter. Mrs. Bob Niver' - di,tinctive emblem of Colonial Stores, high scol'e iJl bridge we the C S ROOSTER new and will attend the J'cullion pre,ent 1'0. They Trapnell Proudly received H china ashtray and also .. at the Luke chuJ'ch Au�ust and to millions of home for n $unday, the five thousand men and women of our organization, ceived the cut prize, u frog, trust To and will on to Murylund for You 10th, go 110wer' contain",'. Lipstick tisslles fot' herald, THE DAWN OF A NEW WAY-Q �\ few days, and then l'etUl'n here for makers, ihe' introduction of thi' new ,ymbol low went to MI's. tV. R. Lovett. Oth- [lOothel' short OI'S wCl'e MI·s. GCl'ald GI'OO- of the familiar Star and little Star Store,. playing :tn!.• * • 'new way identifying Big Miss Helen vel'. Mrs. Walker Hill, VISITING IN NASHVILLE for Colonial Store,­ Mrs. EI. We have felt the need of q more ,ignificant in,ignia Rowse. M1'5. W. P. Brown, long McLemore is spending lowny Forbes. M,·s. Fronk Olliff Jr.. Miss Betty Its OF QUALITY FOODS. awhile in Tenn., where she one to be at all times A MARK Ml's. Bernol'd Morris, Mrs. G. C. Co�e. Nashville, a l'cWlion with friends Quality Robert is roo,ter man Jr'., M.'s. Jo'c Tillman, enjoying with the letters C S for Colonial Store" and the proud symbolizing counsellors with her Now, Miss Jean Cone, Ml's. Bud TiIl- who were fOl'mer Betty visit most ArUJldeJ. at Bon Air. She will also alertness in we believe our new emblem appropriate. Innn, Miss Janice Camp up-af-dawn serving you, Mr. and Mrs. ·C. T. McLemore. A lovely bridge party on Saturday with of Star and little The C S ROOSTER, to U', i, more than a new way saying Big

...... Jo·!"!·++oI-JI-+++oiMo++oMI1"1!!'. ..1·+oJ..I I I"I , Colonial's traditional standards of II!+ UJJ 11.1.11 1 1·1 Star. It i, our pledge to provide unfailingly high and service. , quality want to know. let him guide you to ,� The C S ROOSTER is a bird you will really � Aldred Bros Courteous Service, Complete 5otidoction and Consistent Saving'.

.25c LEMONS, dozen . cr cans or cans .,. .35c MILK, 3 tall 6�s1"all '. COCOANUT, grated, 3 oz. pkg. .Uc _ ! ____COtO·NIAl·'.S.YORES- EVAPORATED APPLES, 8 oz. pkg.. .27c .NCORP_ORATED t, STUFFED 2 oz. jar .22c OLIVES, ! .... .46e PURE LARD, 2 Ibs !

COOKiNG OIL, gallon ' $�.78

, .43c TRIPE, can _ : NmLET CORN, can. . .. 15c

.. RICE, Blue Rose, 3 Ibs. . . '. 49c OIL SAUSAGE, 3-lb. can. .$1.19 OIL SAUSAGE, 6 lb. can. .$1.98 39c WIENERS, lb. . . 69c Of THE COCA-COLA COMPANY tv BREAKFAS1' BACON, lb. . .OTTLED UNDU AUTHOIITY SNOWDRIFT, 3 lb. can . ., $1.29 .29c STATESBORO COCA-COLA JroTrLlNG C()MP� DREFT, packal'e·.. . .


