Faculty of Medicine
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f ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT /^ OF THE ..uca. FACULTY OF MEDICINE M'GILL UNIVERSITY, 03^ O :DJ *2? :FL £3 wdu XL*, FOR THE TIimi^Y-FIFTH SESSION. \PR 1 lib? JOFLV 0. BECKET, PRINTER, 84 GREAT St. JAMES STREET. 1867. \^^^ ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMIENT OF THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE M'GILL UNIVERSITY, 3\a: o r^ T* ft. X3 .^L Xj, FOR THE THIRTY-FIFTH SESSI01S\ 1867-66. JOHN C. BECKET, PRINTER, 84 GREAT St. JAMES STREET. 1867. ) MCGILL UNIVERSITY, MONTREAL. VISITOK. His Excellency The Rjght Hon. Viscount Mgnck, Governor General of British North America, &c. CORPOKATION. GOVERNOES :— * (Being the Mtmbers of the Royal Institution for the Advancetnetu cf Learning. The Hon. Charles Dewey Day, LL.D., President, and Chancellor of the Uni- versity. The Hon. James Fbrrier, M.L.C. The Hon. John Rosb, M.P.P. Thomas Brown Anderson, Esq. Peter Rbdpath, Esq. Andrew Robertson, M.A. John Frothingham, Esq. Christopher Ddnkin, M,A.,D.C.L.,M,P.P, David Torrance, Esq. William Molson, Esq. George Moffatt, Esq. Alex. Morris, M.A., D,C.L.,M.P.P. John H. R. Molson, Esq. Principal :— John William Dawson, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., Vice- Chancellor. Fellows :— Ven. Archdeacon Leach, D.C.L., LL.D., Vice-Principal, and Dean of the Faculty of Arts. Henry Aspinwall Howe, M.A., Rector of the High School. Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, D.C.L., Dean of the Faculty of Law. Brown Chamberlin, M.A., D.C.L. Sir William E. Logan, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S. George W. Campbell, M.A., M.D., Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. John H. Gkaiiam, M. A., Principal of St. Francis College, Richmond. Rev. John Cook, D.D., Principal of Morrin College, Quebec. Alexander Johnson, LL.D., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philoso- phy, McGill University. Rev. George Cobnish, M.A., Professor of Classical Literature, McGill Uni- versity. W. Fbasbr, M.A., Professor of Institutes of Medicine, McGill T^niversity. P. R. Lafrenaye, B.O.L., Professor of Jurisprudence, McGill University. Rbv. Adam Lillib, D.D., Professor of Theology in the Congregational College of British North America. T. K. Ramsay, M.A., Professor of Civil Law, Morriu College. Robert A. Leach, M.A., B.C.L. Robert T. Godfrey, M.D. Frederick W. Torranci, B.C.L., Professor of Civil Law, McGill University. Charles Peers Davidson, M.A., B.C.L. Edward Hbnby Tbenholme, M.D., B.C.L. SECRETARY", REGISTRAR, AND BURSAR :— (And Sttretary if the Royal Instilution ) William Craig Baynes, B.A. OfBcc, Burnside Hall. Office hours, 10 to 2. Residence, Centre Building, McGill College. — The thirty-fiflh Sessiou of the University, being the fifteenth under its amended charter, will commence in the Autumn of 1867. The classes in the Faculty of Arts will open on the 16th of September, those in the Medical Faculty, on the 4th of November, those in the Law Faculty, on the 5th of November, and those of the High School and McGill Normal School on the 2nd of September. The courses of Study in the University, and the distinctions which it offers may be summed up as follows : I. McGILL COLLEGE. Tab Faccltt of Arts.—The complete course of study in Arts extends over four Sessions, of eight months each ; and includes Classics and Mathe- matics, with English Literature, Logic, Mental and Moral Science, Na- tural Science, and Modern Languages : all of which subjects are impera- tive in the three first years of the Course ; but in the fourth year options are allowed in favour of the Honour Courses in Classics, Mathematics, Mental and Moral Science, Natural Science, and English Literature. Certain exemptions are also allowed to Professional Students. There are also Special and Partial Courses, and facilities are afforded for the prac- tice of Meteorological Observations, and for the Study of Hebrew and Oriental Literature. The degrees given are B. A. and M. A. The Faculty of Medicinb.—The complete course of study in Medicine extends over four Sessions, of six months each, and leads to the degree ofM. D., CM. Thb Facci-ty of Law.—The complete course in Law extends over three Sessions, of six months each, and leads to the degrees of B. C. L. and D. C. L. IL AFFILIATED COLLEGES. MoRBiN College, Quebec ; St." Francis College, Richmond ; and The Congregational College of British North Ambrica, Montreal, are affiliated to the University. III. AFFILIATED SCHOOLS. The High School of McGill College affords the Classical and Mathema- tical training necessary for entering the College course, with a good English education fitting for business pursuits. Thb MoGill Normal School provides the training requisite for Teachers of Elementary and Model Schools and Academies. Teachers trained in this School are entitled to Provincial diplomas. The Model Schools of tub McGill Normal School are Elementary Schools, divided into a Boys' Department, Girls' Department and Primary Schools. Teachers in training in the Normal School are employed in these SchoolB, under the supervision of the Head Master and Mistress. The following '' Announcement," relates wholly to the Faculty of Medi- full cine ; but details of the Courses of Study, conditions of Matriculation, Fees, &c., in the other Faculties and Departments, will bo found ia the Annual Calendar of the Univbbsitt, which may be obtained on application to the Principal or Secretary. