Am ouncement 1865 - 1866

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OF THE M c G I L .L U N I "\;' E R S I T Y,

M 0 ;._ :r ~r 1~ E .A L, 1 8 6 5-6. : . -:. .-_:_---=---- /. \~~~~~ ~~-~~~-a~ (~-\-~~ ~ L.e..) . ANNUAL ANNOU JCE il~NT



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186f>. His Excellency Tnn: TirGHT Ho~. Vrsuoux·r :\lo~m, G(}vt>rnnt· General (Jf British .. ~orth .America, &c. C 0 H P 0 R ~\. 1' I 0 X .

GovERXORc: The Hon. CHARLES DEWEY DAY, LLD., Pre.,irlcn/ owl Chancellor of the Um- versity. The Hon. JAMES FERRIER, M L.C Tno:\IAS BRow~ AxnEnso~, Esq. BEKJAMIN HoL:llEs, Esq. ANDREW RoBERTSON, l\LA. CHISTOPHER DUNKIN, i\I.A., :\I.P.P. WILLIA.ll l\loLsoN, Esq. ALEXANDER Monms, M.A., D.C.L., :\LP.P. The Hon. JoHN RosE, ~I.P.P. PETER R.mPATH, Esq. PRINCIP.\.L JoHN \VrLLIA:.r DAwso~, LL.D., F.RS., F.G.S, Vzce-Chancellor. FELLOWS: Rev. C.A:SON LEACH, D.C.L., LL.D., Vice-Principal and Dean of the Faculty of Arts. HENRY AsPINW ALL HowE, M.A., Rector of the Hig-h School. Hon. J. J. C. ABBOTT, B.O.L., Dean of the Faculty of Law. BROWN CHAMBERLIN, M.A., B.C.L. w. B. LAMBE, B.C.L. Sir WILLIA.M E. LoGAN, LL.D., F.R.S., P.G.S. GEoRGE W. CA.MPBELL, :JI.A., M.D., Dr,an of the Faculty of :\Ieclicine.

JoHN II. GRAHA:\!1 :,\LA., Principal of St. Francis College, Richmond. Rev. Jon~ CooK, D.D., Principal of :\Ion·in College, . ALEXANDER JoHNSON, LL.D., Professor of .Mathematics and Natural Philoso- phy, :\IcGill University. • ReV'. GEoRGE CoRNISH, ~I.A., Professor of Classical Literature, McGill Uninr- sitY. W. FnASER, !~(D., Professor of Institutes of Medicine, :McGill University. P. R. LAFRENAY~, B.C.L., Professor of Jurisprudence, l\lcGill University. Rev. EDWIN HATCH, B.A., Professor of .\Ioral Philosophy, Morrin College. Rev. An.A.M LILLIE, D.D, Professor of Theology in the Congregational College of British North America. T. K. R.A.MSAY, M.A., Professor of Civil Law, Morrin College. RoBERT A. LEACH, lll.A., B.C.L. WrLLIA:\I SuTHERLAND, M.D., Professor of Chemistry, ::IIcdical Faculty, ::IIcGill University. RoBERT T. GoDFREY, M.D. FREDERICK W. ToRRANCE, B.C.L., Professor of Civil Law, :.'IIcGill University.

SECRETARY, REGISTRAR, AND BURSAR: WrLLI.A.M CRAIG BAYNES, B.A. Office, Burnside Hall. Office Hours, 10 to 2. Residence, Centre Building, McGill College. 3

The Thirty-third Se::.1)ion of thi University, being the Thirteenth under the amended charter, will commence in the Autumn of 1865. By virtue of the Royal Charter granted in 1821 and amended in 1852, the Governors, Principal, and Fellows of McGill College, con­ stitute the Corporation of the University, and under the statutes framed by the Board of Governors, with approval of the Visitor, have the power of granting degrees in all the Arts and Facultie~, in l\IcGill College and in Colleges affiliated thereto. The Statutes and Regulations of the University have been framed on the most liberal principles, with the view of affording to all cbsse:-;. of persons the greatest possible facilities for the attainment of mental culture and professional training. In its religious character the University is Protestant, but not denominational; and, while all possible attention will be given to the character and conduct of students, no interference with their peculiar religious views will be sanctioned.

I. l\IcGILL COLLEG-E. THE FACULTY OI<' ARTS.-The complete course of study in Artr-> extends over four Sessions, of eight months each; and includes , Classics and Mathematics, with English Literature, Logic, Mental and Moral Science, Natural Science, and l\Iodern Languages: all of which subjects are imperative in the three first years of the Course; but in the fourth year options are allowed in favour of the Honour Courses in Classics, Mathe­ matics, Mental and lVIoral Science, Natural Science, ancl English Literature. Certain exemptions are also allowed to professional students. There are also Special and Partial Courses, and facilities are afforded for the practice of Meteo­ rological observations, and for the study of Hebrew and Oriental Literature. The degrees given are B.A. and 1\l.A.

THE F.\.CULTY Ol!' 1\IEDICINE.-The complete course of study in .Medccine extends over four Sessions, of six months each, and leads to the degrees of M. D., C. 1\I. fHE FACULTY OF LAw.-The complete course in Law extends over three Sest5ions, of six months each, and leads to the de- grees of B. C. L. and D. C. L.

1I. A:b'.FILIATED COLLEGES. Students of theDc Colleges arc matricu.latecl in t~e University, a~d may pursue their cour~e of study wholly m the affihated college, or m part therein and in part in the :Faculty of Arts of the McGill College and may come up f'ur.the University Examinations for the degrees in .Art8 on the same term~ with the Students of M.cGill College. 4

::\IoRRIN CoLLEGE, Quebec, L. c.,-is affiliated in so far as regards · degrees in Arts. The ordinary Course of this College in­ cludes Classics, Mathematics, English Literature, Mental and ~!oral Philosophy and Logic. There are Honour Courses in Classics and in Mental and Moral Philosophy. THE FACULTY OF LAW of Morrin College has been recognised by the Uni versi ty. [Detailed information may be obtained from the Rev. John Cook, DD., Principal.] ST. FltANCIS CoLLEGE, Richmond, L. c.,-is affiliated in so far as regards degrees in Arts.

[Detailed information may be obtained from J. H. Grabam, ~I A., Principal.]

III. AFFILIATED THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE. Affili"ated Theological Colleges have the right of obtaining for their Students the advantage in whole or in part of the course of study in Arts, with such facilities in regard to exc.mptions as may be agreed on. rrHE CoNGREGATIONAL COLLEGE OF BRITISH NoRTH A~IERICA, .i:lfontreat, is at present the only affiliated Theological College.