Mrs. Aycock, who is gutf.,..in" n :.,' stroke of paralysis. REMEMBER DAYS FORMER HOG FOOD OPEN THis EVENING DENMARK Mr. and Mrs. Lehmon Zcttorower TO daughter. Sylvia Ann. "'tHOO v.s- Frunk Woodw!1l'd, of Suvunnah, wRS �ncl " It<)('S in uvuuuah It\st week. ,. FAVORITE LUXURY fer- week end, OF REAL BASEBALL "t horne the Edsel Zetterower, who ht\� t·,. ur­ New. Anderson is n pat.ient Miss l\IYl·tlc �y joil�ed tho U. S. Army Ail' 'orps, Old-Timers Assemble Here Local Manu,factory Finds The Green for's i1t the Bulloch County Hospital. 'Frog". IS stattoned Ht Sun Antonio. Texus, Sale for Products '. and 1\l,·s. James Durnuurk vis­ of Ready of . 'Mr. Mrs. \V. H. Efilllunds. of Tuvures In Observance Long-Ago One Mile North Statesboro in Went To Wast.e ited relatives Rcgistc·{' Sunday. her ·SALE! Formerly F'lu., visited slater, �lr., H. n: Local Baseball €OIl1pe.tition Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Zet terower- ..-ere On Route 80 Zetteruwur and -family this week. One of newest indus- in Savanne h during' the week. Stutesboro's Cotton viaitors W. Eo McElveen and children which follows was Ginnery 1111'S. The pub- story Gordon 'Villiums, of Miami, F'lu., tries is providing u market for fuvm win This were guests of Mr. and 1\_h�. J. C. , Formally Open Evening' wus of Mrs, J, C. Buia last lished lost Saturday in the Savannah to the guest Buic unci 1\1rs. Lehm 11 ZeUr.t'{\WtH' products thut normally have gone week. Tuesday. MOl'ning News, ami recalls incidents waste, und �Irs. Bill Bell visited Mr. M,'. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. R. IUld AT 8:30 nipes a JULY JUST INSTALLED A NEW and Mrs, H. H. Zettcrower MondllY of the long·ago excitement when A. M. Braswell Jr. has located 'a 31, WE RAVE family luIt d'lIl'ing' the ",'pek rOt>; 1\ II Statesboro night. visit with Ml'. and Mrs, Oscm- Gnfri'" fARM MACHINERY., Savannah team came to canning plant on North Zetterower FROG STEAKS, GINNING OUTFIT, THE Mrs. Alice Miller, of Jacksonville, LEGS, CONTINENTAL' in Texas. '-und went away with a trouncing: that be is tproceSStJlg und Flu., is visiting Mr, and Mrs. R: P, avenue Gene Denmark has returned from in States­ CmCKEN AND SANDWICHES LATEST THING IN COTTON GINNING! Miller. It was old-timers' night packing at the present watermelon thc Bulloch' County Hospital art"I' Walker of TO MAKE ROOM FOR boro when Statesboro and melons Bragan, Birmingham on f r last night rind preserves. These surplue ALL KINDS huving unde rgonu -operatlon , OF. Ala is visiting Mr. and Mrs. D, 'V� on in an in .•. appeudiciris. Glennville met the diamond: have always been red to bile hogs THE SUPER FOUR-X EX­ Bragan. !\II" of " E HAVE Mr. �"'� �II'S. J. E. Cif'ers lind A group the 01' left in the field. Then, Distinction at All Hours Mr. und Mrs. visilea Ogeeehee League game. past, Food of Harvey Royals And Mrs. Solomon Hood, of S"'''''I­ CASE TRACTORS AND and TWO COT­ Mr. and Ml'S. Johnnie White dur-ing ,� prominent men from Savannah too, these Braswell wutermelon rind SEPARATORS, were of Mr, I1ml }1rs. J. to Midnight TRACTOR�, nah, guests Up , the week. other communities in this section, 88- un unlimited L, Lamb this week. preserves seem to have NEW IMPACT Nrs, Mattie Scric\vs visited her TON DRYER AND THE Mrs. Fr-ank Proctor and daughtur, sembi". in for a reunion inarket. At least Mr. Braswell is ister, Mrs. J. T. FARM MACIllNERY Stateabpro Whjtaker, during lind Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Z.t­ Olliff, The Frankie, at the invitatlon of Bruce all he cnn produce, The lack SUPPERTIME FROUC BOYS the week, , selling �LEA,NER. tCI'OWCI' Sr. were guests of Mr. and were AIr. and Mrs. C. A. Zetterower vis­ men who will be listed below of machinery, labor and containers is MAKE MUSIC THURSDAY AND Mrs. W. W. Jones last week. BEING SHIPPED FROM THE FACTORY, WILL ited relu tives in Clexton the star baaeballers back in 1912-18, in his of this durin, Mr, and ,Mrs. J, E, Bowen and fa III­ limiting production prod­ week end. buts" SATURDAY NIGHTS WITH THIS MACHINERY WE ARE ily huvu returned to their home in WE ARE OFFERING THE FOLLOWING the pcriod when reams "crossed uct, Some -of the major hotels in