1900 Fort Myer Drive Multimodal Traffic Impact Analysis August 8, 2019


SCOPE OF WORK MEETING FORM 1900 N. Fort Myer Drive Traffic Impact Analysis Base Assumptions

Contact Information Consultant Name: Mike Pinkoske, PTP & John Schick Tele: 703.917.0739 E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Developer/Owner Robert Bushkoff Name: Dittmar Company Tele: 703-862-5956 E-mail: [email protected]

Project Information Project Name: 1900 N. Fort Myer Drive – Holiday Inn

The existing Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge is bounded by N. Nash Street to the west, Lee Highway to the north, N. Fort Myer Drive to the east, and Turnberry Tower to the south in Arlington County, Virginia. The Property Project Location: consists of two (2) tax parcels, identified as Arlington County RPC #16-022-003 and #16-022-004.

The site location is shown on Figure 1. As proposed, the existing 307 room hotel would be razed and redeveloped with a new building consisting of approximately 351 hotel rooms, 543 residential units, an approximately 7,200 S.F. of ground-level hotel restaurant, and 5,700 S.F. of civic space.

The subject property would be served by on-site structured parking. Access to the residential parking garage would be provided via one (1) curb cut on N. Nash Project Description: Street. Access to the hotel would be provided via two (2) curb cuts on N. Fort

Myer Drive; the north curb cut would serve the drop-off/pick-up loop and the south curb cut would serve the hotel parking garage. The hotel loop connects to the parking garage internal to the site. Loading and trash would be serviced by a shared loading area with access served via a curb cut on N. Nash Street.

A copy of the sketch plan, showing the proposed access scheme, is shown on Figure 2.

Proposed Use: Residential  Commercial  Mixed Use X Other 

Proposed Use / See Table 1 for Trip Generation Table ITE Land Uses Trip Generation Retail – 820, Residential – 220, 1900 Fort Myer Drive - Existing Hotel – 310

A-1 SCOPE OF WORK MEETING FORM 1900 N. Fort Myer Drive Traffic Impact Analysis Base Assumptions 307 Room Hotel

1900 Fort Myer Drive - Proposed Note: The proposed redevelopment 351 Room Hotel would not exceed the VDOT 542 Residential Dwelling Units Chapter 870 thresholds of 5,000 7,200 S.F. Hotel Restaurant new daily trips (see Table 1). 5,700 S.F. Civic Space

(12,900 S.F. assumed as retail for trip generation to be conservative)

Traffic Impact Analysis Assumptions

Study Period Existing Year: 2018 Build-out Year: 2023 Design Year: N/A

Study Area Boundaries North: Lee Highway (US 29) South: Key Boulevard (Attach map)

East: N. Lynn Street West: N. Nash Street See Figure 1 Development would be consistent with the General Land Use Plan (GLUP) for Consistency With high density residential development. Development is also consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Rosslyn Sector Plan, adopted July 2015. Published VDOT Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) Data: N. Nash Street –2017: 2,500 N. Fort Myer Dr. – 2017: 14,000 Available Traffic Data 2016: 2,500 2016: 13,000 (Historical, forecasts) 2015: 2,500 2015: 13,000 2014: 2,500 2014: 13,000 2013: 2,500 2013: 14,000

Road Name: Trip Distribution North: South: East: West: George Washington Memorial 10% See Figure 1 Parkway

Road Name: North: South: East: West: Lee Highway/Interstate 66 20% 25% *Existing driveway counts will Road Name: North: South: East: West: be reviewed to verify the hotel Fort Myer Drive/Lynn Street 30% distributions and/or modified accordingly. Road Name: North: South: East: West: Key Bridge 15% Annual Vehicle Trip Based on a review of VDOT AADT AM Growth Rate: data in the site vicinity, a rate of Peak Period for Study

0.5 - percent will be used, (circle all that apply) PM See Table 2 compounded annually.

2 A-2

SCOPE OF WORK MEETING FORM 1900 N. Fort Myer Drive Traffic Impact Analysis Base Assumptions 1. N. Nash Street/Lee Highway 7. N. Nash Street/North Site Driveway (WB) 2. N. Fort Myer Drive/Lee 8. N. Nash Street/South Site Driveway Highway (WB) 3. N. Lynn Street/Lee Highway 9. N. Fort Myer Drive/Site Driveway (WB) 4. N. Nash Street/Lee Highway 10. N. Fort Myer Drive/19th Street N. Study Intersections (EB) 5. N. Fort Myer Drive/Lee 11. N. Nash Street/Key Boulevard See Figure 1 Highway (EB) 6. N. Lynn Street/Lee Highway (EB) **Based on a review of peak hour traffic counts in the area, traffic count data will be collected between 6am-10am and 4pm-7pm at all site driveways and off-site study intersection on a typical weekday when public schools are in session. Internal allowance:  Yes X No Pass-by allowance: X Yes  No Reduction: Reduction: 60% (Retail Only) X Synchro 9.2  HCS (v.2000/+) Trip Adjustment Factors  aaSIDRA  CORSIM  Other Synchro version 9.2 software will be used for intersection analysis. Synchro 9.0 Software Methodology files will be provided to the County with the submission.

Improvement(s) Lynn Street Esplanade & Custis Trail Improvements. Assumed There are four (4) approved but unbuilt/unoccupied pipeline developments that will be included in this analysis, as confirmed with County staff:

1. 1401 Wilson Boulevard & 1400 Key Boulevard - 40,000 SF Grocery; 288 DU Residential Background Traffic 2. Central Place - 570,549 SF Office; 11,054 SF Retail Studies Considered 3. 1812 North Moore Street - 569,739 Office; 11,020 Retail 4. 1411 Key Boulevard - 67 Condominiums, 6 Townhomes

A map denoting the locations of the above-mentioned pipeline developments is included as Figure 3.

X 4.1 Site Plan Submission  Form Based Code Use Permit Plan Submission  Preliminary/Sketch Plan

X Queuing analysis  Actuation/Coordination  Weaving analysis Additional Issues to be  Merge analysis X Bike/Ped Accommodations X Intersection(LOS) Addressed X TDM Measures




1 LEE HIGHWAY 2 29 INTERSTATE 4 66 25% 4 5 6












Figure 1 Site Location, Study Intersections, and Site Trip Distributions NORTH 1900 North Fort Myer Drive Arlington County, Virginia


Figure 2 Sketch Site Plan NORTH 1900 North Fort Myer Drive Arlington County, Virginia














Figure 3 Pipeline Development Locations NORTH 1900 North Fort Myer Drive Arlington County, Virginia


Table 1 1900 Fort Myer Drive Trip Generation Analysis

ITE Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Weekday Land Use Code Size Units In Out Total In Out Total ADT

Existing Use Hotel ‐ Center City Core 310 307 Rooms 50 57 107 63 60 123 1,685

Proposed Use Multifamily Residential (High‐Rise) ‐ Center City Core 220 543 DU 45 74 119 73 52 125 1,173 Hotel ‐ Center City Core 310 351 Rooms 58 65 123 71 69 140 1,927 Retail (Shopping Center) ‐ Dense Multi‐Use Urban 2 820 12,900 SF 17 14 31 32 31 63 630 Subtotal 120 153 273 176 152 328 3,730

Difference (Existing vs Proposed) 70 96 166 113 92 205 2,045

Notes: 1. Trip Generation based on ITE's Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition. 2. Trip generation calculated using retail use to be conservative. Likely uses include a hotel restaurant (7,200 SF) and community civic space (5,700 SF).

 A-8 Table 2 1900 N. Fort Myer Drive ‐ Holiday Inn Roadway Growth Rate1 Street Name Street Name Year Nash Street N. Fort Myer Drive Volume Difference % change Volume Difference % change 2013 2500 14000 0 0.0% ‐1000 ‐7.1% 2014 2500 13000 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2015 2500 13000 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2016 2500 13000 0 0.0% 1000 7.7% 2017 2500 14000

% change per year 0.0% % change per year 0.1% 1. AADT volumes obtained from VDOT [lastest 5‐year data available]

A-9 1900 Fort Myer Drive Multimodal Traffic Impact Analysis August 8, 2019


Lee Highway - 29

A BCD N. Fort Myer Drive N. Nash Street

19th Street North E

Key Boulevard


GH I N. Oak Street N. Nash Street

B-1 Parking Occupancy Count Surveyor: Agan # 7487 Hours: 6-10am and 4-7pm Date: 11-Apr Weather: clear

Lots Lot A Lot B Lot C Lot D Lot E Lot F Lot G Lot H Lot I Lot J Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars AM Total Cars 6:00 AM 3864242010 30 7:00 AM 11055353012 35 8:00 AM 21155463021 39 9:00 AM 41065653122 44 10:00 AM 101265683022 54 4:00 PM 4954253030 35 5:00 PM 5855372020 37 6:00 PM 9955492030 46 7:00 PM 11955692040 51 Total Spcs. 0

B-2 1900 Fort Myer Drive Multimodal Traffic Impact Analysis August 8, 2019


Court Hous e-Rossly n-Cry stal City ART 43 Effective August 21, 2016


29 Poto ma c R ive r Map is not to scale 66 N Moore St ROSSLYN Rosslyn 2 Wilson Blvd 66 Wilson Blvd Ft Myer Dr Myer Ft Clarendon Blvd 110 Court House CourthouseN Rd Courthouse Arlington Blvd 1 Plaza 15th St N Iwo Jima U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial

110 Arlington National Cemetery



Army Navy VRE Station Country Club 15th St S Crystal City 3

S Bell St 4 18th St S S Crystal Dr S Crystal Capital Bikeshare Station

ART 43 Operating Hours ART 43 Horas de servicio Monday–Thursday: 6:01 am – 10:56 pm | Friday: 6:01 am – 11:56 pm Lunes–Jueves: 6:01 am – 10:56 pm | Viernes: 6:01 am – 11:56 pm Saturday: 7:00 am – 11:56 pm | Sunday: 7:00 am – 9:56 pm Sábado: 7:00 am – 11:56 pm | Domingo: 7:00 am – 9:56 pm ART 43 does not operate on these Arlington County holidays: New Year’s Day, ART 43 no opera durante los siguientes feriados en el Condado de Arlington: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day Año Nuevo, Memorial Day, Día de la Independencia, Día del Trabajo, Día de Acción ART 43 operates on a Saturday schedule on these Arlington County holidays: de Gracias, Navidad Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Columbus Day, Veterans’ Day, Day ART 43 opera siguiendo el horario sabatino, durante los siguientes feriados en After Thanksgiving el Condado de Arlington: Día de Martin Luther King Jr., Día de los Presidentes, Día de Colón, Día de los Veteranos de Guerra, día posterior al Día de Acción de Gracias


ART 43 ART 43 ART 43

) Sunday Monday– ) Saturday )

Friday Southbound Southbound

Southbound Ft. Myer Dr. Court House (Rosslyn (Bay A) WilsonFt. Blvd. Myer @ Dr. Court House WilsonFt. Blvd. Myer @ Dr. Wilson Blvd. @ Crystal City Court House (Rosslyn Crystal(Bay City A) (Rosslyn Crystal(Bay City A) Sábado Domingo 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Dirección Lunes– 6:22 6:27 6:38 Dirección 7:00 7:05 7:16 7:00 7:05 7:16 7:20 7:25 7:36 Viernes 6:32 6:37 6:48 Sur 7:20 7:25 7:36 Sur 7:40 7:45 7:56 6:42 6:47 6:58 7:40 7:45 7:56 Dirección 6:52 6:57 7:08 8:00 8:05 8:16 8:00 8:05 8:16 8:20 8:25 8:36 Sur 7:02 7:07 7:18 8:20 8:25 8:36 8:40 8:45 8:56 7:12 7:17 7:28 8:40 8:45 8:56 9:00 9:05 9:16 7:22 7:27 7:38 9:00 9:05 9:16 9:20 9:25 9:36 7:32 7:37 7:48 9:20 9:25 9:36 9:40 9:45 9:56 7:42 7:47 7:58 9:40 9:45 9:56 10:00 10:05 10:16 7:52 7:57 8:08 10:00 10:05 10:16 10:20 10:25 10:36 8:02 8:07 8:18 10:20 10:25 10:36 10:40 10:45 10:56 8:12 8:17 8:28 10:40 10:45 10:56 11:00 11:05 11:16 8:22 8:27 8:38 11:00 11:05 11:16 11:20 11:25 11:36 8:32 8:37 8:48 11:40 11:45 11:56 8:42 8:47 8:58 11:20 11:25 11:36 12:00 12:05 12:16 8:52 8:57 9:08 11:40 11:45 11:56 12:20 12:25 12:36 9:02 9:07 9:18 12:00 12:05 12:16 12:40 12:45 12:56 9:22 9:27 9:38 12:20 12:25 12:36 1:00 1:05 1:16 9:42 9:47 9:58 12:40 12:45 12:56 1:20 1:25 1:36 10:02 10:07 10:18 1:00 1:05 1:16 1:20 1:25 1:36 1:40 1:45 1:56 10:22 10:27 10:38 2:00 2:05 2:16 1:40 1:45 1:56 10:42 10:47 10:58 2:20 2:25 2:36 2:00 2:05 2:16 11:02 11:07 11:18 2:40 2:45 2:56 11:22 11:27 11:38 2:20 2:25 2:36 3:00 3:05 3:16 11:42 11:47 11:58 2:40 2:45 2:56 3:20 3:25 3:36 12:02 12:07 12:18 3:00 3:05 3:16 3:40 3:45 3:56 12:22 12:27 12:38 3:20 3:25 3:36 4:00 4:05 4:16 12:42 12:47 12:58 3:40 3:45 3:56 4:20 4:25 4:36 1:02 1:07 1:18 4:00 4:05 4:16 4:40 4:45 4:56 1:22 1:27 1:38 4:20 4:25 4:36 5:00 5:05 5:16 1:42 1:47 1:58 4:40 4:45 4:56 5:20 5:25 5:36 2:02 2:07 2:18 5:00 5:05 5:16 5:40 5:45 5:56 2:22 2:27 2:38 5:20 5:25 5:36 6:00 6:05 6:16 2:42 2:47 2:58 5:40 5:45 5:56 6:20 6:25 6:36 2:59 3:04 3:15 6:00 6:05 6:16 6:40 6:45 6:56 3:09 3:14 3:25 6:20 6:25 6:36 7:00 7:05 7:16 3:19 3:24 3:35 6:40 6:45 6:56 Bold Shaded 7:20 7:25 7:36 3:29 3:34 3:45 numerals are 7:40 7:45 7:56 3:39 3:44 3:55 7:00 7:05 7:16 7:20 7:25 7:36 PM Times 8:00 8:05 8:16 3:49 3:54 4:05 8:20 8:25 8:36 7:40 7:45 7:56 3:59 4:04 4:15 8:40 8:45 8:56 8:00 8:05 8:16 Números 4:09 4:14 4:25 sombreados 9:00 9:05 9:16 8:20 8:25 8:36 4:19 4:24 4:35 en negrita 9:20 9:25 9:36 4:29 4:34 4:45 8:40 8:45 8:56 son horas PM 9:40 9:45 9:56 4:39 4:44 4:55 9:00 9:05 9:16 4:49 4:54 5:05 9:20 9:25 9:36 Bold Shaded 9:40 9:45 9:56 4:59 5:04 5:15 numerals are 5:09 5:14 5:25 PM Times 10:00 10:05 10:16 5:19 5:24 5:35 10:20 10:25 10:36 5:29 5:34 5:45 Números 10:40 10:45 10:56 5:39 5:44 5:55 sombreados 11:00 11:05 11:16 5:49 5:54 6:05 en negrita 11:20 11:25 11:36 5:59 6:04 6:15 son horas PM 11:40 11:45 11:56 6:09 6:14 6:25 *This trip 6:19 6:24 6:35 operates 6:29 6:34 6:45 Friday only 6:39 6:44 6:55 Transfers Using SmarTrip Card* 6:49 6:54 7:05 * Este Cash Fare w/ ART to Metrorail ART to ART or ART 7:00 7:05 7:16 itinerario ART 43 FARES Fare SmarTrip Card or Metrorail to ART to/from Metrobus 7:20 7:25 7:36 opera solo Adults $2.00 $2.00 50¢ discount Free los viernes 7:40 7:45 7:56 8:00 8:05 8:16 Senior Citizens (ages 65+) $1.00 $1.00 50¢ discount Free 8:20 8:25 8:36 People w/Disabilities $1.00 $1.00 50¢ discount Free 8:40 8:45 8:56 (w/WMATA ID or Medicare card) 9:00 9:05 9:16 K-12 Students $1.00 K-12 students receive the $1.00 student fare only when paying Bold Shaded 9:20 9:25 9:36 (w/school ID) with cash, a green iRide token or a Student iRide SmarTrip card. numerals are 9:40 9:45 9:56 Transfer costs between ART and other transit systems may vary PM Times 10:00 10:05 10:16 for using the Student iRide SmarTrip card. 10:20 10:25 10:36 Números 10:40 10:45 10:56 *TRANSFERS MUST BE MADE WITHIN 2 HOURS. sombreados *11:00 11:05 11:16 en negrita *11:20 11:25 11:36 Regular Fares can also be paid with a 7 Day Regional Bus Pass (loaded on SmarTrip), a gold ART token, son horas PM *11:40 11:45 11:56 or a green iRide token. You can buy tokens or purchase SmarTrip cards and add value or a 7 day pass to them at any Commuter Store or Mobile Commuter Store, or online at commuterdirect.com.


ART 43 ART 43 ART 43

Monday– ) Saturday ) Sunday ) Friday Northbound Northbound

S. Crystal Dr.@ Northbound Crystal(Bay City A) S. Crystal18th St.Dr.@ S. WilsonN. Blvd. Moore(Rosslyn @ St. Court House Crystal(Bay City A) S. Crystal18th St.Dr.@ S. N. Moore(Rosslyn St. Court House Crystal(Bay City A) 18th (VRE)St. S. N. Moore St. Court House (VRE) (VRE) Wilson Blvd. @ Wilson Blvd.(Rosslyn @ 3 4 2 1 Sábado 3 4 2 1 Domingo 3 4 2 1 Lunes– 6:01 6:03 6:12 6:17 Dirección 7:19 7:21 7:30 7:35 Dirección 7:19 7:21 7:30 7:35 Viernes 6:11 6:13 6:22 6:27 Norte 7:39 7:41 7:50 7:55 Norte 7:39 7:41 7:50 7:55 6:21 6:23 6:32 6:37 7:59 8:01 8:10 8:15 7:59 8:01 8:10 8:15 Dirección 6:31 6:33 6:42 6:47 8:19 8:21 8:30 8:35 8:19 8:21 8:30 8:35 Norte 6:41 6:43 6:52 6:57 8:39 8:41 8:50 8:55 8:39 8:41 8:50 8:55 6:51 6:53 7:02 7:07 8:59 9:01 9:10 9:15 8:59 9:01 9:10 9:15 7:01 7:03 7:12 7:17 9:19 9:21 9:30 9:35 9:19 9:21 9:30 9:35 7:11 7:13 7:22 7:27 9:39 9:41 9:50 9:55 9:39 9:41 9:50 9:55 7:21 7:23 7:32 7:37 9:59 10:01 10:10 10:15 7:31 7:33 7:42 7:47 9:59 10:01 10:10 10:15 10:19 10:21 10:30 10:35 7:41 7:43 7:52 7:57 10:19 10:21 10:30 10:35 10:39 10:41 10:50 10:55 7:51 7:53 8:02 8:07 10:39 10:41 10:50 10:55 10:59 11:01 11:10 11:15 8:01 8:03 8:12 8:17 10:59 11:01 11:10 11:15 11:19 11:21 11:30 11:35 8:11 8:13 8:22 8:27 11:19 11:21 11:30 11:35 11:39 11:41 11:50 11:55 8:21 8:23 8:32 8:37 11:39 11:41 11:50 11:55 11:59 12:01 12:10 12:15 8:31 8:33 8:42 8:47 11:59 12:01 12:10 12:15 12:19 12:21 12:30 12:35 8:41 8:43 8:52 8:57 12:19 12:21 12:30 12:35 12:39 12:41 12:50 12:55 8:51 8:53 9:02 9:07 12:39 12:41 12:50 12:55 12:59 1:01 1:10 1:15 9:01 9:03 9:12 9:17 12:59 1:01 1:10 1:15 1:19 1:21 1:30 1:35 9:21 9:23 9:32 9:37 1:19 1:21 1:30 1:35 1:39 1:41 1:50 1:55 9:41 9:43 9:52 9:57 1:39 1:41 1:50 1:55 1:59 2:01 2:10 2:15 10:01 10:03 10:12 10:17 1:59 2:01 2:10 2:15 2:19 2:21 2:30 2:35 10:21 10:23 10:32 10:37 2:39 2:41 2:50 2:55 2:19 2:21 2:30 2:35 10:41 10:43 10:52 10:57 2:59 3:01 3:10 3:15 2:39 2:41 2:50 2:55 11:01 11:03 11:12 11:17 3:19 3:21 3:30 3:35 11:21 11:23 11:32 11:37 2:59 3:01 3:10 3:15 3:39 3:41 3:50 3:55 11:41 11:43 11:52 11:57 3:19 3:21 3:30 3:35 3:59 4:01 4:10 4:15 12:01 12:03 12:12 12:17 3:39 3:41 3:50 3:55 4:19 4:21 4:30 4:35 12:21 12:23 12:32 12:37 3:59 4:01 4:10 4:15 4:39 4:41 4:50 4:55 12:41 12:43 12:52 12:57 4:19 4:21 4:30 4:35 4:59 5:01 5:10 5:15 1:01 1:03 1:12 1:17 4:39 4:41 4:50 4:55 5:19 5:21 5:30 5:35 1:21 1:23 1:32 1:37 4:59 5:01 5:10 5:15 5:39 5:41 5:50 5:55 1:41 1:43 1:52 1:57 5:19 5:21 5:30 5:35 5:59 6:01 6:10 6:15 2:01 2:03 2:12 2:17 5:39 5:41 5:50 5:55 6:19 6:21 6:30 6:35 2:21 2:23 2:32 2:37 5:59 6:01 6:10 6:15 6:39 6:41 6:50 6:55 2:41 2:43 2:52 2:57 6:19 6:21 6:30 6:35 6:59 7:01 7:10 7:15 3:01 3:03 3:12 3:17 7:19 7:21 7:30 7:35 3:18 3:20 3:29 3:34 6:39 6:41 6:50 6:55 Bold Shaded 6:59 7:01 7:10 7:15 numerals are 7:39 7:41 7:50 7:55 3:28 3:30 3:39 3:44 7:59 8:01 8:10 8:15 7:19 7:21 7:30 7:35 PM Times 3:38 3:40 3:49 3:54 8:19 8:21 8:30 8:35 7:39 7:41 7:50 7:55 3:48 3:50 3:59 4:04 8:39 8:41 8:50 8:55 3:58 4:00 4:09 4:14 7:59 8:01 8:10 8:15 Números sombreados 8:59 9:01 9:10 9:15 4:08 4:10 4:19 4:24 8:19 8:21 8:30 8:35 en negrita 9:19 9:21 9:30 9:35 4:18 4:20 4:29 4:34 8:39 8:41 8:50 8:55 son horas PM 9:39 9:41 9:50 9:55 4:28 4:30 4:39 4:44 8:59 9:01 9:10 9:15 4:38 4:40 4:49 4:54 9:19 9:21 9:30 9:35 4:48 4:50 4:59 5:04 Bold Shaded 9:39 9:41 9:50 9:55 4:58 5:00 5:09 5:14 numerals are 9:59 10:01 10:10 10:15 5:08 5:10 5:19 5:24 PM Times 10:19 10:21 10:30 10:35 5:18 5:20 5:29 5:34 10:39 10:41 10:50 10:55 5:28 5:30 5:39 5:44 Números 5:38 5:40 5:49 5:54 sombreados 10:59 11:01 11:10 11:15 5:48 5:50 5:59 6:04 en negrita 11:19 11:21 11:30 11:35 5:58 6:00 6:09 6:14 son horas PM 11:39 11:41 11:50 11:55 6:08 6:10 6:19 6:24 Transbordos usando tarjeta SmarTrip* *This trip 6:18 6:20 6:29 6:34 operates 6:28 6:30 6:39 6:44 Friday only Tarifa Tarifa con ART a Metrorail ART a ART o ART 6:38 6:40 6:49 6:54 TARIFAS ART 43 Regular SmarTrip o Metrorail a ART a/desde Metrobus * Este 6:48 6:50 6:59 7:04 Adultos $2.00 $2.00 50¢ de descuento gratis 6:58 7:00 7:09 7:14 itinerario Adultos mayores (65 años a más) $1.00 $1.00 50¢ de descuento gratis opera solo 7:19 7:21 7:30 7:35 los viernes 7:39 7:41 7:50 7:55 Personas con discapacidad $1.00 $1.00 50¢ de descuento gratis 7:59 8:01 8:10 8:15 (con identificación WMATA o 8:19 8:21 8:30 8:35 tarjeta Medicare) 8:39 8:41 8:50 8:55 Estudiantes jardín a 12 grado $1.00 Estudiantes desde jardín infante hasta 12 grado pagan tarifa 8:59 9:01 9:10 9:15 (con ID estudiante) de estudiante de $1 en ART cuando pagan en efectivo, con Bold Shaded 9:19 9:21 9:30 9:35 tarjeta iRide SmarTrip color verde o iRide token color verde. numerals are 9:39 9:41 9:50 9:55 Costo de transbordos entre ART y otros servicios de PM Times 9:59 10:01 10:10 10:15 transporte pueden variar con tarjeta iRide SmarTrip. 10:19 10:21 10:30 10:35 Números 10:39 10:41 10:50 10:55 *TRANSBORDOS DEBEN HACERSE DENTRO DE DOS HORAS. sombreados *10:59 11:01 11:10 11:15 en negrita *11:19 11:21 11:30 11:35 Las tarifas regulares también se pueden pagar con un Pase de Bus Regional de 7 Días (cargado en son horas PM *11:39 11:41 11:50 11:55 SmarTrip), un token dorado ART o un token verde iRide. Puede comprar pases o tarjetas SmarTrip y cargarles dinero o un pase de 7 días en cualquier tienda Commuter Store o Mobile Commuter Store, o en Internet en commuterdirect.com (en inglés).

C-3 Columbia Pi DHS/ ke – Sequoia – R osslyn ART 45 Effective December 18, 2016 GEORGETOWN NORTH 29 Poto ma c Riv N Moore St er Map is not to scale ROSSLYN 19th St N N Nash St 4 66 Wilson Blvd 66 Rosslyn

Wilson Blvd Courthouse Clarendon Blvd Courthouse Plaza Arlington Blvd Saturday

N Glebe Rd N Barton St Farmer’s Iwo Jima Market U.S. Marine Corps N Pershing Dr War Memorial Washington Blvd

Capital Bikeshare Station Arlington Blvd Arlington National Cemetery Arlington DHS 3 Columbia Pike Library 8th Rd S S Dinwiddie St Arlington Cinema S Four Mile Run & Drafthouse Columbia Pike Courthouse Rd Walter Reed Columbia Pike 1 2 Community Center S Greenbrier St 395 Sunday S Glebe Rd Army Navy Farmer’s Country Club Market S George Mason Dr

Transbordos usando tarjeta SmarTrip*

Tarifa Tarifa con ART a Metrorail ART a ART o ART Transfers Using SmarTrip Card* TARIFAS ART 45 Regular SmarTrip o Metrorail a ART a/desde Metrobus Cash Fare w/ ART to Metrorail ART to ART or ART Adultos $2.00 $2.00 50¢ de descuento gratis ART 45 FARES Fare SmarTrip Card or Metrorail to ART to/from Metrobus Adultos mayores (65 años a más) $1.00 $1.00 50¢ de descuento gratis Adults $2.00 $2.00 50¢ discount Free Personas con discapacidad $1.00 $1.00 50¢ de descuento gratis Senior Citizens (ages 65+) $1.00 $1.00 50¢ discount Free (con identificación WMATA o People w/Disabilities $1.00 $1.00 50¢ discount Free tarjeta Medicare) (w/WMATA ID or Medicare card) Estudiantes jardín a 12 grado $1.00 Estudiantes desde jardín infante hasta 12 grado pagan tarifa K-12 Students $1.00 K-12 students receive the $1.00 student fare only when paying (con ID estudiante) de estudiante de $1 en ART cuando pagan en efectivo, con (w/school ID) with cash, a green iRide token or a Student iRide SmarTrip card. tarjeta iRide SmarTrip color verde o iRide token color verde. Transfer costs between ART and other transit systems may vary Costo de transbordos entre ART y otros servicios de for using the Student iRide SmarTrip card. transporte pueden variar con tarjeta iRide SmarTrip. *TRANSFERS MUST BE MADE WITHIN 2 HOURS. *TRANSBORDOS DEBEN HACERSE DENTRO DE DOS HORAS. Regular Fares can also be paid with a 7 Day Regional Bus Pass (loaded on SmarTrip), a gold Las tarifas regulares también se pueden pagar con un Pase de Bus Regional de 7 Días (cargado ART token, or a green iRide token. You can buy tokens or purchase SmarTrip cards and add en SmarTrip), un token dorado ART o un token verde iRide. Puede comprar pases o tarjetas value or a 7 day pass to them at any Commuter Store or Mobile Commuter Store, or online at SmarTrip y cargarles dinero o un pase de 7 días en cualquier tienda Commuter Store o Mobile commuterdirect.com. Commuter Store, o en Internet en commuterdirect.com (en inglés).

C-4 ART 45

Monday–Friday – Northbound

S DinwiddieColumbia & Pike Columbia& Glebe Pike Rd Sequoia/DHS@ 2nd St S RosslynN MooreWilson St & Blvd Lunes–Viernes 1 2 34 Dirección Norte *5:40 5:51 5:59 6:23 *6:05 6:16 6:24 6:48 *6:30 6:41 6:49 7:13 *This trip starts at *6:55 7:06 7:14 7:38 Columbia Pike 7:20 7:31 7:39 8:03 & Greenbrier 7:45 7:56 8:04 8:28 7 minutes earlier 8:10 8:21 8:29 8:53 8:35 8:46 8:54 9:18 * Este horario 9:00 9:09 9:16 9:35 empieza 7 minutos 9:30 9:39 9:46 10:05 antes en Columbia 10:00 10:09 10:16 10:35 Pike y Greenbrier 10:30 10:39 10:46 11:05 11:00 11:09 11:16 11:35 11:30 11:39 11:46 12:05 12:00 12:09 12:16 12:35 12:30 12:39 12:46 1:05 1:00 1:09 1:16 1:35 1:30 1:39 1:46 2:05 2:00 2:09 2:16 2:35 2:30 2:39 2:46 3:05 3:00 3:09 3:16 3:35 3:30 3:39 3:46 4:05 3:55 4:04 4:11 4:30 4:15 4:25 4:32 4:53 4:40 4:50 4:57 5:18 5:05 5:15 5:22 5:43 5:30 5:40 5:47 6:08 5:55 6:05 6:12 6:33 6:20 6:30 6:37 6:58 6:45 6:55 7:02 7:23 7:10 7:19 7:26 7:45 7:40 7:49 7:56 8:15 Bold Shaded numerals 8:10 8:19 8:26 8:45 are PM Times 8:40 8:49 8:56 9:15 9:10 9:19 9:26 9:45 Números sombreados en 9:40 9:49 9:56 10:15 negrita son horas PM 10:10 10:19 10:26 10:45

C-5 ART 45

Monday–Friday –


RosslynN MooreWilson St & Blvd Sequoia/DHS@ 2nd St S Columbia& Glebe Pike Rd S DinwiddieColumbia & Pike Lunes–Viernes 4321 Dirección Sur 6:28 6:43 6:51 7:08 6:53 7:08 7:16 7:33 7:18 7:33 7:41 7:58 7:43 7:58 8:06 8:23 8:08 8:23 8:31 8:48 8:33 8:48 8:56 9:13 9:08 9:23 9:31 9:48 9:50 10:03 10:10 10:25 10:20 10:33 10:40 10:55 10:50 11:03 11:10 11:25 11:20 11:33 11:40 11:55 11:50 12:03 12:10 12:25 12:20 12:33 12:40 12:55 12:50 1:03 1:10 1:25 1:20 1:33 1:40 1:55 1:50 2:03 2:10 2:25 2:20 2:33 2:40 2:55 2:50 3:03 3:10 3:25 3:20 3:33 3:40 3:55 3:50 4:03 4:10 4:25 4:10 4:25 4:34 4:51 4:35 4:50 4:59 5:16 5:00 5:15 5:24 5:41 5:25 5:40 5:49 6:06 5:50 6:05 6:14 6:31 6:15 6:30 6:39 6:56 6:40 6:55 7:04 7:21 7:05 7:18 7:25 7:40 7:30 7:43 7:50 8:05 8:00 8:13 8:20 8:35 8:30 8:43 8:50 9:05 9:00 9:13 9:20 9:35 Bold Shaded numerals 9:30 9:43 9:50 10:05 are PM Times 10:00 10:13 10:20 10:35 Números sombreados en 10:30 10:43 10:50 11:05 negrita son horas PM 11:00 11:13 11:20 11:35

C-6 ART 45

Saturday – Northbound

S DinwiddieColumbia & Pike Columbia& Glebe Pike Rd Sequoia/DHS@ 2nd St S RosslynN MooreWilson St & Blvd Sábado 1 2 34 Dirección Norte *7:30 7:39 7:46 8:04 *8:00 8:09 8:16 8:34 *8:30 8:39 8:46 9:04 *This trip starts at 9:00 9:09 9:16 9:34 Columbia Pike 9:30 9:39 9:46 10:04 & Greenbrier 10:00 10:09 10:16 10:34 7 minutes earlier 10:30 10:39 10:46 11:04 11:00 11:09 11:16 11:34 * Este horario 11:30 11:39 11:46 12:04 empieza 7 minutos 12:00 12:09 12:16 12:34 antes en Columbia 12:30 12:39 12:46 1:04 Pike y Greenbrier 1:00 1:09 1:16 1:34 1:30 1:39 1:46 2:04 2:00 2:09 2:16 2:34 2:30 2:39 2:46 3:04 3:00 3:09 3:16 3:34 3:30 3:39 3:46 4:04 4:00 4:09 4:16 4:34 4:30 4:39 4:46 5:04 5:00 5:09 5:16 5:34 5:30 5:39 5:46 6:04 6:00 6:09 6:16 6:34 6:30 6:39 6:46 7:04 7:00 7:09 7:16 7:34 7:30 7:37 7:44 8:01 8:00 8:07 8:14 8:31 8:30 8:37 8:44 9:01 Bold Shaded numerals 9:00 9:07 9:14 9:31 are PM Times 9:30 9:37 9:44 10:01 10:00 10:07 10:14 10:31 Números sombreados en 10:30 10:37 10:44 11:01 negrita son horas PM 11:00 11:07 11:14 11:31

C-7 ART 45

Saturday –


RosslynN MooreWilson St & Blvd Sequoia/DHS@ 2nd St S Columbia& Glebe Pike Rd S DinwiddieColumbia & Pike Sábado 4321 Dirección Sur 8:15 8:29 8:36 8:51 8:45 8:59 9:06 9:21 9:15 9:29 9:36 9:51 9:45 9:59 10:06 10:21 10:15 10:29 10:36 10:51 10:45 10:59 11:06 11:21 11:15 11:29 11:36 11:51 11:45 11:59 12:06 12:21 12:15 12:29 12:36 12:51 12:45 12:59 1:06 1:21 1:15 1:29 1:36 1:51 1:45 1:59 2:06 2:21 2:15 2:29 2:36 2:51 2:45 2:59 3:06 3:21 3:15 3:29 3:36 3:51 3:45 3:59 4:06 4:21 4:15 4:29 4:36 4:51 4:45 4:59 5:06 5:21 5:15 5:29 5:36 5:51 5:45 5:59 6:06 6:21 6:15 6:29 6:36 6:51 6:45 6:59 7:06 7:21 7:15 7:29 7:36 7:51 7:45 7:59 8:06 8:21 8:15 8:29 8:36 8:51 8:45 8:59 9:06 9:21 9:15 9:29 9:36 9:51 Bold Shaded numerals 9:45 9:59 10:06 10:21 are PM Times 10:15 10:29 10:36 10:51 10:45 10:59 11:06 11:21 Números sombreados en 11:15 11:29 11:36 11:51 negrita son horas PM 11:45 11:59 12:06 12:21

C-8 ART 45

Sunday – Northbound

S DinwiddieColumbia & Pike Columbia& Glebe Pike Rd Sequoia/DHS@ 2nd St S RosslynN MooreWilson St & Blvd Domingo 1 2 34 Dirección Norte *6:50 6:57 7:04 7:21 *7:20 7:27 7:34 7:51 *7:50 7:57 8:04 8:21 *This trip starts at 8:20 8:27 8:34 8:51 Columbia Pike 8:50 8:57 9:04 9:21 & Greenbrier 9:20 9:27 9:34 9:51 7 minutes earlier 9:50 9:57 10:04 10:21 10:20 10:27 10:34 10:51 * Este horario 10:50 10:57 11:04 11:21 empieza 7 minutos 11:20 11:27 11:34 11:51 antes en Columbia 11:50 11:57 12:04 12:21 Pike y Greenbrier 12:20 12:27 12:34 12:51 12:50 12:57 1:04 1:21 1:20 1:27 1:34 1:51 1:50 1:57 2:04 2:21 2:20 2:27 2:34 2:51 2:50 2:57 3:04 3:21 3:20 3:27 3:34 3:51 3:50 3:57 4:04 4:21 4:20 4:27 4:34 4:51 Bold Shaded numerals 4:50 4:57 5:04 5:21 are PM Times 5:20 5:27 5:34 5:51 5:50 5:57 6:04 6:21 Números sombreados en 6:20 6:27 6:34 6:51 negrita son horas PM 6:50 6:57 7:04 7:21

C-9 ART 45

Sunday –


RosslynN MooreWilson St & Blvd Sequoia/DHS@ 2nd St S Columbia& Glebe Pike Rd S DinwiddieColumbia & Pike Domingo 4321 Dirección Sur 7:35 7:49 7:56 8:11 8:05 8:19 8:26 8:41 8:35 8:49 8:56 9:11 9:05 9:19 9:26 9:41 9:35 9:49 9:56 10:11 10:05 10:19 10:26 10:41 10:35 10:49 10:56 11:11 11:05 11:19 11:26 11:41 11:35 11:49 11:56 12:11 12:05 12:19 12:26 12:41 12:35 12:49 12:56 1:11 1:05 1:19 1:26 1:41 1:35 1:49 1:56 2:11 2:05 2:19 2:26 2:41 2:35 2:49 2:56 3:11 3:05 3:19 3:26 3:41 3:35 3:49 3:56 4:11 4:05 4:19 4:26 4:41 4:35 4:49 4:56 5:11 5:05 5:19 5:26 5:41 Bold Shaded numerals 5:35 5:49 5:56 6:11 are PM Times 6:05 6:19 6:26 6:41 6:35 6:49 6:56 7:11 Números sombreados en 7:05 7:19 7:26 7:41 negrita son horas PM 7:35 7:49 7:56 8:11

C-10 East Falls Churc h - Lee Highw ay - R oss ART 55 lyn Effective June 25, 2017


Pot oma GEORGETOWN c Ri Map is not to scale ver 29

ROSSLYN N Lynn St Lee Harrison Lyon Village Lee Hwy Lee Hwy Shopping Shopping 19th St N

Center N Glebe Rd Center 29

N Sycamore St Lee Hwy Rosslyn East Falls 29 2 3 4 66 Church Wilson Blvd Lee Lee Heights 1 Community Shops Center N Nash St N Moore St

Langston- Kirkwood Rd 66 Brown Arlington Blvd Community Center Iwo Jima U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial Capital Bikeshare Station Arlington National Cemetery

ART 55 Operating Hours ART 55 Horas de servicio Monday – Friday: 5:00 am – 1:49 am Lunes – Viernes: 5:00 am – 1:49 am Saturday: 5:45 am – 1:12 am Sábado: 5:45 am – 1:12 am Sunday: 6:20 am – 12:17 am Domingo: 6:20 am – 12:17 am ART 55 operates on a Sunday schedule on the following holidays: ART 55 está en servicio, siguiendo el horario dominical, en los Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, siguientes días festivos en el Condado de Arlington: Día de la Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Recordación (Memorial), Día de la independencia, Día del Trabajo, Día de Acción de Gracias, Navidad, Año nuevo. ART 55 operates on a Saturday schedule on the following holidays: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Columbus Day, Veterans ART 55 está en servicio, siguiendo el horario sabatino, en los Day, Day after Thanksgiving. siguientes días festivos en el Condado de Arlington: Día de Martin Luther King, Jr., Día de los Presidentes, Día de Colón, Día de los Veteranos de Guerra, Día posterior al día de Acción de Gracias.


ART 55 ART 55

Monday–Friday Monday–Friday

Eastbound Westbound

Lunes–Viernes East Falls Church Lee HighwayGlebe Rd & Lee HighwayKirkwood & Rd Rosslyn Lunes–Viernes Rosslyn Lee HighwaySpout Run & Pkwy Lee HighwayGlebe Rd & East Falls Church Dirección Este 1 2 3 4 Dirección Oeste 4 3 2 1 5:00 5:09 5:17 5:24 5:27 5:37 5:45 5:54 5:13 5:22 5:30 5:37 5:40 5:50 5:58 6:07 5:30 5:39 5:47 5:54 5:57 6:07 6:15 6:24 5:45 5:54 6:02 6:09 6:12 6:22 6:30 6:39 6:00 6:09 6:18 6:31 6:33 6:47 6:55 7:07 6:12 6:21 6:30 6:43 6:45 6:59 7:07 7:19 6:24 6:33 6:42 6:55 6:57 7:11 7:19 7:31 6:36 6:45 6:54 7:07 7:09 7:23 7:31 7:43 6:48 6:57 7:06 7:19 7:21 7:35 7:43 7:55 7:00 7:09 7:18 7:31 7:33 7:47 7:55 8:07 7:12 7:21 7:30 7:43 7:45 7:59 8:07 8:19 7:24 7:33 7:42 7:55 7:57 8:11 8:19 8:31 7:36 7:45 7:54 8:07 8:09 8:23 8:31 8:43 7:48 7:57 8:06 8:19 8:21 8:35 8:43 8:55 8:00 8:09 8:18 8:31 8:33 8:47 8:55 9:07 8:12 8:21 8:30 8:43 8:45 8:59 9:07 9:19 8:24 8:33 8:42 8:55 8:58 9:08 9:16 9:25 8:36 8:45 8:54 9:07 9:10 9:20 9:28 9:37 8:48 8:57 9:06 9:19 9:22 9:32 9:40 9:49 9:00 9:09 9:18 9:31 9:42 9:52 10:00 10:09 9:15 9:24 9:32 9:39 9:57 10:07 10:15 10:24 9:30 9:39 9:47 9:54 10:12 10:22 10:30 10:39 9:45 9:54 10:02 10:09 10:27 10:37 10:45 10:54 10:00 10:09 10:17 10:24 10:42 10:52 11:00 11:09 10:15 10:24 10:32 10:39 10:57 11:07 11:15 11:24 10:30 10:39 10:47 10:54 11:12 11:22 11:30 11:39 10:45 10:54 11:02 11:09 11:27 11:37 11:45 11:54 11:00 11:09 11:17 11:24 11:42 11:52 12:00 12:09 11:15 11:24 11:32 11:39 11:57 12:07 12:15 12:24 11:30 11:39 11:47 11:54 12:12 12:22 12:30 12:39 11:45 11:54 12:02 12:09 12:27 12:37 12:45 12:54 12:00 12:09 12:17 12:24 12:42 12:52 1:00 1:09 12:15 12:24 12:32 12:39 12:57 1:07 1:15 1:24 12:30 12:39 12:47 12:54 1:12 1:22 1:30 1:39 12:45 12:54 1:02 1:09 1:27 1:37 1:45 1:54 1:00 1:09 1:17 1:24 1:42 1:52 2:00 2:09 1:15 1:24 1:32 1:39 1:57 2:07 2:15 2:24 1:30 1:39 1:47 1:54 2:12 2:22 2:30 2:39 1:45 1:54 2:02 2:09 2:27 2:37 2:45 2:54 2:00 2:09 2:17 2:24 2:42 2:52 3:00 3:09 2:15 2:24 2:32 2:39 2:57 3:07 3:15 3:24 2:30 2:39 2:47 2:54 3:12 3:22 3:30 3:39 2:45 2:54 3:02 3:09 3:27 3:37 3:45 3:54 3:00 3:09 3:17 3:24 3:42 3:52 4:00 4:09 3:15 3:24 3:32 3:39 3:57 4:07 4:15 4:24 3:30 3:39 3:47 3:54 4:12 4:22 4:30 4:39 3:45 3:54 4:02 4:09 4:27 4:41 4:49 5:01 4:00 4:09 4:17 4:24 4:36 4:50 4:58 5:10 4:15 4:24 4:33 4:43 4:48 5:02 5:10 5:22 4:27 4:36 4:45 4:55 5:00 5:14 5:22 5:34 4:39 4:48 4:57 5:07 5:12 5:26 5:34 5:46 4:51 5:00 5:09 5:19 5:24 5:38 5:46 5:58 5:03 5:12 5:21 5:31 5:36 5:50 5:58 6:10 5:15 5:24 5:33 5:43 5:48 6:02 6:10 6:22 5:27 5:36 5:45 5:55 6:00 6:14 6:22 6:34 5:39 5:48 5:57 6:07 6:12 6:26 6:34 6:46 5:51 6:00 6:09 6:19 6:24 6:38 6:46 6:58 6:03 6:12 6:21 6:31 6:36 6:50 6:58 7:10 6:15 6:24 6:33 6:43 6:48 7:02 7:10 7:22 6:27 6:36 6:45 6:55 7:00 7:14 7:22 7:34 6:39 6:48 6:57 7:07 7:12 7:22 7:30 7:39 6:51 7:00 7:09 7:19 7:24 7:34 7:42 7:51 7:03 7:12 7:20 7:30 7:35 7:45 7:53 8:02 7:18 7:27 7:35 7:42 7:45 7:55 8:03 8:12 7:33 7:42 7:50 7:57 8:00 8:10 8:18 8:27 7:48 7:57 8:05 8:12 8:15 8:25 8:33 8:42 8:18 8:27 8:35 8:42 8:45 8:55 9:03 9:12 Bold Shaded 8:48 8:57 9:05 9:12 Bold Shaded 9:15 9:25 9:33 9:42 numerals are 9:18 9:27 9:35 9:42 numerals are 9:45 9:55 10:03 10:12 PM Times 9:48 9:57 10:05 10:12 PM Times 10:15 10:25 10:33 10:42 10:18 10:27 10:35 10:42 10:45 10:55 11:03 11:12 Números 10:48 10:57 11:05 11:12 Números 11:15 11:25 11:33 11:42 sombreados 11:18 11:27 11:35 11:42 sombreados 11:45 11:55 12:03 12:12 en negrita son 11:48 11:57 12:05 12:12 en negrita son 12:15 12:25 12:33 12:42 horas PM 12:48 12:57 1:05 1:12 horas PM 1:15 1:29 1:37 1:49 C-12 w ART 55 ART 55

Saturday Saturday Eastbound Westbound

Sábado East Falls Church Lee HighwayGlebe Rd & Lee HighwayKirkwood & Rd Rosslyn Sábado Rosslyn Lee HighwaySpout Run & PkwyLee HighwayGlebe Rd & East Falls Church Dirección Este 1 2 3 4 Dirección Oeste 4 3 2 1 5:45 5:54 6:01 6:08 6:15 6:24 6:32 6:42 6:05 6:14 6:21 6:28 6:35 6:44 6:52 7:02 6:25 6:34 6:41 6:48 6:55 7:04 7:12 7:22 6:45 6:54 7:01 7:08 7:15 7:24 7:32 7:42 7:05 7:14 7:21 7:28 7:35 7:44 7:52 8:02 7:25 7:34 7:41 7:48 7:55 8:04 8:12 8:22 7:45 7:54 8:01 8:08 8:15 8:24 8:32 8:42 8:05 8:14 8:21 8:28 8:35 8:44 8:52 9:02 8:25 8:34 8:41 8:48 8:55 9:04 9:12 9:22 8:45 8:54 9:01 9:08 9:15 9:24 9:32 9:42 9:05 9:14 9:21 9:28 9:35 9:44 9:52 10:02 9:25 9:34 9:41 9:48 9:55 10:04 10:12 10:22 9:45 9:54 10:01 10:08 10:15 10:24 10:32 10:42 10:05 10:14 10:21 10:28 10:35 10:44 10:52 11:02 10:25 10:34 10:41 10:48 10:55 11:04 11:12 11:22 10:45 10:54 11:01 11:08 11:15 11:24 11:32 11:42 11:05 11:14 11:21 11:28 11:35 11:44 11:52 12:02 11:25 11:34 11:41 11:48 11:55 12:04 12:12 12:22 11:45 11:54 12:01 12:08 12:15 12:24 12:32 12:42 12:05 12:14 12:21 12:28 12:35 12:44 12:52 1:02 12:25 12:34 12:41 12:48 12:55 1:04 1:12 1:22 12:45 12:54 1:01 1:08 1:15 1:24 1:32 1:42 1:05 1:14 1:21 1:28 1:35 1:44 1:52 2:02 1:25 1:34 1:41 1:48 1:55 2:04 2:12 2:22 1:45 1:54 2:01 2:08 2:15 2:24 2:32 2:42 2:05 2:14 2:21 2:28 2:35 2:44 2:52 3:02 2:25 2:34 2:41 2:48 2:55 3:04 3:12 3:22 2:45 2:54 3:01 3:08 3:15 3:24 3:32 3:42 3:05 3:14 3:21 3:28 3:35 3:44 3:52 4:02 3:25 3:34 3:41 3:48 3:55 4:04 4:12 4:22 3:45 3:54 4:01 4:08 4:15 4:24 4:32 4:42 4:05 4:14 4:21 4:28 4:35 4:44 4:52 5:02 4:25 4:34 4:41 4:48 4:55 5:04 5:12 5:22 4:45 4:54 5:01 5:08 5:15 5:24 5:32 5:42 5:05 5:14 5:21 5:28 5:35 5:44 5:52 6:02 5:25 5:34 5:41 5:48 5:55 6:04 6:12 6:22 5:45 5:54 6:01 6:08 6:15 6:24 6:32 6:42 6:05 6:14 6:21 6:28 6:35 6:44 6:52 7:02 6:25 6:34 6:41 6:48 6:55 7:04 7:12 7:22 6:45 6:54 7:01 7:08 7:15 7:24 7:32 7:42 7:05 7:14 7:21 7:28 7:35 7:44 7:52 8:02 7:25 7:34 7:41 7:48 7:55 8:04 8:12 8:22 7:45 7:54 8:01 8:08 8:15 8:24 8:32 8:42 8:15 8:24 8:31 8:38 8:45 8:54 9:02 9:12 Bold Shaded 8:45 8:54 9:01 9:08 Bold Shaded 9:15 9:24 9:32 9:42 numerals are 9:15 9:24 9:31 9:38 numerals are 9:45 9:54 10:02 10:12 PM Times 9:45 9:54 10:01 10:08 PM Times 10:15 10:24 10:32 10:42 10:15 10:24 10:31 10:38 10:45 10:54 11:02 11:12 Números 10:45 10:54 11:01 11:08 Números 11:15 11:24 11:32 11:42 sombreados 11:15 11:24 11:31 11:38 sombreados 11:45 11:54 12:02 12:12 en negrita son 11:45 11:54 12:01 12:08 en negrita son 12:15 12:24 12:32 12:42 horas PM 12:15 12:24 12:31 12:38 horas PM 12:45 12:54 1:02 1:12

C-13 ART 55 ART 55

Sunday Sunday Eastbound Westbound

Kirkwood Rd Domingo East Falls Church Lee HighwayGlebe Rd & Lee Highway & Rosslyn Domingo Rosslyn Lee HighwaySpout Run & PkwyLee HighwayGlebe Rd & East Falls Church Dirección Este 1 2 3 4 Dirección Oeste 4 3 2 1 6:20 6:29 6:36 6:43 6:50 7:00 7:08 7:17 6:50 6:59 7:06 7:13 7:20 7:30 7:38 7:47 7:20 7:29 7:36 7:43 7:50 8:00 8:08 8:17 7:50 7:59 8:06 8:13 8:20 8:30 8:38 8:47 8:20 8:29 8:36 8:43 8:50 9:00 9:08 9:17 8:50 8:59 9:06 9:13 9:20 9:30 9:38 9:47 9:20 9:29 9:36 9:43 9:50 10:00 10:08 10:17 9:50 9:59 10:06 10:13 10:20 10:30 10:38 10:47 10:20 10:29 10:36 10:43 10:50 11:00 11:08 11:17 10:50 10:59 11:06 11:13 11:20 11:30 11:38 11:47 11:20 11:29 11:36 11:43 11:50 12:00 12:08 12:17 11:50 11:59 12:06 12:13 12:20 12:30 12:38 12:47 12:20 12:29 12:36 12:43 12:50 1:00 1:08 1:17 12:50 12:59 1:06 1:13 1:20 1:30 1:38 1:47 1:20 1:29 1:36 1:43 1:50 2:00 2:08 2:17 1:50 1:59 2:06 2:13 2:20 2:30 2:38 2:47 2:20 2:29 2:36 2:43 2:50 3:00 3:08 3:17 2:50 2:59 3:06 3:13 3:20 3:30 3:38 3:47 3:20 3:29 3:36 3:43 3:50 4:00 4:08 4:17 3:50 3:59 4:06 4:13 4:20 4:30 4:38 4:47 4:20 4:29 4:36 4:43 4:50 5:00 5:08 5:17 4:50 4:59 5:06 5:13 5:20 5:30 5:38 5:47 5:20 5:29 5:36 5:43 5:50 6:00 6:08 6:17 5:50 5:59 6:06 6:13 6:20 6:30 6:38 6:47 6:20 6:29 6:36 6:43 6:50 7:00 7:08 7:17 6:50 6:59 7:06 7:13 7:20 7:30 7:38 7:47 7:20 7:29 7:36 7:43 7:50 8:00 8:08 8:17 Bold Shaded 7:50 7:59 8:06 8:13 Bold Shaded 8:20 8:30 8:38 8:47 numerals are 8:20 8:29 8:36 8:43 numerals are 8:50 9:00 9:08 9:17 PM Times 8:50 8:59 9:06 9:13 PM Times 9:20 9:30 9:38 9:47 9:20 9:29 9:36 9:43 9:50 10:00 10:08 10:17 Números 9:50 9:59 10:06 10:13 Números 10:20 10:30 10:38 10:47 sombreados 10:20 10:29 10:36 10:43 sombreados 10:50 11:00 11:08 11:17 en negrita son 10:50 10:59 11:06 11:13 en negrita son 11:20 11:30 11:38 11:47 horas PM 11:20 11:29 11:36 11:43 horas PM 11:50 12:00 12:08 12:17

Transbordos usando tarjeta SmarTrip*

Transfers Using SmarTrip Card* Tarifa Tarifa con ART a Metrorail ART a ART o ART TARIFAS ART 55 Regular SmarTrip o Metrorail a ART a/desde Metrobus Cash Fare w/ ART to Metrorail ART to ART or ART Adultos $2.00 $2.00 50¢ de descuento gratis ART 55 FARES Fare SmarTrip Card or Metrorail to ART to/from Metrobus Adultos mayores (65 años a más) $1.00 $1.00 50¢ de descuento gratis Adults $2.00 $2.00 50¢ discount Free Personas con discapacidad $1.00 $1.00 50¢ de descuento gratis Senior Citizens (ages 65+) $1.00 $1.00 50¢ discount Free (con identificación WMATA o People w/Disabilities $1.00 $1.00 50¢ discount Free tarjeta Medicare) (w/WMATA ID or Medicare card) Estudiantes jardín a 12 grado $1.00 Estudiantes desde jardín infante hasta 12 grado pagan tarifa K-12 Students $1.00 K-12 students receive the $1.00 student fare only when paying (con ID estudiante) de estudiante de $1 en ART cuando pagan en efectivo, con (w/school ID) with cash, a green iRide token or a Student iRide SmarTrip card. tarjeta iRide SmarTrip color verde o iRide token color verde. Transfer costs between ART and other transit systems may vary Costo de transbordos entre ART y otros servicios de for using the Student iRide SmarTrip card. transporte pueden variar con tarjeta iRide SmarTrip. *TRANSFERS MUST BE MADE WITHIN 2 HOURS. *TRANSBORDOS DEBEN HACERSE DENTRO DE DOS HORAS. Regular Fares can also be paid with a 7 Day Regional Bus Pass (loaded on SmarTrip), a gold ART token, Las tarifas regulares también se pueden pagar con un Pase de Bus Regional de 7 Días (cargado en or a green iRide token. You can buy tokens or purchase SmarTrip cards and add value or a 7 day pass to SmarTrip), un token dorado ART o un token verde iRide. Puede comprar pases o tarjetas SmarTrip y them at any Commuter Store or Mobile Commuter Store, or online at commuterdirect.com. cargarles dinero o un pase de 7 días en cualquier tienda Commuter Store o Mobile Commuter Store, o en Internet en commuterdirect.com (en inglés).

