190 positions held by supervisory board members

Supervisory Board

Karl-Hermann Baumann, Rolf Dittmar Albrecht Schmidt, Dr. jur. Members whose term of office Dr.rer.oec. Member of the Works Council, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, expired on January 23, 2003: Chairman Munich/Perlach facility, AG Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank Date of birth: 7/22/35 Date of birth: 10/25/43 AG Rolf-E. Breuer, Dr. jur. First elected: 2/19/98 First elected: 1/23/03 Date of birth: 3/13/38 Second Deputy Chairman First elected: 3/11/93 Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Additional positions Bertin Eichler AG German Supervisory Board positions: Additional positions Executive Member of the Board of Date of birth: 11/3/37 Deutsche Bank AG, /Main German Supervisory Board positions: Management, Finance, IG Metall First elected: 2/19/98 E.ON AG, Düsseldorf HVB Real Estate Bank AG, Munich Linde AG, Wiesbaden Date of birth: 8/27/52 (Chairman until 9/30/03) Additional positions First elected: 11/13/96 Schering AG, Berlin Münchener Rückversicherungs- German Supervisory Board positions: ThyssenKrupp AG, Düsseldorf Additional positions Gesellschaft AG, Munich Bertelsmann AG, Gütersloh Wilhelm von Finck AG, Grasbrunn German Supervisory Board positions: Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt/Main Allgemeine Deutsche Henning Schulte-Noelle, Dr.jur. (Chairman) Ralf Heckmann Direktbank AG, Frankfurt/Main Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Börse AG, Frankfurt/Main First Deputy Chairman BGAG Beteiligungsgesellschaft der Allianz AG (Chairman) Chairman of the Central Works Gewerkschaften AG, Date of birth: 8/26/42 E.ON AG, Düsseldorf Council, Siemens AG Frankfurt/Main (Chairman) First elected: 2/13/97 Comparable positions outside BauBeCon Holding AG, Hanover Germany: Date of birth: 7/19/49 Additional positions First elected: 3/24/88 BHW Holding AG, Hameln Compagnie de Saint-Gobain S.A., German Supervisory Board positions: France E.ON AG, Düsseldorf Josef Ackermann, Dr. oec. Birgit Grube ThyssenKrupp AG, Düsseldorf Comparable positions in Germany: Second Deputy Chairman Office clerk Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, Spokesman of the Board of Managing Date of birth: 8/21/45 Peter von Siemens Frankfurt/Main Directors, Deutsche Bank AG First elected: 3/11/93 Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank, Industrial manager Date of birth: 2/7/48 Frankfurt/Main Date of birth: 8/10/37 First elected: 1/23/03 Heinz Hawreliuk Head of the Company Codetermina- First elected: 3/11/93 Helmut Cors Additional positions tion Department, IG Metall Additional positions Head of Industrial Services and German Supervisory Board positions: Date of birth: 3/23/47 German Supervisory Board positions: Production, Vereinte Dienstleistungs- Bayer AG, Leverkusen First elected: 4/1/85 Münchener Tierpark gewerkschaft (ver.di) Linde AG, Wiesbaden Date of birth: 12/2/46 Additional positions Hellabrunn AG, Munich Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Cologne First elected: 2/19/98 German Supervisory Board positions: Jerry I. Speyer Lothar Adler Astrium GmbH, Munich Additional positions DaimlerChrysler Aerospace AG, President, German Supervisory Board positions: Deputy Chairman of the Central TishmanSpeyer Properties Works Council, Siemens AG Munich Framatome ANP GmbH, Erlangen DaimlerChrysler Luft und Raumfahrt Date of birth: 6/23/40 Date of birth: 2/22/49 Holding AG, Munich First appointed: 7/14/03 Jean Gandois First elected: 1/23/03 Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH, Member of the Supervisory Board, Munich Sir Iain Vallance Gerhard Bieletzki SUEZ S.A. Infineon Technologies AG, Munich Vice Chairman, Date of birth: 5/7/30 Member of the Combine Works The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Council, Siemens AG First elected: 2/13/97 Walter Kröll, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Date of birth: 5/20/43 Date of birth: 5/16/47 President of Helmholtz-Gemein- First elected: 1/23/03 Additional positions First elected: 1/23/03 schaft Deutscher Forschungs- Comparable positions outside Group positions zentren e.V. Klaus Wigand Germany: Air Liquide Italie S.p.A., Italy German Supervisory Board positions: Date of birth: 5/30/38 Industrial manager Danone S.A., France Siemens VDO Automotive AG, First elected: 1/23/03 Date of birth: 11/19/45 Eurazéo, France Munich (Deputy Chairman) Additional positions First elected: 2/19/98 Société Générale de Belgique S.A., German Supervisory Board positions: Belgium John David Coombe MTU Aero Engines GmbH, Munich SUEZ S.A., France Chief Financial Officer, GlaxoSmithKline plc Wolfgang Müller Robert M. Kimmitt Date of birth: 3/17/45 Head of the Siemens Team, IG Metall Executive Vice President, First elected: 1/23/03 Date of birth: 1/14/48 Time Warner First elected: 1/23/03 Date of birth: 12/19/47 Gerhard Cromme, Dr. jur. First elected: 2/19/98 Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Additional positions ThyssenKrupp AG Infineon Technologies AG, Munich Additional positions Date of birth: 2/25/43 Comparable positions outside First elected: 1/23/03 Georg Nassauer Germany: Steel casting constructor Allianz Life Insurance Co., USA Additional positions Date of birth: 3/8/48 Xign Corporation, USA German Supervisory Board positions: First elected: 3/11/93 Allianz AG, Munich Heinz Kriwet, Dr. rer. pol. Axel Springer Verlag AG, Berlin Chairman of the Supervisory Board, E.ON AG, Düsseldorf ThyssenKrupp AG Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Cologne Date of birth: 11/2/31 Ruhrgas AG, Essen First elected: 3/11/93 Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg Comparable positions outside Additional positions Germany: German Supervisory Board positions: BNP Paribas S.A., France Dresdner Bank AG, Frankfurt/Main SUEZ S.A., France ThyssenKrupp AG, Düsseldorf positions held by supervisory board members and supervisory board committees 191

