PRESS INFO for immediate Media release Fédération Internationale de Volleyball
[email protected] Telephone +41-21 345 35 35 SWATCH-FIVB WORLD TOUR This booklet provides information, facts and figures on the FIVB, SWATCH-FIVB World Tour and the 2005 season. At the present time, the 2005 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour will be scheduled over a eight-month period starting in May in China and Japan and ending in December in South Africa. The season that will feature a total of 32 events (16 men and 16 women tournaments) with a total Prize Money of nearly $7.5-million. Highlighting the 2005 season will be June’s SWATCH-FIVB World Championships powered by Smart in Berlin. In addition, the FIVB will stage challenger, satellite and junior events. TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................................................................................Page 2005 SWATCH-FIVB World Tour & Schedule ............................................................................................................ 2 · Men’sSchedule Notes ........................................... 3 · Women’sSchedule Notes...................................... 7 Fédération Internationale de Volleyball ................................................................................................................... 11 · Key Representatives & Confederations............. 12 · Federations............................................................ 13 FIVB & Beach Volleyball History..............................................................................................................................