IV. AFFII.IATED SCHOOLS. THE HIGH ScHOOL OF .McGlLr. CoLLEGE affords the Classical and Mathematical training necessary for entering the College course, with a good English education fitting for business pursuits. THE McGILL NOR:\IAL ScrrooL provides the training requisite for Teachers of Elementary and l\Iodel Schools and Academies. Teachers trained in this School are entitled to Provincial diplomas. THE l\IoDEL ScHooLs OF TIIE l\Ic.GILL NoR:\IAL ScHOOL are Ele­ mentary Schools, divided into a Boys' Department, Girls' De­ partment, and Primary school. Teachers in training in the Normal School are employed in these Hchools, under the su­ pervision of the Head .!\I aster and Mistress. The followin~ "Announcement,'' relates wholly to the ]'acuity of J\Iedicine, but full details of the Courses of ~tudy, conditions of l\Iatriculation, Fees, &c., in the other Faculties and Departments will be found in the ANNUAL CALENDAR Of THE UNIVERSITY, which may be obtained on application to tlw P;rincipal, or Secretary. FACULTY OF MEDICINE.

GEORGE \V. CAMPBELL, A.l\T., 1\I.D. Professor of the Principles and Practic3 of Surgery and Dean of the Faculty, 707 SherbrooJ-e Street. ARCHIBALD HALL, M.D., Pwfe.ssor of Midwifery, and the Discuses of \\r omen and Childrt:n, 186 Bleury Street. vVILL IA M FRASEH, .i\I.D., Professor of the Institutes of Medicine, 234 Dorchester Street, West. WILLIA.i\1 SUTHERLAND, 1\l.D., Professor of Chemistry 215 Dorchester Street, West. ·wrLLIAM E. SCOTT, 1\T.D., Professor of Anatomy, H St. Bona-venture Street. \VILLIA.i\I WRIGIIT, M.D., Professor ofl\'fateria l\Iedica and Pharmacy, and Registrar of the Faculty, 439 Craig Street. ROBERT P. HOvV ARD, l\I.D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine, 9 Beaver Hall Hill. DU.:.TCAN C. l\lcCALLUl\f, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine and l\Iedical Jurisprudence, 152 Craig Street ROBERT 0 UAIK, l\I.D., Profetisor of Clinical Surgery, 1 Place D' Armes Hill. GEORGE E. FENWICK, 1\I.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy, 4 Beaver Hall Terrace. JOSEPH l\L DRAKE, l\l.D, Curator of l\luseum, )fontreal General Hospital.

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, , ------'fhe Principal (ex. officio.) frofessors,-0 .AMPB ELL. HALL. FRA.SER. SUTHERLAND. ScoTT. WRIGHT. How anD. McCALLUM. CRAIK. Demonstrator,-Dn. FENWlCK. Dean of the Faculty,-G. W. C.AMPBELL, A.M., :M.D. The thirty-third Session of the l\'Iedical Faculty of the l'lfcGill University, will be opened on l\Ionday, 6th November, 1865; and will be continued during the six months following. .. To meet the circumstances of General Practitioners in British ~orth America, where there is no division of the profession into Physicians and Surgeons exclusively, the degree awarded upon grad­ uation is that of "Doctor of Medicine and Master in Surgery." This designation is also appropriate, from agreeing.. with the general nature and equable character of the previous curriculum demanded of th2 candidates for this double rank, as is fully specified hereafter. The degree is received by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of , and upon ownership being proved, admits the holder to become a Licentiate of that body, and to practice Physic, Surgery, and Midwifery. It also entitles the holder te the Provincial License for , upon attestation before a country Judge, and payment of $4. to the Provincial Secretary. To intending students desirous of information upon the best man­ ner of pursuing their studies, the following suggestions are made by the Faculty :- (1.) Exclusively of general education, professional reading for some time previously to matriculation is advised as a preparation, whereby familiarity with technical terms will be gained, and an insight obtained into the subjects to be brought under notice during lectures. (2.) Though three year. constitute the shortest time required for Col­ lege attendance, yet the Student is at liberty to extend this as much further as he pleases ; the addition of a year, or even two, is consider­ ed to be a great benefit, for it obviates the crowding of branches with­ in too brief a term, and permits of a more extensive attainment of the topics they embrace. (B.) Attention is recommended to be given during the first Session to the primary branches entirely; during the second Session an increase is proper, and two of the final courses may be profitably conjoined with such of the antecedent as are required ; while during the re­ waining period further advance is to be made by completing the cur­ riculum required of the candidate for graduation. Cl'nical courscH should not be taken out during the first Session. :Matriculation is necessary every Session; it is required upon en­ trance or as nearly afterwards as possible, and always before any clas:-~ tickets are procured. The Register is closed annually in the month of December. Class tickets must be taken out within the prescribed period of the current session, and will not be granted after its expir­ ation. The ample and varied means which are placed at the disposal of the student by this school in its spacious accommodations and abun­ dant provisions, together with the large hospitals in connection with it, are brl.efl.y referfed to in the following pagcR.


~rhe number of Professors in the Faculty is nine ; the number of Classes, ten ; two of the classes (often conjoined in European Schools) being held by one Professor. 1. A~ATmiY.-(Prof. Scott)- Thc fresh subject is chiefly em­ ployed in the illustrations of the Lectures in this branch, aided how­ ever, by dried preparations, wax models, plates full size of life, &c. The Dissecting Room is under the direction of the Professor, aided by the Demonstrator of Anatomy. It is open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., being lighted with gas. All the usual cop.veniences are supplied, and the Demonstrator will be in attendance to :u~sist tl1e pupils l.n their operations. 2. CHE::\IISTRY.-(Prof. Sutherland)-Inorganic Chemistry it) fully treated : and a large portion of the course is devoted to Organic Chemistry and its relations to Physiology. The branches of Physics bearing upon or connected with Chemistry, also engage the attention of the class. For experimental illustration, abundant apparatus i~ possessed by the Professor, among which may be enumerated, a powerful Air Pump-Oxy-Hydrogen l\Iiscroscope-Polariscope-cx­ ten ive series of Crystallographical models-Electrical and Galvanic apparatus, &c., &c. • 3. MATERIA l\IEDICA.-(Prof. \Vright)-This course is illustrat~ ed from a Cabinet of Pharmacological objects; by plates of :Medicin­ al Plants, (Wagner, Roque, Stephenson and Churchill)-by dried pecimens ; by carefully prepared l\Iicroscopical objects, &c., &c. Analytical experiments with the ordinary re-agents, are also shown; and diagrams, with other illustrations, are used. 4. INsTITUTES OF l\IEDICI~E.-(Prof. Fraser )-under which are comprised Histology, Physiology, General Pathology and Geaeml Therapeutics. The minute Structure and Composition ofthe various OrganB, and the Fluids and Ti~sues of the body in health and dis­ ease are explained and illustrated by .Micro"copic Preparations, Plates and Preparations from the Museum.