C-14 Courthouse - Ross lyn

ART 61 Effective July 2, 2012

Transbordos usando tarjeta SmarTrip*

Tarifa Tarifa con ART a Metrorail ART a ART o ART Transfers Using SmarTrip Card* TARIFAS ART 61 Regular SmarTrip o Metrorail a ART a/desde Metrobus Cash Fare w/ ART to Metrorail ART to ART or ART Adultos $2.00 $2.00 50¢ de descuento gratis ART 61 FARES Fare SmarTrip Card or Metrorail to ART to/from Metrobus Adultos mayores (65 años a más) $1.00 $1.00 50¢ de descuento gratis Adults $2.00 $2.00 50¢ discount Free Personas con discapacidad $1.00 $1.00 50¢ de descuento gratis Senior Citizens (ages 65+) $1.00 $1.00 50¢ discount Free (con identificación WMATA o tarjeta Medicare) People w/Disabilities $1.00 $1.00 50¢ discount Free (w/WMATA ID or Medicare card) Estudiantes jardín a 12 grado $1.00 Estudiantes desde jardín infante hasta 12 grado pagan tarifa (con ID estudiante) K-12 Students $1.00 K-12 students receive the $1.00 student fare only when paying de estudiante de $1 en ART cuando pagan en efectivo, con (w/school ID) with cash, a green iRide token or a Student iRide SmarTrip card. tarjeta iRide SmarTrip color verde o iRide token color verde. Transfer costs between ART and other transit systems may vary Costo de transbordos entre ART y otros servicios de for using the Student iRide SmarTrip card. transporte pueden variar con tarjeta iRide SmarTrip. *TRANSFERS MUST BE MADE WITHIN 2 HOURS. *LAS TRANSFERENCIAS DEBEN HACERSE DENTRO DE 2 HORAS. Regular Fares can also be paid with a 7 Day Regional Bus Pass (loaded on SmarTrip), a gold Las tarifas regulares también se pueden pagar con un Pase de Bus Regional de 7 Días (cargado ART token, or a green iRide token. You can buy tokens or purchase SmarTrip cards and add en SmarTrip), un token dorado ART o un token verde iRide. Puede comprar pases o tarjetas value or a 7 day pass to them at any Commuter Store or Mobile Commuter Store, or online at SmarTrip y cargarles dinero o un pase de 7 días en cualquier tienda Commuter Store o Mobile commuterdirect.com. Commuter Store, o en Internet en commuterdirect.com (en inglés).

C-15 ART 61A

Monday–Friday Clockwise Courthouse* 21st StN Scott& St Rosslyn N Queen12th & St Courthouse* Lunes–Viernes 1234 1 Siguiendo las 6:23 6:28 6:33 6:38 6:46 6:48 6:53 6:58 7:03 7:11 manecillas 7:13 7:18 7:23 7:28 7:36 del reloj 7:38 7:43 7:48 7:53 8:01 8:03 8:08 8:13 8:18 8:26 8:28 8:33 8:38 8:43 8:51 8:53 8:58 9:03 9:08 9:16 9:18 9:23 9:28 9:33 9:41 ——3:33 3:38 3:46 3:48 3:53 3:58 4:03 4:11 4:13 4:18 4:23 4:28 4:36 4:38 4:43 4:48 4:53 5:01 5:03 5:08 5:13 5:18 5:26 5:28 5:33 5:38 5:43 5:51 5:53 5:58 6:03 6:08 6:16 Bold Shaded numerals 6:18 6:23 6:28 6:33 6:41 are PM Times 6:43 6:48 6:53 6:58 7:06


Monday–Friday Counter Clockwise Courthouse N Queen12th & St Rosslyn 21st StN Scott& St Courthouse 1432 1 Lunes–Viernes 6:15 6:21 6:28 6:33 6:38 6:40 6:46 6:53 6:58 7:03 Contra reloj 7:05 7:11 7:18 7:23 7:28 7:30 7:36 7:43 7:48 7:53 7:55 8:01 8:08 8:13 8:18 8:20 8:26 8:33 8:38 8:43 8:45 8:51 8:58 9:03 9:08 9:10 9:16 9:23 9:28 9:33 —— 3:03 3:08 3:13 3:15 3:21 3:28 3:33 3:38 3:40 3:46 3:53 3:58 4:03 4:05 4:11 4:18 4:23 4:28 4:30 4:36 4:43 4:48 4:53 Bold Shaded numerals 4:55 5:01 5:08 5:13 5:18 are PM Times 5:20 5:26 5:33 5:38 5:43 5:45 5:51 5:58 6:03 6:08

* Bus stop is located across the street from Courthouse Metro at N Veitch Street & Wilson Boulevard.

C-16 How to use this timetable Effective 3-27-16

➤ Use the map to find the stops closest to where you will get on and off the bus. ➤ Select the schedule (Weekday, Saturday, Sunday) for when you will 3Y travel. Along the top of the schedule, Lee Highway - Farragut Square Line find the stop at or nearest the point where you will get on the bus. Follow that column down to the time you want to leave. ➤ Use the same method to find the times the bus is scheduled to arrive at the stop where you will get off the bus. Serves these locations- ➤ If the bus stop is not listed, use the Brinda servicio a estas ubicaciones time shown for the bus stop before it as the time to wait at the stop. l East Falls Church station ➤ The end-of-the-line or last stop is listed l Lee Heights in ALL CAPS on the schedule. l Waverly Hills l Cherrydale Cómo Usar este Horario Rosslyn ➤ Use este mapa para localizar las l paradas más cercanas a donde se l subirá y bajará del autobús. l ➤ Seleccione el horario (Entre semana, l McPherson Sq station sábado, domingo) de cuando viajará. A lo largo de la parte superior del horario, localice la parada o el punto más cercano a la parada en la que se subirá al autobús. Siga esa columna hacia abajo hasta la hora en la que desee salir. ➤ Utilice el mismo método para localizar las horas en que el autobús está programado para llegar a la parada en donde desea bajarse del autobús. ➤ Si la parada del autobús no está listada use la hora que se muestra en la parada anterior como la hora de espera en la parada. ➤ El final de la ruta o la última parada del autobús aparece en letras MAYÚSCULAS en el horario.

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

A District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia Transit Partnership Page 1 of 3

C-17 For route and schedule information Call 202-637-7000 3Y www.wmata.com Lee Highway-Farragut Square Line















LEE HWY Legend

— Metrorail Station Guaranteed Ride Home — Terminal Stands When you take Metrobus or Metrorail to work, you are eligible to participate in the free Commuter Connection Guaranteed Ride Home Program. The program will get you home in the event of a personal emergency or unscheduled overtime. To register and to receive program details, call Commuter Connection at 1-800-745-RIDE. (2/97)













C-18 Effective 6-24-18 How to use this timetable

➤ Use the map to find the stops closest to where you will get on and off the bus. ➤ Select the schedule (Weekday, Saturday, Sunday) for when you will 4A,B travel. Along the top of the schedule, Pershing Dr.-Arlington Blvd. Line find the stop at or nearest the point where you will get on the bus. Follow that column down to the time you want to leave. ➤ Use the same method to find the times the bus is scheduled to arrive at the stop where you will get off the bus. Serves these locations- ➤ If the bus stop is not listed, use the Brinda servicio a estas ubicaciones time shown for the bus stop before it l Seven Corners Transit Center as the time to wait at the stop. Arlington Forest ➤ The end-of-the-line or last stop is listed l in ALL CAPS on the schedule. l Buckingham (4B) l Lyon Park (4B) Cómo Usar este Horario l (4B) ➤ Use este mapa para localizar las paradas más cercanas a donde se l subirá y bajará del autobús. ➤ Seleccione el horario (Entre semana, sábado, domingo) de cuando viajará. A lo largo de la parte superior del horario, localice la parada o el punto más cercano a la parada en la que se subirá al autobús. Siga esa columna hacia abajo hasta la hora en la que desee salir. ➤ Utilice el mismo método para localizar las horas en que el autobús está programado para llegar a la parada en donde desea bajarse del autobús. ➤ Si la parada del autobús no está listada use la hora que se muestra en la parada anterior como la hora de espera en la parada. ➤ El final de la ruta o la última par- ada del autobús aparece en letras MAYÚSCULAS en el horario.

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

A District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia Transit Partnership Page 1 of 7

C-19 For route and schedule information 4A,B Call 202-637-7000 Pershing Dr.-Arlington Blvd. Line www.wmata.com





4B WILSON BLVD WILSON VEITCH ST COURTHOUSE RD JOINT BASE MYER-HENDERSON COURT HALL HOUSE WASHINGTON BLVD STATION Guaranteed Ride Home BARTON ST When you take Metrobus or Metrorail to work, you are eligible to participate in the free Commuter

PERSHING DR Connection Guaranteed Ride Home Program.

PERSHING DR 10TH ST The program will get you home in the event of a 4A personal emergency or unscheduled overtime. To register and to receive program details, call Commuter Connection at 1-800-745-RIDE. (2/97)













THORNERD SEVEN CORNERS TRANSIT 4A,B CENTER LEESBURG PIKE SEVEN CORNERS WMATA ©2018 For information regarding this map contact . Page 2 of 7

C-20 4A,B Pershing Dr.-Arlington Blvd. Line Eastbound To Rosslyn station Monday thru Friday — Lunes a viernes

Arlington Clarendon Patrick Blvd. Arlington Blvd. & Henry Service Blvd. Uhle St. Seven Dr. Park Rdwy. & Pershing Barton & (Court Corners & Arlington Dr. & George Dr. & St. & Pershing House) ROSSLYN Route Transit Arlington Blvd. & Park Arlington Mason Glebe Pershing Dr. Number Center Blvd. Dr. Blvd. Dr. Rd. Dr. (Ft. Myer) AM Service — Servicio matutino 4B 5:05 5:10 - 5:16 - 5:22 5:27 - 5:32 5:37 4A 5:20 5:25 5:31 - 5:33 - - 5:38 - 5:43 4B 5:35 5:40 - 5:46 - 5:52 5:57 - 6:02 6:07 4A 5:50 5:55 6:01 - 6:03 - - 6:08 - 6:13 4B 6:05 6:10 - 6:16 - 6:22 6:27 - 6:32 6:37 4A 6:20 6:26 6:33 - 6:36 - - 6:42 - 6:48 4B 6:35 6:40 - 6:47 - 6:54 6:59 - 7:05 7:10 4A 6:50 6:56 7:03 - 7:06 - - 7:12 - 7:18 4B 7:05 7:10 - 7:17 - 7:24 7:29 - 7:35 7:40 4A 7:20 7:27 7:35 - 7:38 - - 7:46 - 7:55 4B 7:35 7:42 - 7:50 - 7:58 8:04 - 8:10 8:17 4A 7:50 7:57 8:05 - 8:08 - - 8:16 - 8:25 4B 8:05 8:12 - 8:20 - 8:28 8:34 - 8:40 8:47 4A 8:20 8:27 8:35 - 8:38 - - 8:46 - 8:55 4B 8:35 8:42 - 8:50 - 8:58 9:04 - 9:10 9:17 4A 8:50 8:57 9:05 - 9:08 - - 9:16 - 9:25 4B 9:05 9:11 - 9:17 - 9:24 9:29 - 9:35 9:40 4A 9:20 9:26 9:32 - 9:34 - - 9:40 - 9:47 4B 9:35 9:41 - 9:47 - 9:54 9:59 - 10:05 10:10 4B 10:05 10:11 - 10:17 - 10:24 10:29 - 10:35 10:40 4B 10:35 10:41 - 10:47 - 10:53 10:58 - 11:03 11:08 4B 11:05 11:11 - 11:17 - 11:23 11:28 - 11:33 11:38 4B 11:35 11:41 - 11:47 - 11:53 11:58 - 12:03 12:08 PM Service — Servicio vespertino 4B 12:05 12:11 - 12:17 - 12:23 12:28 - 12:33 12:38 4B 12:35 12:41 - 12:47 - 12:53 12:58 - 1:03 1:08 4B 1:05 1:11 - 1:17 - 1:23 1:28 - 1:33 1:38 4B 1:35 1:41 - 1:47 - 1:53 1:58 - 2:03 2:08 4B 2:05 2:11 - 2:17 - 2:23 2:28 - 2:33 2:38 4B 2:35 2:41 - 2:47 - 2:53 2:58 - 3:03 3:08 4B 3:05 3:11 - 3:17 - 3:23 3:28 - 3:33 3:38 4B 3:35 3:41 - 3:47 - 3:53 3:58 - 4:03 4:08 4A 3:50 3:57 4:03 - 4:06 - - 4:12 - 4:18 4B 4:05 4:12 - 4:19 - 4:26 4:31 - 4:37 4:42 4A 4:20 4:27 4:33 - 4:36 - - 4:42 - 4:48 4B 4:35 4:42 - 4:49 - 4:56 5:01 - 5:07 5:12 4A 4:50 4:57 5:03 - 5:06 - - 5:12 - 5:18 4B 5:05 5:12 - 5:19 - 5:26 5:31 - 5:37 5:42 4A 5:20 5:27 5:33 - 5:36 - - 5:42 - 5:48 4B 5:35 5:42 - 5:49 - 5:56 6:01 - 6:07 6:12 4A 5:50 5:57 6:03 - 6:06 - - 6:12 - 6:18 4B 6:05 6:12 - 6:19 - 6:26 6:31 - 6:37 6:42 4A 6:20 6:26 6:32 - 6:34 - - 6:39 - 6:44 4B 6:35 6:41 - 6:47 - 6:53 6:58 - 7:03 7:08 4B 7:05 7:11 - 7:17 - 7:23 7:28 - 7:33 7:38 4B 7:35 7:40 - 7:45 - 7:51 7:55 - 7:59 8:03 4B 8:05 8:10 - 8:15 - 8:21 8:25 - 8:29 8:33 4B 8:35 8:40 - 8:45 - 8:51 8:55 - 8:59 9:03 4B 9:05 9:09 - 9:14 - 9:19 9:23 - 9:27 9:31 4B 9:35 9:39 - 9:44 - 9:49 9:53 - 9:57 10:01 4B 10:05 10:09 - 10:14 - 10:19 10:23 - 10:27 10:31 4B 10:50 10:54 - 10:59 - 11:04 11:08 - 11:12 11:16 4B 11:35 11:39 - 11:44 - 11:49 11:53 - 11:57 12:01

Page 3 of 7

C-21 4A,B Pershing Dr.-Arlington Blvd. Line Westbound to Seven Corners Transit Center Monday thru Friday — Lunes a viernes

Wilson Arlington Blvd. & Arlington Blvd. Patrick Veitch St. Blvd. Service Henry (Court & Barton Pershing Rdwy. & Park Dr. SEVEN Rosslyn House) Pershing St. & Dr. & George Dr. & Arlington & CORNERS Route Dr. Pershing Glebe Mason Arlington Blvd. & Park Number (Ft. Myer) Dr. Rd. Dr. Blvd. Dr. Blvd. Center AM Service — Servicio matutino 4B 5:45 5:51 - 5:55 6:00 - 6:07 - 6:15 6:19 4A 6:00 - 6:05 - - 6:10 - 6:11 6:19 6:23 4B 6:15 6:21 - 6:25 6:30 - 6:37 - 6:45 6:49 4A 6:30 - 6:35 - - 6:40 - 6:41 6:49 6:53 4B 6:45 6:51 - 6:55 7:00 - 7:07 - 7:15 7:19 4A 7:00 - 7:05 - - 7:10 - 7:11 7:19 7:23 4B 7:15 7:21 - 7:25 7:30 - 7:37 - 7:45 7:49 4A 7:30 - 7:35 - - 7:40 - 7:41 7:52 7:56 4B 7:45 7:53 - 7:57 8:02 - 8:09 - 8:19 8:23 4A 8:00 - 8:05 - - 8:10 - 8:11 8:22 8:26 4B 8:15 8:23 - 8:27 8:32 - 8:39 - 8:49 8:53 4A 8:30 - 8:35 - - 8:40 - 8:41 8:52 8:56 4B 8:45 8:53 - 8:57 9:02 - 9:09 - 9:19 9:23 4B 9:15 9:23 - 9:27 9:32 - 9:39 - 9:49 9:53 4B 9:45 9:53 - 9:57 10:02 - 10:09 - 10:19 10:23 4B 10:15 10:23 - 10:27 10:32 - 10:39 - 10:49 10:53 4B 10:45 10:53 - 10:57 11:02 - 11:09 - 11:19 11:23 4B 11:15 11:22 - 11:26 11:31 - 11:38 - 11:46 11:50 4B 11:45 11:52 - 11:56 12:01 - 12:08 - 12:16 12:20 PM Service — Servicio vespertino 4B 12:15 12:22 - 12:26 12:31 - 12:38 - 12:46 12:50 4B 12:45 12:52 - 12:56 1:01 - 1:08 - 1:16 1:20 4B 1:15 1:22 - 1:26 1:31 - 1:38 - 1:46 1:50 4B 1:45 1:52 - 1:56 2:01 - 2:08 - 2:16 2:20 4B 2:15 2:23 - 2:28 2:34 - 2:42 - 2:51 2:55 4B 2:45 2:53 - 2:58 3:04 - 3:12 - 3:21 3:25 4A 3:00 - 3:05 - - 3:11 - 3:13 3:22 3:25 4B 3:15 3:23 - 3:28 3:34 - 3:42 - 3:51 3:55 4A 3:30 - 3:35 - - 3:41 - 3:43 3:52 3:55 4B 3:45 3:53 - 3:58 4:04 - 4:12 - 4:21 4:25 4A 4:00 - 4:06 - - 4:14 - 4:16 4:27 4:32 4B 4:15 4:23 - 4:28 4:34 - 4:42 - 4:52 4:57 4A 4:30 - 4:36 - - 4:44 - 4:46 4:57 5:02 4B 4:45 4:53 - 4:58 5:04 - 5:12 - 5:22 5:27 4A 5:00 - 5:06 - - 5:14 - 5:16 5:27 5:32 4B 5:15 5:23 - 5:28 5:34 - 5:42 - 5:52 5:57 4A 5:30 - 5:36 - - 5:44 - 5:46 5:57 6:02 4B 5:45 5:53 - 5:58 6:04 - 6:12 - 6:22 6:27 4A 6:00 - 6:06 - - 6:14 - 6:16 6:27 6:32 4B 6:15 6:22 - 6:27 6:33 - 6:39 - 6:47 6:51 4A 6:30 - 6:35 - - 6:42 - 6:44 6:52 6:56 4B 6:45 6:52 - 6:57 7:03 - 7:09 - 7:17 7:21 4A 7:00 - 7:05 - - 7:12 - 7:14 7:22 7:26 4B 7:15 7:22 - 7:27 7:32 - 7:38 - 7:44 7:47 4B 7:45 7:52 - 7:57 8:02 - 8:08 - 8:14 8:17 4B 8:15 8:22 - 8:27 8:32 - 8:38 - 8:44 8:47 4B 8:45 8:52 - 8:57 9:02 - 9:08 - 9:14 9:17 4B 9:15 9:22 - 9:27 9:32 - 9:38 - 9:44 9:47 4B 9:45 9:52 - 9:57 10:02 - 10:08 - 10:14 10:17 4B 10:15 10:21 - 10:25 10:30 - 10:35 - 10:41 10:44 4B 10:45 10:51 - 10:55 11:00 - 11:05 - 11:11 11:14 4B 11:30 11:36 - 11:40 11:45 - 11:50 - 11:56 11:59 After Midnight Service — Servicio después de la medianoche 4B 12:15 12:21 - 12:25 12:30 - 12:35 - 12:41 12:44

Page 4 of 7

C-22 4A,B Pershing Dr.-Arlington Blvd. Line Eastbound To Rosslyn station Saturday — En sábados

Clarendon Patrick Blvd. & Henry Uhle St. Seven Dr. Park Pershing Barton (Court Corners & Dr. & Dr. & St. & House) ROSSLYN Route Transit Arlington Arlington Glebe Pershing Number Center Blvd. Blvd. Rd. Dr. AM Service — Servicio matutino 4B 6:20 6:25 6:31 6:37 6:42 6:47 6:52 4B 7:20 7:25 7:31 7:37 7:42 7:47 7:52 4B 8:05 8:10 8:16 8:22 8:27 8:32 8:37 4B 8:50 8:55 9:01 9:07 9:12 9:17 9:22 4B 9:35 9:42 9:48 9:54 9:59 10:04 10:09 4B 10:20 10:27 10:33 10:39 10:44 10:49 10:54 4B 11:05 11:12 11:18 11:24 11:29 11:34 11:39 4B 11:50 11:57 12:03 12:09 12:14 12:19 12:24 PM Service — Servicio vespertino 4B 12:35 12:42 12:48 12:54 12:59 1:04 1:09 4B 1:20 1:27 1:33 1:39 1:44 1:49 1:54 4B 2:05 2:12 2:18 2:24 2:29 2:34 2:39 4B 2:50 2:57 3:03 3:09 3:14 3:19 3:24 4B 3:35 3:42 3:48 3:54 3:59 4:04 4:09 4B 4:20 4:27 4:33 4:39 4:44 4:49 4:54 4B 5:05 5:12 5:18 5:24 5:29 5:34 5:39 4B 5:50 5:57 6:03 6:09 6:14 6:19 6:24 4B 6:35 6:40 6:46 6:51 6:56 7:01 7:06 4B 7:20 7:25 7:31 7:36 7:41 7:46 7:51 4B 8:05 8:10 8:16 8:21 8:26 8:31 8:36 4B 8:50 8:55 9:01 9:06 9:11 9:16 9:21 4B 9:35 9:39 9:44 9:49 9:53 9:57 10:01 4B 10:20 10:24 10:29 10:34 10:38 10:42 10:46 4B 11:05 11:09 11:14 11:19 11:23 11:27 11:31

Eastbound To Rosslyn station Saturday Supplemental — Sábados suplementario

Patrick Arlington Henry Blvd. Arlington Seven Dr. Arlington Service Rdwy. Blvd. Corners & Blvd. & & ROSSLYN Route Transit Arlington & George Pershing Number Center Blvd Park Dr. Mason Dr. Dr. AM Service — Servicio matutino 4A 6:45 6:51 6:56 6:57 7:01 7:06 4A 7:45 7:51 7:56 7:57 8:01 8:06 4A 8:40 8:46 8:51 8:52 8:56 9:01 On four Federal holidays, Columbus Day, Veterans’ Day, Martin L. King Day, and Presidents’ Day, Metrobus will run on a Saturday supplemental schedule. On these holidays, the supplemental trips will operate in addition to the regular Saturday trips.

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C-23 4A,B Pershing Dr.-Arlington Blvd. Line Westbound To Seven Corners Transit Center Saturday — En sábados

Wilson Patrick Blvd. & Henry Veitch St. Barton Pershing Park Dr. SEVEN (Court St. & Dr. & Dr. & & CORNERS Rosslyn House) Route Preshing Glebe Arlington Arlington Transit Number Dr. Rd Blvd. Blvd. Center AM Service — Servicio matutino 4B 7:15 7:20 7:24 7:29 7:34 7:40 7:43 4B 8:00 8:06 8:10 8:15 8:21 8:28 8:31 4B 8:45 8:51 8:55 9:00 9:06 9:13 9:16 4B 9:30 9:36 9:40 9:45 9:51 9:58 10:01 4B 10:15 10:21 10:25 10:30 10:36 10:43 10:46 4B 11:00 11:07 11:12 11:17 11:23 11:31 11:35 4B 11:45 11:52 11:57 12:02 12:08 12:16 12:20 PM Service — Servicio vespertino 4B 12:30 12:37 12:42 12:47 12:53 1:01 1:05 4B 1:15 1:22 1:27 1:32 1:38 1:46 1:50 4B 2:00 2:07 2:12 2:17 2:23 2:31 2:35 4B 2:45 2:52 2:57 3:02 3:08 3:16 3:20 4B 3:30 3:37 3:42 3:47 3:53 4:01 4:05 4B 4:15 4:22 4:27 4:32 4:38 4:46 4:50 4B 5:00 5:07 5:12 5:17 5:23 5:31 5:35 4B 5:45 5:52 5:57 6:02 6:08 6:16 6:20 4B 6:30 6:37 6:42 6:47 6:53 7:01 7:05 4B 7:15 7:21 7:25 7:30 7:36 7:43 7:46 4B 8:00 8:06 8:10 8:15 8:21 8:28 8:31 4B 8:45 8:51 8:55 9:00 9:06 9:13 9:16 4B 9:30 9:36 9:40 9:44 9:49 9:55 9:58 4B 10:15 10:21 10:25 10:29 10:34 10:40 10:43 4B 11:00 11:06 11:10 11:14 11:19 11:25 11:28

Westbound To Seven Corners Transit Center Saturday Supplemental — Sábados suplementario

Arlington Patrick Arlington Blvd. Henry Blvd. Service Rdwy. Arlington Dr. SEVEN Rosslyn & & Blvd. & CORNERS Route Pershing George & Arlington Transit Center Number Dr. Mason Dr. Park Dr. Blvd. PM Service — Servicio vespertino 4A 4:30 4:35 4:39 4:41 4:46 4:50 4A 5:30 5:35 5:39 5:41 5:46 5:50 4A 6:20 6:25 6:29 6:31 6:36 6:40 On four Federal holidays, Columbus Day, Veterans’ Day, Martin L. King Day, and Presidents’ Day, Metrobus will run on a Saturday supplemental schedule. On these holidays, the supplemental trips will operate in addition to the regular Saturday trips.

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C-24 4A,B Pershing Dr.-Arlington Blvd. Line Westbound To Eastbound To Rosslyn station Seven Corners Transit Center Sunday — En domingo Sunday — En domingo Clarendon Wilson Patrick Patrick Blvd. & Blvd. & Henry Henry Uhle St. Veitch St. Seven Dr. Park Pershing Barton Barton Pershing Park Dr. SEVEN (Court (Court Corners & Dr. & Dr. & St. & St. & Dr. & Dr. & & CORNERS House) ROSSLYN Rosslyn House) Route Transit Arlington Arlington Glebe Pershing Route Preshing Glebe Arlington Arlington Transit Number Center Blvd. Blvd. Rd. Dr. Number Dr. Rd Blvd. Blvd. Center AM Service — Servicio matutino AM Service — Servicio matutino 4B 6:35 6:39 6:44 6:49 6:53 6:57 7:02 4B 7:15 7:20 7:24 7:29 7:34 7:41 7:44 4B 7:35 7:39 7:44 7:49 7:53 7:57 8:02 4B 8:15 8:20 8:24 8:29 8:34 8:41 8:44 4B 8:35 8:39 8:44 8:49 8:53 8:57 9:02 4B 9:15 9:20 9:24 9:29 9:34 9:41 9:44 4B 9:35 9:39 9:44 9:49 9:53 9:57 10:02 4B 10:15 10:20 10:24 10:29 10:34 10:41 10:44 4B 10:35 10:39 10:44 10:49 10:53 10:57 11:02 4B 11:15 11:20 11:24 11:29 11:34 11:41 11:44 4B 11:35 11:41 11:47 11:53 11:57 12:02 12:07 PM Service — Servicio vespertino PM Service — Servicio vespertino 4B 12:15 12:22 12:27 12:33 12:39 12:46 12:49 4B 12:35 12:41 12:47 12:53 12:57 1:02 1:07 4B 1:15 1:22 1:27 1:33 1:39 1:46 1:49 4B 1:35 1:41 1:47 1:53 1:57 2:02 2:07 4B 2:15 2:22 2:27 2:33 2:39 2:46 2:49 4B 2:35 2:41 2:47 2:53 2:57 3:02 3:07 4B 3:15 3:22 3:27 3:33 3:39 3:46 3:49 4B 3:35 3:41 3:47 3:53 3:57 4:02 4:07 4B 4:15 4:22 4:27 4:33 4:39 4:46 4:49 4B 4:35 4:41 4:47 4:53 4:57 5:02 5:07 4B 5:15 5:22 5:27 5:33 5:39 5:46 5:49 4B 5:35 5:40 5:45 5:50 5:54 5:59 6:03 4B 6:15 6:22 6:27 6:33 6:39 6:46 6:49 4B 6:35 6:40 6:45 6:50 6:54 6:59 7:03 4B 7:15 7:22 7:27 7:33 7:39 7:46 7:49 4B 7:35 7:40 7:45 7:50 7:54 7:59 8:03 4B 8:15 8:21 8:25 8:30 8:35 8:41 8:44 4B 8:35 8:40 8:45 8:50 8:54 8:59 9:03 4B 9:15 9:21 9:25 9:30 9:35 9:41 9:44

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C-25 3Y Lee Highway - Farragut Square Line Eastbound To McPherson Square station Monday thru Friday — Lunes a viernes

K & 17th Sts. 14th & I East NW (Farragut Sts. NW Falls North & Far- (MCPHER- th Church Lee Hwy. & 18 St. & ragut West) SON SQ) Route Lee Hwy. & Lee Hwy. & Fort Myer Dr. Pennsylvania Number Glebe Rd. Kirkwood Rd. (Rosslyn) Ave. NW AM Service — Servicio matutino 3Y 6:29 6:37 6:45 6:52 7:00 7:05 7:10 3Y 6:59 7:07 7:15 7:22 7:30 7:35 7:40 3Y 7:14 7:22 7:30 7:37 7:45 7:50 7:55 3Y 7:25 7:34 7:44 7:51 8:00 8:05 8:10 3Y 7:46 7:58 8:08 8:16 8:29 8:35 8:40 3Y 8:10 8:22 8:32 8:39 8:52 8:58 9:05 3Y 8:35 8:47 8:57 9:04 9:17 9:23 9:30 On four Federal holidays, Columbus Day, Veterans’ Day, Martin L. King Day, and Presidents’ Day, Metrobus will run on a Saturday supplemental schedule. On these holidays, this route will have no service.

Westbound To East Falls Church station Monday thru Friday — Lunes a viernes K St & Con- 15th St. (W) & necticut Ave. K St. NW NW (Farragut East (McPherson North & Far- Falls Sq) ragut West) Lee Hwy. & Lee Hwy. & Church Route 19th & F Sts. Fort Myer Dr. Spout Run Lee Hwy. & Number NW (Rosslyn) Pkwy. Glebe Rd. PM Service — Servicio vesertino 3Y 4:15 4:19 4:24 4:32 4:38 4:49 5:02 3Y 4:40 4:44 4:49 4:57 5:03 5:14 5:27 3Y 5:05 5:09 5:14 5:22 5:28 5:39 5:52 3Y 5:30 5:34 5:41 5:51 5:57 6:08 6:20 3Y 5:55 5:59 6:06 6:16 6:22 6:33 6:45 3Y 6:20 6:23 6:28 6:37 6:43 6:54 7:05 3Y 6:45 6:48 6:53 7:02 7:08 7:19 7:30 3Y 7:15 7:18 7:23 7:32 7:38 7:49 8:00 On four Federal holidays, Columbus Day, Veterans’ Day, Martin L. King Day, and Presidents’ Day, Metrobus will run on a Saturday supplemental schedule. On these holidays, this route will have no service.

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C-26 How to use this timetable Effective 6-25-17

➤ Use the map to find the stops closest to where you will get on and off the bus. ➤ Select the schedule (Weekday, Saturday, Sunday) for when you will travel. Along the top of the schedule, Ballston-Farragut Square Line find the stop at or nearest the point where you will get on the bus. Follow that column down to the time you want to leave. ➤ Use the same method to find the times the bus is scheduled to arrive at the stop where you will get off the bus. Serves these locations- ➤ If the bus stop is not listed, use the Brinda servicio a estas ubicaciones time shown for the bus stop before it as the time to wait at the stop. l Ballston-MU station ➤ The end-of-the-line or last stop is listed l in ALL CAPS on the schedule. l Court House station l Rosslyn station Cómo Usar este Horario Georgetown ➤ Use este mapa para localizar las l paradas más cercanas a donde se l Farragut North station subirá y bajará del autobús. l Farragut West station ➤ Seleccione el horario (Entre semana, sábado, domingo) de cuando viajará. A lo largo de la parte superior del horario, localice la parada o el punto más cercano a la parada en la que se subirá al autobús. Siga esa columna hacia abajo hasta la hora en la que desee salir. ➤ Utilice el mismo método para localizar las horas en que el autobús está programado para llegar a la parada en donde desea bajarse del autobús. ➤ Si la parada del autobús no está listada use la hora que se muestra en la parada anterior como la hora de espera en la parada. ➤ El final de la ruta o la última par- ada del autobús aparece en letras MAYÚSCULAS en el horario.

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

A District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia Transit Partnership Page 1 of 9

C-27 For route and schedule information 38B Call 202-637-7000 Ballston-Farragut Square Line www.wmata.com

17th ST (E)


FARRAGUT K ST WEST Legend STATION EYE ST — Metrorail Station 24th ST — Terminal Stands








CLARENDON BLVD Guaranteed Ride Home When you take Metrobus or Metrorail to work, you are eligible to participate in the free Commuter

WILSON BLVD COURT Connection Guaranteed Ride Home Program. VEITCH ST HOUSE UHLE ST STATION The program will get you home in the event of a personal emergency or unscheduled overtime. To register and to receive program details, call VA Commuter Connection at 1-800-745-RIDE. (2/97)







WMATA ©2016 For information regarding this map contact .

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C-28 38B Westbound To Ballston-MU station Ballston-Farragut Square Line Monday thru Friday — Lunes a viernes Pennsyl- M St. 17th (E) & vania & I Sts. NW Ave. Wisconsin Washington (Farragut & Ave. Court Blvd. BALLSTON- N&W) 24th NW Rosslyn House Clarendon & MU Route St. (George- Quincy Number NW town) St. AM Service — Servicio matutino 38B 5:20 5:25 5:30 5:37 5:42 5:44 5:47 5:55 38B 5:50 5:55 6:00 6:07 6:12 6:14 6:17 6:25 38B 6:15 6:20 6:25 6:32 6:37 6:39 6:42 6:50 38B 6:40 6:46 6:52 7:00 7:06 7:09 7:12 7:20 38B 7:00 7:06 7:12 7:20 7:26 7:29 7:32 7:40 38B 7:15 7:21 7:27 7:35 7:41 7:44 7:47 7:55 38B 7:30 7:38 7:44 7:52 7:59 8:02 8:06 8:14 38B 7:42 7:50 7:56 8:04 8:11 8:14 8:18 8:26 38B 7:55 8:03 8:09 8:17 8:24 8:27 8:31 8:39 38B 8:10 8:18 8:24 8:32 8:39 8:42 8:46 8:54 38B 8:25 8:33 8:39 8:47 8:54 8:57 9:01 9:09 38B 8:40 8:48 8:54 9:02 9:09 9:12 9:16 9:24 38B 8:55 9:01 9:07 9:14 9:20 9:24 9:27 9:34 38B 9:10 9:16 9:22 9:29 9:35 9:39 9:42 9:49 38B 9:30 9:36 9:42 9:49 9:55 9:59 10:02 10:09 38B 9:50 9:56 10:02 10:09 10:15 10:19 10:22 10:29 38B 10:10 10:16 10:22 10:29 10:35 10:39 10:42 10:49 38B 10:30 10:36 10:42 10:49 10:55 10:59 11:02 11:09 38B 10:50 10:56 11:02 11:09 11:15 11:19 11:22 11:29 38B 11:10 11:16 11:22 11:29 11:35 11:39 11:42 11:49 38B 11:30 11:36 11:42 11:49 11:55 11:59 12:02 12:09 38B 11:50 11:56 12:02 12:09 12:15 12:19 12:22 12:29 PM Service — Servicio vespertino 38B 12:10 12:16 12:22 12:29 12:35 12:39 12:42 12:49 38B 12:30 12:36 12:42 12:49 12:55 12:59 1:02 1:09 38B 12:50 12:56 1:02 1:09 1:15 1:19 1:22 1:29 38B 1:10 1:16 1:22 1:29 1:35 1:39 1:42 1:49 38B 1:30 1:36 1:42 1:49 1:55 1:59 2:02 2:09 38B 1:50 1:56 2:02 2:09 2:15 2:19 2:22 2:29 38B 2:10 2:16 2:22 2:29 2:35 2:39 2:42 2:49 38B 2:30 2:36 2:42 2:49 2:55 2:59 3:02 3:09 38B 2:50 2:57 3:04 3:13 3:20 3:24 3:28 3:35 38B 3:10 3:17 3:24 3:33 3:40 3:44 3:48 3:55 38B 3:30 3:37 3:44 3:53 4:00 4:04 4:08 4:15 38B 3:50 3:57 4:04 4:13 4:20 4:24 4:28 4:35 38B 4:05 4:12 4:19 4:28 4:35 4:39 4:43 4:50 38B 4:20 4:27 4:34 4:43 4:50 4:54 4:58 5:05 38B 4:35 4:42 4:49 4:58 5:05 5:09 5:13 5:20 38B 4:50 4:57 5:04 5:13 5:20 5:24 5:28 5:35 38B 5:07 5:16 5:26 5:36 5:44 5:48 5:52 5:59 38B 5:20 5:29 5:39 5:49 5:57 6:01 6:05 6:12 38B 5:35 5:44 5:54 6:04 6:12 6:16 6:20 6:27 38B 5:50 5:59 6:09 6:19 6:27 6:31 6:35 6:42 38B 6:05 6:14 6:24 6:34 6:42 6:46 6:50 6:57 38B 6:20 6:27 6:35 6:43 6:50 6:54 6:58 7:05 38B 6:35 6:42 6:50 6:58 7:05 7:09 7:13 7:20 38B 6:50 6:57 7:05 7:13 7:20 7:24 7:28 7:35 38B 7:10 7:16 7:22 7:30 7:36 7:40 7:44 7:51 38B 7:30 7:36 7:42 7:50 7:56 8:00 8:04 8:11 38B 7:50 7:56 8:02 8:10 8:16 8:20 8:24 8:31 38B 8:15 8:21 8:27 8:35 8:41 8:45 8:49 8:56 38B 8:45 8:50 8:56 9:02 9:08 9:11 9:14 9:21 38B 9:15 9:20 9:26 9:32 9:38 9:41 9:44 9:51 38B 9:45 9:50 9:56 10:02 10:08 10:11 10:14 10:21 38B 10:15 10:20 10:26 10:32 10:38 10:41 10:44 10:51 38B 10:45 10:50 10:56 11:02 11:08 11:11 11:14 11:21 38B 11:15 11:20 11:26 11:32 11:38 11:41 11:44 11:51 38B 11:45 11:50 11:56 12:02 12:08 12:11 12:14 12:21 After Midnight Service — Servicio después de la medianoche 38B 12:15 12:19 12:23 12:29 12:34 12:37 12:40 12:47 38B 12:45 12:49 12:53 12:59 1:04 1:07 1:10 1:17 38B 1:15 1:19 1:23 1:29 1:34 1:37 1:40 1:47 ❍ 38B 1:45 1:49 1:53 1:59 2:04 2:07 2:10 2:17 ❍ 38B 2:15 2:19 2:23 2:29 2:34 2:37 2:40 2:47 Page 3 of 9 ❍ — Trip operates Friday only. Los autobuses funcionan solamente el viernes. C-29 38B Eastbound To Farragut North/Farragut West stations Ballston-Farragut Square Line

Monday thru Friday — Lunes a viernes

M Pennsyl- 17th (E) & Washing- St. & vania I Sts. NW ton Wisconsin Ave. (Farragut Ballston- Quincy Blvd. Court Ave. & N&W) MU & & Clarendon House Rosslyn NW 24th # Route N. Quincy (George- St. Number 13th Sts. St. town) NW AM Service — Servicio matutino 38B 5:25 - 5:29 5:33 5:36 5:44 5:48 5:52 5:58 38B 5:50 - 5:54 5:58 6:01 6:09 6:13 6:17 6:23 38B 6:10 - 6:14 6:18 6:21 6:29 6:33 6:37 6:43 38B 6:28 - 6:32 6:36 6:39 6:47 6:51 6:55 7:01 38B 6:40 - 6:45 6:49 6:52 7:00 7:06 7:11 7:18 38B 6:53 - 6:58 7:02 7:05 7:13 7:19 7:24 7:31 38B 7:06 - 7:11 7:15 7:18 7:26 7:32 7:37 7:44 38B 7:16 - 7:22 7:26 7:30 7:39 7:46 7:52 8:00 38B 7:29 - 7:35 7:39 7:43 7:52 7:59 8:05 8:13 38B 7:41 - 7:47 7:51 7:55 8:04 8:11 8:17 8:25 38B 7:53 - 7:59 8:03 8:07 8:16 8:23 8:29 8:37 38B 8:03 - 8:09 8:14 8:18 8:28 8:38 8:45 8:55 38B 8:14 - 8:20 8:25 8:29 8:39 8:49 8:56 9:06 38B 8:24 - 8:30 8:35 8:39 8:49 8:59 9:06 9:16 38B 8:36 - 8:42 8:47 8:51 9:01 9:11 9:18 9:28 38B 8:48 - 8:54 8:59 9:03 9:13 9:23 9:30 9:40 38B 9:00 - 9:06 9:11 9:15 9:25 9:35 9:42 9:52 38B 9:20 - 9:25 9:29 9:33 9:40 9:46 9:51 9:59 38B 9:40 - 9:45 9:49 9:53 10:00 10:06 10:11 10:19 38B 10:00 - 10:05 10:09 10:13 10:20 10:26 10:31 10:39 38B 10:20 - 10:25 10:29 10:33 10:40 10:46 10:51 10:59 38B 10:40 - 10:45 10:49 10:53 11:00 11:06 11:11 11:19 38B 11:00 - 11:05 11:09 11:13 11:20 11:26 11:31 11:39 38B 11:20 - 11:25 11:29 11:33 11:40 11:46 11:51 11:59 38B 11:40 - 11:45 11:49 11:53 12:00 12:06 12:11 12:19 PM Service — Servicio vespertino 38B 12:00 - 12:05 12:09 12:13 12:20 12:26 12:31 12:39 38B 12:20 - 12:25 12:29 12:33 12:40 12:46 12:51 12:59 38B 12:40 - 12:45 12:49 12:53 1:00 1:06 1:11 1:19 38B 1:00 - 1:05 1:09 1:13 1:20 1:26 1:31 1:39 38B 1:20 - 1:25 1:29 1:33 1:40 1:46 1:51 1:59 38B 1:40 - 1:45 1:49 1:53 2:00 2:06 2:11 2:19 38B 2:00 - 2:05 2:09 2:13 2:20 2:26 2:31 2:39 38B 2:20 - 2:25 2:29 2:33 2:40 2:46 2:51 2:59 38B 2:40 - 2:45 2:49 2:53 3:00 3:06 3:11 3:19 38B 3:00 - 3:05 3:09 3:13 3:20 3:26 3:31 3:39 ▲ 38B - 3:16 3:17 3:21 3:25 3:32 3:38 3:43 3:51 38B 3:20 - 3:25 3:29 3:33 3:40 3:46 3:51 3:59 ▲ 38B - - 3:36 3:40 3:44 3:51 3:57 4:02 4:10 38B 3:40 - 3:45 3:49 3:53 4:00 4:06 4:11 4:19 38B 4:00 - 4:06 4:11 4:15 4:23 4:29 4:35 4:47 38B 4:15 - 4:21 4:26 4:30 4:38 4:44 4:50 5:02 38B 4:30 - 4:36 4:41 4:45 4:54 5:02 5:10 5:25 38B 4:45 - 4:51 4:56 5:00 5:09 5:17 5:25 5:40 38B 5:00 - 5:06 5:11 5:15 5:24 5:32 5:40 5:55 38B 5:15 - 5:21 5:26 5:30 5:39 5:47 5:55 6:10 38B 5:30 - 5:36 5:41 5:45 5:54 6:02 6:10 6:25 38B 5:45 - 5:51 5:56 6:00 6:09 6:17 6:25 6:40 38B 6:05 - 6:10 6:15 6:19 6:27 6:34 6:40 6:50 38B 6:30 - 6:35 6:40 6:44 6:52 6:59 7:05 7:15 38B 7:00 - 7:05 7:09 7:13 7:20 7:24 7:29 7:34 38B 7:30 - 7:35 7:39 7:43 7:50 7:54 7:59 8:04 38B 8:00 - 8:05 8:09 8:13 8:20 8:24 8:29 8:34 38B 8:30 - 8:35 8:39 8:43 8:50 8:54 8:59 9:04 38B 9:00 - 9:05 9:09 9:13 9:20 9:24 9:29 9:34 38B 9:30 - 9:35 9:39 9:43 9:50 9:54 9:59 10:04 38B 10:00 - 10:05 10:09 10:13 10:20 10:24 10:29 10:34 38B 10:30 - 10:35 10:39 10:43 10:50 10:54 10:59 11:04 ❍ — Trip operates Friday only. 38B 11:00 - 11:05 11:09 11:13 11:20 11:24 11:29 11:34 Los autobuses funcionan 38B 11:30 - 11:35 11:39 11:43 11:50 11:54 11:59 12:04 solamente el viernes. After Midnight Service — Servicio después de la medianoche # — Buses are signed FARRA- 38B 12:00 - 12:04 12:08 12:11 12:17 12:21 12:25 12:30 GUT SQUARE 38B 12:30 - 12:34 12:38 12:41 12:47 12:51 12:55 1:00 ▲ — Trip operates only from 38B 1:00 - 1:04 1:08 1:11 1:17 1:21 1:25 1:30 ❍ March thru May when public 38B 1:30 - 1:34 1:38 1:41 1:47 1:51 1:55 2:00 ❍ 38B 2:00 - 2:04 2:08 2:11 2:17 2:21 2:25 2:30 schools are open. Page 4 of 9

C-30 38B Ballston-Farragut Square Line

Westbound To Ballston-MU station Saturday Supplemental — Sábados suplementario M St. 17th (E) & Pennsyl- & I Sts. NW vania Wisconsin Washington (Farragut Ave. Ave. Court Blvd. BALLSTON- N&W) & NW Rosslyn House Clarendon & MU Route 24th St. (George- Quincy Number NW town) St. AM Service — Servicio matutino 38B 7:00 7:05 7:09 7:15 7:20 7:22 7:25 7:32 38B 7:30 7:35 7:39 7:45 7:50 7:52 7:55 8:02 38B 8:00 8:05 8:11 8:18 8:23 8:26 8:29 8:36 38B 8:30 8:35 8:41 8:48 8:53 8:56 8:59 9:06 PM Service — Servicio vespertino 38B 4:00 4:06 4:13 4:22 4:29 4:34 4:38 4:46 38B 4:30 4:36 4:43 4:52 4:59 5:04 5:08 5:16 38B 5:00 5:06 5:13 5:22 5:29 5:34 5:38 5:46 38B 5:30 5:36 5:43 5:52 5:59 6:04 6:08 6:16 38B 6:00 6:06 6:13 6:22 6:29 6:34 6:38 6:46 On four Federal holidays, Columbus Day, Veterans’ Day, Martin L. King Day, and Presidents’ Day, Metrobus will run on a Saturday supplemental schedule. On these holidays, the supplemental trips will operate in ad- dition to the regular Saturday trips.

