Of TUii:





J.v.J:OJSTT:EL::E.A-L• SESSION 1863-4,

VISITOR: of 1 Lono MoNCK, Governor General Bis Excellency rhe Right Hon. Viscount , &c. CORPORATION.

GOVERNORS: President. The Bon. CHARLES DEWEY DAY, LL.D., The Hou. JAMES FERRIER, M.L.C. THOMAS BROWN ANDERSON, Esq. DAVID DAVIDSON, Esq. BENJAMIN HoLMES1 Esq• .ANDREW ROBERTSON, M.A. CHRISTOPHER DUNKIN, M.A., M.P.P. WILLIAM MOLSON, Esq. .M:.P.P. .A.LEXA.."IDER MonRis, M.A., D.C.L., The Hon. JoRN RosE, M.P.P. PRTNCIPAL: F.G.S. JOHN WILLIAM DAWSON, LL.D., F.R.S., FELLOWS: and Dean of the Faculty RJIT. CANON LEA.CB, D.C.L., LL.D., Vice-Principal of Arts. of the High School. HENRY .A.sPINWALL HoWE, M.A., Rector of the Faculty of Law. The Hon. J. J. C . .A.nnoTT, B.C.L., Dean BROWN CHAMBERLIN, M.A., B.O.L. w.1.L1'ER JONES, M.D. w. B. LAMBE, B.C.L. F.G.S. SIR WILLIAM E. LOGAN, LL.D., F.R.S., of the Faculty of Medicine. G1110BGE W. C,rnPBltLL, M.A., M.D., Dean Francis College. ,Jo!IN H. GnAHAl>r, M.A..,Principal of St. 3

The thirty fourth Session of this U11ivcrs1Ly, beini; the eleventh under its amended charter, will commence in the .Autumn of 1863. 'l'he Classes in the Faculty of Arts will open on the 6th of September, those in the Law Faculty, on the 2nd of November, those in the l\Iedical Faculty, on the 2nd of November, and those in the High School and McGill Normal School on the 1st of September. ' The courses of study in the University, and the distinctions which it offers, may be summed up as follows :- THE FACULTY OF ABTs.-The complete course of study in Arts extends over four Sessions, of eight months each; and includes Classics and Mathematics, with English Literature, Logic, Mental and Moral Science, Natural Science, and .Modern Languages, leading to the degrees orB. A. and M.A. There are also Honour Courses, Special and Partial Courses, and a Course of practical Chemistry; and facilities are afforded for the study of .Agricultural Chemistry, for the practice of Me­ teorological observations, and for the study of Hebrew and Oriental Literature. THE FACULTY OF l\iEmcrNE._ -The complete course of study in Medicine extends over four Sessions, of six months each, and leads to the degree of M. D., C. M. THE �'ACULTY OF LAw .-The complete course in Law extends over three Sessions, of six months each, and leads to the de­ grees of B. C. L. and D. C. L, II. .Affiliated Scltools. TnE HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT, offers a thorough English edu­ cation, with the French and German languages, and the Clas­ sical and Mathematical training necessary for entering the College course. TnE McGILL NoRlIAL ScHOOL provides the training requisite for Teachers of Elementary and Model Schools and Academies. Teachers trained in this School are entitled to Provincial diplomas. THE MonEL ScuooLS OF TIIE McGILL NoR.."\IAL · SCHOOL are English Schools, divided into a Boys' Department, Girls' Department, and Primary School. Teachers in training in the Normal School are employed in these Schools, under the supervision of the Head Master and Mistress.

The following "Announcement," relates wholly to the Faculty of \ Medicine, but full details of the Courses of Study, conditions of Matriculation, Fees, &c., in the other Faculties and Departments, will be found in the ANNUAL CALENDAR OF THE UNCVERSITY, · which may be obtained on application to the Principal or Secretary. FACULT Y OF MEDICINE.

) GEORGE W CAMPBELL A l. �I.D. . . , . , f inc lc e P th � o J>r i � and Practice of 8urg ry ro c. so f e p r Dean 'O the Faculty and f eat , 6: G St James Street 3 r . .

ARCHIBALD HALL .:\I.D. , , fei; f d P � Mi ifer and tl1c Diseaf'e.• ofWomen nnd Children ro o w y, , r o d ondc 1 I R eg Street a .

WILLIAM FRASER :\I.D. , f , P fc:,so o the Institutes of :Medicine ro r , 1 Little St James Street 2 . .

WILLIAl\I SUTIIERLAJ.�D M D . . ., , ofosso r P ofCh r emu;try, ea t :n G S . James Stree r t t

\VILLL\:\ I E SCOT i\1.D . T ., , ofc P .�sor of Anatomy r , !I St. Bonaventure Stree . t

WILLIA)! WRIGHT )ID., , fe r P of )Iateria:Medic a ancl Phanuac o �so y, r g 175 Cra Stree . i t

ROBER T P HOWAR 1\1 D .D. . , , f he ry e f T o and Practi :Medicin o o c o e, P e sor f the r � c 11 St Bona'\"entur Stree . . t

DUNCA N' C )IcCALLUM �l.D , . , .

f i l diei nc P 'e!: of Cli l\le and Medical Jurisprudence o ca sor n r g , 152 Cra Stree . i t

