
Our Commitment to

AIP seeks to ensure the permanence of the scholarly record, allowing for to be shared as widely as possible. We continue to work with the academic community to develop pragmatic, sustainable solutions for public access to funded .

OPEN ACCESS PORTFOLIO : Gold | Green | Author Select


Offers authors the option to publish research through an article processing charge, that is covered by the author or a sponsor. AIP Publishing’s Gold Open Access portfolio includes six influential journals:

When publishing Gold OA, our authors retain their and publish their work under a Creative . Learn more about Gold OA online!


Scientists can select from 27 AIP Publishing and Publishing Partner journals that offer the hybrid open access option. Authors retain their copyright and publish their work under a license. Learn what the hybrid author select open access option is all about online.


AIP Publishing supports self-archiving and offers a growing green open access portfolio. This option is available for most of our journals, including all of AIP Publishing journals and journals from select Publishing Partners, including but not limited to:

ARCHIVING Authors are encouraged to self-archive an article that’s published Green OA immediately after acceptance. The final can be saved on the author’s or employer’s website, as well as in an institutional or funder- designated repository, 12 months after publication. AIP Publishing, through participation in the CHORUS initiative, makes publicly available the Accepted version of an article in response to government or funder requirements 12 months after publication.

Learn more about Open Access at AIP Publishing. https://publishing.aip.org/resources/researchers/open-science/open-access/