Eastbound To Farragut North/Farragut West stations Saturday Supplemental — Sábados suplementario

M St. Pennsyl- 17th (E) & & vania I Sts. NW Washington Wisconsin Ave. (Farragut Ballston- Blvd. Court Ave. & N&W) MU & Clarendon House Rosslyn NW 24th # Route Quincy (George- St. Number St. town) NW AM Service — Servicio matutino 38B 6:45 6:49 6:52 6:55 7:01 7:04 7:08 7:13 38B 7:15 7:19 7:23 7:27 7:34 7:39 7:44 7:49 38B 7:45 7:49 7:53 7:57 8:04 8:09 8:14 8:19 38B 8:15 8:19 8:23 8:27 8:34 8:39 8:44 8:49 38B 8:45 8:49 8:53 8:57 9:04 9:09 9:14 9:19 PM Service — Servicio vespertino 38B 4:15 4:20 4:24 4:28 4:35 4:43 4:48 4:54 38B 4:45 4:50 4:54 4:58 5:05 5:13 5:18 5:24 38B 5:15 5:20 5:24 5:28 5:35 5:43 5:48 5:54 38B 5:45 5:50 5:54 5:58 6:05 6:13 6:18 6:24 On four Federal holidays, Columbus Day, Veterans’ Day, Martin L. King Day, and Presidents’ Day, Metrobus will run on a Saturday supplemental schedule. On these holidays, the supplemental trips will operate in ad- dition to the regular Saturday trips.

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C-31 38B Ballston-Farragut Square Line

Westbound To Ballston-MU station Saturday — En sábados 17th (E) & Pennsyl- M St. I Sts. NW vania & Washington (Farragut Ave. Wisconsin Court Blvd. BALLSTON- N&W) & Ave. NW Rosslyn House Clarendon & MU Route 24th St. (George- Quincy Number NW town) St. AM Service — Servicio matutino 38B 5:45 5:50 5:54 6:00 6:05 6:07 6:10 6:17 38B 6:15 6:20 6:24 6:30 6:35 6:37 6:40 6:47 38B 6:45 6:50 6:54 7:00 7:05 7:07 7:10 7:17 38B 7:15 7:20 7:24 7:30 7:35 7:37 7:40 7:47 38B 7:45 7:50 7:54 8:00 8:05 8:07 8:10 8:17 38B 8:15 8:20 8:26 8:33 8:38 8:41 8:44 8:51 38B 8:45 8:50 8:56 9:03 9:08 9:11 9:14 9:21 38B 9:15 9:20 9:26 9:33 9:38 9:41 9:44 9:51 38B 9:45 9:50 9:56 10:03 10:08 10:11 10:14 10:21 38B 10:15 10:20 10:26 10:33 10:38 10:41 10:44 10:51 38B 10:45 10:50 10:56 11:03 11:08 11:11 11:14 11:21 38B 11:15 11:20 11:26 11:34 11:40 11:44 11:47 11:54 38B 11:45 11:50 11:56 12:04 12:10 12:14 12:17 12:24 PM Service — Servicio vespertino 38B 12:15 12:20 12:26 12:34 12:40 12:44 12:47 12:54 38B 12:45 12:50 12:56 1:04 1:10 1:14 1:17 1:24 38B 1:15 1:20 1:26 1:34 1:40 1:44 1:47 1:54 38B 1:45 1:50 1:56 2:04 2:10 2:14 2:17 2:24 38B 2:15 2:20 2:26 2:34 2:40 2:44 2:47 2:54 38B 2:45 2:51 2:58 3:07 3:14 3:19 3:23 3:31 38B 3:15 3:21 3:28 3:37 3:44 3:49 3:53 4:01 38B 3:45 3:51 3:58 4:07 4:14 4:19 4:23 4:31 38B 4:15 4:21 4:28 4:37 4:44 4:49 4:53 5:01 38B 4:45 4:51 4:58 5:07 5:14 5:19 5:23 5:31 38B 5:15 5:21 5:28 5:37 5:44 5:49 5:53 6:01 38B 5:45 5:51 5:58 6:07 6:14 6:19 6:23 6:31 38B 6:15 6:21 6:28 6:37 6:44 6:49 6:53 7:01 38B 6:45 6:51 6:58 7:07 7:14 7:19 7:23 7:31 38B 7:15 7:21 7:28 7:37 7:44 7:49 7:53 8:01 38B 7:45 7:51 7:58 8:07 8:14 8:19 8:23 8:31 38B 8:15 8:21 8:28 8:37 8:44 8:49 8:53 9:01 38B 8:45 8:50 8:56 9:03 9:09 9:13 9:16 9:23 38B 9:15 9:20 9:26 9:33 9:39 9:43 9:46 9:53 38B 9:45 9:50 9:56 10:03 10:09 10:13 10:16 10:23 38B 10:15 10:20 10:26 10:33 10:39 10:43 10:46 10:53 38B 10:45 10:50 10:56 11:03 11:09 11:13 11:16 11:23 38B 11:15 11:20 11:26 11:33 11:39 11:43 11:46 11:53 38B 11:45 11:50 11:56 12:03 12:09 12:13 12:16 12:23 After Midnight Service — Servicio después de la medianoche 38B 12:15 12:20 12:26 12:33 12:39 12:43 12:46 12:53 38B 12:45 12:49 12:54 1:00 1:05 1:09 1:12 1:18 38B 1:15 1:19 1:24 1:30 1:35 1:39 1:42 1:48 38B 1:45 1:49 1:54 2:00 2:05 2:09 2:12 2:18 38B 2:15 2:19 2:24 2:30 2:35 2:39 2:42 2:48

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C-32 38B Ballston-Farragut Square Line Eastbound To Farragut North/Farragut West stations Saturday — En sábados M St. Pennsyl- 17th (E) & Washington & vania I Sts. NW Ballston- Blvd. Court Wisconsin Ave. (Farragut MU & Clarendon House Rosslyn Ave. NW & N&W) # Route Quincy (George- 24th St. Number St. town) NW AM Service — Servicio matutino 38B 5:30 5:34 5:37 5:40 5:46 5:49 5:53 5:58 38B 6:00 6:04 6:07 6:10 6:16 6:19 6:23 6:28 38B 6:30 6:34 6:37 6:40 6:46 6:49 6:53 6:58 38B 7:00 7:04 7:07 7:10 7:16 7:19 7:23 7:28 38B 7:30 7:34 7:38 7:42 7:49 7:54 7:59 8:04 38B 8:00 8:04 8:08 8:12 8:19 8:24 8:29 8:34 38B 8:30 8:34 8:38 8:42 8:49 8:54 8:59 9:04 38B 9:00 9:04 9:08 9:12 9:19 9:24 9:29 9:34 38B 9:30 9:34 9:38 9:42 9:49 9:54 9:59 10:04 38B 10:00 10:04 10:08 10:12 10:19 10:24 10:29 10:34 38B 10:30 10:34 10:38 10:42 10:49 10:54 10:59 11:04 38B 11:00 11:04 11:08 11:12 11:19 11:24 11:29 11:34 38B 11:30 11:34 11:38 11:42 11:49 11:54 11:59 12:04 PM Service — Servicio vespertino 38B 12:00 12:04 12:08 12:12 12:19 12:24 12:29 12:34 38B 12:30 12:34 12:38 12:42 12:49 12:54 12:59 1:04 38B 1:00 1:04 1:08 1:12 1:19 1:24 1:29 1:34 38B 1:30 1:35 1:39 1:43 1:50 1:58 2:03 2:09 38B 2:00 2:05 2:09 2:13 2:20 2:28 2:33 2:39 38B 2:30 2:35 2:39 2:43 2:50 2:58 3:03 3:09 38B 3:00 3:05 3:09 3:13 3:20 3:28 3:33 3:39 38B 3:30 3:35 3:39 3:43 3:50 3:58 4:03 4:09 38B 4:00 4:05 4:09 4:13 4:20 4:28 4:33 4:39 38B 4:30 4:35 4:39 4:43 4:50 4:58 5:03 5:09 38B 5:00 5:05 5:09 5:13 5:20 5:28 5:33 5:39 38B 5:30 5:35 5:39 5:43 5:50 5:58 6:03 6:09 38B 6:00 6:05 6:09 6:13 6:20 6:28 6:33 6:39 38B 6:30 6:35 6:39 6:43 6:50 6:58 7:03 7:09 38B 7:00 7:04 7:08 7:11 7:17 7:22 7:27 7:32 38B 7:30 7:34 7:38 7:41 7:47 7:52 7:57 8:02 38B 8:00 8:04 8:08 8:11 8:17 8:22 8:27 8:32 38B 8:30 8:34 8:38 8:41 8:47 8:52 8:57 9:02 38B 9:00 9:04 9:08 9:11 9:17 9:22 9:27 9:32 38B 9:30 9:34 9:38 9:41 9:47 9:52 9:57 10:02 38B 10:00 10:04 10:08 10:11 10:17 10:22 10:27 10:32 38B 10:30 10:34 10:38 10:41 10:47 10:52 10:57 11:02 38B 11:00 11:04 11:08 11:11 11:17 11:22 11:27 11:32 38B 11:30 11:34 11:38 11:41 11:47 11:52 11:57 12:02 After Midnight Service — Servicio después de la medianoche 38B 12:00 12:04 12:08 12:11 12:16 12:19 12:23 12:28 38B 12:30 12:34 12:38 12:41 12:46 12:49 12:53 12:58 38B 1:00 1:04 1:08 1:11 1:16 1:19 1:23 1:28 38B 1:30 1:34 1:38 1:41 1:46 1:49 1:53 1:58 38B 2:00 2:04 2:08 2:11 2:16 2:19 2:23 2:28 # — Buses are signed FARRAGUT SQUARE.

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C-33 38B Ballston-Farragut Square Line Westbound To Ballston-MU station Sunday — En domingo

17th (E) & Pennsyl- M St. I Sts. NW vania & Washington (Farragut Ave. Wisconsin Court Blvd. BALLSTON- N&W) & Ave. NW Rosslyn House Clarendon & MU Route 24th St. (George- Quincy Number NW town) St. AM Service — Servicio matutino 38B 5:45 5:49 5:54 6:00 6:05 6:08 6:11 6:18 38B 6:15 6:19 6:24 6:30 6:35 6:38 6:41 6:48 38B 6:45 6:49 6:54 7:00 7:05 7:08 7:11 7:18 38B 7:15 7:19 7:24 7:30 7:35 7:38 7:41 7:48 38B 7:45 7:49 7:54 8:00 8:05 8:08 8:11 8:18 38B 8:15 8:19 8:24 8:30 8:35 8:38 8:41 8:48 38B 8:45 8:49 8:54 9:00 9:05 9:08 9:11 9:18 38B 9:15 9:19 9:24 9:30 9:35 9:38 9:41 9:48 38B 9:45 9:49 9:54 10:00 10:05 10:08 10:11 10:18 38B 10:15 10:19 10:24 10:30 10:35 10:38 10:41 10:48 38B 10:45 10:50 10:56 11:03 11:09 11:13 11:17 11:24 38B 11:15 11:20 11:26 11:33 11:39 11:43 11:47 11:54 38B 11:45 11:50 11:56 12:03 12:09 12:13 12:17 12:24 PM Service — Servicio vespertino 38B 12:15 12:20 12:26 12:33 12:39 12:43 12:47 12:54 38B 12:45 12:50 12:57 1:05 1:11 1:15 1:19 1:26 38B 1:15 1:20 1:27 1:35 1:41 1:45 1:49 1:56 38B 1:45 1:50 1:57 2:05 2:11 2:15 2:19 2:26 38B 2:15 2:20 2:27 2:35 2:41 2:45 2:49 2:56 38B 2:45 2:50 2:57 3:05 3:11 3:15 3:19 3:26 38B 3:15 3:20 3:27 3:35 3:41 3:45 3:49 3:56 38B 3:45 3:50 3:57 4:05 4:11 4:15 4:19 4:26 38B 4:15 4:20 4:27 4:35 4:41 4:45 4:49 4:56 38B 4:45 4:50 4:57 5:05 5:11 5:15 5:19 5:26 38B 5:15 5:20 5:27 5:35 5:41 5:45 5:49 5:56 38B 5:45 5:50 5:57 6:05 6:11 6:15 6:19 6:26 38B 6:15 6:20 6:27 6:35 6:41 6:45 6:49 6:56 38B 6:45 6:50 6:57 7:05 7:11 7:15 7:19 7:26 38B 7:15 7:19 7:24 7:30 7:36 7:39 7:42 7:49 38B 7:45 7:49 7:54 8:00 8:06 8:09 8:12 8:19 38B 8:15 8:19 8:24 8:30 8:36 8:39 8:42 8:49 38B 8:45 8:49 8:54 9:00 9:06 9:09 9:12 9:19 38B 9:15 9:19 9:24 9:30 9:36 9:39 9:42 9:49 38B 9:45 9:49 9:54 10:00 10:06 10:09 10:12 10:19 38B 10:15 10:19 10:24 10:30 10:36 10:39 10:42 10:49 38B 10:45 10:49 10:54 11:00 11:06 11:09 11:12 11:19 38B 11:15 11:19 11:24 11:30 11:36 11:39 11:42 11:49 38B 11:45 11:49 11:54 12:00 12:06 12:09 12:12 12:19 After Midnight Service — Servicio después de la medianoche 38B 12:20 12:24 12:29 12:35 12:41 12:44 12:47 12:54

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C-34 38B Ballston-Farragut Square Line

Eastbound To Farragut North/Farragut West stations Sunday — En domingo 17th (E) & M Pennsyl- I Sts. NW Washington St. & vania (Farragut Ballston- Blvd. Court Wisconsin Ave. N&W) MU & Clarendon House Rosslyn Ave. NW & # Route Quincy (George- 24th St. Number St. town) NW AM Service — Servicio matutino 38B 5:30 5:33 5:36 5:39 5:45 5:48 5:52 5:57 38B 6:00 6:03 6:06 6:09 6:15 6:18 6:22 6:27 38B 6:30 6:33 6:36 6:39 6:45 6:48 6:52 6:57 38B 7:00 7:03 7:06 7:09 7:15 7:18 7:22 7:27 38B 7:30 7:33 7:36 7:39 7:45 7:48 7:52 7:57 38B 8:00 8:03 8:06 8:09 8:15 8:18 8:22 8:27 38B 8:30 8:33 8:36 8:39 8:45 8:48 8:52 8:57 38B 9:00 9:03 9:06 9:09 9:15 9:18 9:22 9:27 38B 9:30 9:33 9:36 9:39 9:45 9:48 9:52 9:57 38B 10:00 10:05 10:09 10:13 10:20 10:26 10:31 10:36 38B 10:30 10:35 10:39 10:43 10:50 10:56 11:01 11:06 38B 11:00 11:05 11:09 11:13 11:20 11:26 11:31 11:36 38B 11:30 11:35 11:39 11:43 11:50 11:56 12:01 12:06 PM Service — Servicio vespertino 38B 12:00 12:05 12:09 12:13 12:20 12:26 12:31 12:36 38B 12:30 12:35 12:39 12:43 12:50 12:56 1:01 1:06 38B 1:00 1:05 1:09 1:13 1:20 1:26 1:31 1:36 38B 1:30 1:35 1:39 1:43 1:50 1:56 2:01 2:06 38B 2:00 2:05 2:09 2:13 2:20 2:26 2:31 2:36 38B 2:30 2:35 2:39 2:43 2:50 2:56 3:01 3:06 38B 3:00 3:05 3:09 3:13 3:20 3:26 3:31 3:36 38B 3:30 3:35 3:39 3:43 3:50 3:56 4:01 4:06 38B 4:00 4:05 4:09 4:13 4:20 4:26 4:31 4:36 38B 4:30 4:35 4:39 4:43 4:50 4:56 5:01 5:06 38B 5:00 5:05 5:09 5:13 5:20 5:26 5:31 5:36 38B 5:30 5:35 5:39 5:43 5:50 5:56 6:01 6:06 38B 6:00 6:05 6:09 6:13 6:20 6:26 6:31 6:36 38B 6:30 6:34 6:38 6:41 6:48 6:53 6:58 7:03 38B 7:00 7:04 7:08 7:11 7:18 7:23 7:28 7:33 38B 7:30 7:34 7:38 7:41 7:48 7:53 7:58 8:03 38B 8:00 8:04 8:08 8:11 8:18 8:23 8:28 8:33 38B 8:30 8:34 8:38 8:41 8:48 8:53 8:58 9:03 38B 9:00 9:04 9:08 9:11 9:18 9:23 9:28 9:33 38B 9:30 9:34 9:37 9:40 9:46 9:49 9:53 9:58 38B 10:00 10:04 10:07 10:10 10:16 10:19 10:23 10:28 38B 10:30 10:34 10:37 10:40 10:46 10:49 10:53 10:58 38B 11:00 11:04 11:07 11:10 11:16 11:19 11:23 11:28 38B 11:30 11:33 11:36 11:38 11:44 11:47 11:50 11:54 After Midnight Service — Servicio después de la medianoche 38B 12:00 12:03 12:06 12:08 12:14 12:17 12:20 12:24 38B 12:30 12:33 12:36 12:38 12:44 12:47 12:50 12:54 # — Buses are signed FARRAGUT SQUARE.

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C-35 ÿ ÿ ÿÿÿ !!" "#$ÿÿ ÿ ÿ '(()01ÿ2ÿ '34)0ÿ564'478)ÿ8954(@8AÿB'4ÿC5915(970ÿ70ÿ !6@Dÿ!" "ÿÿ


7))(6'1ÿEÿÿ2ÿ '34)0ÿ564'478)ÿ8954(@8AÿB'4ÿC5915(970ÿ70ÿ !6@Dÿ!" "ÿÿ


ÿ C-36 ÿ ÿ ÿÿÿ !!" "#$ÿÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ

'44563ÿ '()ÿ01233231ÿ ÿ37)204ÿÿ ÿ8274ÿÿ ÿ'795ÿÿ $""ÿÿ @Aÿÿ BBÿÿ ACÿÿ D$""ÿÿ BAEÿÿ @FGÿÿ FGCÿÿ H$""ÿÿ IPQQFÿÿ IPAGFÿÿ BPA@@ÿÿ R$""ÿÿ IPSSCÿÿ BPFCQÿÿ @PFFCÿÿ T$""ÿÿ IPSG@ÿÿ BP@AIÿÿ @PGSEÿÿ "$""ÿÿ CAIÿÿ CESÿÿ IPFBQÿÿ $""ÿÿ EEEÿÿ ECSÿÿ IPI@@ÿÿ !$""ÿÿ FQFÿÿ ECSÿÿ IPBSAÿÿ $""ÿÿ ACCÿÿ AQQÿÿ IPBCCÿÿ !$""ÿÿ F@Bÿÿ ESBÿÿ IPGG@ÿÿ U$""ÿÿ CCAÿÿ AQQÿÿ IP@CAÿÿ V$""ÿÿ IPFFIÿÿ C@Cÿÿ BPAISÿÿ $""ÿÿ BPFSQÿÿ IPGS@ÿÿ @PIC@ÿÿ D$""ÿÿ BPIGEÿÿ IPABAÿÿ GPFAIÿÿ H$""ÿÿ SFQÿÿ SBSÿÿ IPCSSÿÿ R$""ÿÿ E@Aÿÿ EFCÿÿ IPIB@ÿÿ T$""ÿÿ @QIÿÿ EAQÿÿ SAIÿÿ "$""ÿÿ BFGÿÿ GG@ÿÿ AQFÿÿ $""ÿÿ IEBÿÿ B@Bÿÿ GS@ÿÿ !$""ÿÿ @Gÿÿ IQCÿÿ IEIÿÿ $""ÿÿ Qÿÿ Qÿÿ Qÿÿ WXY`aÿcdeX`ÿ fghiipÿÿ fihgqfÿÿ rshtufÿÿ ÿ ÿ

ÿ C-37 C-38 1900 Fort Myer Drive Multimodal Traffic Impact Analysis August 8, 2019


Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Total Vehicles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street INTERSECTION: WB Lee Hwy. & N. Nash St. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: WB Lee Highway - 29 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: James & InetEASTBOUND ROAD: WB Lee Highway - 29 INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Nash Street WB Lee Highway - 29 North Nash Street WB Lee Highway - 29 & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 1 1 2 28 6 34 2 8 10 7 7 12 41 53 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 1 1 ` 3 52 2 57 1 4 5 6 6 6 63 69 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 81 2 83 3 6 9 7 7 9 90 99 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 3 91 9 103 1 11 12 6 6 12 109 121 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 2 1 3 4 122 9 135 9 9 7 7 12 142 154 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 3 3 1 109 5 115 2 9 11 11 11 14 126 140 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 1 1 2 3 94 7 104 4 10 14 8 8 16 112 128 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 3 2 5 5 112 11 128 4 10 14 13 13 19 141 160 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 1 1 2 2 130 10 142 1 12 13 13 13 15 155 170 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 1 2 3 1 110 7 118 1 10 11 19 19 14 137 151 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 2 4 6 6 102 12 120 2 10 12 20 20 18 140 158 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 1 1 2 3 127 7 137 9 13 22 14 14 24 151 175 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 2 92 10 104 12 12 17 17 12 121 133 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 2 2 3 118 8 129 4 9 13 10 10 15 139 154 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 1 2 3 4 127 5 136 3 13 1 17 6 6 20 142 162 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 1 1 2 3 78 7 88 3 17 20 9 9 22 97 119 Total 14 22 0 36 0 43 1573 117 1733 0 40 163 1 204 0 173 00173 0 240 1906 2146

4:00 PM 4:15 PM 1 1 5 190 6 201 7 8 15 13 13 16 214 230 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 1 8 9 3 204 6 213 7 10 17 9 9 26 222 248 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 1 9 10 1 233 11 245 7 15 22 8 8 32 253 285 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 1 14 15 1 222 6 229 3 11 14 7 7 29 236 265 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 1 5 6 3 234 9 246 10 11 21 13 13 27 259 286 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 1 6 7 2 240 11 253 8 13 21 3 3 28 256 284 5:30 PM 5:45 PM 4 4 3 257 7 267 1 9 10 10 10 14 277 291 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 2 3 5 3 267 11 281 8 13 21 9 9 26 290 316 6:00 PM 6:15 PM 3 8 11 1 240 12 253 3 5 8 8 8 19 261 280 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 3 1 4 1 223 12 236 2 6 8 11 11 12 247 259 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 3 7 10 1 264 4 269 6 4 10 10 10 20 279 299 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 247 8 255 2 11 13 7 7 13 262 275 Total 16 66 0 82 0 24 2821 103 2948 0 64 116 0 180 0 108 0 0 108 742 6868 7610 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 1 2 3 0.375 6 252 19 277 0.672 7 29 36 0.75 26 26 0.929 39 303 342 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 2 2 4 0.333 10 346 22 378 0.7 5 30 35 0.729 26 26 0.929 39 404 443 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 2 4 6 0.5 8 403 25 436 0.807 6 35 41 0.854 31 31 0.705 47 467 514 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 3 5 8 0.667 11 416 30 457 0.846 7 39 46 0.821 32 32 0.727 54 489 543 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 6 7 13 0.65 13 437 32 482 0.893 10 38 48 0.857 39 39 0.75 61 521 582 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 5 7 12 0.6 11 445 33 489 0.861 11 41 52 0.929 45 45 0.865 64 534 598 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 6 6 12 0.6 11 446 35 492 0.866 10 42 52 0.929 53 53 0.697 64 545 609 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 7 9 16 0.667 14 454 40 508 0.894 8 42 50 0.893 65 65 0.813 66 573 639 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 5 8 13 0.542 12 469 36 517 0.91 13 45 58 0.659 66 66 0.825 71 583 654 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 4 7 11 0.458 12 431 36 479 0.874 12 45 57 0.648 70 70 0.875 68 549 617 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 3 7 10 0.417 14 439 37 490 0.894 15 44 59 0.67 61 61 0.763 69 551 620 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 2 5 7 0.583 12 464 30 506 0.923 16 47 1 64 0.727 47 47 0.691 71 553 624 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 2 5 7 0.583 12 415 30 457 0.84 10 51 1 62 0.775 42 42 0.618 69 499 568

4:00 PM 5:00 PM 3 32 35 0.583 10 849 29 888 0.906 24 44 68 0.773 37 37 0.712 103 925 1028 4:15 PM 5:15 PM 4 36 40 0.667 8 893 32 933 0.948 27 47 74 0.841 37 37 0.712 114 970 1084 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 4 34 38 0.633 7 929 37 973 0.961 28 50 78 0.886 31 31 0.596 116 1004 1120 4:45 PM 5:45 PM 3 29 32 0.533 9 953 33 995 0.932 22 44 66 0.786 33 33 0.635 98 1028 1126 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 4 18 22 0.786 11 998 38 1047 0.931 27 46 73 0.869 35 35 0.673 95 1082 1177 5:15 PM 6:15 PM 6 21 27 0.614 9 1004 41 1054 0.938 20 40 60 0.714 30 30 0.75 87 1084 1171 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 8 16 24 0.545 8 987 42 1037 0.923 14 33 47 0.56 38 38 0.864 71 1075 1146 5:45 PM 6:45 PM 11 19 30 0.682 6 994 39 1039 0.924 19 28 47 0.56 38 38 0.864 77 1077 1154 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 9 16 25 0.568 3 974 36 1013 0.941 13 26 39 0.75 36 36 0.818 64 1049 1113

D-1 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Bicycles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: Wednesday NORTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street INTERSECTION: WB Lee Hwy. & N. Nash St. WEATHER: clear WESTBOUND ROAD: WB Lee Highway - 29 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: Inet EASTBOUND ROAD: WB Lee Highway - 29 INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Nash Street WB Lee Highway - 29 North Nash Street WB Lee Highway - 29 & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 9 999 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 17 17 17 17 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 4 4 1 1 15 15 4 16 20 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 3 3 19 19 22 22 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 1 1 6 6 1 1 20 20 2 26 28 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 3 3 4 4 37 37 3 41 44 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 5 5 26 26 31 31 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 1 1 3 3 40 40 1 43 44 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 8 8 41 41 49 49 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 17 17 50 50 67 67 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 7 7 21 21 28 28 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 6 6 39 39 45 45 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 2 2 4 4 28 28 2 32 34 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 112 1 1 25 25 1 27 28 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 1 1 2 2 20 20 1 22 23 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 1 1 15 15 16 16 Total 012012 067269 2002 0 422 0 422 14 491 505

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 14 14 3 31717 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 13 10 23 10 10 33 33 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 18 18 7 72525 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 8141133 17 17 5 5332255 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 32 32 6 63838 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 50 50 9 95959 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 36 36 18 18 54 54 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 47 47 2 2 12 12 2 59 61 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 1 1 40 40 9 9 1 49 50 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 2 2 42 42 17 17 2 59 61 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 3 3 27 27 3 3 13 13 6 40 46 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 23 23 2 22525 Total 8 20 11 39 0 359 10 36930250111011144480524 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 4 4 3 1 4 60 60 4 64 68 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 5 5 9 1 10 1 1 71 71 6 81 87 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 8 8 13 1 14 1 1 91 91 9 105 114 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 4 4 18 18 1 1 102 102 5 120 125 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 5 5 18 18 1 1 123 123 6 141 147 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 4 4 20 20 144 144 4 164 168 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 1 1 33 33 157 157 1 190 191 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 1 1 35 35 152 152 1 187 188 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 38 38 151 151 189 189 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 2 34 34 138 138 2 172 174 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 2 2 18 1 19 1 1 113 113 3 132 135 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 3 3 13 1 14 1 1 112 112 4 126 130 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 3 3 8191 1 8888497101

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 8 14 11 33 62 10 72 25 25 33 97 130 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 8 14 11 33 80 10 90 28 28 33 118 151 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 8 14 11 33 117 117 27 27 33 144 177 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 8 14 11 33 135 135 38 38 33 173 206 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 165 165 2 2 45 45 2 210 212 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 1 1 173 173 2 2 48 48 3 221 224 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 3 3 165 165 2 2 56 56 5 221 226 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 6 6 156 156 3 2 5 51 51 11 207 218 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 6 6 132 132 3 3 41 41 9 173 182

D-2 Wells + Associates, Inc. McLean, Virginia

Pedestrian Volume Survey

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge North Nash Street W + A JOB NO: 7487

INTERSECTION: WB Lee Hwy. & N. Nash St. 1 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA 2 DATE: 4/11/2018 84 DAY: Wednesday 7 3 North WEATHER: clear 5

COUNTED BY: James - Highway Lee WB 6 - Highway Lee WB INPUTED BY: agan North Nash Street

Time Movement Period 123456781 + 23 + 45 + 67+ 8Total 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 2 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 16 3 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 3625 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 3713 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 21026 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 414110 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 333421 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 23 2 18 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 454640 1 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 141325 1 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 461334 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 433620 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 229317 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 117 6 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 1426 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 19 4

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 8332 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 10 11 5 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 11 13 9 2 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 11 4 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 14 18 13 1 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 17 14 14 4 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 26 11 18 5 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 28 9 15 1 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 32 5 15 4 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 30 10 17 11 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 33 3 12 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 13882 Total 2664621682520020 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 7 19 3 13 26 16 42 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 9 29 5 17 38 22 60 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 12 37 6 24 49 30 79 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 12 64 8 40 76 48 124 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 9 80 9 55 89 64 153 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 11 124 13 89 1 135 102 1 238 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 8 151 15 104 2 159 119 2 280 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 9 179 14 117 2 188 131 2 321 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 13 189 18 119 2 202 137 2 341 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 11 164 15 96 1 175 111 1 287 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 11 140 12 77 151 89 240 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 7 93 11 49 100 60 160 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 4 69 5 33 73 38 111

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 40 27 21 4 67 25 92 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 46 42 31 3 88 34 122 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 53 45 40 7 98 47 145 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 68 43 49 10 111 59 170 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 85 52 11 137 11 148 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 103 39 62 14 142 76 218 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 116 35 65 21 151 86 237 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 123 27 59 16 150 75 225 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 108 26 52 17 134 69 203

D-3 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Total Vehicles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Fort Myer Drive W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Fort Myer Drive INTERSECTION: WB Lee Hwy. & N. Fort Myer Dr. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: WB Lee Highway - 29 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: Maria & JudithEASTBOUND ROAD: WB Lee Highway - 29 INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Fort Myer Drive WB Lee Highway - 29 North Fort Myer Drive WB Lee Highway - 29 & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 26 74 100 18 10 28 100 28 128 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 39 102 141 ` 33 12 45 141 45 186 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 67 127 194 28 12 40 194 40 234 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 52 164 216 56 16 72 216 72 288 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 71 151 222 60 14 74 222 74 296 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 73 195 268 52 16 68 268 68 336 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 51 245 296 56 21 77 296 77 373 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 57 216 273 51 29 80 273 80 353 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 80 215 295 58 29 87 295 87 382 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 54 244 298 41 25 66 298 66 364 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 46 249 295 49 28 77 295 77 372 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 74 210 284 50 42 92 284 92 376 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 60 229 289 44 34 78 289 78 367 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 83 247 330 44 39 83 330 83 413 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 78 223 301 61 18 79 301 79 380 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 45 175 220 34 21 55 220 55 275 Total 956 3066 0 4022 0 0 735 366 1101 0 0 0 0000 000 0 4022 1101 5123

4:00 PM 4:15 PM 75 367 442 112 19 131 442 131 573 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 76 382 458 129 27 156 458 156 614 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 78 352 430 122 33 155 430 155 585 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 74 351 425 148 27 175 425 175 600 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 88 339 427 135 17 152 427 152 579 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 69 331 400 135 24 159 400 159 559 5:30 PM 5:45 PM 74 277 351 135 32 167 351 167 518 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 91 319 410 153 30 183 410 183 593 6:00 PM 6:15 PM 72 310 382 182 23 205 382 205 587 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 65 296 361 158 30 188 361 188 549 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 82 350 432 194 32 226 432 226 658 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 85 314 399 196 26 222 399 222 621 Total 929 3988 0 4917 0 0 1799 320 2119 0000000000 12961 4321 17282 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 184 467 651 0.7535 135 50 185 0.6424 651 185 836 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 229 544 773 0.8705 177 54 231 0.7804 773 231 1004 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 263 637 900 0.8396 196 58 254 0.8581 900 254 1154 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 247 755 1002 0.8463 224 67 291 0.9448 1002 291 1293 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 252 807 1059 0.8944 219 80 299 0.9344 1059 299 1358 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 261 871 1132 0.9561 217 95 312 0.8966 1132 312 1444 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 242 920 1162 0.975 206 104 310 0.891 1162 310 1472 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 237 924 1161 0.974 199 111 310 0.8908 1161 310 1471 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 254 918 1172 0.9832 198 124 322 0.875 1172 322 1494 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 234 932 1166 0.9782 184 129 313 0.8505 1166 313 1479 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 263 935 1198 0.9076 187 143 330 0.8967 1198 330 1528 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 295 909 1204 0.9121 199 133 332 0.9022 1204 332 1536 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 266 874 1140 0.8636 183 112 295 0.8886 1140 295 1435

4:00 PM 5:00 PM 303 1452 1755 0.958 511 106 617 0.8814 1755 617 2372 4:15 PM 5:15 PM 316 1424 1740 0.9498 534 104 638 0.9114 1740 638 2378 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 309 1373 1682 0.9779 540 101 641 0.9157 1682 641 2323 4:45 PM 5:45 PM 305 1298 1603 0.939 553 100 653 0.933 1603 653 2256 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 322 1266 1588 0.9297 558 103 661 0.903 1588 661 2249 5:15 PM 6:15 PM 306 1237 1543 0.9409 605 109 714 0.8707 1543 714 2257 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 302 1202 1504 0.9171 628 115 743 0.9061 1504 743 2247 5:45 PM 6:45 PM 310 1275 1585 0.9172 687 115 802 0.8872 1585 802 2387 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 304 1270 1574 0.9109 730 111 841 0.9303 1574 841 2415

D-4 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Bicycles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Fort Myer Drive W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Fort Myer Drive INTERSECTION: WB Lee Hwy. & N. Fort Myer Dr. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: WB Lee Highway - 29 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: JudithEASTBOUND ROAD: WB Lee Highway - 29 INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Fort Myer Drive WB Lee Highway - 29 North Fort Myer Drive WB Lee Highway - 29 & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 1 1 8 899 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 112 11 11 13 13 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 13 4 1 1 14 14 4 15 19 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 12 3 17 17 3 17 20 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 2114 4 4 1 1 25 25 5 29 34 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 3317 4 4 1 1 27 27 8 31 39 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 43 7 2 2 11 2 32 1 33 9 35 44 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 1315 2 2 2 2 36 5 41 7 43 50 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 15 6 3 3 42 42 6 45 51 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 914326 617 47 3 50 26 57 83 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 35 8 4 4 55 4 59 8 63 71 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 79 16 1 1 31 4 37 2 39 20 40 60 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 27 9 11 2 26 3 29 9 31 40 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 13 4 32 5 1 1 29 2 31 5 36 41 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 2 2 15 3 18 20 20 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 1 1 22 4 1 1 8210 2 14 16 Total 36 58 6 100 10 27 7 44 66012 0 429 25 454 112 498 610

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 23 5 11 1 12 1 1 8 8 6 20 26 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 11 2 10 10 1 1 7 7 3 17 20 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 23 5 114 15 2 2 718 7 23 30 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 2215 10 10 1 1 538 6 18 24 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 42 6 11 11 11 1 12 6 23 29 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 55 10 142144 1 1 110 11 11 55 66 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 33 6 27 27 21 3 16 16 9 43 52 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 46 10 32 32 1 1 12 1 13 11 45 56 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 54 9 37 2 39 2 2 10 3 13 11 52 63 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 85 13 30 30 116320 13 50 63 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 34 7 22 22 112 112 13 9 35 44 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 85 13 26 4 30 9211 13 41 54 Total 47 43 1 91 2 272 8 28257214312314140105422527 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 2 5 7 2 2 4 50 50 7 54 61 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 4 6 1 11 5 2 7 1 1 67 67 12 74 86 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 7 9 2 184419 2 2 83832092112 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 10 9 2 214421013 4 101110225112137 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 10 10 3 234441233 6 120612629138167 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 9 14 2 254341132 5 137614330154184 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 15 25 4 44 9 5 14 3 1 4 157 9 166 48 180 228 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 14 27 4 45 13 3 16 2 2 180 12 192 47 208 255 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 20 33 3 56 14 1 15 3 1 4 181 9 190 60 205 265 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 21 35 3 1 12 1 14 3 1 4 165 12 177 63 191 254 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 13 24 37 4 8 12 3 2 5 147 11 158 42 170 212 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 10 19 29 4 6 10 3 2 5 107 10 117 34 127 161 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 4 10 14 6 7 13 2 2 78 10 88 16 101 117

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 7 9 1 17 1 45 1 471315 274312278100 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 9 8 1 18 1 45 46 3 1 4 30 5 35 22 81 103 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 13 12 1 26 2 77 1 80 31413353930119149 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 14 12 1 27 1 90 1 92 221514244732139171 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 16 16 32 1 112 1 114 2 3 5 1 49 2 52 37 166 203 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 17 18 35 1 138 3 142 4 3 7 1 48 4 53 42 195 237 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 20 18 38 126 2 128 4 2 6 1 54 7 62 44 190 234 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 20 19 39 121 2 123221525075944182226 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 24 18 42 115 6 121211424785746178224

D-5 Wells + Associates, Inc. McLean, Virginia

Pedestrian Volume Survey

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge North Fort Myer Drive W + A JOB NO: 7487

INTERSECTION: WB Lee Hwy. & N. Fort Myer Dr. 1 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA 2 DATE: 4/11/2018 84 DAY: Wednesday 73North WEATHER: clear 5

COUNTED BY: Maria HighwayWB Lee - 6 HighwayWB Lee - INPUTED BY: agan North Fort Myer Drive

Time Movement Period 123456781 + 23 + 45 + 67+ 8Total 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 21 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 122 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 511 121 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 13 1 330 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 1 5 31016 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 520118 2512 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 2512 4916 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 12 211262 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 1131441 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 36 2 23 2 22 3 30 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 356132119 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 27214377 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 3315718 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 42155 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 22 41 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 112 131

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 722223614 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 3411 97 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 1012133 93 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 12521913 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 61021211915 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 12415321425 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 1313132181919 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 16158 1 11119 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 11436 17 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 91321120910 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 111154121813 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 983311722 Total 143 197 47 86 28 122 197 429 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM-7:00 AM4812 173412314157 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 3 13 1 2 4 17 49 16 3 4 66 89 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 7 33 2 20 6 20 59 40 22 6 79 147 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 9 33 2 21 9 27 74 42 23 9 101 175 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 9 32 2 22 1 10 26 106 41 24 11 132 208 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 9 28 2 25 1 8 20 131 37 27 9 151 224 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 4 44 3 30 3 28 18 149 48 33 31 167 279 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 5 44 8 29 6 26 20 142 49 37 32 162 280 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 6 49 10 28 9 28 25 87 55 38 37 112 242 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 8 51 10 26 9 32 28 64 59 36 41 92 228 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 8 19 10 3 8 10 30 39 27 13 18 69 127 8:45 AM-9:45 AM71462582331218135496 9:00 AM-10:00 AM575235292512785481

4:00 PM-5:00 PM3223485433375512970146 4:15 PM-5:15 PM313147512363862111774164 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 40 31 4 11 8 14 41 56 71 15 22 97 205 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 43 32 4 11 7 32 51 72 75 15 39 123 252 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 47 42 10 7 32 53 78 89 10 39 131 269 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 52 36 13 15 5 21 44 80 88 28 26 124 266 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 49 45 14 11 3 39 39 65 94 25 42 104 265 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 47 43 18 12 2 42 28 59 90 30 44 87 251 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 40 36 13 14 3 42 24 62 76 27 45 86 234

D-6 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Total Vehicles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Lynn Street W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Lynn Street INTERSECTION: WB Lee Hwy. & N. Lynn St. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: WB Lee Highway - 29 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: Muris & AbdulEASTBOUND ROAD: WB Lee Highway - 29 INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Lynn Street WB Lee Highway - 29 North Lynn Street WB Lee Highway - 29 & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 84 11 95 152 11 163 163 95 258 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM ` 89 20 109 217 23 240 240 109 349 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 116 12 128 300 17 317 317 128 445 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 126 16 142 327 37 364 364 142 506 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 109 29 138 424 36 460 460 138 598 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 93 30 123 553 26 579 579 123 702 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 126 25 151 602 33 635 635 151 786 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 95 44 139 578 27 605 605 139 744 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 107 32 139 554 38 592 592 139 731 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 97 40 137 572 23 595 595 137 732 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 95 36 131 597 25 622 622 131 753 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 89 30 119 497 31 528 528 119 647 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 82 30 112 380 23 403 403 112 515 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 102 32 134 475 29 504 504 134 638 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 102 27 129 364 32 396 396 129 525 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 68 21 89 344 19 363 363 89 452 Total 0000 0 1580 435 0 2015 0 0 6936 430 7366 0 0 000 0 7366 2015 9381

4:00 PM 4:15 PM 93 68 161 394 64 458 458 161 619 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 92 90 182 405 73 478 478 182 660 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 78 89 167 378 71 449 449 167 616 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 82 106 188 426 70 496 496 188 684 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 97 97 194 493 69 562 562 194 756 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 73 92 165 449 76 525 525 165 690 5:30 PM 5:45 PM 87 110 197 450 65 515 515 197 712 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 86 112 198 366 74 440 440 198 638 6:00 PM 6:15 PM 80 78 158 413 77 490 490 158 648 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 93 103 196 428 71 499 499 196 695 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 61 105 166 330 63 393 393 166 559 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 55 98 153 340 66 406 406 153 559 Total 000009771148 0 2125 0 0 4872 839 5711 00000 20443 6155 26598 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 415 59 474 0.8345 996 88 1084 0.7445 1084 474 1558 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 440 77 517 0.9102 1268 113 1381 0.7505 1381 517 1898 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 444 87 531 0.9349 1604 116 1720 0.7427 1720 531 2251 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 454 100 554 0.9172 1906 132 2038 0.8024 2038 554 2592 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 423 128 551 0.9123 2157 122 2279 0.8972 2279 551 2830 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 421 131 552 0.9139 2287 124 2411 0.9492 2411 552 2963 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 425 141 566 0.937 2306 121 2427 0.956 2427 566 2993 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 394 152 546 0.982 2301 113 2414 0.9703 2414 546 2960 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 388 138 526 0.946 2220 117 2337 0.9393 2337 526 2863 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 363 136 499 0.9106 2046 102 2148 0.8633 2148 499 2647 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 368 128 496 0.9254 1949 108 2057 0.8268 2057 496 2553 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 375 119 494 0.9216 1716 115 1831 0.867 1831 494 2325 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 354 110 464 0.8657 1563 103 1666 0.8264 1666 464 2130

4:00 PM 5:00 PM 345 353 698 0.9282 1603 278 1881 0.9481 1881 698 2579 4:15 PM 5:15 PM 349 382 731 0.942 1702 283 1985 0.883 1985 731 2716 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 330 384 714 0.9201 1746 286 2032 0.9039 2032 714 2746 4:45 PM 5:45 PM 339 405 744 0.944 1818 280 2098 0.933 2098 744 2842 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 343 411 754 0.952 1758 284 2042 0.9084 2042 754 2796 5:15 PM 6:15 PM 326 392 718 0.9066 1678 292 1970 0.9381 1970 718 2688 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 346 403 749 0.9457 1657 287 1944 0.9437 1944 749 2693 5:45 PM 6:45 PM 320 398 718 0.9066 1537 285 1822 0.9128 1822 718 2540 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 289 384 673 0.8584 1511 277 1788 0.8958 1788 673 2461

D-7 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Bicycles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Lynn Street W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Lynn Street INTERSECTION: WB Lee Hwy. & N. Lynn St. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: WB Lee Highway - 29 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: AbdulEASTBOUND ROAD: WB Lee Highway - 29 INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Lynn Street WB Lee Highway - 29 North Lynn Street WB Lee Highway - 29 & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 1 1 51677 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 14 5 1 1 5 5 18110 10 11 21 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 123 1 1 9514 1 17 18 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 2 2 2 2 3 3 8311 5 13 18 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 1 1 2 2 12 3 12 2 14 4 16 20 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 1 1 13 4 19 9 28 5 28 33 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 7 7 2 2 1 1 14 7 21 8 23 31 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 1 1 20 8 28 29 29 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 3 3 11 2 3 3 1211234 6 36 42 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 3 3 1 1 6 6 23 14 37 9 38 47 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 1113 213 1 1 28 13 41 4 44 48 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 4 4 1 1 3 3 22 11 33 7 34 41 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 3 3 3 3 19 9 28 6 28 34 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 5 5 16 10 26 5 26 31 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 2 2 1 1 1 1 15 7 22 3 23 26 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 2 2 018624 2 24 26 Total 238141 611320 331034 2 257 118 377 75 397 472

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 4 4 114217 24 6 123102030 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 1 1 111 12 28 10 437111930 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 213 116 17 1 1 2 2 4 19 23 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 2114 212 14 12 3 325 7 19 26 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 112 119121 23 5 4 4 7 25 32 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 24 24 6 6 213 6 27 33 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 1 1 34 34 3 3 549 4 43 47 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 2 2 131133 17 8 123103646 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 1214 30 30 8 8 516123648 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 32 5 225 27 17 8 5 5133245 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 415 24 24 14 5 415102939 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 1214 15 15 3 3 628 7 23 30 Total 11 18 6 35 9 255 4 268 10 56 0 66 0 38 22 60 101 328 429 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 1 6 7412718 91301041164864 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 1 7 84228210121371149205777 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 4 4322738 11481967157489 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 11 11 2 4 6 2 9 11 53 21 74 22 80 102 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 9 9 5 5 2 6 8 6526911796113 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 11 11 1 4 5 1 7 8 1 74 36 111 19 116 135 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 13 13 1 5 6 10 10 1 78 41 120 23 126 149 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 17191517 10101924714019147166 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 1 11 1 132417 13131945014526152178 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 1 11 1 1315 1313924713926144170 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 1 13 1 151214 7 7 854312822132154 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 14 14 1 1277723710921111132 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 12 121144683210016101117

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 2 8 2 12 5 53 2 60 5 15 20 10 7 17 32 77 109 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 2 5 3 10 5 58 1 64 5 14 19 9 9 18 29 82 111 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 243947117631215 77142490114 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 23273891933141710112124114138 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 4152108211231922 8111927131158 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 151711191121124251382132142174 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 4 7 1 12 3 120 1 124 2 25 27 16 7 23 39 147 186 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 8 6 2 16 3 110 1 114 3 26 29 15 4 19 45 133 178 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 9 6 3 18 2 94 96 2 22 24 20 4 24 42 120 162