ROBER T CRAIK 1I. D. , , ofci r f P Clinic ;so al Surger , r o y 0 g 1 Cra Strc, · . 3 i t


onstra or D of Anatom , em t y 27 Little St James Stre . et. Th Pri ci ( fficio n al ex. o . e f p llPBII.L ) Pro sson -C.a. . e , L H.t. . L RA . F SER LAND So n . coT E.R S n T WRJOH l! . o W . H1 A x 11 OuuD: . Ca.a.11,. r LSON e r r II .N° D monst ato end 5 � . . Curaf h tor Mu m B Fo ltyseu- 0 W O 1i:t , AJI 111D. Deano t e cn u , . . AVP11 r , ., . h hi i r T e -f s t , i f the �Icdic Fncult of tb ::'\IcOill t ty r , c � ono al e r y e the cu toma manne r on l\1onday ni ne y , U er ity,d ill bb op in n tinue d g v s w e 3 o c 186 d and be c durin the six month e r o 2 .X m e , d; t c s th n v i ction in b be n dc rnt i , in the variou, conr� s whic w r!, g e to n ru h follo y t il d y dta e ure snbse uen e . l' 11 l l d f formatio n po n u n in i u tbe be:;t mann ' o y n e men nee o n er o g h t t di m in g es g ?gcSlion ppear e in to reco of ur-- t r s the follo w SU! a ­ p u g l ei u , t e e me d h i tj rofc l g n msv e v s. f o E l u e n ra l ed c:i , p ,;sion readin for :;om xc o u n n e i s ly ge e l ti dviso d e arati n s o me , whereb r vi o u to m tricu a n n as a pr p t a lip e ly a o is y ri i h l ill d ight f mi th tec ic t r be �ine , and an in� obtaine a t w a m,w h y bj e ht de e g d o n ou i be b u r noti durin lecture . nto t « ect to r � n c � e s it t h h rtc equired e e for Coll const u t e i; o :;t time r ge 'l'hou!!;h hree yenh r�t t t t e S ud t b libl'r to extend it a.q mu ch furth en a ty er attendance, yet h it f n o d he l «cl'I t e add io n yeu o ev tw is consider to cn. n o r, r e e e :is p b tesh oml f , b efi i a b ; f it vi t e c g branche� within to en r o a r n o a f t t, o it ten«i c pi o g r fa b re a t nd m \'e nttninm nt of the to rie e m a rm s o ore cx c , pe b e e r ce. \ y m a tl1 i e n is eco men d d to b iv during the first Sessi on to t t on r m ti e gn e h A ten r ri c e the second Session an increa e imar bran h en l d pr y c f y; u g se t p d l y e njoin i pr t t fin cou� m b profitably co r n woo n a s o e , n he ed G

i h tecedent uired th f a as arc req ; while during the re. ,r :mc o n i the the dvance leti m i i n od fu is to be made by comp ng the cur­ a n g r r r a p i f didate raduation i l re ed th fo Clinica courst.s rcu u equ r o e can r g . l k t i m n ng ,J uld b t u dur the first Session. w not e a e o f d ean;; posa arc 11laeed at the dis o 'rh ample nd varie m which l c d a hool acious h ent b thi sc in it:, sp accommodation:'! and abun t e tu y s ­ s si go pital t o i !! to ther with the lar hos � in connexion with dan pr v on , ge i l fe d es it l l t in the followingpag rc ir e re rre o . , a y


b fessors y Th P in the Facult is nine the number o num erof ro ; f e joined pc tcn t o the classes( ofte n con in Euro .'ln Schools ; wo f Clai��C!!1 ld y fesso ) b n h b P r c � e one ro . f y 1. A:-..\ OMY,-(J>ro. Scott)-'£hc frc.�h subjec is chiefl em­ t w T t tion f i th ill the Lecture� in this branch aided ho ­ plo ed n e us ra o , y tio s e e b dri d rc n wax models, plates fullsize of life, &c v r, y e p ar.\ , f . i t p R isunde r the direction o the Profc•�or aide 'l'hc D ,�e in oom , c gt t t y pen m .I b he D m m of Ana om It s o from 8 a. . to 10 p.111 t c o , raor . i ., y d l pli l b in li ht ith g All the usu convenience,; arc :mp ct , an e g g e w a;;. a ,l t tor o t pils tl D will l.,cin attendance t usifr the pu in the r c cmon._ rn s i 1 ti o n . pe ra o s P ) r an io r �. Cn Y - Suthcrland -Ino g Chemist lllST. ( rof. Ete R d g rtion e ! y is full t d a lar e o of tho cour is devote to Organ c y rea ; an p � , i d lations o Ch ist it Physiolog . '£he branches of Physic em ry n s re t y s a h y hea n u n or co ted wi Chcmi.,tr also eng:1::;e the attentio ri g nnec t , n r l po e imenta l pparatus o t a.� . 1''o ex illu8tratio abundanta he c ,; r r n, is h pofes y d t e Pr or among which m be enumerate , os s , a pe a p sc�f�cdl by xy l oge n ope o Air Pum -O -l ydr )licro,c -Polarisc -Ex­ r p l powe u ta o aphic al C ll gr mode -Electrical and Gah·an c e s s s i t n i t eri of ry � vc us e :1 ara &.c.,& c. pp s, i i t) a . �L\ R �lEDIC -(Prof Wr gh -This cour::.e is illustr : I A, . t­ 111lwln 1111,1 r:e11r1 an• c mpr -:c s ,1/, , 11l 7