5. PRACTICE OF MEDICI~E.-(Prof. Howard)-The extensive fleries of plates contained in the Library, Libert, Cruveilhier, Cars­ well, Hope, Alibert, Willis, Bateman, &c., &c., will be employed; also l\Iorbid Preparations and models of diseased parts. G. SURGERY.-(Prof. Campbell)-Divided into Principles and Practice, including Surgical Anatomy and Operative Surgery, exhibi~ ed on the subject.-Quain's large plates, Maelise, Dalrymple, &c. The various surgical instruments and apparatus exhibited, and their uses and application explained and practically illustrated. 7. lVIIDWIFERY.-(Prof. Hall)-Includingcliseases of females and infants, illustrated by a series of Drawings on a large scale; by hu­ mid Preparations; by models in wax ; and by the use oftl10 artificial Pelvis. 8. MEDICAL JuRISPRUDENCE.-(Prof. 1\IcCallum)-Includes Toxicology-the modes of testing for poisons are exhibited, and post­ mortem .appearances illustrated by plate~-Insanity, Public Hygiene and 1\Iedical Police are touched upon. 10

9. CLINICAL MEDICINE.-(Prof. McCallum)-Taught by lecture .. and at the bed side-Physical Diagnosis taught practically and each pupil invited to take part in it.-Examination of the urine, chemically and microscopically explained and illustrated. 10. CLINICAL SuRGERY.-(Prof. Craik)-Taught in similar man­ ner. For both these Classes ample material is afforded by the cases at the Montreal General Hospital. 11. In addition to the above classes, Students are required to at­ tend one course of Botany and one course of Zoology.

LIBRARY AND :MUSEUM. The Library contains upwards of 3,500 volumes, including the most useful books for reference, as well as the most elementary ones; the works of the older authors as well as the most recent. It is open to the Student without charge, under necessary regulations for the care of the books. The Museum contains a large number of preparations, chiefly pathological ; also, wax and papier m ache mouels.

HOSPITALS. The Montreal General Hospital is visited every day by the Medi­ cal officers in attendance. After the visit a large number of out-door patients are examined and prescribed for. The Fee for :1. six months ticket is Six Dollars ; for perpetual, Sixteen Dollars. The Operating Room (used also for a lecture room) is so con­ ~atructed as to suit the convenience of the Students in obtaining a good view of the operations going on. The University Lying-in-Hospital is under the direction of the Pro­ fessor of Midwifery. Students who have already attended one course of his lectures, are furnished with cases in rotation. The Fee for a six months' ticket is Five Dollars.

PAST SESSION. The number of Matriculated Students in the past Session was 177: of these 90 were from Canada East, 72 from Canada "YV e.st, 3 from Nova Scotia, 1 from New Brunswick, 4 from Prince Edward Island, and 6 from the United States. 11

1 The number of Students who passeu the Primary Examination, which includes Anatomy, Chemistry, l\Iateria Medica, Institutes of Medicine, and Botany or Zoology, was 35, as follow :- )fr. Jorus J. HERVEY, Brockville, C.W. Mr. ALEX. ANDERSON, Georgina, C. W. " Jurns B. HALL, Montreal, C. E. " JoHN BuRGEss, Belleville, " " ALEX. F ALKNER, Lancaster, C. W. " PmLIP BuRRows, Ottawa, "

" RoBT. C. BLAIR1 Ha ba Bay, C. E. " PATK. RoBE&TSoN, St. Andrews, 11 GEoRGE DuNCAN, Montreal, " C. E. " JoHN R. MACKIE, :Melbourne, " " WM. Gt..RDNER, Beauharnois, " " GEoRGE Ross, Montreal, '' " JAs. A. KNOWLES, Cookstown,C.W. '' THos. D. LANG, Owen Sound, C. W. " JAs. C. IRVINE, Montreal, C. E.

" JoHN G. CuLLEN1 Ottawa, " " FRANK Cox, Charlottetown, P.E.I. " BENJ. F. Buacu, Fort Codington, '' CoRNELIUS J. F. R. PHELAN, St. N. Y. Oolomba, C. E. '' JA:MES HAYEs, Simcoe, C. W. " CHARLEsE.HICKEY1 EastWilliams- " JuLIUS LEAVITT, Melbourne, C. E. burg, C. W.

'' EDMONDLONGLEY1 Waterloo, C. W. " THOMAS GENDRO , Quebec, C. E. " CHAS. S. PARKE1 Quebec, 0. E. " ALEX. R. FERGUSSON1 Williams- " WM. WA.KEHA:t.r, " '' town, 0. W. " ALEX.C.SAVAGE, Gloucestcr,C.W. " RuFus S. PARKER, Newport, N. S. " EDMOND 0. WALsH, Durham, C. E. " WrLLIAM FULLER, London, C. W " S..ur. CAMPBELL, Williamstown,CW.\ " JonN Mc0URDY1 Ohatham1 N. B. CnAs. H. CooKE, Mt. Pleasant, " . " JOHN CoRSAN1 Milwaukie, U. S.

The following list contains the names of the ·students presented for the degree of M.D., C.l\I.; their residences and the subjects of their Theses. EDWARD P. HuRo, Eaton, C.E., Bright's Disease.(

JoNATHAN C. JoNES 1 ulaitland, C.W., Scabies. MA.LCOL:M R. MEIGS, Bedford, C.E., Delirium Tremen'l. SILA.S J. BOWER, Kemptville, C.W., Acute Pleurisy. STUA.RT CRICHTON, Prescott, O.W., Typhus Fever JAMES RoBERTso~, Georgetown, P.E.I., Morbus Coxariu!. JOHN B. 0HRISTIE, Oxford, C.W., Acute Pneumonia.

JoHN M. McVEAN, ~fontague, C.W. 1 Stricture of the Urethra. CHARLES E. GRAHAM, Ottawa, C.W., Acute Rheumatism. GEORGE c. BUTLER, Brighton, C.W., Diabete3 Mellitus. ALFRED Coon, Ottawa, C .W., Acute Bronchitis. HA.NNIBAL W. Wooo, Dunham, C.E., Injuries by Cold. Fenelon Falls, C.W., Acute Peritonitis. J A.MES FITZGERALD 1 5 Circulation of the blood JA.MES T. HALLIDAY, Yernonville, C.\Y·., ~ in the Adult. S The Respiration of RICHARD T. LANGRELL, Ottawa, C. W 1 t Plants and Animals. ABRAHA.M C. GonFREY, Montreal, C E., Diphtheria. WA.LTER J. MciNNES, Vittoria, C.W., Diphtheria.

HENRY L. V ERCOE, Sparta1 C. W., Jalindice. ALFRED BEAUDET, Cotea.u du Lac, C.E., Syphilitic Orchitis. 12

N.APor,EoN MoNGENA.rs, 11igaud C.E., \ Lobular Pneumonia in 1 I the Adult. THAD.EE A. DUFORT, St. Marks, C.E., Observations on Fractures GEORGE SHIRK, Selkirk, C.W., Carcinoma Uteri. JoHN E. K. SwiTZER 1 Earnestown, C. W.,Pulmonary Tubercle.