D-8 Wells + Associates, Inc. McLean, Virginia

Pedestrian Volume Survey

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge North Lynn Street W + A JOB NO: 7487

INTERSECTION: WB Lee Hwy. & N. Lynn St. 1 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA 2 DATE: 4/11/2018 84 DAY: Wednesday 73North WEATHER: clear 5

COUNTED BY: Muris HighwayWB Lee - 6 HighwayWB Lee - INPUTED BY: agan North Lynn Street

Time Movement Period 123456781 + 23 + 45 + 67+ 8Total 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 15 12 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 1176 1 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 14103 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 34268 232 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 2 3 12 17 3 2 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 651310 233 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 5415111222 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 61810510 5 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 361593 72 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 110163 10 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 722104 7 1 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 115275 7 8 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 56206 17 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 461632535 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 5107 52 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 1385 31

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 7223103341 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 3 5 13 31 1 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 7 5 26 16 1 5 5 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 71030152 5 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 101129187235 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 108403711692 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 1512372032711 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 12 19 52 25 7 6 5 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 1513352211324 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 16949189225 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 121321285599 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 111025285532 Total 159 192 614 394 83 68 96 87 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 6 9 48 17 3 3 5 15 65 3 8 91 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 7 12 55 34 5 3 5 19 89 5 8 121 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 12 16 61 38 7 6 7 28 99 7 13 147 6:45 AM-7:45 AM161666461989321121017171 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 13 18 58 48 6 17 5 12 31 106 23 17 177 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 14 21 61 40 9 14 12 12 35 101 23 24 183 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 9 16 58 46 12 12 9 19 25 104 24 28 181 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 4 19 65 45 15 17 7 18 23 110 32 25 190 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 5 28 74 40 10 14 15 13 33 114 24 28 199 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 7 28 79 37 7 15 15 11 35 116 22 26 199 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 10 34 85 24 6 20 18 6 44 109 26 24 203 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 10 32 73 21 2 13 23 7 42 94 15 30 181 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 10 20 54 21 2 6 18 8 30 75 8 26 139

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 24 22 92 72 7 3 14 6 46 164 10 20 240 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 27 31 98 80 11 2 13 10 58 178 13 23 272 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 34 34 125 86 21 8 22 12 68 211 29 34 342 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 42 41 136 90 23 10 24 18 83 226 33 42 384 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 47 50 100 28 10 25 23 97 100 38 48 283 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 52 52 164 104 32 11 24 22 104 268 43 46 461 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 58 53 173 85 30 7 17 25 111 258 37 42 448 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 55 54 157 93 32 10 19 23 109 250 42 42 443 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 54 45 130 96 30 15 16 20 99 226 45 36 406

D-9 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Total Vehicles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street INTERSECTION: EB Lee Hwy. & N.Nash St. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: EB Lee Highway - 29 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: Ibrahim & SelvedinaEASTBOUND ROAD: EB Lee Highway - 29 INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Nash Street EB Lee Highway - 29 North Nash Street EB Lee Highway - 29 & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 1 12 13 2 2 4 9 113 7 129 17 129 146 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 1 8 9 ` 4 3 7 9 139 2 150 16 150 166 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 1 7 8 17 1 18 6 192 7 205 26 205 231 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 4 14 18 12 8 20 7 233 4 244 38 244 282 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 4 11 15 15 5 20 17 334 4 355 35 355 390 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 4 15 19 21 4 25 19 466 6 491 44 491 535 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 2 13 15 21 10 31 16 560 5 581 46 581 627 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 3 23 26 26 7 33 17 509 8 534 59 534 593 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 4 19 23 22 9 31 15 509 3 527 54 527 581 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 6 21 27 37 8 45 9 462 1 472 72 472 544 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 11 22 33 27 10 37 8 300 4 312 70 312 382 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 5 17 22 33 13 46 2 285 7 294 68 294 362 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 3 21 24 14 9 23 1 217 1 219 47 219 266 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 5 14 19 18 8 26 13 253 9 275 45 275 320 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 4 7 11 29 8 37 19 297 3 319 48 319 367 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 14 14 11 14 25 13 236 13 262 39 262 301 Total 0 58 238 296 0000 0 0 309 119 0 428 0 180 5105 84 5369 0 724 5369 6093

4:00 PM 4:15 PM 5 15 20 11 7 18 14 195 7 216 38 216 254 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 4 22 26 16 7 23 15 203 8 226 49 226 275 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 4 30 34 18 14 32 14 214 16 244 66 244 310 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 5 23 28 17 9 26 20 242 10 272 54 272 326 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 9 27 36 24 9 33 11 237 16 264 69 264 333 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 8 21 29 29 13 42 14 209 16 239 71 239 310 5:30 PM 5:45 PM 8 17 25 13 6 19 14 238 9 261 44 261 305 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 5 22 27 15 12 27 17 227 13 257 54 257 311 6:00 PM 6:15 PM 4 24 28 8 3 11 9 247 7 263 39 263 302 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 4 28 32 18 4 22 10 281 6 297 54 297 351 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 4 21 25 12 4 16 13 237 7 257 41 257 298 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 3 18 21 9 3 12 11 212 5 228 33 228 261 Total 0 63 268 331 00000019091028101622742 120 3024 2060 13762 15822 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 7 41 48 0.6667 35 14 49 0.6125 31 677 20 728 0.7459 97 728 825 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 10 40 50 0.6944 48 17 65 0.8125 39 898 17 954 0.6718 115 954 1069 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 13 47 60 0.7895 65 18 83 0.83 49 1225 21 1295 0.6594 143 1295 1438 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 14 53 67 0.8816 69 27 96 0.7742 59 1593 19 1671 0.719 163 1671 1834 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 13 62 75 0.7212 83 26 109 0.8258 69 1869 23 1961 0.8438 184 1961 2145 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 13 70 83 0.7981 90 30 120 0.9091 67 2044 22 2133 0.9178 203 2133 2336 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 15 76 91 0.843 106 34 140 0.778 57 2040 17 2114 0.91 231 2114 2345 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 24 85 109 0.8258 112 34 146 0.8111 49 1780 16 1845 0.8638 255 1845 2100 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 26 79 105 0.7955 119 40 159 0.8641 34 1556 15 1605 0.7614 264 1605 1869 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 25 81 106 0.803 111 40 151 0.8207 20 1264 13 1297 0.687 257 1297 1554 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 24 74 98 0.7424 92 40 132 0.7174 24 1055 21 1100 0.8814 230 1100 1330 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 17 59 76 0.7917 94 38 132 0.7174 35 1052 20 1107 0.8676 208 1107 1315 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 12 56 68 0.7083 72 39 111 0.75 46 1003 26 1075 0.8425 179 1075 1254

4:00 PM 5:00 PM 18 90 108 0.7941 62 37 99 0.7734 63 854 41 958 0.8805 207 958 1165 4:15 PM 5:15 PM 22 102 124 0.8611 75 39 114 0.8636 60 896 50 1006 0.9246 238 1006 1244 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 26 101 127 0.8819 88 45 133 0.7917 59 902 58 1019 0.9366 260 1019 1279 4:45 PM 5:45 PM 30 88 118 0.819 83 37 120 0.714 59 926 51 1036 0.952 238 1036 1274 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 30 87 117 0.8125 81 40 121 0.7202 56 911 54 1021 0.9669 238 1021 1259 5:15 PM 6:15 PM 25 84 109 0.9397 65 34 99 0.5893 54 921 45 1020 0.9696 208 1020 1228 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 21 91 112 0.875 54 25 79 0.7315 50 993 35 1078 0.9074 191 1078 1269 5:45 PM 6:45 PM 17 95 112 0.875 53 23 76 0.7037 49 992 33 1074 0.904 188 1074 1262 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 15 91 106 0.8281 47 14 61 0.6932 43 977 25 1045 0.8796 167 1045 1212

D-10 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Bicycles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street INTERSECTION: EB Lee Hwy. & N.Nash St. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: EB Lee Highway - 29 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: SelvedinaEASTBOUND ROAD: EB Lee Highway - 29 INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Nash Street EB Lee Highway - 29 North Nash Street EB Lee Highway - 29 & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 1 1 11 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 1 1 11 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 11 222 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 1 111 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 1 1 1 111 2 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 112 1 1213 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 1 1 1 111 2 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 1 1 1 1112 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 2 2 1 1 13 4 1 162 8 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 1 1 11 2 2 232 5 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 1 1 1 1 1 121 3 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 1 1 2 212 3 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 2 2 1 1 1 131 4 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 1 1 11 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Total 012113 0033 49013 0909 26 12 38

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 1 1 11 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 1 111 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 1 1 1 122 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 1 1 1 1112 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 1 1 1 122 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 1 1 1 1112 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 2 2 11 2 1 141 5 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 2 2 1 133 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 2 2 11244 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 3 3 1 1314 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 1 1 2 2 11 2325 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 12 3 112325 Total 2 15 0 17025764111010128836 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 2 2 1 2 3 5 5 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 2 2 1 2311516 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 2 1 3 1112 3 1 162 8 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 3 1 4 1 11122538 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 3 1 4 2 2 1 1 2 2 5 4 9 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 3 7 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 3 3 2223 5 2 284 12 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 3 3 223473310515 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 4 4 112574411516 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 4 112686612719 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 4 4 1 45669615 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 4 4 33447411 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 3 3 2233538

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 1 2 3 1111 2 51 6 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 3 3 1121 3 61 7 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 3 3 11221 3 62 8 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 4 4 112314118311 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 55113251110212 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 6 6 1 13216 1 112214 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 9 9 112215 1 114216 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 8 8 332215 13316 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 1 8 9 1452114 13518

D-11 Wells + Associates, Inc. McLean, Virginia

Pedestrian Volume Survey

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge North Nash Street W + A JOB NO: 7487 INTERSECTION: EB Lee Hwy. & N.Nash St. 2 1 2 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA 2 DATE: 4/11/2018 84 DAY: Wednesday 73North WEATHER: clear 5

COUNTED BY: Ibrahim EB Highway Lee - 6 EB Highway Lee - INPUTED BY: agan North Nash Street

Time Movement Period 123456781 + 23 + 45 + 67+ 8Total 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 121 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 11 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 2 221 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 1 111 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 11 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 11511 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 142421 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 12 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 31 2 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 131131 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 32 21 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 33 2 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 121161 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 2 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 11 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 131

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 33 3 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 21211 11 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 3111 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 11341111 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 111341 1 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 31232123 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 2 8642 2 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 1 83111 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 23134 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 6 10636 7 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 292252 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 12312133 Total 2613774628512229 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM-7:00 AM3 1 1363314917 6:15 AM-7:15 AM211 1352314715 6:30 AM-7:30 AM31251442475622 6:45 AM-7:45 AM126754313139429 7:00 AM-8:00 AM126745213139328 7:15 AM-8:15 AM1198471121711232 7:30 AM-8:30 AM 2114592 21514233 7:45 AM-8:45 AM 1104192 11410227 8:00 AM-9:00 AM 1127192 11910232 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 2 11 7 2 13 3 2 18 15 3 38 8:30 AM-9:30 AM 1861122 11413230 8:45 AM-9:45 AM 1641111 11012124 9:00 AM-10:00 AM 2311122 2413221

4:00 PM-5:00 PM6211632258175737 4:15 PM-5:15 PM4399732371810540 4:30 PM-5:30 PM53911843582012848 4:45 PM-5:45 PM731416115371030161066 5:00 PM-6:00 PM72 151153691516949 5:15 PM-6:15 PM8121137739934141269 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 11 29 16 8 12 1 13 11 45 20 14 90 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 9 2 30 12 6 15 3 11 11 42 21 14 88 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 9 4 25 10 7 15 5 14 13 35 22 19 89

D-12 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Total Vehicles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Fort Myer Drive W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Fort Myer Drive INTERSECTION: EB Lee Hwy. & N.Fort Myer Dr. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: EB Lee Highway - 29 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: Ali & MujoEASTBOUND ROAD: EB Lee Highway - 29 INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Fort Myer Drive EB Lee Highway - 29 North Fort Myer Drive EB Lee Highway - 29 & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 55 28 83 27 84 111 83 111 194 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 78 43 121 ` 35 124 159 121 159 280 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 87 53 140 34 179 213 140 213 353 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 107 75 182 48 213 261 182 261 443 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 113 59 172 60 297 357 172 357 529 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 119 61 180 80 430 510 180 510 690 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 146 81 227 86 507 593 227 593 820 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 166 95 261 94 484 578 261 578 839 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 158 87 245 99 463 562 245 562 807 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 182 93 275 81 395 476 275 476 751 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 181 79 260 45 308 353 260 353 613 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 183 57 240 34 312 346 240 346 586 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 192 92 284 67 266 333 284 333 617 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 194 96 290 72 251 323 290 323 613 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 167 89 256 95 213 308 256 308 564 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 142 74 216 73 216 289 216 289 505 Total 0 2270 1162 3432 0000 0000 0001030 4742 0 5772 0 3432 5772 9204

4:00 PM 4:15 PM 250 191 441 42 216 258 441 258 699 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 245 204 449 57 194 251 449 251 700 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 222 177 399 64 193 257 399 257 656 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 230 169 399 70 204 274 399 274 673 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 256 145 401 68 234 302 401 302 703 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 228 187 415 55 216 271 415 271 686 5:30 PM 5:45 PM 203 201 404 58 215 273 404 273 677 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 252 174 426 56 190 246 426 246 672 6:00 PM 6:15 PM 235 190 425 55 236 291 425 291 716 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 217 178 395 62 266 328 395 328 723 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 231 187 418 55 187 242 418 242 660 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 216 145 361 57 161 218 361 218 579 Total 0 2785 2148 4933 000000000006992512 0 3211 11797 14755 26552 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 327 199 526 0.7225 144 600 744 0.7126 526 744 1270 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 385 230 615 0.8448 177 813 990 0.6933 615 990 1605 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 426 248 674 0.9258 222 1119 1341 0.6574 674 1341 2015 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 485 276 761 0.8381 274 1447 1721 0.7255 761 1721 2482 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 544 296 840 0.8046 320 1718 2038 0.8592 840 2038 2878 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 589 324 913 0.8745 359 1884 2243 0.9456 913 2243 3156 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 652 356 1008 0.916 360 1849 2209 0.931 1008 2209 3217 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 687 354 1041 0.9464 319 1650 1969 0.8516 1041 1969 3010 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 704 316 1020 0.9273 259 1478 1737 0.7727 1020 1737 2757 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 738 321 1059 0.9322 227 1281 1508 0.792 1059 1508 2567 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 750 324 1074 0.9259 218 1137 1355 0.9596 1074 1355 2429 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 736 334 1070 0.9224 268 1042 1310 0.9465 1070 1310 2380 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 695 351 1046 0.9017 307 946 1253 0.9407 1046 1253 2299

4:00 PM 5:00 PM 947 741 1688 0.9399 233 807 1040 0.9489 1688 1040 2728 4:15 PM 5:15 PM 953 695 1648 0.9176 259 825 1084 0.8974 1648 1084 2732 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 936 678 1614 0.9723 257 847 1104 0.9139 1614 1104 2718 4:45 PM 5:45 PM 917 702 1619 0.975 251 869 1120 0.927 1619 1120 2739 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 939 707 1646 0.966 237 855 1092 0.904 1646 1092 2738 5:15 PM 6:15 PM 918 752 1670 0.98 224 857 1081 0.9287 1670 1081 2751 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 907 743 1650 0.9683 231 907 1138 0.8674 1650 1138 2788 5:45 PM 6:45 PM 935 729 1664 0.9765 228 879 1107 0.8438 1664 1107 2771 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 899 700 1599 0.9406 229 850 1079 0.8224 1599 1079 2678

D-13 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Bicycles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Fort Myer Drive W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Fort Myer Drive INTERSECTION: EB Lee Hwy. & N.Fort Myer Dr. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: EB Lee Highway - 29 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: MujoEASTBOUND ROAD: EB Lee Highway - 29 INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Fort Myer Drive EB Lee Highway - 29 North Fort Myer Drive EB Lee Highway - 29 & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 1 1 1 122 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 1214 44 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 1 111 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 2 2 1 121 3 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 2 2 1 1 1 131 4 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 12 3 33 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 3 3 112 2 2 11 254 9 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 5 5 55 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 12 12 1 1121 13 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 10 10 12 3103 13 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 4 4 112 3 363 9 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 1517 1 171 8 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 3 3 3 3 1 161 7 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 6 6 1 1 1 162 8 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 1 1 1 1 2 222 4 Total 358 263 1113 32510 413017 73 20 93

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 1 1 11 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 3 333 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 1 111 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 1 1 1 111 2 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 4 4 11 2 2 2 1 163 9 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 8 8 88 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 6 6 66 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 9 9 99 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 4 4 8 81212 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 2 2 9 91111 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 2 2 1 1 2 2415 Total 0 37 0 372103022022050559867 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 1315 1 1 1 161 7 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 1517 1 111 282 10 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 1618 1121 393 12 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 1 6 7 1121 383 11 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 1 9 10 1 1 2 21331 413619 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 1 12 13 1 1 2 21321 316521 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 1 22 23 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 25 5 30 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 30 30 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 6 32 8 40 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 31 31 1 1216 733740 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 1 31 1 1 1217 835843 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 1 22 1 24 1 4517 829837 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 1 18 1 20 1 1 1 4 5 6 6 25 7 32 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 1 15 1 17 1 1 1 3 4 5 5 21 6 27

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 1 1 1133235 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 1 1 1144246 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 5 5 1 1233228412 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 13 13 1 12222215419 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 19 19 1 12222221425 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 27 27 1 12221129332 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 27 27 8 8 35 35 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 21 21 17 17 38 38 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 17 17 1 1 19 19 36 1 37

D-14 Wells + Associates, Inc. McLean, Virginia

Pedestrian Volume Survey

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge North Fort Myer Drive W + A JOB NO: 7487 INTERSECTION: EB Lee Hwy. & N.Fort Myer Dr. 2 1 2 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA 2 DATE: 4/11/2018 84 DAY: Wednesday 73North WEATHER: clear 5

COUNTED BY: Ali EB Highway Lee - 6 EB Highway Lee - INPUTED BY: agan North Fort Myer Drive

Time Movement Period 123456781 + 23 + 45 + 67+ 8Total 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 223 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 3343 6:30 AM - 12:00 AM 121 424 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 276262823 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 14118 464 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 2 1 29 15 5 12 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 4 34 2 30 10 10 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 19 15 1 32 1 19 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 112311834146 8:15 AM - 12:00 AM 1 3 38 35 15 8 17 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 133331279 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 417 6 711 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 1319 515 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 7212 221 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 1323152 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 221494

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 324221415 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 114481127 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 1 5 6499 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 3263651615 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 21123661115 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 2786413315 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 4 3 18 11 10 5 29 20 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 3 5 4 10 19 0 25 18 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 7 3 16 11 11 3 20 18 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 3 6 12 10 6 3 18 17 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 8 9541913 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 54354 1021 Total 42 128 133 352 151 209 262 333 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 33 8 32 2 19 4 10 33 40 21 14 108 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 45 9 48 2 20 10 14 45 57 22 24 148 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 44 10 74 2 31 15 23 44 84 33 38 199 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 47 8 107 4 57 23 29 47 115 61 52 275 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 39 2 96 3 81 22 45 39 98 84 67 288 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 36 3 109 21 111 17 87 36 112 132 104 384 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 35 5 118 56 111 20 92 35 123 167 112 437 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 32 8 117 57 93 17 91 32 125 150 108 415 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 13 12 119 56 67 23 83 13 131 123 106 373 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 3 13 107 38 38 23 42 3 120 76 65 264 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 9 12 81 3 25 17 26 9 93 28 43 173 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 9 12 50 3 14 15 19 9 62 17 34 122 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 9 10 35 4 12 17 12 9 45 16 29 99

4:00 PM-5:00 PM8 51992211414613283387161 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 7 4 27 10 26 16 48 46 11 37 42 94 184 4:30 PM-5:30 PM810311222166954184338123222 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 11 13 44 23 26 17 89 65 24 67 43 154 288 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 11 16 30 39 12 98 68 27 30 51 166 274 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 16 18 46 38 44 9 107 71 34 84 53 178 349 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 17 17 50 42 46 11 92 73 34 92 57 165 348 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 21 14 41 36 40 7 72 66 35 77 47 138 297 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 23 13 40 31 25 7 57 69 36 71 32 126 265

D-15 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Total Vehicles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Lynn Street W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Lynn Street INTERSECTION: EB Lee Hwy. & N. Lynn St. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: EB Lee Highway - 29 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: Amela & TeutaEASTBOUND ROAD: EB Lee Highway - 29 INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Lynn Street EB Lee Highway - 29 North Lynn Street EB Lee Highway - 29 & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 5 128 133 69 44 113 133 113 246 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM ` 13 165 178 84 68 152 178 152 330 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 14 240 254 120 91 211 254 211 465 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 20 242 262 133 119 252 262 252 514 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 23 301 324 178 140 318 324 318 642 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 14 356 370 257 210 467 370 467 837 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 25 361 386 305 245 550 386 550 936 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 30 383 413 306 213 519 413 519 932 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 24 395 419 289 191 480 419 480 899 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 14 411 425 229 150 379 425 379 804 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 31 431 462 193 122 315 462 315 777 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 36 357 393 196 106 302 393 302 695 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 45 286 331 191 92 283 331 283 614 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 46 364 410 192 85 277 410 277 687 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 50 261 311 186 86 272 311 272 583 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 63 248 311 164 91 255 311 255 566 Total 0000 0000 0 0 453 4929 0 5382 0 0 3092 2053 5145 0 5382 5145 10527

4:00 PM 4:15 PM 40 302 342 274 149 423 342 423 765 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 47 333 380 264 145 409 380 409 789 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 39 311 350 275 129 404 350 404 754 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 47 334 381 250 137 387 381 387 768 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 37 352 389 237 194 431 389 431 820 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 60 354 414 286 153 439 414 439 853 5:30 PM 5:45 PM 51 325 376 279 161 440 376 440 816 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 36 309 345 264 134 398 345 398 743 6:00 PM 6:15 PM 27 330 357 282 143 425 357 425 782 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 32 313 345 284 171 455 345 455 800 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 36 250 286 268 127 395 286 395 681 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 31 293 324 216 100 316 324 316 640 Total 00000000004833806 0 4289 0 0 3179 1743 4922 15053 15212 30265 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 52 775 827 0.7891 406 322 728 0.7222 827 728 1555 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 70 948 1018 0.7855 515 418 933 0.7335 1018 933 1951 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 71 1139 1210 0.8176 688 560 1248 0.6681 1210 1248 2458 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 82 1260 1342 0.8692 873 714 1587 0.7214 1342 1587 2929 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 92 1401 1493 0.9038 1046 808 1854 0.8427 1493 1854 3347 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 93 1495 1588 0.9475 1157 859 2016 0.9164 1588 2016 3604 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 93 1550 1643 0.966 1129 799 1928 0.876 1643 1928 3571 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 99 1620 1719 0.9302 1017 676 1693 0.8155 1719 1693 3412 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 105 1594 1699 0.9194 907 569 1476 0.7688 1699 1476 3175 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 126 1485 1611 0.8718 809 470 1279 0.8437 1611 1279 2890 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 158 1438 1596 0.8636 772 405 1177 0.9341 1596 1177 2773 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 177 1268 1445 0.8811 765 369 1134 0.9387 1445 1134 2579 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 204 1159 1363 0.8311 733 354 1087 0.9602 1363 1087 2450

4:00 PM 5:00 PM 173 1280 1453 0.9534 1063 560 1623 0.9592 1453 1623 3076 4:15 PM 5:15 PM 170 1330 1500 0.964 1026 605 1631 0.9461 1500 1631 3131 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 183 1351 1534 0.9263 1048 613 1661 0.9459 1534 1661 3195 4:45 PM 5:45 PM 195 1365 1560 0.942 1052 645 1697 0.964 1560 1697 3257 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 184 1340 1524 0.9203 1066 642 1708 0.9705 1524 1708 3232 5:15 PM 6:15 PM 174 1318 1492 0.901 1111 591 1702 0.967 1492 1702 3194 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 146 1277 1423 0.9461 1109 609 1718 0.944 1423 1718 3141 5:45 PM 6:45 PM 131 1202 1333 0.9335 1098 575 1673 0.9192 1333 1673 3006 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 126 1186 1312 0.9188 1050 541 1591 0.8742 1312 1591 2903

D-16 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Bicycles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Lynn Street W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Lynn Street INTERSECTION: EB Lee Hwy. & N. Lynn St. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: EB Lee Highway - 29 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: TeutaEASTBOUND ROAD: EB Lee Highway - 29 INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Lynn Street EB Lee Highway - 29 North Lynn Street EB Lee Highway - 29 & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 3 3 1 131 4 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 1 111 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 1 1 2 233 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 3 3 1 1 1 141 5 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 2 2 8 81010 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 1 1 2 233 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 35 8 3 3 112112 13 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 16 7 1 188 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 5 5 5 5 1 1101 11 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 15 6 6 61212 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 18 9 6 61515 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 26 8 16 16 1 1241 25 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 6 6 7 71313 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 7 7 314 21 3113 14 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 1 1 4 4 1 151 6 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 1 1 4 455 Total 10 55 3 68 0000 068169 63211 137 11 148

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 31 4 8 8 1 1121 13 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 1 1 7 7 2 282 10 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 1 1 8 8 1 191 10 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 1 1 5 5 1 161 7 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 11 2 10 10 12 12 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 11 2 15 15 17 17 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 23 5 15 15 1 1201 21 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 5 5 18 1 19 24 24 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 3 3 15 15 1 1181 19 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 15 15 2 2152 17 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 2 2 10 10 12 12 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 3 3 11 11 14 14 Total 7 22 0 2900000137113800991679176 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 4 3 7 3 3111310313 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 6 6 11 11 1 1 2 17 2 19 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 1 6 7 13 13 1 1 20 1 21 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 4 10 14 14 14 1 2 3 28 3 31 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 5 13 18 14 14 1 1 2 32 2 34 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 5 16 21 11 11111332335 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 5 21 26 15 15 1113413 44 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 3 24 27 18 18 1 1 45 1 46 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 4 24 28 33 33 2 2 61 2 63 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 4 25 35 35 1 1 64 1 65 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 3 27 30 32 1 33 3 1 4 63 4 67 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 2 20 22 30 1 31 4 1 5 53 5 58 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 1 14 15 18 1 19 3 1 4 34 4 38

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 3 4 7 28 28 5 5 35 5 40 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 1 4 5 30 30 4 4 35 4 39 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 2 4 6 38 38 2 2 44 2 46 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 4 6 10 45 45 2 2 55 2 57 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 4 10 14 58 1 59 1 1 73 1 74 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 3 12 15 63 1 64 2 2 79 2 81 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 2 11 13 63 1 64 4 4 77 4 81 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 10 10 58 1 59 3 3 69 3 72 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 8 8 51 51 3 3 59 3 62

D-17 Wells + Associates, Inc. McLean, Virginia

Pedestrian Volume Survey

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge North Lynn Street W + A JOB NO: 7487 INTERSECTION: EB Lee Hwy. & N. Lynn St. 2 1 2 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA 2 DATE: 4/11/2018 84 DAY: Wednesday 73North WEATHER: clear 5

COUNTED BY: Amela EB Highway Lee - 6 EB Highway Lee - INPUTED BY: agan North Lynn Street

Time Movement Period 123456781 + 23 + 45 + 67+ 8Total 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 31 2 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 84 4 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 42 11 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 28 11 2 5 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 1 10101321 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 17 11 1 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 25141325 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 21162466 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 512811 8 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 18 15 2 3 14 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 8131063 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 207 854 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 128 664 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 1071334 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 3411 2 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 5222 1

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 517101 8 4 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 14 16 8 3 3 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 244221136 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 22143158 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 22217469 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 44 36 6 9 4 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 42 17 7 3 10 2 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 36 28 8 10 7 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 33271377 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 28 22 1 3 3 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 20406358 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 22 24 4 8 5 Total 1 5 521 434 89 78 111 123 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 43 18 9 1 5 61 9 6 76 6:15 AM-7:15 AM1 50271103617711998 6:30 AM-7:30 AM1 5934263619389111 6:45 AM-7:45 AM1 80463841111261115153 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 1 73 51 5 10 10 12 1 124 15 22 162 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 68 53 12 18 8 19 121 30 27 178 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 69 57 11 20 11 33 126 31 44 201 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 52 56 10 27 15 31 108 37 46 191 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 51 47 8 31 14 29 98 39 43 180 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 58 43 26 20 25 101 26 45 172 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 50 35 1 27 20 15 85 28 35 148 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 45 26 2 18 14 14 71 20 28 119 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 30 21 4 12 9 11 51 16 20 87

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 5 77 82 33 2 19 21 5 159 35 40 239 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 82 93 39 6 17 26 175 45 43 263 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 112 113 37 6 23 27 225 43 50 318 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 130 88 23 8 30 23 218 31 53 302 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 102 28 7 35 22 102 35 57 194 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 155 108 22 6 36 20 263 28 56 347 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 139 94 16 7 30 19 233 23 49 305 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 117 117 15 7 25 25 234 22 50 306 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 103 113 11 7 23 23 216 18 46 280

D-18 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Total Vehicles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street INTERSECTION: N. Nash Street & Site Driveway - North WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: 20th Street North LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: MajdaEASTBOUND ROAD: Driveway INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Nash Street 20th Street North North Nash Street Driveway & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 6 6 3 3 9 9 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 11 1 12 ` 1 2 3 1 8 9 1 1 21 4 25 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 8 3 11 2 1 3 2 15 17 1 1 28 4 32 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 7 3 10 3 1 4 3 14 17 1 1 27 5 32 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 17 4 21 1 1 1 14 15 1 1 36 2 38 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 17 3 20 2 1 3 3 20 23 1 1 43 4 47 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 1 17 3 21 3 3 1 21 22 2 2 43 5 48 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 16 4 20 3 3 1 26 27 2 2 47 5 52 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 16 16 32 32 1 1 48 1 49 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 15 1 16 4 4 4 41 45 1 1 61 5 66 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 1 11 8 20 3 1 4 9 37 46 66 4 70 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 8 8 2 2 7 40 47 1 2 3 55 5 60 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 11 3 14 1 1 3 22 25 2 2 4 39 5 44 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 1 19 1 21 1 2 3 6 26 32 53 3 56 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 18 4 22 1 1 4 29 33 1 1 55 2 57 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 9 9 1 1 2 19 21 1 1 30 2 32 Total 3 206 38 247 025011 36 0 47 367 0 414 0 6 01420 0 661 56 717

4:00 PM 4:15 PM 13 2 15 3 1 4 2 18 1 21 36 4 40 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 1 18 2 21 3 2 5 3 25 28 1 1 49 6 55 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 14 2 16 4 2 6 1 26 27 1 1 43 7 50 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 1 20 4 25 7 7 1 24 25 50 7 57 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 1 16 3 20 7 7 2 27 29 1 1 49 8 57 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 2 17 2 21 10 1 11 29 1 30 1 1 51 12 63 5:30 PM 5:45 PM 1 19 1 21 3 3 1 19 20 41 3 44 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 3 14 4 21 6 1 7 1 21 22 43 7 50 6:00 PM 6:15 PM 12 3 15 2 2 2 9 11 26 2 28 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 11 1 12 4 4 3 18 21 33 4 37 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 1 9 4 14 2 1 3 4 13 17 1 1 31 4 35 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 1 892134913 2222527 Total 11 171 28 210 0 53 0 9 62 0 24 238 2 264 02057 1796 181 1977 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 32 7 39 0.8125 6 4 10 0.625 6 40 46 0.6765 1 2 3 0.75 85 13 98 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 43 11 54 0.6429 7 4 11 0.6875 7 51 58 0.8529 2 2 4 1 112 15 127 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 49 13 62 0.7381 8 3 11 0.6875 9 63 72 0.7826 2 2 4 1 134 15 149 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 1 58 13 72 0.8571 9 2 11 0.6875 8 69 77 0.837 1 4 5 0.625 149 16 165 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 1 67 14 82 0.9762 9 1 10 0.8333 6 81 87 0.8056 1 5 6 0.75 169 16 185 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 1 66 10 77 0.9167 8 1 9 0.75 5 99 104 0.8125 6 6 0.75 181 15 196 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 1 64 8 73 0.869 10 10 0.625 6 120 126 0.7 6 6 0.75 199 16 215 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 1 58 13 72 0.9 10 1 11 0.6875 14 136 150 0.8152 4 4 0.5 222 15 237 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 1 50 9 60 0.75 9 1 10 0.625 20 150 170 0.9043 1 4 5 0.4167 230 15 245 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 1 45 12 58 0.725 9 2 11 0.6875 23 140 163 0.867 3 5 8 0.5 221 19 240 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 2 49 12 63 0.75 6 4 10 0.625 25 125 150 0.7979 3 4 7 0.4375 213 17 230 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 1 56 8 65 0.7386 3 4 7 0.5833 20 117 137 0.7287 3 5 8 0.5 202 15 217 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 1 57 8 66 0.75 1 5 6 0.5 15 96 111 0.8409 3 3 6 0.375 177 12 189

4:00 PM 5:00 PM 2 65 10 77 0.77 17 5 22 0.7857 7 93 1 101 0.9018 1 1 2 0.5 178 24 202 4:15 PM 5:15 PM 3 68 11 82 0.82 21 4 25 0.8929 7 102 109 0.9397 1 2 3 0.75 191 28 219 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 4 67 11 82 0.82 28 3 31 0.7045 4 106 1 111 0.925 2 1 3 0.75 193 34 227 4:45 PM 5:45 PM 5 72 10 87 0.87 27 1 28 0.636 4 99 1 104 0.867 1 1 2 0.5 191 30 221 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7 66 10 83 0.9881 26 2 28 0.6364 4 96 1 101 0.8417 1 1 2 0.5 184 30 214 5:15 PM 6:15 PM 6 62 10 78 0.9286 21 2 23 0.5227 4 78 1 83 0.6917 1 1 0.25 161 24 185 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 4 56 9 69 0.8214 15 1 16 0.5714 7 67 74 0.8409 143 16 159 5:45 PM 6:45 PM 4 46 12 62 0.7381 14 2 16 0.5714 10 61 71 0.8068 1 1 0.25 133 17 150 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 2 40 8 50 0.8333 10 2 12 0.75 13 49 62 0.7381 3 3 0.375 112 15 127

D-19 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Bicycles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street INTERSECTION: N. Nash Street & Site Driveway - NorthWEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: 20th Street North LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: MajdaEASTBOUND ROAD: Driveway INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Nash Street 20th Street North North Nash Street Driveway & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 1 1 11 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 1 111 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 2 2 22 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 1 1 11 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 4 4 44 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 2 2 22 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 1 1 1 122 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 1 1 11 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 4 4 3 377 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 1 111 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 2 2 1 133 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 1 1 11 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 2 2 1 133 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 1 1 1 122 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Total 022022 0000 0909 0000 31 0 31

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 1 1 11 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 1 111 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 1 1 1 122 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 2 2 22 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 1 111 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 11 2 2 244 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 2 2 2 244 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 2 2 22 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 1 1 1 122 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 2 2 22 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 112 3 355 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 6 6 1 177 Total 1 19 1 210000012012000033033 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 3 3 1 1 4 4 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 3 3 1 1 4 4 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 7 7 1 1 8 8 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 9 9 99 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 8 8 1 1 9 9 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 8 8 1 1 9 9 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 8 8 4 4 12 12 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 6 6 5 5 11 11 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 7 7 5 5 12 12 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 7 5 5 12 12 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 5 5 3 3 8 8 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 6 6 3 3 9 9 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 4 4 2 2 6 6

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 4 4 2 2 6 6 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 3 3 3 3 6 6 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 1 4 5 4 4 9 9 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 1 5 6 5 5 11 11 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 1 5 6 5 5 11 11 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 1 6 7 5 5 12 12 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 7 7 3 3 10 10 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 6 1 7 4 4 11 11 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 10 1 11 5 5 16 16

D-20 Wells + Associates, Inc. McLean, Virginia

Pedestrian Volume Survey

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge North Nash Street W + A JOB NO: 7487 INTERSECTION: N. Nash Street & Site Driveway - North 1 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA 2 DATE: 4/11/2018 84 DAY: Wednesday 73North

WEATHER: clear Driveway 5

COUNTED BY: Majda 6 North Street 20th INPUTED BY: agan North Nash Street

Time Movement Period 123456781 + 23 + 45 + 67+ 8Total 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 11 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 11 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 11 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 41 21 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 11 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 15 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 44 11 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 22 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 21 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 211 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 22215 2 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 1422 1 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 211 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 232 1 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 11 11 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 21 1

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 3 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 2111 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 6211 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 53 221 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 1 321 1 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 113 11 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 11354132 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 3 34111 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 44522 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 642144 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 53213 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 15 43 Total 5 8686224162820 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 6 4 2 2 10 4 14 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 5 4 1 2 2 9 1 4 14 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 5 8 1 2 2 13 1 4 18 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 9 11 1 3 2 20 1 5 26 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 7 12 1 1 1 19 1 2 22 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 7 13 2 1 20 3 23 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 8 8 1 3 1 16 1 4 21 7:45 AM-8:45 AM 26625222127425 8:00 AM-9:00 AM 38645323149531 8:15 AM-9:15 AM 3105552231510432 8:30 AM-9:30 AM 511745225189436 8:45 AM-9:45 AM 4105412 4155226 9:00 AM-10:00 AM 384212 3123220

4:00 PM-5:00 PM 1362424196631 4:15 PM-5:15 PM1 16834221247436 4:30 PM-5:30 PM11151023332255638 4:45 PM-5:45 PM221213536542581148 5:00 PM-6:00 PM52 1462547148938 5:15 PM-6:15 PM42111610473627141057 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 4 1 16 17 12 5 10 6 5 33 17 16 71 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 3 18 15 10 5 10 4 3 33 15 14 65 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 16 16 9 4 13 7 32 13 20 65

D-21 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Total Vehicles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street INTERSECTION: N. Nash Street & Site Driveway - South WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: Site Driveway - South LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: MajdaEASTBOUND ROAD: 0 INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Nash Street Site Driveway - South North Nash Street 0 & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM ` 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 1 1 1 1 2 12 3 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 11 11 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 22 22 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 1 1 11 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 2 2 22 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 1 1 11 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 1 1 11 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 1 1 11 Total 0055 0302 5040 0400 000095 14

4:00 PM 4:15 PM 1 2 3 33 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 2 2 22 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 4 1 5 2 2 2 5 7 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 11 11 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 1 1 11 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 1 1 11 5:30 PM 5:45 PM 1 1 11 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 1 1 2 22 6:00 PM 6:15 PM 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 2 2 4 44 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 2 1 3 33 Total 001101308210300300000 223153 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 1 1 0.25 1 1 2 0.25 12 3 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 1 1 0.25 1 1 2 0.25 1 1 0.25 2 2 4 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 1 1 0.25 1 1 2 0.25 3 3 0.375 4 2 6 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 2 2 0.5 1 1 2 0.25 3 3 0.375 5 2 7 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 3 3 0.375 3 3 0.375 6 6 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 3 3 0.375 1 1 0.25 3 3 0.375 6 1 7 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 3 3 0.375 1 1 2 0.5 1 1 0.25 4 2 6 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 2 2 0.25 1 1 2 0.5 1 1 0.25 3 2 5 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 1 1 2 0.5 1 1 0.25 1 2 3 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 1 1 0.25 1 1 0.25 11 2 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 1 1 0.25 1 1 0.25 11 2

4:00 PM 5:00 PM 7 3 10 0.5 3 3 0.375 3 10 13 4:15 PM 5:15 PM 6 2 8 0.4 3 3 0.375 3 8 11 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 1 1 0.25 4 2 6 0.3 3 3 0.375 4 6 10 4:45 PM 5:45 PM 1 1 0.25 1 1 2 0.5 1 1 0.25 2 2 4 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 1 1 0.25 2 2 4 0.5 14 5 5:15 PM 6:15 PM 1 1 0.25 2 1 3 0.375 13 4 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 4 3 7 0.4375 77 5:45 PM 6:45 PM 3 3 6 0.375 66 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 4 3 7 0.4375 77

D-22 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Bicycles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street INTERSECTION: N. Nash Street & Site Driveway - SouthWEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: Site Driveway - South LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: 00EASTBOUND ROAD: INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Nash Street Site Driveway - South North Nash Street 0 & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Total 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 0

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM Total 000000000000000000 0 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

D-23 Wells + Associates, Inc. McLean, Virginia

Pedestrian Volume Survey

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge North Nash Street W + A JOB NO: 7487 INTERSECTION: N. Nash Street & Site Driveway - South 1 u LOCATION: Arlington County,VA 2 DATE: 4/11/2018 84 DAY: Wednesday 0 73North WEATHER: clear 5

COUNTED BY: 06 So - Driveway Site INPUTED BY: agan North Nash Street

Time Movement Period 123456781 + 23 + 45 + 67+ 8Total 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM Total 00000000 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

D-24 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Total Vehicles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Fort Myer Drive W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Fort Myer Drive INTERSECTION: N. Fort Myer Dr. & Site Entr. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: 0 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: IlayhaEASTBOUND ROAD: Site Entrance INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Fort Myer Drive 0 North Fort Myer Drive Site Entrance & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 1 1 11 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 2 2 ` 11213 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 2222 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 4 4 22426 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 7 7 447411 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 2 2 22224 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 3 3 33336 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 2 2 882810 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 8 8 778715 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 5 5 44549 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 4 4 11415 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 3 3 11314 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 2 2 22224 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 1 1 11112 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 2 2 22224 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 4 4 33437 Total 50 0 0 50 0000 0000 00043 0043 0 50 43 93

4:00 PM 4:15 PM 1 1 22123 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 3 3 11314 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 4 4 33437 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 4 4 22426 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 2 2 44246 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 3 3 11 11 3 11 14 5:30 PM 5:45 PM 2 2 44246 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 4 4 55459 6:00 PM 6:15 PM 2 2 77279 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 3 3 22325 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 1 1 33134 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 2 2 22224 Total 31 0 0 31 00000000000460046131132263 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 7 7 0.4375 5 5 0.625 7 5 12 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 13 13 0.4643 9 9 0.5625 13 9 22 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 13 13 0.4643 10 10 0.625 13 10 23 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 16 16 0.5714 11 11 0.6875 16 11 27 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 14 14 0.5 17 17 0.5313 14 17 31 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 15 15 0.4688 20 20 0.625 15 20 35 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 18 18 0.563 22 22 0.688 18 22 40 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 19 19 0.5938 20 20 0.625 19 20 39 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 20 20 0.625 13 13 0.4643 20 13 33 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 14 14 0.7 8 8 0.5 14 8 22 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 10 10 0.625 5 5 0.625 10 5 15 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 8 8 0.6667 6 6 0.75 8 6 14 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 9 9 0.5625 8 8 0.6667 9 8 17

4:00 PM 5:00 PM 12 12 0.75 8 8 0.6667 12 8 20 4:15 PM 5:15 PM 13 13 0.8125 10 10 0.625 13 10 23 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 13 13 0.8125 20 20 0.4545 13 20 33 4:45 PM 5:45 PM 11 11 0.688 21 21 0.477 11 21 32 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 11 11 0.6875 24 24 0.5455 11 24 35 5:15 PM 6:15 PM 11 11 0.6875 27 27 0.6136 11 27 38 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 11 11 0.6875 18 18 0.6429 11 18 29 5:45 PM 6:45 PM 10 10 0.625 17 17 0.6071 10 17 27 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8 8 0.6667 14 14 0.5 8 14 22

D-25 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Bicycles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Fort Myer Drive W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Fort Myer Drive INTERSECTION: N. Fort Myer Dr. & Site Entr. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: 0 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: 0EASTBOUND ROAD: Site Entrance INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Fort Myer Drive 0 North Fort Myer Drive Site Entrance & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Total 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 0

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM Total 000000000000000000 0 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

D-26 Wells + Associates, Inc. McLean, Virginia

Pedestrian Volume Survey

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge North Fort Myer Drive W + A JOB NO: 7487 INTERSECTION: N. Fort Myer Dr. & Site Entr. 1 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA 2 DATE: 4/11/2018 84 DAY: Wednesday 730 North WEATHER: clear 5 Site Entrance Site COUNTED BY: 06 INPUTED BY: agan North Fort Myer Drive

Time Movement Period 123456781 + 23 + 45 + 67+ 8Total 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM Total 00000000 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

D-27 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Total Vehicles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Fort Myer Drive W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Fort Myer Drive INTERSECTION: N. Fort Myer Dr. & 19th Street N. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: 19th Street North LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: Luz & VicEASTBOUND ROAD: 19th Street North INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Fort Myer Drive 19th Street North North Fort Myer Drive 19th Street North & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 15 47 11 73 3 4 13 20 1 7 8 73 28 101 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 18 70 16 104 ` 3 7 15 25 3 10 13 104 38 142 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 31 72 21 124 1 6 6 13 5 16 21 124 34 158 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 28 101 17 146 4 9 25 38 11 27 38 146 76 222 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 43 129 19 191 5 16 33 54 12 25 37 191 91 282 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 45 146 48 239 10 21 26 57 14 31 45 239 102 341 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 42 145 42 229 7 13 23 43 20 37 57 229 100 329 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 53 141 63 257 6 27 28 61 20 48 68 257 129 386 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 29 171 51 251 10 22 23 55 24 70 94 251 149 400 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 43 160 58 261 4 26 22 52 43 51 94 261 146 407 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 35 139 59 233 11 33 30 74 28 58 86 233 160 393 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 35 121 38 194 5 38 18 61 36 85 121 194 182 376 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 27 127 28 182 3 28 31 62 26 79 105 182 167 349 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 35 119 40 194 10 31 20 61 20 92 112 194 173 367 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 35 131 71 237 12 30 18 60 44 104 148 237 208 445 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 30 101 49 180 7 24 15 46 44 85 129 180 175 355 Total 544 1920 631 3095 0 101 335 346 782 0 0 0 000351 825 0 1176 0 3095 1958 5053

4:00 PM 4:15 PM 26 200 20 246 39 29 33 101 23 60 83 246 184 430 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 21 223 22 266 49 28 27 104 20 46 66 266 170 436 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 30 203 27 260 33 28 30 91 21 47 68 260 159 419 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 24 195 29 248 61 43 47 151 20 50 70 248 221 469 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 29 180 23 232 45 49 46 140 15 58 73 232 213 445 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 19 182 19 220 32 45 50 127 32 58 90 220 217 437 5:30 PM 5:45 PM 26 165 17 208 10 67 47 124 27 63 90 208 214 422 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 28 207 26 261 12 49 41 102 19 59 78 261 180 441 6:00 PM 6:15 PM 31 177 26 234 9 46 43 98 34 46 80 234 178 412 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 37 188 28 253 10 36 30 76 19 34 53 253 129 382 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 38 196 22 256 5 29 26 60 18 41 59 256 119 375 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 41 165 21 227 8 27 31 66 14 42 56 227 122 349 Total 350 2281 280 2911 0 313 476 451 1240 0000002626040866 9101 6022 15123 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 92 290 65 447 0.7654 11 26 59 96 0.6316 20 60 80 0.5263 447 176 623 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 120 372 73 565 0.7395 13 38 79 130 0.6019 31 78 109 0.7171 565 239 804 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 147 448 105 700 0.7322 20 52 90 162 0.7105 42 99 141 0.7833 700 303 1003 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 158 521 126 805 0.8421 26 59 107 192 0.8421 57 120 177 0.7763 805 369 1174 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 183 561 172 916 0.8911 28 77 110 215 0.8811 66 141 207 0.761 916 422 1338 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 169 603 204 976 0.9494 33 83 100 216 0.8852 78 186 264 0.7021 976 480 1456 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 167 617 214 998 0.956 27 88 96 211 0.865 107 206 313 0.832 998 524 1522 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 160 611 231 1002 0.9598 31 108 103 242 0.8176 115 227 342 0.9096 1002 584 1586 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 142 591 206 939 0.8994 30 119 93 242 0.8176 131 264 395 0.8161 939 637 1576 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 140 547 183 870 0.8333 23 125 101 249 0.8412 133 273 406 0.8388 870 655 1525 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 132 506 165 803 0.8616 29 130 99 258 0.8716 110 314 424 0.876 803 682 1485 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 132 498 177 807 0.8513 30 127 87 244 0.9839 126 360 486 0.8209 807 730 1537 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 127 478 188 793 0.8365 32 113 84 229 0.9234 134 360 494 0.8345 793 723 1516

4:00 PM 5:00 PM 101 821 98 1020 0.9586 182 128 137 447 0.7401 84 203 287 0.8645 1020 734 1754 4:15 PM 5:15 PM 104 801 101 1006 0.9455 188 148 150 486 0.8046 76 201 277 0.9486 1006 763 1769 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 102 760 98 960 0.9231 171 165 173 509 0.8427 88 213 301 0.8361 960 810 1770 4:45 PM 5:45 PM 98 722 88 908 0.915 148 204 190 542 0.897 94 229 323 0.897 908 865 1773 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 102 734 85 921 0.8822 99 210 184 493 0.8804 93 238 331 0.9194 921 824 1745 5:15 PM 6:15 PM 104 731 88 923 0.8841 63 207 181 451 0.8878 112 226 338 0.9389 923 789 1712 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 122 737 97 956 0.9157 41 198 161 400 0.8065 99 202 301 0.8361 956 701 1657 5:45 PM 6:45 PM 134 768 102 1004 0.9617 36 160 140 336 0.8235 90 180 270 0.8438 1004 606 1610 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 147 726 97 970 0.9473 32 138 130 300 0.7653 85 163 248 0.775 970 548 1518

D-28 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Bicycles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Fort Myer Drive W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Fort Myer Drive INTERSECTION: N. Fort Myer Dr. & 19th Street N. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: 19th Street North LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: LuzEASTBOUND ROAD: 19th Street North INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Fort Myer Drive 19th Street North North Fort Myer Drive 19th Street North & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 1 111 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 1 1 1 1112 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 1113 33 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 11222 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 2215 55 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 12 3 1 144 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 14 5 1 1516 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 23 5 1 151 6 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 2215 55 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 68519 1 12020 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 55313 13 13 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 64515 1 1 112153 18 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 2327 77 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 4116 66 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 2327 77 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 4217 11272 9 Total 38 41 22 101 0303 0112 0358 103 11 114