ti h u £ ctun p Therap utics . dmrio e minuto tru :mu Com do i o of t o ' ho S J s n di ­ ui d i s y health a n s o the B i i ntions Organs, anll the F ds an T s ue f o sco n e l l I>r �, illu�tratet by �li c p c po.r ease, are explained nntl ro i ons from �1useu m. h sh lates and Pre parat the P f \Vtu n TICE ib d) Tilh c cstc el· DICINE.- (P o . Ho r - r lc G. PRAC OF MEd r n he L t, Cru ie , Car w i ve l e � , series of plates ooutai in t L mry, e m o J e b c will b nl� Willis a o p ; o Alibert, ' , Batem n, & ., &c ., c y Ilopc, . sed ts d i ar r i nd m els of �ca p . i i n fo\ bi Preparat ons a od d c R a Divid into P rple xl r.. SunOE Y.-(l)rof. Carupbell)- eu rurn s d i r l ge y, e nclud ng Su gic,tl Anatomy a ntesd Opcrafrrn S 1i­ Practice, i mpl , &c c s pl , �Ia c bc, Dalr y large ed . bitcd on the subj ct.-Quain' a xhibitoo. the u ent , n r p e t u a m s and ap aralltus i The va rious surgical instr a n y i explained a u pra ti illustrae f. les u�cs and applica t o n c c a c � fem n I f lu ding di (Pro . IIall)-In sease o e a mid MIDW FERY.- l 7. e e y ratd g h f ; h h t by a se s of Drawin s on a largo sca u tl infants, illus ri the a rtificial n b o u o b s n wax; nd y t se prcp:irations: y modeli P vi�. lud cl P o c h ) In ( . McCallum.c - cs S. MEDICAL ,lURISl'RUDESCE,s - r o f n r n and po d ro x ibitblid, t­ mo es of te ti g fo pois s a nito s Toxicology-the l, Hjgien p -Tn , c e, ccs illustrotcu by l tc� sa y u mortem appc.1.ran a lice uch l upon. ectu andl\ledical Po aroto Cl t r c 11 ) u , ticgh by l G llum. -'l'a a es \I. l\li:nrc1:-.E.-(Prof' •. M l !l. CL INIC, o and ea ch de c ag s p a l y ghtf h n h bed si -Physi Di n is t:i u r c i nnd at the al xa c emical rt min a ti r e, ly to take pa in it-E ono t e u pupil invited t c uR atcrl i ally e pla in d a d ill r . and microscop x e n a simi n la l Ta ght ffi dc r SuRUERY.-( ro . Cra k)- u u 10. CusIOAL J> f i by t e hese ial is a o h h t Cla.. scs amp e mater r manner. For bot M Ho pital . tt u caRCSnt the : ontreal General s one cou ,; ude w u irc1l to n c classes, St l ts nrc 1 a e r Be�idc the above n u n o ne o o . any n co rse f ¼oo gy of Bot d USE M U'.\t. 0 l LIBR.\RY AXD ud in c n the ro � 0 ol m , g es t bin upward,- of 3 0 v u c.s i o Tho Library oon s e y on ; th r nt el ement tar the useful books for reference, as well as ece Tt ope thor e is n to h ll a tho rn t recenl . i of e older au 8 as w � o� fo the c works t e der r re a g at n , un n oc� y rc�u o fps Npar tio a Stude ts without ch r e sar the n n rge a n , d mberd o ru contail a l nu c s of the books. The ) fo5cu s a \ so ,vax p a ma 1 m le fl :tt l al al , nmp icr s. chi p boogi ; o e y c 8

HOSPITALS. The Montreal General Hospital is visited every day by the Medical officers in attendance. After the visit a large number of out-door patients are examined and prescribed for. The Operating Room ( used also for a Lecture Room) is so con­ structed as to suit the convenience of the Students in obtaining a good view of the operations going on. The University Lying-in-Hospital is under the direction of the Professor of Midwifery. Students who have already attended one course of hi� lectures, are furnbhed with cases in rotation. PAST SESSION. The number of Matriculated Students in the past Session was 175, of these 93 were from East, 74 from Canada West, 1 from Nova Scotia, 1 from New Brunswick, 2 from Prince Edward's Island, and 4 fromthe United States. The number of Students who passed the Primary Examination, which includes Anatomy, Chemistry, Materia Medica, Institutes of Medicine, and Botany, or Zoology, was 23, as follows :- Mr. HERBERT S. TEw, Montreal, CE. Mr. CHAS. F. BULLEN, Delaware, C.W. " J. ll.OBKRTSON1 Georgetowo,P.E I. " JAMES PATTERSON, Almonte, " " DAVID ROBERTSON, Milton, c.w. ,, G&ORGE DIC!il, Milton, " " DAVID H. HARRISON, St.Mary's'' " JOHN Dooo, Port !:lope, " Rrca'D. A.KgNNEDY1 " " " Montreal,C.E. WM. KEMPT, Lindsay, 11 " D. A.. McDoNNELL, t.;ornwall, C. W. " MAR0EL RrcHAHD, Osnabrock, 1 "11 JOHN C. .ANDE1

HORATIO 0. BORRITT, Smith·s Fa.Us, C.W., S Fractures of the Lower { Extremity. Elephantiasis Bathurst, N.B., S Graeco- WILLIAM W. GORDON, { rum. JAl,lll:S L. MASON1 .M.A.1 Montreal, C.E., Modes of Death. JEAN B. BLAN0BmT1 Quebec, " Rhumatisme Aigu. S Some of the causes of FRANS: H. BRATHWAITE, Barrie, C.W.1 t Typhoid Feve1·. 5 Pulmonary Vesicnlar Lancaster, " ANllUB flfAcDONALD, { Emphysema. 9

JOJIN H. BURLAND, l!ontreal, 0.E., Ovarian Dropsy. L'Iofiuence des ages ALPHONSE BRODEUR1 Varennes, " i sur le developpement des Maladies. WILLIAM W. DICKSON, 5 Nature and modes of Packenbam, O.W., { Death. JAMES H, SAWYER, Bellev!lle, " Depression. ELI IVEB, Compton, C.E., Diphtheria. \ 5 Croup, its nature and ROBERT McINTOSH, Newcastle, c.w.,; i treatment. JoBN J. llfARSTON1 L'Orignal, " Marbus Coxarius. Pll:TER E. BROWN, Lake of 2 Mountains, O.E., Pneumonia. ALBB:Rl' E. SENKLER, Brockville, C.W., Enteric Fever, .ANTJINil A. DESAULNIERS, Riviere dn Loup, C.E., Dyspepsia, s · � Hemorrhagies Puer- PIERRE RAINVILLE, t. M ane d e M onnoir,O .E., (. perales. HONORIII THERIEN, Riviere David, O.E., Purgatifs. GEoRGIII ooD, w Shelford, " Psoriasis. DONALD J. GRANT, Glengarry, C.W., Scarlatina. r HENRY GnAHAM1 Bell's Corners, " Dysentery. WILLIAM E. BESSEY, Georgetown, " Anresthes'a. 5 Causes Occultes de� Louis P • .A. GRENIER, Lotbiniere, C.E., (. Maladies. EDWARD 0. MALLOCH,_ Ottawa, C.W., Arseoicum. WILLIAM C, GUSTIN, London, " Diphtheria. THOMAS Ross, Ay lwer,. C.E., Variola. Sketch of the Prac­ JAMES AYLEN " " � tice of �1edicine in tbe 1 uaci vilized world.