Mr. and Mrs. M. D. were Chapman a visit with Atlanta after Mr. and on the dia'maria, summer resorts like Sea, Island are of }1_r. and Mrs . J . or . GIN MACHINE PICKBD Sunday guests Houston MI" and MI'S. MACHINERY AT GREATLY REDUCED PREPARED TO Mrs. Lanier, - the Whitaker. TITLE "YOU'LL LOOK LOVELIER1' Bruce Olfilf,' who hatched up now serving this delicious and novelty Bill ... d other relatives here. Mr. and lIPs. J. W. Smith were .Cone We.. of as of the old­ COTTON. MISS Jean Lanier entertained '8 PRICES: getting many dish. ts � Mr. and Mrs. S, W. Glnd­ I Ho"oway "bat Str't;"'and gue number of folks IUlIt Saturday with one of our special timers together as he could, wns 1111'. Braswell will go to processing dill Sunday, you� priced Reg. Price Sale Price PROPRIETOR at her home with u prom in the wlren States­ are Mrs. and children vening boy" back. duys peur IIreserves when thcy ripe. Tulmadge Ansley . AND . her- cousin Miss Permanents. LET US GIN YOUR FIRST BALE pUl'ty honoring an all­ visited Mr. and Mrs. Lehmon 2 Wagons boro had what amounted to He started with pears last yen:r' and Money· Jamie .f Atlanta, w'ho has Coby Hi-Speed han last week. Bowen, .. Timken 'lIhe event that he ceeuld WILL BE CONVINCED THAT IT been her guest for several weeks. TIME-Month of August ·With 42-in stake body, $456.81 star team, particular was able to sell evpry jar YOU Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stricklnnd A large crowd of relatives and bearings, 1\ :50xlG tires, 3-ton cap. was being celebrated .was .the defeat produce. This agllin provided II mar­ Il�����������������;;����������g of Savannah, visited Mr. rind Mrs, / - WILL PAY YOU TO GIN YOUR CROP met at the home of Mr. and PRICES known as the thnt A. Denmark Sunday. Edendl! of a barnstorming team' ket for a. product grown here Mrs. B, F, Woodward to aele­ Sunday Cold Waves . teanl limited Rev, and Mrs. Samuel Lawson were Machine 1 Electric :Wheel Wagon Semjnole Indians, This roaming usunlly found only a very WITH US. Mrs, A. E, Woodwnrd's eighty­ Sunday dinner of Mr, lind br�tc for .. for truck Timken came to this section with un unde­ gllesfs thll'd A basket dinn.I' was $20,00 $15,00 $15,00 ,10.00 6 :0Ilx20, 6-ply tires,' $350.00 market, Mrs. Waters, bu·thduy. Morgan . 15.00 for 12.50· 10.00· for 8.50 and the States­ would Mr, Braswell Watermelons sel'ved outdoo�, bearings, cllpaciiy $275.00 tetted record, cra.ck Figs· go well, Marie spent a few dai's • 3:ton Gin,n during Mr. and Mrs. Walter and 12.50 for visitors to the to YOU ARE INVITED TO INSPECT OUR the "eek WIth her Royals 10.'110' 8'.50' for 6.50 boro nine trowlced the thktks, if he could get el)ough grandparents ' Mr. litUe and M,·, and Mrs, Jack and Mrs, J. H. Ginn. Chllrlefi, 6.50 for 5.00 2 Power Saws tune of 2 to 1. warrant He stilted that of MI-, and Mrs, Sally processing, NEW OUTFIT AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Little DeLonch, Savannah,; that Marie Jimmy Ginn spent $230.00 This W8fl IKl event he interested in try­ �nd - O�e-man victory Burnel Fordhum and and M,', - ,Oper�,t�d definitely' n rew family Machineless Koolerwave Elastic Curl Lwas days durlllg bile week with Mr . ball team Wanted! and Mrs. DOli Hagin and family of $150.50 'Cstablished the Statesboro ing them. an. Mrs. J. H. Ginn.. for Leefield, were of Mr, ami Mrs, $20,00 $15.00 sund-Iot outfits of to YOUR PATRON­ I MISS of gUBllts as tops among the A major crop he plnns process WE APPRECIATE Betty Rogers, Savannah, c. C, DeLoach Sunday, 15,00 for 10.00 Mixer when it 350 spent last ,veek as guest of Mr. lind . 