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 3418 4 484 12 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 4217 21373 10 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 2327 112 1 191 10 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 34 7 77 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 92112 2 2122 14 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 33 6 1 1 1 1718 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 54312 2 2 235145 19 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 23 5 1 1516 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 15 6 1 177 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 2417 1 171 8 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 22 4 1 1 1 142 6 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 93113 2 2132 15 Total 45 39 10 941203033601271910022122 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 1214 1 1 12344 8 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 3429 1 1 11293 12 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 4 5 2 11 1 1 1 1 2 12 2 14 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 4 8 1 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 14 3 17 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 6 11 1 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 2 21 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 6 11 1 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 2 21 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 11 17 6 34 1111 1135237 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 15 18 9 42 1 1 1 1 43 1 44 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 19 19 14 52111111253356 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 19 20 15 111111255358 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 17 13 11 41 1 1 1 1 2 41 3 44 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 14 11 10 35 1 1 1 1 2 35 3 38 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 12 9 6 27 11227229

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 12 13 4 29 1 1 2 7 1 8 31 8 39 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 18 11 4 33 1 1 2 3 3 6 35 6 41 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 17 12 3 32 1 1 123 12335439 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 20 13 4 37 1 1 2 1 3 2 5 7 40 8 48 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 19 12 4 35 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 5 7 38 9 47 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 11 15 3 29 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 3 5 33 7 40 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 10 16 4 30 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 6 33 7 40 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 7 14 1 22 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 23 4 27 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 14 14 2 30 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 31 5 36

D-29 Wells + Associates, Inc. McLean, Virginia

Pedestrian Volume Survey

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge North Fort Myer Drive W + A JOB NO: 7487 INTERSECTION: N. Fort Myer Dr. & 19th Street N. 1 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA 2 DATE: 4/11/2018 84 DAY: Wednesday 73North WEATHER: clear 5

COUNTED BY: Luz North Street 19th 6 North Street 19th INPUTED BY: agan North Fort Myer Drive

Time Movement Period 123456781 + 23 + 45 + 67+ 8Total 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 11152513 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 62332 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 31717 111 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 62822521315 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 6312241916 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 934104015610 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 44112313697 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 65913751106 9 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 13 60 12 63 2 19 9 14 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 66114891 9106 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 3761544138413 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 3631745717610 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 27513294391214 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 6309121463 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 640615710106 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 7316196433

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 3219111115934 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 23 20 15 13 13 3 14 2 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 24 27 16 10 21 9 10 9 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 34 23 33 16 17 7 17 3 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 3614331914667 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 75 25 36 29 33 19 39 10 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 53 30 37 16 27 13 26 3 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 42 27 39 16 19 10 13 7 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 31 24 35 10 26 4 14 6 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 25 10 19 11 21 10 11 12 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 24 17 10 10 11 9 10 9 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 221191139101314 Total 501 910 428 698 298 300 261 196 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 9 62 6 40 7 21 3 9 71 46 28 12 157 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 15 82 7 59 6 25 3 12 97 66 31 15 209 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 24 110 15 96 4 28 9 22 134 111 32 31 308 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 25 134 26 120 7 33 17 28 159 146 40 45 390 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 25 165 37 170 6 30 22 32 190 207 36 54 487 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 32 194 47 209 7 40 30 40 226 256 47 70 599 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 29 221 51 258 7 44 34 36 250 309 51 70 680 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 28 256 54 271 5 76 29 42 284 325 81 71 761 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 25 260 58 241 11 83 29 43 285 299 94 72 750 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 14 275 59 207 13 103 32 43 289 266 116 75 746 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 14 244 54 130 13 98 28 40 258 184 111 68 621 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 17 208 45 101 19 70 34 33 225 146 89 67 527 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 21 176 34 75 18 57 31 26 197 109 75 57 438

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 113 89 75 50 66 28 44 18 202 125 94 62 483 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 117 84 97 58 65 25 47 21 201 155 90 68 514 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 169 89 118 74 85 41 72 29 258 192 126 101 677 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 198 92 139 80 91 45 88 23 290 219 136 111 756 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 206 96 80 93 48 84 27 302 80 141 111 634 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 201 106 147 71 105 46 92 26 307 218 151 118 794 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 151 91 130 53 93 37 64 28 242 183 130 92 647 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 122 78 103 47 77 33 48 34 200 150 110 82 542 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 102 62 73 42 97 33 48 41 164 115 130 89 498

D-30 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Total Vehicles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: 0 INTERSECTION: Key Blvd. & N. Nash St. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: Key Boulevard LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: AnitaEASTBOUND ROAD: Key Boulevard INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Nash Street Key Boulevard 0 Key Boulevard & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 5 7 12 1 11 12 6 1 7 12 19 31 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 7 1 8 ` 4 3 7 13 5 18 8 25 33 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 4 3 7 7 14 21 14 12 26 7 47 54 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 5 1 6 8 14 22 18 8 26 6 48 54 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 7 11 18 8 17 25 23 8 31 18 56 74 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 8 8 16 11 22 33 29 16 45 16 78 94 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 7 12 19 8 16 24 31 15 46 19 70 89 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 9 12 21 14 24 38 43 24 67 21 105 126 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 9 7 16 13 29 42 56 14 70 16 112 128 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 7 9 16 11 26 37 66 26 92 16 129 145 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 7 11 18 19 27 46 83 25 108 18 154 172 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 5 4 9 20 33 53 84 24 108 9 161 170 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 4 4 8 11 24 35 71 14 85 8 120 128 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 12 11 23 11 24 35 75 24 99 23 134 157 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 9 11 20 20 22 42 52 11 63 20 105 125 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 8 10 18 12 24 36 23 4 27 18 63 81 Total 113 0 122 235 0 178 330 0 508 0 0 0 0000 687 231 918 0 235 1426 1661

4:00 PM 4:15 PM 8 7 15 10 30 40 20 9 29 15 69 84 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 9 6 15 17 33 50 30 7 37 15 87 102 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 10 6 16 22 54 76 15 8 23 16 99 115 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 12 8 20 14 42 56 26 12 38 20 94 114 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 9 8 17 23 61 84 22 8 30 17 114 131 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 12 5 17 11 58 69 31 14 45 17 114 131 5:30 PM 5:45 PM 19 4 23 12 78 90 42 4 46 23 136 159 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 11 6 17 17 48 65 22 10 32 17 97 114 6:00 PM 6:15 PM 6 2 8 12 44 56 24 2 26 8 82 90 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 6 5 11 15 35 50 23 7 30 11 80 91 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 5 4 9 20 31 51 19 8 27 9 78 87 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 8 6 14 7 38 45 22 6 28 14 73 87 Total 115 0 67 182 0 180 552 0 732 0000000296953916523975 4627 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 21 12 33 0.6875 20 42 62 0.7045 51 26 77 0.7404 33 139 172 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 23 16 39 0.5417 27 48 75 0.75 68 33 101 0.8145 39 176 215 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 24 23 47 0.6528 34 67 101 0.7652 84 44 128 0.7111 47 229 276 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 27 32 59 0.7763 35 69 104 0.7879 101 47 148 0.8043 59 252 311 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 31 43 74 0.881 41 79 120 0.7895 126 63 189 0.7052 74 309 383 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 33 39 72 0.8571 46 91 137 0.8155 159 69 228 0.8143 72 365 437 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 32 40 72 0.857 46 95 141 0.839 196 79 275 0.747 72 416 488 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 32 39 71 0.8452 57 106 163 0.8859 248 89 337 0.7801 71 500 571 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 28 31 59 0.8194 63 115 178 0.8396 289 89 378 0.875 59 556 615 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 23 28 51 0.7083 61 110 171 0.8066 304 89 393 0.9097 51 564 615 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 28 30 58 0.6304 61 108 169 0.7972 313 87 400 0.9259 58 569 627 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 30 30 60 0.6522 62 103 165 0.7783 282 73 355 0.8218 60 520 580 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 33 36 69 0.75 54 94 148 0.881 221 53 274 0.6919 69 422 491

4:00 PM 5:00 PM 39 27 66 0.825 63 159 222 0.7303 91 36 127 0.8355 66 349 415 4:15 PM 5:15 PM 40 28 68 0.85 76 190 266 0.7917 93 35 128 0.8421 68 394 462 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 43 27 70 0.875 70 215 285 0.8482 94 42 136 0.7556 70 421 491 4:45 PM 5:45 PM 52 25 77 0.837 60 239 299 0.831 121 38 159 0.864 77 458 535 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 51 23 74 0.8043 63 245 308 0.8556 117 36 153 0.8315 74 461 535 5:15 PM 6:15 PM 48 17 65 0.7065 52 228 280 0.7778 119 30 149 0.8098 65 429 494 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 42 17 59 0.6413 56 205 261 0.725 111 23 134 0.7283 59 395 454 5:45 PM 6:45 PM 28 17 45 0.6618 64 158 222 0.8538 88 27 115 0.8984 45 337 382 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 25 17 42 0.75 54 148 202 0.9018 88 23 111 0.925 42 313 355

D-31 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Bicycles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: 0 INTERSECTION: Key Blvd. & N. Nash St. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: Key Boulevard LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: AnitaEASTBOUND ROAD: Key Boulevard INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time North Nash Street Key Boulevard 0 Key Boulevard & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 1 1 11 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 1 111 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 314 44 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 112 22 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 2 2 1 1 1 122 4 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 1 1 2 233 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 1 1 11 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 1 1 1 1 11213 4 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 2 2 1 1213 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 1 1 2 2 11214 5 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 1 1 11 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 1 1 11 Total 120315 0707 0000 0538 15 15 30

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 1 1 11 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 1 1 2 233 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 1 1 1 111 2 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 1 1 11 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 11222 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 1 1 22455 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 3 3 11 2 11234 7 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 1 1 1 1112 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 1 1 1 111 2 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 2 2 1 1 11223 5 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 1 1 1 1 2 213 4 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 5 5 1 1 2 253 8 Total 15 0 1 1626080000071118162642 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 1 1 1111 2 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 1 1 1111 2 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 3 1 4 1141 5 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 4 2 6 66 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 4 2 6 66 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 6 2 8 1 1 1 1 8 2 10 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 3 1 4 2 2 3 3 4 5 9 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 5 8 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 4 4 3 3 41548 12 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 4 3 3 31447 11 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 4 1 5 4 4 22458 13 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 4 1 5 4 4 22458 13 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 3 1 4 4 4 11246 10

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 2 1 3 1 1 3334 7 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 1 1 2 1 1 14526 8 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 1 1 2 1 1 34728 10 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 4 4 1 2 3 44841115 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 4 4 1 3 4 44841216 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 5 5 1 3 4 34751116 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 7 7 1 3 4 23579 16 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 5 5 1 2 3 14558 13 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 9 9 1 2 3 34791019

D-32 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Total Vehicles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: 19th Street North W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street INTERSECTION: Key Blvd. & 19th Street N. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: Gas Station Driveway LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: Muha & MinaEASTBOUND ROAD: Key Boulevard INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time 19th Street North Gas Station Driveway North Nash Street Key Boulevard & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF Right Thru Left Total PHF South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 8 12 1 21 1 1 9 3 12 8 4 12 33 13 46 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 4 22 2 28 ` 4217 27211 311216392362 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 9 29 38 3 1 4 16 8 24 7 11 18 62 22 84 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 12 29 1 42 24 12 36 9 12 21 78 21 99 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 26 45 2 73 2 2 4 2 28 6 36 13 21 34 109 38 147 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 20 50 1 71 1 1 1 37 6 44 21 20 41 115 42 157 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 15 43 1 59 3 3 1 45 9 55 17 2 24 43 114 46 160 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 35 67 1 103 1 1 1 49 13 63 19 34 53 166 54 220 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 25 43 1 69 3 3 47 14 61 20 1 33 54 130 57 187 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 29 49 78 4 1 5 2 51 16 69 35 47 82 147 87 234 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 30 48 1 79 1 1 3 45 18 66 26 92 118 145 119 264 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 25 48 1 74 1 1 57 16 73 23 1 86 110 147 111 258 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 27 41 2 70 3 3 2 78 14 94 22 2 57 81 164 84 248 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 20 63 3 86 2114 37713933216699179103282 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 26 46 72 1 1 63 14 77 20 45 65 149 66 215 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 18 47 65 1315 1401253 8 223011835153 Total 329 682 17 1028 0298 7 44 0 18 673 176 867 0 283 8 586 877 0 1895 921 2816

4:00 PM 4:15 PM 23 36 2 61 5 5 2 53 16 71 5 1 21 27 132 32 164 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 27 27 4 58 2 2 2 49 21 72 8 1 28 37 130 39 169 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 41 27 2 70 3 2 5 1 48 35 84 6 17 23 154 28 182 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 35 32 3 70 2 1 3 1 54 19 74 12 2 20 34 144 37 181 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 54 39 93 2 2 4 53 27 80 7 24 31 173 35 208 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 46 31 5 82 6 6 2 63 29 94 7 32 39 176 45 221 5:30 PM 5:45 PM 58 43 2 103 4 4 47 33 80 8 36 44 183 48 231 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 43 36 5 84 1124 45236810203015234186 6:00 PM 6:15 PM 42 43 4 89 7119 501464 51192515334187 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 25 48 2 75 1 1 34 26 60 7 21 28 135 29 164 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 35 41 3 79 9 9 2 23 17 42 7 1 17 25 121 34 155 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 32 47 1 80 2 2 33 15 48 7 1 20 28 128 30 158 Total 461 450 33 944 0 41 9 4 54 0 10 552 275 837 0 89 7 275 371 5571 2267 7838 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 33 92 4 129 0.7679 7 3 2 12 0.4286 2 56 25 83 0.5764 27 1 39 67 0.7976 212 79 291 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 51 125 5 181 0.6199 9 2 4 15 0.5357 4 75 28 107 0.7431 32 1 56 89 0.6544 288 104 392 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 67 153 4 224 0.7671 6 3 9 0.5625 3 105 32 140 0.7955 50 64 114 0.6951 364 123 487 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 73 167 5 245 0.839 6 2 8 0.5 4 134 33 171 0.7773 60 2 77 139 0.8081 416 147 563 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 96 205 5 306 0.7427 7 2 9 0.5625 5 159 34 198 0.7857 70 2 99 171 0.8066 504 180 684 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 95 203 4 302 0.733 8 8 0.6667 3 178 42 223 0.8849 77 3 111 191 0.8843 525 199 724 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 104 202 3 309 0.75 11 1 12 0.6 4 192 52 248 0.899 91 3 138 232 0.707 557 244 801 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 119 207 3 329 0.7985 9 1 10 0.5 6 192 61 259 0.9384 100 1 206 307 0.6504 588 317 905 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 109 188 3 300 0.9494 8 1 1 10 0.5 5 200 64 269 0.9212 104 2 258 364 0.7712 569 374 943 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 111 186 4 301 0.9525 8 1 1 10 0.5 7 231 64 302 0.8032 106 3 282 391 0.8284 603 401 1004 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 102 200 7 309 0.8983 62190.5625 8 257 61 326 0.867 103 4 301 408 0.8644 635 417 1052 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 98 198 6 302 0.8779 62190.5625 5 275 57 337 0.8963 97 4 254 355 0.8068 639 364 1003 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 91 197 5 293 0.8517 7 4 2 13 0.65 6 258 53 317 0.8431 82 3 190 275 0.6944 610 288 898

4:00 PM 5:00 PM 126 122 11 259 0.925 12 3 15 0.75 6 204 91 301 0.8958 31 4 86 121 0.8176 560 136 696 4:15 PM 5:15 PM 157 125 9 291 0.7823 9 5 14 0.7 4 204 102 310 0.9226 33 3 89 125 0.8446 601 139 740 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 176 129 10 315 0.8468 13 5 18 0.75 4 218 110 332 0.883 32 2 93 127 0.8141 647 145 792 4:45 PM 5:45 PM 193 145 10 348 0.845 14 3 17 0.708 3 217 108 328 0.872 34 2 112 148 0.841 676 165 841 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 201 149 12 362 0.8786 13 3 2 18 0.75 2 208 112 322 0.8564 32 112 144 0.8182 684 162 846 5:15 PM 6:15 PM 189 153 16 358 0.8689 18 2 3 23 0.6389 2 205 99 306 0.8138 30 1 107 138 0.7841 664 161 825 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 168 170 13 351 0.8519 12 2 4 18 0.5 176 96 272 0.85 30 1 96 127 0.7216 623 145 768 5:45 PM 6:45 PM 145 168 14 327 0.9185 17 2 4 23 0.6389 2 152 80 234 0.8603 29 2 77 108 0.9 561 131 692 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 134 179 10 323 0.9073 16 3 2 21 0.5833 2 140 72 214 0.8359 26 3 77 106 0.9464 537 127 664

D-33 Wells & Associates,Inc McLean, Virginia

Turning Movement Count - Bicycles

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge DATE: 4/11/2018 SOUTHBOUND ROAD: 19th Street North W+A JOB NO: 7487 DAY: WednesdayNORTHBOUND ROAD: North Nash Street INTERSECTION: Key Blvd. & 19th Street N. WEATHER: clearWESTBOUND ROAD: Gas Station Driveway LOCATION: Arlington County,VA COUNTED BY: MuhaEASTBOUND ROAD: Key Boulevard INPUTED BY: agan Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound North East Time 19th Street North Gas Station Driveway North Nash Street Key Boulevard & & Total Period Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left Total South West 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 1 1 1 111 2 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 1 1 11 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 1 1 11 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 1 111 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 1 1 1 111 2 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 1 111 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 13 4 1 155 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 2 2 22 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 22 4 44 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 3 3 33 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 13 4 1 141 5 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 3 3 1 131 4 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 21333 Total 417021 0000 0527 3036 28 6 34

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 1 1 3 344 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 1 1 1 122 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 1 1 1 111 2 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 2 2 1 121 3 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 2 2 22 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 2 2 2 2 1 141 5 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 3 3 1 144 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 14 5 55 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 1 111 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 1 111 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 2 2 112 1 141 5 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 3 3 2 2 2 252 7 Total 9 13 0 220000012113402635641 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM 3 3 1 1 3 1 4 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 3 3 1 1 3 1 4 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 1 1 2 1313 4 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 1 4 5 1 1 1 1262 8 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 1 5 6 1 1 1171 8 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 3 7 10 1 1 1 1 11 1 12 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 3 10 1 1 14 14 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 3 10 13 1 1 13 1 14 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 3 8 11 3 3 2 2 14 2 16 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 1 6 7 5 1 6 2 2 13 2 15

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 1 4 5 4 4 1 1292 11 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 3 3 6 1 1 1 1272 9 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 4 3 7 2 2 2 1393 12 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 7 2 9 3 3 1 1 2 12 2 14 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 8 4 12 3 3 1 1 15 1 16 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 6 4 10 4 4 1 1 14 1 15 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 4 4 8 3 3 11 11 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 1 6 7 3 1 4 1 1 11 1 12 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 5 5 5162 1311314

D-34 Wells + Associates, Inc. McLean, Virginia

Pedestrian Volume Survey

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge 19th Street North W + A JOB NO: 7487 INTERSECTION: Key Blvd. & 19th Street N. 1 w LOCATION: Arlington County,VA 2 DATE: 4/11/2018 84 DAY: Wednesday 73North WEATHER: clear 5 Key Boulevard

COUNTED BY: Muha 6 Gas Station Drive INPUTED BY: agan North Nash Street

Time Movement Period 123456781 + 23 + 45 + 67+ 8Total 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 18 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 210 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 249 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 241197 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 51713 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 21259 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 2 4 3 33010 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 25 16 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 3205 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 1 11 4 45 15 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 25 12 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 5 2 30 15 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 20 15 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 55 158 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 24 185 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 35 112

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 2 1 2 10 15 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 3226 1216 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 2 7 21 23 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 2 6 8 22 27 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 2362430 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 1 9 16 17 55 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 10 12 26 56 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 913 2552 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 10 14 30 37 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 1262243 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 314 2439 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 3 1 11 15 21 Total 11 13 91 151 0 9 575 546 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM-7:00 AM12 8 54673855369 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 2 13 5 55 20 2 13 5 75 95 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 4 11 6 70 29 4 11 6 99 120 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 6 4 12 5 91 39 6 16 5 130 157 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 4 4 8 4 97 48 4 12 4 145 165 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 4 7 3 4 100 40 4 10 4 140 158 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 3 18 7 3 120 46 3 25 3 166 197 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 1 14 4 115 48 1 18 163 182 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 1 19 6 120 47 1 25 167 193 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 1 16 6 120 57 1 22 177 200 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 10 7 90 50 17 140 157 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 12 11 83 43 23 126 149 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 10 14 64 30 24 94 118

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 3 6 11 23 65 81 9 34 146 189 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 5 4 13 27 79 96 9 40 175 224 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 3 2 20 37 84 135 5 57 219 281 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 3 2 28 42 89 168 5 70 257 332 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 3 47 92 193 3 47 285 335 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 1 38 55 98 200 1 93 298 392 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 1 31 45 103 188 1 76 291 368 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 1 24 47 101 171 1 71 272 344 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 4 16 45 91 140 4 61 231 296

D-35 Wells + Associates, Inc. McLean, Virginia

Pedestrian Volume Survey

PROJECT: Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge North Nash Street W + A JOB NO: 7487 INTERSECTION: Key Blvd. & N. Nash St. 1 LOCATION: Arlington County,VA 2 DATE: 4/11/2018 84 DAY: Wednesday 73North WEATHER: clear 5 COUNTED BY: Anita Key Boulevard 6 Key Boulevard INPUTED BY: agan 0

Time Movement Period 123456781 + 23 + 45 + 67+ 8Total 15 Minute Volumes 6:00 AM - 6:15 AM 11 42 6:15 AM - 6:30 AM 1 144 2 6:30 AM - 6:45 AM 3 151 6:45 AM - 7:00 AM 36 1314 1 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM 11 27 7:15 AM - 7:30 AM 52 1613 7:30 AM - 7:45 AM 28 518 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM 414 1 913 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM 53 1515 1 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM 56 21612 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 213 1911 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM 614 1021 1 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 71141711 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 81 48 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM 71 2141 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM 16 34 1

4:00 PM - 4:15 PM 76117511 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM 961 48 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM 73 48111 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM 1082 99 5:00 PM - 5:15 PM 15 9 7 17 5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 12 6 34 15 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM 11 3 1 12 22 1 1 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM 13 1 1 22 13 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM 17311181711 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM 7 13 2 19 13 1 1 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM 12 3 4 24 17 1 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM 144 1181 Total 170 163 14 15 235 347 12 16 One Hour Volumes 6:00 AM-7:00 AM59128271514335658 6:15 AM - 7:15 AM 5 10 2 10 30 1 3 15 2 40 4 61 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM 9 12 2 12 39 1 1 21 2 51 2 76 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM 11 17 2 16 52 1 28 2 68 1 99 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM 12 25 2 22 51 37 2 73 112 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM 16 27 3 25 59 1 43 3 84 1 131 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM 16 31 2 21 62 1 3 47 2 83 4 136 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM 16 36 2 16 63 2 4 52 2 79 6 139 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 18 36 1 17 71 2 5 54 1 88 7 150 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM 13 40 1 1 16 73 3 5 53 2 89 8 152 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM 8 42 2 1 18 65 2 3 50 3 83 5 141 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM 6 36 3 1 20 60 2 2 42 4 80 4 130 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 1 28 3 1 13 43 2 2 29 4 56 4 93

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 33 23 4 5 28 33 2 1 56 9 61 3 129 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 41 26 3 4 28 45 1 67 7 73 1 148 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 44 26 2 4 58 52 1 70 6 110 1 187 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM 48 26 2 1 62 63 1 1 74 3 125 2 204 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM 51 19 1 75 67 1 1 70 1 142 2 215 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM 53 13 2 2 86 67 2 2 66 4 153 4 227 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM 48 20 2 4 71 65 3 3 68 6 136 6 216 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM 49 20 6 3 83 60 3 2 69 9 143 5 226 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 50 23 5 3 72 55 4 2 73 8 127 6 214

D-36 1900 Fort Myer Drive Multimodal Traffic Impact Analysis August 8, 2019


Level of Service for Signalized Intersections

Level of service for signalized intersections is defined in terms of delay, which is a measure of driver discomfort and frustration, fuel consumption, and lost travel time. Specifically, level-of-service (LOS) criteria are stated in terms of the average stopped delay per vehicle for a 15-min analysis period. The criteria are given in Exhibit 16-2. Delay may be measured in the field or estimated using procedures presented later in this chapter. Delay is a complex measure and is dependent on a number of variables, including the quality of progression, the cycle length, the green ratio, and the v/c ratio for the lane group in question.

LOS A describes operations with very low delay, up to 10 sec per vehicle. This level of service occurs when progression is extremely favorable and most vehicles arrive during the green phase. Most vehicles do not stop at all. Short cycle lengths may also contribute to low delay.

LOS B describes operations with delay greater than 10 and up to 20 sec per vehicle. This level generally occurs with good progression, short cycle lengths, or both. More vehicles stop than with LOS A, causing higher levels of average delay.

Exhibit 16-2. Level-of-Service Criteria for Signalized Intersections LEVEL OF SERVICE STOPPED DELAY PER VEHICLE (SEC)

A <10.0

B > 10.0 and <20.0

C > 20.0 and < 35.0

D > 35.0 and < 55.0

E > 55.0 and < 80.0

F >80.0

LOS C describes operations with delay greater than 20 and up to 35 sec per vehicle. These higher delays may result from fair progression, longer cycle lengths, or both. Individual cycle failures may begin to appear at this level. The number of vehicles stopping is significant at this level, though many still pass through the intersection without stopping.

LOS D describes operations with delay greater than 35 and up to 55 sec per vehicle. At level D, the influence of congestion becomes more noticeable. Longer delays may result from some combination of unfavorable progression, long cycle lengths, or high v/c ratios. Many vehicles stop, and the proportion of vehicles not stopping declines. Individual cycle failures are noticeable.

LOS E describes operations with delay greater than 55 and up to 80 sec per vehicle. This level is considered by many agencies to be the limit of acceptable delay. These high delay values generally indicate poor progression, long cycle lengths, and high v/c ratios. Individual cycle failures are frequent occurrences.

LOS F describes operations with delay in excess of 80 sec per vehicle. This level, considered to be unacceptable to most drivers, often occurs with oversaturation, that is, when arrival flow rates exceed the capacity of the intersection. It may also occur at high v/c ratios below 1.0 with many individual cycle failures. Poor progression and long cycle lengths may also be major contributing causes to such delay levels.

Source: Highway Capacity Manual, 2000. Transportation Research Board, National Research Council

E-1 Level of Service Criteria for Stop Sign Controlled Intersections

The level of service criteria are given in Table 17-2. As used here, control delay is defined as the total elapsed time from the time a vehicle stops at the end of the queue until the vehicle departs from the stop line; this time includes the time required for the vehicle to travel from the last-in-queue position to the first-in-queue position, including deceleration of vehicles from free-flow speed to the speed of vehicles in queue.

The average total delay for any particular minor movement is a function of the service rate or capacity of the approach and the degree of saturation. . . .

Table 17-2. Level of Service Criteria for TWSC Intersections LEVEL OF SERVICE AVERAGE CONTROL DELAY (sec/veh) A < 10

B > 10 and < 15

C > 15 and < 25

D > 25 and < 35

E > 35 and < 50

F > 50

Average total delay less than 10 sec/veh is defined as Level of Service (LOS) A. Follow-up times of less than 5 sec have been measured when there is no conflicting traffic for a minor street movement, so control delays of less than 10 sec/veh are appropriate for low flow conditions. To remain consistent with the AWSC intersection analysis procedure described later in this chapter, a total delay of 50 sec/veh is assumed as the break point between LOS E and F.

The proposed level of service criteria for TWSC intersections are somewhat different from the criteria used in Chapter 16 for signalized intersections. The primary reason for this difference is that drivers expect different levels of performance from different kinds of transportation facilities. The expectation is that a signalized intersection is designed to carry higher traffic volumes than an unsignalized intersection. Additionally, several driver behavior considerations combine to make delays at signalized intersections less onerous than at unsignalized intersections. For example, drivers at signalized intersections are able to relax during the red interval, where drivers on the minor approaches to unsignalized intersections must remain attentive to the task of identifying acceptable gaps and vehicle conflicts. Also, there is often much more variability in the amount of delay experienced by individual drivers at unsignalized than signalized intersections. For these reasons, it is considered that the total delay threshold for any given level of service is less for an unsignalized intersection than for a signalized intersection. . . .

LOS F exists when there are insufficient gaps of suitable size to allow a side street demand to cross safely through a major street traffic stream. This level of service is generally evident from extremely long total delays experienced by side street traffic and by queueing on the minor approaches. The method, however, is based on a constant critical gap size - that is, the critical gap remains constant, no matter how long the side street motorist waits. LOS F may also appear in the form of side street vehicles’ selecting smaller-than-usual gaps. In such cases, safety may be a problem and some disruption to the major traffic stream may result. It is important to note that LOS F may not always result in long queues but may result in adjustments to normal gap acceptance behavior. The latter is more difficult to observe on the field than queueing, which is more obvious.

Source: Highway Capacity Manual, 2000. Transportation Research Board, National Research Council

E-2 1900 Fort Myer Drive Multimodal Traffic Impact Analysis August 8, 2019


Queues 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT NBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 44 526 56 15 v/c Ratio 0.12 0.49 0.05 0.02 Control Delay 27.7 31.4 4.0 4.8 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 27.7 31.4 4.0 4.8 Queue Length 50th (ft) 21 104 7 2 Queue Length 95th (ft) 47 134 m12 8 Internal Link Dist (ft) 449 147 46 Turn Bay Length (ft) 130 Base Capacity (vph) 756 2278 1021 981 Starvation Cap Reductn 0000 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.06 0.23 0.05 0.02 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

Existing Conditions AM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 1

F-1 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 38 446 11 10 42 0076 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 38 446 11 10 42 0076 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.5 6.5 5.0 5.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.91 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.99 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.94 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.99 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1464 4403 1659 1561 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 0.97 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1464 4403 1626 1561 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.85 0.85 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 44 513 13 11 45 0087 RTOR Reduction (vph) 000050000030 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 44 521 0 0 56 0 0 12 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 159 159 2 119 119 2 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 157 33 1 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 11% 4% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Bus Blockages (#/hr) 000055000000 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA NA Protected Phases 4 2 6 Permitted Phases 4 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 22.0 22.0 56.5 56.5 Effective Green, g (s) 22.0 22.0 56.5 56.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.24 0.24 0.63 0.63 Clearance Time (s) 6.5 6.5 5.0 5.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 357 1076 1020 979 v/s Ratio Prot c0.12 0.01 v/s Ratio Perm 0.03 c0.03 v/c Ratio 0.12 0.48 0.05 0.01 Uniform Delay, d1 26.5 29.1 6.5 6.3 Progression Factor 1.00 1.03 0.59 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.0 Delay (s) 26.7 30.3 3.9 6.3 Level of Service CC A A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 30.0 3.9 6.3 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 27.2 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.18 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 42.9% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

Existing Conditions AM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 2

F-2 Queues 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 119 231 1217 v/c Ratio 0.32 0.35 0.43 Control Delay 10.2 24.6 8.1 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 10.2 24.6 8.1 Queue Length 50th (ft) 33 64 109 Queue Length 95th (ft) 64 95 140 Internal Link Dist (ft) 259 217 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 512 977 2808 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 12 0 34 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.24 0.24 0.44 Intersection Summary

Existing Conditions AM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 3

F-3 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 106 206 00000939242 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 106 206 00000939242 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.96 Flpb, ped/bikes 0.96 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 0.97 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1385 2981 4271 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1385 2981 4271 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.97 0.97 0.97 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 119 231 00000968249 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 68 000000390 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 51 231 000001178 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 48 31 31 48 167 33 33 167 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 157 9 1 25 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 13% 9% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 4 Actuated Green, G (s) 20.1 20.1 58.4 Effective Green, g (s) 20.1 20.1 58.4 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.22 0.22 0.65 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 309 665 2771 v/s Ratio Prot c0.08 c0.28 v/s Ratio Perm 0.04 v/c Ratio 0.17 0.35 0.43 Uniform Delay, d1 28.2 29.4 7.7 Progression Factor 0.81 0.81 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.2 0.3 0.5 Delay (s) 23.1 24.3 8.1 Level of Service CC A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 23.9 0.0 8.1 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 11.7 HCM 2000 Level of Service B HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.41 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 68.5% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

Existing Conditions AM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 4

F-4 Queues 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBT WBR NBL NBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 419 226 136 2402 v/c Ratio 0.67 0.72 0.14 0.65 Control Delay 36.0 39.0 0.3 8.2 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.3 Total Delay 36.0 39.0 0.3 23.5 Queue Length 50th (ft) 118 109 0 88 Queue Length 95th (ft) 155 182 m0 m410 Internal Link Dist (ft) 298 176 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 819 400 977 3681 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 1325 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.51 0.56 0.14 1.02 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

Existing Conditions AM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 5

F-5 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 00001814251312306 0000 Future Volume (vph) 00001814251312306 0000 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 1.00 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.97 0.95 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.96 1.00 Frt 0.92 0.85 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2675 1228 1454 5767 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2675 1228 1454 5767 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.85 0.85 0.85 Adj. Flow (vph) 00001934521362402 0000 RTOR Reduction (vph) 00002284900000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0000417198872402 0000 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 25 24 24 25 28 104 104 28 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 78 5 10 13 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 2% 6% 2% 7% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type NA Perm Perm NA Protected Phases 4 1 Permitted Phases 4 1 Actuated Green, G (s) 21.0 21.0 57.5 57.5 Effective Green, g (s) 21.0 21.0 57.5 57.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.23 0.23 0.64 0.64 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 624 286 928 3684 v/s Ratio Prot 0.16 c0.42 v/s Ratio Perm c0.16 0.06 v/c Ratio 0.67 0.69 0.09 0.65 Uniform Delay, d1 31.3 31.6 6.2 10.1 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 0.09 0.71 Incremental Delay, d2 2.7 7.1 0.1 0.4 Delay (s) 34.1 38.7 0.6 7.5 Level of Service CDAA Approach Delay (s) 0.0 35.7 7.1 0.0 Approach LOS A D A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 12.9 HCM 2000 Level of Service B HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.66 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 68.5% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

Existing Conditions AM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 6

F-6 Queues 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT NBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 2324 176 92 29 v/c Ratio 0.92 0.45 0.28 0.06 Control Delay 25.5 28.9 29.3 24.6 Queue Delay 2.5 0.0 1.3 0.0 Total Delay 28.0 28.9 30.6 24.6 Queue Length 50th (ft) 409 78 46 14 Queue Length 95th (ft) #502 130 87 35 Internal Link Dist (ft) 645 157 147 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 2532 395 323 512 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 113 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 124 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.97 0.45 0.44 0.06 Intersection Summary # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles.

Existing Conditions AM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 7

F-7 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 17 2040 57 00003511578250 Future Volume (vph) 17 2040 57 00003511578250 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 Frt 1.00 0.90 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 4550 1285 1573 1676 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 0.64 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 4550 1285 1059 1676 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Adj. Flow (vph) 19 2242 63 00004113592290 RTOR Reduction (vph) 030000030000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 2321 00000173092290 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 2 14 14 2 2 15 15 2 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 3 3 Parking (#/hr) 5 5 Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 2 6 Permitted Phases 4 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 50.0 27.5 27.5 27.5 Effective Green, g (s) 50.0 27.5 27.5 27.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.56 0.31 0.31 0.31 Clearance Time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 2527 392 323 512 v/s Ratio Prot c0.13 0.02 v/s Ratio Perm 0.51 0.09 v/c Ratio 0.92 0.44 0.28 0.06 Uniform Delay, d1 18.1 25.1 23.8 22.1 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.09 Incremental Delay, d2 5.9 3.6 2.2 0.2 Delay (s) 24.1 28.7 28.4 24.2 Level of Service C C CC Approach Delay (s) 24.1 0.0 28.7 27.4 Approach LOS C A C C Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 24.5 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.75 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 89.3% ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

Existing Conditions AM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 8

F-8 Queues 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 2404 275 860 v/c Ratio 1.02 0.76 0.67 Control Delay 29.7 43.5 32.8 Queue Delay 9.3 1.2 1.7 Total Delay 38.9 44.7 34.5 Queue Length 50th (ft) ~166 170 184 Queue Length 95th (ft) m#613 #302 229 Internal Link Dist (ft) 254 220 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 2367 360 1276 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 16 249 Spillback Cap Reductn 60 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 1.04 0.80 0.84 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

Existing Conditions AM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 9

F-9 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 1862 374 0000003626830 Future Volume (vph) 0 1862 374 0000003626830 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.86 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.97 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.87 0.98 Frt 0.97 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 0.95 0.99 Satd. Flow (prot) 4208 1111 4109 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.95 0.99 Satd. Flow (perm) 4208 1111 4109 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 2002 402 0000003937420 RTOR Reduction (vph) 06000000021210 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 2398 00000002548390 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 35 167 167 35 112 123 123 112 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 1 2 22 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 3% 5% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 9% 4% 2% Bus Blockages (#/hr) 088000000000 Turn Type NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 50.5 27.5 27.5 Effective Green, g (s) 50.5 27.5 27.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.56 0.31 0.31 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 2361 339 1255 v/s Ratio Prot c0.57 v/s Ratio Perm c0.23 0.20 v/c Ratio 1.02 0.75 0.67 Uniform Delay, d1 19.8 28.2 27.3 Progression Factor 0.55 1.13 1.13 Incremental Delay, d2 16.8 13.3 2.7 Delay (s) 27.6 45.2 33.5 Level of Service C DC Approach Delay (s) 27.6 0.0 0.0 36.4 Approach LOS C A A D Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 30.4 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.92 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 81.3% ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

Existing Conditions AM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 10

F-10 Queues 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBL EBT NBT NBR Lane Group Flow (vph) 725 1500 1658 96 v/c Ratio 0.89 0.90 0.92 0.25 Control Delay 16.1 13.4 39.0 15.7 Queue Delay 2.9 2.8 45.6 0.0 Total Delay 18.9 16.3 84.6 15.7 Queue Length 50th (ft) 129 139 261 22 Queue Length 95th (ft) m132 m140 #337 60 Internal Link Dist (ft) 416 278 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 813 1668 1805 387 Starvation Cap Reductn 37 95 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 1 0 315 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.93 0.95 1.11 0.25 Intersection Summary # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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F-11 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 829 1129 000001608 93 0 0 0 Future Volume (vph) 829 1129 000001608 93 0 0 0 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 0.86 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.83 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 Flt Protected 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1449 3004 5602 1115 Flt Permitted 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1449 3004 5602 1115 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.85 0.85 0.85 Adj. Flow (vph) 942 1283 000001658 96 0 0 0 RTOR Reduction (vph) 16 16 00000028000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 709 1484 000001658 68 0 0 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 31 31 44 126 126 44 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 1 15 21 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 5% 8% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 4 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 49.5 49.5 29.0 29.0 Effective Green, g (s) 49.5 49.5 29.0 29.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.55 0.55 0.32 0.32 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 796 1652 1805 359 v/s Ratio Prot c0.30 v/s Ratio Perm 0.49 0.49 0.06 v/c Ratio 0.89 0.90 0.92 0.19 Uniform Delay, d1 17.9 18.0 29.4 22.0 Progression Factor 0.56 0.56 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 4.0 2.2 9.0 1.2 Delay (s) 13.9 12.2 38.4 23.2 Level of Service BB DC Approach Delay (s) 12.8 0.0 37.6 0.0 Approach LOS B A D A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 23.7 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.91 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 91.2% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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F-12 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 7: N Nash St & North Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 6000010013468731 Future Volume (Veh/h) 6000010013468731 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.87 0.87 0.87 Hourly flow rate (vph) 7000012015879841 Pedestrians 4 16 1 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 0 2 0 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 237 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 280 288 90 281 284 178 89 181 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 280 288 90 281 284 178 89 181 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 p0 queue free % 99 100 100 100 100 99 100 99 cM capacity (veh/h) 648 606 964 648 609 852 1501 1373 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 7 12 165 94 Volume Left 7009 Volume Right 0 12 7 1 cSH 648 852 1501 1373 Volume to Capacity 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 Queue Length 95th (ft) 1100 Control Delay (s) 10.6 9.3 0.0 0.8 Lane LOS BA A Approach Delay (s) 10.6 9.3 0.0 0.8 Approach LOS BA Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.9 Intersection Capacity Utilization 24.4% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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F-13 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: N Nash St & South Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 0 0 140 3 3 70 Future Volume (Veh/h) 0 0 140 3 3 70 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 0 165 4 4 82 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 418 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 257 167 169 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 257 167 169 tC, single (s) 6.4 6.2 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 730 877 1409 Direction, Lane # WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 0 169 86 Volume Left 0 0 4 Volume Right 0 4 0 cSH 1700 1700 1409 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.10 0.00 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 0 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.4 Lane LOS A A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.4 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.1 Intersection Capacity Utilization 11.7% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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F-14 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 9: N Fort Myer Dr & Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 0 22 0 0 1039 18 Future Volume (Veh/h) 0 22 0 0 1039 18 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 26 0 0 1222 21 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 270 275 pX, platoon unblocked 0.86 0.86 0.86 vC, conflicting volume 1232 418 1243 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 708 0 720 tC, single (s) 6.8 6.9 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 97 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 318 934 756 Direction, Lane # EB 1 SB 1 SB 2 SB 3 Volume Total 26 489 489 265 Volume Left 0000 Volume Right 26 0 0 21 cSH 934 1700 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.03 0.29 0.29 0.16 Queue Length 95th (ft) 2000 Control Delay (s) 9.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 9.0 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.2 Intersection Capacity Utilization 32.8% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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F-15 Queues 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT WBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 404 231 233 879 v/c Ratio 0.43 0.35 0.45 0.38 Control Delay 19.7 25.9 17.7 12.5 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 19.7 25.9 17.7 12.5 Queue Length 50th (ft) 72 55 84 97 Queue Length 95th (ft) 105 84 148 127 Internal Link Dist (ft) 235 319 190 Turn Bay Length (ft) 115 Base Capacity (vph) 948 669 515 2300 Starvation Cap Reductn 0000 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.43 0.35 0.45 0.38 Intersection Summary

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F-16 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 226 117 96 105 0000224639204 Future Volume (vph) 0 226 117 96 105 0000224639204 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.98 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.99 0.70 1.00 Frt 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.96 Flt Protected 1.00 0.98 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2636 3030 980 4289 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.65 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2636 2007 980 4289 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.96 0.96 0.96 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 266 138 110 121 0000233666212 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 69 00000000440 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 335 0 0 231 00002338350 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 250 51 51 250 70 309 309 70 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 1 1 17 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 15% 14% 4% 3% 7% 2% 2% 2% 2% 3% 2% Parking (#/hr) 5 5 5 Turn Type NA Perm NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 8 6 Permitted Phases 8 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 32.0 32.0 50.5 50.5 Effective Green, g (s) 32.0 32.0 50.5 50.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.33 0.33 0.53 0.53 Clearance Time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 878 669 515 2256 v/s Ratio Prot c0.13 0.19 v/s Ratio Perm 0.12 c0.24 v/c Ratio 0.38 0.35 0.45 0.37 Uniform Delay, d1 24.4 24.1 14.2 13.4 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.3 0.3 2.9 0.5 Delay (s) 24.7 24.4 17.0 13.9 Level of Service C C BB Approach Delay (s) 24.7 24.4 0.0 14.5 Approach LOS C C A B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 18.2 HCM 2000 Level of Service B HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.42 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 96.0 Sum of lost time (s) 13.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 92.8% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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F-17 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 11: Key Blvd & N Nash St Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 79 196 105 51 40 32 Future Volume (Veh/h) 79 196 105 51 40 32 Sign Control Free Free Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.86 0.86 Hourly flow rate (vph) 93 231 124 60 47 37 Pedestrians 4 2 47 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 0 0 4 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 231 620 205 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 231 620 205 tC, single (s) 4.1 6.4 6.3 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 3.5 3.4 p0 queue free % 93 88 95 cM capacity (veh/h) 1271 398 779 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 324 184 84 Volume Left 93 0 47 Volume Right 0 60 37 cSH 1271 1700 507 Volume to Capacity 0.07 0.11 0.17 Queue Length 95th (ft) 6 0 15 Control Delay (s) 2.8 0.0 13.5 Lane LOS A B Approach Delay (s) 2.8 0.0 13.5 Approach LOS B Intersection Summary Average Delay 3.4 Intersection Capacity Utilization 45.0% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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F-18 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 12: 19th St N & Key Blvd Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 140 3 93 1 0 11 52 192 4 3 202 104 Future Volume (Veh/h) 140 3 93 1 0 11 52 192 4 3 202 104 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.85 0.85 0.85 Hourly flow rate (vph) 165 4 109 1 0 13 58 213 4 4 238 122 Pedestrians 166 25 3 3 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 16 2 0 0 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 315 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 759 770 407 716 890 243 526 242 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 759 770 407 716 890 243 526 242 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.2 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 24 98 80 100 100 98 93 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 218 252 541 216 215 775 823 1293 Direction, Lane # EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 SB 2 Volume Total 169 109 14 275 242 122 Volume Left 165 0 1 58 4 0 Volume Right 0 109 13 4 0 122 cSH 218 541 654 823 1293 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.77 0.20 0.02 0.07 0.00 0.07 Queue Length 95th (ft) 136 19 2600 Control Delay (s) 61.9 13.3 10.6 2.7 0.2 0.0 Lane LOS F BBAA Approach Delay (s) 42.9 10.6 2.7 0.1 Approach LOS E B Intersection Summary Average Delay 13.8 Intersection Capacity Utilization 52.2% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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F-19 Queues 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT NBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 46 1035 107 46 v/c Ratio 0.08 0.65 0.13 0.05 Control Delay 23.4 32.8 18.7 12.2 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 Total Delay 23.4 32.8 19.5 12.2 Queue Length 50th (ft) 22 211 41 11 Queue Length 95th (ft) m31 234 81 32 Internal Link Dist (ft) 449 147 46 Turn Bay Length (ft) 130 Base Capacity (vph) 885 2508 826 865 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 520 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.05 0.41 0.35 0.05 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

Existing Conditions PM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 1

F-20 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 43 953 9 31 60 0 0 36 3 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 43 953 9 31 60 0 0 36 3 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.91 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.98 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1593 4510 1649 1654 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 0.91 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1593 4510 1533 1654 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 46 1025 10 36 71 0 0 42 4 RTOR Reduction (vph) 000010000020 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 46 1034 0 0 107 0 0 44 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 111 111 59 59 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 38 135 14 Bus Blockages (#/hr) 000077000000 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA NA Protected Phases 8 2 6 Permitted Phases 8 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 31.5 31.5 48.5 47.0 Effective Green, g (s) 31.5 31.5 48.5 47.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.35 0.35 0.54 0.52 Clearance Time (s) 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 557 1578 826 863 v/s Ratio Prot c0.23 0.03 v/s Ratio Perm 0.03 c0.07 v/c Ratio 0.08 0.66 0.13 0.05 Uniform Delay, d1 19.6 24.7 10.3 10.6 Progression Factor 1.33 1.29 1.50 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.1 0.8 0.3 0.1 Delay (s) 26.1 32.7 15.7 10.7 Level of Service CC B B Approach Delay (s) 0.0 32.4 15.7 10.7 Approach LOS A C B B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 30.2 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.34 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 44.1% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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F-21 Queues 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 134 649 1913 v/c Ratio 0.32 0.76 0.73 Control Delay 17.7 32.0 15.2 Queue Delay 0.2 0.6 2.6 Total Delay 17.8 32.6 17.8 Queue Length 50th (ft) 52 175 267 Queue Length 95th (ft) 95 223 343 Internal Link Dist (ft) 259 217 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 471 963 2626 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 92 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 54 0 566 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.32 0.75 0.93 Intersection Summary

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F-22 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 125 604 000001494 305 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 125 604 000001494 305 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flpb, ped/bikes 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 0.97 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1462 3154 4358 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1462 3154 4358 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.94 0.94 0.94 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 134 649 000001589 324 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 26 000000130 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 108 649 000001900 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 75 39 39 75 123 15 15 123 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 42 90 2 12 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 6% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Protected Phases 8 6 Permitted Phases 8 Actuated Green, G (s) 24.5 24.5 54.0 Effective Green, g (s) 24.5 24.5 54.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.27 0.27 0.60 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 397 858 2614 v/s Ratio Prot c0.21 c0.44 v/s Ratio Perm 0.07 v/c Ratio 0.27 0.76 0.73 Uniform Delay, d1 25.7 30.0 12.8 Progression Factor 0.88 0.89 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.3 3.5 1.8 Delay (s) 22.9 30.1 14.6 Level of Service CC B Approach Delay (s) 0.0 28.9 0.0 14.6 Approach LOS A C A B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 18.7 HCM 2000 Level of Service B HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.74 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 69.4% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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F-23 Queues 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBT WBR NBL NBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 571 249 320 1955 v/c Ratio 0.66 0.72 0.36 0.59 Control Delay 30.6 34.8 1.7 9.0 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.7 Total Delay 30.6 34.8 2.4 9.7 Queue Length 50th (ft) 156 119 1 88 Queue Length 95th (ft) 179 183 m15 356 Internal Link Dist (ft) 278 176 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 1161 456 899 3297 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 306 896 Spillback Cap Reductn 0050 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.49 0.55 0.54 0.81 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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F-24 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 00004313392981818 0000 Future Volume (vph) 00004313392981818 0000 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 1.00 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.96 0.81 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.94 1.00 Frt 0.97 0.85 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2853 1055 1423 5767 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2853 1055 1423 5767 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.85 0.85 Adj. Flow (vph) 00004593613201955 0000 RTOR Reduction (vph) 00001258600000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 00005702242341955 0000 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 83 33 33 83 42 226 226 42 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 10 89 14 3 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 7% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type NA Perm Perm NA Protected Phases 8 2 Permitted Phases 8 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 27.0 27.0 51.5 51.5 Effective Green, g (s) 27.0 27.0 51.5 51.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.30 0.30 0.57 0.57 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 855 316 814 3300 v/s Ratio Prot 0.20 c0.34 v/s Ratio Perm c0.21 0.16 v/c Ratio 0.67 0.71 0.29 0.59 Uniform Delay, d1 27.6 28.0 9.9 12.5 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 0.20 0.61 Incremental Delay, d2 2.0 7.1 0.6 0.5 Delay (s) 29.5 35.1 2.5 8.2 Level of Service CDAA Approach Delay (s) 0.0 31.2 7.4 0.0 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 13.7 HCM 2000 Level of Service B HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.63 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 69.4% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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F-25 Queues 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT NBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 1115 154 106 38 v/c Ratio 0.71 0.22 0.19 0.04 Control Delay 27.2 8.8 14.4 12.8 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 Total Delay 27.2 8.8 15.5 12.8 Queue Length 50th (ft) 195 24 37 13 Queue Length 95th (ft) 213 62 68 31 Internal Link Dist (ft) 645 157 147 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 2261 694 552 859 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 279 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 60 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.51 0.22 0.39 0.04 Intersection Summary