JAMES H. FULTO!l1 Winchester, C.W., Scrofulosis. ) Lariagite Pseudo- FRA!o!CIS D, THERIAULT, Beauharnois, C.E., / Membraneuse. FRANKLIN GoFORl'H, Thorold, C.W., Erysipelas. Variola. ,JAMES W!NNIET DIGBY1 Brantford, " PRIZES. The three University prizes,-given this Session by the Medical Faculty,-were awarded as follows: For the best Thesis, WM. C. GusTnr, London, C.W. For the best Examination in the Final Branches, JOHN ,J. MARSTON, L'Orignal, C.W. The prize for the best Examination in the Primary Branches, was divided equally between PETER A. MACDOUGALL, .Aylmer, O.E., RICHARD A. KENNEDY, Montreal, and O. F. BULLEN, Delaware, C.W. 'l.'he Professor's prize for M:i.teria Medica, was awarded to llNNETH REID, Montreal, C.E. The Professor's prizes in Clinical Medicine, to A. E. SEmu.ER, Brockville, cw., and KENNETH REID, :Montreal. \ In Botany the prize wa.s given to R1�HARJ? T. LANGRELL, Ottawa, C.W. In Zoology to J. McGILL Mourn1s, V1ttona, c.w. The Theses that were deemed worthy of competing for the prize, were t.hose of H. 0. BURRITT, WM. w. GoRDO!I and ROBERT MAO!NT0SR, 10 F,XTRACTS FRO)I THE REGULA'fIOXS OF '!'HF. FACULTY. CnAP. I. Relative to the Courses of MCiure$, lets, gr. l9t. Each Professor shall deliver at least five lectures during tbc' week, except in tbe classes of Clinical "edicine . and of Clinic�! Surg�ry, in woic!1. only two Lectures sball be rer1uired ; and 10 tbat of Medical Jurisprudence, ti e:11ended through six months, in whicll case tbree Lectures a week shall suf­ fice. 2nd. Each Lecture shall be of one hour's duration. 3rd. Every Professor shall occasional:y examine his class u�on !he subjects treated of in his preceding Lectures; and every such exammauon shall be considered a Lecture. 4th. A Roll of the names of the Students attending each class shall he called from time to time. 5th. All ticket; which have not a Certificate of attendance attached shall be reject•d when presented as testimonials previous to e:-:amination, unless the omission can be saltsfactorily o.ccountedfor, 6th. The Fee for class sho.11 be ::;l!l, with the following except ions: for that of Medical Jurisprudence, $10; for those of Clinical Medicine and Clinical Surgery, Stl each, for Botany and %oology, $5. The Class Fees aro payab'e in advance. 7th. Any Student, after having paid the fees, and attendtd two courses of any class, shall be entitled to a perpetual ticket for that class. 8th. The course of all the classPs, except those of Clinical Medicioe, Clini• cal Surgery and \ledical Jurisprudence. shall be of six months' duration; the Classes e,fClinicnl 'ltledicino nod of Clinical Surgery of tbreo months' dura­ tion; aod that of Medical Jurisprudence, either of three months' duration, in which case Five Lectures a week shall be given, or of six months' duration, in which case only Three Lectures a week shall be required. !!th. The courses shall commence on the first Monday in November, nod with the exception of a vacation at Christmas, shall continue to the end of April. Cnu. II. Of the Qualification ana Studic, of Student, and Candidate, for the Medical Degree. 1st. All Students desirous of attending the Medical Lectures. shall, at the commencement of each Session, enroll their names and residences in the Register of the Medical Faculty, and procure from the Registrar a ticket of �latriculation, forwhich each Student shall pay a fee of $2. 2nd. The said Register shall be closed on the 31st day of December in each year and no tickets obtained from any of the Professors shall be received without previous Matriculation. 3rd. No one shall bo admitted to the Deitree of Doctor of Medicine nod )laster of Surgery wh� shall not either; lstly have attended Lectures fora period of at least Four Sessions in this University ,or some other University, Collee;eor School of Medicine, approved of by this University; or 2ndly, hal"e studied medicine during at lenst Foor years, and during that time have attended Lec­ tures for a period of lit least Three Sessions either in this University or •omi, other Hnil"ersity, College or School of Medicine, npprove