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. GEORGE W. CAMPBELL, A.M., M.D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery, and Dean of the Faculty, 707 Sherbrooke Street. ARCHIBALD HALL, M.D., Professor of l Midwifery, and the diseases of Women and Children 186 Bleury Street. WILLIAM FRASER, M.D., Professor of the Institutes of Medicine, Corner of Genevieve and Dorchester Streets. WILLIAM SUTHERLAND, M.D., Professor of Chemistry, 219 Dorchester Street, WILLIAM E. SCOTT, M.D., Professor of Anatomy, 34 Beaver Hall Terrace. WILLIAM WRIGHT, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica and Pharmacy, and Registrar of the Faculty, 489 Craig Street. ROBERT P. HOWARD, M.D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine, 9 Beaver Hall Hill. DUNCAN C. McCALLUM, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence, 152 Craig Street ROBERT CRAIK, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery, Corner Craig Street and Place D'Armes Hill, G. E. FENWICK, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy, 24 Beaver Hall Terrace. ——— I^aittjj of §UAm\t The Principal, (ex-oflScio.) Professors, Campbell. Hall. Fbasgr. Sdthbrland. Scott. Wright. Howard. McCallcu, Craik. Demonstrator, Dr. Fenwick. , Dean of the Faculty,— G. W. Campbell, A.M., M.D. Registrar, Wis. Wright, M.D. The thirty-fifth Session of the INIedical Faculty of the McGill University, will be opened on Monday, 4th November, 1867 ; and be continued during the sis months following. McGill University having been included among the Universities recognized by the Medical Council of Great Britain and Ireland, its degree has accordingly been registered by that Council, thereby placing the graduates of this University upon the same footing, and investing them with the same privileues as Physicians or Surgeons in the Old Country. The class tickets for the various courses are accepted as qualifying candidates for examination before the Universities and Colleges of Great Britain and Ireland, and also before the Medical Boards of the Army and Navy. To meet the circumstances of General Practitioners in British North America, where there is no division of the profession into Physicians and Surgeons exclusively, the degree awarded upon gra- duation is that of " Doctor of Medicine and Master Jn Surgery." This designation is also appropriate, from agreeing with the general nature and equable character of the previous curriculund demanded — of the candidates for this double rank, as is fully specified hereafter. The degree is received by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and by the Council of Medical education and Registra- tion of Upper Canada. To intending students desirous of information upon the best man- ner of pursuing their studies, the following suggestions are made by the Faculty : (1.) Exclusively of general education, professional reading for some time previously to matriculation is advised as a preparation, whereby familiarity with technical terms will be gained, and an insight obtained into the subject to be brought under notice during lectures. (2.) Though three years constitute the shortest time required for College attendance, yet the student is at liberty to extend this as much further as he pleases the addition of a year, or even two, is ; considered to be a great benefit, for it obviates the crowding of branches within too brief a term, and permits of a more extensive attainment of the topics they embrace. (3.) Attention is recommended to be given during the first Session to the primary branches entirely; during the second Session an increase is proper, and two of the final courses may be profitably conjoined with such of the antecedent as are required; while during the remaining period further advance is to be made by completing the curriculum required of the candidate for graduation. Clinical courses should not be taken out during the first Session. Matriculation is necessary every Session ; it is required upon en- trance or as nearly afterwards as possible, and always before any class tickets are procured. The llcgister is closed annually in the month of December. Class tickets are payable in advance, and if not taken out within the prescribed period of the current session, will not be granted after its expiration. The ample and varied means which are placed at the disposal of the student by tliis .school, in its spacious accommodations and abun- dant provisions, together with the large liospitals in connection with it, are briefly referred to in the following pages.