1 Portable COllcrete the South, And no wonder is artichokes. He placed some Mr. lind Mrs. J, A. Denmark had 10.00 for 8.50 AGE. Ml's. C. A, Zetterower. With 1 air-cooled gasoline $179.50 the of the talent 4-H club in sev­ ns their guest 'for last week Mr, and Yz h.p. is consider.Smlth of h 'best, Oetober, Sa\'alln' "t­ your .' to theIr GA. th'ey dId owe the servl�e cd M,·s. W. S. Nesmith and \i/':�d STATESBORO, Before enlisting in the regular was to I :Mrs. Carie M(>�n lIlt pro- I during the \"eek llClghbot's posslble Navy, he was enrolled in thc Nuvy was end. Mr. Blitch -- New .cUl'e the esuipment. V-5 at Bl'Cwton Advantages Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Silces and p,'e·flight program ordol' for anoth- ����������������������������r:f� - Fun-s,ze authorized to file the n for FOR SALj': Wetsinghous,e son, of Statesboro, were 1. FORD-TRAINED 2. SPECIAL FORD roo Parker Junior College, FOR RENT-Furnished 111 cond,- ,\Vcndel, . electrIC for Ell' as ii now op- ""ason; mnge, outfit such being Sunday DE Mr. and Mrs. Coy tobacco . �xcellent states tha,t he is sleepel's during next to L, Wmburn, Collegoe- Seaman Gny pleas­ ���:;� meals, MRS. BAR- -tlOn; �. erated. MECHANICS EQUIPMENT adults only; 110 ed with life. in the lind he is 11'11', and M,·s. �treet. boro, H. HUFFMAN. (31julltp) Nuvy, had built fal'lli The""el Turner and 236 South Main I' who NIE SA ULS, Those prescnt to on the progress duughtCl', :M�rra, of SrlVannah, 'were Ford·troined to re­ It's thl> equipment which be congrlltulllted FASTER out that this heavy They're ]londs poi.nted of M['. and Mrs, has to date, R. B. cor in the Ford know will he mude pair your quick­ engineers ...+0110++...... T. ...-+_'- +++++++++++++++++++++1.Ll1.1_11.� tlactor will build a dam 50 to 7. pel' ! ��:�;'�t�."nday at the your Ford the be" He is presently stationed Ml' "lId Mrs. W. R. est time at great savif'los give' cent that the smaller type .. Groover nnd cheaper service. of embrakation, San Diego, Cali­ FARMING son, of Lyons" werc guests Sun- to you. port grader and blade. B!ll, and Monday of Mr. and f'01'njo" has The recently b�iltdI IS, , . to announce our organization Ma� nJ'�hBt Anderson. We are . 'HOUSES proud , i dams for Joh .. W. Grapp, DaVId C. I Ml'S. J. S. Ne.mith Mrs C h appointment, effective July 1, Mr. and Will Visit second Mrs, Archie 40 Farmers as authorized dealer for -Banks (which is Mr. Bank's ILnniel� Nes�li�: , , 1947, M,ss'Vynell Nesmith visited John Ford Trador and pond), C, B. Gay two, lind he already �"d , Experiment Station the new General Hos· , . Dearborn Implements. h«d one; Ho,,"er Collins, P. B. FORS.�LE! farmers pita�,esl'�)�:�� ������;, Some Bunoch county 'i' forty eom­ The new Ford Tractor nen, who had one to this; Mr, and Mr... H. W. Nesmith hnd I , , Plain Ex­ to visit the Coastal - prior. , plan bines twenty two important C, !If. Cowalal�ot and Horace SmIth.Brllll-IMr, guests Sunday M,'. and II1rs. Jim , X ,'''s 'j X periment Station at Tifton Tuesday with tbe for­ and sons and Mr. and Mrs. { 4. FACTORY. APPROVED *' 33 improvements IS GENUINE who of thc oper'n. 3. *' 16 AND 20 R. P. of Ford-built �l'a�, m�nagel' la1ggart.Jo 1n Gleen, of Savannah, 8-nd MI', 16 and Wednesday of next week, mer advantages tlons of the eqUipment statod that Comp, in and let all 'and M,·s. Walton Nesmith and d I\. of the Bulloch Coun­ traclors. , aug FORD PARTS METHODS �: Mi'kell, president tI were more than two dozen on tel', Judy the Intcreslinll' details. Abo, lel'� +' 'VANTED ty Fa.rm Bureau, .announces. the hst that Ite had to build Miss and Wo use the methods which WHEREVER for parts and service on any Maude White has re�edtO They're designed made +' MOVED will leave Statesboro promis�d hel' The group Ford-bullt tractor, be lure to dams for as soon ,as home here after having attended the makers of the tho factory enginoers flnd *' pOSSible. by parts and will be in Tifton the seven \ weeks' tel'm of summer early Tuesday call on UL The fifteen men grouped togethcr flt gives you lI1e bost Ford the of you're replacing. They BEING .TORN for lunch, Director George H, King Designed by expert implement e�gineers University Georgia, in tho WITHOUT aad a trac- ServIce shortOl1 11m. , 113.horsepower - procured ISS ,te took work on better, work bettor, last some ��hoolwaht. her. mas· .. *: of the station .has arranged for and tested by practical farmers, Dearborn one und to!', of the largcst pans built, ter's degree and a I so 0 b served 11\ III Iowoll . WII, ..' the longer. .tho oi the ",se'arch men to take charge are made to worlt first of'''V''5,tlllg Teacher while , , espeCially a I .ng bulldozer the May. . Workshop" DOWN Implements , , for that afternoon, night • III Athe",s. ',. of_ the group the new or It has been operati.g duing all dry '. with the Ford Tractor...... either • • • • ri'4 , , and the next morning. They will be then to the , weather since promote 1"� , IMMEDIATE the former model. And implements used FRIDAY NIGHT SING ." READY FOR most interested in tobacco, livestock int.