timonials n t l r 4th. Candida di l ti n tes for tho fi al Examina ion shal fu nishn Tesb of at• te d11n on g n hesM e ca Educa o :: co the followin bra c of , T .inalomy, Ch,mistry, Theory u11dpr actice of Surgery Frinaplu ond practic, of .,u,g�ry1 i urses ,l!id1oif ld rr f ery 011d diseas,s of Wom l'h O "h ch tw uiredCo J,Jaltria ,lltdica and rn 0111/ r r will he o Phurmary req . C/1111ca l ftltdicint, Clinical Surgery, Practical .Rn11tomy, tu t , Imti tuof .llldici11, il Jur prnde r , ch ours Jfedicalo ! n t � lo whiill o equired C Zo ry, Of be ren e w . Bota11y, Provided, however, that Te timonials ui to, thouJ?h no prcclseh es eq valent t · ho o e be p en and acce p ted, the same as t se ab stat d, may res ted i i d v lso e 6th. The Candid•te must n giv proof by tcketl of ba• plng ntl t n c t llos tn or tbnd during twelve months the pmcricc of the Mon relll lite e a o s u r l , t of s me other Hospital, appro ed o by h l'n y. ,· • t i ivers m Gth. Moreover, no one h all be permitted 1,, become a C'andilate for exa l s c i ­ d ix h thisU niv i nation who shal not have atten ed a least One Sessione of ee ers ty, e r t ' cl r th six month ' and during that Session nt l astfou s mont s asss, o r s and wo three mo nth s' cl s ,cs. t a d is t di e h a l h o 7th .::i udentain Me cine wm b exain mined i Cl a yssics m n lo Eng me r . b n a time to ti b French Compo11i on, thol standard e g s c as m fro e e ned ti u det rmi y the Faci u ty. b e s 8th. Every Cand date for the deiree must,on or b fore thes fir t dayli m bis qna or April, present to the Denn of the Medical F&cnlt y testi onia of ur l fi• l g a di • cation•, entitling h m to an examination, and also a Theses or inaicu al s iy l ec ser atlon, written b himse f, on some eubject conn ted with Med e oro t�ur­ t h r s a f h lt y g H m , thegical s Science, eit erv in the Latin,Se gu11lish o FrenchP u l.nn uage g at am t m , d li ert th cr t o e ac tho followin 0crti• e i e e o e e ry t ru: ficatc: M n- u--18-. o f tor e g c of M • J, the undersigned, being d sirous of obtainin thet D�grcettni o Do ee g by «Jicine and &laater uf Sur ery, dohere declare tha I havell a nedualnc tt eago of twenty-one years, (or, if the case be to herwise th t 1 sha have a t e o l l a day), h of twenty-one years before th next graduation l ra dpprenti that Ice am no age es a p na to a t, (or shall not be at that time) under nrtc ns upt o ny P si i Su o r A o eca . hy c an, rge n o p th ry ed (Si gn ), A i h . n. nd date s all be 9.The trials to bo undergone by the C a ; u a. den i m p Stu 1st. The ma riculat on ua nation referredto inSection 'l s r n e ts t i i i f nnl will undergo this Examinat on in the first s;ission of utheirl attenda c , c•s n c y nllowed to pospooc it by spec al permis o the F a t . ed al t i s o v d li i nn 2nd. Tho private examina ion of his Thesesv ns e idence both of M c cl pp its p ub c defe . A a ed (if a ro e ) by di ncel n Gener l acquirement, follow d udr i 3rd. A general examinati�n on 1111 pe he branches of !!e ca �n S gtca o t , ns m fr m time to tune be de e •l Science either oral r y w rtUen pn rs ay o r ed h a b min hy t o F culty. in o r r \ This exam nation will be divided into Prima ry and F 11l, ledth fo me itucom• i f y ria i brancl hes o Anatomt n , Chemistry, .M11te lctlcica, Inst ,,rebending tho• latt th of P � oOlr.diei te , ofM d c n«-, n l r.oo gy or llo a y;t he er, ose rn nc e i a o 12

Surgery, Midwifery and Medical Jurisprudence. It will be optional with the student to present himself for the primary examination at the end of the third session. 10. The following Oath or affirmation will be exacted from the Candidate before receiving his Degree : SP0NSI0 ACADEMICA, In Facultate Medicinre Universitatis Collegii McGill. Ego, A--B---; Doctoratus in Arte Medics titulo jam donandus, sancto coram Deo cordium scrutatore, spondeo, me in omnibus, grati ani m officii� Universitatem ad extremum vitre balitum, perseveraturum tum porro artem medicam, caute, caste, et probe exercitaturum, et quoad in me est, omnia ad regrotorum corporum salutem cooducentia cum fide procu­ raturum; qure denique, inter medendum, visa vel audits silere conveniat, non sine gravi causa vulgaturum. Ita prresens mini spondenti adsit Numen. 11th. The fee for the degree of Doctor of Medicine and Surgery shall be twenty dollars, to be paid by the successful Candidate immediately after examination, together with a Fee of one dollar to the Registrar of the Medical Faculty. 12th. Tbe money arising from the Fees of Graduation, as well as those of Matriculation, shall be applied to the enlargement of the Medical Library and Museum, and to defraying their expenses.

BOOKS RECOMMENDED TO STUDENTS. ANATOMY.-Sharpey and Quain, Wilson, Ellis, Dublin Dissector and Grey. OHEIIIISTRY.-Graham, Kane, Silliman. M.11.TERIA ME010.11..-Pereira'sElements, Royle's Manual, Wood's Therapeutics, Stille's Therapeutics.-Pereira on Food and Diet.

INSTITUTES OF MEDICI:-111:, Physio!agy.-Carpenter's Principles of Human Phy­ siology, Kirke and Paget's Manual, Todd and Bowman's Physiological Anatomy. Physiology.-Williams' Principles of Medicine, Chomel and Vogel's General Pathology. SUlll¾ERY.-Paget's Surgical Pathology, Miller's Principles and Practice, Erichsen's Surgery, Druitt's do, Pirrie's do.

PRACTICE OF MED!CINE.-Wood's Practice of Medicine, Watson's Practice ot Physic, Hooper's Physicians' Vademecum by Guy, Barlow's Practice. MEDICAL J�SPRUDENOB.-Orfila Medicine Legal, Devergie Medicine Legal, Tbeorique et Pratique, Taylor's Jurisprudence, Guy's Forensic l\fediciue, Taylor on Poisons. i\fIDWil'ERY.-Churchill, Ramsbotham, Cazeaux.