Supervisory Board committees

Members whose term of office The Supervisory Board of Siemens AG has established four standing committees. Information on their expired on January 23, 2003 (cont.): activities in fiscal 2003 is provided on page 44 of this Report.

Hubert Markl, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Date of birth: 8/17/38 Committee Meetings Duties and responsibilities Members First elected: 2/19/98 in FY 2003 as of Sept. 30, 2003 Additional positions Germany Supervisory Board positions: Chairman’s 7 The Chairman’s Committee of the Supervi- Dr. Karl-Hermann Baumann Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, Committee plus sory Board is responsible for reviewing basic (Chairman) Munich of the 9 decisions issues of business policy and management, Ralf Heckmann Münchener Rückversicherungs- Supervisory by nota- especially in matters concerning theManag- Gesellschaft AG, Munich Board tional vot- ing Board. The Committee makes recom- Dr. Josef Ackermann Comparable positions outside ing using mendations to the Supervisory Board on Germany: Aventis S.A., France written the appointment and dismissal of Managing Royal Dutch Petroleum Company, circulations Board members and determines the Manag- The Netherlands ing Board’s employment and remuneration framework. The Committee executes the Werner Mönius contracts of employment with Managing Chairman of the European Works Board members and determines their re- Council of Siemens muneration as well as the annual amounts Chairman of the Works Council, of the variable and stock-based compo- Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen nents of their compensation. The Commit- Date of birth: 5/16/54 tee makes recommendations to the Super- First elected: 3/1/02 visory Board on the composition of Supervi- Georg Seubert sory Board committees and – through rep- Fitter resentatives of the shareholders – proposes Date of birth: 7/27/41 shareholder candidates for appointment to First elected: 2/19/98 the Supervisory Board. The Committee de- cides whether to approve business transac- Daniel L. Vasella, Dr. med. tions with Managing Board members and President and Delegate of the Board related parties. The Committee’s duties in- of Administration, Novartis AG clude a regular review of the Company’s Date of birth: 8/15/53 corporate governance principles and formu- First elected: 2/19/98 lating proposals to improve the Company’s Additional positions approach to corporate governance issues. Comparable positions outside Germany: Audit 5 The Audit Committee’s duties include Dr. Karl-Hermann Baumann* PepsiCo, Inc., USA Committee preparing Supervisory Board reviews of the (Chairman) annual financial statements of Siemens AG Ralf Heckmann Erwin Zahl and of the consolidated financial state- Telecommunications installer ments of Siemens worldwide. The Commit- Dr. Josef Ackermann* Date of birth: 11/18/39 tee also reviews the quarterly reports and First elected: 10/1/94 liaises with the internal Financial Audit De- Heinz Hawreliuk partment and with the independent audi- Dr. Henning Schulte-Noelle* Member who resigned from the tors (particularly with regard to awarding Supervisory Board on July 12, 2003: the audit contract, defining the focal points Dr. Hans-Dieter Wiedig of the audit, determining the auditors’ fee, Dipl.-Kaufmann and monitoring their independence). Date of birth: 6/27/36 First elected: 1/23/03 Mediation 0 The Mediation Committee, as stipulated by Dr. Karl-Hermann Baumann Committee, German law, makes recommendations to (Chairman) § 31 (3), (5) of the Supervisory Board regarding the Ralf Heckmann the German appointment or revocation of appointment Codetermina- of Managing Board members, if the Dr. Josef Ackermann tion Act required two-thirds majority of the Super- The Supervisory Board of Siemens AG Heinz Hawreliuk has 20 members. As stipulated by visory Board member votes is not obtained the German Codetermination Act, on the first ballot. half of the members represent Company shareholders, and half Investment 0 The Committee is responsible for decisions Dr. Karl-Hermann Baumann represent Company employees. The Committee, 4 decisions relating to the exercise of ownership rights (Chairman) shareholders’ representatives were § 32 of the by nota- resulting from interests in other companies. Dr. Josef Ackermann elected at the Annual Shareholders’ German tional voting Meeting on January 23, 2003, and the employee representatives were Codetermina- using writ- Dr. Albrecht Schmidt elected by an assembly of employee tion Act ten circu- delegates on December 5, 2002. lations The Supervisory Board is elected * Audit Committee financial experts for five years. Further information on corporate governance at Siemens is available at: As of September 30, 2003 www.siemens.com/corporate_governance 192 positions held by managing board members