Existing Conditions PM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 7

F-26 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 51 945 63 0000409190320 Future Volume (vph) 51 945 63 0000409190320 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.97 1.00 Frt 0.99 0.91 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 4506 1289 1551 1676 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 0.66 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 4506 1289 1076 1676 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Adj. Flow (vph) 54 995 66 000047107106380 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 10 00000340000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 1105 000001200106380 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 10 16 16 10 10 30 30 10 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 1114 Parking (#/hr) 5 5 Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 2 6 Permitted Phases 4 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 31.3 46.2 46.2 46.2 Effective Green, g (s) 31.3 46.2 46.2 46.2 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.35 0.51 0.51 0.51 Clearance Time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 1567 661 552 860 v/s Ratio Prot 0.09 0.02 v/s Ratio Perm 0.25 c0.10 v/c Ratio 0.71 0.18 0.19 0.04 Uniform Delay, d1 25.4 11.8 11.8 10.9 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.97 Incremental Delay, d2 1.5 0.6 0.8 0.1 Delay (s) 26.8 12.4 12.3 10.7 Level of Service C B BB Approach Delay (s) 26.8 0.0 12.4 11.9 Approach LOS C A B B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 23.7 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.40 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 67.5% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

Existing Conditions PM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 8

F-27 Queues 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 1211 401 1251 v/c Ratio 0.80 0.60 0.57 Control Delay 12.7 31.7 29.2 Queue Delay 0.1 24.0 32.6 Total Delay 12.8 55.7 61.7 Queue Length 50th (ft) 45 269 285 Queue Length 95th (ft) 75 379 337 Internal Link Dist (ft) 254 220 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 1578 663 2184 Starvation Cap Reductn 22 263 1002 Spillback Cap Reductn 11 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.78 1.00 1.06 Intersection Summary

Existing Conditions PM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 9

F-28 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 874 252 0000007029170 Future Volume (vph) 0 874 252 0000007029170 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.5 5.5 5.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.86 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.99 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.92 0.98 Frt 0.97 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 0.95 0.99 Satd. Flow (prot) 4303 1238 4166 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.95 0.99 Satd. Flow (perm) 4303 1238 4166 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.98 0.98 0.98 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 940 271 0000007169360 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 26 000000020200 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 1185 00000003811231 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 24 43 43 24 154 67 67 154 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 1 2 13 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 4% 2% 2% Bus Blockages (#/hr) 055000000000 Turn Type NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 6 Permitted Phases 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 31.3 46.7 46.7 Effective Green, g (s) 31.3 46.7 46.7 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.35 0.52 0.52 Clearance Time (s) 6.5 5.5 5.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 1496 642 2161 v/s Ratio Prot c0.28 v/s Ratio Perm c0.31 0.30 v/c Ratio 0.79 0.59 0.57 Uniform Delay, d1 26.4 15.0 14.8 Progression Factor 0.34 1.98 1.93 Incremental Delay, d2 2.7 2.9 0.8 Delay (s) 11.6 32.7 29.4 Level of Service B CC Approach Delay (s) 11.6 0.0 0.0 30.2 Approach LOS B A A C Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 22.3 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.67 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 69.4% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

Existing Conditions PM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 10

F-29 Queues 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBL EBT NBT NBR Lane Group Flow (vph) 584 1216 1532 207 v/c Ratio 0.79 0.79 0.73 0.52 Control Delay 19.7 16.7 27.3 22.1 Queue Delay 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.0 Total Delay 20.0 17.0 27.7 22.1 Queue Length 50th (ft) 179 192 221 67 Queue Length 95th (ft) 261 251 266 140 Internal Link Dist (ft) 416 278 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 766 1586 2089 400 Starvation Cap Reductn 20 61 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 1 0 184 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.78 0.80 0.80 0.52 Intersection Summary

Existing Conditions PM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 11

F-30 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 676 1052 000001440 195 0 0 0 Future Volume (vph) 676 1052 000001440 195 0 0 0 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 0.86 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.71 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1449 3036 5602 984 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1449 3036 5602 984 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.85 0.85 0.85 Adj. Flow (vph) 704 1096 000001532 207 0 0 0 RTOR Reduction (vph) 18 18 00000034000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 566 1198 000001532 173 0 0 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 31 31 53 218 218 53 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 45 6 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 5% 5% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 4 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 44.9 44.9 33.6 33.6 Effective Green, g (s) 44.9 44.9 33.6 33.6 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.50 0.50 0.37 0.37 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 722 1514 2091 367 v/s Ratio Prot c0.27 v/s Ratio Perm 0.39 0.39 0.18 v/c Ratio 0.78 0.79 0.73 0.47 Uniform Delay, d1 18.6 18.7 24.3 21.5 Progression Factor 0.73 0.73 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 4.3 2.3 2.3 4.3 Delay (s) 17.9 16.0 26.6 25.8 Level of Service BB CC Approach Delay (s) 16.6 0.0 26.5 0.0 Approach LOS B A C A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 21.5 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.77 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 82.8% ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

Existing Conditions PM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 12

F-31 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 7: N Nash St & North Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 10110271103410805 Future Volume (Veh/h) 10110271103410805 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 Hourly flow rate (vph) 10110321118511926 Pedestrians 11 25 8 4 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 1210 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 237 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 286 278 114 274 278 150 109 148 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 286 278 114 274 278 150 109 148 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 100 100 96 100 99 cM capacity (veh/h) 612 603 922 636 603 872 1466 1399 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 2 33 124 109 Volume Left 1 1 1 11 Volume Right 1 32 5 6 cSH 735 863 1466 1399 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.01 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0301 Control Delay (s) 9.9 9.3 0.1 0.8 Lane LOS AAAA Approach Delay (s) 9.9 9.3 0.1 0.8 Approach LOS AA Intersection Summary Average Delay 1.6 Intersection Capacity Utilization 25.0% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

Existing Conditions PM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 13

F-32 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: N Nash St & South Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 1 1 107 1 1 61 Future Volume (Veh/h) 1 1 107 1 1 61 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Hourly flow rate (vph) 1 1 126 1 1 72 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 418 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 200 126 127 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 200 126 127 tC, single (s) 6.4 6.2 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 788 924 1459 Direction, Lane # WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 2 127 73 Volume Left 1 0 1 Volume Right 1 1 0 cSH 850 1700 1459 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.07 0.00 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 0 Control Delay (s) 9.2 0.0 0.1 Lane LOS A A Approach Delay (s) 9.2 0.0 0.1 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.1 Intersection Capacity Utilization 16.3% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

Existing Conditions PM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 14

F-33 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 9: N Fort Myer Dr & Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 0 21 0 0 1158 11 Future Volume (Veh/h) 0 21 0 0 1158 11 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 25 0 0 1362 13 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 270 275 pX, platoon unblocked 0.87 0.87 0.87 vC, conflicting volume 1368 460 1375 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 917 0 924 tC, single (s) 6.8 6.9 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 97 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 237 948 642 Direction, Lane # EB 1 SB 1 SB 2 SB 3 Volume Total 25 545 545 285 Volume Left 0000 Volume Right 25 0 0 13 cSH 948 1700 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.03 0.32 0.32 0.17 Queue Length 95th (ft) 2000 Control Delay (s) 8.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 8.9 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.2 Intersection Capacity Utilization 35.1% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

Existing Conditions PM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 15

F-34 Queues 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT WBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 381 474 122 1163 v/c Ratio 0.40 0.68 0.22 0.51 Control Delay 23.6 32.5 14.5 15.9 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 23.6 32.5 14.5 15.9 Queue Length 50th (ft) 87 131 38 152 Queue Length 95th (ft) 117 174 81 215 Internal Link Dist (ft) 235 319 190 Turn Bay Length (ft) 115 Base Capacity (vph) 1174 863 567 2289 Starvation Cap Reductn 0000 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.32 0.55 0.22 0.51 Intersection Summary

Existing Conditions PM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 16

F-35 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 243 100 190 237 0000112924146 Future Volume (vph) 0 243 100 190 237 0000112924146 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.96 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.97 0.79 1.00 Frt 0.96 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flt Protected 1.00 0.98 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2720 2969 1101 4409 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.67 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2720 2025 1101 4409 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 270 111 211 263 00001221004 159 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 15 00000000190 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 366 0 0 474 00001221144 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 290 136 136 290 111 219 219 111 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 1 2 13 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 13% 2% 2% 5% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Parking (#/hr) 5 5 5 Turn Type NA Perm NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 8 6 Permitted Phases 8 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 33.0 33.0 49.5 49.5 Effective Green, g (s) 33.0 33.0 49.5 49.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.34 0.34 0.52 0.52 Clearance Time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 935 696 567 2273 v/s Ratio Prot 0.13 c0.26 v/s Ratio Perm c0.23 0.11 v/c Ratio 0.39 0.68 0.22 0.50 Uniform Delay, d1 23.9 27.0 12.7 15.2 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.3 2.8 0.9 0.8 Delay (s) 24.2 29.7 13.5 16.0 Level of Service C C BB Approach Delay (s) 24.2 29.7 0.0 15.8 Approach LOS C C A B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 20.4 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.57 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 96.0 Sum of lost time (s) 13.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 95.3% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

Existing Conditions PM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 17

F-36 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 11: Key Blvd & N Nash St Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 40 123 257 69 25 52 Future Volume (Veh/h) 40 123 257 69 25 52 Sign Control Free Free Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.86 0.86 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Hourly flow rate (vph) 47 143 302 81 29 61 Pedestrians 2 3 74 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 0 0 7 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 457 656 418 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 457 656 418 tC, single (s) 4.1 6.4 6.2 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 3.5 3.3 p0 queue free % 95 92 90 cM capacity (veh/h) 1021 377 589 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 190 383 90 Volume Left 47 0 29 Volume Right 0 81 61 cSH 1021 1700 499 Volume to Capacity 0.05 0.23 0.18 Queue Length 95th (ft) 4 0 16 Control Delay (s) 2.5 0.0 13.8 Lane LOS A B Approach Delay (s) 2.5 0.0 13.8 Approach LOS B Intersection Summary Average Delay 2.6 Intersection Capacity Utilization 46.2% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

Existing Conditions PM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 18

F-37 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 12: 19th St N & Key Blvd Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 112 2 34 0 3 14 109 217 3 11 158 214 Future Volume (Veh/h) 112 2 34 0 3 14 109 217 3 11 158 214 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.85 0.85 0.85 Hourly flow rate (vph) 132 2 40 0 4 16 125 249 3 13 186 252 Pedestrians 257 70 5 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 24 7 0 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 315 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 992 1041 443 824 1292 326 695 322 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 992 1041 443 824 1292 326 695 322 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 p0 queue free % 0 98 91 100 96 98 82 99 cM capacity (veh/h) 104 131 464 163 93 665 677 1155 Direction, Lane # EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 SB 2 Volume Total 134 40 20 377 199 252 Volume Left 132 0 0 125 13 0 Volume Right 0 40 16 3 0 252 cSH 105 464 298 677 1155 1700 Volume to Capacity 1.28 0.09 0.07 0.18 0.01 0.15 Queue Length 95th (ft) 229 7 5 17 1 0 Control Delay (s) 256.2 13.5 18.0 5.5 0.6 0.0 Lane LOS FBCAA Approach Delay (s) 200.4 18.0 5.5 0.3 Approach LOS F C Intersection Summary Average Delay 36.6 Intersection Capacity Utilization 53.2% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

Existing Conditions PM Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 19

F-38 1900 Fort Myer Drive Multimodal Traffic Impact Analysis August 8, 2019















0/0 78/22 1 4 7








0/0 0/0









0/0 0/0



0/0 0/0 0/0


0/0 78/22

0/0 0/0


0/0 0/0



0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0


0/0 0/0

0/0 0/0



0/0 29/171 22/128 0/0

0/0 7/43 7/43 0/0


0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0


0/0 0/0 0/0

0/0 0/0 39/11



0/0 0/0

0/0 0/0



(WESTBOUND) MYER 0/0 0/0 0/0 39/11 22/128














0/0 10/17 1 4 7

















0/0 0/0


53/104 14/28 STREET KENT N 42/83



55/94 10/17

0/0 0/0


74/127 0/0



6/11 9/17



10/17 0/0

0/0 0/0



0/0 6/17 0/0 28/55

0/0 9/11 17/33 0/0


0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0


0/0 23/39 10/17

55/94 0/0 10/17



42/83 28/55

0/0 14/28



(WESTBOUND) MYER 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 13/22














0/0 1/3 1 4 7








0/0 7/2









0/0 0/0




0/0 0/0 0/0 7/2


0/0 1/3

4/17 0/0


0/0 21/6




3/1 4/1 0/0 0/0


0/0 0/0

1/3 0/0



7/2 4/1 0/0 14/4

0/0 3/1 8/2 0/0



0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0


0/0 2/7 1/3

4/17 0/0 1/3



21/6 14/4

0/0 7/2



(WESTBOUND) MYER 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/4














0/0 0/0 1 4 7








0/0 0/0









0/0 0/0




0/0 0/2 0/0 4/0


2/0 0/0

0/0 0/0


0/0 0/0



0/0 0/0 0/0 2/0 2/0


0/0 0/0

0/0 0/0



0/0 0/0 0/0 2/1

0/0 0/0 2/0 0/0


0/0 0/0 0/0 0/2 0/0 0/0


0/0 0/4 0/2

0/6 0/0 0/0



6/1 2/1

0/0 4/0



(WESTBOUND) MYER 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/2














0/0 194/54 1 4 7

















0/0 0/0



0/0 0/0 0/0


0/0 78/22

0/0 0/0


0/0 0/0



0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0


0/0 0/0

0/0 0/0



39/11 29/171 22/128 0/0

0/0 7/43 7/43 0/0


0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0


0/0 0/0 0/0

0/0 0/0 39/11



0/0 0/0

0/0 0/0



(WESTBOUND) MYER 0/0 0/0 0/0 39/11 22/128

(EASTBOUND) N. FORT N. FORT N. DRIVEWAY HIGHWAY HIGHWAY NORTH SITE LEE LEE 1900 Fort Myer Drive Multimodal Traffic Impact Analysis August 8, 2019


Queues 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT NBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 68 557 103 15 v/c Ratio 0.17 0.67 0.12 0.02 Control Delay 26.7 35.3 2.8 6.7 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 Total Delay 26.7 35.3 3.4 6.7 Queue Length 50th (ft) 33 168 7 2 Queue Length 95th (ft) 64 212 m13 11 Internal Link Dist (ft) 449 147 46 Turn Bay Length (ft) 130 Base Capacity (vph) 756 1583 865 938 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 521 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.09 0.35 0.30 0.02 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

Future 2023 AM without Development Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 1

H-1 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 63 501 11 54 42 0076 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 63 501 11 54 42 0076 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.5 6.5 5.0 5.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.99 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.94 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.97 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1464 3060 1628 1561 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 0.86 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1464 3060 1443 1561 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 68 545 12 58 45 0087 RTOR Reduction (vph) 000030000030 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 68 554 0 0 103 0 0 12 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 159 159 2 119 119 2 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 157 33 1 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 11% 4% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Bus Blockages (#/hr) 000055000000 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA NA Protected Phases 4 2 6 Permitted Phases 4 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 24.5 24.5 54.0 54.0 Effective Green, g (s) 24.5 24.5 54.0 54.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.27 0.27 0.60 0.60 Clearance Time (s) 6.5 6.5 5.0 5.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 398 833 865 936 v/s Ratio Prot c0.18 0.01 v/s Ratio Perm 0.05 c0.07 v/c Ratio 0.17 0.67 0.12 0.01 Uniform Delay, d1 25.0 29.1 7.8 7.3 Progression Factor 1.07 1.09 0.29 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.2 1.9 0.2 0.0 Delay (s) 27.0 33.7 2.5 7.3 Level of Service CC A A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 33.0 2.5 7.3 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 28.2 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.29 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 42.9% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

Future 2023 AM without Development Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 2

H-2 Queues 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 203 292 1350 v/c Ratio 0.55 0.43 0.48 Control Delay 19.3 24.3 8.9 Queue Delay 0.1 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 19.3 24.3 8.9 Queue Length 50th (ft) 80 82 130 Queue Length 95th (ft) 141 118 169 Internal Link Dist (ft) 259 217 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 497 977 2789 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 13 0 180 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.42 0.30 0.52 Intersection Summary

Future 2023 AM without Development Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 3

H-3 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 187 269 000001051 258 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 187 269 000001051 258 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.96 Flpb, ped/bikes 0.96 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 0.97 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1385 2981 4282 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1385 2981 4282 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.97 0.97 0.97 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 203 292 000001084 266 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 50 000000360 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 153 292 000001314 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 48 31 31 48 167 33 33 167 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 157 9 1 25 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 13% 9% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 4 Actuated Green, G (s) 20.6 20.6 57.9 Effective Green, g (s) 20.6 20.6 57.9 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.23 0.23 0.64 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 317 682 2754 v/s Ratio Prot 0.10 c0.31 v/s Ratio Perm c0.11 v/c Ratio 0.48 0.43 0.48 Uniform Delay, d1 30.1 29.7 8.3 Progression Factor 0.70 0.78 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 1.1 0.4 0.6 Delay (s) 22.2 23.5 8.9 Level of Service CC A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 23.0 0.0 8.9 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 12.6 HCM 2000 Level of Service B HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.48 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 70.6% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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H-4 Queues 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBT WBR NBL NBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 523 237 185 2505 v/c Ratio 0.74 0.69 0.19 0.71 Control Delay 37.0 35.7 0.2 9.7 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.8 47.2 Total Delay 37.0 35.7 1.0 56.9 Queue Length 50th (ft) 147 112 0 204 Queue Length 95th (ft) 197 193 m0 m412 Internal Link Dist (ft) 298 176 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 834 400 963 3538 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 526 1310 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.63 0.59 0.42 1.12 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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H-5 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 00002784361782405 0000 Future Volume (vph) 00002784361782405 0000 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 1.00 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.98 0.95 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.96 1.00 Frt 0.93 0.85 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2727 1228 1454 5767 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2727 1228 1454 5767 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 00002964641852505 0000 RTOR Reduction (vph) 00001277200000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 00005222101132505 0000 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 25 24 24 25 28 104 104 28 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 78 5 10 13 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 2% 6% 2% 7% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type NA Perm Perm NA Protected Phases 4 1 Permitted Phases 4 1 Actuated Green, G (s) 23.3 23.3 55.2 55.2 Effective Green, g (s) 23.3 23.3 55.2 55.2 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.26 0.26 0.61 0.61 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 705 317 891 3537 v/s Ratio Prot c0.19 c0.43 v/s Ratio Perm 0.17 0.08 v/c Ratio 0.74 0.66 0.13 0.71 Uniform Delay, d1 30.6 29.8 7.3 11.9 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.73 Incremental Delay, d2 4.2 5.2 0.1 0.4 Delay (s) 34.8 35.0 0.3 9.1 Level of Service CCAA Approach Delay (s) 0.0 34.8 8.5 0.0 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 14.3 HCM 2000 Level of Service B HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.72 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 70.6% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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H-6 Queues 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT NBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 2643 242 87 54 v/c Ratio 1.05 0.60 0.32 0.11 Control Delay 52.6 33.7 31.0 25.5 Queue Delay 22.9 0.0 1.0 0.0 Total Delay 75.5 33.7 32.0 25.5 Queue Length 50th (ft) ~604 115 47 28 Queue Length 95th (ft) #701 196 93 60 Internal Link Dist (ft) 645 157 147 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 2527 403 272 512 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 67 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 366 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 1.22 0.60 0.42 0.11 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles.

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H-7 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 17 2323 92 00008014380500 Future Volume (vph) 17 2323 92 00008014380500 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 Frt 0.99 0.91 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 4541 1314 1575 1676 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 0.54 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 4541 1314 891 1676 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 18 2525 100 00008715587540 RTOR Reduction (vph) 040000010000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 2639 00000241087540 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 2 14 14 2 2 15 15 2 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 3 3 Parking (#/hr) 5 5 5 Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 2 6 Permitted Phases 4 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 50.0 27.5 27.5 27.5 Effective Green, g (s) 50.0 27.5 27.5 27.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.56 0.31 0.31 0.31 Clearance Time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 2522 401 272 512 v/s Ratio Prot c0.18 0.03 v/s Ratio Perm 0.58 0.10 v/c Ratio 1.05 0.60 0.32 0.11 Uniform Delay, d1 20.0 26.6 24.1 22.4 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.11 1.10 Incremental Delay, d2 31.5 6.5 3.1 0.4 Delay (s) 51.5 33.1 29.9 25.1 Level of Service D C CC Approach Delay (s) 51.5 0.0 33.1 28.0 Approach LOS D A C C Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 48.9 HCM 2000 Level of Service D HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.89 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 96.4% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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H-8 Queues 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 2741 326 1018 v/c Ratio 1.17 0.91 0.79 Control Delay 95.2 58.5 35.1 Queue Delay 0.1 4.1 6.7 Total Delay 95.2 62.5 41.7 Queue Length 50th (ft) ~674 195 213 Queue Length 95th (ft) m#634 #384 266 Internal Link Dist (ft) 254 220 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 2339 360 1294 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 13 232 Spillback Cap Reductn 56 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 1.20 0.94 0.96 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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H-9 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 2050 499 0000003718660 Future Volume (vph) 0 2050 499 0000003718660 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.86 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.96 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.87 0.99 Frt 0.97 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 4162 1111 4169 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 4162 1111 4169 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 2204 537 0000004039410 RTOR Reduction (vph) 03000000021210 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 2738 00000003059970 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 35 167 167 35 112 123 123 112 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 1 2 22 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 3% 5% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 9% 4% 2% Bus Blockages (#/hr) 088000000000 Turn Type NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 50.5 27.5 27.5 Effective Green, g (s) 50.5 27.5 27.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.56 0.31 0.31 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 2335 339 1273 v/s Ratio Prot c0.66 v/s Ratio Perm c0.27 0.24 v/c Ratio 1.17 0.90 0.78 Uniform Delay, d1 19.8 29.9 28.5 Progression Factor 0.63 1.09 1.09 Incremental Delay, d2 78.9 27.1 4.4 Delay (s) 91.4 59.9 35.6 Level of Service F ED Approach Delay (s) 91.4 0.0 0.0 41.5 Approach LOS F A A D Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 75.0 HCM 2000 Level of Service E HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 1.08 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 88.7% ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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H-10 Queues 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBL EBT NBT NBR Lane Group Flow (vph) 714 1494 1773 121 v/c Ratio 0.88 0.90 0.98 0.31 Control Delay 12.1 11.3 48.5 17.7 Queue Delay 4.1 4.8 40.7 0.0 Total Delay 16.2 16.1 89.2 17.7 Queue Length 50th (ft) 121 134 288 33 Queue Length 95th (ft) m108 m119 #377 78 Internal Link Dist (ft) 416 278 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 813 1667 1805 387 Starvation Cap Reductn 54 128 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 2 1 407 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.94 0.97 1.27 0.31 Intersection Summary # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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H-11 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 865 1167 000001720 117 0 0 0 Future Volume (vph) 865 1167 000001720 117 0 0 0 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 0.86 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.83 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 Flt Protected 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1449 3003 5602 1115 Flt Permitted 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1449 3003 5602 1115 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 940 1268 000001773 121 0 0 0 RTOR Reduction (vph) 16 16 00000028000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 698 1478 000001773 93 0 0 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 31 31 44 126 126 44 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 1 15 21 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 5% 8% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 4 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 49.5 49.5 29.0 29.0 Effective Green, g (s) 49.5 49.5 29.0 29.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.55 0.55 0.32 0.32 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 796 1651 1805 359 v/s Ratio Prot c0.32 v/s Ratio Perm 0.48 0.49 0.08 v/c Ratio 0.88 0.90 0.98 0.26 Uniform Delay, d1 17.6 17.9 30.2 22.5 Progression Factor 0.54 0.54 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 1.1 0.7 17.4 1.7 Delay (s) 10.5 10.4 47.6 24.3 Level of Service BB DC Approach Delay (s) 10.4 0.0 46.1 0.0 Approach LOS B A D A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 26.9 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.93 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 95.0% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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H-12 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 7: N Nash St & North Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 60000100206681331 Future Volume (Veh/h) 60000100206681331 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 70000110224791451 Pedestrians 4 16 1 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 0 2 0 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 237 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 406 414 150 408 412 244 150 247 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 406 414 150 408 412 244 150 247 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 p0 queue free % 99 100 100 100 100 99 100 99 cM capacity (veh/h) 535 515 892 534 517 783 1426 1299 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 7 11 231 155 Volume Left 7009 Volume Right 0 11 7 1 cSH 535 783 1426 1299 Volume to Capacity 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 Queue Length 95th (ft) 1101 Control Delay (s) 11.8 9.7 0.0 0.5 Lane LOS BA A Approach Delay (s) 11.8 9.7 0.0 0.5 Approach LOS BA Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.7 Intersection Capacity Utilization 27.6% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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H-13 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: N Nash St & South Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 0 0 213 3 3 130 Future Volume (Veh/h) 0 0 213 3 3 130 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 0 232 3 3 141 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 418 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 380 234 235 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 380 234 235 tC, single (s) 6.4 6.2 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 620 806 1332 Direction, Lane # WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 0 235 144 Volume Left 0 0 3 Volume Right 0 3 0 cSH 1700 1700 1332 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.14 0.00 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 0 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.2 Lane LOS A A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.2 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.1 Intersection Capacity Utilization 16.0% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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H-14 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 9: N Fort Myer Dr & Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 0 22 0 0 1347 18 Future Volume (Veh/h) 0 22 0 0 1347 18 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 24 0 0 1464 20 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 270 275 pX, platoon unblocked 0.81 0.81 0.81 vC, conflicting volume 1474 498 1484 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 757 0 769 tC, single (s) 6.8 6.9 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 97 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 278 877 680 Direction, Lane # EB 1 SB 1 SB 2 SB 3 Volume Total 24 586 586 313 Volume Left 0000 Volume Right 24 0 0 20 cSH 877 1700 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.03 0.34 0.34 0.18 Queue Length 95th (ft) 2000 Control Delay (s) 9.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 9.2 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.1 Intersection Capacity Utilization 39.4% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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H-15 Queues 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT WBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 448 224 321 1112 v/c Ratio 0.48 0.35 0.62 0.48 Control Delay 22.6 26.0 22.7 13.9 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 22.6 26.0 22.7 13.9 Queue Length 50th (ft) 91 53 131 136 Queue Length 95th (ft) 138 86 229 171 Internal Link Dist (ft) 235 319 190 Turn Bay Length (ft) 115 Base Capacity (vph) 925 647 515 2319 Starvation Cap Reductn 0000 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.48 0.35 0.62 0.48 Intersection Summary

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H-16 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 253 159 98 108 0000308849219 Future Volume (vph) 0 253 159 98 108 0000308849219 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.98 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.99 0.70 1.00 Frt 0.94 1.00 1.00 0.97 Flt Protected 1.00 0.98 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2612 3032 980 4326 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.63 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2612 1944 980 4326 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.96 0.96 0.96 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 275 173 107 117 0000321884228 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 55 00000000450 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 393 0 0 224 00003211067 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 250 51 51 250 70 309 309 70 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 1 1 17 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 15% 14% 4% 3% 7% 2% 2% 2% 2% 3% 2% Parking (#/hr) 5 5 5 Turn Type NA Perm NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 8 6 Permitted Phases 8 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 32.0 32.0 50.5 50.5 Effective Green, g (s) 32.0 32.0 50.5 50.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.33 0.33 0.53 0.53 Clearance Time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 870 648 515 2275 v/s Ratio Prot c0.15 0.25 v/s Ratio Perm 0.12 c0.33 v/c Ratio 0.45 0.35 0.62 0.47 Uniform Delay, d1 25.1 24.1 16.0 14.3 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.4 0.3 5.6 0.7 Delay (s) 25.5 24.4 21.6 15.0 Level of Service C C CB Approach Delay (s) 25.5 24.4 0.0 16.5 Approach LOS C C A B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 19.3 HCM 2000 Level of Service B HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.56 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 96.0 Sum of lost time (s) 13.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 93.3% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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H-17 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 11: Key Blvd & N Nash St Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 123 254 182 72 45 90 Future Volume (Veh/h) 123 254 182 72 45 90 Sign Control Free Free Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 134 276 198 78 49 98 Pedestrians 4 2 47 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 0 0 4 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 323 830 288 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 323 830 288 tC, single (s) 4.1 6.4 6.3 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 3.5 3.4 p0 queue free % 89 83 86 cM capacity (veh/h) 1176 286 699 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 410 276 147 Volume Left 134 0 49 Volume Right 0 78 98 cSH 1176 1700 472 Volume to Capacity 0.11 0.16 0.31 Queue Length 95th (ft) 10 0 33 Control Delay (s) 3.5 0.0 16.0 Lane LOS A C Approach Delay (s) 3.5 0.0 16.0 Approach LOS C Intersection Summary Average Delay 4.6 Intersection Capacity Utilization 58.7% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15

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H-18 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 12: 19th St N & Key Blvd Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 158 3 138 1 0 11 138 243 4 3 208 117 Future Volume (Veh/h) 158 3 138 1 0 11 138 243 4 3 208 117 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 172 3 150 1 0 12 150 264 4 3 226 127 Pedestrians 166 25 3 3 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 16 2 0 0 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 315 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 979 991 395 978 1116 294 519 293 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 979 991 395 978 1116 294 519 293 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.2 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 0 98 73 99 100 98 82 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 141 165 549 120 139 725 828 1238 Direction, Lane # EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 SB 2 Volume Total 175 150 13 418 229 127 Volume Left 172 0 1 150 3 0 Volume Right 0 150 12 4 0 127 cSH 141 549 522 828 1238 1700 Volume to Capacity 1.24 0.27 0.02 0.18 0.00 0.07 Queue Length 95th (ft) 262 28 2 16 0 0 Control Delay (s) 214.3 14.0 12.1 5.1 0.1 0.0 Lane LOS F BBAA Approach Delay (s) 121.9 12.1 5.1 0.1 Approach LOS F B Intersection Summary Average Delay 37.7 Intersection Capacity Utilization 61.9% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15

Future 2023 AM without Development Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 19

H-19 Queues 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT NBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 101 1336 165 42 v/c Ratio 0.12 0.81 0.34 0.07 Control Delay 20.9 35.7 26.2 20.7 Queue Delay 0.0 2.6 2.3 0.0 Total Delay 20.9 38.2 28.5 20.7 Queue Length 50th (ft) 45 400 81 15 Queue Length 95th (ft) m49 m403 145 39 Internal Link Dist (ft) 449 147 46 Turn Bay Length (ft) 130 Base Capacity (vph) 885 1738 488 575 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 277 213 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.11 0.91 0.60 0.07 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

Future 2023 PM without Development Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 1

H-20 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 94 1233 9 92 60 0 0 36 3 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 94 1233 9 92 60 0 0 36 3 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.97 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1593 3129 1627 1658 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 0.80 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1593 3129 1347 1658 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 101 1326 10 100 65 0 0 39 3 RTOR Reduction (vph) 000000000020 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 101 1336 0 0 165 0 0 40 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 111 111 59 59 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 38 135 14 Bus Blockages (#/hr) 000077000000 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA NA Protected Phases 8 2 6 Permitted Phases 8 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 47.3 47.3 32.7 31.2 Effective Green, g (s) 47.3 47.3 32.7 31.2 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.53 0.53 0.36 0.35 Clearance Time (s) 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 837 1644 489 574 v/s Ratio Prot c0.43 0.02 v/s Ratio Perm 0.06 c0.12 v/c Ratio 0.12 0.81 0.34 0.07 Uniform Delay, d1 10.8 17.7 20.8 19.7 Progression Factor 2.05 1.91 1.08 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.0 1.4 1.7 0.2 Delay (s) 22.2 35.2 24.2 19.9 Level of Service CD C B Approach Delay (s) 0.0 34.3 24.2 19.9 Approach LOS A C C B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 32.9 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.63 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 62.4% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

Future 2023 PM without Development Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 2

H-21 Queues 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 161 971 2030 v/c Ratio 0.34 1.01 0.82 Control Delay 21.2 59.4 19.4 Queue Delay 0.2 33.1 47.0 Total Delay 21.4 92.6 66.4 Queue Length 50th (ft) 57 ~288 318 Queue Length 95th (ft) m109 #433 389 Internal Link Dist (ft) 259 217 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 471 963 2468 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 102 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 54 0 633 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.39 1.13 1.11 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

Future 2023 PM without Development Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 3

H-22 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 150 903 000001574 335 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 150 903 000001574 335 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flpb, ped/bikes 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 0.97 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1462 3154 4350 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1462 3154 4350 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.94 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 161 971 000001674 356 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 25 00000030 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 136 971 000002027 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 75 39 39 75 123 15 15 123 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 42 90 2 12 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 6% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Protected Phases 8 6 Permitted Phases 8 Actuated Green, G (s) 27.5 27.5 51.0 Effective Green, g (s) 27.5 27.5 51.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.31 0.31 0.57 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 446 963 2465 v/s Ratio Prot c0.31 c0.47 v/s Ratio Perm 0.09 v/c Ratio 0.30 1.01 0.82 Uniform Delay, d1 23.9 31.2 15.8 Progression Factor 1.03 0.97 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.3 27.8 3.2 Delay (s) 25.0 58.1 19.1 Level of Service CE B Approach Delay (s) 0.0 53.4 0.0 19.1 Approach LOS A D A B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 31.3 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.89 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 113.8% ICU Level of Service H Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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H-23 Queues 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBT WBR NBL NBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 623 270 604 2134 v/c Ratio 0.68 0.74 0.70 0.66 Control Delay 30.2 35.8 8.3 8.7 Queue Delay 0.3 0.0 5.6 3.9 Total Delay 30.4 35.8 14.0 12.7 Queue Length 50th (ft) 169 130 35 85 Queue Length 95th (ft) 198 205 m348 m354 Internal Link Dist (ft) 278 176 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 1174 456 863 3210 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 200 976 Spillback Cap Reductn 137 0 110 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.60 0.59 0.91 0.96 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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H-24 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 00004923485621985 0000 Future Volume (vph) 00004923485621985 0000 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 1.00 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.97 0.82 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.94 1.00 Frt 0.98 0.85 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2890 1059 1423 5767 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2890 1059 1423 5767 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 00005233706042134 0000 RTOR Reduction (vph) 00000257200000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 00006232455322134 0000 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 83 33 33 83 42 226 226 42 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 10 89 14 3 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 7% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type NA Perm Perm NA Protected Phases 8 2 Permitted Phases 8 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 28.4 28.4 50.1 50.1 Effective Green, g (s) 28.4 28.4 50.1 50.1 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.32 0.32 0.56 0.56 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 911 334 792 3210 v/s Ratio Prot 0.22 0.37 v/s Ratio Perm c0.23 c0.37 v/c Ratio 0.68 0.73 0.67 0.66 Uniform Delay, d1 26.9 27.4 14.1 14.0 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 0.45 0.54 Incremental Delay, d2 2.1 8.1 2.0 0.5 Delay (s) 29.0 35.6 8.3 8.0 Level of Service CDAA Approach Delay (s) 0.0 31.0 8.1 0.0 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 13.7 HCM 2000 Level of Service B HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.69 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 101.0% ICU Level of Service G Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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H-25 Queues 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT NBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 1281 244 100 90 v/c Ratio 0.72 0.38 0.22 0.12 Control Delay 24.2 15.5 18.2 16.0 Queue Delay 0.1 0.2 0.9 0.7 Total Delay 24.3 15.7 19.1 16.7 Queue Length 50th (ft) 213 66 41 36 Queue Length 95th (ft) 226 145 82 72 Internal Link Dist (ft) 645 157 147 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 2249 644 451 778 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 188 480 Spillback Cap Reductn 150 70 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.61 0.43 0.38 0.30 Intersection Summary

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H-26 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 52 1033 132 000010112392830 Future Volume (vph) 52 1033 132 000010112392830 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.99 0.98 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.98 1.00 Frt 0.98 0.93 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 4463 1325 1557 1676 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 0.59 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 4463 1325 970 1676 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 55 1087 139 0000110134100900 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 21 00000290000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 1260 000002150100900 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 10 16 16 10 10 30 30 10 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 1114 Parking (#/hr) 5 5 5 Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 2 6 Permitted Phases 4 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 35.7 41.8 41.8 41.8 Effective Green, g (s) 35.7 41.8 41.8 41.8 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.40 0.46 0.46 0.46 Clearance Time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 1770 615 450 778 v/s Ratio Prot c0.16 0.05 v/s Ratio Perm 0.28 0.10 v/c Ratio 0.71 0.35 0.22 0.12 Uniform Delay, d1 22.8 15.4 14.4 13.6 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.01 0.99 Incremental Delay, d2 1.4 1.6 1.1 0.3 Delay (s) 24.2 17.0 15.6 13.8 Level of Service C B BB Approach Delay (s) 24.2 0.0 17.0 14.8 Approach LOS C A B B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 22.1 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.52 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 71.3% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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H-27 Queues 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 1342 422 1318 v/c Ratio 0.86 0.65 0.61 Control Delay 18.1 31.8 29.3 Queue Delay 0.4 43.8 49.2 Total Delay 18.6 75.5 78.5 Queue Length 50th (ft) 70 284 302 Queue Length 95th (ft) 164 m356 352 Internal Link Dist (ft) 254 220 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 1570 651 2153 Starvation Cap Reductn 38 256 981 Spillback Cap Reductn 20 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.88 1.07 1.12 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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H-28 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 958 290 0000007021004 0 Future Volume (vph) 0 958 290 0000007021004 0 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.5 5.5 5.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.86 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.99 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.92 0.98 Frt 0.97 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 0.95 0.99 Satd. Flow (prot) 4296 1238 4184 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.95 0.99 Satd. Flow (perm) 4296 1238 4184 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.98 0.98 0.98 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 1030 312 0000007161024 0 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 20 000000021210 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 1322 00000004011297 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 24 43 43 24 154 67 67 154 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 1 2 13 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 4% 2% 2% Bus Blockages (#/hr) 055000000000 Turn Type NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 6 Permitted Phases 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 32.1 45.9 45.9 Effective Green, g (s) 32.1 45.9 45.9 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.36 0.51 0.51 Clearance Time (s) 6.5 5.5 5.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 1532 631 2133 v/s Ratio Prot c0.31 v/s Ratio Perm c0.32 0.31 v/c Ratio 0.86 0.64 0.61 Uniform Delay, d1 26.9 16.0 15.7 Progression Factor 0.45 1.88 1.84 Incremental Delay, d2 4.6 2.9 0.8 Delay (s) 16.7 32.9 29.7 Level of Service B CC Approach Delay (s) 16.7 0.0 0.0 30.5 Approach LOS B A A C Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 24.5 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.73 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 80.6% ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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H-29 Queues 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBL EBT NBT NBR Lane Group Flow (vph) 608 1269 1953 317 v/c Ratio 0.81 0.82 0.95 0.81 Control Delay 20.4 17.1 39.8 40.6 Queue Delay 0.5 0.4 20.4 0.0 Total Delay 20.8 17.5 60.1 40.6 Queue Length 50th (ft) 176 191 314 141 Queue Length 95th (ft) m260 264 #408 #296 Internal Link Dist (ft) 416 278 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 766 1586 2058 391 Starvation Cap Reductn 21 64 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 1 0 184 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.82 0.83 1.04 0.81 Intersection Summary # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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H-30 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 711 1091 000001836 298 0 0 0 Future Volume (vph) 711 1091 000001836 298 0 0 0 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 0.86 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.71 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 Flt Protected 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1449 3035 5602 984 Flt Permitted 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1449 3035 5602 984 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 741 1136 000001953 317 0 0 0 RTOR Reduction (vph) 18 18 00000030000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 590 1251 000001953 287 0 0 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 31 31 53 218 218 53 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 45 6 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 5% 5% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 4 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 45.4 45.4 33.1 33.1 Effective Green, g (s) 45.4 45.4 33.1 33.1 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.50 0.50 0.37 0.37 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 730 1530 2060 361 v/s Ratio Prot c0.35 v/s Ratio Perm 0.41 0.41 0.29 v/c Ratio 0.81 0.82 0.95 0.79 Uniform Delay, d1 18.7 18.8 27.6 25.4 Progression Factor 0.74 0.74 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 4.6 2.5 10.9 16.3 Delay (s) 18.4 16.4 38.5 41.7 Level of Service BB DD Approach Delay (s) 17.0 0.0 39.0 0.0 Approach LOS B A D A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 29.0 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.87 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 91.1% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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H-31 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 7: N Nash St & North Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 101102711964101995 Future Volume (Veh/h) 101102711964101995 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 101102912134112165 Pedestrians 11 25 8 4 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 1210 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 237 pX, platoon unblocked 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 vC, conflicting volume 502 496 238 492 496 244 232 242 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 490 484 223 480 485 244 218 242 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 100 100 96 100 99 cM capacity (veh/h) 443 457 793 459 456 773 1323 1293 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 2 30 218 232 Volume Left 1 1 1 11 Volume Right 1 29 4 5 cSH 569 756 1323 1293 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.01 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0301 Control Delay (s) 11.4 10.0 0.0 0.4 Lane LOS BAAA Approach Delay (s) 11.4 10.0 0.0 0.4 Approach LOS BA Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.9 Intersection Capacity Utilization 32.3% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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H-32 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: N Nash St & South Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 1 1 200 1 1 200 Future Volume (Veh/h) 1 1 200 1 1 200 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 1 1 217 1 1 217 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 418 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 436 218 218 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 436 218 218 tC, single (s) 6.4 6.2 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 577 822 1352 Direction, Lane # WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 2 218 218 Volume Left 1 0 1 Volume Right 1 1 0 cSH 678 1700 1352 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.13 0.00 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 0 Control Delay (s) 10.3 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS B A Approach Delay (s) 10.3 0.0 0.0 Approach LOS B Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.1 Intersection Capacity Utilization 22.6% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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H-33 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 9: N Fort Myer Dr & Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 0 21 0 0 1283 11 Future Volume (Veh/h) 0 21 0 0 1283 11 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 23 0 0 1395 12 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 270 275 pX, platoon unblocked 0.84 0.84 0.84 vC, conflicting volume 1401 471 1407 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 811 0 818 tC, single (s) 6.8 6.9 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 97 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 267 911 677 Direction, Lane # EB 1 SB 1 SB 2 SB 3 Volume Total 23 558 558 291 Volume Left 0000 Volume Right 23 0 0 12 cSH 911 1700 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.03 0.33 0.33 0.17 Queue Length 95th (ft) 2000 Control Delay (s) 9.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 9.1 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.1 Intersection Capacity Utilization 37.8% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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H-34 Queues 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT WBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 427 476 149 1273 v/c Ratio 0.45 0.70 0.26 0.56 Control Delay 24.7 33.3 15.3 16.8 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 24.7 33.3 15.3 16.8 Queue Length 50th (ft) 102 133 47 173 Queue Length 95th (ft) 132 174 100 247 Internal Link Dist (ft) 235 319 190 Turn Bay Length (ft) 115 Base Capacity (vph) 1171 837 565 2278 Starvation Cap Reductn 0000 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.36 0.57 0.26 0.56 Intersection Summary

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H-35 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 279 114 195 243 00001371001 170 Future Volume (vph) 0 279 114 195 243 00001371001 170 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.96 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.97 0.79 1.00 Frt 0.96 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flt Protected 1.00 0.98 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2721 2976 1101 4398 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.65 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2721 1963 1101 4398 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 303 124 212 264 00001491088 185 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 11 00000000210 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 416 0 0 476 00001491252 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 290 136 136 290 111 219 219 111 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 1 2 13 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 13% 2% 2% 5% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Parking (#/hr) 5 5 5 Turn Type NA Perm NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 8 6 Permitted Phases 8 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 33.2 33.2 49.3 49.3 Effective Green, g (s) 33.2 33.2 49.3 49.3 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.35 0.35 0.51 0.51 Clearance Time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 941 678 565 2258 v/s Ratio Prot 0.15 c0.28 v/s Ratio Perm c0.24 0.14 v/c Ratio 0.44 0.70 0.26 0.55 Uniform Delay, d1 24.2 27.1 13.1 15.9 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.3 3.3 1.1 1.0 Delay (s) 24.6 30.4 14.3 16.9 Level of Service C C BB Approach Delay (s) 24.6 30.4 0.0 16.6 Approach LOS C C A B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 20.9 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.61 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 96.0 Sum of lost time (s) 13.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 96.9% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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H-36 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 11: Key Blvd & N Nash St Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 126 230 390 77 43 147 Future Volume (Veh/h) 126 230 390 77 43 147 Sign Control Free Free Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 137 250 424 84 47 160 Pedestrians 2 3 74 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 0 0 7 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 582 1067 542 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 582 1067 542 tC, single (s) 4.1 6.4 6.2 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 3.5 3.3 p0 queue free % 85 76 68 cM capacity (veh/h) 918 192 501 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 387 508 207 Volume Left 137 0 47 Volume Right 0 84 160 cSH 918 1700 367 Volume to Capacity 0.15 0.30 0.56 Queue Length 95th (ft) 13 0 83 Control Delay (s) 4.5 0.0 26.8 Lane LOS A D Approach Delay (s) 4.5 0.0 26.8 Approach LOS D Intersection Summary Average Delay 6.6 Intersection Capacity Utilization 72.9% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15

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H-37 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 12: 19th St N & Key Blvd Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 143 2 128 0 3 14 228 235 3 11 165 236 Future Volume (Veh/h) 143 2 128 0 3 14 228 235 3 11 165 236 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 155 2 139 0 3 15 248 255 3 12 179 257 Pedestrians 257 70 5 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 24 7 0 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 315 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 1234 1284 436 1166 1540 332 693 328 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 1234 1284 436 1166 1540 332 693 328 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 p0 queue free % 0 97 70 100 94 98 63 99 cM capacity (veh/h) 60 73 468 61 51 660 678 1149 Direction, Lane # EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 SB 2 Volume Total 157 139 18 506 191 257 Volume Left 155 0 0 248 12 0 Volume Right 0 139 15 3 0 257 cSH 60 468 221 678 1149 1700 Volume to Capacity 2.63 0.30 0.08 0.37 0.01 0.15 Queue Length 95th (ft) 397 31 7 42 1 0 Control Delay (s) 886.0 15.9 22.7 9.5 0.6 0.0 Lane LOS FCCAA Approach Delay (s) 477.4 22.7 9.5 0.3 Approach LOS F C Intersection Summary Average Delay 115.6 Intersection Capacity Utilization 63.9% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15

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H-38 1900 Fort Myer Drive Multimodal Traffic Impact Analysis August 8, 2019


Queues 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT NBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 84 579 119 15 v/c Ratio 0.20 0.67 0.14 0.02 Control Delay 26.7 34.9 2.6 7.2 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 Total Delay 26.7 34.9 3.3 7.2 Queue Length 50th (ft) 42 174 7 2 Queue Length 95th (ft) 70 207 m12 12 Internal Link Dist (ft) 449 147 46 Turn Bay Length (ft) 130 Base Capacity (vph) 756 1583 829 923 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 484 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.11 0.37 0.34 0.02 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-1 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 77 522 11 69 42 0076 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 77 522 11 69 42 0076 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.5 6.5 5.0 5.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.99 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.94 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.97 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1464 3061 1623 1561 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 0.84 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1464 3061 1404 1561 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 84 567 12 74 45 0087 RTOR Reduction (vph) 000020000030 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 84 577 0 0 119 0 0 12 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 159 159 2 119 119 2 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 157 33 1 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 11% 4% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Bus Blockages (#/hr) 000055000000 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA NA Protected Phases 4 2 6 Permitted Phases 4 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 25.3 25.3 53.2 53.2 Effective Green, g (s) 25.3 25.3 53.2 53.2 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.28 0.28 0.59 0.59 Clearance Time (s) 6.5 6.5 5.0 5.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 411 860 829 922 v/s Ratio Prot c0.19 0.01 v/s Ratio Perm 0.06 c0.08 v/c Ratio 0.20 0.67 0.14 0.01 Uniform Delay, d1 24.7 28.7 8.2 7.6 Progression Factor 1.09 1.10 0.25 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.2 2.0 0.2 0.0 Delay (s) 27.0 33.6 2.3 7.6 Level of Service CC A A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 32.7 2.3 7.6 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 27.7 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.31 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 42.9% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-2 Queues 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 241 323 1366 v/c Ratio 0.64 0.45 0.50 Control Delay 22.9 24.3 9.6 Queue Delay 0.1 0.0 0.1 Total Delay 23.0 24.3 9.6 Queue Length 50th (ft) 101 90 131 Queue Length 95th (ft) 160 122 195 Internal Link Dist (ft) 259 217 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 496 977 2747 Starvation Cap Reductn 7 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 13 0 218 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.50 0.33 0.54 Intersection Summary

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I-3 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 222 297 000001060 265 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 222 297 000001060 265 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.96 Flpb, ped/bikes 0.96 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 0.97 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1385 2981 4278 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1385 2981 4278 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.97 0.97 0.97 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 241 323 000001093 273 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 48 000000390 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 193 323 000001327 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 48 31 31 48 167 33 33 167 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 157 9 1 25 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 13% 9% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 4 Actuated Green, G (s) 21.5 21.5 57.0 Effective Green, g (s) 21.5 21.5 57.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.24 0.24 0.63 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 330 712 2709 v/s Ratio Prot 0.11 c0.31 v/s Ratio Perm c0.14 v/c Ratio 0.59 0.45 0.49 Uniform Delay, d1 30.3 29.2 8.8 Progression Factor 0.73 0.79 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 2.4 0.4 0.6 Delay (s) 24.5 23.6 9.4 Level of Service CC A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 24.0 0.0 9.4 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 13.7 HCM 2000 Level of Service B HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.52 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 71.2% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-4 Queues 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBT WBR NBL NBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 537 246 228 2543 v/c Ratio 0.74 0.70 0.23 0.72 Control Delay 36.7 36.3 0.2 10.2 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 1.0 47.2 Total Delay 36.7 36.3 1.2 57.3 Queue Length 50th (ft) 150 116 0 340 Queue Length 95th (ft) 202 202 m0 m409 Internal Link Dist (ft) 298 176 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 838 400 973 3510 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 512 1319 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.64 0.61 0.49 1.16 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-5 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 00003004362192441 0000 Future Volume (vph) 00003004362192441 0000 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 1.00 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.98 0.95 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.96 1.00 Frt 0.94 0.85 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2740 1228 1454 5767 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2740 1228 1454 5767 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 00003194642282543 0000 RTOR Reduction (vph) 00001278900000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 00005362191392543 0000 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 25 24 24 25 28 104 104 28 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 78 5 10 13 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 2% 6% 2% 7% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type NA Perm Perm NA Protected Phases 4 1 Permitted Phases 4 1 Actuated Green, G (s) 23.7 23.7 54.8 54.8 Effective Green, g (s) 23.7 23.7 54.8 54.8 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.26 0.26 0.61 0.61 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 721 323 885 3511 v/s Ratio Prot c0.20 c0.44 v/s Ratio Perm 0.18 0.10 v/c Ratio 0.74 0.68 0.16 0.72 Uniform Delay, d1 30.4 29.7 7.6 12.3 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 0.04 0.74 Incremental Delay, d2 4.2 5.6 0.1 0.4 Delay (s) 34.5 35.3 0.4 9.5 Level of Service CDAA Approach Delay (s) 0.0 34.8 8.8 0.0 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 14.5 HCM 2000 Level of Service B HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.73 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 71.2% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-6 Queues 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT NBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 2662 288 87 70 v/c Ratio 1.05 0.72 0.37 0.14 Control Delay 55.3 39.3 33.0 25.9 Queue Delay 19.9 0.0 0.7 0.0 Total Delay 75.2 39.3 33.6 25.9 Queue Length 50th (ft) ~612 144 47 37 Queue Length 95th (ft) #709 #260 96 73 Internal Link Dist (ft) 645 157 147 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 2527 402 238 512 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 35 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 406 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 1.26 0.72 0.43 0.14 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles.