N.B. Boarding may be obtained at from Twelve to Sixteen Dollars per Month. GRADUATES IN MEDICINE



1833. 9William Oscar Dunn, ..... , .•.. L.C. William Logie, ..••...•...•..••• L.C. Charles B. de Boucherville, ...... do 1834. •Andrew F. Holmes, ....[ad eun.J do Roderick Macdonald, ...... U.C. Geo. W. Campbell, M.A. [ad eun ] do •E. P. McNaughton, ...... L.C. Archibald Hall, ...... [ad eun.] do John Finlayson ...... Scotland. Stephen C. Sewell, ...... [ad eun.] do 1835. •Michael Mc Culloch, ...... [Hon.] do Joseph Workman,...... L.C . Oliver T. Bruneau, ....•...[Hon.] do Frederirk W. Hart, ...... do 1844. Pierre Dansereau, ...... do Eugene Trudel, ...... L.C. 1836. Philias Proulx,...... do William Sutherland,...... L.C. Rufus Holden, ...... U.C. •Louis H. Gauvreau, ..•...... •••L.C . Alexander Loni, ... , ...•...... L.O . Robert T. Reynolds, ...... U .O. William E. Scott, ...... do William Fraser,...... L.C. William H. Wagner, ...•.••..••. U.C. 1841. Robert Godfrey,...... ••.... L.O. Terrence Sparham, ..••...... U.O . 1845. Samuel iicMurray, ...... L.C. Pierre Fortin, .•...... •.••. L.C. Charles D. DeSelles, ...... do 1846. 1842. William Kelly, Surgeon, Royal "'Thomas Reynolds, ...... U.C. Artillery. •Thomas L . .B.Meredith, ...... L.C. "A. Thomas Jackson, StaffSur- David D. Logan, .•.•..•....•...•do geon in the .Army. Louis Boyer,...••.•• •...•.....• , do ".Andrew Aylmer Staunton, Sur• Charles Dansereau, ...... do geon. Royal Artillery. �James Thompson, ...... England Stephen Sewell Foster, ...... L. O. •James R.Dick, •.•...••...... L.O. •John Wilbrod Wilscam, ...... do 1843. • Alfred Malhiot, ...... do .Augustus Carson, .••...... England. James J. Dickinson, ...... U.C. •Severe Dorion, ...... L.C.•George Augustus Scriven, •••• John L. Leprohon, .•... •• ...... L 0. Henry Paradis, ...... L.C. Jean G.Bibaud, ...... do George D. Gibb,...... do \ .Jean M. Paquin, ...... do Peter H. Church,...... U.C. "Deceased. 14

1847. Olivier Raymond, .•.....••....U.C. George Edworth Fenwick, ...... L.C. •Josh. Morrin, Quebec, (Hon.) ...L.C. •John Duncan McDiarmid, Staff 1851. Surgeon iu the Army. Remi Olaude Weilbrenner, ...... L.C. Pete1· A. .�cDougall, ...... U.C. William H. Hingston, ....•..•... do William Mayrand, ...... L.C. "Peter O'Ca.rr,...... U.C . "Peter Warren Dease, .•.•...... do George McMicking, ...... do William H. Brouse, ...... U.C. Robert Walker ...... do Darby Bergin, ...... do Samuel T. Brooks, ...... L.C. •Christopher Widmer, Toronto, John J. Blacklock, ...... U.C. (Hon.) ...... U.C. Onesime Bruneau, .•.....•.....L.C. •James Sampson, Kingston,(Hon.)do Charles E. t:asgrain, ...... do •Daniel Arnoldi,Montreal,(Hon.) L.C. George Leclere, .•.•...... •do James Douglas, Quebec, (Hon.) do John W. Mount, ...... U.C. A. B. Larocque, ....••.••••• 1852. Samuel B. Schmidt, ...... do Robert Thompson, ...... L.C. •Johu Fisher, ...... L.C. Richard Weir, ...... !J.C . William Irwin Breslin, Asst Sur• Edward II.Bucke, ...... U.C. geon 46th Regiment of Line. Joseph Moore, ..•...... do *Alexis Pinet, ...... L.O. Joseph Garvey,...... do 1848. J oho Easton, ...... do T. W Smythe, ...... •...... U.C. Victor Perrault,· ...... •.L.C . Thomas Christie, •••...... L.O. Eric B. Spa.rha.�,...... U.C. Josiah G. Whitcomb, ...... do George Henry Boulter, ...... • John W. Hall,...... do Henry Thomas Ridley, ....••••• , do Josiah S. Brigham, ...... do Burnham G. G. Demorest,...•.•. do William McGill,...... U.C. Newton W. Powell...... do �John Rolph Lee, ...... do Allan Ruttan, ...... do A 1 bert Baker ...•...... England . Angus McDonnell, ...•••...•...L.C. JosPph R. Culver, .....• , ...•.• U.C. ;


