Self-Archiving of Articles in NISC Journals

This document applies to any paper not published under an license in a NISC journal. If you publish your article Open Access under a Creative Commons license, the terms of self-archiving will be governed by that publication agreement/license.

Self-archiving definition

Self-archiving refers to placement of an article online or in a digital repository either by one of the authors, their institution or any designated third party acting on their behalf. Online posting may include, but is not limited, to a personal website, a departmental website, library institutional repository, social media repository (e.g. Research Gate) or subject specific repository.


Please use the following acknowledgment with any Self-Archiving permitted in this document:

This is the [Article Version] whose final and definitive form has been published in [Journal title] [Year], [Volume] [(Issue)]: [Page nos] © [Year of publication] copyright [Copyright owner as per publication agreement]. [Journal Title] is available online at:[Article DOI]

For example:

This is the Accepted of an article whose final and definitive form has been published in Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 2014, 85(1): 103-106 © 2014 copyright NISC (Pty) Ltd. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology is available online at:

Article versions and NISC self-archiving policy

Certain versions of an article may be placed in an institutional repository while others may not. For clarity, NISC uses industry standard article version definitions published by the NISO/ALPSP JAV Technical Working Group. For further details on Journal Article Versions (JAV): Recommendations of the NISO/ALPSP JAV Technical Working Group © 2008 NISO 2. Available at

Author’s original (AO)

Any version of a journal article that is considered by the author to be of sufficient quality to be submitted for formal by a second party. The author accepts full responsibility for the article. … Content and layout as set out by the author. NISC Policy: may be self-archived (no embargo period)

Submitted manuscript under review (SMUR)

Any version of a journal article that is under formal review managed by a socially recognized entity. The entity recognizes its responsibility to provide objective expert review and feedback to the author, and, ultimately, to pass judgment on the fitness of the article for publication with an ‘accept’ or ‘reject’ decision. … Content and layout follow publisher’s submission requirements . NISC Policy: may be self-archived (no embargo period)

Accepted manuscript (AM)

The version of a journal article that has been accepted for publication in a journal. A second party (the ‘publisher’) takes permanent responsibility for the article. Content and layout follow publisher’s submission requirements . NISC Policy: may only be self-archived under certain conditions see section below.

Proof (P)

A version of a journal article that is created as part of the publication process. This includes the copy-edited manuscript, … page proofs, and revised proofs. … Content has been changed from Accepted Manuscript; layout is the publisher’s. NISC Policy: may NOT be self-archived.

Version of record (VoR)

A fixed version of a journal article that has been made available by … a publisher by formally and exclusively declaring the article ‘published’. This includes any ‘early release’ article that is formally identified as being published even before the compilation of a volume issue and assignment of associated metadata, as long as it is citable via some permanent identifier(s). This does not include any ‘early release’ article that has not yet been ‘fixed’ by processes that are still to be applied, such as copy-editing, proof corrections, layout, and typesetting. NISC Policy: may NOT be self-archived.

Corrected version of record (CVoR)

A version of the Version of Record of a journal article in which errors in the VoR have been corrected. The errors may be author errors, publisher errors, or other processing errors. NISC Policy: may NOT be self-archived. Enhanced version of record (EVoR)

A version of the Version of Record of a journal article that has been updated or enhanced by the provision of supplemental material . NISC Policy: may NOT be self-archived.

Conditions for self-archiving the accepted manuscript

Under certain conditions, authors may self-archive their accepted manuscript immediately. It may be post only on a personal website (a website solely administered by the author and without any affiliation to any institution or third party) or on the author’s departmental website (an employer’s website whose sole purpose is to list the employees within a department and their publication and does not form part of an institutional repository).

Any other self-archiving of the accepted manuscript not listed above is subject to an embargo period measured from the date that the version of record was paginated for incorporation into an issue and published online. Such self-archiving includes archiving in library institutional repositories, social media repositories (e.g. Research Gate) and subject specific repositories. Each journal applies a different embargo period from the date that the paginated version of record was published online. These embargos are listed in the table below:

Journal Embargo period African Journal of AIDS Research 12 months African Journal of Aquatic Science 12 months African Journal of Marine Science 12 months African Journal of Range & Forage Science 12 months African Journal of Science, Technology, 18 months Innovation and Development African Zoology 12 months Anthropology Southern Africa 18 months Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies 18 months Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health 12 months Journal of Psychology in Africa 12 months Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa 18 months Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 12 months Quaestiones Mathematicae 12 months Research in Hospitality Management 18 months South African Journal of African Languages 18 months South African Journal of Philosophy 18 months South African Journal of Plant and Soil 12 months Southern African Linguistics and Applied 18 months Language Studies Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 12 months

Note: Should you be a US National Institutes of Health (NIH) employee or collaborator your embargo on the uploading of the AM to PubMed Central will be 12 months as per NIH policy. We are able to upload the correct version on your behalf.

Should you have any queries regarding self-archiving or posting your article online or in a repository please contact us.