OF 'Il!E FACULTY 01f MEDICINE ul'' 1m: I I ~I'GIL FOR THE THIRTY-THIRD SESSION. 186B-66. FRISTED B\" .J. r, B!!0Kli:T1 84 GR&AT SAINT J.Ul&S SfREET, 1865. ~tt:~ill ~t nille~~itn. ~ont~e~tt. SESSION 1865-6. VISITOR: H1s Excellency THE RIGHT HoN. VIsCOUNT :\IoNK, Governor General of Britigh ~ orth America, &c. roRPORATION. GovERNORS: The Hon. CHARLBS DMVEY DAY, L1; D., President and Chancellor of the Um- versity. The Hon. JAM'ES FEnRIER, :\1 L.C. THOMAS BRoWN ANDERSON, Esq. ·BENJA)HN HoL)!ES, Esq. ANDREW RoBERTSON, l\I.A. CHrSTOPHER DuNKIN, l\LA., l.I.P.P. WrLLIA~[ :!lloLSON, Esq. ALEXANDER Monms, "}.LA .• D.C.L.(M.P.P. The Hon. JouN RosE, l\I.P P. PETER REDPATn, Esq. PRINCIPAL. JoHN WrLLU~r DAWSON, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S, Vice-ChaJ?..cellor. FELLOWS: Rev. C-~!<ON LEACH, D.C.L., LL.D., Vice-Principal and Dean of the Faculty of Arts. HENRY AsPINW ALL HmVF:, lii.A., Rector of the Higb School. Hon. J. J. C. ABBOTT, B.C.L., Dean of the Faculty of Law c BROWN CHAMBERLIN, M.A., B.C.L. w. B. 1;AMBE, B.C.L. L Sir WrLLIAM E. LoGAN, LL.D., F .R.S., F .G.S. GEoRGlll W. CAMPBELL, l.I.A., M.D., DPan of the Faculty of Medicine. JoHN H. GnAHA~r, 1\LA., Principal of St. Francis College, Richmond. Rev. JoHN CooK, D.D., Principal of Morrin College, Quebec. ALEXANDER JoHNSON, LL.D., Professor of .Mathematics and Natural Philoso- phy, )!cGill University.
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