JoHN F. CASSIDY1 G 0 d . h C W 5 Chemistry, its applica. enc 1 • ., ~ tion to .Medicine. HENRY C. RuGa, Compton, C.E., Inflammation. JOHN R. MACKIE 1 Melbourne, C.E., Chronic Valv. dis. Heart. JOHN w. BLIGH, Quebec, C.E., Digitalis Purpures.. JOHN c. ANDERSON, Sorel, C E., Rabies and Hydrophobia CoRNELrus J. R. PHELAN, Montreal, C.E., Continued Fever. GILBERT P. GIRDWOOD, Do. C.E., Testing for Arsenie. JAMBS A. TEMPLE, Quebec, C.E., Uterine Hremorrhagc JOHN R. RICHA.RDSON, Do. C.E., Tobacco. PROSPERE BENDER, Do. C.E., Acor.titum Napellus. RoBT. C. BLAIR, "Ha ha Bay," Pleurisy. PRIZES. The Medical Faculty prizes consist, fii.·st of the HOL"Y.ES GOLD MEDAL, founded this session by the Faculty in honour of the memory of their late Dean and two prizes, in books, to the amount of $20 each. The Holmes medal was competed for by students of the graduating class, who had passed their final examinations, and whose thesis were considered sufficiently meritorious to permit them to compete. The examinations were in writing, three questions being proposed on each of the eight branches, primary and final, the questions, if perfectly answered, amounting in the aggregate to 400 marks, 200 marks being allowed for the best thesis. Although more than a dozen theses were considered worthy to compete, only three students competed for this honour­

viz., :MEssRs. HuRn, LA.NGRELL 1 and RuGG-and after a close competition of seven hours' duration, the medal was awarded to .MR. E. P. HuRD of Eaton, C. E. 1 The PRIZE FOR THE BEST EXAMINATION in the final branches was awarded to H. L. VERCOE1 Sparta, C. W; and in the primary t>ranches; was divided between GEoRGE Ross, of Montreal, C. E., and WM. GA.RDNER 1 Beauharnois1 C. E. c.w.The Professor's Prize in Clinical Medicine to .GEORGE C. BuTLER, Brighton The prizes in .rratural History were awarded as follows:- T. RoDDICK G. 1 1st prize in Botany; C. W.KELLY1 1st prize in Botany ; EnwiN C. AULT 1 2nd prize in Botany; D. McDrA.RMID, prize in Zoology ; and C. E. GRAHAM1 prize for the best collection of Canadian plants. In Practical Anatomy, Demonstrator's Prizes :- Senior Class.-For general excellence as a practical Anatomist, for pun­ ctuality of attendance at the class. Prize awarded to MR. WILLIAM FuLLER. Students of the second and third year's course who de!=!ervc honourable mention as good practical Anatomists-M&. GEoRGE Ross, 11IR. JAMES H.A.YEs, and MR. P ATRICK ROBERTSON. · Junior Class-Prize awarded to Mr. THOMAS G. RonnrcK. Students of the first year who gave satisfaction for diligence and attention -MESSRS. QUARRY, HAGGARTY and REID. 13 EXTRACTS FROM THE REGULATI01Ts OF 'rHE FACULTY. CHAP. I. Relative to the Courses of Lecture.~, .Fees, ~·r.. 1st. Each Professor shall deliver at least five lectures during the \Veek, except in the classes of Clinical :Medicine and Clinical Surgery, in which only two Lectures shall be required; and in that of Medical Jurisprudence, if extended through six months, in which case three Lectures a week will suf­ fice. 2nd. Each Lecture shall be of one hour's duration. 3rd. Every Professor shall occasionally examine his class upon the subjects treated of iu his preceding Lectures ; and every such examination shall be considered a Lecture. 4th. A roll of the 'names of the Students attending each class shall be called from time to time. 5th. All tickets which have not a Certificate of Attendance attached, shall Le rejected when presented as testimonials previous to examination, unless the omission can be satisfactorily accounted for. 6th. The Fee for each class shall be $12, with the following exceptions : for that of .Medical Jurisprudence, $10; for those of Clinical Medicine and Clinical Surgery, $6 each, for Botany and Zoology, $5. The Class fees are payable in advance. 7th . .Any Student, after having paid the Fees, and attended two courses of any class, shall be entitled to a perpetual ticket for that class. 8th. The cour£e of all the classes, except those of Clinical Medicine, Clini­ cal Surgery and :Medical Jurisprudence, shall be of six months' duration; the Classes of Clinical Medicine and of Clinical Surgery of three months' dura­ tion ; and that of Medical Jurisprudence, either of three months' duration, in which case Five Lectures a week shall be given, or of six months' duration, in which case only three Lectures a week shall be required. 9th. The courses shall commence on the first Monday in November, anu with the exception of a vacation at Christmas, shall continue to the end of April. 10tll. The Matriculation examinations will be held during the first week of the Session, and shall consist of an examination in some Latin Classic, such as Cresar, Sallust, Vir~il, or Horace, at the option of the Student, and in English or French composition. Cn.A.P. II. Of the Qualificalioa a.ul Studies of Students arul Candidates for tlte 1Jfedical Degree. 1st. All Students de irons of attenuing the !IIedical Lectures, sllall, at tlle commencement of each Session, enroll their names and residences in the Register ofthc ~Iedical Faculty anu procure from the Registrar a ticket of 3Iatricula tion, for which each Student shall pay a fee of S2. 2nd. The said Register shall be closed on the 31st day of December iu each year, and no tickets obtained from any of the Professors shall be received without previou :.\Iatriculation. :3rd. No one shall be admitted to the Degree of Doctor of }!edicine and ~fas- 14

ter of Surgery who shall not either } ls tly, have attended Lectures for a penod of at least Four Sessions in this University, or some other University, College, or School of Medicine, approved of by this University, or 2ndly, have studied medicine during at least Four years, and during that time have attended Lec­ tures for a period of at least Three Sessions, either in this University or some other University, College, or School of Medicine, approved of by this Univer­ sity. 4th. Candidates for the final Examination shall furnish Testimonials of attendance on the following branches of l\{edical Education, viz: .Anatomy, Chemistry, Theory and practice of .Medicine, Principles arul Practice of Surgery. Midwifery and diseases of Women and C'hilr!rc11; .Materia JJfedica and Pharmacy, · Of which two Uour e;; Clinical JJfedicine, will be required Clinical Surgery, Practical .llnatomy, Institutes of Medicine,

Medical Jurisprudence, ~ Of which one Cour • .Botany and Zoology, 5 will be required. Provided, however, that Testimonials equivalent to, though not precisely the same as those above stated7 may be presented and accepted. 5th. The Candidate must also give proof by ticket of having attended dur­ ing twelve months the practice of the Montreal General Hospital, or that of some other Hospital, approved of by this University. 6th. )foreover no one shall be permitted to become a Candidate for exami­ nation who shall not have attended at least One Session of this University, and during that Session at least four six months' classes, or three six months' and two three months' classes. 7th. Every Canuidate for the uegree must, on or before the first day of .April, present to the Dean of the Meuical Faculty testimonials of his qualifica­ tions, entitling him to an examination, and also a. Thesis or inaugural disser­ tation, written by himself, on some subjects connected with Medical or Surgi­ cal Science, either in the Latin, English; or French Language. He must at the same time, deliver to the Dean of the Faculty the following Certificate. , MOXTRFJAL---18- 1, the undersigned, being desirous of obtaining the Degree of Doctor of Medicine and .Master of Surgery, do hereby declare that I have attained the age oftwenty-one years (or, if the case be otherwise, that I shall have attain­ ed the age of twenty-one years before the next grauuation day), and that I am not, (or, shall not be at that time) under articles a:; a pupil or apprentice to any Physician, Surgeon, or Apothecary. (Signed,) A.B. 8th. The trials to be undergone by the Candidate shall Le: l. The matriculation examination referred to in Section 10 supm. Students will undergo this Examination at the commencement of the first session of their attendance. 2. The private examination of his Thesis as eviuence both of Medical and General acquirement, followe.d (if approved) by its public defence. 3. A genE'ral examination on all the branches of Medical n.nd Surgical Science, oral, and by written papers. This examination will be diYidcd into Primary and Final, the former corn- 15