Managing Board

Heinrich v. Pierer, Volker Jung, Dr.Eng.h.c. Rudi Lamprecht Erich R. Reinhardt, Prof. Dr. Dr.jur. Dr.-Ing. E.h. (until 9/30/03) Date of birth: 10/12/48 Date of birth: 10/3/46 President and Chief Executive Officer, Date of birth: 8/28/39 First appointed: 4/26/00 First appointed: 12/1/01 Siemens AG First appointed: 7/2/91 Term expires: 9/30/04 Term expires: 9/30/06 Date of birth: 1/26/41 Term expired: 9/30/03 Company positions Outside positions First appointed: 10/1/89 Outside positions German Supervisory Board positions: German Supervisory Board positions: Term expires: 9/30/04 German Supervisory Board positions: BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte BioM AG, Munich Outside positions DAB bank AG, Munich GmbH, Munich Dräger Medical AG, Lübeck German Supervisory Board positions: MAN AG, Munich (Chairman) Comparable positions outside Comparable positions outside Bayer AG, Leverkusen Germany: Company positions Germany: Hochtief AG, Essen Fujitsu Siemens Computers B.V., Siemens AB, Sweden Münchener Rückversicherungs- Comparable positions outside The Netherlands (Deputy Chairman) Germany: Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Gesellschaft AG, Munich Siemens Information and Commu- (Chairman) Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg Siemens A.E., Greece (Chairman) nication Mobile LLC, USA Siemens Ltd., South Africa Siemens France S.A., France Company positions Uriel J. Sharef, Dr.rer.pol. (Chairman) Siemens S.A., Belgium Comparable positions outside Date of birth: 8/19/44 First appointed: 7/26/00 Germany: Klaus Kleinfeld, Dr. rer. pol. Heinz-Joachim Neubürger Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Term expires: 9/30/04 Date of birth: 11/6/57 Date of birth: 1/11/53 Österreich, Austria (Chairman) First appointed: 12/1/02 First appointed: 11/5/97 Company positions Term expires: 9/30/07 Term expires: 9/30/07 Comparable positions outside Germany: Johannes Feldmayer Outside positions Outside positions Siemens Canada Ltd., Canada Date of birth: 10/16/56 Comparable positions outside German Supervisory Board positions: Germany: Siemens Corp., USA (Chairman) First appointed: 5/1/03 Allianz Versicherungs-AG, Munich Siemens Israel Ltd., Israel Term expires: 9/30/07 Alcoa Inc., USA (since 11/14/03) Bayerische Börse AG, Munich The Turner Corporation, USA (Chairman) Company positions Comparable positions outside Siemens Ltda., Brazil Company positions German Supervisory Board positions: Germany: Siemens Power Transmission & Siemens Dematic AG, Munich Comparable positions outside Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., USA Distribution, Inc., USA Germany: Comparable positions outside Osram Sylvania, Inc., USA Company positions Claus Weyrich, Germany: Siemens Building Technologies, Inc., Comparable positions outside Prof. Dr.phil. Dr.-Ing.E.h. Siemens AB, Sweden USA Germany: (since 10/1/03) Date of birth: 1/6/44 Siemens Business Services, Inc., USA Siemens Corp., USA Siemens A.E., Greece First appointed: 10/1/96 Siemens Corporate Research, Inc., (Chairman; since 10/1/03) Term expires: 9/30/06 USA Peter Pribilla, Prof. Siemens A/S, Denmark Siemens Dematic Corp., USA (died on 8/9/03) Outside positions (since 10/1/03) Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc., Date of birth: 6/11/41 German Supervisory Board positions: Siemens A.