�est in the community. :� :�I: farm. former model will �ivesteck Don't forget to come out and help �: and pasture work on the station ",ith the operate equally slllg ea.cR Fl'iday at Nevils DELIVERY' P. of Tractor. CLEAN UP CHURCH YARD u� Right President George Donaldson, 'well with the new Ford IlIgh school. Will meet every Friday Abraham Baldwin Colloege, has ar­ In for the mght the neXt a,ix wecks, and will ISTIMATES. FREE- USE BlJDGIT PLAN preparation forthcoming f.ol' and ta t�ppreclate us. ranged to feed. the group pro· anniversa-ry celebrati0n of Upper having yeu with OU� & CD. llieck Creek Primitive Bapt';st church vide bunks for, Tuesday night. Standard Tractor 'Equipment 'lye are asking all who aT-c interested Mr. Mikell sa tllat the state STRAYElil-Brown, butt-headed jer- 'I yo :: PHONE 157 us Main in tho church and grounds t. join visited on .the 41 West Street 600 Ibs., un­ S., w. R. O. 9IM'MONS prison farm. will be for ab.llt. LEWIS�'],NC�, OH there Fr'id.y, August 15the, d on. m'�,��' �v:'�hbn.�.. wh,te faced steel' I IMlltEH for at. the H. wa. f� tour, This of off the I trip callee! Statesboro, Georgia the purpose cleaning prem- wei h� "\out";;8Ie0 unmarked, G�. with North Main St. I AT;DENMARK, annual Farm BureIN meeting in Jan­ iees, Please bring implements str!!y��gf�O m my fPtunds,arm about 38-40 Phone 41 whioh to work. 'h s ALLEN the ' ago. TRAPNELL m�n" .. uary by entire. meml¥!rship. B. J. FUTCH, Cka.·rmaa... I Statesboro, phone 3123. (24juI2tp)threeJ �B��H���iI!B�!I3J!1�ellil • dehnol of JoumallslR i of ,G� l ulllVertllt� - �j BACKWARD LOOK MOllE THAN The True Memorial I I HALF CENTURY • MRR. ARTBUl! 'rURNER, EditoR • 18 AN UNWRITTEN BUT' TEN YEARS AGO 208 Colle, Eoulnard BL�­ SERVICE • • From Bulloch Tt_ 1937. Social Clubs Personal QUFJNT STORY OF ALL THAT es, Aug. 12, BULLOCH "Sbutesbor-o's first all mad move­ '-rIMEsATHEN WHERE NEEDED IS BEST IN LIFE. ment was that last Monday morning (STATESBORO EAGLE) when the fu st airplane cal ried away NEWS-STATESBOI:lO the Our work helps to retlect almost a half thousand letters des­ , to U Bulloeh Times, EotallHah@d 1892' ! SPirIt which prompt. you to erect tined many pOints CoIIaolldated JUl1W7 111" S Proctor was a VIsitor III Statesboro Establlsb@d 1901 I �.,. MI R J GUIFFIS-MIKELL I... ocat tobacco shows 1 c­ News, 55-NO, 22 the stone as an act o�everence mlllrket STATESBO.ltO, GA" THURSDAY, AUG. 14, 1947 VOL. Suvunnah the week Statesboro Eotabllablld 1917-Couolldated D_ber 1910 during M,' and Mrs Huber·t Guff.s, of Ho­ eetpta in excess of th''ee and a half Eagle, 9. devotion . • . Our experience MISS Tucker spent the week , and Personal Macy merville, al1110UnCe the engagement million pounds for the present sea­ 'Purely end with relatives at Pulaski at service. of then daughter, Amidetu, of Hines­ �8 your Ben, price average for Statesboro IS I !If. s Ph.1 of Columbia, S lifted r,ra-...... I 13utler, VIII. nnd Horner VIlle, to Emmitt Lud­ $26.28 -as comgared with the state A Call fe Boo•• l\fJs Inman IS viaiting 1\11 and well son of Mr. and l'¥Irs. EI as­ C, M"'kell, of 100 PRESTON . .Tohn Olliff GI Dovel, of Atlanta, av"r"'lfe $2424 per TALKS AT Foy tus L..dwell of Statesboro MONUMENT COMPANY 30me 200 the week end at Ills home here Mikell, THAYER fltrmer £rQl11 Georg-ia and s�t Mrs Willie Branan and daughter, Miss GlIff.s is a of Brnd­ and Mrs Carlos Bt�IIt!lSOl1 und graduate A Local Industry Since 1922 Sol>th CaJ alma attended a meeting Mr n VISit with Fny, have returned Irom well Institute 111 the class of 1944 and at the \\ eek end at Sn­ Beaufort, S C, Tuesday which son, Ed, spent I In Macon M. etor elubives now holds a In the JOHN THAYER, Prop.... was Remodeled Home of pesttton payroll addressed L Local Brown, Bulloch Schools Set. vunnnh Beach by Harry M. und M. s DeBrosse are at Stewar t. Mr PHONE 439 Statesboro, Ga. Sewell left last week George department Camp 45 West Mam Street assistant secretary of agriculture County M.s Howell In Thomson and will attend R2!