prehending the branchc~ of Anatomy, Chcmblry, .Materia 1lediCa, Inst1tutes of .Medicine, aud Zoology or Botany; the latter, those of Practice of ~Iedicine Surgery, )lidwifery and .Medical Jurigprudcnce. It will be optional with the student to present himself for the primary <.'xamination at the end of the third ~>ession. 9th. The following Oath or affirmation will be exacted from the Candidate before receiving his Degree: Sl'ONSlO .\.CADE,\[l(JA. In Facultate )ledicinm UniYersitatis ~IcGill. Ego, A---B--- ; Doctoratus in Artc ~lcdit:a titulo jam donandus, &ancto coram Deo cordium scrutatore, spondeo, me in omnibus grati animo officiis, erga hanc U ni\'ersitatem ad extremum vitm balitum, perseveraturum ; tum porro artem mcdicam, eaute, caste et probe exercitaturum, et quoad in me est, omnia ad regrotorum corporum salntern conducentia cum fide procuratu­ rum; qure denique, inter medcnduru, visa vel audita silere conveniat, non sine gravi causa vulgaturum. Ita pncsens mihi spondenti adslt Numen. 11th. The Fee for the ucgree of Doctor of Medicine and Surgery shall b twenty dollars, to be paid by the successful Candidate immediately after ex­ amination, together with a Hegistration Fee of one dollar. 12th. The money arising from the Fees of Gradtmtion, as well as those of Matriculation, shall be applied to the enlargement of the Medical Library and Museum, and to defraying their expense .

BOOKS RECOMMENDED TO STUD E ... TS. ANATOMY.-lfray, \Vilson, Ellis, Dublin Diss<.'ctor, Sharpey and Quain. CHEMISTRY.-Gmham,Kane, Silliman. MATERIA MEDICA.-Pcreira',.; l~lements, r.oyle'::; Manual, ·wood's Therapeutics, Stille's Therapeutics.

fNSTITUTES OF 1\fEDICUiE, .P/tysio[ogy.-Todd and Bowman's Physiological Anatomy. Carpenter, Dalton or Dunglison's Principles of Human Phy­ siology. Kirke and Paget's Manual. Pathology.-Williams' Principles ofi\fedicine, Chomel's General Pathology. Vogel, J ones and Sieveking's or Gross' Pathological .Anatomy. SortGERY.-llolmes' Surgery, Miller's do, Gross' do, Erichsen's do, Dntitt's do. PRACTICE OT<' MEDICI~m.-Aitkin's Science anu Practice of Medicine, Watson's Practice of Physic, Wood's Practice of Medicine, Barlow's Practice. MEDICAL JumSPlWDENCB.-Orfilu. Medicine Legal, Devergie Medicine Legal 'l'heorique et Pratique, Taylor's Jurisprudence, Guy's Forensic M)dicine; 'raylor on Poisons. MmwiFERY -Churchill, Ramsbolham, Cazcaux.

N.B. Boarding may be obtained at from 'l'welve to Sixteen Dollars per Month. M'CILL UNIVE;RSITY.

Anderson, John C ...... 1865 Burland, John li ...... 1863 *Arnoldi, Daniel, Montreal,(Hon)1847 Burnham, Robert Wilkins ...... 1860 Atkinson, Robert ...... •...... 1862 Burns, Alfred J ...... •.• w ••••• 1854 Ault, Alexander ...... 1860 Burritt, Horatio C ...... 1863 Ault, Charles ...... •.. 1855 Butler, George C ...... 1865 .Ault, James F ...... 1855 ,.Buxton, John N ...... 1849 i'..ustin, Fred. John ...... •..•.. 1862 Campbell, Donald Peter .•• , .... 1862 Aylen, Jamas ••...•....•.....• 1863 Campbell, Francis Way land .••• 1860 Aylen, John ...... 1851 Camp bell, Geo. W., 1-I.A. [ad eun]1843 Baker, Albert ...... 1848 Carey, Auger, D.L .... [ad. eun. ]1864 Ba.rnston, James .....• (ad eun.)1856 Cassidy1 John F ...... •...... 1865 Batters by, Charles ...... ••• 1861 Carroll, Robert W. W ...... 1859 Heattie, David ...... •...•• 1862 Cars on, Augustns ...... 1843 Beaudet, Alfred •••.•...... ••• 1865 Carter, Samuel A ...... 1859 Belleau, Alfred .•.•..•...... •. 1862 Casgrain, Charles E., ...... 1851 Rergin, Darby ...•...... ••• 184 7 Cbagnon, Vinceslaas G. B ...... 1861 llessey, William E ...... •. 1863 Challinor, Francis ...... 1849 Gender, Prospere ...... 1865 Chesley, George Ashbolcl ...... 18G~ Bibaud, Jean G ...... • .....•.. 1843 Chevalier, Gustave ...... • 18!:i0 Blacklock, John J ...... 1851 Christie, John B ...... 1865 Blanchet, J. B ...... 1863 C hristie, Thomas ...•...... 1848 Blair, Robt. C ...... 1865 Church, Charles Howard ...... 18G2 Bligh, John W ...... 1865 Church, Coller M...•••....•.. 1855 Bogart, Irvine .•••...... •.... 1859 Church, Levi R ...... •.• 1857 Boulter, George Henry..... • .. 1852 Church, .Mills Kemble ....•..... 1864 Boyer, Louis ...... 1842 Church, Peter II., ...... 184() Boylan, Andrew A ....••...... 1857 Codd, Alfred ...... 1865 Bowman, William Edward ..••. 1860 Cook, Herman L ...... •.... 1854 Bower, Silas J ...... 1865 Corbett, Augustus M...... 1854 Braithwaite, Francis H ...... 1863 Corbett, William H ...••...... 1854 Breslin, William Irwin, Asst. Sur- Craik, Robert ...... 1854 geon 46th Regiment of Line, 1847 '* Crawford, James ..••. (ad eun.)1854 Brigham, Josiah ::;., ...... 1848 Crichton, Stnart ...... ••••••• 1865 Bristo1, Am os S., ...... 1850 Culver, Joseph 1~., ...... 1848 Brodeur, Alphonse ...... 186J Cunynghame, W. C. Thurlow ... 1858 Brooks, Samuel T ...... 1851 Danser~au Charles ..••...... 184~ Brouse, H ..•...... William 184 'l Dansereau, Pierre ...... l83.J Brown, Peter E ...... •..... 1863 •Deqse, Peter\ 'arren ...... 1847 Browse, Jocob E ...... ••• 1861 De Bonald, William S ...... 1862 Bruneau, Adolphe ...... , •••• 1853 De Boucherville, Charles B...... 1843 Bruneau, Oliver T ...... [Hon.] .1843 D~morest, Durham G. G ..••... 1852 Bruneau, Onesime .••••...... 1851 Desaulniers, Antoine A .•...... 186:3 Buck, Richard Maurice ...... 1862 De Selles, Charles D ...... 1841 Bucke, Edward H ...... •••.... 1852 Dupuis, Jos. G. P ...... 1856 Bullen, Chas. F ...... 1864 Dice, George ...... •. 1864 17