John L. Sleveusou, ..••...... U.C. Jaweti Joseph o·Dea, ...... U.C. Ooller M. Church,...... L.C. Andrew W.Hamilton,...... ••• do John B. Gibson,.•.•...... •. do James McIntosh, ...... do George Pringle, ...... U.C. James Stephenson,...... do •James Paterson, ...... do •Thomas Keeler, ...... do Charles Ault, ...... • Samuel A. Carter,...... do James F. A.ult,....••••••...... do Irvine Bogart,...... do Elzear Gauvreau,...•...... L.C. Robert W. W. Carroll, ...... do 1856. William Ramsey, ...... '--..... do ' W. Justus Jones, ..••...... U.C . Walker R. \!arr, ...... , ...C .C. Joseph Alex. Hamel, ...... •..L.C. Geor�e W. Ilurlburt,...... do Ed. Laberge,...... ••...... •..• do �amuel S. Macklem, ...... do Jos. G. P. Dupuis, ...... do 1860. Al•x. II. Kollmyer,.....•.• Henry Warren, ...... C.W. Walter J. Henry, •..•... , ...... do Ale:rnnder A ult, ...•...... do • A. Kirk µatrick,...... U.C. Adolphe Robillard,...... do James C. Lee, ...•...... •.•do David Wooda, L.R. C. S. !.,Staff James McGregor Stevenson,..... do Surgeon, ...... C.E. "James Barnston, ...... (ad eun.)L.O. Louis G. Turgeon, ...... ••.do John Reddy, ...... •.(ad eun.) do John Erskine,...... do 1857. Gustave Chevalier, ...... ••.... do Alex. D.Stevens, ...... L.C . William P. 0. Whitwell, ...... •.. do Levi R. Church, ...... do Henri Adolphe i.\.lignault,...... do A. 0. E. Picault, ...•..•...... •.do Alexander McLean, ...... P.E.I. Henry Shoebottom, ..••.....• Arthur Courthopo Poussette, .. C.W. Robert Ho,vden,...... do Edwin Augustus Hulbert, ...... C.E. David T. Robertson,...... do John Wall worth Pickup, ...... do William Wilson,.•.••...... do William F.dward Bo,.man,· Etienne R.R. Riel, ...... U.O. Robert Wilkins Burnhnm,...... C.W. John Aylen, ...... L.O. George Loyd McKelcan, .•....•.do R. Whiteford,...... do Louis Hobitaille, •..•...... 0.E. R. N. Shaver,•••...... •••••U.C . Louis J. A. Mc \Iillan, .•...... • John Mc\1illan, ...... clo Israel Wood Powell ...... O.W. A.ndrew A. Boylan,...... •...... do Francis Wayland Campbell,.... O.E. Gordon J. Emery, ...... do Henry Thomas Tate, ...... • 1858. Charles II.Donnelly, ...••..... C.W. •James Kerr, ...... U.C. Louis Duhamel,...... do T. F. English, ••••••.••••...... do 1861. Jas. '.\1cGarry,...... L.C. John Rolph Malcolm, ...... O.W. Wm. Harkin, ...... do Ilerbert II. Read,...... N.S. •George Pattee, ...... do D ,vid L. Philip,...... C.W. L. T. Robitaille, ...... do Arthur Lyon,...... do Wm. H Taylor, ...... do Jacob E. Browse, ...... do O. W. E. Glenn, ...... •.do Henry Usher, ...... do James S. Duncan, ...... do Napoleon Leclair, ...... •...... do Alex. Peter Reid, ...... U .0. Fred. Dunbar Sutherland, ...... C.E. W. O. Thurlow Cunynghame,••• L.O. Peter McLaren,...... C.W. 1859. James Gun, ...... do Patrick O'Lear;, ..•..••..•••.L.C. Rufus Frederick Hamilton, ...•. C.E. John Rambaut, Surgeon, Cann- Donald McGillivray, .•...•••.. 0.W. dianRifles ...... Joseph M. Drake, ...... C.E. William A Duckett...... r,.C. Vinceslaus G. B. Chagnon, ...... do. •Edward W. Smith, ...•.... .• Ileriot Lindsay,...... •.... C. W. Phillippe Giroux, ...... do George W. Powers, ...... C.E. E. Gilbert Provost, ...... do George E. Gascoyne, StaffAs st. \ Stephen Wright, ...... do Surgeon,...... C.E. Linus O. Thayer,...... do Horace Nelson, ...... ••• Edwards T.Roberts, .•...... do Duncan McGregor,..... •..•.. C.W. William M. H. King, ...... do Charles Battersby, ..•.•...•••.•do 16

1862. William Wallace Gordon, ..•...N.B. Charles Richard Nicoll, Surg. James Lindsay Mason, ...•.... O.E. Major Grenadier Guards, •..O.E. J. B. Blanchet, ...... •••.. do John Edward Moffatt, StaffSurg. Francis H. Braithwaite, ...... C.W. Guards, ••...••.••••.... •••do .Angus MacDonald,...... • do Henry G. II. Lawrence, Asst. John II. Burland, ....•.....•.. C.E. Sorg. Grenadier Guards, ..•.do Alphonse Brodeur, •..•...... do Arthur G. Elkington,Asst. Surg. William W. Dickson, ..... : ....C. W. Scots F:,usilitir Guards, ••.•.•do James E. Sawyer, ...... do Edward Leltlis Lundy,StaffAsst. Elilves, ...... C. E. Surgeon,..••.....•.••.•••. clo Robert MacIntosh, ...... C.W. St.John Killery, StaffAsst. Surg. do John J. Marston,...... do Robert Atkinson, do do do Peter E. Brown,...... C.E. Thos. B. P. O'Brien, do do do A. E. Senkler, ...•...•.....•..0.W. James Lister,...... C.W. Antoine A. Desaulniers, ...... C.E. Fred. John Austin, .... , ..•.... C.E. Pierre Rainville,. . . . . • ...... do Richard Maurice Buck, .• ,, .... C.W. Honore Therien, ...... •.... do William S. Debonald, ...•....•O.E. George Wood, ...... •.....•.. do Edward Henry Trenholme, ...... do Donald J. Grant,...... C. W . Charles Howard Church, ....•.O.W. Henry Graham, ...... do Francis Lewis Mack,...... do William E. Bessey,...... do John .Alexander Stewart, ...•.P.E.I . L. P. A. Grenier, ...... C.E. David Beattie,...... • . , ....C.W. Edward 0. Malloch, ...... C.W. John Wherry, ...... •..•.....C. E. William Claude Gustin, ...... do Alfred Bellew, ...... do Thomas Ross ...... do George Ashbold Chesley, ...•. O.W. James Aylen, ...... l,�. ,Tames Gordon Strowbridge, .• James H. Fulton, ...•...•••... C.W. Donald Peter Campbell,...•.... do F. D. Theriault, ...... C.E. John Harkness, ...... do Franklin Goforth, ..•...... C.W. 1863. Jamea Winniet Digby,...... do Horatio C. Burritt,.....•.. ... C.W.