¸.S , Turkey USA First appointed: 4/1/94 HERAEUS Holding GmbH, Hanau Siemens Building Technologies AG, Siemens Information and Commu- Term was to expire: 9/30/03 (Chairman) Company positions nication Mobile LLC, USA Siemens Holdings plc, UK Outside positions Comparable positions outside Siemens Information and Commu- (since 10/1/03) Germany: nication Networks, Inc., USA German Supervisory Board positions: Siemens Rt., Hungary Siemens Corporate Research, Inc., Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Deutsche Krankenversicherung AG, (Chairman; since 10/1/03) USA (Chairman) Siemens Power Transmission & Cologne (until 8/9/03) Siemens S.A., Belgium Distribution, Inc., USA (since 10/1/03) Klaus Wucherer, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Siemens Transportation Systems, Jürgen Radomski Siemens S.A., Spain Inc., USA Date of birth: 10/26/41 Date of birth: 7/9/44 (Deputy Chairman; since 10/1/03) Siemens VDO Automotive Corp., USA First appointed: 6/29/94 First appointed: 8/1/99 Siemens S.p.A., Italy Siemens Westinghouse Power Corp., Term expires: 9/30/06 Term expires: 3/31/08 (Deputy Chairman; since 10/1/03) USA Outside positions Siemens s.r.o., Czech Republic Outside positions (Chairman) German Supervisory Board German Supervisory Board positions: Edward G. Krubasik, positions: Deutsche Messe AG, Hanover Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Ganswindt Deutsche Krankenversicherung AG, Infineon Technologies AG, Munich Date of birth: 1/19/44 Date of birth: 11/18/60 Cologne Company positions First appointed: 1/1/97 First appointed: 12/1/02 Dräger Medical AG, Lübeck Term expires: 9/30/06 Comparable positions in Germany: Term expires: 9/30/07 Company positions BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte Outside positions Company positions German Supervisory Board positions: GmbH, Munich German Supervisory Board positions: German Supervisory Board positions: BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte Comparable positions outside Dresdner Bank AG, Frankfurt/Main Siemens VDO Automotive AG, GmbH, Munich (Deputy Chairman) Germany: STINNES AG, Mülheim/Ruhr Munich Osram GmbH, Munich (Chairman) Eviop-Tempo A.E., Greece Siemens Building Technologies AG, Comparable positions outside Company positions Comparable positions outside Switzerland Germany: German Supervisory Board positions: Germany: Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc., Efficient Networks, Inc., USA Siemens Dematic AG, Munich Siemens Aktiengesellschaft USA (Chairman) (Chairman) (Chairman) Österreich, Austria Siemens K.K., Japan (Chairman) Siemens Information and Commu- Siemens VDO Automotive AG, Siemens Osakeyhtiö, Finland Siemens Ltd., India nication Networks, Inc., USA Munich (Chairman) Siemens Nederland N.V., Siemens S.A., Portugal (Chairman) (Chairman) Comparable positions outside The Netherlands Siemens Network Convergence LLC, Germany: Siemens Schweiz AG, Switzerland USA (Chairman) Siemens A/S, Norway (Chairman) Siemens Ltd., Thailand (Chairman) Siemens France S.A., France Siemens Osakeyhtiö, Finland (Deputy Chairman) As of September 30, 2003 Siemens Rt., Hungary The Siemens corporate structure is shown Siemens S.A., Belgium (Chairman) on the foldout inside the back cover. managing board committees 193

Managing Board committees

Committee Meetings Duties and responsibilities Members in FY 2003 as of Sept. 30, 2003

Corporate Executive 57 The Corporate Executive Committee currently comprises Dr. Heinrich v. Pierer Committee the Chairman of the Managing Board, the heads of Cor- Johannes Feldmayer porate Finance and Corporate Personnel, and five other Managing Board members elected by the Managing Dr. Volker Jung Board. The Corporate Executive Committee has full authority to act for and on behalf of the Managing Board Prof. Dr. Edward G. Krubasik between meetings of the Managing Board. Heinz-Joachim Neubürger Jürgen Radomski Dr. Uriel J. Sharef Prof. Dr. Klaus Wucherer

Committee Respon- 1 The Committee oversees the utilization of authorized Dr. Heinrich v. Pierer sible for the Issuance capital in connection with the issuance of employee Heinz-Joachim Neubürger of Employee Stock stock. Jürgen Radomski

Equity Committee 2 The Equity Committee is responsible for implementing Dr. Heinrich v. Pierer plus various capital measures. Heinz-Joachim Neubürger 1 decision by notational Jürgen Radomski voting using written circu- lations

Further information on corporate governance at Siemens is available at: www.siemens.com/corporate_governance