�!..���ON viaiting M.kell, also a graduate of B ra dwell From Bulloch were Frank Sim, iOl Nantucket Island, where she w.1I (Lapr-bf) roonty cump meeting there Inatituts 111 1944, set ved two year S #m0l18, J A, ft1Jnce, .Jimmle pend sometime of Ml and MI s Vernal d Lowe an- Bunce, Mr and Mrs Joe Donaldson, In the U. S Last he at­ Devane MIs Jack Navy yellr' ,Tohn Cromley, T. J Hagins, J. E Mrs, Wntson, the week end with Ius nounce the birth of a daughter, Bar_I------·------;------Is a Augusta, spent Teachers ford tended Georg," College, GOING TO INDIANA A. J Beas­ Date 8th Car-lton and Mrs Z Whitehurst spent bora 26. JIIrs. Lowe MRS. BENNETT IMPROVES HGdgl!f!. Trapnell, George MIS. Leon Donaldson and IS now With Vl!ll'lnlll, or July Agency mother, Stuteaboro, and Beauty· employed Jr. will leave Sun- Ope�ing. September B. ley F'r-idu 10 Savannah to know that E. Rushing Byron Dyer. - y w.11 be as 1II.ss F'riends w!11 be . �:�;:;::�I�t:�:�:I:�:assed Little uerite Mcllhllan .s vis- remembered "l'rancos glad The recent of S. W Marg the Atlantic Coast Line Rallroud m to Mrs. SOCIal evento' Mrs. A. C ramodelmg by the recent congress .s a good law The schools of Bulloch cOUl.ty w.II' Mrs Ottis Holloway and her broth­ Inman Bennette, who has and day for Plainville, Ind, JOI11 Bradley • he. Mr and Mrs V.rgl11.a McGlamery. Mrs. ting grandpnrents, Snvannah The marriage will take i na eRtertalned at her establlshment on North lIIa11l FLORIDA WOMAN DIES and aimed to the.r G B Bowen, spent a few da.ys • • • • week 111 Telfair Hos- Rushing and small son, Ernie, FrIday evening Fo.rd l're"",t managenlent have formal openmg all Septem- eu, W.II m Swainsboro optration last lIIdhllan, place September 19 at Homerville Ml and MIS With her Mr and Mrs. home WIth a her of face that this week UI Atlanta Charles T Holmes, of IS much VISlt parents, party honoring street IS the kmd Iiftmg WATCHING BALL GAME and labor from of bur 8. child It or SPRAY PROGRAM Mr and MI s Homer Simmons have pital, Savannah, improved takmg advantage Every that SIX, WIll Baptiat chui ch WIll Miso Sara - � Mrs J G DeLoach and son, Johnny, Spartanburg, S C., announce the birth at home this week. H. O. Orner He be accompanied daugoter, .lhce Bradley to deciar"a A. us their her moth..r, M.s. • • •• and will be does good any town, each other, Prince H lie .,X .. rs old within n." first guest h•• WIfe An occasron Mrs. Mac of Congresaman y s.xty 81C MI and of a son, Charles Jr, • • • • home after two weeks by "njoyable was the "fid- Meyets, KISSimmee, "Of Columbus, visiting P of Bartow Eldr.dge July R. of the Chamber George WhIgham, FORTNIGHTERS CLUB the been sev- dle.tlcks" M18S Julie �amer, preo.dent Preston sbated to the Rotary Club school day!, IS expected to regll�ter Ill. s Leffle. DeLoach 25th, at S.I'artanburg General Hos- TAMPA and son, who have spendtng party gIven by Fla., mother of A. W. Stockdale, ON SECOND ROUND M. and M.s W. W B.annen and VISITING IN Turner the lind M.s E of Sa­ Member" oi the FOltnlghtcra Club Mrs Holmes be remem- eral_weoks WIth Mr and IIIr•. Ucner. Saturda,. Normnlf at the lof Commerce, lifter observ.ng in an' addreso at Monday'll ",neheon on the date. Betore Mr 0 Powell, p.tal WIll - d.ed last 0P"1JIg eRterlng were v.s­ 1111' and Mrs. Bob N.ver left Wed- ntght wh.le 81ttmg with. chlldrcn"Becky ancl..?iyley, antor­ •••• beme of her on bou- vnnnahi were the week 'a'nd a few othot guests werc bercd as M,s. Glemce Haysltp, of parents, College changc. made in tbe IoUlldtnr, ch.ldl' outt of town fOl' the J W. Scbtt of Savan- Harold' DeLoach; From(Bulloch Tiflle8. Aug. 11. 