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I-7 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 17 2337 96 00009517080640 Future Volume (vph) 17 2337 96 00009517080640 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 Frt 0.99 0.91 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 4540 1314 1577 1676 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 0.47 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 4540 1314 778 1676 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 18 2540 104 000010318587700 RTOR Reduction (vph) 050000010000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 2657 00000287087700 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 2 14 14 2 2 15 15 2 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 3 3 Parking (#/hr) 5 5 5 Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 2 6 Permitted Phases 4 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 50.0 27.5 27.5 27.5 Effective Green, g (s) 50.0 27.5 27.5 27.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.56 0.31 0.31 0.31 Clearance Time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 2522 401 237 512 v/s Ratio Prot c0.22 0.04 v/s Ratio Perm 0.59 0.11 v/c Ratio 1.05 0.71 0.37 0.14 Uniform Delay, d1 20.0 27.8 24.4 22.6 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.12 1.10 Incremental Delay, d2 34.0 10.4 4.3 0.6 Delay (s) 54.0 38.2 31.7 25.4 Level of Service D D CC Approach Delay (s) 54.0 0.0 38.2 28.9 Approach LOS D A D C Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 51.3 HCM 2000 Level of Service D HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.93 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 96.8% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-8 Queues 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 2785 334 1058 v/c Ratio 1.19 0.93 0.82 Control Delay 104.6 61.9 35.9 Queue Delay 0.1 5.3 11.7 Total Delay 104.7 67.1 47.6 Queue Length 50th (ft) ~695 198 220 Queue Length 95th (ft) m#648 #400 276 Internal Link Dist (ft) 254 220 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 2333 360 1298 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 13 232 Spillback Cap Reductn 59 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 1.22 0.96 0.99 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-9 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 2074 516 0000003719100 Future Volume (vph) 0 2074 516 0000003719100 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.86 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.96 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.87 0.99 Frt 0.97 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 4156 1111 4179 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 4156 1111 4179 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 2230 555 0000004039890 RTOR Reduction (vph) 02000000021210 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 2783 00000003131037 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 35 167 167 35 112 123 123 112 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 1 2 22 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 3% 5% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 9% 4% 2% Bus Blockages (#/hr) 088000000000 Turn Type NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 50.5 27.5 27.5 Effective Green, g (s) 50.5 27.5 27.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.56 0.31 0.31 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 2331 339 1276 v/s Ratio Prot c0.67 v/s Ratio Perm c0.28 0.25 v/c Ratio 1.19 0.92 0.81 Uniform Delay, d1 19.8 30.2 28.9 Progression Factor 0.64 1.09 1.08 Incremental Delay, d2 87.7 30.5 5.2 Delay (s) 100.4 63.3 36.4 Level of Service F ED Approach Delay (s) 100.4 0.0 0.0 42.9 Approach LOS F A A D Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 81.2 HCM 2000 Level of Service F HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 1.10 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 89.7% ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-10 Queues 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBL EBT NBT NBR Lane Group Flow (vph) 726 1508 1838 138 v/c Ratio 0.89 0.90 1.02 0.36 Control Delay 12.5 11.4 57.1 19.3 Queue Delay 5.2 6.0 32.5 0.0 Total Delay 17.8 17.5 89.6 19.3 Queue Length 50th (ft) 124 134 ~312 41 Queue Length 95th (ft) m107 m117 #400 91 Internal Link Dist (ft) 416 278 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 813 1667 1805 387 Starvation Cap Reductn 54 130 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 2 1 451 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.96 0.98 1.36 0.36 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-11 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 879 1177 000001783 134 0 0 0 Future Volume (vph) 879 1177 000001783 134 0 0 0 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 0.86 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.83 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 Flt Protected 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1449 3003 5602 1115 Flt Permitted 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1449 3003 5602 1115 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 955 1279 000001838 138 0 0 0 RTOR Reduction (vph) 16 16 00000028000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 710 1492 000001838 110 0 0 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 31 31 44 126 126 44 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 1 15 21 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 5% 8% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 4 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 49.5 49.5 29.0 29.0 Effective Green, g (s) 49.5 49.5 29.0 29.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.55 0.55 0.32 0.32 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 796 1651 1805 359 v/s Ratio Prot c0.33 v/s Ratio Perm 0.49 0.50 0.10 v/c Ratio 0.89 0.90 1.02 0.31 Uniform Delay, d1 17.9 18.1 30.5 22.9 Progression Factor 0.53 0.54 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 1.3 0.8 25.9 2.2 Delay (s) 10.8 10.5 56.4 25.1 Level of Service BB EC Approach Delay (s) 10.6 0.0 54.2 0.0 Approach LOS B A D A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 31.0 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.95 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 96.6% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-12 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 7: N Nash St & North Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 6 0 0 20 0 48 0 210 13 29 130 1 Future Volume (Veh/h) 6 0 0 20 0 48 0 210 13 29 130 1 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 7 0 0 22 0 52 0 228 14 32 141 1 Pedestrians 4 16 1 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 0 2 0 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 237 pX, platoon unblocked 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 vC, conflicting volume 496 468 146 458 461 251 146 258 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 485 456 132 446 450 251 131 258 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 p0 queue free % 98 100 100 96 100 93 100 98 cM capacity (veh/h) 437 474 903 492 478 776 1433 1287 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 7 74 242 174 Volume Left 7 22 0 32 Volume Right 0 52 14 1 cSH 437 662 1433 1287 Volume to Capacity 0.02 0.11 0.00 0.02 Queue Length 95th (ft) 1902 Control Delay (s) 13.4 11.1 0.0 1.6 Lane LOS BB A Approach Delay (s) 13.4 11.1 0.0 1.6 Approach LOS BB Intersection Summary Average Delay 2.4 Intersection Capacity Utilization 37.3% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-13 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: N Nash St & South Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 0 0 224 0 0 150 Future Volume (Veh/h) 0 0 224 0 0 150 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 0 243 0 0 163 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 418 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 406 243 243 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 406 243 243 tC, single (s) 6.4 6.2 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 601 796 1323 Direction, Lane # WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 0 243 163 Volume Left 0 0 0 Volume Right 0 0 0 cSH 1700 1700 1323 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.14 0.00 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 0 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 16.4% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-14 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 9: N Fort Myer Dr & Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 0 85 0 0 1346 40 Future Volume (Veh/h) 0 85 0 0 1346 40 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 92 0 0 1463 43 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 270 276 pX, platoon unblocked 0.80 0.80 0.80 vC, conflicting volume 1484 509 1506 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 727 0 754 tC, single (s) 6.8 6.9 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 89 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 287 867 681 Direction, Lane # EB 1 SB 1 SB 2 SB 3 Volume Total 92 585 585 336 Volume Left 0000 Volume Right 92 0 0 43 cSH 867 1700 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.11 0.34 0.34 0.20 Queue Length 95th (ft) 9000 Control Delay (s) 9.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 9.6 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.6 Intersection Capacity Utilization 42.4% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-15 Queues 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT WBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 458 221 378 1120 v/c Ratio 0.50 0.34 0.73 0.48 Control Delay 23.0 26.0 28.1 13.9 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 23.0 26.0 28.1 13.9 Queue Length 50th (ft) 95 53 169 136 Queue Length 95th (ft) 143 85 #303 173 Internal Link Dist (ft) 235 319 190 Turn Bay Length (ft) 115 Base Capacity (vph) 921 641 515 2322 Starvation Cap Reductn 0000 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.50 0.34 0.73 0.48 Intersection Summary # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles.

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I-16 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 253 168 98 105 0000363858217 Future Volume (vph) 0 253 168 98 105 0000363858217 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.98 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.99 0.70 1.00 Frt 0.94 1.00 1.00 0.97 Flt Protected 1.00 0.98 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2604 3031 980 4329 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.62 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2604 1926 980 4329 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.96 0.96 0.96 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 275 183 107 114 0000378894226 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 53 00000000450 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 405 0 0 221 00003781075 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 250 51 51 250 70 309 309 70 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 1 1 17 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 15% 14% 4% 3% 7% 2% 2% 2% 2% 3% 2% Parking (#/hr) 5 5 5 Turn Type NA Perm NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 8 6 Permitted Phases 8 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 32.0 32.0 50.5 50.5 Effective Green, g (s) 32.0 32.0 50.5 50.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.33 0.33 0.53 0.53 Clearance Time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 868 642 515 2277 v/s Ratio Prot c0.16 0.25 v/s Ratio Perm 0.11 c0.39 v/c Ratio 0.47 0.34 0.73 0.47 Uniform Delay, d1 25.3 24.1 17.6 14.3 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.4 0.3 9.0 0.7 Delay (s) 25.7 24.4 26.5 15.0 Level of Service C C CB Approach Delay (s) 25.7 24.4 0.0 17.9 Approach LOS C C A B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 20.2 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.63 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 96.0 Sum of lost time (s) 13.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 93.3% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-17 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 11: Key Blvd & N Nash St Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 117 254 181 87 65 90 Future Volume (Veh/h) 117 254 181 87 65 90 Sign Control Free Free Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 127 276 197 95 71 98 Pedestrians 4 2 47 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 0 0 4 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 339 824 296 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 339 824 296 tC, single (s) 4.1 6.4 6.3 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 3.5 3.4 p0 queue free % 89 76 86 cM capacity (veh/h) 1160 290 692 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 403 292 169 Volume Left 127 0 71 Volume Right 0 95 98 cSH 1160 1700 437 Volume to Capacity 0.11 0.17 0.39 Queue Length 95th (ft) 9 0 45 Control Delay (s) 3.4 0.0 18.3 Lane LOS A C Approach Delay (s) 3.4 0.0 18.3 Approach LOS C Intersection Summary Average Delay 5.2 Intersection Capacity Utilization 60.5% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-18 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 12: 19th St N & Key Blvd Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 167 3 149 1 0 11 155 243 4 3 207 113 Future Volume (Veh/h) 167 3 149 1 0 11 155 243 4 3 207 113 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 182 3 162 1 0 12 168 264 4 3 225 123 Pedestrians 166 25 3 3 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 16 2 0 0 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 315 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 1014 1026 394 1024 1147 294 514 293 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 1014 1026 394 1024 1147 294 514 293 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.2 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 0 98 71 99 100 98 80 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 131 154 550 106 130 725 832 1238 Direction, Lane # EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 SB 2 Volume Total 185 162 13 436 228 123 Volume Left 182 0 1 168 3 0 Volume Right 0 162 12 4 0 123 cSH 131 550 500 832 1238 1700 Volume to Capacity 1.41 0.29 0.03 0.20 0.00 0.07 Queue Length 95th (ft) 308 31 2 19 0 0 Control Delay (s) 284.6 14.3 12.4 5.5 0.1 0.0 Lane LOS F BBAA Approach Delay (s) 158.4 12.4 5.5 0.1 Approach LOS F B Intersection Summary Average Delay 50.2 Intersection Capacity Utilization 63.4% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-19 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 13: N Fort Myer Dr Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 00001387 40 Future Volume (Veh/h) 00001387 40 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 00001508 43 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 348 198 pX, platoon unblocked 0.79 0.79 0.79 vC, conflicting volume 1530 524 1551 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 735 0 762 tC, single (s) 6.8 6.9 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 280 855 667 Direction, Lane # EB 1 SB 1 SB 2 SB 3 Volume Total 0 603 603 345 Volume Left 0000 Volume Right 0 0 0 43 cSH 1700 1700 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.35 0.35 0.20 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0000 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 34.1% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-20 Queues 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT NBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 130 1365 169 42 v/c Ratio 0.15 0.82 0.35 0.07 Control Delay 21.3 35.4 25.9 20.8 Queue Delay 0.0 3.5 2.6 0.0 Total Delay 21.3 39.0 28.5 20.8 Queue Length 50th (ft) 58 403 84 15 Queue Length 95th (ft) m61 m398 149 39 Internal Link Dist (ft) 449 147 46 Turn Bay Length (ft) 130 Base Capacity (vph) 885 1738 478 565 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 279 207 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.15 0.94 0.62 0.07 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-21 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 121 1260 9 96 60 0 0 36 3 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 121 1260 9 96 60 0 0 36 3 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.97 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1593 3129 1626 1658 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 0.80 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1593 3129 1339 1658 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 130 1355 10 104 65 0 0 39 3 RTOR Reduction (vph) 000000000020 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 130 1365 0 0 169 0 0 40 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 111 111 59 59 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 38 135 14 Bus Blockages (#/hr) 000077000000 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA NA Protected Phases 8 2 6 Permitted Phases 8 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 47.9 47.9 32.1 30.6 Effective Green, g (s) 47.9 47.9 32.1 30.6 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.53 0.53 0.36 0.34 Clearance Time (s) 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 847 1665 477 563 v/s Ratio Prot c0.44 0.02 v/s Ratio Perm 0.08 c0.13 v/c Ratio 0.15 0.82 0.35 0.07 Uniform Delay, d1 10.7 17.5 21.3 20.1 Progression Factor 2.05 1.92 1.05 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.0 1.3 1.9 0.2 Delay (s) 22.1 34.8 24.3 20.3 Level of Service CC C C Approach Delay (s) 0.0 33.6 24.3 20.3 Approach LOS A C C C Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 32.4 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.64 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 63.5% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-22 Queues 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 215 1013 2068 v/c Ratio 0.46 1.05 0.84 Control Delay 24.1 70.9 20.1 Queue Delay 0.4 19.4 46.9 Total Delay 24.5 90.3 67.0 Queue Length 50th (ft) 82 ~332 330 Queue Length 95th (ft) m140 #461 404 Internal Link Dist (ft) 259 217 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 471 963 2464 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 104 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 53 0 632 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.51 1.18 1.13 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-23 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 200 942 000001594 350 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 200 942 000001594 350 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flpb, ped/bikes 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 0.97 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1462 3154 4344 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1462 3154 4344 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.94 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 215 1013 000001696 372 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 25 00000030 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 190 1013 000002065 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 75 39 39 75 123 15 15 123 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 42 90 2 12 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 6% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Protected Phases 8 6 Permitted Phases 8 Actuated Green, G (s) 27.5 27.5 51.0 Effective Green, g (s) 27.5 27.5 51.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.31 0.31 0.57 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 446 963 2461 v/s Ratio Prot c0.32 c0.48 v/s Ratio Perm 0.13 v/c Ratio 0.43 1.05 0.84 Uniform Delay, d1 24.9 31.2 16.1 Progression Factor 1.02 0.98 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.5 39.6 3.6 Delay (s) 25.9 70.1 19.7 Level of Service CE B Approach Delay (s) 0.0 62.4 0.0 19.7 Approach LOS AEAB Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 35.6 HCM 2000 Level of Service D HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.91 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 118.0% ICU Level of Service H Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-24 Queues 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBT WBR NBL NBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 649 281 663 2170 v/c Ratio 0.68 0.75 0.79 0.69 Control Delay 29.6 36.0 11.3 9.1 Queue Delay 0.3 0.0 19.6 9.2 Total Delay 30.0 36.0 30.9 18.3 Queue Length 50th (ft) 172 135 48 85 Queue Length 95th (ft) 208 216 m62 m327 Internal Link Dist (ft) 278 176 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 1182 456 843 3155 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 187 975 Spillback Cap Reductn 145 0 124 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.63 0.62 1.01 1.00 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-25 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 00005263486172018 0000 Future Volume (vph) 00005263486172018 0000 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 1.00 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.98 0.82 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.94 1.00 Frt 0.98 0.85 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2914 1061 1423 5767 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2914 1061 1423 5767 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 00005603706632170 0000 RTOR Reduction (vph) 00000246500000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 00006492575982170 0000 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 83 33 33 83 42 226 226 42 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 10 89 14 3 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 7% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type NA Perm Perm NA Protected Phases 8 2 Permitted Phases 8 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 29.3 29.3 49.2 49.2 Effective Green, g (s) 29.3 29.3 49.2 49.2 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.33 0.33 0.55 0.55 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 948 345 777 3152 v/s Ratio Prot 0.22 0.38 v/s Ratio Perm c0.24 c0.42 v/c Ratio 0.68 0.74 0.77 0.69 Uniform Delay, d1 26.3 27.0 16.0 14.8 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 0.47 0.54 Incremental Delay, d2 2.1 8.4 2.8 0.5 Delay (s) 28.4 35.4 10.2 8.4 Level of Service CDBA Approach Delay (s) 0.0 30.5 8.8 0.0 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 14.2 HCM 2000 Level of Service B HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.76 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 105.2% ICU Level of Service G Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-26 Queues 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT NBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 1319 256 100 120 v/c Ratio 0.72 0.41 0.23 0.16 Control Delay 23.7 16.8 19.0 16.8 Queue Delay 0.1 0.2 0.9 1.0 Total Delay 23.9 17.0 20.0 17.8 Queue Length 50th (ft) 219 74 42 50 Queue Length 95th (ft) 232 158 86 94 Internal Link Dist (ft) 645 157 147 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 2247 628 430 761 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 172 452 Spillback Cap Reductn 176 66 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.64 0.46 0.39 0.39 Intersection Summary

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I-27 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 52 1059 142 0000105131921100 Future Volume (vph) 52 1059 142 0000105131921100 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.99 0.98 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.98 1.00 Frt 0.98 0.93 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 4459 1324 1558 1676 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 0.58 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 4459 1324 945 1676 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 55 1115 149 00001141421001200 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 21 00000270000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 1298 0000022901001200 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 10 16 16 10 10 30 30 10 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 1114 Parking (#/hr) 5 5 5 Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 2 6 Permitted Phases 4 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 36.6 40.9 40.9 40.9 Effective Green, g (s) 36.6 40.9 40.9 40.9 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.41 0.45 0.45 0.45 Clearance Time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 1813 601 429 761 v/s Ratio Prot c0.17 0.07 v/s Ratio Perm 0.29 0.11 v/c Ratio 0.72 0.38 0.23 0.16 Uniform Delay, d1 22.3 16.2 15.0 14.4 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 1.4 1.8 1.3 0.4 Delay (s) 23.7 18.0 16.4 14.8 Level of Service C B BB Approach Delay (s) 23.7 0.0 18.0 15.5 Approach LOS C A B B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 21.9 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.54 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 72.1% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-28 Queues 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 1379 448 1383 v/c Ratio 0.89 0.69 0.64 Control Delay 20.2 31.9 28.7 Queue Delay 0.7 48.9 49.0 Total Delay 20.9 80.8 77.7 Queue Length 50th (ft) 75 298 310 Queue Length 95th (ft) #243 m369 360 Internal Link Dist (ft) 254 220 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 1562 649 2150 Starvation Cap Reductn 38 236 925 Spillback Cap Reductn 22 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.90 1.08 1.13 Intersection Summary # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-29 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 964 318 0000007201074 0 Future Volume (vph) 0 964 318 0000007201074 0 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.5 5.5 5.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.86 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.99 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.92 0.98 Frt 0.96 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 0.95 0.99 Satd. Flow (prot) 4282 1238 4194 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.95 0.99 Satd. Flow (perm) 4282 1238 4194 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.98 0.98 0.98 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 1037 342 0000007351096 0 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 16 000000021210 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 1363 00000004271362 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 24 43 43 24 154 67 67 154 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 1 2 13 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 4% 2% 2% Bus Blockages (#/hr) 055000000000 Turn Type NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 6 Permitted Phases 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 32.3 45.7 45.7 Effective Green, g (s) 32.3 45.7 45.7 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.36 0.51 0.51 Clearance Time (s) 6.5 5.5 5.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 1536 628 2129 v/s Ratio Prot c0.32 v/s Ratio Perm c0.35 0.32 v/c Ratio 0.89 0.68 0.64 Uniform Delay, d1 27.1 16.7 16.2 Progression Factor 0.47 1.77 1.75 Incremental Delay, d2 5.7 3.4 0.9 Delay (s) 18.5 32.9 29.1 Level of Service B CC Approach Delay (s) 18.5 0.0 0.0 30.0 Approach LOS B A A C Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 25.1 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.77 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 82.6% ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-30 Queues 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBL EBT NBT NBR Lane Group Flow (vph) 613 1270 2040 340 v/c Ratio 0.82 0.82 0.99 0.87 Control Delay 20.4 17.0 47.7 47.7 Queue Delay 0.5 0.5 38.9 0.0 Total Delay 20.9 17.4 86.6 47.7 Queue Length 50th (ft) 184 198 ~362 158 Queue Length 95th (ft) m257 m260 #438 #329 Internal Link Dist (ft) 416 278 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 766 1586 2057 391 Starvation Cap Reductn 23 71 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 1 0 208 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.83 0.84 1.10 0.87 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-31 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 717 1091 000001918 320 0 0 0 Future Volume (vph) 717 1091 000001918 320 0 0 0 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 0.86 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.71 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 Flt Protected 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1449 3035 5602 984 Flt Permitted 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1449 3035 5602 984 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 747 1136 000002040 340 0 0 0 RTOR Reduction (vph) 18 18 00000030000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 595 1252 000002040 310 0 0 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 31 31 53 218 218 53 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 45 6 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 5% 5% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 4 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 45.4 45.4 33.1 33.1 Effective Green, g (s) 45.4 45.4 33.1 33.1 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.50 0.50 0.37 0.37 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 730 1530 2060 361 v/s Ratio Prot c0.36 v/s Ratio Perm 0.41 0.41 0.31 v/c Ratio 0.82 0.82 0.99 0.86 Uniform Delay, d1 18.8 18.8 28.3 26.3 Progression Factor 0.74 0.74 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 4.6 2.3 17.7 22.3 Delay (s) 18.5 16.3 46.0 48.6 Level of Service BB DD Approach Delay (s) 17.0 0.0 46.3 0.0 Approach LOS B A D A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 33.4 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.89 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 92.5% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-32 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 7: N Nash St & North Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 1 0 0 14 0 34 1 201 20 47 199 5 Future Volume (Veh/h) 1 0 0 14 0 34 1 201 20 47 199 5 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 1 0 0 15 0 37 1 218 22 51 216 5 Pedestrians 11 25 8 4 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 1210 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 237 pX, platoon unblocked 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 vC, conflicting volume 604 598 238 584 590 258 232 265 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 578 573 202 559 565 258 196 265 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 96 100 95 100 96 cM capacity (veh/h) 367 387 801 391 392 759 1325 1268 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 1 52 241 272 Volume Left 1 15 1 51 Volume Right 0 37 22 5 cSH 367 597 1325 1268 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.04 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0703 Control Delay (s) 14.8 11.6 0.0 1.8 Lane LOS BBAA Approach Delay (s) 14.8 11.6 0.0 1.8 Approach LOS BB Intersection Summary Average Delay 2.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 43.9% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-33 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: N Nash St & South Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 0 0 222 0 0 213 Future Volume (Veh/h) 0 0 222 0 0 213 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 0 241 0 0 232 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 418 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 473 241 241 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 473 241 241 tC, single (s) 6.4 6.2 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 550 798 1326 Direction, Lane # WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 0 241 232 Volume Left 0 0 0 Volume Right 0 0 0 cSH 1700 1700 1326 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.14 0.00 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 0 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 16.3% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-34 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 9: N Fort Myer Dr & Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 0 108 0 0 1279 57 Future Volume (Veh/h) 0 108 0 0 1279 57 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 117 0 0 1390 62 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 270 276 pX, platoon unblocked 0.83 0.83 0.83 vC, conflicting volume 1421 494 1452 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 795 0 832 tC, single (s) 6.8 6.9 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 87 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 270 901 662 Direction, Lane # EB 1 SB 1 SB 2 SB 3 Volume Total 117 556 556 340 Volume Left 0000 Volume Right 117 0 0 62 cSH 901 1700 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.13 0.33 0.33 0.20 Queue Length 95th (ft) 11 0 0 0 Control Delay (s) 9.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 9.6 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.7 Intersection Capacity Utilization 43.0% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-35 Queues 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT WBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 433 473 229 1283 v/c Ratio 0.46 0.70 0.41 0.56 Control Delay 24.9 33.2 17.7 16.9 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 24.9 33.2 17.7 16.9 Queue Length 50th (ft) 104 132 79 175 Queue Length 95th (ft) 135 173 158 250 Internal Link Dist (ft) 235 319 190 Turn Bay Length (ft) 115 Base Capacity (vph) 1169 834 565 2278 Starvation Cap Reductn 0000 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.37 0.57 0.41 0.56 Intersection Summary

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I-36 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 279 120 195 240 00002111011 169 Future Volume (vph) 0 279 120 195 240 00002111011 169 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.96 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.97 0.79 1.00 Frt 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flt Protected 1.00 0.98 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2715 2977 1101 4401 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.64 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2715 1952 1101 4401 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 303 130 212 261 00002291099 184 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 11 00000000200 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 422 0 0 473 00002291263 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 290 136 136 290 111 219 219 111 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 1 2 13 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 13% 2% 2% 5% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Parking (#/hr) 5 5 5 Turn Type NA Perm NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 8 6 Permitted Phases 8 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 33.2 33.2 49.3 49.3 Effective Green, g (s) 33.2 33.2 49.3 49.3 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.35 0.35 0.51 0.51 Clearance Time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 938 675 565 2260 v/s Ratio Prot 0.16 c0.29 v/s Ratio Perm c0.24 0.21 v/c Ratio 0.45 0.70 0.41 0.56 Uniform Delay, d1 24.3 27.1 14.3 15.9 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.3 3.3 2.2 1.0 Delay (s) 24.7 30.4 16.5 16.9 Level of Service C C BB Approach Delay (s) 24.7 30.4 0.0 16.9 Approach LOS C C A B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 20.9 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.62 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 96.0 Sum of lost time (s) 13.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 97.1% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-37 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 11: Key Blvd & N Nash St Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 125 230 388 99 57 145 Future Volume (Veh/h) 125 230 388 99 57 145 Sign Control Free Free Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 136 250 422 108 62 158 Pedestrians 2 3 74 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 0 0 7 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 604 1075 552 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 604 1075 552 tC, single (s) 4.1 6.4 6.2 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 3.5 3.3 p0 queue free % 85 67 68 cM capacity (veh/h) 901 190 495 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 386 530 220 Volume Left 136 0 62 Volume Right 0 108 158 cSH 901 1700 340 Volume to Capacity 0.15 0.31 0.65 Queue Length 95th (ft) 13 0 107 Control Delay (s) 4.5 0.0 33.0 Lane LOS A D Approach Delay (s) 4.5 0.0 33.0 Approach LOS D Intersection Summary Average Delay 7.9 Intersection Capacity Utilization 75.1% ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-38 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 12: 19th St N & Key Blvd Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 149 2 136 0 3 14 253 235 3 11 167 231 Future Volume (Veh/h) 149 2 136 0 3 14 253 235 3 11 167 231 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 162 2 148 0 3 15 275 255 3 12 182 251 Pedestrians 257 70 5 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 24 7 0 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 315 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 1291 1341 439 1232 1590 332 690 328 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 1291 1341 439 1232 1590 332 690 328 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 p0 queue free % 0 97 68 100 93 98 60 99 cM capacity (veh/h) 52 63 467 51 45 660 680 1149 Direction, Lane # EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 SB 2 Volume Total 164 148 18 533 194 251 Volume Left 162 0 0 275 12 0 Volume Right 0 148 15 3 0 251 cSH 52 467 200 680 1149 1700 Volume to Capacity 3.16 0.32 0.09 0.40 0.01 0.15 Queue Length 95th (ft) Err 34 7 49 1 0 Control Delay (s) Err 16.3 24.8 10.3 0.6 0.0 Lane LOS FCCBA Approach Delay (s) 5263.6 24.8 10.3 0.3 Approach LOS F C Intersection Summary Average Delay 1260.2 Intersection Capacity Utilization 65.9% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-39 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 13: N Fort Myer Dr Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 00001335 57 Future Volume (Veh/h) 00001335 57 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 00001451 62 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 390 156 pX, platoon unblocked 0.80 0.80 0.80 vC, conflicting volume 1482 515 1513 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 721 0 760 tC, single (s) 6.8 6.9 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 289 866 677 Direction, Lane # EB 1 SB 1 SB 2 SB 3 Volume Total 0 580 580 352 Volume Left 0000 Volume Right 0 0 0 62 cSH 1700 1700 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.34 0.34 0.21 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0000 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 33.4% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-40 Queues 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT NBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 84 579 119 15 v/c Ratio 0.20 0.67 0.14 0.02 Control Delay 26.6 34.9 2.6 7.2 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 Total Delay 26.6 34.9 3.3 7.2 Queue Length 50th (ft) 41 174 7 2 Queue Length 95th (ft) 70 207 m12 12 Internal Link Dist (ft) 449 147 46 Turn Bay Length (ft) 130 Base Capacity (vph) 756 1583 829 923 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 484 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.11 0.37 0.34 0.02 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-41 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 77 522 11 69 42 0076 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 77 522 11 69 42 0076 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.5 6.5 5.0 5.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.99 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.94 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.97 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1464 3061 1623 1561 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 0.84 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1464 3061 1404 1561 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 84 567 12 74 45 0087 RTOR Reduction (vph) 000020000030 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 84 577 0 0 119 0 0 12 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 159 159 2 119 119 2 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 157 33 1 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 11% 4% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Bus Blockages (#/hr) 000055000000 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA NA Protected Phases 4 2 6 Permitted Phases 4 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 25.3 25.3 53.2 53.2 Effective Green, g (s) 25.3 25.3 53.2 53.2 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.28 0.28 0.59 0.59 Clearance Time (s) 6.5 6.5 5.0 5.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 411 860 829 922 v/s Ratio Prot c0.19 0.01 v/s Ratio Perm 0.06 c0.08 v/c Ratio 0.20 0.67 0.14 0.01 Uniform Delay, d1 24.7 28.7 8.2 7.6 Progression Factor 1.09 1.10 0.25 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.2 2.0 0.2 0.0 Delay (s) 27.0 33.5 2.3 7.6 Level of Service CC A A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 32.7 2.3 7.6 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 27.7 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.31 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 42.9% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-42 Queues 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 241 323 1366 v/c Ratio 0.64 0.45 0.50 Control Delay 22.6 24.0 9.6 Queue Delay 0.1 0.0 0.1 Total Delay 22.7 24.0 9.6 Queue Length 50th (ft) 100 90 131 Queue Length 95th (ft) 160 122 195 Internal Link Dist (ft) 259 217 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 496 977 2747 Starvation Cap Reductn 7 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 18 0 218 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.50 0.33 0.54 Intersection Summary

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I-43 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 222 297 000001060 265 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 222 297 000001060 265 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.96 Flpb, ped/bikes 0.96 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 0.97 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1385 2981 4278 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1385 2981 4278 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.97 0.97 0.97 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 241 323 000001093 273 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 48 000000390 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 193 323 000001327 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 48 31 31 48 167 33 33 167 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 157 9 1 25 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 13% 9% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 4 Actuated Green, G (s) 21.5 21.5 57.0 Effective Green, g (s) 21.5 21.5 57.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.24 0.24 0.63 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 330 712 2709 v/s Ratio Prot 0.11 c0.31 v/s Ratio Perm c0.14 v/c Ratio 0.59 0.45 0.49 Uniform Delay, d1 30.3 29.2 8.8 Progression Factor 0.72 0.78 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 2.4 0.4 0.6 Delay (s) 24.1 23.3 9.4 Level of Service CC A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 23.6 0.0 9.4 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 13.6 HCM 2000 Level of Service B HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.52 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 71.2% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-44 Queues 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBT WBR NBL NBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 537 246 228 2543 v/c Ratio 0.74 0.70 0.23 0.72 Control Delay 36.7 36.3 0.3 10.5 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 1.0 47.2 Total Delay 36.7 36.3 1.2 57.7 Queue Length 50th (ft) 150 116 0 392 Queue Length 95th (ft) 202 202 m0 m417 Internal Link Dist (ft) 298 176 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 838 400 973 3510 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 512 1319 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.64 0.61 0.49 1.16 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-45 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 00003004362192441 0000 Future Volume (vph) 00003004362192441 0000 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 1.00 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.98 0.95 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.96 1.00 Frt 0.94 0.85 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2740 1228 1454 5767 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2740 1228 1454 5767 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 00003194642282543 0000 RTOR Reduction (vph) 00001278900000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 00005362191392543 0000 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 25 24 24 25 28 104 104 28 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 78 5 10 13 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 2% 6% 2% 7% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type NA Perm Perm NA Protected Phases 4 1 Permitted Phases 4 1 Actuated Green, G (s) 23.7 23.7 54.8 54.8 Effective Green, g (s) 23.7 23.7 54.8 54.8 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.26 0.26 0.61 0.61 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 721 323 885 3511 v/s Ratio Prot c0.20 c0.44 v/s Ratio Perm 0.18 0.10 v/c Ratio 0.74 0.68 0.16 0.72 Uniform Delay, d1 30.4 29.7 7.6 12.3 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 0.07 0.77 Incremental Delay, d2 4.2 5.6 0.1 0.4 Delay (s) 34.5 35.3 0.6 9.8 Level of Service CDAA Approach Delay (s) 0.0 34.8 9.1 0.0 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 14.7 HCM 2000 Level of Service B HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.73 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 71.2% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-46 Queues 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT NBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 2662 288 87 70 v/c Ratio 1.05 0.72 0.37 0.14 Control Delay 55.3 39.3 33.0 25.9 Queue Delay 19.9 0.0 0.7 0.0 Total Delay 75.1 39.3 33.6 25.9 Queue Length 50th (ft) ~612 144 47 37 Queue Length 95th (ft) #709 #260 96 73 Internal Link Dist (ft) 645 157 147 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 2527 402 238 512 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 35 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 356 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 1.23 0.72 0.43 0.14 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles.

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I-47 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 17 2337 96 00009517080640 Future Volume (vph) 17 2337 96 00009517080640 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 Frt 0.99 0.91 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 4540 1314 1577 1676 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 0.47 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 4540 1314 778 1676 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 18 2540 104 000010318587700 RTOR Reduction (vph) 050000010000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 2657 00000287087700 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 2 14 14 2 2 15 15 2 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 3 3 Parking (#/hr) 5 5 5 Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 2 6 Permitted Phases 4 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 50.0 27.5 27.5 27.5 Effective Green, g (s) 50.0 27.5 27.5 27.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.56 0.31 0.31 0.31 Clearance Time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 2522 401 237 512 v/s Ratio Prot c0.22 0.04 v/s Ratio Perm 0.59 0.11 v/c Ratio 1.05 0.71 0.37 0.14 Uniform Delay, d1 20.0 27.8 24.4 22.6 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.12 1.10 Incremental Delay, d2 34.0 10.4 4.3 0.6 Delay (s) 54.0 38.2 31.7 25.4 Level of Service D D CC Approach Delay (s) 54.0 0.0 38.2 28.9 Approach LOS D A D C Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 51.3 HCM 2000 Level of Service D HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.93 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 96.8% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-48 Queues 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 2785 334 1058 v/c Ratio 1.17 0.96 0.85 Control Delay 93.3 69.5 38.3 Queue Delay 0.1 2.6 14.0 Total Delay 93.3 72.1 52.3 Queue Length 50th (ft) ~685 200 220 Queue Length 95th (ft) m#638 #409 #281 Internal Link Dist (ft) 254 220 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 2379 348 1251 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 5 198 Spillback Cap Reductn 72 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 1.21 0.97 1.00 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-49 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 2074 516 0000003719100 Future Volume (vph) 0 2074 516 0000003719100 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.86 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.96 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.87 0.99 Frt 0.97 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 4156 1111 4179 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 4156 1111 4179 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 2230 555 0000004039890 RTOR Reduction (vph) 01000000021210 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 2784 00000003131037 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 35 167 167 35 112 123 123 112 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 1 2 22 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 3% 5% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 9% 4% 2% Bus Blockages (#/hr) 088000000000 Turn Type NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 51.5 26.5 26.5 Effective Green, g (s) 51.5 26.5 26.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.57 0.29 0.29 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 2378 327 1230 v/s Ratio Prot c0.67 v/s Ratio Perm c0.28 0.25 v/c Ratio 1.17 0.96 0.84 Uniform Delay, d1 19.2 31.2 29.8 Progression Factor 0.61 1.08 1.08 Incremental Delay, d2 77.2 37.3 6.4 Delay (s) 88.9 71.1 38.6 Level of Service F ED Approach Delay (s) 88.9 0.0 0.0 46.4 Approach LOS F A A D Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 74.7 HCM 2000 Level of Service E HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 1.10 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 89.7% ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-50 Queues 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBL EBT NBT NBR Lane Group Flow (vph) 726 1508 1838 138 v/c Ratio 0.91 0.92 0.98 0.35 Control Delay 14.9 13.7 48.1 19.1 Queue Delay 6.1 7.9 40.6 0.0 Total Delay 21.0 21.6 88.7 19.1 Queue Length 50th (ft) 142 173 298 41 Queue Length 95th (ft) m121 m132 #389 91 Internal Link Dist (ft) 416 278 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 797 1634 1867 397 Starvation Cap Reductn 48 118 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 2 1 487 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.97 0.99 1.33 0.35 Intersection Summary # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-51 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 879 1177 000001783 134 0 0 0 Future Volume (vph) 879 1177 000001783 134 0 0 0 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 0.86 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.83 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 Flt Protected 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1449 3003 5602 1116 Flt Permitted 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1449 3003 5602 1116 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 955 1279 000001838 138 0 0 0 RTOR Reduction (vph) 17 17 00000025000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 709 1491 000001838 113 0 0 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 31 31 44 126 126 44 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 1 15 21 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 5% 8% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 4 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 48.5 48.5 30.0 30.0 Effective Green, g (s) 48.5 48.5 30.0 30.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.54 0.54 0.33 0.33 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 780 1618 1867 372 v/s Ratio Prot c0.33 v/s Ratio Perm 0.49 0.50 0.10 v/c Ratio 0.91 0.92 0.98 0.30 Uniform Delay, d1 18.8 19.0 29.8 22.2 Progression Factor 0.60 0.61 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 1.7 1.0 17.5 2.1 Delay (s) 13.0 12.6 47.2 24.3 Level of Service BB DC Approach Delay (s) 12.7 0.0 45.6 0.0 Approach LOS B A D A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 28.2 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.95 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 96.6% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-52 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 7: N Nash St & North Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 6 0 0 20 0 48 0 210 13 29 130 1 Future Volume (Veh/h) 6 0 0 20 0 48 0 210 13 29 130 1 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 7 0 0 22 0 52 0 228 14 32 141 1 Pedestrians 4 16 1 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 0 2 0 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 237 pX, platoon unblocked 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 vC, conflicting volume 496 468 146 458 461 251 146 258 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 485 456 132 446 450 251 131 258 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 p0 queue free % 98 100 100 96 100 93 100 98 cM capacity (veh/h) 437 474 903 492 478 776 1433 1287 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 7 74 242 174 Volume Left 7 22 0 32 Volume Right 0 52 14 1 cSH 437 662 1433 1287 Volume to Capacity 0.02 0.11 0.00 0.02 Queue Length 95th (ft) 1902 Control Delay (s) 13.4 11.1 0.0 1.6 Lane LOS BB A Approach Delay (s) 13.4 11.1 0.0 1.6 Approach LOS BB Intersection Summary Average Delay 2.4 Intersection Capacity Utilization 37.3% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-53 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: N Nash St & South Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 0 0 224 0 0 150 Future Volume (Veh/h) 0 0 224 0 0 150 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 0 243 0 0 163 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 418 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 406 243 243 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 406 243 243 tC, single (s) 6.4 6.2 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 601 796 1323 Direction, Lane # WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 0 243 163 Volume Left 0 0 0 Volume Right 0 0 0 cSH 1700 1700 1323 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.14 0.00 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 0 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 16.4% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-54 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 9: N Fort Myer Dr & Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 0 85 0 0 1346 40 Future Volume (Veh/h) 0 85 0 0 1346 40 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 92 0 0 1463 43 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 270 276 pX, platoon unblocked 0.80 0.80 0.80 vC, conflicting volume 1484 509 1506 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 709 0 737 tC, single (s) 6.8 6.9 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 89 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 293 863 688 Direction, Lane # EB 1 SB 1 SB 2 SB 3 Volume Total 92 585 585 336 Volume Left 0000 Volume Right 92 0 0 43 cSH 863 1700 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.11 0.34 0.34 0.20 Queue Length 95th (ft) 9000 Control Delay (s) 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 9.7 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.6 Intersection Capacity Utilization 42.4% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-55 Queues 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT WBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 458 221 378 1120 v/c Ratio 0.50 0.34 0.73 0.48 Control Delay 23.0 26.0 28.1 13.9 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 23.0 26.0 28.1 13.9 Queue Length 50th (ft) 95 53 169 136 Queue Length 95th (ft) 143 85 #303 173 Internal Link Dist (ft) 235 319 190 Turn Bay Length (ft) 115 Base Capacity (vph) 921 641 515 2322 Starvation Cap Reductn 0000 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.50 0.34 0.73 0.48 Intersection Summary # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles.