·Dick, James R ...... •...... 18421 Hamilton, An drew W ...... •.. 1859 Oickinson, James J ..••...... 18413 Hamilton, Rutus Frederick ...... 1861 Dickson, William W .•••...... 1853 Hamel, Joseph Alex ..•...... 1856 • Digby, James Winniet ...... 1863 Harkin, Wm ...•.•...... 185~ Dodd, John ...... 1864 Harkness, John ...... 1862 Donnelly, Charles H ...... 1860 Harrison, David Howard ...... 1864 · Dorion, Severe ...... 1843 Hart, Frederick W ...... 1835 •Dorland, Enoch P., ...... 1850 Halliday, James T ...... 1865 Douglass, James, Quebec, (Hon.)1847 Henderson, Peter, ....•...... 1848 Drake, Joseph M.•...... 1861 "'Henry, Waiter, Belleville, [Hon].1853 Dubuc, Charlemagne .•...... •• 1864 Henry, Waiter J ...... •.. 1856 •Ducket, Stephen...... •.... 1853 Hingston, William H., ...... 1851 Duckett William A ...... 1859 Holden, Rufus, ...... ••...... 1844 Dufort, Thadee A ...... •. 1865 / "'Holmes, Andrew F .. (ad eun.).1843 Duhamel, Louis ..•...... 1860 Howard, R. Palm er, .... , ...... 1848 Duncan, James S ...... 1858 Howden, Robert ....•.•...... 1857 ""Dunn, William Oscar ...... 1843 Hulbert, Edwin Augustus ...... 1860 Easton, John...... 1852 Hurlburt, George W ...... 1859 Edwards, Elpbalet G ...... 1855 Hurd, Edward P ...•...... 1865 Elkington, Artbur G., Asst. Surg. Ives, Eli ...... •...... 1863 Scots Fusileer Guards ....•• 1862 "'Jackson, A. Thomas, Staff Sur- Emery, Gordon J...... 1857 geon in the Army ...... 1846 English, T. F ...... 1858 ,"'Jones, Thomas W .... [ad eun.]1854 Erskine, John .....•...... 1860 J ones, J onn.tban C •...... • 1865 Hvang, Griffith ...... 1864 Jones, W. Justus ...... 1856 Fen wick, George Edgworth, .... 1817 , •Keeler, Thomas ...... •.. 1859 Fergusson, Alex. A ...... 1864 Kelly, William, Surgeon, Royal Finlayson, John...... 1831 Artillery ...... 1846 *Fisher, John, ...... 1847 I Kemp, William ...... 1864 Fitzgerald, J ames ...... 1865 1 Kennedy, Richard A ...... 1864 Fortin, Pierre ...... 1845 •Kerr, J ames ...... 1858 Foster, Ste~h~n Sewcll, ...... 1846 K~llery, ~tJohn, Staff .Asst. Surg 1862 Fraser, Wilham ...... •.... 1836 Kmg, Wilham, M. H ...... 1859 Fulton, James H .•...... 1863 1 *Kirkpatrick, .A ...... 1856 Garvey, Joseph ... :," .....,. ... 1852 Kollmyer, ~lex. H ...... 18~6 Gascoyne, George E., Staff Asst. Laberge, I~d ...... 18J6 Surgeon ...... 1861 Langrell, Richard T .••....• , .. 1865 Gauvreau, Elzear ...... 1855 1 Larocque, A. B, ...... 1847 "'Gauvreau, Louis IT ...... 1836 Lawrence, Henry G. H., .Asst. Gibb, George D , .•••...... 184G Surg. Grenadier Guards .. 1862

Gibson, John B ...... 1855 1 Lec1ere, George .....•...... 1851 Gibson, Edward B ...... 1864 I Le clair, Napoleon ...... •..•... 1861 Giroux, Phillipc ...... 1859 : Lee, J ames C ...... 1856 Girdwood, Gilbert P ...... 1865 1 •Lee, John Rolph ...... •...... 1848 Glenn, C. W. E ...... 1858 Lemoine, Charles ...... 1850 Godfrey, Rvbert ...... •...... 1844 Lepailleur, Leonard ..•...... 1848 Godfrey, .A braham C ...... 1865 Leprohon, John L ...... 1843 Goforth, Franklin ...... 18133 Lindsay, Heriot ...... 1861 Gordon, William Wallace ••... 1863 Lister, James ...... •.. 1862 Graham, Henry ...... 1863 Logan, David D ...... 1842 Grant, Donald J ...... 1863 Logie, William ...... 1833 Grant, James A ...... 1854 "'Long, Alexander ...... 1844 Grenier, L. P. A ...... • 1863 Longpre, Pierre F ...... •...... 1848 Graham, Charles E ...... 1865 Loupret, .Andre ..•.....•...... 1850 Gun, J ames ...... 1861 Loverin, Nelson ...... 1855 Gustin, William Claude ...... -18631' Lundy, Edward Lewie, Staff Asst. Hall, Archibald ...... [ad eun.] -1843 Surgeon .•...... 1862 Hall, John W ...... 1848 Lyon, .Arthur ...... 1861 18