1927. d.splay son here for the three w'te l)[1tlol w.1l to 01- Mrs C. C. Lunsfo.d and laws Most of the letters rceelved by Th"y help centl'lItlOn of DDT c�."mlCal In the ch.ldren RowelS decolated hel loomS and dllrn� Dr A. con- hOle Fllday, Sept 12, to be sponsol"d week-end guests �h and M. s. Joe F[ed TUI ner, of Jacksonville, be m.talled 111 nny place. Th.s and f\l gumze the school .. rol und solution Is 'he but solvent 1\Ilke LUCie, e spending ten sandWIChes were served With coca­ Statesboro ;:"0111S Club the V8[IOUS essmen flom all sec- boy p� give same, the dllY� Neville and httle Joe J. and ty our Sensational at the M..thod.st church by tbe congl sons, add to the busmess used now .s w.t. relBtlves m MaJ .ett. tage \ .vemence should I11Stl uctlOns as to the atlOn toluol mstelLl:! of kylol. A fan to I!f • safe Atlanta, colus was presented Mts Th.s WIth In ope. Richard. of 1\Iel cer UnlVCI Macon SOCIal events 1II.ss Marlon SllUp­ show, $600 chllmplOn­ bons of the stabes opposmg the pass- ana Tate, Ga slty Both of thase agenc.e8 are only of a Lunak as guest g.ft and n vase for es of any os,tabllshment. stakes as well as trophIes and of school busoo. Buses will be check- Mr and M.s 0 L McLemo.e w.1l tIme entertained the Live WII of sh.p •• b.1l we. e WBters Jr age of th Taft-Hartley solvent noture and Ilre used to Foy has .ctUlned to his score Snit and for low a. found I11d.­ w.1I be held at the StBt"sboro dio­ have os week-end hiS SIStet h.gh peppel:" the Method.st Sunday school w.th a Such Impl"Ovfments r.bbons, ed out "" duvers after nome In St guests IdentICal m that Immeli.o.tJly solve the DDT smce DDT .s Mary's after spe.dlng went to M. s Hollis Cnnnon. Othe. s All' Base field at 8 o'clock m the eve­ lunguage, md.catl11g nearly MI s James A Peal son, of sWlmmmg party at Dorman's pool culad that the local Ford agency has 'Sevelal weeks with MI and MIS [ndlannpo� the meetmg msoluble 111 water Th •• ehmmate. and MI pluYln� we[e Mts Claud Howard" Fllday afelnoon.-M.ss Adeen Bland Illllg _� 18 expected to draw partiCI­ labo. lellde.s had prov.ded It form let- las, Ind, nncl Mrs HenlY on retail estabhsh­ Jim Donaldson M.s HJuIHped the gun" Au­ Thele wlil be bUBes opcr� the odor since these agenta Pe�lTson Henry Ellls, Mrs Juke MUTlay ..ntert8lned the ch.ld. ell of he. Sun­ pants from Savannah, Macon, tel or fOI' all members,- to fotty-two qU'dstlOn, • and son, Neal , of Woodbu' n teleglum MISS Betty who has been , _ 111 a .. cffort to pace w.th hllve noth.ng to do w.th the reSIdual GuntcI, M.. s Wen: school class w.th a ments keep and c.t.es Com­ ated th.s of wluch Ky day tacky party gusta nelghbollng to thClr yell1 , thl1ty-nln'a summer school at send congressmen. msect,cldal DroDertles of the DDT. -attending' Valdosta at her on are mitments have been IccClved from MI and MIS P TUl nel �\s B����n ullllller Aome South 1\1uln stl eet the automoblle they seiling a.e owned of 1S Edgul MISS Itf·d publicly Th,rty-five �l\vhile with 5 spending her mothel'' A'�de:so.n :nd 8fte11100n ala. numbl of horsemen w.th all Mr. Pr..ston stated that when he Many haYe sa.d thllt the 8prayinll' Phvilis TUlllCh nnd E P Tm n�l JI Monday -Mrs Allen M.kell HUI Con-a, managel of the agency, ge liS Ednn Gunter TO VISIT PARENTS ry these buses have good steel bod.es wasn't effectlv" tAe work of was hostess to a number of of the hOI ses enttared coming In the went to to a...ume becau8e LeXington, Va, u few young of the I eno- Washmgton h.s �r. and Mrs. Bud Tillman BS spent day� I .tuted that the expense have Sam • :-�urned W.t1l1n tRe first two months of schOOl wus done too Th.s can be I.st week "I. M.ss NeVIlle hns fllends a.t U sWlmmlllg party at Lake mOl e eXpel1SIVe classes t qUIckly. then f01 WIth and M.s C E dut.es as congressmen for tha l'l1st J.!uests two weeks her PAt­ n VISit to vatlOn (lid not exceed expcctatJOns, answer cd onr Sm.th from Lt and Mrs Gesmon VICW Frldav evellln� honorll1g har There w.1I be grand pllzes for the thJ aounty expects to have all trucks 101f·Clllly by knowledge ents M. und M.s S Ead D.stl.ct, he had never been ms.de the D'lv.dson ' M. nnd Nev.lle Jr in Jacltsonv.lIe She was M.ss Nell of Decatur and that are well w.thlll keep- and walk­ "()f \VOI M.s Bud Tillmon and ht­ guest, Bennett, they fiv"-g8.ted, three-ga.ted, operabed by the count,. w.th good ce�tCJ, �nss. home Mrs. Nev.lle -I'll. and John tIe son, GI ant MI nccompnpmed by Mrs ArthUl 1110 rtl s of cost of III� hOI se diVISions. Of particular In­ cap.tol bu.lumg Congressman ��sth�"fe��t �h:cth th,em���t�eq���m�b! MI S BRlold 3, and sTillman's 109 w.th the present bu.ldmg steel bodieS. th.s the ch.l- Tillman Hnd son, Jml Lt .s ed By