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I-56 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 253 168 98 105 0000363858217 Future Volume (vph) 0 253 168 98 105 0000363858217 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.98 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.99 0.70 1.00 Frt 0.94 1.00 1.00 0.97 Flt Protected 1.00 0.98 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2604 3031 980 4329 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.62 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2604 1926 980 4329 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.96 0.96 0.96 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 275 183 107 114 0000378894226 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 53 00000000450 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 405 0 0 221 00003781075 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 250 51 51 250 70 309 309 70 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 1 1 17 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 15% 14% 4% 3% 7% 2% 2% 2% 2% 3% 2% Parking (#/hr) 5 5 5 Turn Type NA Perm NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 8 6 Permitted Phases 8 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 32.0 32.0 50.5 50.5 Effective Green, g (s) 32.0 32.0 50.5 50.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.33 0.33 0.53 0.53 Clearance Time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 868 642 515 2277 v/s Ratio Prot c0.16 0.25 v/s Ratio Perm 0.11 c0.39 v/c Ratio 0.47 0.34 0.73 0.47 Uniform Delay, d1 25.3 24.1 17.6 14.3 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.4 0.3 9.0 0.7 Delay (s) 25.7 24.4 26.5 15.0 Level of Service C C CB Approach Delay (s) 25.7 24.4 0.0 17.9 Approach LOS C C A B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 20.2 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.63 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 96.0 Sum of lost time (s) 13.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 93.3% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-57 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 11: Key Blvd & N Nash St Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 117 254 181 87 65 90 Future Volume (Veh/h) 117 254 181 87 65 90 Sign Control Free Free Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 127 276 197 95 71 98 Pedestrians 4 2 47 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 0 0 4 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 339 824 296 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 339 824 296 tC, single (s) 4.1 6.4 6.3 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 3.5 3.4 p0 queue free % 89 76 86 cM capacity (veh/h) 1160 290 692 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 403 292 169 Volume Left 127 0 71 Volume Right 0 95 98 cSH 1160 1700 437 Volume to Capacity 0.11 0.17 0.39 Queue Length 95th (ft) 9 0 45 Control Delay (s) 3.4 0.0 18.3 Lane LOS A C Approach Delay (s) 3.4 0.0 18.3 Approach LOS C Intersection Summary Average Delay 5.2 Intersection Capacity Utilization 60.5% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-58 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 12: 19th St N & Key Blvd Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 167 3 149 1 0 11 155 243 4 3 207 113 Future Volume (Veh/h) 167 3 149 1 0 11 155 243 4 3 207 113 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 182 3 162 1 0 12 168 264 4 3 225 123 Pedestrians 166 25 3 3 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 16 2 0 0 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 315 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 1014 1026 394 1024 1147 294 514 293 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 1014 1026 394 1024 1147 294 514 293 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.2 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 0 98 71 99 100 98 80 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 131 154 550 106 130 725 832 1238 Direction, Lane # EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 SB 2 Volume Total 185 162 13 436 228 123 Volume Left 182 0 1 168 3 0 Volume Right 0 162 12 4 0 123 cSH 131 550 500 832 1238 1700 Volume to Capacity 1.41 0.29 0.03 0.20 0.00 0.07 Queue Length 95th (ft) 308 31 2 19 0 0 Control Delay (s) 284.6 14.3 12.4 5.5 0.1 0.0 Lane LOS F BBAA Approach Delay (s) 158.4 12.4 5.5 0.1 Approach LOS F B Intersection Summary Average Delay 50.2 Intersection Capacity Utilization 63.4% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-59 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 13: N Fort Myer Dr Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 00001387 40 Future Volume (Veh/h) 00001387 40 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 00001508 43 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 348 198 pX, platoon unblocked 0.79 0.79 0.79 vC, conflicting volume 1530 524 1551 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 717 0 744 tC, single (s) 6.8 6.9 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 286 851 675 Direction, Lane # EB 1 SB 1 SB 2 SB 3 Volume Total 0 603 603 345 Volume Left 0000 Volume Right 0 0 0 43 cSH 1700 1700 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.35 0.35 0.20 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0000 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 34.1% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-60 Queues 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT NBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 130 1365 169 42 v/c Ratio 0.15 0.82 0.35 0.07 Control Delay 21.0 35.2 25.9 20.8 Queue Delay 0.0 3.5 2.6 0.0 Total Delay 21.0 38.7 28.5 20.8 Queue Length 50th (ft) 57 404 84 15 Queue Length 95th (ft) m62 m408 149 39 Internal Link Dist (ft) 449 147 46 Turn Bay Length (ft) 130 Base Capacity (vph) 885 1738 478 565 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 279 207 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.15 0.94 0.62 0.07 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

Future 2023 PM with Development with Improvements Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 1

I-61 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 121 1260 9 96 60 0 0 36 3 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 121 1260 9 96 60 0 0 36 3 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.97 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1593 3129 1626 1658 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 0.80 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1593 3129 1339 1658 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 130 1355 10 104 65 0 0 39 3 RTOR Reduction (vph) 000000000020 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 130 1365 0 0 169 0 0 40 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 111 111 59 59 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 38 135 14 Bus Blockages (#/hr) 000077000000 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA NA Protected Phases 8 2 6 Permitted Phases 8 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 47.9 47.9 32.1 30.6 Effective Green, g (s) 47.9 47.9 32.1 30.6 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.53 0.53 0.36 0.34 Clearance Time (s) 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 847 1665 477 563 v/s Ratio Prot c0.44 0.02 v/s Ratio Perm 0.08 c0.13 v/c Ratio 0.15 0.82 0.35 0.07 Uniform Delay, d1 10.7 17.5 21.3 20.1 Progression Factor 2.02 1.89 1.05 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.0 1.4 1.9 0.2 Delay (s) 21.7 34.5 24.3 20.3 Level of Service CC C C Approach Delay (s) 0.0 33.4 24.3 20.3 Approach LOS A C C C Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 32.1 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.64 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 63.5% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-62 Queues 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 215 1013 2068 v/c Ratio 0.44 1.02 0.86 Control Delay 23.2 59.4 21.5 Queue Delay 0.3 31.5 46.8 Total Delay 23.5 91.0 68.3 Queue Length 50th (ft) 80 ~303 340 Queue Length 95th (ft) m137 #449 416 Internal Link Dist (ft) 259 217 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 487 998 2416 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 126 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 54 0 595 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.50 1.16 1.14 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-63 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 200 942 000001594 350 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 200 942 000001594 350 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flpb, ped/bikes 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 0.97 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1462 3154 4344 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1462 3154 4344 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.94 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 215 1013 000001696 372 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 25 00000030 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 190 1013 000002065 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 75 39 39 75 123 15 15 123 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 42 90 2 12 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 6% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Protected Phases 8 6 Permitted Phases 8 Actuated Green, G (s) 28.5 28.5 50.0 Effective Green, g (s) 28.5 28.5 50.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.32 0.32 0.56 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 462 998 2413 v/s Ratio Prot c0.32 c0.48 v/s Ratio Perm 0.13 v/c Ratio 0.41 1.02 0.86 Uniform Delay, d1 24.2 30.8 16.9 Progression Factor 1.02 0.98 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.4 28.1 4.2 Delay (s) 25.1 58.2 21.1 Level of Service CE C Approach Delay (s) 0.0 52.4 0.0 21.1 Approach LOS A D A C Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 32.7 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.91 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 118.0% ICU Level of Service H Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-64 Queues 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBT WBR NBL NBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 649 281 663 2170 v/c Ratio 0.68 0.75 0.79 0.69 Control Delay 29.6 36.0 11.3 9.1 Queue Delay 0.3 0.0 19.6 9.2 Total Delay 29.9 36.0 30.9 18.3 Queue Length 50th (ft) 172 135 48 85 Queue Length 95th (ft) 208 216 m62 m327 Internal Link Dist (ft) 278 176 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 1182 456 843 3155 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 187 975 Spillback Cap Reductn 140 0 116 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.62 0.62 1.01 1.00 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-65 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 00005263486172018 0000 Future Volume (vph) 00005263486172018 0000 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 1.00 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.98 0.82 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.94 1.00 Frt 0.98 0.85 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2914 1061 1423 5767 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2914 1061 1423 5767 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 00005603706632170 0000 RTOR Reduction (vph) 00000246500000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 00006492575982170 0000 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 83 33 33 83 42 226 226 42 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 10 89 14 3 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 7% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type NA Perm Perm NA Protected Phases 8 2 Permitted Phases 8 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 29.3 29.3 49.2 49.2 Effective Green, g (s) 29.3 29.3 49.2 49.2 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.33 0.33 0.55 0.55 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 948 345 777 3152 v/s Ratio Prot 0.22 0.38 v/s Ratio Perm c0.24 c0.42 v/c Ratio 0.68 0.74 0.77 0.69 Uniform Delay, d1 26.3 27.0 16.0 14.8 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 0.47 0.54 Incremental Delay, d2 2.1 8.4 2.8 0.5 Delay (s) 28.4 35.4 10.2 8.4 Level of Service CDBA Approach Delay (s) 0.0 30.5 8.8 0.0 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 14.2 HCM 2000 Level of Service B HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.76 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 105.2% ICU Level of Service G Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-66 Queues 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT NBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 1319 256 100 120 v/c Ratio 0.72 0.41 0.23 0.16 Control Delay 23.7 16.8 19.0 16.8 Queue Delay 0.1 0.2 0.9 1.0 Total Delay 23.9 17.0 19.9 17.8 Queue Length 50th (ft) 219 74 42 50 Queue Length 95th (ft) 232 158 86 94 Internal Link Dist (ft) 645 157 147 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 2247 628 430 761 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 172 452 Spillback Cap Reductn 176 66 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.64 0.46 0.39 0.39 Intersection Summary

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I-67 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 52 1059 142 0000105131921100 Future Volume (vph) 52 1059 142 0000105131921100 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.99 0.98 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.98 1.00 Frt 0.98 0.93 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 4459 1324 1558 1676 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 0.58 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 4459 1324 945 1676 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 55 1115 149 00001141421001200 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 21 00000270000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 1298 0000022901001200 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 10 16 16 10 10 30 30 10 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 1114 Parking (#/hr) 5 5 5 Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 2 6 Permitted Phases 4 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 36.6 40.9 40.9 40.9 Effective Green, g (s) 36.6 40.9 40.9 40.9 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.41 0.45 0.45 0.45 Clearance Time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 1813 601 429 761 v/s Ratio Prot c0.17 0.07 v/s Ratio Perm 0.29 0.11 v/c Ratio 0.72 0.38 0.23 0.16 Uniform Delay, d1 22.3 16.2 15.0 14.4 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 1.4 1.8 1.3 0.4 Delay (s) 23.7 18.0 16.3 14.8 Level of Service C B BB Approach Delay (s) 23.7 0.0 18.0 15.5 Approach LOS C A B B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 21.9 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.54 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 72.1% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-68 Queues 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 1379 437 1375 v/c Ratio 0.89 0.67 0.64 Control Delay 20.2 30.5 27.9 Queue Delay 0.7 41.4 49.0 Total Delay 20.9 71.8 76.8 Queue Length 50th (ft) 75 288 308 Queue Length 95th (ft) #240 m350 358 Internal Link Dist (ft) 254 220 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 1562 649 2151 Starvation Cap Reductn 38 238 924 Spillback Cap Reductn 21 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.90 1.06 1.12 Intersection Summary # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

Future 2023 PM with Development with Improvements Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 9

I-69 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 964 318 0000007021074 0 Future Volume (vph) 0 964 318 0000007021074 0 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.5 5.5 5.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.86 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.99 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.92 0.98 Frt 0.96 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 0.95 0.99 Satd. Flow (prot) 4282 1238 4197 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.95 0.99 Satd. Flow (perm) 4282 1238 4197 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.98 0.98 0.98 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 1037 342 0000007161096 0 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 16 000000021210 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 1363 00000004161354 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 24 43 43 24 154 67 67 154 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 1 2 13 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 4% 2% 2% Bus Blockages (#/hr) 055000000000 Turn Type NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 6 Permitted Phases 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 32.3 45.7 45.7 Effective Green, g (s) 32.3 45.7 45.7 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.36 0.51 0.51 Clearance Time (s) 6.5 5.5 5.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 1536 628 2131 v/s Ratio Prot c0.32 v/s Ratio Perm c0.34 0.32 v/c Ratio 0.89 0.66 0.64 Uniform Delay, d1 27.1 16.4 16.1 Progression Factor 0.47 1.73 1.71 Incremental Delay, d2 5.7 3.1 0.8 Delay (s) 18.5 31.6 28.3 Level of Service B CC Approach Delay (s) 18.5 0.0 0.0 29.1 Approach LOS B A A C Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 24.5 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.76 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 82.6% ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

Future 2023 PM with Development with Improvements Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 10

I-70 Queues 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBL EBT NBT NBR Lane Group Flow (vph) 613 1270 2040 340 v/c Ratio 0.82 0.82 0.99 0.87 Control Delay 20.5 17.0 47.7 47.7 Queue Delay 0.5 0.4 38.9 0.0 Total Delay 21.1 17.5 86.6 47.7 Queue Length 50th (ft) 182 196 ~362 158 Queue Length 95th (ft) m257 m259 #438 #329 Internal Link Dist (ft) 416 278 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 766 1586 2057 391 Starvation Cap Reductn 23 70 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 1 0 208 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.83 0.84 1.10 0.87 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

Future 2023 PM with Development with Improvements Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 11

I-71 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 717 1091 000001918 320 0 0 0 Future Volume (vph) 717 1091 000001918 320 0 0 0 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 0.86 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.71 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 Flt Protected 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1449 3035 5602 984 Flt Permitted 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1449 3035 5602 984 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 747 1136 000002040 340 0 0 0 RTOR Reduction (vph) 18 18 00000030000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 595 1252 000002040 310 0 0 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 31 31 53 218 218 53 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 45 6 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 5% 5% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 4 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 45.4 45.4 33.1 33.1 Effective Green, g (s) 45.4 45.4 33.1 33.1 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.50 0.50 0.37 0.37 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 730 1530 2060 361 v/s Ratio Prot c0.36 v/s Ratio Perm 0.41 0.41 0.31 v/c Ratio 0.82 0.82 0.99 0.86 Uniform Delay, d1 18.8 18.8 28.3 26.3 Progression Factor 0.74 0.74 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 4.7 2.4 17.7 22.3 Delay (s) 18.6 16.3 46.0 48.6 Level of Service BB DD Approach Delay (s) 17.1 0.0 46.3 0.0 Approach LOS B A D A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 33.4 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.89 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 92.5% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

Future 2023 PM with Development with Improvements Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 12

I-72 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 7: N Nash St & North Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 1 0 0 14 0 34 1 201 20 47 199 5 Future Volume (Veh/h) 1 0 0 14 0 34 1 201 20 47 199 5 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 1 0 0 15 0 37 1 218 22 51 216 5 Pedestrians 11 25 8 4 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 1210 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 237 pX, platoon unblocked 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 vC, conflicting volume 604 598 238 584 590 258 232 265 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 578 573 202 559 565 258 196 265 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 96 100 95 100 96 cM capacity (veh/h) 367 387 801 391 392 759 1325 1268 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 1 52 241 272 Volume Left 1 15 1 51 Volume Right 0 37 22 5 cSH 367 597 1325 1268 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.04 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0703 Control Delay (s) 14.8 11.6 0.0 1.8 Lane LOS BBAA Approach Delay (s) 14.8 11.6 0.0 1.8 Approach LOS BB Intersection Summary Average Delay 2.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 43.9% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-73 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: N Nash St & South Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 0 0 222 0 0 213 Future Volume (Veh/h) 0 0 222 0 0 213 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 0 241 0 0 232 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 418 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 473 241 241 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 473 241 241 tC, single (s) 6.4 6.2 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 550 798 1326 Direction, Lane # WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 0 241 232 Volume Left 0 0 0 Volume Right 0 0 0 cSH 1700 1700 1326 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.14 0.00 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 0 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 16.3% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-74 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 9: N Fort Myer Dr & Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 0 108 0 0 1279 57 Future Volume (Veh/h) 0 108 0 0 1279 57 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 117 0 0 1390 62 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 270 276 pX, platoon unblocked 0.83 0.83 0.83 vC, conflicting volume 1421 494 1452 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 794 0 831 tC, single (s) 6.8 6.9 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 87 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 270 901 662 Direction, Lane # EB 1 SB 1 SB 2 SB 3 Volume Total 117 556 556 340 Volume Left 0000 Volume Right 117 0 0 62 cSH 901 1700 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.13 0.33 0.33 0.20 Queue Length 95th (ft) 11 0 0 0 Control Delay (s) 9.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 9.6 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.7 Intersection Capacity Utilization 43.0% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-75 Queues 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT WBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 433 473 229 1283 v/c Ratio 0.46 0.70 0.41 0.56 Control Delay 24.9 33.2 17.7 16.9 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 24.9 33.2 17.7 16.9 Queue Length 50th (ft) 104 132 79 175 Queue Length 95th (ft) 135 173 158 250 Internal Link Dist (ft) 235 319 190 Turn Bay Length (ft) 115 Base Capacity (vph) 1169 834 565 2278 Starvation Cap Reductn 0000 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.37 0.57 0.41 0.56 Intersection Summary

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I-76 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 279 120 195 240 00002111011 169 Future Volume (vph) 0 279 120 195 240 00002111011 169 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.96 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.97 0.79 1.00 Frt 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flt Protected 1.00 0.98 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2715 2977 1101 4401 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.64 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2715 1952 1101 4401 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 303 130 212 261 00002291099 184 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 11 00000000200 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 422 0 0 473 00002291263 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 290 136 136 290 111 219 219 111 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 1 2 13 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 13% 2% 2% 5% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Parking (#/hr) 5 5 5 Turn Type NA Perm NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 8 6 Permitted Phases 8 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 33.2 33.2 49.3 49.3 Effective Green, g (s) 33.2 33.2 49.3 49.3 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.35 0.35 0.51 0.51 Clearance Time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 938 675 565 2260 v/s Ratio Prot 0.16 c0.29 v/s Ratio Perm c0.24 0.21 v/c Ratio 0.45 0.70 0.41 0.56 Uniform Delay, d1 24.3 27.1 14.3 15.9 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.3 3.3 2.2 1.0 Delay (s) 24.7 30.4 16.5 16.9 Level of Service C C BB Approach Delay (s) 24.7 30.4 0.0 16.9 Approach LOS C C A B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 20.9 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.62 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 96.0 Sum of lost time (s) 13.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 97.1% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-77 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 11: Key Blvd & N Nash St Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 125 230 388 99 57 145 Future Volume (Veh/h) 125 230 388 99 57 145 Sign Control Free Free Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 136 250 422 108 62 158 Pedestrians 2 3 74 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 0 0 7 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 604 1075 552 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 604 1075 552 tC, single (s) 4.1 6.4 6.2 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 3.5 3.3 p0 queue free % 85 67 68 cM capacity (veh/h) 901 190 495 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 386 530 220 Volume Left 136 0 62 Volume Right 0 108 158 cSH 901 1700 340 Volume to Capacity 0.15 0.31 0.65 Queue Length 95th (ft) 13 0 107 Control Delay (s) 4.5 0.0 33.0 Lane LOS A D Approach Delay (s) 4.5 0.0 33.0 Approach LOS D Intersection Summary Average Delay 7.9 Intersection Capacity Utilization 75.1% ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-78 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 12: 19th St N & Key Blvd Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 149 2 136 0 3 14 253 235 3 11 167 231 Future Volume (Veh/h) 149 2 136 0 3 14 253 235 3 11 167 231 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 162 2 148 0 3 15 275 255 3 12 182 251 Pedestrians 257 70 5 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 24 7 0 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 315 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 1291 1341 439 1232 1590 332 690 328 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 1291 1341 439 1232 1590 332 690 328 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 p0 queue free % 0 97 68 100 93 98 60 99 cM capacity (veh/h) 52 63 467 51 45 660 680 1149 Direction, Lane # EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 SB 2 Volume Total 164 148 18 533 194 251 Volume Left 162 0 0 275 12 0 Volume Right 0 148 15 3 0 251 cSH 52 467 200 680 1149 1700 Volume to Capacity 3.16 0.32 0.09 0.40 0.01 0.15 Queue Length 95th (ft) Err 34 7 49 1 0 Control Delay (s) Err 16.3 24.8 10.3 0.6 0.0 Lane LOS FCCBA Approach Delay (s) 5263.6 24.8 10.3 0.3 Approach LOS F C Intersection Summary Average Delay 1260.2 Intersection Capacity Utilization 65.9% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-79 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 13: N Fort Myer Dr Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 00001335 57 Future Volume (Veh/h) 00001335 57 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 00001451 62 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 390 156 pX, platoon unblocked 0.80 0.80 0.80 vC, conflicting volume 1482 515 1513 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 726 0 765 tC, single (s) 6.8 6.9 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 288 867 675 Direction, Lane # EB 1 SB 1 SB 2 SB 3 Volume Total 0 580 580 352 Volume Left 0000 Volume Right 0 0 0 62 cSH 1700 1700 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.34 0.34 0.21 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0000 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 33.4% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-80 Queues 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT NBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 84 579 119 15 v/c Ratio 0.20 0.67 0.14 0.02 Control Delay 26.7 34.9 2.7 7.2 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 Total Delay 26.7 34.9 3.2 7.2 Queue Length 50th (ft) 42 174 7 2 Queue Length 95th (ft) 70 207 m14 12 Internal Link Dist (ft) 449 147 46 Turn Bay Length (ft) 130 Base Capacity (vph) 756 1583 829 923 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 439 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.11 0.37 0.31 0.02 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-81 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 77 522 11 69 42 0076 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 77 522 11 69 42 0076 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.5 6.5 5.0 5.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.99 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.94 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.97 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1464 3061 1623 1561 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 0.84 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1464 3061 1404 1561 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 84 567 12 74 45 0087 RTOR Reduction (vph) 000020000030 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 84 577 0 0 119 0 0 12 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 159 159 2 119 119 2 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 157 33 1 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 11% 4% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Bus Blockages (#/hr) 000055000000 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA NA Protected Phases 4 2 6 Permitted Phases 4 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 25.3 25.3 53.2 53.2 Effective Green, g (s) 25.3 25.3 53.2 53.2 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.28 0.28 0.59 0.59 Clearance Time (s) 6.5 6.5 5.0 5.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 411 860 829 922 v/s Ratio Prot c0.19 0.01 v/s Ratio Perm 0.06 c0.08 v/c Ratio 0.20 0.67 0.14 0.01 Uniform Delay, d1 24.7 28.7 8.2 7.6 Progression Factor 1.09 1.10 0.25 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.2 2.0 0.3 0.0 Delay (s) 27.0 33.6 2.4 7.6 Level of Service CC A A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 32.7 2.4 7.6 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 27.7 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.31 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 42.9% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-82 Queues 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 241 323 1366 v/c Ratio 0.64 0.45 0.50 Control Delay 22.9 24.3 9.6 Queue Delay 0.1 0.0 0.1 Total Delay 23.0 24.3 9.6 Queue Length 50th (ft) 101 90 131 Queue Length 95th (ft) 159 122 195 Internal Link Dist (ft) 259 217 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 496 977 2747 Starvation Cap Reductn 7 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 13 0 218 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.50 0.33 0.54 Intersection Summary

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I-83 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 222 297 000001060 265 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 222 297 000001060 265 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.96 Flpb, ped/bikes 0.96 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 0.97 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1385 2981 4278 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1385 2981 4278 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.97 0.97 0.97 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 241 323 000001093 273 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 48 000000390 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 193 323 000001327 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 48 31 31 48 167 33 33 167 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 157 9 1 25 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 13% 9% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 4 Actuated Green, G (s) 21.5 21.5 57.0 Effective Green, g (s) 21.5 21.5 57.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.24 0.24 0.63 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 330 712 2709 v/s Ratio Prot 0.11 c0.31 v/s Ratio Perm c0.14 v/c Ratio 0.59 0.45 0.49 Uniform Delay, d1 30.3 29.2 8.8 Progression Factor 0.73 0.79 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 2.4 0.4 0.6 Delay (s) 24.5 23.6 9.4 Level of Service CC A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 24.0 0.0 9.4 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 13.7 HCM 2000 Level of Service B HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.52 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 71.2% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-84 Queues 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBT WBR NBL NBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 537 246 228 2543 v/c Ratio 0.74 0.70 0.23 0.72 Control Delay 36.7 36.3 0.2 10.2 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 1.0 47.2 Total Delay 36.7 36.3 1.2 57.3 Queue Length 50th (ft) 150 116 0 340 Queue Length 95th (ft) 202 202 m0 m409 Internal Link Dist (ft) 298 176 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 838 400 973 3510 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 512 1319 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.64 0.61 0.49 1.16 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-85 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 00003004362192441 0000 Future Volume (vph) 00003004362192441 0000 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 1.00 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.98 0.95 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.96 1.00 Frt 0.94 0.85 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2740 1228 1454 5767 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2740 1228 1454 5767 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 00003194642282543 0000 RTOR Reduction (vph) 00001278900000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 00005362191392543 0000 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 25 24 24 25 28 104 104 28 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 78 5 10 13 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 2% 6% 2% 7% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type NA Perm Perm NA Protected Phases 4 1 Permitted Phases 4 1 Actuated Green, G (s) 23.7 23.7 54.8 54.8 Effective Green, g (s) 23.7 23.7 54.8 54.8 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.26 0.26 0.61 0.61 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 721 323 885 3511 v/s Ratio Prot c0.20 c0.44 v/s Ratio Perm 0.18 0.10 v/c Ratio 0.74 0.68 0.16 0.72 Uniform Delay, d1 30.4 29.7 7.6 12.3 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 0.04 0.74 Incremental Delay, d2 4.2 5.6 0.1 0.4 Delay (s) 34.5 35.3 0.4 9.5 Level of Service CDAA Approach Delay (s) 0.0 34.8 8.8 0.0 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 14.5 HCM 2000 Level of Service B HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.73 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 71.2% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-86 Queues 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 2662 103 185 87 70 v/c Ratio 1.05 0.23 0.47 0.25 0.14 Control Delay 55.3 25.1 24.8 28.6 25.9 Queue Delay 19.9 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 Total Delay 75.2 25.1 24.9 29.9 25.9 Queue Length 50th (ft) ~612 44 67 46 37 Queue Length 95th (ft) #709 85 132 90 73 Internal Link Dist (ft) 645 157 147 Turn Bay Length (ft) 15 Base Capacity (vph) 2527 448 394 348 512 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 140 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 396 0200 Storage Cap Reductn 00000 Reduced v/c Ratio 1.25 0.23 0.47 0.42 0.14 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles.

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I-87 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 17 2337 96 00009517080640 Future Volume (vph) 17 2337 96 00009517080640 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 Frt 0.99 1.00 0.85 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 4540 1467 1209 1570 1676 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.69 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 4540 1467 1209 1141 1676 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 18 2540 104 000010318587700 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0500000025000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 2657 0000010316087700 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 2 14 14 2 2 15 15 2 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 3 3 Parking (#/hr) 5 5 5 Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm Perm NA Protected Phases 4 2 6 Permitted Phases 4 2 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 50.0 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 Effective Green, g (s) 50.0 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.56 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 Clearance Time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 2522 448 369 348 512 v/s Ratio Prot 0.07 0.04 v/s Ratio Perm 0.59 c0.13 0.08 v/c Ratio 1.05 0.23 0.43 0.25 0.14 Uniform Delay, d1 20.0 23.3 25.0 23.5 22.6 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.11 1.10 Incremental Delay, d2 34.0 1.2 3.7 1.7 0.6 Delay (s) 54.0 24.5 28.7 27.8 25.4 Level of Service D CCCC Approach Delay (s) 54.0 0.0 27.2 26.7 Approach LOS D A C C Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 50.2 HCM 2000 Level of Service D HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.83 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 94.6% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-88 Queues 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 2785 334 1058 v/c Ratio 1.19 0.93 0.82 Control Delay 105.5 61.9 35.9 Queue Delay 0.1 5.3 11.7 Total Delay 105.5 67.1 47.6 Queue Length 50th (ft) ~695 198 220 Queue Length 95th (ft) m#648 #400 276 Internal Link Dist (ft) 254 220 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 2333 360 1298 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 13 232 Spillback Cap Reductn 59 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 1.22 0.96 0.99 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-89 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 2074 516 0000003719100 Future Volume (vph) 0 2074 516 0000003719100 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.86 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.96 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.87 0.99 Frt 0.97 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 4156 1111 4179 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 4156 1111 4179 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 2230 555 0000004039890 RTOR Reduction (vph) 02000000021210 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 2783 00000003131037 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 35 167 167 35 112 123 123 112 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 1 2 22 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 3% 5% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 9% 4% 2% Bus Blockages (#/hr) 088000000000 Turn Type NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 50.5 27.5 27.5 Effective Green, g (s) 50.5 27.5 27.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.56 0.31 0.31 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 2331 339 1276 v/s Ratio Prot c0.67 v/s Ratio Perm c0.28 0.25 v/c Ratio 1.19 0.92 0.81 Uniform Delay, d1 19.8 30.2 28.9 Progression Factor 0.65 1.09 1.08 Incremental Delay, d2 88.4 30.5 5.2 Delay (s) 101.2 63.3 36.4 Level of Service F ED Approach Delay (s) 101.2 0.0 0.0 42.9 Approach LOS F A A D Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 81.8 HCM 2000 Level of Service F HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 1.10 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 89.7% ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-90 Queues 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBL EBT NBT NBR Lane Group Flow (vph) 726 1508 1838 138 v/c Ratio 0.89 0.90 1.02 0.36 Control Delay 12.5 11.4 57.1 19.3 Queue Delay 5.2 6.0 32.5 0.0 Total Delay 17.8 17.5 89.6 19.3 Queue Length 50th (ft) 123 134 ~312 41 Queue Length 95th (ft) m107 m117 #400 91 Internal Link Dist (ft) 416 278 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 813 1667 1805 387 Starvation Cap Reductn 54 130 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 2 1 451 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.96 0.98 1.36 0.36 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-91 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 879 1177 000001783 134 0 0 0 Future Volume (vph) 879 1177 000001783 134 0 0 0 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 0.86 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.83 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 Flt Protected 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1449 3003 5602 1115 Flt Permitted 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1449 3003 5602 1115 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 955 1279 000001838 138 0 0 0 RTOR Reduction (vph) 16 16 00000028000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 710 1492 000001838 110 0 0 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 31 31 44 126 126 44 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 1 15 21 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 5% 8% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 4 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 49.5 49.5 29.0 29.0 Effective Green, g (s) 49.5 49.5 29.0 29.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.55 0.55 0.32 0.32 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 796 1651 1805 359 v/s Ratio Prot c0.33 v/s Ratio Perm 0.49 0.50 0.10 v/c Ratio 0.89 0.90 1.02 0.31 Uniform Delay, d1 17.9 18.1 30.5 22.9 Progression Factor 0.53 0.53 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 1.3 0.8 25.9 2.2 Delay (s) 10.8 10.4 56.4 25.1 Level of Service BB EC Approach Delay (s) 10.6 0.0 54.2 0.0 Approach LOS B A D A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 31.0 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.95 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 96.6% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-92 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 7: N Nash St & North Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 6 0 0 20 0 48 0 210 13 29 130 1 Future Volume (Veh/h) 6 0 0 20 0 48 0 210 13 29 130 1 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 7 0 0 22 0 52 0 228 14 32 141 1 Pedestrians 4 16 1 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 0 2 0 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 237 pX, platoon unblocked 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 vC, conflicting volume 496 468 146 458 461 251 146 258 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 485 456 132 446 450 251 131 258 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 p0 queue free % 98 100 100 96 100 93 100 98 cM capacity (veh/h) 437 474 903 492 478 776 1433 1287 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 7 74 242 174 Volume Left 7 22 0 32 Volume Right 0 52 14 1 cSH 437 662 1433 1287 Volume to Capacity 0.02 0.11 0.00 0.02 Queue Length 95th (ft) 1902 Control Delay (s) 13.4 11.1 0.0 1.6 Lane LOS BB A Approach Delay (s) 13.4 11.1 0.0 1.6 Approach LOS BB Intersection Summary Average Delay 2.4 Intersection Capacity Utilization 37.3% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-93 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: N Nash St & South Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 0 0 224 0 0 150 Future Volume (Veh/h) 0 0 224 0 0 150 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 0 243 0 0 163 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 418 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 406 243 243 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 406 243 243 tC, single (s) 6.4 6.2 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 601 796 1323 Direction, Lane # WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 0 243 163 Volume Left 0 0 0 Volume Right 0 0 0 cSH 1700 1700 1323 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.14 0.00 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 0 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 16.4% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-94 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 9: N Fort Myer Dr & Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 0 85 0 0 1346 40 Future Volume (Veh/h) 0 85 0 0 1346 40 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 92 0 0 1463 43 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 270 276 pX, platoon unblocked 0.80 0.80 0.80 vC, conflicting volume 1484 509 1506 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 727 0 754 tC, single (s) 6.8 6.9 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 89 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 287 867 681 Direction, Lane # EB 1 SB 1 SB 2 SB 3 Volume Total 92 585 585 336 Volume Left 0000 Volume Right 92 0 0 43 cSH 867 1700 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.11 0.34 0.34 0.20 Queue Length 95th (ft) 9000 Control Delay (s) 9.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 9.6 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.6 Intersection Capacity Utilization 42.4% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-95 Queues 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT WBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 458 221 378 1120 v/c Ratio 0.50 0.34 0.73 0.48 Control Delay 23.0 26.0 28.1 13.9 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 23.0 26.0 28.1 13.9 Queue Length 50th (ft) 95 53 169 136 Queue Length 95th (ft) 143 85 #303 173 Internal Link Dist (ft) 235 319 190 Turn Bay Length (ft) 115 Base Capacity (vph) 921 641 515 2322 Starvation Cap Reductn 0000 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.50 0.34 0.73 0.48 Intersection Summary # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles.

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I-96 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 253 168 98 105 0000363858217 Future Volume (vph) 0 253 168 98 105 0000363858217 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.98 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.99 0.70 1.00 Frt 0.94 1.00 1.00 0.97 Flt Protected 1.00 0.98 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2604 3031 980 4329 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.62 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2604 1926 980 4329 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.96 0.96 0.96 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 275 183 107 114 0000378894226 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 53 00000000450 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 405 0 0 221 00003781075 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 250 51 51 250 70 309 309 70 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 1 1 17 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 15% 14% 4% 3% 7% 2% 2% 2% 2% 3% 2% Parking (#/hr) 5 5 5 Turn Type NA Perm NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 8 6 Permitted Phases 8 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 32.0 32.0 50.5 50.5 Effective Green, g (s) 32.0 32.0 50.5 50.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.33 0.33 0.53 0.53 Clearance Time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 868 642 515 2277 v/s Ratio Prot c0.16 0.25 v/s Ratio Perm 0.11 c0.39 v/c Ratio 0.47 0.34 0.73 0.47 Uniform Delay, d1 25.3 24.1 17.6 14.3 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.4 0.3 9.0 0.7 Delay (s) 25.7 24.4 26.5 15.0 Level of Service C C CB Approach Delay (s) 25.7 24.4 0.0 17.9 Approach LOS C C A B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 20.2 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.63 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 96.0 Sum of lost time (s) 13.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 93.3% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-97 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 11: Key Blvd & N Nash St Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 117 254 181 87 65 90 Future Volume (Veh/h) 117 254 181 87 65 90 Sign Control Free Free Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 127 276 197 95 71 98 Pedestrians 4 2 47 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 0 0 4 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 339 824 296 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 339 824 296 tC, single (s) 4.1 6.4 6.3 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 3.5 3.4 p0 queue free % 89 76 86 cM capacity (veh/h) 1160 290 692 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 403 292 169 Volume Left 127 0 71 Volume Right 0 95 98 cSH 1160 1700 437 Volume to Capacity 0.11 0.17 0.39 Queue Length 95th (ft) 9 0 45 Control Delay (s) 3.4 0.0 18.3 Lane LOS A C Approach Delay (s) 3.4 0.0 18.3 Approach LOS C Intersection Summary Average Delay 5.2 Intersection Capacity Utilization 60.5% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-98 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 12: 19th St N & Key Blvd Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 167 3 149 1 0 11 155 243 4 3 207 113 Future Volume (Veh/h) 167 3 149 1 0 11 155 243 4 3 207 113 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 182 3 162 1 0 12 168 264 4 3 225 123 Pedestrians 166 25 3 3 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 16 2 0 0 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 315 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 1014 1026 394 1024 1147 294 514 293 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 1014 1026 394 1024 1147 294 514 293 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.2 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 0 98 71 99 100 98 80 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 131 154 550 106 130 725 832 1238 Direction, Lane # EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 SB 2 Volume Total 185 162 13 436 228 123 Volume Left 182 0 1 168 3 0 Volume Right 0 162 12 4 0 123 cSH 131 550 500 832 1238 1700 Volume to Capacity 1.41 0.29 0.03 0.20 0.00 0.07 Queue Length 95th (ft) 308 31 2 19 0 0 Control Delay (s) 284.6 14.3 12.4 5.5 0.1 0.0 Lane LOS F BBAA Approach Delay (s) 158.4 12.4 5.5 0.1 Approach LOS F B Intersection Summary Average Delay 50.2 Intersection Capacity Utilization 63.4% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-99 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 13: N Fort Myer Dr Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 00001387 40 Future Volume (Veh/h) 00001387 40 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 00001508 43 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 348 198 pX, platoon unblocked 0.79 0.79 0.79 vC, conflicting volume 1530 524 1551 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 735 0 762 tC, single (s) 6.8 6.9 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 280 855 667 Direction, Lane # EB 1 SB 1 SB 2 SB 3 Volume Total 0 603 603 345 Volume Left 0000 Volume Right 0 0 0 43 cSH 1700 1700 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.35 0.35 0.20 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0000 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 34.1% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-100 Queues 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT NBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 130 1363 169 42 v/c Ratio 0.15 0.82 0.35 0.07 Control Delay 21.3 35.4 26.7 20.8 Queue Delay 0.0 3.4 2.8 0.0 Total Delay 21.3 38.9 29.5 20.8 Queue Length 50th (ft) 58 402 87 15 Queue Length 95th (ft) m61 m398 152 39 Internal Link Dist (ft) 449 147 46 Turn Bay Length (ft) 130 Base Capacity (vph) 885 1738 478 565 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 279 211 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.15 0.93 0.63 0.07 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

Future 2023 PM with Development (Two Lane Northbound Nash Approach) Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 1

I-101 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 1: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 121 1258 9 96 60 0 0 36 3 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 121 1258 9 96 60 0 0 36 3 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 0.97 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1593 3129 1626 1658 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 0.80 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1593 3129 1339 1658 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 130 1353 10 104 65 0 0 39 3 RTOR Reduction (vph) 000000000020 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 130 1363 0 0 169 0 0 40 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 111 111 59 59 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 38 135 14 Bus Blockages (#/hr) 000077000000 Turn Type Perm NA Perm NA NA Protected Phases 8 2 6 Permitted Phases 8 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 47.9 47.9 32.1 30.6 Effective Green, g (s) 47.9 47.9 32.1 30.6 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.53 0.53 0.36 0.34 Clearance Time (s) 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 847 1665 477 563 v/s Ratio Prot c0.44 0.02 v/s Ratio Perm 0.08 c0.13 v/c Ratio 0.15 0.82 0.35 0.07 Uniform Delay, d1 10.7 17.4 21.3 20.1 Progression Factor 2.05 1.92 1.08 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.0 1.3 2.0 0.2 Delay (s) 22.1 34.7 25.0 20.3 Level of Service CC C C Approach Delay (s) 0.0 33.6 25.0 20.3 Approach LOS A C C C Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 32.5 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.64 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 63.4% ICU Level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-102 Queues 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBL WBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 211 1011 2066 v/c Ratio 0.45 1.05 0.84 Control Delay 23.9 70.4 20.1 Queue Delay 0.4 20.1 46.9 Total Delay 24.3 90.5 67.0 Queue Length 50th (ft) 80 ~331 329 Queue Length 95th (ft) m138 #460 403 Internal Link Dist (ft) 259 217 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 471 963 2464 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 104 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 54 0 625 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.51 1.18 1.12 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

Future 2023 PM with Development (Two Lane Northbound Nash Approach) Synchro 10 Report W+A Page 3

I-103 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 0 0 196 940 000001592 350 Future Volume (vph) 0 0 0 196 940 000001592 350 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 0.95 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flpb, ped/bikes 0.95 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 0.97 Flt Protected 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1462 3154 4344 Flt Permitted 0.95 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1462 3154 4344 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.94 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 0 0 211 1011 000001694 372 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 0 0 25 00000030 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 0 0 186 1011 000002063 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 75 39 39 75 123 15 15 123 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 42 90 2 12 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 6% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Protected Phases 8 6 Permitted Phases 8 Actuated Green, G (s) 27.5 27.5 51.0 Effective Green, g (s) 27.5 27.5 51.0 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.31 0.31 0.57 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 446 963 2461 v/s Ratio Prot c0.32 c0.48 v/s Ratio Perm 0.13 v/c Ratio 0.42 1.05 0.84 Uniform Delay, d1 24.9 31.2 16.1 Progression Factor 1.02 0.97 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.5 39.0 3.6 Delay (s) 25.9 69.5 19.7 Level of Service CE B Approach Delay (s) 0.0 62.0 0.0 19.7 Approach LOS AEAB Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 35.4 HCM 2000 Level of Service D HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.91 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 117.7% ICU Level of Service H Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-104 Queues 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group WBT WBR NBL NBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 646 281 659 2168 v/c Ratio 0.68 0.76 0.78 0.69 Control Delay 29.6 36.0 11.1 9.1 Queue Delay 0.3 0.0 18.1 8.8 Total Delay 29.9 36.0 29.3 17.9 Queue Length 50th (ft) 171 135 47 85 Queue Length 95th (ft) 206 216 m62 m327 Internal Link Dist (ft) 278 176 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 1182 456 844 3156 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 188 974 Spillback Cap Reductn 145 0 122 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.62 0.62 1.00 0.99 Intersection Summary m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-105 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 3: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 00005243486132016 0000 Future Volume (vph) 00005243486132016 0000 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 1.00 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.97 0.82 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 0.94 1.00 Frt 0.98 0.85 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2913 1060 1423 5767 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2913 1060 1423 5767 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 00005573706592168 0000 RTOR Reduction (vph) 00000246500000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 00006462575942168 0000 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 83 33 33 83 42 226 226 42 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 10 89 14 3 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 7% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type NA Perm Perm NA Protected Phases 8 2 Permitted Phases 8 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 29.2 29.2 49.3 49.3 Effective Green, g (s) 29.2 29.2 49.3 49.3 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.32 0.32 0.55 0.55 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 945 343 779 3159 v/s Ratio Prot 0.22 0.38 v/s Ratio Perm c0.24 c0.42 v/c Ratio 0.68 0.75 0.76 0.69 Uniform Delay, d1 26.4 27.1 15.8 14.7 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 0.47 0.54 Incremental Delay, d2 2.1 8.6 2.7 0.5 Delay (s) 28.5 35.8 10.1 8.4 Level of Service CDBA Approach Delay (s) 0.0 30.7 8.8 0.0 Approach LOS A C A A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 14.2 HCM 2000 Level of Service B HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.76 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 104.9% ICU Level of Service G Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-106 Queues 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 1317 114 140 100 120 v/c Ratio 0.72 0.17 0.25 0.20 0.16 Control Delay 23.7 17.2 12.4 18.1 16.8 Queue Delay 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.9 1.0 Total Delay 23.9 17.3 12.4 19.0 17.8 Queue Length 50th (ft) 218 37 29 42 50 Queue Length 95th (ft) 232 82 78 84 94 Internal Link Dist (ft) 645 157 147 Turn Bay Length (ft) 50 Base Capacity (vph) 2247 666 569 506 761 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 237 452 Spillback Cap Reductn 171 117 1 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 00000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.63 0.21 0.25 0.37 0.39 Intersection Summary

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I-107 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 4: N Nash St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 52 1057 142 0000105129921100 Future Volume (vph) 52 1057 142 0000105129921100 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.99 1.00 0.96 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.97 1.00 Frt 0.98 1.00 0.85 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 4459 1467 1192 1549 1676 Flt Permitted 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.68 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 4459 1467 1192 1114 1676 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 55 1113 149 00001141401001200 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 21 00000028000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 1296 000001141121001200 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 10 16 16 10 10 30 30 10 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 1114 Parking (#/hr) 5 5 5 Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm Perm NA Protected Phases 4 2 6 Permitted Phases 4 2 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 36.6 40.9 40.9 40.9 40.9 Effective Green, g (s) 36.6 40.9 40.9 40.9 40.9 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.41 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 Clearance Time (s) 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 1813 666 541 506 761 v/s Ratio Prot 0.08 0.07 v/s Ratio Perm 0.29 c0.09 0.09 v/c Ratio 0.71 0.17 0.21 0.20 0.16 Uniform Delay, d1 22.3 14.5 14.8 14.7 14.4 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 1.4 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.4 Delay (s) 23.7 15.1 15.7 15.7 14.8 Level of Service C BBBB Approach Delay (s) 23.7 0.0 15.4 15.2 Approach LOS C A B B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 21.5 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.45 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 69.9% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-108 Queues 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 1374 437 1369 v/c Ratio 0.88 0.67 0.64 Control Delay 19.7 31.3 28.6 Queue Delay 0.6 42.3 49.0 Total Delay 20.3 73.6 77.6 Queue Length 50th (ft) 73 288 306 Queue Length 95th (ft) #220 m358 356 Internal Link Dist (ft) 254 220 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 1563 649 2152 Starvation Cap Reductn 39 239 931 Spillback Cap Reductn 22 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.90 1.07 1.12 Intersection Summary # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-109 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 5: N Fort Myer Dr & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 963 315 0000007021068 0 Future Volume (vph) 0 963 315 0000007021068 0 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 6.5 5.5 5.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.86 0.86 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.99 1.00 1.00 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.92 0.98 Frt 0.96 1.00 1.00 Flt Protected 1.00 0.95 0.99 Satd. Flow (prot) 4283 1238 4196 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.95 0.99 Satd. Flow (perm) 4283 1238 4196 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.98 0.98 0.98 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 1035 339 0000007161090 0 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 17 000000021210 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 1357 00000004161348 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 24 43 43 24 154 67 67 154 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 1 2 13 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 4% 2% 2% Bus Blockages (#/hr) 055000000000 Turn Type NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 6 Permitted Phases 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 32.3 45.7 45.7 Effective Green, g (s) 32.3 45.7 45.7 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.36 0.51 0.51 Clearance Time (s) 6.5 5.5 5.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 1537 628 2130 v/s Ratio Prot c0.32 v/s Ratio Perm c0.34 0.32 v/c Ratio 0.88 0.66 0.63 Uniform Delay, d1 27.1 16.4 16.1 Progression Factor 0.45 1.78 1.76 Incremental Delay, d2 5.6 3.2 0.8 Delay (s) 17.9 32.5 29.1 Level of Service B CC Approach Delay (s) 17.9 0.0 0.0 29.9 Approach LOS B A A C Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 24.7 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.75 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 82.5% ICU Level of Service E Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-110 Queues 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBL EBT NBT NBR Lane Group Flow (vph) 613 1269 2034 338 v/c Ratio 0.82 0.82 0.99 0.86 Control Delay 20.6 17.0 46.9 46.6 Queue Delay 0.5 0.4 39.3 0.0 Total Delay 21.1 17.5 86.2 46.6 Queue Length 50th (ft) 182 195 ~346 156 Queue Length 95th (ft) m257 m259 #436 #324 Internal Link Dist (ft) 416 278 Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) 766 1586 2058 392 Starvation Cap Reductn 22 69 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 1 0 208 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.82 0.84 1.10 0.86 Intersection Summary ~ Volume exceeds capacity, queue is theoretically infinite. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. m Volume for 95th percentile queue is metered by upstream signal.

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I-111 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 6: N Lynn St & Lee Hwy Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 717 1090 000001912 318 0 0 0 Future Volume (vph) 717 1090 000001912 318 0 0 0 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Lane Util. Factor 0.91 0.91 0.86 1.00 Frpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.71 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Frt 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 Flt Protected 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 1449 3035 5602 984 Flt Permitted 0.95 0.99 1.00 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 1449 3035 5602 984 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 747 1135 000002034 338 0 0 0 RTOR Reduction (vph) 18 18 00000031000 Lane Group Flow (vph) 595 1251 000002034 307 0 0 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 31 31 53 218 218 53 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 45 6 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 5% 5% 2% 2% 2% Turn Type Perm NA NA Perm Protected Phases 4 2 Permitted Phases 4 2 Actuated Green, G (s) 45.4 45.4 33.1 33.1 Effective Green, g (s) 45.4 45.4 33.1 33.1 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.50 0.50 0.37 0.37 Clearance Time (s) 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 730 1530 2060 361 v/s Ratio Prot c0.36 v/s Ratio Perm 0.41 0.41 0.31 v/c Ratio 0.82 0.82 0.99 0.85 Uniform Delay, d1 18.8 18.8 28.2 26.2 Progression Factor 0.74 0.74 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 4.7 2.4 17.1 21.5 Delay (s) 18.6 16.3 45.3 47.7 Level of Service BB DD Approach Delay (s) 17.1 0.0 45.6 0.0 Approach LOS B A D A Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 33.0 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.89 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (s) 11.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 92.4% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-112 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 7: N Nash St & North Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 1 0 0 14 0 33 1 200 20 47 199 5 Future Volume (Veh/h) 1 0 0 14 0 33 1 200 20 47 199 5 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 1 0 0 15 0 36 1 217 22 51 216 5 Pedestrians 11 25 8 4 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 1210 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 237 pX, platoon unblocked 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 vC, conflicting volume 602 598 238 584 589 257 232 264 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 576 572 202 558 563 257 196 264 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 96 100 95 100 96 cM capacity (veh/h) 369 388 801 392 392 760 1325 1269 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 1 51 240 272 Volume Left 1 15 1 51 Volume Right 0 36 22 5 cSH 369 595 1325 1269 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.04 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0703 Control Delay (s) 14.8 11.6 0.0 1.8 Lane LOS BBAA Approach Delay (s) 14.8 11.6 0.0 1.8 Approach LOS BB Intersection Summary Average Delay 2.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 43.9% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-113 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 8: N Nash St & South Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 0 0 221 0 0 213 Future Volume (Veh/h) 0 0 221 0 0 213 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 0 240 0 0 232 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 418 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 472 240 240 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 472 240 240 tC, single (s) 6.4 6.2 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 551 799 1327 Direction, Lane # WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 0 240 232 Volume Left 0 0 0 Volume Right 0 0 0 cSH 1700 1700 1327 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.14 0.00 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 0 0 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 16.3% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-114 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 9: N Fort Myer Dr & Site Driveway Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 0 100 0 0 1279 51 Future Volume (Veh/h) 0 100 0 0 1279 51 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 0 109 0 0 1390 55 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 270 276 pX, platoon unblocked 0.83 0.83 0.83 vC, conflicting volume 1418 491 1445 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 796 0 829 tC, single (s) 6.8 6.9 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 88 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 270 902 665 Direction, Lane # EB 1 SB 1 SB 2 SB 3 Volume Total 109 556 556 333 Volume Left 0000 Volume Right 109 0 0 55 cSH 902 1700 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.12 0.33 0.33 0.20 Queue Length 95th (ft) 10 0 0 0 Control Delay (s) 9.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 9.5 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.7 Intersection Capacity Utilization 42.3% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-115 Queues 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Lane Group EBT WBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 433 473 223 1281 v/c Ratio 0.46 0.70 0.39 0.56 Control Delay 24.9 33.2 17.5 16.9 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 24.9 33.2 17.5 16.9 Queue Length 50th (ft) 104 132 77 174 Queue Length 95th (ft) 135 173 153 249 Internal Link Dist (ft) 235 319 190 Turn Bay Length (ft) 115 Base Capacity (vph) 1169 834 565 2278 Starvation Cap Reductn 0000 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.37 0.57 0.39 0.56 Intersection Summary

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I-116 HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 10: N Fort Myer Dr & 19th St N Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (vph) 0 279 120 195 240 00002051009 169 Future Volume (vph) 0 279 120 195 240 00002051009 169 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Total Lost time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Lane Util. Factor 0.95 0.95 1.00 0.91 Frpb, ped/bikes 0.96 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flpb, ped/bikes 1.00 0.97 0.79 1.00 Frt 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.98 Flt Protected 1.00 0.98 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (prot) 2715 2977 1101 4400 Flt Permitted 1.00 0.64 0.95 1.00 Satd. Flow (perm) 2715 1952 1101 4400 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Adj. Flow (vph) 0 303 130 212 261 00002231097 184 RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 11 00000000210 Lane Group Flow (vph) 0 422 0 0 473 00002231260 0 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 290 136 136 290 111 219 219 111 Confl. Bikes (#/hr) 2 1 2 13 Heavy Vehicles (%) 2% 13% 2% 2% 5% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Parking (#/hr) 5 5 5 Turn Type NA Perm NA Perm NA Protected Phases 4 8 6 Permitted Phases 8 6 Actuated Green, G (s) 33.2 33.2 49.3 49.3 Effective Green, g (s) 33.2 33.2 49.3 49.3 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.35 0.35 0.51 0.51 Clearance Time (s) 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Lane Grp Cap (vph) 938 675 565 2259 v/s Ratio Prot 0.16 c0.29 v/s Ratio Perm c0.24 0.20 v/c Ratio 0.45 0.70 0.39 0.56 Uniform Delay, d1 24.3 27.1 14.2 15.9 Progression Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Incremental Delay, d2 0.3 3.3 2.1 1.0 Delay (s) 24.7 30.4 16.3 16.9 Level of Service C C BB Approach Delay (s) 24.7 30.4 0.0 16.8 Approach LOS C C A B Intersection Summary HCM 2000 Control Delay 20.9 HCM 2000 Level of Service C HCM 2000 Volume to Capacity ratio 0.62 Actuated Cycle Length (s) 96.0 Sum of lost time (s) 13.5 Intersection Capacity Utilization 97.0% ICU Level of Service F Analysis Period (min) 15 c Critical Lane Group

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I-117 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 11: Key Blvd & N Nash St Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT WBT WBR SBL SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 125 230 388 98 57 145 Future Volume (Veh/h) 125 230 388 98 57 145 Sign Control Free Free Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 136 250 422 107 62 158 Pedestrians 2 3 74 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 0 0 7 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 603 1074 552 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 603 1074 552 tC, single (s) 4.1 6.4 6.2 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 2.2 3.5 3.3 p0 queue free % 85 67 68 cM capacity (veh/h) 901 190 495 Direction, Lane # EB 1 WB 1 SB 1 Volume Total 386 529 220 Volume Left 136 0 62 Volume Right 0 107 158 cSH 901 1700 341 Volume to Capacity 0.15 0.31 0.65 Queue Length 95th (ft) 13 0 107 Control Delay (s) 4.5 0.0 32.9 Lane LOS A D Approach Delay (s) 4.5 0.0 32.9 Approach LOS D Intersection Summary Average Delay 7.9 Intersection Capacity Utilization 75.1% ICU Level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-118 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 12: 19th St N & Key Blvd Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 149 2 136 0 3 14 252 235 3 11 167 231 Future Volume (Veh/h) 149 2 136 0 3 14 252 235 3 11 167 231 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 162 2 148 0 3 15 274 255 3 12 182 251 Pedestrians 257 70 5 Lane Width (ft) 12.0 12.0 12.0 Walking Speed (ft/s) 3.5 3.5 3.5 Percent Blockage 24 7 0 Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 315 pX, platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 1289 1339 439 1230 1588 332 690 328 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 1289 1339 439 1230 1588 332 690 328 tC, single (s) 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 p0 queue free % 0 97 68 100 93 98 60 99 cM capacity (veh/h) 52 64 467 52 45 660 680 1149 Direction, Lane # EB 1 EB 2 WB 1 NB 1 SB 1 SB 2 Volume Total 164 148 18 532 194 251 Volume Left 162 0 0 274 12 0 Volume Right 0 148 15 3 0 251 cSH 52 467 201 680 1149 1700 Volume to Capacity 3.14 0.32 0.09 0.40 0.01 0.15 Queue Length 95th (ft) Err 34 7 49 1 0 Control Delay (s) Err 16.3 24.7 10.3 0.6 0.0 Lane LOS FCCBA Approach Delay (s) 5263.6 24.7 10.3 0.3 Approach LOS F C Intersection Summary Average Delay 1261.1 Intersection Capacity Utilization 65.9% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15

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I-119 HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 13: N Fort Myer Dr Holiday Inn Rosslyn at Key Bridge

Movement EBL EBR NBL NBT SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 00001331 52 Future Volume (Veh/h) 00001331 52 Sign Control Stop Free Free Grade 0% 0% 0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourly flow rate (vph) 00001447 57 Pedestrians Lane Width (ft) Walking Speed (ft/s) Percent Blockage Right turn flare (veh) Median type None None Median storage veh) Upstream signal (ft) 390 156 pX, platoon unblocked 0.80 0.80 0.80 vC, conflicting volume 1476 511 1504 vC1, stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol vCu, unblocked vol 726 0 761 tC, single (s) 6.8 6.9 4.1 tC, 2 stage (s) tF (s) 3.5 3.3 2.2 p0 queue free % 100 100 100 cM capacity (veh/h) 288 869 678 Direction, Lane # EB 1 SB 1 SB 2 SB 3 Volume Total 0 579 579 346 Volume Left 0000 Volume Right 0 0 0 57 cSH 1700 1700 1700 1700 Volume to Capacity 0.00 0.34 0.34 0.20 Queue Length 95th (ft) 0000 Control Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lane LOS A Approach Delay (s) 0.0 0.0 Approach LOS A Intersection Summary Average Delay 0.0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 33.2% ICU Level of Service A Analysis Period (min) 15

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