MacDonald, .Angus ...... 18631 O'Callagban, Cornelius H .•.... 1854 •MacDonald, Colin ...... 1853 O'Carr, Peter .•...... 1851 hiacDonald, Roderick ...... 1834 O'Dea, James Josepb ...... 1859 Macintosh, Robert ...... 1863 Odell, William, Surgeon 19th Re- Mack, Francis Lewis ...... 1862 giment of the Line ...... 1849 Mackie, John R ...... 1865 O'Leary, Patrick ...... ••.... 1859 1\Iaclem, Samuel S ...... •....•• 1859 Painchaud, Edward S. L ...... 1848 Malcolm, John Rolpb ...... 1861 Paquin, Jean M..••..... , ..... 1843 "'Malhiot, Alfred ...•...... , ... 1846 Paradis, Henry ...... 1846 l\Ialloch, Edward C, ...... 1863 "'Paterson, James ...... : ...... 1855 •Marr, Israel P .....•.•..•...•• 1849 Paterson, James ...... 1864 l\1arr, Walker H ...... 1859 "'Pattee, George ...... 1858 1\Iarston, John J ...... 1863 Patten, Montrose A ...... 1864 Mason, James Lindsay, M.A .... 1863 Perrault, Victor...... 1852 Mayrand, William ...... •...... 184'7 Phelan, Cornelius J. R ...... 1865 McCallum, Duncan 0 ...... 1850 "'Phelan, Joseph P ...... 1854 1\IcCord, J obn D ...... 1864 Philip, Da;vid L ...... 1861 •McCulloch, l\Iichael. ... [Hon.] 1843 Picault, A. C. E ...... •.... 1857 "'llcDiarmid, John Duncan, Staff Pickup, John Wallworth ...... 1860 Surgeon in the Army ...•.. 184'7 *Pinet, Alexis .••...... •...... 184"l .McDonnell, Angus ...... 1852 Pinet, Alex. R ...... 1864 ~IcDonnell, Encas ...... 1849 Poussette, Arthnr Courthope ... 1860 McDougall, Peter A ...... 184'7 Powell, Israel Wood ...... 1860 M cDougall, Peter A ...... 1864 Powell, Newton W ...... 1852 ~rcGarry, Jas ...... -...... 1858 Powers, Georgc W ...... 1861 ~IcGill, William ...... 1848 Pringle, George ...... 1855 McGillviray, Donald ...... 1861 Proulx, Philias ...... ••...... 1844 ~IcGmth, Thomas ...... 1849 Provost, E. Gilbert ...... 1859 l\fcGregor, Dnnca.n ...... 1861 Quesnel, Jules l\I ..•.•...... 1849 Mcinnes, Waiter J ...... •.... 1865 Rae, John, Hamilton, (Hon.) .... 1853 .Mcintosh, James ...... 1859 Rainville, Pierre...... 1863 :.\fcKay, Waiter ...... 1854 Rambaut, John, Surgeon, Cana- :McKelcan, Gem·ge Loyd...... 1860 dian Rifles...... •• 1859 :\IcLaren, Peter ...... 1861 Rumsey, William ...... • 1859 :\[cLean, Alexander...... 1860 Raymond, Olivier ...... 1850 l\IcMicking. George ...... 1851 Read, Herbert H ...... 1861 Mcjfillan, John ...... 185'7 Redner, Horace P ...... 1864 ).lc~Jillan, Louis J. A ...... •... 1860 Heddy, John ...... (ad eun.) 1856 Mcjfurray, Samuel...... •... 1841 Re id, A lex. Peter...... •.... 1858 McNaugllton, E. P ...... 1834 Reid, Kenneth ...... 1864 :McVean, John M ...... ••.. 1865 Reynolds, Robert T ...... 1836 Meigs, Malcolm R ...... 1865 ~Reynolds, ~homas ...... 1842 "'?lleredith, Tllomas L. B ...•.... 1842 Richard, Marcel...... 1864 ~Ji~rnault, Henri Adolphe ...... 1860 Ridley, Henry Thomas .....•... 1852 :Jlofl'att, John Edward, Staff Surg. Riel, ~tienne R. R ...... 185'7 Guards ...... •..... 1862 "'Rintoul, David M...... 1854 l\Iongenais, ... Tapoleon ...... 1865 Richardson, John R ...... 1865 :Jfount, John W ...... 1851 Roberts, Edwards T ..•••...... 1859 .Moore, J oseph...... • .. 1852 Robertson, J ames ...... 1865 Moore, Richard ...... 1853 Robertson, David ...... 186·1 *Morrin, Josh., Quebec, (Hon.) .. 1850 Robertson, David T ...... 1857 Nelles, John .A ...... 1850 Robillard, Adolphe ...... 1860 Nelson, Horace ...... ~8Gl Robitaille, Louis ..••.....•... ·1860 ... Nelson, Wolfred, Montreal, Robitaille, L. T ...... ••..... -1858 (Hon.) ...... 1848 Ross, Thomas ...... 1863 Nicholls, Charles Richard, Surg. Rugg, Henry C ...... 1865 Major Grenadier Guards ... 1862 Ruttan, Allan ...... •..•.•.. 1852 O'Brien, Tbos. B. P .....••..... 1862 Sabourin, Moise ...••...•.... , .184.£1 , 19 •Sampson, Jas., Kingston, (Hon)184'T Thayer, Linu 0...... 1859 Sanderson, George W ...... 1850 Theriault, F. D ...... 1863 Savage, Thomas Y ..•...... 1854 Therien, Honore ...... • 1863 Sawyer, James E ...... 1863 "'Thomson, James ...... 1842 Schmid t, Samuel B ...•...... 184 '1 Thompson, Robert ...... •...• 1852 Scott, Stephen A ...... 1854 Trenholme, Edward Henry ..... 1862 Scott, William E ..•...... 1844 Trudel, Eugene ...... 1844 •Scriven, George Augustus ..... 1846 Turgeon, Louis G ...... • 1860 Seguin, Andre ...... ••• 1848 Tuzo, Henry A ...... 1853 Senkler, A. E .. ~ ...... 1863 Usher, Henry ...... 1861 Sewell, Stephen C .... [ad eun.]l843 Vannorman, Jonatban M...... 1850 Shaver, Peter Rolph .....•..... 1854 Vercoe, Henry L ....•...... 1865 Shaver, R. N ...... 1857 Wagner, William H .....•....• 1844 Shoebottom, Henry ..•.••...... 1857 Walker, Robert ...... ••. 1851 •Simard, Amable ...... 1852 Warren, Henry...... 1860 Simpson, Thomas ...... ••... 1854 Weilbrenner, Remi Claude ..... 1851 ;j

s Tu D E N T s IN :rvr E D I o I.~. T E.

Ses.>ion 1864-5.

Aberdein, Robert, Chippawa, C.W. Bernier, C. F. Xavier, Quebec, do Ahern, William, Montreal, C.E. Blair: Robert C., Ha I Ha I Bay, do

Aikman, Robert P., Ancaster, C.W. Bligb, Jno. W., Quebec1 do Alard, Alphonse, Chambly, C.E. Booth, Donald B., Odessa, C.W. Anderson, Alexander, Georgina, C.W. Bower, Silas J., Kemptville, do Archambault, Gedion, Montreal, C.E. Brewster, Charles, Montreal, C.E. Ardagh, Johnson A., Orillia, C.W. Bryson, William G., Lindsay, C.W. Ault, Edmond D., .Aultsville, C.W. Burcb, Ben. F., Fort Coddington, N.Y. Baynes, Donald, J\Iontreal~ C.E. Burgess, John, Montreal, C.E. Beaudet. Alfred. Coteau-du-Lac do Burrows, Philip, Ottawa, C.W Benoit, 4>ierre 1 Montreal, do Butler, George C., Brighton, rJo 20

Cabanne, James S., Montreal, C.JiJ. I Howard, James, tit. Andrews, C.E. Campbell, Samuel, Glengary, C.W. How land, Francis L., Middlesex, O.W. Case, William H., Hamilton, do 1 Hurd, Edward P., Eaton, C.E. Cassidy, David M., Montreal, C.E.I Irvine, James C., Montreal, do Chipman, Clarence H., Montreal, do Jones, Henry liL, Belleville, C.W. Cbristie, John B., Oxford, C.W. Jones, John C., Maitland, do Church, Clarence R., Ashton, do Kelly, Clinton W., Louisville, Ky. Clare, Henry L., Montreal, C.E. King, Reginald, St. Sylvester, C.E. Codd, Alfred, Ottawa, C.W. King, Richard, Peterborough, C.W. Cooke, Charles H., Mt. Pleasant, do Kittson, John G., Berthier, C.E. Corsan, John, Milwaukie, U.S. Knowles, James A., Cookstown, C.W. Cox, Frank, Charlottetown, P.E.I. LaPointe, Jovite A., Montreal, C.E. Crichton, Stuart, Prescott, C.W. Lang, Thomas D., Owen Sound, C.W. Cullen, John G., Ottawa., CW. Langrell, Richard T., Ottawa, do D'Avignon, John E., 1\-fontreal, C.E.I Latour, Andre, Lachine, C.E. D'Orsey, Thomas G., Montreal, do Law, William DeW. C., Newton,C.W.