Session 1862-3. (1st Year.) Deigneau, Stanislaus, Mont1·eal,O.E Dubuc, Charlemagne, " " .Alexander, John, Mascouche, C.E. Duclos, Esrom, A. 11 " Blanchet, Jean B., Quebec, " Dufort, Thadde Apolinaia, St. Brandon, John, Lambton, C.W. Mark, u Burch, Benjamin Franklin, Dougan, William, St. Catbe- Lachute, C.E. rines, C.W. Barrows, Philip Palmer, Otta- Ferguson, John Candlish, wa, C.W. Cumberland 11 Campbell, Samuel, Williams­ Forrest, James Royse Vansit- town, " tart, Saguenay, " Cassady, John, Goderich, " Falkner, Alexander. Lancaster, " Chaput, Narcisse, St. Hyacin­ Finnigan, Michael Peter, Eden, the, C.E. Vermont, U.S. Clark, Willoughby, Bowman- Ferguson, .Alexander Roy, "Ville, C.W. Glengarry, C.W. Cooke, Charles Henry, Brant- Fraser, Duncan Robertson, ford, " Montreal, C.E. Oar, Frank, Charlottetown, P .E.I. Grenier, Louis, P.A., Lotbin- Cutler, Frederick Augustus, iere, •• Sutton, C.E. 17

i i!, e - R nv1\ 0 St. l[arie do raham, Ad m r . a a on rr , G a Clo. S C t C E ther nes • M _ I ll nd . i out s C.W. d i d, Le H Bowman- Gardner, William, S . L , C .E Rei s er o a , o l t b CW Gendr n, Alfre , St. Hugul' es, ville, trick . e " t St An• vel, Jos , R erson, Pa , . 11 Gra ph A pbons St. o re Antoinl', " d wP th " dfrey, Abraham C • Roy, Albe;t,r e St. Hyacinl e Go o Cros , hi s on , C.E cag Ro , Geo g, M t eads , n , Illinois, U.S. R berts, .C Edwar Fred d iam . - Gendro , Thomas, Beauport, C . o r Jo r , • .}' es N.R frey, e ill , e ict n, non Alfrd W Mon T mple,J Alge Cl\'C- Go treal, " ee am r , A e , C E ernon, A . fl - b r ll . . Gu delai e J ,St y V coe, ll Lidd Fin- acinthe d .E er eu y e , , O W. . C. . i;all, o t l C.W Hays, James,Simcoe, n1 a - C E. Hervey, e Jonrui Jones, Brockvi ll , '' \'era er, J cques, ?if n ren , e W ller, S William, Mon- Hunt, H nryBleeker, Belleville, 11 amuel . trcal, , aacson, m w n, Mon• t e , Is Willia Ed i C. li ue ", treal, B Wrigh a, l'hil mon, llull, . l a Cl Wakehh m, Wil m, Qr am bec Irvine, James Clarke, lllontrea , " m n , l W a Ed o d, Yt kson, Josep F • C a , Du arh , Jac h h Addison, re E Id .J lig burgh, . u [2 o s tvil owles, Jame e er, W Ao dncr,on, Alcxaudor Oe rgia,O.W· Kn o s Al xaud l 1ns 1 l e, . w , :-il John,h Komph " Cookst wn, o C B 1m o l t t y, Wmoilby, Kemp, Simon, M ntreal,t r1 Rousseau, David, Quebec, C.F.. Aylmer, " Reid, Kenneth, Montreal, " \Cassey, George, Montreal " Robf'rtson, James, George- McCord, John Davidson, town, P.E.I. .Montreal, II Richardson, John R., Quebec, C.E. Pica.ult, M. J. A. Montreal, " Redner, Horace P., Belleville, t1 Phelan, Cornelius, J. F. R., Sherk, Geotrge, Walpole, C.W. Montreal, t1 Switzer, Egerton Ryerson, Pinet, Alexander R.1 St. Lau- Earnest-Town, " rent, " Vincent, Noel, Montreal, C. E. Stafford, William Augustus, Wood, Hannibal Whitney, Dun- Montreal, " barut '' Tew, Herbert Sayer, Montreal, " Woodill,Alfred He.ily,Shelburn,N.S. (41h Year,) Webb, James Thomas, .Mon• Aylen, James, Aylmer, C.R. treal, 0. E. Brown, Peter Eli, Lake of two Warmington, William,Montree.1, " Mountains " Warren,Riche.rd, Oshawa., C. W. Church, Miles Kemblo, Mer• rickville C.W (3rd Year Students ) Carr, William Herron.nus,Ham­ Anderson, John Colborne, SorelC.E. ilton, ", Henry, Whitby, C.W. Desaulniers, Antoine, Riviere Burritt, Roratio C., Smiths' du Loup, O.E. Falls, " Fulton, G. Harvey, Winches- Bessey, William Elijah, George- ter, C.W. town, " Gordon, W. Walle.ce,Bo.tburst, " Brodeure, Alphonse, Varrennes,C.E. Grant,Donald Ja.mes, Glenge.rry, " Brathwaite, Frank H. Barrie C.W. Gustin, William C., London, " Beaudet, Alfred,Coteau du Le.c,O.E. Graham, Henry, Bell's Corners, 11 Burland, John G., Montreal, " Ilall, James Burgess, Montreal, O.E. Burland, John H., St. Johns, u Malloch, Edward C., Otta.we., C,W Rullen, Charles li'rancis, Del- McDonald, Angus, Lancaster " aware C.W. Merrick,Edga.r Hamilton, Mer• Crichton, Stewart, Prescott, " rickville, " Dodd, John, Port Hope, " Mason, J. Lindsay, Montreal, C.E Dickson, William W e.lle.ce, Marston, John J., L'Orignat, " Pe.ckenhe.m, II Morrison, Wm. 8.1 Waddington,U.S Goldstone, Edward Arthur, McIntosh, Robert, New IJastle,C.W Coburg, Cl Robertson, Charles, Quebec, C.E. l\'ee,Eli, Compton, C.E. Ross, Thomas, .Aylmer, " .Tones, John Cornelius, Pres• Sawyer, James H., Belleville, C.W. cott, O.W. Scnkler, Albert Edward,Brock- Kennedy, Riebe.rd A.,Montreal, O.E. ville 11 Kempt, William, Lindsay, C.W. Therien, Honore, River David, O.E McG!ashe.n, Andrew, Toronto, " Thereault, F. D., Beanbarnoi�, " \layball, F.dward, Montreal, C'.E. Wood, George, Shefford, ··-