dom{; the Nev.lle, who bemg t. ansfeT' Cord'ale, wei e honol �uests at a te. est will be the roadste. dass whIch o""r. That was one speCIfic purpose of ha.tening of Sav.lnnn'h pm ents, M. and M. s S Enrl Dav.d­ Woods carr.ed hun Bench, spent severini te Not folk, w.1l a few tillS' ch.cken nnd dlen w.1I have a safe and comJortable The men don't son, of \VOI ccstel wei e dinner spelld dllYs fry br.dge party F,.d.y ' w.1I also be one of the champIOnshIp sp.aying p.ocedure. days lust week with hCl Muss, , of the mUjor h.ghlights of th.s ses- parents ' MI week With hiS MI and Mrs CLEAN-IlP! at Lake -M.. «uests of M. "I. s parents, evenmg V.ew s Martha awards Ilt stake. For the further 111- unci MIS W G Gloovel Sunday and G.ant � T.llman S. Gosrnon Nev.lle Sr Mts Nev.lle Sr. Kate Anderson waa charm In, hostes, ,�o MI nnd MI s Hoef,..1 hAve ,�J !l're, f.lo�A�� ����.of�.e.t;I�..�IIIM�iI���I���"....�"'..�IN���.� f'Ctul ned on es a liouse &aV. MI s t will, acoompany Lt and Mrs Neville laot 'Pbu .... aftornoon,,' imllS Houiie am Ith tlie ny mlnu each ar� Robel who IS �'1y conteatl'ln'wnlcli to tholl home Ul St MOIIIS, spend- IjI'e loc81i;�-ownell LOLliS ufter n as fal as whete and on snmetlll1e Alexandrll\, Va, she rook, when" tour table ., LYmd horses w.lI take fl'eshman was Mothet ed by usmg air pre.»ure tnnk. the VIs.t w.th M. and M. 109 With Ml �lnd MIS Thad �f'pI8yers4 pleasure part. congressmen s A Ibc. t B. as­ Will VISit hel MIS. J W W�IC prcse.nt. of school t1 uck to MOII1S In daughterl, 1\f Ifd\ A ING openlllg pump up the spray tanko, well "nd n spent the week end Summit m h.s first to the stay at St S.mons and M. M.lle. •• • • R�ED m.lapost triP cap.tol WIth hel Miller, Before gomg Lunchrooms Will ollcrutlon nnd then, too, a constant pressure Mrs Clyde mothel, MIS C. i\I Ploctor, belPrn Donaldson, ,of Atlanta, to No. folk Lt and Mrs NeVIlle WlII YEARS AGO In ConneotiOll With as a lepresentatlve Mr. Rayburn's valve malnta..ns 40 of air \\hl1e hc. fathe. was "1 Lincoln Neb THIRTY Charges on and .ts •• pounds spent last week , Septe111bel 8, e«pect7ad end lit Reg.stel w.th VISit In New on bUSiness York city. 1917 SOIL IS ESSENTIAL talk was along the hne of Itow to pressUie In the -emulstOn at all timel, M. and M.s W W trip .... Purchasel Frnm Bulloch Times, Aug. 14, Recent Death of Simmons all lunch rooms ale to be Olhff and 111. that cal on act1VltJQ6 as a ap­ perm.ttmg a more even d.strlbutIon and 1II.s J Waltet Mrs C 111 and M.ss Elena of en­ ry leprcsentatlve Donaldson Ilushmg TRIP TO CUBA Special R W. Courtney, Savannah, and receIVe fedel ul 8SSISt8� Not Sustained in Court proved of DDT. same amount of DDT I from a VISit The M.ss Helen Bowen nnd Mrs M RushlOg have eturned te. ed suit Bulloch county for of the people, us well as for attend­ J Statesbo. o.ans agamst . who leave FlIday PASTURE Thel e has been muoh on a omHI••on on the su.... Bowen and w.th "II' and Mrs J H Holland at re"a.ved when h.s FOR GOOD planning goes sprayed son, Jimmy, have retmn­ .. damages a sessIOns and the off.c, fo III tnp to Cuba w.th the Georgm $60,000 Followmg pl ehmlllury hearing ing handlmg fnc'as llS befOle. An accurate record cd flom 8 Shellman Dr Mrs. J C I local llnd state level th •• summer for thl ee-weeks' In Bluff, and cnr went mto a ditch 011 the highway stay Roch­ P't'ess AssoclRtlOn Include MI and before S. D Alderman Then Comes aifans. of the number of of emulSIon and MI and Brannen held Judge Preparation pounds estel, MlIln, and Washington, D C Thngga.d, Savannah, M.s E L. s.x m.les from Portal and the t..ansltlon f10m un cleven-year ·Barnes, Mrs GeOlge Mul­ P used for cuc," house .s kept .n order WOIth M.s l' L Wate.s, Pembroke for the Satulday afternoon, Waltar Keel, Second In For Th...e .s no of a McDougald, M.ss Chal­ M. s C. B Mr and Bootlt are attorney. county Importance possib.llty depres- to a hng, Mathews, program twelve-year pi ogram to check on the proper ..tlOn. lottc th.. local was released on apph Ballenger', Lewell Akllls and Mi7E;-W Palrlsh, Mr and Mr. B For the past e.ght liays 29-year-old youth, slon ML Preston told Mrs B. MOl rlS. Jane ?( has "

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