Daly, Guy D., Minnesota, C.W. Leavitt1 Julius, Melbourne, C.E. Dansereau, Charles, Vercheres, C.E. Legault, Daniel, Isle Perrault, do Dansereau, Elzear, do do Lewis, William G., Halifax, ~.S. Darragb, James, Montreal, do Longley, Edrnund, Waterloo, C.E. DeGrosbois, Tancred B., Chambly, do Lonsdell, IIorace, St. Andrews, do Dickinson, George S., Quebec, do Loomis, John S., Belleville, C.W. Dickson, John, Kingston, C. W. lllacdonald, John, _,Winslo,v, C.E~ Dougan, Willliam, St. Catherines, do Macdonald, J olm A. S., Charlotte- Duclos, Esrom A., :\Iontreal, C.E. . town, P.E.I. Dufort, Thadce A., St. Mark, do Mackie, John R., Melbourne, \J.E. Dnncan, George, Montreal, do Madill, John, West Essay, O.W. Ethier, Cmlixte, St. Benoit, do I Malloch, Wllliam n.,·Ottawa, do Falkner, Alexander, Lancaster, C.\V. Marchesseault, Tancred E., St. .An- }i'erguson, A. R., WilliamstO\Yn, do thony, 0. E. Fitzgerald, James; Fenelon Falls, do ~farkell, Hichard S., Osnabruck, C. W. Fornst, James, R. V., Chicoutimi, C.E Marotte, Antoine, Lachine, C.E. Fraser, William H., Perth, C.W. 11Iarston, Alonzo \V., Hall, C.W. Fuller, William, London, do lllcArthur, Robert D., Martintown, do Gardner, William, Beauharnoiil, C .. E McCarty, William, Henryville, C.E. Geodron, 'Thomas, Beauport, C.E. l\IcCurd , John, Ohatbam, N.B. Gillics, John, .Morristown, C.W. J'.IcDiarmid, John, Cornwall, C.W. Gilmour, 4-ngns A., Granby1 C.E. McGowa.n, Henry W, Kingscy, C.E. Girdwood, Gilbert P., :Jlontreal, do .Mcinnes, Waiter J., Vittoria, C.W. Godfrey, Abrabam C., do do ::\IcLaren, Peter, New Perth, P. Ed Goldstone, George, Quebec, do nlcLaren, Archibald, Sarnia, C.W. G'>rdon, Robert, Osnahrook, do I McL~'>nnan, Finlay, Lochiel1 do Graham, Adam C., St. C11.therines, C W ?llc1 ·eece, Jan.es, Quebec, 0 E. Gra.bam Charles E., Ottawa, do .McPberson, Rob'tD., Lancaster, C.W. Grant, William, Williamstown, do McPherson, Jos. T., Lancaster C.W. Grant, William H., 1\lontreal, C.E. 1TcKean, John l\I., .Montague, C.W. Guernon, Adelard, St. Hyacinthe, rlo l\Ieiga, Malcolm R., Bedford, C.E. Hagarty, Daniell\L J., Perth, C.W. .Miller, Edward Jno, St. Cather- Halliday, James T., Vernonville, do ines1 C.W. Hall, J. B., Montreal, C.E. l\Iongenais, Napoleon, Rigaud, C.E. Harkin, Henry, Montreal, C.E. :\foffatt, \Yalter, Pennsylvania, U.S. Hart, David A., Montreal, do l\1orrison, David R., Montreal C.E. Harwood, CharlPs, do do Morrison, William S., Wadding- Hayes, James, Simcoe, C.W. ton, N.Y. Hervey, Jonas .J., Brockville, do Nelson, Wolfred D. E., ~[ontreal, C.E. Hickey, Charles E., Wil'msburgb, do Nesbitt, James A., Montreal, do Hodgson, Amos. llfontreal, C.E. O'Leary, James, llfontreal, do Holwell, John E. W., Quebec, do O'Lougblin, Joseph E., l\JontreaJ, do 21

0'Reil!ry, Charles, Illmilton, C.W. Roy, Albert, St. TTyacinllte 1 C.E. Oliv~r, .Jamcs w., ~t. CaHerines C W. Hugg, l1cnry C., Uompton, do Pndfield, Char!Ps \Ym, Sarnia. do S.mtge, Alexander C., Ottawa, C.W. Pamdis, PctCI' E., St. Denis, C B SiJerl\ 1 Ueorge, :--elkirk, do. P!1rkc1·, Cbal'!es ~., Qneb"c, do :-;[mm!', J. Cnmpbell, ~lontrcnl, C.E. P11rke1·, Rufns S., :\ewpo1·t, N.S. Bill all wood, .John R, 1\Jontrtal, do Perl'ltult. Au~nstns, Montreal, C g. Smtth, D;~niel, Cornwall, C. W. Perrier, John, Sbcrbrookc, N.S ~mitb, John, Montreal, C.E. PowPr51 Lufontuioe Port n., St.Denis Jobn A., Point Fortune, C.E. Hope, C.W. :::ltanton George, Simcoe, C. W. Pridham, James, Montreal, C E . Stewart, Alexander, New IIam- Proud foot, John !:3., Uentidc, C. W. Lurgh, do Qnarry, Jnmcs J., London, dl) Stimpson, .AlfrPd 0., St Pie, C. 8. H>tinYille, Fdix, St. l\lury':e:, C.8 Sl\'itzci·,John E. H, Earoestown,C.W. Rat tray, Cl atles .J., Cornwall, C. W. Tnng,:ny,Antoine, Sr.IJyaciuthe, C.E. Reid, Josrph .T., Londl)n, do Vercuc, Henry J., :::ll'al'la1 C. W. Roberts, IT. Edwnrd, Montreal, C.B. Vicnt, John, \lontrenl, C.E. Rubr.rt~on, Chnrll'S J., Quel.Jec, C.E. \\'akcltam, William, Quebec, do Robertson, Patrick, Lachurp, do Wnl~h, E.dmund C., ~lontrcul do Robertson, James, Gcorg'rtown P.E.I. \\'anlcss, Juhn A., .Montreal, do Roddick, Thomas G., Harbour Warmingtoc, William 1\Tontrenl, do Grn.ce, New. F. \\'eub, Jamc:> T., Montreal, do Ross, Gcorge, Montreal, C.E. Woou, lJanibal W., Dunham do